HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-16, Page 3A PARTY FROCK
pulse No. 744.
No. 9793—Dress. Price, 35 cents.
Sizes 16 to 20. Transfer Design—No.
"966. Price, 25 cents.
This pattern may be obtained from
your local McCall dealer, or from the
McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto,
Dept. W.
for moat makes and models of care.
Tour old, broken or worn-out parts
replaced. Write or wire tie describ-
ing what you want. the carry the
largest and moat complete stock In
Canada, of slightly used or new parts
and automobile equipment. We ship
C.O,73. Sn}where in. Canada. Setts
factory or refund in full our ntotta
neves Auto, Salvage Fart Supply,
923-931 Dnire n St.. Toronto, Ont.
Constipation ---that disordered state
of the digestive tract which is nearly
always caused by Improper feeding—
eau be readily regulated by the use of
Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets
are a mild but thoroughly laxative.
They are easy to take and are abso-
lutely free from injurious drugs, Con-
cerning them Mrs. Joseph. Dion, Ste.
Perpetua, Que., writes: ---"I bane no-
thing but praise for Baby's Own Tab-
lets. When my baby was three months.
old he was terribly constipated but
the Tablets soon set him right and
now at the' age of fifteen months he
is a. big healthy boy and this good
health I attribute entirely to the use
of i.he Tablets." They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Strange Conversion. ,
How a woman was converted to
Christianity by a Brahmin is told by
a recent writer.
Cecelia Thaxter, a poetess, was an
earliest student of strange and mysti-
cal teachings. At one time she was
much dominated by the teachings of
John Weiss, and she did not appreci-
ate the beauty and power of the Bible.
She saw a good deal of a Hindu theo-
One day sire said too her friend, Mary
Parkman, "Did I speak contemptuous-
ly of such a person? I ought not to,
for one of the principles of theosophy
is to feel no contempt far any human
Miss Parkman replied, "But did not
Jesus teach that? Is it not all in the
Sermon on the Mount?"
By and by Mohini himself happened
to get hold of a copy of the New
Testament, and was much surprised
and itnpressed by the beauty of its
contents. He spoke of it to Mrs.
Thaxter, and found to his amazement
that she knew nothing about the New
"Fiat!" he said. "You do not read
your own religious books? I never
heard anything more beautiful than
• Mrs. Thaxter forthwith began to
read the New Testament and became
so much interested in it that she went
about with a copy in her pocket;
whenever she had a chance she would
read it. From that time she began to
attend Phillips Brooks's church. She
was converted to Christianity by a
Brahmin theosophist!
Making Markets.
"To a very large degree, produc-
tion is controlled by profits and the
ease of marketing the products, but
sometimes, as in the live stock indus-
try, markets have to be created.
Canada was producing the fat hog
and for years had an outlet for the
surplus product; but marketing con-
ditions changed and the industry im-
mediately faced rather a difficult
situation. A new market was the
solution. The Government was imine=
diately seized of the situation and had
careful surveys and investigations
made; educational campaigns were
carried on, the type of hog raised in
The island of Lundy, off the Bristol.
Channel, was for many years in the
occupation of a man named Heaven,
and the place was referred to by
sailors as the "Kingdom of Heaven."
Send -a. Dominion Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
"Burke's Peerage," one of England's
best 'known annual handbooks, was
first published in 1826,
Mfnard's Liniment Reliever Distemper
Eastern Canada was changed, and the,
bacon industry as we know it to -day
came into being. Those who assisted
in the transformation realized how
great were the difficulties and how
tremendous the possibilities. Time has
proved to the satisfaction of Cana-
dians that the exportable surplus of
agricultural products must meet, in
so far as is possible, the standards
laid down by the importing nations.
Moreover, we have learned that it is
profitable to meet these demands
wherever feasible. Canadian bacon is
in Great Britain, and even in other
countries, a standard product. The
Government's part now is to keep
clear all • trade channels„ thus pro-
viding the demand, while the reputa-
tion already achieved assures the pro-
ducer a price comparable to Chat re-
ceived in any other market." ---Dr. S.
F. Telltale, Minister of Agriculture.
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Origin—Anglo-Norman.
Source—An occupation.
While the Normans spoke French
they were really a Teutonic race.
Indeed, a large part of the blood of
modern France, particularly in the
north, was originally Teutonic, the re-
sult of the great migrations westward
of the Teutons into what had pre-
viously been the purely Gallic prov-
inces of the Roman Empire. Thus not
only the overwhelming majority of
names, but a large percentage of the
words in the medieval French speech
were Teutonic.
One of these words was that for
"helmet," a modern word which has
come clown to us both through the
Anglo-Saxon an.,: the Norman-French
tongues, only for some reason we have
perpetuated the diminutive rather than
the original word itself, "Helmet"
means "little helm." As the Normans
originally spelled and pronounced it,
It was "healme," but in accordance
with that tendency which has scatter-
ed the diphthong "au" so profusely
through modern French, namely, the
tendency to drop the pronunciation of
the "1" and substitute a long - "e"
sound for the former vowel, it was
quite generally spelled "'heaume" be-
fore the population of England finally
swung hack toward the old Anglo-
Saxon speech.
The "heaumers" or "'healmers" of
:medieval- England were the makers of
helmets. The name was, of course,
first applied as descriptive of this oc-
cupation, with this meaning being ul-
timately. lost
1-timately.lost in that of mere personal
designation. With the original mean-
ing forgotten er unstressed the tend-
ency toward phonetic spelling in an
age when spelling was little standard -
Easily Maintained Through the
Use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
There le not a nook or corner in
Canada, in the cities, the towns, in
villages, en the farIn1 and in the mines
and lumber camps, where Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills have not been used,
and from one end of the country to
the other they have brought back to,
bread -winners; their wives and fart-
ilies the splendid treasure of new
health and strength,
Yon lave only to ask
your neigh-
elg-hors, and tjiey can tell you of some
rheumatic or nerve -shattered man,
some suffering woman, ailing youth or
anaemic girl who owes prel ent health
and strength to Dr: Williams' Pink
Pills, For more than a quarter oe a
century these pills have been known
not only in Canada, but throughout all
the World, as a reliable tonic, blood-
making medicine.
The wonderful Mucosas of Dr.
liams' Pink Pills is due to the fact
that they go right to the root ot the
disease in the blood, and by making
the vital fluid rich and red strengthen
every organ and every nerve, thus
driving out disease and pain, and
Waking weak, despondent people
bright,, active and. s"rong. Mr. W. T.
Johnson, one of the best known and
most highly esteemed men in Lt nen-
burg county, N.S., says:—"I am a
:Provincial Land. Surveyor, and am ex-
posed for the greater part of the year
' to very hard work travelling . through
the forests by day and camping out.
by night, and I find the only thing that
will keep me up to the mark is Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. When I leave
home far a trip in the woods I am as
interested in having.my supply of pills
as 'provisions, and on such occasions,
I take them regularly. The result is
I, ani always fit. I never tako cold,
and can digest all kinds of food such
as we have to pht up with hastily cook-
ed in the woods. Having proved the
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as
a tonic and health builder, I am never
without then, and I lose no opportun-
ity in recommending them to weak
people whom I meet."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be
kept in every home, and their occa-
sional use will keep the blood pure
and ward off illness. You can get
these pills through any medicine deal-
er, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for X2.50 from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
ized anyhow, eventually brought the
family name to the form of Homer.
Variation—Cahasey, O'Casey.
Racial Origin—Irish.
Source—A given name.
The Irish family name of Casey is
one which, strangely enough in view
of its Irish form, so complicated to
our English -accustomed eyes, has de-
veloped very few variations in its
transition into English spelling.
This is true because, despite the
complicated •looks of the Gaelic spell-
ing, the pronunciation is not very
susceptible to any other phonetic
rendition in English than Casey, or
'when care is taken to preserve the
faint "h" sound in the middle of the
name, Callasey.
The Irish spelling is nothing less
than "O'Cathasaigh," sometimes also
spelled "O'Cahesaidh." To our Eng-
lish -trained eyes the latter form illus-
trates best its pronunciation, when it
is remembered that the sound of the
final "dh" easily became eliminated,
and makes cleaithe reason for the
spelling sometimes, but not often met
with Cahasey. The "h" in such a
name is very easy to ignore except
for a tongue trained in the Irish
The given name from which this
fancily or clan name was developed
is "Cathasach," and its meaning is
"brave." It was a name quite com-
mon in the • old Irlash nomenclature,
but, of 'course, only in comparatively
few instances gave rise to a family
The O'Caseys in Ireland are most
thickly settled in Munster, Limerick
and Clare : (the territory which was
the ancient Thomond), and also an
Cork." •
r -c
file bothers
t turn to
k has- helped Wally
a coffee drnrliker
out of trouble. •
Cb 9 . �w•
Tess - a 1� easo .
Sold. by grocers
every ere 2
,�.�'.`"zu�,:,.. ^�- •tet
Ij r't Yy;;
mean of elorletent parte of taie.t,
end a call pert.on of Melees ,
PostUnl Carol Company.
• bum art,.n`0,1134 o
L•r nt7 %fk:R cI,,r ,,,NCS
Quick relief from
BEN G�A�,i
has immediate effect.
SI AO or tube
Agents -tor Dr. Jules Bengu6
The Mayflower's Flag.
During the preparation, for celebrat-
ing the tercentenary of the sailing of Easy Task!
the Pilgrims it has been discovered I "Well, doctor, do you think it ix
that the alntin of the Mayllower 311
FROM U E &s 'llER
1 lat
Declined With Thanks.
""I gat even with the editor last
night," said the budding authoress.
"'hove did you do it?" gushed the
confidential friend.
"I declined his son, with thanks."
A Failure.
Qrator's Wife: "Did the people ap-
plaudf" sc-Exe awnonai.
"Applaud? They made about ens 4a101 £Ar CrRTA.I' -^ Sweden
much noise as a rubber heel on a .i berg's groat work un l•ieaven and
Bell, and a real world beyond. Over 400
S6 S u .lidyAve postpaid.
fI B. Law,
Classified Advertisements,
�S�ou want an interesting inexpensive
Christmas Clift, send twenty -Ave
cants and we will mail our unique Rain-
bow Puzzle. Wirer Mfg. Co., o Alcina
Ave, Toronto,
Kerbs is a remedy for the relief of
Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness,
Rheumatism, .Kidney Troubles. It is
well-known.. I1a,vinK been extenst' eWy ad-
vertised. since it was ilrgt zlaanufaetur.ed.
In 26SS. by distribution of lar"e quanta.
ties of Almanacs. Cook Rooks. 4 Health
Books. etc.. which are furnished to
agents free of charge. The rewedtea are
sold at a prise • that allows agents to
double their honey. Write Alonzo O.
Bliss Medical Co.. 124 St. Paul St. Boat.
Montreal. Mention this paper.
feather mattress!"
P gy anything serious?"s
the Houses of Parliament depicts the 1 "Oh, not at all. It it merely a ,boil
ship flying the modern Unfelt. Jack. on the back of your neck, but I would
The present Union Junk did net come • advise .you to keep an eye on it."
into existence until 1801, at the time
of the union of Ireland with Great Tommy Knew.
Britain, when the cross of St. Patrick Teacher: "Who Ras the first elec-
was added to the British flag. trlelan?"
In many ways the sailing of the Tamm} : "Noah. Ile made the
Mayflower was an event in England's i arc(k) light on Mount Ararat."
history, but how different that history
would have been had the example of
the Pilgrims been followed by certain
other men who bad made up their
minds to join William Brewster and i
his companions! Wearied by civil i
and religious "strife in England. Oliver'
Cromwell and John Hanipdeu were l
preparing to set out for America, when
Archbishop Laud procured an order'
from. Charles I. forbiading them to
leave; That proclamation elf May 1,
1638, declared that the king, being in-
formed that maul• persons went yearly
to New England to escape ecelesiasti-
eal authority, ordered that no one
should henceforth pass without a 11 -
cense and a testimonial of conformity
from the minister of his parish.
It was this same Charles I. who, in
1634, issued another proclamation for-
bidding any i it royal ships to fly the
Union Jack-- the old Hag of the Eng -
Isla and Scottish crosses. Queen Anne,
In 1707, ordered merchant ships to fly
a red flag with the Union Jack in a ....)
canton et the upper corner thereof. few cents buys "Danderine." After
This is the British red ensign, well an application, of ""Danderine" you can
known in every port of the world.
Originally the name "jack" was
given to the small upright spar in the
ship's bows from which the flag was
flown When going info action. Gradu-
ally the term came to he applied to
any flag of noble .size that had the,
cross oe St. George next to the staff.
The Union Jack with rte crosses of
St. George and St. Andrew supplanted
the St. George's jack on the ascension
of James 1., when the crown of Scot.
land was united with' that of England.
Distinguished Personages.
When Professor Walter Raleigh was
asked to lecture at Princeton College,
Professor Root went down to the sta.
tion to meet the distinguished visitor.
Professor Root did not know Profess,
sor Raleigh, but walking up to a 'men
whom he thought looked like him, he
said: .. - '
"I beg your pardon, but ani I ad-
dressing• Walter Raleigh?"
The man looked at him for a mo-
ment, and, thinking he must be mad,
"No, I am Christopher Columbus.
Walter Raleigh is in the smoking -room
with Queen Elizabeth."
The death rate for adults is at Its
lowest in June; under normal condi-
Perfect Hands.
A prominent British artist says that
in the perfect hand of a woman the
third finger is longer than the first,
or index finger, while in a man the
perfect proportions are a longer first
finger than the third.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, -Yeast winter I received
great benefit from the use of ) IIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack
of LaGrippe, and I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in cases
of Inflammation.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Doubles Its Beauty.
Vegetables That Are Benefit-
ed by Freezing.
It is known by mostgardeners that
cabbage, parsnips, turnips, salsify,
and carrots are not injured by freez-
ing, provided they thaw out while in
contact with the earth or soil; but it
is also a fact that certain winter
vegetables are not at their best until
they have been frozen hard at least
once while in the ground., ' Parsnips
and salsify especially, should stand in
the ground until there has .been
weather cold enough to freeze several
inches, then the roots may be dug and
stored in an open pit and covered
with dirt. The covering may be
sufficiently heavy to prevent further
freezing if it is desired' to go Ante
them during the winter, but it will
Ido no harm if "covered only a few
inches so that they will freeze and
thaw several times. They, will be of
better texture and flavor ley having
frozen. Turnips -should not be al-
lowed to freeze more than once, and
cabbage also keeps best if covered
well after the heads have frozen once
er twice and thawed out under ground.
The 'stalks should also be 'covered with
soul when in storage, as the frost wrle
come clown them into the head if they
1 protrude and are allowed to Ilreeze
and thaw a number of tunes.
"They. Work while. you Sleep",
a~`:' ---
Do you feel all tang ed up—bilious,
constipated, headachy, nervous, full of
cold? Take Cascarets to -night for
your liver awl bowels to straighten
you out by morning. Wake up with
head clear, stomach right, breath
sweet and feeling fine. No griping, no
inconvenience. Children love Casear-
ets, too. 10, 25, 50 Bents: .
Get busy and relieve those pains
with that handy bottle of
Sloan's Liniment
not find a fallen hair or any dandruff
besides every, hair shows new life,
viol-, brightness, more color and
HAT.Sloan's does,•it does thor-
oughly—penetrates without rub -
bin to the afflicted part and
promptly relieves most kinds of exter-
nal pains and aches. You'll find it
clean and non -skin -staining. Keep it
handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia,
over -exerted muscles, stiff joints, back-
ache, pains, bruises, strains, sprains,
Dad weather after-efects.
For 39 years Sloan's. Liniment bas
helped thousands the world over. You
aren't likely to be an exception. It cer-
tainly does produce results.
All druggists ---35c, 70c, $1.40.
Send for list of inventiooa wanted
by Manufacturers. Fortunes have
been made from simple ideas.
•'Patent Protection" booklet and
"Proof of Conception" on. request.
ISSUE No. 50
The average man spends too much,
time making money and too little time
enjoying it.
rttnard'e L,.inlment For Dandruff.
The American bale of cotton is 500
pounds, the Egyptian 700 pounds, and
the West African 400 pounds.
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on
and Now to Peed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
S. clay Glover o0., lite.
113 }Vest Slat Street
Ivew York, U.S.A.
4 `=a
, SINCE 187H irl
A Gift Book for Ali—Young or
Old, Protestant or Catholic
"The Cr ossbearers of the
By Dean Harris,
is a Canadian book that should
be In every home—and read.
Money refunded if not satisfied.
At All Booksellers or
J. M. DENT sic SONS, Ltd., Pubs.
S onaon, ling., and
56 Church St., Toronto.
4 j
.T17'Y �ffM L
P,I�fee-:`45- < TA BLET5
Cuticura For All
Skin Irritations
Bathe withCuticura Soap and hot water
.to free the pores of impurities and follow
with a gentle application of Cutis: ura0Int-
ment to soothe and.heai. They are ideal
for the toilet, aa is also Cuticura,Talcum
for perfuming.
Seee2Se. Otat.est2$s*JStic, Takeda Sold
raLltei,344Sth.,tttL u. 1 Stt.1,iwd
Catieara Soap shaves wit,oets.t.
"California Syrup of Fids"
Child's Best Laxative.
Accept "California" Syrup of rigs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless physic for the little stow
sch, liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. I"ull directions ole
each bottle. You must say "Cal.
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer C oss"
The name "Bayer" identifies the
only genuine Aspirin, --the Aspirin
prescribed by physicians for over nine-
teen. years and now made in Canadit.
Always buy an unbroken.. package
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which
contains proper 'directions for Colds,
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Nen
ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri-
tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
Tin boxes of 12tablets cost but
a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages.
These as may one .F9.sp;irin.—"Bayer"--9t"ouu must say "Eag?een
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Sayer Manufacture of Mono-
aectiescldester of SalicylIeacid. • While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer
manufacture, to assist tho public against imitations. the Tablets of Bayer Oen:many,
will be etainpvd with :4holr general trade ;nark. the "Bay* Ouse.'