HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-1-6, Page 14 R SE,tiO D;YIE'AR 2278 ,''E+, "vy ONT. THURSDAY Yl1 THURSDAY ' MORNI, X r , lv1 1l!ll1lllllll!!!!!iIll!!!!!!I1!!!!llill1llllllllli!!1!!IIlI1l11lII!lII1I!lI IIi mamma , 1.961. !4 Mamma lvrvome Jone` it `FS JN' 4 'y dd+G,ryy:1 e 4'44 JANUARY ,C6, 1921. 6: Lii T CiI71>.. IlIIIIIIIlIIlII!!lII I! 1 !1!1!!1!11! ! ! IIIlI ! !!! !!!!! Gillies hadthe miss a ; e g,re ;taking stock this week and find that there are many odd "^lines and broken sizes to be cleared out. Below we give a partial` 'list of these. Menss and Winter 4 Twenty-five dozen heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers, , lilies, andstyles, all wool, at per garment' .. a...... i ..... . 25 Twenty-five dozen Men's heavy fleece -lined Shirts and Draw98 - ers, sizes 32 to 40. Regular price $1.25 for .. .............. Stanfield's .heavy red label Shirts and Drawers. Regular t ' dirt price $3.50. Reduee 7 i.o, pergar „ r r Stanfield's heavy red label blirts and Drawers. Regular price $3.50 per garment. Per Sunt . Stanfield's green, label Shirts and Drawers. Regular 2.75 • garment. Reduced to. each. $ g $2.90 $5.75 225,. Twenty-five dozen Boys fleece lined Underwear. Regular 35c . to clear at per' -garment.. . Ten dozen naturalwool Shirts and Drawers. Regular up to 4.1,50 garment, y.clearing all sizes at per garment . $1.00 ens y g V `rco ,ts 'visit our\. clothing department. We are offering big reductions. in, STen's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's Heavy:Ulsters as Iow as $12,.00: Young Men's Stylish Coats ,from $18,00 up. PHONE 32 PHONE 32 ifortune to have his hand badly cut ., r , while`. working in Ws sawmill on Wednesday. It required several I stitches' to close the wound. =I S5'.: umtys D1tOi,s O?U'T. : I Tlie St.: Mary's ,intermediate hoc- key team has defaulted for 'the sea - ion. They were to have 'appeared on 3 - Tuesday at f odericli for the opening game: The ,district will now be coul- d 'Of Godericir and Exeter with probably liome ` and beano games' goals to count. I)1 oie•13 Len MAI) AT HENSALL.mugs .. John Patterson, a highly respected. resident of Ilenstal, was found dead in an outbuilding of his son's flour E and teed store on Tuesday' the 4th, = Heart failure was the cause of 'death, Mr, Patterson, who was in his 7Sth year, had lived .in Hensall ; for many Years having retired to live there i from; Inc farm in Hay Township, two miles south; He.,liad been dead for some minutes ellen he was discov- -eyed by his son duobert. ti= EXETER R OLD 1)01 = 1,1AYOR OF STRATFOR1).'w In one of the closest contests hi years, Mr, W. H Gregory was elect- od 1VIayor of Stratford on Monday,1.0001.. c Keller over Jacob I K e Ie by a majority' of 102. The totals were, Gregoiy 1.,353;. Keller 1,282, Mr. Gregory ie ,a son of 1VIrs, T. Gregory of Exeter. His many -friends of town will congratu- late hint on the honor that has been c.. erred on walaMml sonnolil sablema HEN SALL. TE+ AMS`IIER, • FALLS TO DEATH., - Thrown from his wagon in making =_ a sharp turn while hauling gravel on • the .cemetery road' near Hensel]."on December 31st., Prank Horton aged. OWEN ! 11111 IIlIIIIlI11111111 I iiUl llllllllll 1111!! II dlIIIUIIIIlfr i III! !I 1 ! 91111111 ilii I ! 11111911 I 111111 III IIIl11191191!!><IIIi iIIII ! i. _ c,* %;_, `i.:_ :`moi ? '' ,. ;!!i i ;. ' -✓,,. ii.,z. /y v ' i .: a , NEW YEAR GIFTS A.'. TIME • SAVER , ELECTRIC WASHER '1AHI3 WASH DAYS A .PLEAStTBE. Regular $125.0" 110x00 Special Price $125.00 II1I3ERTY ELECTRIC GOLDMrlE'DAL 1V'ASHE $20.00 LONDON VASHE $24.00 7.50 SCISSORS Sic UP' SicIn1AR 3IES up € 111 1 S:IIE.ARS (0;11P6h'fl iT()Cfa OF ALL SI1 'S J ROi L $2:.00 ''a'0 $7.00.. • 31pry o lsi 31I,.l s PID1.101K.:0 '. attic,, 25c- ant l -4Oet, NOTICE OF TENDER ik Sealed 'tenders will,'f ' received for" 30 cord` of 16 inch V::r 011 and maple, to be; deliverou •_., .fe 'Win- chelsea School. 'Contract to he com- plete on or before March 31, 1921. Receiving of tenders to close on January 22, 1921. • "' W. SKINNER, Secty-Treasurer LIBERAL OFFERING. / \ At .the Caven Presbyterian Sun- day School an offering was asked to relieve "tire famine -stricken children' ;of China and the result was a collec- tion amounting to the handsome sum of $153,80. Caven, Sunday School is one of the smallest in- town in '111101- hers but evidently not in hire true spirit of service. BORN ' KLOPP—At Stratford, -to Mr. • and: 1Virs. Horace. Klopp, a,sou. MARRIED PREBBLE'---I-IAMILTON—On Janu- ary 5, anu-ary..5, 1921, at the Presbyterian nlanse, 27 Park Road., Toronto, by Rev. James Little, Jeair Co. 1la,nril- ton, daughter of the Iate Francis R. and Mrs, Hamilton, of Exeter, to S Reginald l'rebble, f Ilder- ton: Plx,1) CRC.CIR •In Exeter, on. Va:ednes- day, Y, .Tan liar'y 5, 1921, IVirs, P,iOli- ar<i- Crocker; aged 85 Years, • IN SVIO'RIA.ibi. 'h>?aNCC: ---In,loviia meirior 'of Y Elizabeth Jane Bray, Ue1or6c1 wile Of William lirancid; aged 59 years:; 4 months Gild 4 days, O the; joY that ),tow awaits us, When, werel eO tea golden tore, Vi/hon we clash thda'iiands 'el loved iaac F. , t`o ga1f c111.0 tiieru -110 11 • ter 50 years, suffered injuries blatantly fatal. He 'vas found. soon afterward by several others engaged in similar work and tbeugh a doctor was sum- moned at once; life was then extinct. The coroner , the crown attorney were notified, but in'view of the a.p parently acciclentaI nature of the fa- tality it was deei;ded to mold no in- quest. The late idr. Horton was a son of John Horton, Late of the West. His wife survives infer, FIRE AT 'SI.'IiINGSIDE CAUSES CONSIDERABLE LOSS. Fire which ivyped, out several btuidings at. Springside,. Sask., a few weeks ago, caused considerable Loss to an'Exeter Old Boy,'Mr. F. Willis, son of Mrs. Jas. Willis of town,A big general store, a drug store, post office and large implement ware- house were completely destroyed. Tlr:o•birildings were all owned by Mr. Willis .and the general store and .drag store were occupied by tenants. Mr.. Willis' dwelling house was threatened and badly scorched but was saved. The fire occurred about 8:30 o'clock in the evening. The loss is estirnated at about 815,000, with $15,000 insurance: PEARCE, WRO BROKE JAIL AT HENSALL, GETS TWO YEARS. George Pearce, who was convicted a short time ago on a number of theft charges and of breaking jail was on Friday sentenced by Judge Dickson of Goderich,, to two years and three months on the `.theft charges and one year on jail -break- ing at the Provincial, Pentitentiary at Portsmouth, the sentences to run concurrently. The prisoner took the, sentence hard,- breaking. down and crying like a child. Pearce is the man who was arrested in Hensall, broke jail and was re -captured in London. He also assaulted Turnkey Knox at at the. Goderich jail in an en- deavor to get his liberty. The Salva- tion Army in London is looking af- ter his wife and family and will send them. to, her, home in Northern On- tario. • W. T. FELLOW IS NAMED INSPECTOR FOR IHIRONV`. W. T. Pellow, ore* Goderich, lias been appointed -'by the Ontario;, Gov- ernment, license inspector for the County of Huron, duties to ' com• - mence oli January 1. The' appontrfient. of Mr. Peilow is a very popular one, and was recon mended by the Hirron County Ten- perancc Association, .of which he has been special officer fol'. the last eivd years, and the organisation that;has been largely responsible for the',el- fective onfor cenierit of', the" teniper- ance laws laws. d'itr•ing ,tli"ese years. ' z 0rnrerly there were two inspec- , r; tors .for Intron,-.John,Torrance for f,oiri:li T-lnroii, and ,101rn llitclrell ;tor hlo•1'tb Iluro:i'i: These; hair>e been Set ner0,1131,uated under tiro act pa, d ,at`i 11i0v Iasi sesrir0n of 01> l egrslaiur'e,' aucl` will ,111c'cl> rcrc ilVe h,ta:nrraily a- bout ono half fattier, Salary, The empire 1 v(rt(.ar oi' tlto knfnrt,e r1,(rrr1 Will net (r 4 bort:e Uy 010 !-h'o vrntial Covehrnr !,f•, as provided by flee C il..ttib T0rn`l eria11r0 Act. TEAM >.,.. . :AA:r'-'I Y`r ll ,lYl. . .1J SHUTS_ OUT LONDON. The 'Exeter -Zurich hockey .team Wen for n r' ' 2n r n London off Thursday night at the Dome Rink bya scare of 3— O. It was the first game :of the ,sea- son and . the weather was not just' what the teams would` like. The mild epecil softened the ice somewhat and'it !kept the teams from showing just what was in . them, but it was as fair for one team as for the other. .At.that it was a real good gape from' start to finish. This was the first time either teahi were on. the 'ice together and they sure, made a good showing. Exeter -Zurich' were, never indanger at any tine; They had the London boys right in their hand 'at every stage of the game. Only once did London get inside our defence, and then only to be stopped by 'Harness in goal. London brought. up strong team. They had four -of the best hockey -1 players in London. Gillies, 'Arthurs, McKay and Hind are consideredt' anon • the among t re Uest of then Both teams tried ed ott quite a number of ' players and allproved to se real good wren. The Manager, of: the Exeter -Zurich team will ;have a hard job to pick the ,team as there are about 12cod men to pick from. g But with risen, like Cochrane' and Dodo Ifofinan at the head they will sure have the very best that can be got, Our team looks all to the good. There does not seem to be a -weak, spot in it. The way they,,played en Thursday night made it a treat to stand back and look ,on. It was hard to realize thht such a team could be gotten together. It is difficult to single outthe real stars of the garde. as every Qne showed real class: Our defence is'a real stone wall and LILY - one who saw them will' tell you that they are a real pair of men and when they are reinforced by Lee Hoffman 've are sure that we will have a de- fence that will make any team in the I0IrA, sit upand take notice. They re bigfellows and areveryfast. a 1 1 The crowd all seemed at rest to see Doclo on defence.. Clarence -Hoffman was the star of title foreward lino. There are feta hockey players on the map today that has anything on this boy. He is always, on the job and is a : wonderful shot 'Robinson played a beautiful game, it being his first time on skates this winter a'nci he will make a classy player with a few nights work. Bertram played a steady game all through. His back checking and. his poke check is a great credit to frim when they get going at top; speed. The subs all worked well and most of them were ,given a chance: Harness in goal was not called on to work very hard: There were only four shots on•,our goal all fright- but he turnedil,them. aside like an old timer and was al- ways in the game.: Gillies,and SIcHa,y for London were the hest. Arthrirs played a fair, game ,end. Hind in goal for London saved therd from a -larg- er : score. He made some wonderful stops and had a very busy time all through the game. 'There was a big crowd out to see the first "'game and when our boys took the ice the crowd sure gave them .a &rent cheer. They appeared in their new uniforms of green• and orange and' it is a nifty looking outfit but not any more so than . the 'team. t • weather: • It fS: 'regretted that the turned -mild as it was expected to have_another good team here this weekto get in' ,ggood shape for the opening 0H,A. game here, With God- 'erich ' on Tuesday, Januar'•y. ' 11th.,. when the big series start in the 0_ II.A. There sure is a wonderful treat in store for t1i'e•tans on 'Tuesday night. The line -tip: Exeter -Zurich Goal, Harness; r. d., Hind Marsh ; 1 d„ Dbdo i-Ioffinan; centre, C. Hoffman; :.r w S: Robinson; 1: w:,' E. J. R. Beitram; 'subs, Senior; Sei- belt, "Callfas`and O'Brien. DEATH OF ROBERT FLYNN. The death 'occurred ion the 2nd con, of Biddulpli near Lucan, on Sunday, December 26, of Robert Flynn, aged 79 year's and 10 months. He had been ill with pneumonia for three, weeks, but other complications ' set in which'caused, his death.; He- came to this country when a young Irian and "settled`' in 'thetownship of Stephen, and afterwards proved to Bidduiph,' where lie died. IIe leaves to, mourn his loss two ,brothers— Thomas of Exeter, William of: tire' 4th, concession 101 1i7oOillivray; also his Wife, dive Sons and two daughters„ —Robert' of the 2nd cdncessien 01 Bidtlulplr,, •Thoi0a,5 Of Clandeboye, Charlie of Kincardine and George Edward I±.dward at home. One SOsri Iiarn, predeceased. bier ;nine years . ago; Mrs. John. Cluff of`Ilirr and Siris, ' John.Fergiison of White Fox, Saslt., are daughters. '.Clio- funeral took... glade Tuesday afternoon to St. Jarrres Cemetery; Ciand.eboye, and was largely 'attended. (he, pallbearc10 s c;ra 1lell ills, Will cod Tit orna0 1Tal lora i , 1(11111 0}urf, George. and Carnet Flynn, ii 5.1101: 0lecli01 1,111 c ,al.l rn MOrcr 1 , h SS 0 Etta reeve (111), the vote beta. ;r., <i,t. llut NIONDA Y`, J ANUA1:;11 1.0, 19 21. 7 vein. The official opening of the .. rooms will be held Monday ning, program beginning at, 8 pan, Addresses will be given by Dry 'Prue - man of Toronto and .,A.. Hicks, M.P. P,, of Centralia. 1Vfusical selections' by local talent. A. cordial invitation. is extended to all. An offering on be- half ,of the •Y.P.C.A: will be taken, .AGED A ESIDEINT PASSES. Mrs;' j.ichard Cracker, of town,' passed away during Tuesday night at the age of 85 years, Mrs. Crocker had been ailing for some time and her death pas not unexpected: Full par•ticiilars heir weel:.. GRANTED' C.BRIUDI'ICAI'E. IVIr, E, R, J: Bertram of tite Bank. of Commerce staff, wli.o at ,first was refuse der q . p lu ss>,on by the ; O.II:A.. executive to .clay hoc,eY with the E'Cte. ed a certificate -and his registration has 'been.' approved. This was good news for th.e liock.ey fans as Mi. Ber- tram eb-eweel.: well. in -.the game with` London. W. S. SIMS NEW EXPRESS AGENT '.:.. Mr,Simm taken . has over the: express agency of the Canadian Ex- press -press Company in Exeter, taking the place of Sir. C. T. Brooks, who,zehas resigned, 'Mr., Brooks 'will conti,,ue to carry the mails. :Mr. Suns. has „ h+ ."F.z ,1 1y yal:Jl til LilF3, ol1owin r;4rl v `,': , 1.1'02 1 Mrd' y," V;xi'aµ. r'e • .r:x.; " . buy's' many fr re4 ; y " o A r neplreti of ,144 iJo'ug,la n L4 111 ,t ,t *ii`'' boy sin er.;, n 3 g z. New York• with lurkilfi" w S,.YofC ' ,A ,p this week to fill t irr .i1 s e 3 A with the fainous inte,natroll . r cert Bureau. Mils farewell' s011g so hz native city was ,given at tIlo City Temple service' on Sunday: ening last, last, When he rendered"The Ninety - and -Nine," by 04n1p1on, Many stilll, recall holy little Doug las Stanbury captured a ` 1Vl issey, - Ballr' throng as lie stood on a chair, in choir boy'sgown; at a Sunday at'. ternoon temperance Inc:ethic; and sang "Will There. be ,Any Stare in M Crown?" r . Y C Nearly everyo'4rc flitted the trein li.i U rX g little fellow" and nolle; were quite prepared for tile- sudden eveoetri'ci•es -wf1,i 3.i 5.- from the wee chap's throat. Alter that he was .a prime favorite ,tliru' out the pro ir l v ice .• in vice time Signor i,i, 1+Ct;tlO. ,..To- rento's: famous teacher, took huin -in-` hand. and for a long_tme n=or ld not permit his lrziilliarit pupjl note in public. A 'magnilicont b tri= tone was the result su t of the iabc i iqus and constant 'drill. The teach et- ,r'a- ally permitted Mr. Stanbury -to ac - rt a: solo iosition in Bloor tieei. 1 S PcerJesbyterian :' Cb.ur'cll, which w' c only cancelled when lie (I Cicled' tc+ 1t ti 0 rented the . buildingformerly used go to• New Y irk last " .r.i,;,»;, Whet): as a Barber shop by.111r. Hockey. Miss Mabel Hieffer has returned Home to , H ggersville after speilcling the holiday=s with her ti .. 11 P,Iis ., , , s Dorothy Kuntz.. 2 1\ r. Nor na r n Hockey who recently purchased from 17'Zr C:'T. Brooks the building which has'. been used for years, as an express ofrice, has this 'week taken possession and i.n fcrturs" will conduct his ba bol shopVii, Inas Uuilcling. Pierre Key, 'formerly., musical , anti. dramatic critic of the New . 'York. World, Beare!. Stanbtiry sing lie at la once ,. made his easy 11: Y in-,; full recognition' by the' music testers the American .Metropolis. . ' in addition` to, his -solo nit_nise, a' 1 Byron Stauffer'( City Temple ser1r-, ice in Massey Hall on Sunday eve- nings last, kb Stanbury sang a duet with. Mr. William McCrali, the set eclioriberg 1'V atoirm u., Wiriiat" o1. the Night."' 411111111111.1e1111111111.111E11111i111111i1111111111 i illiiiiiiiiilit iiiiiiiiiii amoono .1112.1 Amway1 We find our cost for sacks. i ° large drat it las l;ecoric t seidons matter with us. 33ou can help u.' greatly. by returning . all 00011s ,in•, your possession and bringing' your own bags in future. We like to to obliging and we are anxious for `a cur "trade, but we may be forced 1,o`. charge for all sacks taken out. 0 We .Have in stock, in addition:.10 our regular lines, Swi'it's Digester Tanitage, 60 Per cent protein. This::.;: is: just :What. you need to pu`sii yout pigs al,brg: ,you cannot Fpush thenl'` trite `oat `and barley chop,. Try i anb. ",„ age -and serfie feed flour and .watch, • them. grow. rve 4,44.44 moot ware 44 ': 11111 91IlI. l 11„IlI!!l.IIIIIIIlIIIIIII !!lIIIe..9l l1911.r I IIIII>:n_..Ir. lIRII sEl ll For the publics convenience 11 0 2,170 )11Ocicirirt5 bottle milk service, wOrlcecl on the' fallowing system Customers would own their owl bottles, which they, eould secure front us at COS t. We would. sup1)1.3 caps; without charge, '.1"lie milk would be bottled! 'at ; the dairy •and . tern t , winter we would receive it once a dtty at a s'ated. hour 111 the afternoon, so that it could b0' called for at 01:111ei' or rna.il time. tie -=btad S,1S0'handle `cream hen ossir10 1 errre it. r.11'2,110•11.3.03 eZoete! t,= r/. ph J; jz pi1111 pini, ft1quarts i5c, ancosd :the clu. tll. ai,r• the . liicsr xI time would be Ge a plait.3.,uu=1 Cr1siUYi ex u,i;i three bottles, „!ill parties ti;!rs.arr2g iO.h>e .are l l.rr c `lv:l„ave their' 01000s .11'1'3.31 .us. This 'isOt 1euloct, it, lot us 1 now aid onto, 7 irr, "oris wrty c ill 19 f:c`r ygst,• (To ati a 7 11 1