The Exeter Times, 1921-1-6, Page 5fHIBS AY Nuiut iefr. Teay joims will barber at Winch()'Sea On Saturcley nighte, Scheel reopened. OP, Tuesaay MOte ;Wag With Mies Ready 411(1 KoatZ in charge. Rev. Inr. Browa of '<bitten wee a visitor at the parsonage on Frieay last, Mise Rena johns' reterged position in London after having epent teen hollatteeperiod at her home here. A sacred contata IS ta ,be given on-titittnY, itigfltir Elimville °he roll by au augmented choir from Wood- ham. e Rev. P. E, James, M.A., oli Wood- ham, willPreach educational ser- mons et Zion, and Sunshine on Sun- day next. Rumour has it that •Mr. John Routley has sold his fartn to a Mr. Murray who recently Teturnecl from the West. e t The Elimvilel Gun Club held their enonthlit slioot on Thursday after- noon. Good scores were made which goes to ehow that tlke boys are im proving. Messrs. Wilfred Johns and D. Cor nish left Tuesday morning •for To- ronto to take a coarse at the Hemp- hill. School coe the construction and running of auto e and tractors. Mr, Louis Woods is engaged in putting in a pine floor in the base- inent of the Winchelsea school, the eement floor taxing proved unsatis- factory. Theatuneral of the late Mrs. Geo. 9:Hey took placenoineTeuesday, after-. aon igttlib-irterment being in the eillianville cemetery. The services, .both at the heuse and at the grave, were in eharge 'of Rev. Farrell and Trumper..de The annual meeting of Elimville Council, No. 98, C .0 . C.F., will be held on Friday evening, January 7. New officers are to be elected and other business pertaining to the or- der taken up. The members are all requested to be present. The Adult Bible Class had. their annual meeting last week and elec- ted their officers for the coming year with Mr. Wm. Veal, Jr., as president and Joshua Johns as teach- er. The class have decided to hold their annual banquet in the near fu- ture. The ratepayers on S. S. No, 6, Us - borne tuemed out well to the annual meeting held at the school on ,Wed- nesday last. Rev. Parnaby was voted, to the chair and Wm. Johns, secre- tary. Mr. Wilson Hawkins was elec- ted trustee. The trustees were com- mended on their foresight ifli build., eeeeee,stable for the accomodaticoa of the abeill.ttending the school from etetance. There was a lively but discussin in reference to .the 3ae*Nschoo1 building. Tb.ehiew school cost in the neighborltood of $ 3,0 0 0, -while the original estimate was from §4,000 to $5,000. • ' ' Farquhar ' Mrs. Jos. Whyte of Exeter visited bver New. Years at the home of Mr. :Thos. Hunkin. Miss Agnes Fenwick left Monday enoiliaing for Toronto where she will train for a nurse in the Western Hospital. We wish her every suc- cess. , - Mr. Clifford and Bernice Oliver of Sarnia spent the New Year at the home of Mr. William Pollen. - Mr. Amos Darling of Lieury, visit- ed Monday at T. Hunkin's. Mr. Dick McDougall of the Den- tal College,. Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. Tho.s McCurdy. Mr. Harold Whyte of Exeter, visit- ed over the New Year at Mr. Arthur Ca,mpbell's. Miss Lilly Francis of London, vis - ted over the holiday with Miss Jeesie Hocigere,„ 0 Greenway The following ie a parte' list of the aoliclae vieitors in our eemmun- itY: Mrs. Lamplee of Game City, witle Mrs, C. Cities. a Miss Lillian Ulens of Toronto with her ,nareets. Mr, ani Mrs. Oiiver Heeler of De- troit with eelatives. Miss Adah McPherson at Loudon, aut name. Miss Minnie Seerritt of. Wheatley, at bame. eleiste Rube ePollaele of Wilicesport, at home. Selbourne English of Port Huron and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shepherd of London wile Mr. and Mrs. R. Eng,- lish. ' , Mrs. f. Fleeter with Mrs: L. 01 lock. Mrs. W. G. Warcliam of Sarnia, with her Davits, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason. ,Mr. and Mrs. Prouty with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs, J. Zimufere Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifte, of Tbedford, with friends. Hugh Wilson of Parkbill, with Russell Pollock. • Mr. Tufts of Kirkton, with his daughter, Mrs. W. Brown, Mr. Will Stewardson of Sask., re- turned home last week to visit ens Lather who ha e been ill. The concert in Grace Church Par- ish Hall on the 20th inst., was a grand success. Weather and roads were ideal and a large crowd was present and enjoyed a program of music, drills, 'recitations, dialogues and pantomines. All did so well that no one can be singled out as having especially excelled. Proceeds were over $60.00. ' On Christmas nigat the Methodist Church w4s packed to the doors, for ideal weather conditions prevailed a- gain, aied again the program follow- ed the usual trend of such events and was appreciated by all. The committees who prepared these two excellent programs certainly deserve a great deal of credit. Proceed96. .At the close of the concert in the Methodist Church, Rev. D. W. Wil- liams in a few choice words, on be- half of the congregation, presented Miss Mae Wilson with a well-filled purse ift appreciation of her services in the church, .bat more especially as organist for several years. Miss Wilson was taken so by surprise she couldn't reply -thee, but wishes: en this way to thank all the,congrega- ton for their kind and thoughtful Christmas gift.. • Mr. Ernie Pepper left reeently for Toronto where he will reinain for some time. . Mrs. James Dougall of White Wa- ter, Man., is the guest of ekr. and Mrs. Robert Eacrett of the 2nd of Bay.. Mr. Robert Bonthron, who has been so seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs,. Simpson, of Brucefield, has sufficieutly recovered to be -renaoved to his home here. Ile was carefully carried in a closed car and seemed to suffer n� serious re- sult!. • Among those who spent the holi- days ixe,Hensall were: Mrs. T. M. White, of Windsor, is the guest of Mrs. Wickwire. Miss IVIa•bel White, of Detroit, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. White. Kr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Douglas and fanally of Brucefi.eld, Mr. and Miss Logan of Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Sparks of Seaforthe with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Douglas. . Miss Jessie Buchanan, teacher in the Biantfrd )3usiness College, spent the holidays with her parents here. Mr. end Mrs. A. Geiger of Bridge- port, and Dr. Geiger of Waterloo, visited with Mr. and Mrs.OwenGei- ger. . Miss Nora MacEwan of Toronto, and Mr. Lad MacEeran, of Guelph,wjth . , relatives. --the finest Chi-istxuaS dis- play of phonograph cabinets in town? It's here( You of the Golden Age of 'Fier. are cox dially invited. niture. Every New Edison iS a 1 7„,tnod els —English, gen le in e' para. ad co 1;-inet.. French anditalian. Se.e these Eachdgnb teken directly remit tare aris Locrate befere frotri'sonie rnaeterpieee Oat you buy, j WILLIS leOWIELL' NET -elle , ONTARIO Mittnog 4,0itia a 601 DaSIIWOOd Mr, B. StacOY and Ddi$S Faun' Preeter visited at the hole or Mr, ..1. Preeter in aerie') last Week. Mr, and Mrs, H. Zimmer Of Strat- ford spent,New Year's in town. Mr. and Mrs, J, Harden) of De- troit, Miele, are visiting with the fOrmer's parents. Meter Harry Ineffman spent a few days with relativee in Zurich laet week, Mr, and 'Mrs. E. ,G. Kraft gpeut Sunaay in London, School re -opened on lafonclaY With the same stale of teachers, her, F. Preeter, Sr., has gone to London for the winter. The eleetion for the reeveship of Hay Tovenship was' keenly contested, Mr, Elnam•e Klopp won out by a good, majority. . • At a well -attended meeting of the ratepayers of our 40110°1 :-held on Wednesday of last week, it wan de- cided to call in anexpert to examine th,e heating systein and ubon receiv- ing his report to oell a speeial 'meet- ing to take some action. Mr, G. Koch was re-blected trustee for three years and Mr. De 1-lartleib was given the caretaking for 1921 at $250. Mr. De S. Chilten, of the bank staff, spent New year's in Ingersoll. Mr. J. H. Ehlers oe Indianapolis, Ind., addressed the Evangelical con- gregation Sunday evening.' Preparations ere being made tQ ,give a school concert in February. Mr, Melvin Guenther bas returned to London after spending the aoli- aays with his parents here. Russeldale Mr. Walter Ferguson attended the collegiate dance in St. Marys On Thursday. Mr. Ed. Balfour of the Dental Col- lege, Toronto, spent the Christmae vacation with his parents. Mr. Robert Roy, of- Calgary, has returned to spend the winter months at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Fergusom and Mr. and Mrs. Grant and familye spent New Year's Day with relatives at Avnobank. Mr. Charles Wa-ghorn who has been residing -in Saskatchewan for the past three years, ie home on a short vacation, Mr. J. L. Russell and. daughter Nellie entertained a numbeidof tives.on New Year's Day. The young peoele were given a real treat on Tuesday evening when 'they were the guests ef Mr. and Mane Harold Ruston at a very enjoy,a dance. The Jolly- Pal Club will meet at the home of Mr. Alex. Dow -on Thurs- day eve: An evenieg's entertainment that will be,. thorougbly enjoyed and should be well patronized, will be given by Mrs. Will Cole', of Toronto, on Tuesday eve, Jan. lith in: the Methodist Church- Mrs.. dole has kindly offered leer sSi•vices, being an ardent worker for the Chinese Fa- mine Reelief Fund, to which the en- tire proceeds will be given. 'Mr, and Mrs. A. P, Roy spent New leears with the latter's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mille, of Carlingford. Mr. and. Mrs. David Dow were the guests of Mrs. Urquhart, Fuller- ton, °et New Year's Day at her fam- ily re -union. . Miss Ethel Colquhoun of Western University, London, is spending the holiday season with her parents. • The Misses Gertrude and Fanny Woods, of Stratford, are ' visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ruston, Miss MadelineaWilliams, of AMit- chell, and the Misses Olive. and Laur- el:la Cole, of Toronto, spent the holi- days with ,their grandparents, Mr. aed Mrs. -John Cole. ' The passing of the old and the en- trance of the New% Year received due recognition by a lerge, number of young people of this eomiunnity and suraeuuding districts through the 'medium of a dance in the C.O.C.F. 'lath. Excellent, music was furnished by the Hocking String Orchestra and the lutcheon was enlivened through the kindness of Miss Olive Cole of Toronto, who favored the audience with the Highland Fling-. Centralia M. Cain of Byron, was the guest of Mr. Andrew Hicks, M.P.P., over the week -end. The name Anthony O'Dwyer in last week's Centralia news should have read Andy alageere. Mr. Frank Taylor and Mr. Toin Carling each sang solos last Sun- day evening in the Mesthotlist cherch that were raucb enjoyed by large congregation. Mr. George Buswell, who suffered a Sevete stroke some ten days ago, is a little better.. Mas. Teeter of Welland Comity and Mr. Anbry Buserell of Indiana, are at their father's bedside. Mr. Fred Fairhall has had au at- tack of the hiccoughs widen kept him from business for some thee. The Mission Circle held a eiteeting at the home of Mips Eliza, Baynhane ' Mr, William Moffat fell down cel- lar a feev days age and experienaed eevere shalciine up. The doctor was called. Mr. Moffat es improVing. It is reported that Mr. C. O'Brien and Mr. Walker Kerslake have form- ed a Partnership to go inte the he- Pletnerit business extetleively, MicKiE sAys (MD.* tt.V. r401')t4 'nen Cate mem oo rte„ EARS AND uAts-14 0AP'rg "slOtNE PUT 09 A ten le{dee--freST eenae Diteiene WELL., Aireeteerealte&Le. aeFeeer NER Dastss 'Wean elaUlle. 'NUM alefeee teem emp 114 Ot: Oki 14114 svo04 ft:10 CA.A t-110M--reST Ate% SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. NO. 1, USBORNE: Sr. 4 -Olive Wood 86 M. Strang 86, M. Moer 78, V. Dunn 75, M. Down 64, L. Dunn 61, M. Cud - more 58. Sr. 3-N. Oke 84, P. Wood 82, H. HP41 70, al, .Hyde 68, H. Horton 64, H. Moir 58.- Jr. 3-M. Boa 56, Sr. 2-V. Oke 7*. Jr, 2-M. Dunn 81, G. Beee 75; J. Horton 67, V. Hyde 65, R. Oke 61. let tClass-E. Boa, K. Strang, M. Squire!, Etherington, Primer -E. Keating. • Myra, E. Morgan, Teacher. A most successeul eneertafeunent was held at No. Q., S. Se Usborne on the closing day, when a good pro- gram was provided by the chigeirenand a most- beautiful Chresemas tree was unloaded by Saran Claus Lee the chil- dren A eeature of the program WaS a. debate by four eef alle Ng 1 boys, who have gene 'from public schece, The subject of the debate was, "Re- solved that a United School, Fair would be more beneficial, intereseng and in- sanceeee than one, held alone." The affirmative side taken by Harald Wood and Gordon Cudmcere 'won by one poen over the negative, taken by Clar- ence_ Doern, and Harry Strang, An- other added ,feature of the program was a beauteful hooey and etrergree.n deal, by elle school , chadrent Miss Laura Jeckela inads a very able chair- man, for the ,oc caslIon. Weyburn Mr. and Mrs. 5. S. Delgaty have returned from their 'vacation visit to Bayfield,. • , School opened Tuesd'ay of this -week with 22 in attendance. A spec- ial class is organized Wor faemefs' boys and girls foe the winter months. Mr, Colin Campbell and his moth- er from. the Bronson Line, Bayfield, visited at the home of kr. and Mrs. Delgaty on Monday. Grand Bend U.F.O. Club meets on Friday, January 7th at 8 o'clock in Brenner's Hall. As this, is the first meeting of the new year, all the members are requested to be present to hear the outline of business and work for the ensuing year. , Our teacher, Mr. 5. Delgaty, ad- dressed the large gathering at the prayer meeting held at Mr. Colin Campbell's n Thursday evening last week. The address cusisted in a com- parison among the three characters, the neturaI man, the carnal ,christ- ian and the spirit -filled christen, as found in 1 Cor. 2-3 chap. Two other addresses were delivered by Colin Campbell and John Cowan. The prayer meeting proved a blessing to all present. A splendid discussion an our rural educatienal system is going on at present in the pages of the Farxners' Sun, the U.F.O. paper of Ontario. Would it not be advisable for our teachers, trustees and ratepayers df Huron County to discus e the seine question thru the colunms of the Times and other local papers of OUT County? Suppose we get to -work and open up a discussion this winter. Surely we are not satisfied with the present system so well, as to remana silent. We ought to be aggressive in the school questions as well as in the agricultural changes. Surely that which has for its object the training and development of the minds of our rural boys and girls demands our best minds and calls for our deep- est interest. ELECTION lanTunNs Lucan—Reeve, Wen. Martin;couu. cillors, G. A.. Stanley, J. 3. Hodgins, Wm. Dignan, R, E. McLean, Diddulph—Reeve, 'Wm. J. McFalls councillors, Richard' Hodgins, Phin- dickens, K. Kelly, Andrew Isaacs. Tuckersmith—Reeve, 5. MeNaughe tot; counciller, R. Kennedy. Parkhill—Mayor, W. W. Logan, (acclamation); reeve, leugn Brown; gamic:Mors, John McGregor, el, J. Lockheed, A. Pedlar, George filiott, M. J. XIayee, George Tudor; waler commission, A. Hutchison (acclama- tion); School truetees, Thomas Browning, Della Baird, Wm. Lel/0, (acclamation). , St. Marys.—Mayor, N. L. Brand- on; councillers,—at large, Robert McKay, Pref.' W. Dale; North ward,' 0, E. Whetstone; East ward, L. Con- stable; 8outh Ward, Peter Munnick; West ward, Chas, Fitzsimmons. " NEWS TOP1C'oS Importeint Enents Which HaVe Occurred Durino• the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy tied Attractive Sbape for the Readers of Our Paper -- A Solid Hour's lilejoymeet. TUESDAY. Rhyolciaps say Cane° ie Pregresse Ing fenorably, Valparaiso, Chile, was shaken by More earthquakes on Sunday. Couticillor le. W. Cook drops dead at Streetsville nomination. meeting. Hamilton's Hydro Commission will have a ourpeue of $53,000 this year. A blind man was killed on the railway tracks at Birchcliff, near Toronto. • D. 5. Mcleeowe, one off -North Bay's oldest residents, was found dead in his office, Triplets Were born Cluestinas morning to Mr, and ears. Claude Eves at Kinston, MIK; Hattie 0. McCrady of Brocic- 'Ville died euddenly.while visiting re- latives at Lye,. The striking miners in the Rlaoied- da (Wales) distria have voted to return to work. Mrs. Farrel was burned to death at her home in Deseronto, her cloth- ing catching fire. Ottawa streagthened their lead in the National Hockey League race by -beating Hamilton 3 to 1. There 'was a pathetic scene in To- ronto as a little girl testified how her mother slew her father. D. H. Cole of Wolseley, Sask.., and Mrs. Anderson were bunted to death in a shack at Moose Jaw, A swarxu of bees and 200 pounds ,of honey were found in a tree felled at Uno Park, Northern Ontario, Postmaster Leerou or Toronto esti- mates that 3,000,000 letters were handled as Christmas mail in that city. The Milan (Italy) police Monday discovered a factory engaged in the manufacture of counterfeit paper cur- rency. W. L. Hughes of Brantford while changing trains at Hamilton was jos- tled and robbed of cash and cheques totaling $ 8 00. WEDNESDAY. Ald. John H. Roberts, of Stratford, died after a long illness. The British Columbia Legislature will open on February 6. Mrs., Terence MacSwiney will .sail for England on Saturday next. A storm of great violence is raging along the western coast of France. Toronto merchants find business brisk and look for bumper 1921 trade. Another nomination day is needed at Port Credit. • Three qualifyfor four seats. • The University 2 Toroirto hockey team beat Pittsburg Tuesday night by 4' to 2. :e The epidemic ef hiccoughs, report- ed in. New Yerk, has broken out in Montreal. • The License Department is restrict- ing doctors' liquor prescriptions to 100 a month. The Niagara Penbasula Growers, Lhnited, was tentatively organized at •a, meeting in Hamilton. The Director of National Banks of Greece has declined to resign at the behest of the Ministry. Owing to a general strike of print- ers no papers appeared Tuesday in Switzerland, except Socialist organs. Col. W. C. Mitchell, M.C., was elected president of the Ontario Se- condary School Teachers' Federation. Mrs. Geo. C. Elliott, of Glencoe, mother of J. C. Elliott, ex-M.P.P., of London, died on a visit to a daugh- ter at Jenner, Alta. Marty Weight, ex -Mayor of Haney - bury, his nephew, Charles Wright and Chris. McCool, of Pembroke., are miss- ing in the northern- bush for some weeks. Damages of $500 and full costs were awarded to 0. E. Fleming of Windsor against Rev. 5. 0. L. Sprack- lin for wrongful entry on the plain- tiff's yacht on. September 17 last. The judgment also makes an award of $50 damages each against W. H. Hal- lam and .Stanley AL Hallam, two offi- cers, who accompanied Spracklin in his capacity as a license inspector, in his search Sole liquor on the yacht. THURSDAY. Social welfare bodies in Toronto are outp2harmony. Preardent Obregon of Mexico is confined to his home with a cold. • The Canadian Brotherhood of Rail- way .Employes has charter revoked. Mrs. Sarah Freeman died at Wood- stock at the age of 108 years and. 3 months.. The French Socialist Congress has declared for the third Internationale of Moscow. Ernest Whitman, a La,wreneetown, N.S., lumberman, was crushed to death by a tree. Margaret Banks, eight years old, of Ottawa, has been inissing since Tues- day afternoon. Wm. 'Weir, aged 31, a farm laborer, near Regina, blew the top of his head off with a shot gun, Five deaths by fire, tin•ee in Sas- katchewan end two in Manitoba, were reported on Wednesday. The liner Nietter Amsterdam on Wednesday struck and sunk a steam lighter in New York harbor.' The Canadians were defeated at Montreal by the Hamilton N. H. L. team, the final score being 6 to 2. Haaaelton Police Commissiott sanc- tioned a' police organization for the purpose 62 siek benefits and sports. The Niagara Distriet Geape Grow- ers, Lt., Stoney Creek Section, divid- ed up $13,000 aronts on the year's sales. • "Roy" Moore,substituting for "Pal" Moore*, knocked out Sack Sharkey in the eleventh round at New York. "Ottawa strengthened their lead on filst plaee in the N'ational Hockey League by beating St. Petriek's 8 t Zeassdeltla7glie(It7" a re Wed- Edwerdo Ohavez, 41 aviator, has cOmpletea BnieleolowsreAnierso,o,tficlotn,012.o Janeiro AUL° bandits make a ppea,ralice on Torouto street. Leaden in engineering profeseloi Predict constreetion booDa, New regulations are iesued regard- ing adnalseion to the leered Air Feree. 'arr.he population Of France was e- duced by four millions during the Great Britain and Italy are seeking C o dissuade France from occupying the Ruhr Instrict, The Oxford -Cambridge team boat the Cornell Univeisity croso-countre runners on Thursday. Napoleou IViichaud, aged 04, was crushed to death by a tre,in near Trois Pietoles, Quebec. Export of grain from Western Can- ada through the port of Vancouver etarted on ThursdaY. It is rumored that the C. re R. in- tends acquiring the Granby Mining & Power Co. in British Columbia, Ben Wing Extrenaists won practi- cally all the poeitions lia the Russian Soviet at the recent Moscow election. A large"toacl was seen hoppiag about at St,, Catharines ThureclaY, something it is said never before wit- nessed there at this time of the year. Mexico City is surrounded by seow- clad hills to -day, following the un- usually cold weather of the last few days, Marshal Pilsuclski, Chief oe Staff of Poland, is going to Paris to warn the French, or a threatened Bolshevik of- fensive. It is expected in the near future that full relations will be entered into between Japan and the Far Eastern Russian Republic, The Spanish Government is dis- couraging emigration to the United States during the period of industrial difficulty in America. The Otazell basketball team of To- ronto won the Ontario championship by defeating the Central Y.M.C.A., Toronto, by 46 to 13. Judge Seider, -of Hamilton, has been appointed a commissioner to in- vestigate alleged irregularities in the Government Printing Bureau's distri- bution office. SATURDAY. • to the C.P.R. hotels and dining ears will lower the cost of meals from to -day. Donald Meafaster,- M.P. in time British House, has been made a baronet. Lansdavrne House, one of the finest historical mansions in London, has been sold. Tb.e Duke of Devonshire is being mentioned as the possible next Vice- roy of India. W. T. Pellow„of Gooderich, bas been appointed license inspect& for Huron comity. A telephone worker was o.vercome by gas fumes while working in a manhole in Toronto. The Border Cities Sun has cea.sed publication, after three months and three weeks' existence. Fifteen hundred immigrants sailed from Liverpool on Thursday aboard the Celtic for New York. The Parkdale Canoe Club jun.iors opened the O.R.A. season. in Toronto by beating Aura Lee, 3 to 2. Alma.'Anderson, of St. John, aged 18, has been missing since,Tuesday night, when she telephoned home. Australia compiled 282 runs for six wickets in the first day's play of the second test cricket match in the Anti- podes. Mrs. Wm. Adams, of Glen Stewart, died from injuries, the result of be- ing knocked down by a barn. door blown against her. International good will was re- flected in. a dinner to the Cornell and Oxford - Cambridge croes-country teams attended by many celebrities of both nations in London. Reduction in the increases in rail- way freight and passenger rates be- comes effective to -day on all Canadian railway lines under jurisdietion of the Dominion Railway Commission. MONDAY. .4. recard vote is polled in. Toronto civic eleCtions. Congregation finds the -caretaker of a church at Mount Dennis dead. ' Sir Frank Bantle, a prominent business man of Toronto, is dead. Willie Ta,nner, 10 years old, was drowned in the River Speed at Pres- ton. Premier Witos, of Poland, it is re- ported, will likely retire before the Diet re -assembles. There were eight, fatalities over the week -end in Toronto: Two were vic- tims of gas poisoning. "Jimmie" MeKerron won the 2.09 pace in straight heats at Dufferin Park on. New Year's Day. The Toronto Revolver Club and Montreal A. A. A. Teams shot a tie match in the inter -city series. Sohn Wylie, one of the oldest weavers in Guelph, was found dead in his room New, Year's night. The shooting of Fred )3onniwell on New Year's Eve in Toronto may turn out to have been an accident. Fourteen persons were killed in the earthquake which nearly obliterated the Albanian city of El Basun, Kitchener, Bownianville, Stratford and Cobourg won their opening games in the ()ILA. junior series. Deschanel, former President of France, has begun his campaign for the senatorship of Buret Loire, Charles H. Caldieote, 32 years old, Was fatally hurt 'when struck by an express engine in the G.T.R. yards at )3rockville. A c011ision of a freight train and a snow plough, near Flanders, on the C.N.R.'s line betereen Winnipeg and Port Arthur. Gabriel° d'Annunzio is going to Paris to write his raeinoirs and be- ecmae a theatrical producer. He Is wooded this week. Wilson Roy of Hamilton., While Walking after dinner with his wife, Was seized wale heart failure and died in fevr minutes. Father Thonme 1VIOYIon, as- Sislant superior of Assomption Cole o lege, Londee, dted of sleeping stele- Teronto fireman who was ga.seed Ineee, Two ethers are down with th6 ChristmaS Eve by ether fuelee eetne disease, 1 T1,10 Z,I, ohoot uuietIxijg A held last Wedriesaaa an,c1 the us, 'Wee appointed ,tor the corning year areeDr. A, J. MaerrinnOu, se siary lleeesrs, P, SeliWalm and .T.; jehx jr. The Town Hall, Zurich was Weil filled on Tuesday afternoon, it be- ing the, occasien of the preseetation of meclale to relatives of soldler:;:i who pibel the supreme sacrifice in the Great War and te the boys who served oversees, Mr. 5, Laporte 0- ampied tic ,oliair 'and in a fine ad- drese dwelt upon the SaOrifices of, those heroes and esked them to re- ceive the medals not as a financial gift, but as a toltea Of love and ap- preciation from the people of the Township of Hay. Short addresses were also given by Rev. F, B. Meyer, Dr, A. J. MacKinnon and Mr. Wm, Consitt. M. LaPorte then presented the medalS, Sixty in, number. .e. large number of the. soldier boys were present. lrfessrs. Alvin Surerue and Lambert K'lope replied in suitable terms on behalf of the soldiers and relatives. There passed. away at his home after a few days illnese, Mr. Freder- ick Deters, on Friday l eveging, De- cember 24th at the age of 66 yeare. 11 months and 20 days, Deceased had been ailing for some weeks but the end came very unexpectedly, ele was well known in Hay township having lived here practically all his life and with his pleasine disposition won many friends. He leaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing widow, one son, Mr. Fred Deters of Hen- . sall and two daughters, Mrs, F. M. Hess, of the village, and Mrs. John :McBride, of Hay township; two brothers,. Edward of Hay township, and Harry of New Hamburg, a sis- ter, Mrs. Wolper, having predeceased hini several years ago. The last re- mains were laid to rest at the Lu- theran cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. a r ttre r s o Lumber has not advanced in price at Granton, as I am itill selling No .1 Dry Hemlock, either inch or two inch, all sizes at $63.00 per thousand feet. Also white pine boards 10 inches and 12 inches wide, all lengths and bone dry at f63.00 per M. Try our Asphalt Slate Surface Shingles at $8,50 per square. Plenty, let B.. SeenEnd ene__Cedare Shin- gles on hand, also cemInsocY.- PHONE NO. 12. A. J. CUTWORM GRANTON F The" Double Track Route BETWEEN Montreal. Tor nto Detroit and Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day train. Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. N. Se DORE, Agent, Exeter. Phone 46w. ENTRAI wc @TPIANVPRIM egrOT- wh,STE:RN ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Our winter tern' commencee Tuesday, January 4th and • students may register in our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and practical and • 'we assist graduates to poi - tions. Get. our free oathlogue. D. A. MeLACHLAN, Principal ntavrazaramvaratnazsmsinnonnuunrsnmn 'or Infante and Childten hiUe For ver 3 'Years Ale/et:01)0am ee Sigeatere a 4 !,