HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-16, Page 514 l REDROSE TEA'is good tea and the sealed airtight carton keeps it "Good". Red Rose Tea comes to you with all its original rich strength and rare flavor fully retained. A Happy Chrstrnas and a ProsperousYear to All is Our Sincere Wish. AND HAPPY YOU WILL BE iF YOU BUY YOUR Furniture "FROM US AS WE ARis OFFERING THE \VEtOLh, OF OUR BIG STOCK AT GREATLY RrDUCEU PRICES ON OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES. Bl:, SURE YOU GET IN ON THIS BIG BARGAIN SALE. Undertaking a Specialty WE HAirk A FINE MOTOR HEARSE IN CONN.CT1ON WITH OUR. BUSINESS, 1:VERYTEIING UP-TO-DATE , R. N. Rowe PHONE 20J end 20W. FURNITURE 80UNDkRTAKING TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby, given that a 1 eeting off the Electors°t,i•the Town- ship of Stephen wall be held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON, on MONDAY, DECE1•IBLR 27th, 1920 At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for ;the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, and , Counnilmen. And further notice •is hereby given that in the event of more 'candidates being r oposed for any particular ,office than required to be •elected,",the ,proceed- ings will ,be adjourned ,until Monday, January 3rd, 1921," when. palls'bili' be ,opened at 9 ;a. m„ at the following Places, as fixed by 1Township by-law, Poll 1, +Millis' Shop, ,Lot 5, Con. 1, Henry Mills D. R. ,o.; Nelson Baker, Po'I Clerk, Poll 2, Penhale's Kitchen, Lot 20 Con. 2, Wm, Dearing, D. R. O.; Asa Peehale, Poll Clerk. 'a'1 3, Barber Shop, Lot 11, Com.. 6, A.olzo Hodgins, D. R. 0.; Geo. Hirt-. ze., Poll Clerk. Poll 4, Taxan Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7; W. H. Wenzel, D. R. 0.; Henry Beav- ' er, Poll Clerk. Poll 5, Walker's Kitchen, Lot 11 Con, 13; David Lippert, D. R. •0,; P. Sullivan, Jr., Poll Clerk. Poll 6, Zimmer's Hall, Lot 23, Can. N. B.; Ed. G. Kraft, D. R. O.; John Graybiel, Poll Clerk. Poll 7, McKeller's Hall, Lot 11, Con. 17; Ernest Keys', D. R. 0.; David Mckenzie, Poll Clerk. Poll 8, Pollock's Hall, Lot 40, Con. S. B.; W. H. Hayter, D. R. 0.; Frank Turner, Poll Clerk. • Poll 9, Bremoerat Hall, Lot 1, Sauble; John Gal, D; R. 0.; Emery Desiardine Poll Clerk. All electors are hereby requested to take tnotice and govern themselves accordingly. HENRY EILBLR, Returning Officer. Crediton Dec.' 10, 1920 London Business Institute i •IUND.AS & RICHMOND STS. LONDON, ONTARIO It pays to investigate before choos- ing a school. Write for information. Now is a good 'time to enroll. J. MORRITT N. STONEHOUSL+ Principal Vice-Pran, THE DOUBLE B E TRACKR OUT=, Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT" '" -- :ate CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car servi, e. Sleeping cera en night trains and Parlor cars oe, t.r•,ncipal day trains. Full iwfor narucxn• from Mty Grad Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Patisiini,,er ?e'en[, Toroatn N. J DORE Phorrte 4Lvr Agent Zurich There passed away on Monday., Dee. 6th, at the home lof Henry Fla:r-board, at the east end of the village, Charles Wailes; at the age of ,51years, 8 mon- ths land 9 days. IDepeased enjoyed his usual good healthmeta a .few days be- fore his death which was caused by erysipelas. He was born, in Hay Tp. and lived 'there all his life. John and Theodore Wagner of Exeter are neph- ,ews,--Mr. alnd 'Mrs'. }fatal)) Truem- ner of the 14th 'con ,are spending a few weeks with friends in, Mvchigan. -Reeve Laporte attended the Coun- cil in Goderiiccll last week. -Mr. Peter; Koehler has ,purcheaed the dwelling property and buildings of Mr., G. Holtzman, .and gets possession April 1.51th, Mrs, iWurtz .pi Pigeon, Mich,, who had been, visit; ig rsaatives here for some, time, returned ,to her home Friday. She was accomparl'.ed byher mother; Mrs. ,J. Meaick .of Hensa, 11,- 1lr- James MVMcB,ri!de of Stanley .Tp., has ,purchased the. 150 -acre farm that hehas h$d rented for some years, from the estate of bas father, the late Sam- uel McBride. -Mr. natl. Mrs. Ed, Wurm, Who resided 'the past summer at Crediton, have moved to ' Zurich, and are occupying rooms an the resi- dence off Mr: G. Hctltztnan- Lumley THE CONTROL CF WEEDS Measures and Methods for Get- ting Rid of Them. Education Must Accompany [aegis- lation - Farmers Like to Be Shown - Results of Experiments on Over Seventy Farms. (Contributed- by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) N Ontario two methods have been tried for the control of noxious weeds, namely legislation and education. Under legislation there is "The Act to prevent the spread of Noxious Weeds." The main clauses of this act are as follows: "Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the owner, shall eut down or destroy all Canada Thistle, Ox -eye Daisy, Wild Oats, Ragweed, and Burdock growing thereon and all other noxious weeds growing thereon to which this act .. may be extended by bylaw -as hereinafter provided, set often. in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seed, if such cutting or destruction does not 'e- volve the destruction or growing Mrs, Jolla Selr Sr., ,at the time, grain. of wrung is Ota el .fill ,and under the , doetnr's care, Her Tawny friends hope j The Council of any ;vent mullief- far a speedy Tecawery,-Mr. and Mrs, pality may, and upon a petition of Arthur Jones, accamptaxtied by Mr. fifty or more ratepayers shall, appoint John. Robinson, and daughter, Fjorersee at least one inspector to enforce the of Chiselthurst ,motored to Goderich provisions of this act in the muniei- on Sunday mad visited Mr, and Mrs. John Nuell, who recently located there Dality, and fix the amount of roma- Miss Evelyn Werner of London is vis- eration, fees, or charges he is to it;;ng M,ss Viola J, Jaques receive for the performance of his a` Woodham is vis,;tng her rents' duties; and if a vacancy; occurs In Mr and Mrs. Seilvesi,-Mgt ars Mrs, Wm. Fraser of the artres(t arrived here the office the ,eouneil shall fill the last week to spend the winter with same forthwith, Their ,many ;friends, Mrs. Fraser was fitay person who knowingly sells formerly an ,Usborne girl, nee Vine or offers to sell any grass, clover or Vance. -The sudden adeatth pa :hiss other seeds or any ,seed ,grain among Esther ,Moore ,elf Hensal1 name as a which there is the seed of Canada. great shock to .her many friends in • Thistles, Ox -Eye Daisy, Wild Oats, this community, she hawing droPP Ragweed, Burdock, or Wild Mustard dead while walking home from the shall for every such offence incur a postoitice l'n thalt vIllage on Monday penalty of not less than $5 and not eluch sympathy is felt for Miss Mary .more than $E0. Ann tieTaggar t, the deceased's inval- "Any person who sows any ,wheat id cousinatwath whom Miss aioore liv- or other grain knowing 3t to be in - ed with anti cared for. -}'Liss Verge rested by the disease known as smut `Tmquair lis sjs:!tf,ng i.n Lumley. ' without first using some proper and available remedy to destroy the germs of such disease, shall incur a penalty of not less than IS and not more than $20." Hensill A few years ago an investigation was made into the effectiveness of --- this act and it was found that out of Word was received Thursday of the death of James Coxworth, a farmers resident or this village, and „w4 e. . for many years conducted what was then known as the Centennial Hotel. Mr. Coxworth was living in Strathray, and died suddenly from a stroke. The re- mains were brought .here for batted - Mrs. Alf Scruton, °is a daughter. Rev. Wilson occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday last at the[ morning service, -The engage- i•me'nt ds announced of Olive, daughter of Mr and Mrs. ,Geo- Fauit'bairn of Tuckersmith, to Mr. Jojseph Hudson of H;ensall, the marriage to take place this: month, -Mr. and Mrs. James Green who have spent the past three mon- ths dm,Salskatchewan, Alberta and N, [Dakota have returned home.-A,quiet =wedding was solemnized 'at',the'Pres- byterian Manse on Wednesday, Dec. 8t11, when Miss Susan Myrle Ireland of Grand Beard, became the bride of William Francis Jealnilsoa of the _ficiat PUBLIC NOTICE NOMINATION AND ELECTION VILLAGE OF EXLTER Public Note ,is hereby given that a meeting, of the Electors of the Vil- lage of Exeter will be. held in. the. Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, Dec. 27th, 1920, at the hour of' 12 o'clock noon for the purpose of making and receiving noaanaiions for the office of Reeve.. Counciilars, Members of the Public Utilities Commission, Members of the Board of Education. And -;further notice is hereby given that in the .event of morecandidates being proposed for the offices than required to be elected, the meeting will ,,:be adjourned until Monday, Jan. 3rd 1921 when polls will be opened at 9 a.m. c;osing at 5 p.m. at the following places as fixed by Village By-law viz„ - Poll 1 at Mrs. E. A.Hanzl ord's home Main St„ by Edward treble, D.R.O.. and Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk. No 2, at Town Hall, by Well. Johns D.R.O., and James H. Greive; Clerk, No- 3, at Mrs. Ann Mitchell's oftice building, corner Main and Wellington Streets, by G. Anderson, U,R.U., and A. Gambrill, Poli Clerk. No 4, at North End Fire Hall, by F. Witwer, D,R.O., and Jno Kydd, Poll Clerk. And alt electors are hereby request- ed to take notice and govrrrn them- selves accordingly. 13y order, JOS. SENIOR, Clerk and Returning Officer. of Hay. We ex -tend cangratu.ati'ans, -Some ,unknown person or persons 'broke int Mr. Maurice Brenner's gar- age ion Thursday morning last and eemovin g the ;four toren an Mr. Robt. Po;lig k's .new (sedan car, carried them away. No trace has' been heard of them since.. Mr. John Statton's pool room twins miss entered recently and quite. Iz aumbeir off cigars and cigaretts +were stolen. Farmers en the neigh- borhood have also reported the loss: of grain from their barns. salve place, ,rev. .____----__. ing. Mr Wesley Nico,s and Miss 'Hilda Ireland, slater of the bride, were the attendants.. Special sales are being put an by our merchants. Miss Dora Sherritt, professional nurse sipped, on the icy pavement on Seturday and .fractured her ankle. Grand Bend Mr. Asaph Gravelle, who visited the past week near Medford, returned home Sunday, -Miss Edith Mason moved to her new home near Dash -- j wood on Saturday. -On Wednesday 'Dec. 8th, Miss Myrtle Ireland was unat- ed inti utairraia'glel to Mrs. Wm. Jennison Shipka Mr, John Gooding has recovered of - I ter baying an attack of quinsy', -Mr. Wm Sweitzer has sold his garage to Mr, Brokenshire of Dashwood and is moving to that place. -A sad death occurred here.on Thursday Dec. 2nd, in the person of Mrs. Wm'. Nichols, heart 'failure being the cause of -Leath. Interment was made at Grand Bend. WHEN YOU NEED a tonic to, help renew the zest of life and that snap _ that de- notes vigor and strength, take SCOTT'S EMOLSION Its rich,`tonic-nutrient .Prope,rtles.. • Cari be , I a' large .factor iii. restoring' strength and building up I. the body. 1 Scott & Bownc, Toronto, Ont. 20-67 mc.scassnamipmrpoiamorsinesissepunezmeseamP The Marketing Loan Act. This is an important measure in- tended to grant financial assistance to organizations of producers incor- porated" under the Companies Act who desire to construct and operate seed centres or potato warehouses. A loan up to fifty per cent. of the value of the land, building, and equipment may be made, .provided that such loan does not exceed, the suns of $3,000 in any one case: Thin loan • is' free' of interest` for a period •of two years,' but fifty per cent. must be repaid in five years, and the balance at the end of a further period of five years. The act provides the usual machinery for 'the safeguarding of the investment. This measure is introduced in re- sPonse to an indicationthat there is a real need in Ontario for encourag- ing the development of local seed centres where modern equipinent, for cleaning seed grain can ,be estab- lished, and in this way a . market secured for the good seed . produced in ]luny sections. Similarly, there are Indications that •severalsections would like to erect potato warehouses to .order to carry their product for a longer period, instead of forcing it all on the market in a short tri ne, thereby placing the stock under con- trol of the dealer and speculatar. the six hundred townships of On - tarso, only ninety-twb were making any effort to enforce it. In forty -- utile only had inspector's been ap- pointed. In regard to the work of inspectors, seventeen townships re- ported the work of the inspectors as satisfactory; fourteen reported ,that the' work Was partially satisfactory. Out of the six hundred townships of the province, fifteen only reported that this act' was successfully en- forced; seventy-two that It was par- tially enforced; and the remainder re- ported that it was practically a dead letter. It would seem from this in- vestigation that legislation is having but little effect in the control of weeds, in Ontario.. Legislation, without education is, in the opinion of the ,writer, useless. It is only when the sentiment . of those concerned 1s behind an act that is can be successfully enforced and such sentiment can be created only by proper education. In regard to education, consider- able has been done by the Ontario • Agricultural and Experimental Union. Thig organization in co-oper- ation with the Department of Botany, {at the Ontario • Agricultural College has carried on, during the past eight years, eo-operative experiments in weed eradication. Over seventy farmers have conducted successful experiments. The weeds experi- mented with were - Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Bladder Cam- pion or Cow Bell, Wild Mustard, Ox - Eye Daisy, Field Bindweed, Wild Oats and Chess. The objects of these experiments is to get data from which definite statements may be made regarding the best methods of controlling the various had weeds. It is hoped to include more weeds each year until exact information has been obtained concerning the eradiction ofmost of the bad weeds in the province. The results of this work are pre- sented each year at the annual meet- ing of tie Experimental Union at Guelph and the more important re- sults are published in the annual report. Six of these experiments have now been carried on for eight successive years, and some very valuable infor- mation obtained regarding the con- trol of such weeds as Perennial Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Bladder Cam- pion, and Wild Mustard. This infor- mation may be -briefly summarized as follows: 1. That good cultivation followed by rape' sown in drills provides a means of eradicating both Perennial Sow Thistle and Twit&ii; Crass': 2. That rape is a more satisfactory crop to use in the destruction of Twitch Grass than buckwheat. 3." That • rape gives much better results' in the eradication of "Twitch Grass and Perennial Sow' Thistle when sown in drills and ;cultivated • than it .does when sown •broadcast. 4. That thorough deep cultfration in fall and spring followed •by' a well cared for hoed crop will • destroy Bladder Campion. '5. That mustard may besprevented from seeding in oats, wheat or barley by spraying with a twenty per cent. solution of iron sulphate without any serious injury to the standing crop or to fresh seedings of. clover. In addition to this • exper•iinentai and educational work of the Agricul- tural g ul- tural and Experimental Union, 'the Department of Botany has' carried on various experimentsein the eradica- tion of many of the worst weeds of the province. -Prof. J. E. Howitt, • O. A, College, Guelph, Clandeboye The I.F.O. Club as,re-elected for their ,next year President VV'd: to..x s and See: Tress Hodgson, the latter getting an increase in salary. -Percy Daincey of the first con. of McGillt,vray held a barn .raising on Thursday last, to replace the' o l he had destroyed by threshing otit'.t. TUCKERSMITH-The funeral wa; held on Monday afternoon of Jessie j Flannagan widow of the late Archibald' Ross, who died alt Kirktom on Friday, at the good age of 87 years. The re- mains were brought! to the home of her son-in-law, James D. Gemmel, on Con. 5, and interment was made in Aaird's cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED five, Strictly confidential; no witness. by C. H. S.auaga at the Advocate • TUCKERSti1ITH,--yIr. Rich Robin;- son reeeiyed an ae3reeable surprise a, few days ago when ho received a: cheque ;for X1,419 from da.t afii^,ai ad- instrator ' in Br•ittish Co.um". a. The money is -from the ,es.ate ci h ; ;,on who died in the west two year ago, without leaving a wilt HEAATBUR or heaviness after Meals are most annoying manifestations of acid -dyspepsia. I•r10IDS pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore. normal digestion. maw !IT scorn & HOWNE MUMS OF SCOTTS E 4ULSION Rig "UPI 40 et it! t 8zdgetelp u r OME„iii l Let us explain how V the Bridget Plan goes ahead with that New Edison for Xmas. It breaks' '4 ' the payments, scatters thepi 't trough 1921, -fits them to your pocketbook. Besides, 'you're using an after - the -war dollar to buy a before -the - war value. ' The New Edison has gone up in price less than 15% (United •Statesprice) since 1914.. Mr. Edison has kept prices down by absorbing increased costs him- self. You get the benefit. J WILLIS' POWELL, DEALER •F.Xa,TER, - ONTARIO q& NW EDISON "iti27/0704 E SELL BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCEI FARM EQUIPMENT DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITY AND SERVICE! Sixty years of leadership -of giving goodAralue, heaping satisfaction and real service! That's why the C%ilson ;`n=ame wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's." wliy we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. "THE WC} DEktFUL GILSON" THE GILSON ENGINE The famous Gilson "Goes Lice Sixty" En- gine -any size for` any purpose -can be pur- chased on the easy payment plan. Let it pay for itself. rIts economy and depend- ability have made it the biggest selling en- gine. -in Canada. Let us demonstrate on your farm. ala:.• 1 HYLO SYLO The Hylo Sylo insures sweet, fresh. succulent .en- silage down to the last, forkful.' Itis built to last; indefinitely. Exelus1ve, patented features of de- sign and construction, explain whythe H to is chosen by he discrimin- ating farmer. Pays for, itself in the first season. Then year after year, pays. • 100 per cent. profit on your investment. ' Can you beat it? Thm=Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Ehlers were sold in Canada last year than any other make. It is guar- anteed toS be the lightest running blower - cutter made. Be independent -get a Gilson Silo Filer and fill your own silo -with your own engine, 4 h.p. or larger -at the proper time, when your corn has ttfe gr test feeding value, THE GIL SPREADER Mantlreiis the best fertilizer. You have it. Use it! ; The best Manure Spreader made is the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread. It is 10 Town, It has light draft. It will take areal load.. It is free from clutches, gears and all complicated parts. Call;and see our nearest dealer, name below. He will save and make you money on the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Saws, Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc. Write for Catalog. Made in Canada and seam eieed by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited • GUELPH, ONT. Call and Sea Nearest b6nler WM. FRAYNE, EXETER ONTa< •