HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-16, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price -la advance $1.50
or year in Canada; $2,00 in the
United States. All subscriptions not
gait at advaoee $0e.. extra charged.
Display Advertising_ Made known
ern aPpk:cation.,
Stray Anianals-•One insertion 50c.,
three insertions $1.00,
Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e.
each insert for one month. of four
insertions '
Areseelleneous articles of not more
Abaci five hints, For Sale, To Rena,
Wanted, each .insertion' 50c. Lost and
-hound locals 25c. aa insertion.
Local reading notices, etc., 10c. per
dine per insertion. No notice less
Mian 25c. Card of Thames 50e.
Auction Sales $3 for one insertion
and $1.50 for each subsequent
cert oa if under five inches in length.
Lege advert ;na 10c. and 5c. aline.
Vii; Earl Guenther lost a valuable
horse by death last week, paralysis be-
ing the cause.
Miss Edith Wolper returned Monday.
crier a visit An Fort Wayne and De, -
4r. and Mrs. Haig of Cavalier, 'it,
Pick.. are viseteng w th Mtn, and Mrs.
George Schroeder. .
Miss Ada Fassco,d has returned from
Lo4•sdon, where she has been far some
C Ketiermant wn,s in Goderich
this ween actan ,the eeipeei;ty of
\!iss Alice Schroeder -is in London.
where site underwent a serious oper-
ellonat apt. Joseph Hospital. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
Mr. F. L. Pneet r es this week at-
tending the U. F. O. convention in
,To onto
Misses Laura, and arada Schumacher
Of, ehe .14th conce;si en, cntertaip. •d
number of the friends •to a fowl sup-
per, last Thursday night.
,�S for aCouncil3Ir, and. ears. iicw 1. Hodgert of Ex-
t to visited o f Sunda,}: at Mr. Wm:
n.'s,•_-'lir. and1 Firs. Thos Ilcxi . -
Township ot rsborne met in the; spout :1=1_14at See ome of Mr. A.
Township Hall, Eilmvllle, on De- Hodge: a Mr. and i't1-s: Thos} Hunk-
•tcern1 er 4th. All the members were ire vis=.ted relatives at Munroe on Sun-
eiresent with A. Mitchell, reeve in dare -Miss Jesse Hodgtrc' t bonday -
-the chair. Minutes of the November rz, tte'a ' =le with _relatnees at S a
stn ineeting Were read and approved. tore.'.. ---*s \b�]e Poiten ot ;Mitchell
sg'int fife. w,eel.- nd at leer borne here.
Cotnsttunications read and noted. l Z fibe-la liuuk.in, s visit'ng this
The following persons were ape wee* rit+a Jtir cc�us?at, Mies Mary Per
pointed: to act ns Deputy Returning setas nt ;itirr,:€o.-=.Thi Wo;nen's lnstit
Officers and Poll Clerics in the sev- ute'had it, very successfual Oyster Sup
-era1 sub -divisions in case of a mu- per wire *On Friday ,night, Although
nieipal election. t.h weather was rather unfavorable a
Div. No. 1. --George Kellett, D. R. t fairly ,gold crowd turned out, the
•0., J. G. Hunter, P.O. - WLll being: almost filled. The program
lea; ::l' rhtt could be des:red and n.u. h
Div. No, 2.. H. It: Brown,
0.R 0.. ,
' 'ut. Jeffrey, P.O. • enjoeed kty everyone
Div. No. 3. -Hugh Berry, D.RR.0.,
Cecil. Gomm, P.O.
Div, No. 4. -,Toho Dunean, D.R U.,
The Municipal Conned qt the era- and two tie dre1•a of :,.nat:e<:•;.h
Louis Fletcher, P.O, A ate'
Bye-law 'No, 14, 1920, to ain•'nd t);t \% d.reades, es9ening o: last w.ck
by-law No. 3, 1914, re price of gray- r'ie eateeen and friends as embled
mel and by-Iaw No, 15, 1920,.re nom- •, 'he', hone of %1r. George P: nhale
illations and election were , read, a- iso dc* .lt'ano:• to ,1r. and :tire, Gorden
dopted and signed by tate Reeve and Penitt.e aka ewer. reeentic married, A
.Clerk, pnonto the pay -
`t `fir*moosent i) rin thee }Me 'evening an.• enll
Orders were issued r t p X e
ment of grants to the amount of a 't Ge seg •alker'inechargge. tt31h
$70.00; drain accounts to the Ala' numb_r was the reading of .he
mount of $573.00; gravel accounts "ow -1R address, and the presents -
$484.75; sundries $173.68, 'clot at a handsome: eloek to the young
Council adjourned to meet on De- ' out a t-
cember' 15th at. one p.m. Dear eotutg friends --
Henry Strang, Clerk.•. We., your tneighbors and friends,
rood not allow this opportunity to
pass .rvtt'tout drawing, nt some tangible
way our sincerer appreeivai•,on or your
presence in our community. All Ares-
eat have the highest word of prate.
li•'•e a;so eximd our heartiest wel-
c'te tie: •ta your good wij:e, whom we
J,ce sure will measure op to the good
gua•ii_es you possess.
x began suffering with women'a trouble.I Our hest w•T,shes are, that you may
Witness Testifies
ibou five years
Brampton Ont t Yoe ago
' became alt run-dwn have. a ;ons end happy lite„ and may
weakandnervous. s Goa speed you on life's journey. Ae-
was ao completely cep,. pt this small gift as a token of our
down and out that I ai tc.e:e t„apprecea' aeon .and good-w'{ll
could not do any- Signed on be'laa of thks assembage,
thing, could scarcely a Sanders
dress myself: I had
the doctor .and took Mrs. :Wesley Dearing
other medicine but I A suitable reply was made by the
�gottiug bob host,'aod after a dainty luncheon was
ter until I begant served en sand the favorite hymn,taking Dr. Fierce'. "God be. with you till. we meet ago r;."
Favonto pence").I
trnpQrtant Events Which Have:
Occurred Dut ing the Week,
the Busy 3Yorid's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper .. A
Solid Hour's En joy nae at.
A. labor deputation meets Ontario
Government about unemployment.
The first hockey practices of the
season in Toronto were held last
The University of Toronto bas pre-
sented its ease to the Universities
Hon, W. E. Raney replies to 1liagis- to the Creels throne.
trate Hastings and F. R. Lalor, M.P., Lithuania has asked for a post -
of Dunnville, poi1enment of the proposed plebiscite
Ea -King Constantine will return iu the Vilna, region.
to Greece in a merchant ship on Fri-
day or Saturday.
tion and his Golden
Medical Discovery.
It was only necea-
Ifor me to take about three bottles when
was completely restored to health and
strength and I have been is better health
than I ever was before. I have had no uae
• tor medicine since, hitt should I need it I
would take these same remedies, know
them to be excellent." -MRS. HARRY
KNIGHT, Jessie St.
Ft.. Saskatchewan, Alta.; -"It is with
great pleasure that I write thi• !lowing and
-I hope it will help the many sufferers who
do not know the good Dr. Pierce's medi-
cines would do them if they would try them.
regard to n y condition, I will say
that I suffered from childhood from a very
weak back; I had the misfortune of having
spinal meningitis when I was one year old
and until i was 13 I did not see a well day, i
but a very kind lady told my mother about
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and she
got a bottle to try it. It did me so much
good that mother got me 6 bottles. Recent-
ly I happened with a car accident and hurt
my back badly. My doctor gave me up
and said I would not live, but I still stick to
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and to
- may surprise in three weeks I was out of bed
and better. I owe my life to it and nothing
.else, and shall never be without it.
"If any sufferer wishes to write I will
answer with pleasure:: -MRS. NOEL
Grand Bend.
Died n Bounty, Sask.-Word has
been received here of the death of
Elenor • McDonald, widow of the late
Silas Gratton, ,formerly of Grand Bend,
who died at Bounty, Sask.,, on Dec.
3rd ot the age ,of 67, years. Her hus-
band predeceased her about twenty
three "years; r11so one son, William
about twelve years. She ,is c'
by one son, Silas. -,A: .i sof ounty; one
daughter, Mrs. Silas larsjard;ne of
Manitoba, also one brother, John of
Bounty and three sisters, Sarah Jane
of Winnipeg, Margaret. of Sault Ste.
ranee and Janrtet of Cf'.int•:n,
One, Interment took plaice at Fertile
Valley te:neirery on. the 5th, ,the un.
eral being largely attended and the
casket bore many beautiful floral !rib -
vire United Farmersare amalgamab•
ing for Federal election purposes in
North Wellington.
,Saskatchewan proposes an increase
in provincial grants to schools which
will, give it the leading position in
the Dominion in this respect.
'1'bte Toronto team led the Intme
national Baseball League in fielding.
Vancouver oil prospectors corneae
Plate flying to the Fort Norman oil
Ontario Winter Fair at Guelph bad
an attendance larger than any since
The Fuel Controller says the coal
situation is more serious than people
The Toronto Police Association
asks pension for widows of men kilt-
ed on duty,
King Constantine has not yet re-
ceived an official invitation to return..
Dr. Michael Hainiseh bas been
Fifteen thousand people in Albania
elected President of Austria by the
have been rendered homel:ss owing `rational Assembly, . •
to an earthquake. :4o leniency will he shown the
Adana llrown. ` einllton's posy_ Players and gamblers -found guilty in
master since 1891. has resigned;' be the baseball scandal.
is in his !35th year, • "'ii;ttcllless • PEte " the champion
W. L. Roberts, High Auditor of the steer at Guelph, was beaten at the
Canadian Order of Foresters, died at cat Stoek Show,
his borne in Brantford.
J. X. L. hoes` horses
Geo. 11, Cetera conductor of the earned a quarter of a ntilllan dollars
Fredericton N.B.; city band, died oa. during the 1920 season.
a visit to his brother in Galt. Montreal promoters have made a
Gen. Stunts Iles opened his cam- bid for the Demperey-Carpentier
Palen in South Africa, for rnainte- heavyweigbt boxing bout.
nonce of 'Imperial relations. Hamilton controllers directed as
Lawrence Ended was found dead early a start as possible on setter
beneath an overturned tractor in: a construction, to relieve unemploy-
ditch by a road near Kitchener. meat,
Minister of Ftsiauries in Newfound- Tilbury flair mill, the only taetory
land is advocating the establishment in operation in the town, was destroy
of a state bank for the colony, pd by are attributed to spontaneous
Dissension has broken out in the etan bustion.
ranks of the Falcon hoeltey team:, The Northern Ontario mines out-
: uucleur champione of the world,' put of metals so far this year is eight
A dw.'er weighing, drawn, more than million dollars ahead of that iu the
0 lbs.. was shot by ,lathes tquilty, aame period of 1919:
Herbert Laois. ,Northern On- A. F. Martin. a well-known lum-
rio, berran, woods superintendent for a
Mrs. Jessie Kirk. a Labor candle " !timber firm of Carne Bay, was acct.
date. was elected to W inntPe City lentally 1cilfed while bunting,
Council, the drat woman to hold 3tttlt 8e' eral hundred men and women
(dice in that eit7, °ntpioyes of the Wabasso Cotton Co.
The united Statex Collet of Appeal sere dismissed for not working
has reversed the decision of the Su- Wednesday, Cone -Tilos DoT, r4 Ra
preme Court whielt awarded then Bale len Cath(lit' lr2tidap,
titnore Federals a verdict for $240,-
000 against or;-tuiz..l baseball, SATURDAY.
WEDNESDAY,The Toronto Police Conttuission to
Premier Drury Lae lett for Win- asking for 250 mere men.
The Toronto hockey season opened
Wheat dropped nine cents' per when the fitat S.P.A. senior game Ras
Miss ,Liz ie Sw,jt,zer left for
Norwich where she -spent a levy days
with her brother, Gel. H, Switzer; be -
foie leaving for Independence, Miss,,
to spend some time with her eldest
brother - Adam P. Switzer.
Owing to unemployment ie. ceteres df popu,lation;there are many men
• now a4aul'able for farm work. A large number of 'these men have had' farm
experience aind jttieiir services are .now aciaiclable at mode, -ate wages with
board. Farriers who can usefully employ one or two of these : mert at this
time wl'e1l be rendering, a service to -•the comanu•tii<ty jots wide es to them-
selves. Many rarmers have repairs . and other odd jobs which have been
put cr:'i for years on account of the iri;h cost of labor, Tha might. be a
goed.•time to get caught up with work of this nature.
'Farmers desiring help pleas
ive did states''t1e :nai'ture of the
communicate with your local Represent,
work and wages you are to, pay,.
Agricel.tural. Rep esentative,'
'County Huron
Meister ef Agricultura
bushel yes teraay.
Hon, Dr. Cody eriticlzes prinitiple
of .proportional representation. `
A visitor claims to have proof' that
Soviet agents are busy In Canada.
Twenty teams will compete 'nate
Northern Hockey. League seisior
series, '
Gen, Seminoff, anti-Bolshevik'Iead-
er in Siberia, haseerrived zee:Phot
Sequel to .the WOmlbridge'Nifiteik
robbery is the reinstatetneiit at. the
accountant. •
The House of Lords on 'Tuesday
concluded the eommittee stage ot the
Home Rule 13111.
The Metropolitan Church of Toron-
to has opened a lunch and test room
for working girls. :
Many Milton householders 'find
their supposed winter's supply of po-
tatoes unfit to use owing to dry Tot.
Latest despatches from Geneva. say
Constantine has, decided to return to
Greece deeplte, the hostility of the
The Montreal Administrative Com-
mission refused to recognize the
"closed shop" demands of the police
One man was killed and eight oth-
ers were injured in a boiler explo-
Final Payment Wheat
-'ON'T defy in lodging your certiiie
gates with us for collection of final
payment of 18c. per bushel.
The Wheat Board will pay these in order
of receipt. see
EXETER -BRANCH, F. A. Chapmanr, 4anager..
$ 15,000,000
Incorporated in 1855
VA 'll'A.L itYStalVE $9,000.000
Over lilt! Branches
Almost every farther finds :ric money tied up b stock or
ee. et certain seasons, if be ueeds assistance he should con-
: • our local Manager.
Savings Departments ar all Bra :hes
T. S. WOODS Maueger.
Centralia Branch open for business .ka3ly.
Safety Deposit • Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
ST. MARYB-The new manager o: ; The Advocate can give you
the Windsor hotel is Mr. W. J. ,\bra 'bites; rates with any of the daily
hang of Toronto, an old St. Bary; gra} papers or magazines.
who left the Stone Town, some rift 'en
ye xsago.
playaj. If you have anything to sell o
Three women have annuunee.i their want to buy, try The Advocate
candidature tor the 1x21 Toronto Column
news -
by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. Strictly confidential; no witness.
Renfrew Co-operative, Ltd., ,baa
been organized with 104 charter
'A Toronto plumber charges; a
eotnbine exists between "•hpiayinTs
and union.
Seventeen Stenftvflle merchants
claim thoy •were:.vfetiinlz`wf by "a
"cheque artist."
A juvenile court is to be opened
January 1 for Windsor, Walkt'rville,
Ford and Sandwich,
The 19-t:tenths-old son of N. H.
Shier was burned to death in a chair
in his honie at Peterboro•
Frank Moran, Pittsburg, heavy-
weight boxer, knocked out :Toe Beck-
ett of England in the second round.
Presidentselect Harding -has invited
Charles E. Hughes to a conference
on pokey at Marton, Ohio.
A bomb was thrown in the Rou-
manian Senate on Thursday. Two
were killed and many injured.
Joe Priest, a farmer near Dauphin,
Man„ was found dead in the snow,
probably shot by a careless hunter.
All the lawyers in Naples have de -
ion at a cooperage factory at For`tiled upon a 48-hour strike to pro-
st ion age, Quebec: test against lack of deference shown
Four boxers were knocked out in than by the judges.
the University ot To> tukto Inter- Four children, from one to eight
years of age, were burned to death
faculty assault-atzarras; ` which come
inenced on 'Tuesday. in the farm house of Archie Brown,
University of Toronto boxers have fourteen miles from St. Ignace, plan.
been invited to engage in dual tour- There is a prospect of amalgamation
naanents with. Penn State College and of the Independent Labor party and
United States Naval Academy. the G,A.U.V. in Elgin, and possibly
Hoag Honore Mercier, Quebec Mt-- the Liberals also, as "The Progres-
ister of Crown 'Lands, is arranging,ve Party."
to ship 5,000 maple and elm saplin :; WEDNESDAY.
to Brussels to plant on Canadians' Wireless telephone from England
graves. were heard in Geneva.
Provisions of .the National Prohibi- Six persons were killed in a trolley
tion Act extends to United States accident in Kansas City.
ships, whether they be in home tt- A new bridge is to be built over
ers, on the high seas, or in foreign the Thames river, just west of Prairie
waters. Siding.The
THURSDAY. Toronto Hockey League Lias
Toronto doctors are treating a'case airettdir kin' entry list of eighty-eight
of leprosy. teams:
Holland will send a volunteer Olive Schreiner (Mrs. G. S. Cron
force to Vilna, weight-Schnefner); the novelist, died
Cardinal Mercier has left Pat is on in Lo-adon.
a trip to Rome. . A The arrivals of British coal in
A Woman's Canadian Club has France during November totaled
been, .organized in Bowmanvillen 645,000 tons.
St. Thomas ratepayers will vote on Lady Elizabeth Boyd, widow of the
Sunday street cars on January 3• late Sir John Boyd, K.0 M.G., died
Two curling rinks played a thatch. in Toronto.
at the Queen City Club, Toronto. • John Hammitt,.. Ottawa, missing
''Tye Cobb will manage the Detroit from home for five weeks, has been
American League team next season. :heard of in Texas.
Western University asks for• $1,- Mrs. S. Jobborne of.Hamilton died
000,000 grant and an annual bonus from injuries received when she was
of $100,000. struck by an automobile.
Joseph Hubbard of Nelson, .N.B., E. C. Hamel, assistant secretary of
was killed by a limb of a -tree falling the Quebec Harbor Commission, was
upon his head: found shot to death on Saturday.
The Ontario Medical Association George Halcrow, M.P.P., for East°
wants showdown with chiropractors, Hamilton, has been appointed leader
osteopaths, etc: ,of the Labor party' in the Legislature,
B. Crnney appeared in the Toronto The Pittsburg Athletic Association
police court over afatal auto asci omateur boxing team defeated the
dent to W. Spencer. Toronto team, six bouts out of seven.
George IKippax, a` well-known Russian refugees in Constantino
Brantford citizen, died instantly in pie are in a bad way; the death rate
his %orae from heart '-failure. • in mounting steadily .owing to un -
The Swiss Federal authoriti;•s•have sanitary bonditions. • -
instituted an inquiry into the nctivi- Enrico Caruso, tenor, . burst a
ties of former Emperor Karl. blood vessel in his throat while sing
The Port Colborne O.H.A.' inter- ing at the Brooklyn Academy of
mediates defeated the Parkdale Music Saturday night,
O.H.A. jurioi- team by 18 to 3. , ; Maurice Broome and William Co-
Mickey Shannon;' Newark 'heavy- teerre'Italian-United States team, won
weight, died.; as a 'result of in'juares ccie'20th International six-day race at
received in a bout' with Al. Roberts;' ivhidison Sgaare Garden, .New York,
i Socialist deputies in the Italian winning $9;000, - •
Parli'anent la ave begun a , filibuster The°third of the hostels; maintain-
agatnst the decree raising the price ef by the soldiers' aid Commission,
of bread. f r the orphans or dependent el -Al-
lan. in the power plant- wheels at ren of men who have seen service,
the Chaudiere caused stoppage of vent receive its first quota of little
Ottawa and Hull care and Hull light guests. The new hostel•is situated on
ing system, aa,wvisjstreet. in Toronto.
'Phe Tndenenaaent Labor Parte -nal .
We have a Complete Line of
SAW Mt rA+r
uaYanteed alters
This is a Sampson
with Chain Chin Araw.
It prevents halter Pulling, as the chain
grips the jaw very tightly when pulled.
It is guaranteed by the makers to •hold
any horse and will be repaired or replaced
free of charge if broken within one year
from the time you buy it.
The chair& may be bought eeparstelY and
attached to any old halters you may have
whicharewore out at this :sotat.-It -Is
easily attached. Price, 30c.
Come to and see these halters and our
other lines of goods.
(§1 az.
Price $3.00
Fairbanks Morse Co'y.
1 1-2 H. P. ,ENGINI.S $110.00
3 H. P. ENGINES :........ . 4-S175.00
6 H. P. ENGINES 1285.04 •-
These engines are equipped with the Bosch Magneto, the finest ig
ninon_ known.
DOUBLE GEAR PUMP JACK " ,,,,,,,,, ,415,00
The Cochrane Machine Works
T am in a position to handle all makes of c.rs_
for overhauling,this winter.
A square deal to all.,;.
Ford Garage
• +✓s
. Exeter