HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-16, Page 1r !'.4041400~, clinVtiwiWkr THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. ' "eseetatea, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY DEO. 16, MO: SANDERS REECR Our Corner —ewes If you want to lose your good name 'have i ngraved upon. your unesrella. Constables rand provincial police *at Ontario are ordered to take steps to put an, lend to the illegal carrying of deadly weapons. Air. Raney, in his es- structions painted out that the num- ber persons illegally carrying weapons has -recently greatly increased and he advised search of all suspected persons and proeecutions. • Tele eeecee!, weather has saved the leoel Pee a 'dee. • • -Might it not be advisable for the judges at poultry shows to' hang up a prize. for the hers that produces the cheapest dozen of eggs, just as an en- ieousegernent, ieiunicipal nomination will be held in !tea days—oa Dec. 27th. There seems Ito be gale; :interest developing in Ex- eter. But then, we have ,paid our :taxes, and why should we worry for another year? Teat seem o to .be the 'ettitude. There is observable throughtout the Do not be anxious to sea prices country a gement outcry against the take 4 big drop. A panic la prices payment of taxes. Manufacturers and means rUln (:" many •a hushmss matte and hardship „tor ernolavOs Pwing "lo merchants want the. Weiry taxes re- the closing of factor es: A steadyancl pealed theatre proprietors exclaim net too trawl decline sten hest serve against theamusemeet tax; the income. f.4 mem' eseldetoes, tax was never popular. and probable if the ratepayers were interviewed there would be en unanimous decision "Twenty years ago this week the ,„ market price of butter in Forest was etes-or of repealing the rounteete.. 17 cents, and, of eggs 10 cents. Then 'taxes. It cannot be done, however., - the one dollar subscription for The Taxes are a- part or the price we pay for freedom. Some men paid their lives for it eed /hose who have es- caped by being allowed to contribute will hardly buy half. the same fluent', their dollars ought to be thankful to ty of these necessitses.—Forest Free get Of so lightly, peen though taxes press. must be.paid, for long years to come. Free Press supplied the editor's table with three pounds of butter and three dozen eggs. Now the $2 subscription Phone 81a For All Kinds of Men's Winterwea "'GLAD TO GREET you, eld top, by Jove, you're locking fine. Where did you get such a swell elegant fitting euit of clothes?" "At Taman's, the tailor, Tighe down Main Street- Best in tisane they say. At least, he 'fitted me with the best suit II've ever bad. Not high priced, eit- her." "Looks good to me, toc. order my next suit from them, Sure." SUITS $20 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to '$35 RAINCOATS $15 -to $30 • ' W. W. Taman Tailor gz Furnisher COUNTY COUNCIL NOTES Same of the impertant matters dealt with at the December meeting of the County Couneil last week were,— An teem grant of $500 was given to. the Children's Aid Society, God- csieb. A motion was brought in by Reeves Beaver., ofan Cutt Blyth that in the ease o.' taking up Fifth Class Work, and where. there is an average atten.dan e: .ight the County shall double the grant givea by the Legislative Aseembly. and smaller schools lbe grant to be equal 10 the Legislative Grant, as provided by statute. This was adopted by the Education Committee, but reJect.td by the Councit as a whole. The natter of Good Roads came in, as usual :or the lion's share of crs- cussion, A large expenditure has been made this year sbut the roads are in a better condition for it A further grant of 111054.84 wan made to the Village of Exeter, be:ng the balance of cost of construction for the 20 -ft, cement roadway built this summer. OC this amount Exeter pays back the sum of $6632,90, raised by special levy, the balance of $442.L94 is thegeternmente share of the. grant, Reeve "leasers deserves 'credit for getting this matter all straightened up before the end of the year. The mailer of hawing all taxes for dogs paid into the county was discuss- ed, but no action' was taken. 411.1.1.•••.•••••, A eery favoreble report Hurah County Home was presentede showing the proceeds :from the sale of farm produce amounted to about $7000. Very few accidents on County Good Roads were paid this year as the coun.- ce is discouraging this, except in just- ifiable cases. MOM 1,1.,••• Warden Petty Iwas presented with a gold headed cane, and an address at the closing session, of the council. DROPPED DEAD AT HENSALL. He,nsall Dec. 13—Miss Esther Moore !dropped .dead here to -day gt 12,30 p. in. She had just coaled at the gen.eral post office for her mail and was ap- p.arently in. good health. About one block from the post office she, sud- denly Sell and expired before a doctor could be summoned Her untimely demise is ascribed to ;heart trouble, Miss Moore ,wes acting as a compan- ion tfor Mrs, J. Hoggerthi. She leaves tno .near reaatilves so far as can be ese certained. but distant relatives in the West have been notified. Miss Moore 'was ;about 35 years of age, and her death comes as a great shock to her many friends. One Great Truth THAT COMPLETE THE BEST FLOUR, IS SUCCESS 1N BAKING DEMANDS " Model ' A HIGH GRADE BLEND THE PERFECT FLOUR. LET THE COOK, PROVE THIS. WE ORDERS. GIVE SUBSTANTIAL . REDUCTIONS ON 'LARGE EXETER FLOUR FOR EXETER PEOPLE. Harvey Bros. • ARRESTED, eSCAPED, RE -AR - Local News RESTED, SANT VP FOR. TRIAL Turkeys the favorite Chrlistmee George Pearee„ giving his occup,a birds are very scarce in this locality. tion, as private detective, and coa Miss Johnston nurse, arid jade mtaa salesman* dropped toff the soutbbound train at Hensell on .Friday morning Betty Deems, rite visiting in Toronto foe two or three weeks. last. and after spending ,some time disposing W some overcoats and pre Miss Davidson, Deaconess of T.or- sending to be, in search of the miss onto eepresenting the Upper Canada ere laillionat'see, Small, he cane uncle Tract Society's Misieon to Sailors, is the ,suspicion pf leigh Caestable A a guest at the Rectory. Whitesides, whceerrested hen. 0 Ai r. Fmk Brimeeombe of Handete search being made a, revolver wa Mena is in. On -eerie>, vesieng his fath- found un his person and he was plac- er eir, Chas. Brimacombe London eedsdosen4n:e4iSs 40sZninpags tpathrkoelrhlt ohmtpard:ehadvaeb rist the bars of the cell. He walked down the track to a point below Centralia • and then went east. About noon on Saturday he was recaptured in Lon - EXECUTIVE OF 11.7.P.O. AND don, and on Alendae ,mornine was TEMTERANCE ORGANIZATION brought back to Hensalli where he was given, peelintinery hearing, and OF HURON COUNTY MEET was eta up for tree. Beef:des the AT HENSALL. carrying of the revolver he was und- er the charge of stealing gods—an oeercoat and other articles in Wing - .A. meeting of the executive of the ham and the executive o! the Tem- perance Organization of Huron county was held in Honsall on Mon- day afternoon to discuss the ulatter of having a license inspector ap. Mr „Melville M:tchell, who met with pointed. Mr. Andrew Hicks, M.P.?, a se;1043$ a"idene 3°1" time ago ip opened the meeting and said the British C°1.1un143' ""d home frnce and and vesl:t eith khis Mr. Mitchell had. both sent in their ot,ers friends fpr a. Eiritb.rothers and omer inspectors, Mr. Torra Mjcbgan resignations. He asked that a chair- Ithi!rtiees. lkhantsien7liFse, tire in man and secretary be appointed for aunt, Mrs. :11-cLease un ra Meeting. Air. Black was appointed: Rev Jefferson ,of Granton took chairman and Mr, W. H. Willis of Charge of The services in. the church • Wnighana, secretary. Mr. Black then here Cdt Sunday in The inee"at ut: Sac called on the raember for South 131 EvaagellsCe work, while Rev. Sia stair teak charge of Elimville. Huron, Mr. Hicks, who in a very Next Sabbath Sunday Sehote, mute able rammer explained the need of versary eerveses wet ba taken charge an awakening of the people. He said o by Rev. Johnsen of Lucan„ and in be had always stood for temperance' 4he evening by Rev. Sunelaea and intended to do so. He said, mor- Mr. and Mrs. Baynham have teatime ally. we are not as well off as we the work of being caretakers of tie' were four years ago. His remarks clmre,1%. were both inspiring and helpful. 1 11/403rati"s are /V-412; Math. "'or 11" Several anpileatiOnS were read, for :Christmas teceecert for the Sunda scho.,d, on Tuesday •evening, Dee. 71. the inspectorship, but only two of (Intended for last week.) those were present. Mr. Down of Graud Dezzd, and r, PeUow, of God- Two car loads of baby beet left the erieh, both of whom addressed the nut"' `here on !toms market. Tuesday for Toronto gathering giving reasons why they/ and Airs. W. Hodgins left on were seeking the appointment. • Friday to reside in London. A. ,night Mr. Down spoke of the 'work he 1, or two before their friends presented had been doing as an officer of the ' them with a purse of $50, as atokee law at Grand Bend, and said he had,ot aPnreelation• been offered thousands of dollars as —0—. bribes, but haaccepted anything in this way. He Crediton had never at any time also spoke of the gambling and Ira- The. Sunday School Concert of the mortality going on at the Bend, which he said was the gateway along the lake shore for boot -legging, and that they are now rounding up some of those engaged in this work. Many things he could tell, but would re- frain from doing so as a lady was in the audience. Mr. Fellow also spoke of his work during the five years he has been, tawa, ;est week in memory of her son, "livid who was killed n. action in engaged by the Temeprance Associa- ea.aaee during ow great war. The tion as county coestable. As a body medal is in the form of a cross indull the temperance people are behind (elver well the anstiels of ,the King Mr, Fellow, who ahs clone such splen- on ine eace and the regiment number did service in the cause, and has and name of deceased engravted en never shirked doing his duty, inLbe reverse s14. Wu are sure this many eases at very great risks. medal will be. much preed oy the After there address several mem- bers of the temperance executive Mrs. Catharine ,Finkle ...ter is visit - were called on for a few remarks, aintgEhxeerter.datghter, Mrs. Esti, Heywood a daughter. . Munn—At liensall, on Dee. 11, to, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Munn, a. daugh ter. a Ferguson—At Anderson, on Dec. 1, to t afr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ferguson, a daugleer—Irma Jean. MARRIAGES Hoskin—Rice—On Dec. 1, at the First r Methodist Church, London, Emile reenira Rice to W. Afevjj1c Hoskin n formerly ,of •Exeter. s ennison—Iretand—In IIensall, Dec, 8 William Francis Jetueson, to Susan a aisrle Ireland, bosh of Grand Bend. Centralia Methedist Stuulay stbooa, will be. held on Thursday, Dee. 23rd. Admiss- los 15c. and 20e. Good musical pro- gram at 8 o'clock. Miss Hazel Woodall is visiting her cousin. Miss Wilson, of London. Frederialt Heist- as in. Goderich this week as a inembee ot the jury. Mrs, Louis We'in, received a nat.dal arom the Department of Militia, ot- among them being Mr, A. T. Cooper, field secretary; Mr. Irwin, president of the Temeprance Association; Mr. Wallis, all of Clinton. Mr. George Elliott, Rev. Mr. Ford and. Dr. Clark of Goderich; Mr. Bennett and Mr. W. H. Willis of Wingliain; Mr. Carr, of Blyth; Mr. C. Harvey and Mrs. Beavers ot Exeter. The getter being the only lady representative, was called and gave a brief report of the work the women are doing through the county and assisting the officers of the law in their work. At the close of the jeint meeting a meeting of the executive of the U.F.O. was held. No decision as to a recommen- dation, for inspector was made as the executive was divided. Cljriotntcro Gift gutiaeottlatto SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Framed Pictures for the Home -- all price.5. Serving Trays (oval, square, & oblong) priced up to £5.50. Statuary — very suitable, for Gifts— priced up to $8.00 Cameras — for young and oad--priced up to $35.00 Snap Shot Albums — large choice -- priced up to $4.00 Photograph Frames in French Ivory, Silver,• Gilt and • hand - carved •• wood. Christmas Cards, Booklets, Tags, Seaas, and • Calendars in gat !variety. • Senior Studio and Art Store EXI.1,TER ••• ONTARIO Our merchants are complaining of the dull trade whitzh can be attr:buted the mild weather and the fact tha,t the public are not buying as he.av;.ly. Mrs, August E. ICashn and son, Jus- tin, cif Kerrobert, Saisk„ is v.-6ting !ler mother, Mrs. Welter Clark. So ,far: no. defisete 'Ward has been received from the Post-offic.: Dn- partment as to who will receive the contract to, carry the mail from here to Centralia and oven he ,two, rural routes. We understand there have been quite a number of tenders sent in for the job. Daniel Schroeder, who, recently mow - to his _farm near London, wais in the village Tuesday vsit:ing friends. • Painters and carpenters are busily •engaged in renovntAng the interior ntr the Bank, Mr. Edward Lawson of London vis- ited his brother Joseph ,on, Tuesday. Death ,of Mrs. 'Ewald—We regret to report the death of Mrs. Ezra Ewald which occurred on, 'Saturday,. The dece.asect had undergone a critical op- eration, but never rallied. Th.! cis- eurnstances are. particularly sad. Mr. and Mrs. Etvaild .had recently moved here from KitIchener and w.re tean- porarily located with Mrs. August .Ewald nraii they could occupy their home, out her death had:cancell- ed all plans. Tier remains were ship- ped to l.Citchetner from Aiasa, Craig on Saturday •;nd interment took place on Tuesdayl. A !short (service was con- ducted at the. home pf Mrs. Ewald by Rev. Hunch o Saturday before the remains were taloein to the .sltiltion. We extend to the sorrowing husband and relatives our slncerc sympathy. Death of IVIrs. Lawson.—We also learn with d,eep regret of the death of Eliza jane, wDe of Joseph Lawson, who passed away boo the Great Beyond on Friday, at the,eg,e ,of 60. years and four months,. Mrs. ‘Lawson had been ial tfor n rkumber of years, but was al- ways a 'patient , 'sufferer. She was a kind mother, a loming wale, a high- ly ,Despected. neighbor and had many friends. Her 'remake, were interred the Exetee cemetery on Monday. She, peaces to mourn hex loss, her husband and port„. ,Elrner, besides a large num- ber pf relatives 1 wham we extend our ,synapatty. BIRTHS McGillivray, an Dec. 10, to tir. and Mrs, Lawrence Sullivan, DEATHS Harmer—In Fullerton, an Dec. 5th, Agnes Melville, relict of the late James Harmer, in her 77th yeas. Kirk—In Kirkton, .on Nov. 30, Eliza- beth Stevens, beloved wife, of Wil- liam D. Kirk, aged 73 years. va.Letlan—At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on, Dec. 7, John McLennan at Parkhill aged 7Z years. Ewe'd—At Crediton, on Dec. 11, Clara wife of Ezra ewal(1. Lewso,n—In Stephen, on. Dec. 10th, Eliaa Jane, wafe of Joseph Lawson, aged MT years, 4 months. A. PAIR OF TWINS Taylor's Batteries 1"0-11. Taylor's Service FOR. THE WINTelt NIONTHS I WILL STORE BATTERIES FOR $2.50 EACH. OVERHAULING YOUR BATARY AND PUTTING IT IN FIRSr- CLASS CONDITION, .$3.00 COME AND SeE ME. BEFORE STORING YOUR BATTERY. Taylor Tire and Battery EX.E.TER, ONT. Nuts, Candy, Oranges • The Kiddies Stockings won't be compete without some of our assort-. eNuts, Pop Corn Balls, Creams, Carmels and Oranges. Von will eajoy buying your Sweets from our Candy Department,re . yo have such a large variety to choose from. All appropriate Christmas lines. ORANGES, We have a large shipment of New Cate 'ornirt Navels at old time prices. Thin sikn and very sweet. MINCE MEAT. We wish to recommend to you our special line of bulk Mince Meat made ,from s elect apples, dried fruits, spicea, suit and other pure ingred- ients giseng it a *hdercious; fruity flavor like real Homeenade Mince "Alklea t. Christmas hams)* by sending a box of "Paittersores" to all your Make.eTTER. OF GOOD TASTE," family and friends, Nothing voted be nore appropriete or satisfying or more in tune w.'111 the Christmas Spirit. You can't make a mistake, every one likes good Chocoates. CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS. Flowers convey just the thought you wish no matter what the occas- ion, We have some splendid plants at very reasonable prices. A pleat is always welcome in. a home, and makes a very economical gift. HARVEY'S 'THE CANDY SHOP" for Hot Chocolate and Oysters, HARVEY & HARVEY PHONE 102 DELIVERY J. A. STEW Phone 16 RT 33 1-3 p.c. off alt. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats We have still a good range cf Ladies' Winter Coats in Salts' Plush, Baby Lamb Pony Cloths Velours, in Brawn, Grey and Taupes. Brown, Greys and Blacks with Fur Collars. All these Coats are up-to-date models, and must be sold before Stock Taking. This discount brings Coats dawn to. Pre -War Prices. Take advantage of this opportunity. LOOK—A $45 Coat now $30; a $30 Coat now $20. • MAKE THIS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR THE XMAS. SHOP PING. MEN'S NECK TIES. See our range of Swell. Ties for Xmas. They make a very suitable gift for the men Ask to see our Special at $1.00, $1.25 $1.50. No tax, • COSY SLIPPERS Red, Blue, Rose., Brown, Grey and Black. Just the thing for a Xnias Gift, and very much apore stated by every lady. Also a full range in Children's Slippers • SILK MUFFLERS In the very latest patterns and designs Every man should have a muffler. Pick yours out before they are picked over. Give him a muffler for Xmas:. FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS • In. boxes andLon separatecards in. very neat patterns with lace edges and corners; also colored borders. Priced 15c. to 75c. INDIAN LACE CROCHET This is the, new, thing forcen- tre pieces. They come in all the sizes and different zhapes, •Priced 25c. to $6.00. BATHROBES & KIMONAS For men, women and children • in a nice .heavy Kimona Cloth; In a very neat pattern of light and dark colors. "They make ,Swell Gifts." THIS STORE WILL BE OPE Y AND FRIDAY NIGHT. • WEDNESDAY, THURSDA,N ,CHRISTMAS WEEK ON J. A. STEWART HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE. 1,3,•,11‘ ItsteftegeNa"aa"astatoessatesomesseeemoteenseeerleele•aereeeseetetteteeseate- • ° .. e eaesatteateiteeeeteareeeterfee esreease, eti •