HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-9, Page 81XErE i A]ITORATE, TH.UBBan4Y, BEE, Bi 18$1:1 ExeterMarkets j Local Doings 'hanged each. Wednesday Fall Wheat 1,70 Barley, hew ,,., . ,.65 to ?5 Oats, new Family Flour ,......,. 5,60 Feed Flour Shorts .,.,,..2.25 Bran, 25 Meld E...,. 2,Q0 s New Laid Eggs t. $5 Dairy Sutter,� ..,.. 54} Creamery •Bother t 1 35 way ,to recovery. ., T nrd ,.ti., Potatoes: ,.... . Parkhill merchants have agreed to make no late delivery of goods on Saturday night, There is no aushority for the re - report that one passenger train ton the L. H. &43. will be, cut off in the near future, Mr, Samuel Hunter of Usbarne, who has been. suffering from an acute at, tack of pneumonia, is ,now on a fair „ ,125 Hay ,,,.. '.... , ..h.27.0O Hoes 13.50 - Mr. Geo, Godbalt of Sunshine, last Hoest...i.. �., A'Ir, Then i Bissett of ,Marine City Mice., 7v, 1v- .i her seter-tn.lar•, Airs. L: H?rdy. ' The hone e' Mr. and :Mrs. Thoma Dewey, Mein Street, alas the scene,. of vera io•o > . ) u event on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week when on ea li evening quite a humbzr ce their Mime :Irate, relatives gathered to do them honor in celebrating the . rt .lt x,;t.=-versary of their wed- diee day. As kindly remembrances of the occasion those present gave eir. and Mrs. Di ney two beautiful easy chairs the firs% night and on the second a set of beautiful silver knives and forks. week moved ,to the farm he recently purchased from Mr. Henry Jones on the London Road South, known as. the Jerry Hearnan property. 1tr. and Mrs, Thos, Cameron of Us - borne during the week moved to town into the residence recently purchased s from Mr. Fred Luxton.. We welcome Ur. and efrs. Cameron to Exeter. The t Carter 'c t to Scholarships for r Huron hate been awarded to Miss ,li, Jean AJacEwan o: Goderich, William Wall- ace of Wingliarn and; :John R. Town- send of Clinton. The value; of the scholarships are $100, $60, and $40. The Milton butchers have reduced the price of meat Jin that town ten cents a pound, but they will make no delivery oz purchases, neither will they live cxdat. Would at not be a good move for Exeter butchers to do like- wise? Dudley h. Holmes, son of ; Dudley Holmes i;.,C,, of Wingham, has joined the firm of lawyers lot which Senator Proudfoot is the head. The firm is now known as Proudfoot, Killoran & Holmes with. offices in Goderich and Toronto. Mr. Earl Spackman, manager of the Merrchants> Bank at Thornbury, has been transferred to Bury, Queb:c, a town of 2200 population east of Montreal. Mr, Spackman established the branch in Thornbury and his promotion to a much larger branch b shotes that he hes made good, HE IS COMING.—A. E. Almond, the rioted eyesight specialat of Toronto will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, 17th and 18th of. December. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE Corner of William and Station Sts. Apply to Wm. or Homer ,Bagshaw, Exeter, TWO HOUSE'S TO LET, .Aptgy to Airs. ,A1 Cottle, Exeter. i;.indly have all orders for Christmas Cake acid Plum Pudding in before Mon day Dec, 20th.—Harvey & Harvey, ESTRAY STEER, There strayed unto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 14, Gon. 5, Hay:, a two-year-old steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses.—JOHN PENHALE. SHOWER FOR CHILDREN'S SHELTER. The Woman's Institute intend hold- inga. shower of Fruit, Jams, Jellies Toys Picture Books and "Christmas Cheer'' for the. Children's Shelter at Goderich. Any person wishing to contribute to such, please leave 'at Powell's. Bazaar by Dee. 15th, DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between C. L. Wilson, and S. W. Sims as grocers here, has been diestal%ied and the business in future will be> con- tinued by Mr. Wilson. All accounts due the late .firm ,are payable to Mr, :Wilson and mut be ',settled at once. NEW LIVERY. Having leased the, Baker barn, I have o opened a livery stable; therein, and am now prepared to furnish rigs to the public.—CLYDE HEYWOOD. FOR SALE. One second hand Stickney 3 H. P. gasoline engine, overhauled and in good repair. Also one ally new Fair- banks -Morse 8 1-4 grinder and bagger. Both offered worth price asked. New Fleury Rapid Easy" grinders, Ves- sot. or Joliette, and Fleury* roller crushers. Wel. WARD Remember the Bazaar in the Trivitt Memorial Church Hall on Friday, De- cember 10th. Aprons, Candy, Cook- ing. Admission 15c., including after- noon Tea. Will the' person seen removing a vinegar barrel from the back of Mac- kenzie's store on Tuesday night re- turn at once and avoid further trou- ble WILL BUY APPLES. Open to buy a limited quantity of hard apples. Tatman Sweets , 25c cwt. S, J. Vt. CANN, Exeter. TAKE NOTICE. Having disposed of my butchering business all accounts due me must' be paid at once, BEN. MAKINS. F'IUR COAT FOUND. On Sunday, Nov;. 21, on the Cred- iton. Road, near Shipka, a fur coat. ;Owner can have same by calling at this o`fsce aid paying for this notice. STRAYED. A yearling with pig ring in left. Finder rewarded by lean' informa- tion. r tion, at this or.'face or with Wm. Welsh London Road North. BARN FOR SALE. 30x50, with steel roof, in good shape to be removed next spring. Apply, SAM'L BEAVER, HAY P, O. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. 3. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to' 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8 D12. JOHN WARD; Chiropractor, William and .Sanders St, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 10 to 4.30. Consultation and examination free at office. Running_._ Eveny Day .. THE O.IK,'STEAM CIDER ia1LL' is pressing cider and making 'apple butter every day. Custom work done - as rapidly as possible. Sweet cider and apnte butter for sale. S; J. V. CANN, Phone 115 I, R. Carling, B, .. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commiissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons 'Bank, Dtc. Buy Province of Ontario Gold Bonds £1000 Bond due 1935 at $943.40 $ 500 Bond due 1935 .at 547L70 Yielding 6.60 per .cent, Interest half yearly ,at any Bank. Buy VICTORY BONDS at the m ket price, Orders received by me. eloney to loan at lowest rates of iteterest Office—Carling .Bk., Matin St, Exeter The officers of Exeter Lodge Not 67, I,O.O.F„ were last week re-elect- ed for another six :months,--N.G., R. W. Fuke; V.G., Asa Penhale; :R,. 'S 7 R.N. Creech; h :FS:. W . Johns; s• Trea S 'E M. Dignan; Medcal Examiner, Dr.G. Grahetnt; Trugtees, W. _Martin, W. Johns, R. N. ,,Creech, Four years ago a carload of news- print weighing 25 tons Cost $925 f.o.b. the mill gat, Quebec. Note the same costs $3,250. This is one of the rea- sons that it is ,necessary for all news- papers to raise subscription and ad ar- vertjsi:ng rates, event at,the ,face of re- dactions in 'some lilies of goods, TO PROTECT SHEEP FROM' DOGS The Act respecting dog tax and sheep protection, which comes into force on April 1st next, makes ' It cumpulsory for all owners of dogs to procure numbered tags to be supplied by the council, and for killing dogs without tags. The minimum' tax for not procuring_ a tag is S10. CoujXty` councils are eu,:horized to pass by- laws requiring all dog tax and license collected after 1920 to be paid tothe County Treasurer and form a Sheep Protection Fund, all claims to be paid y the County, for which purpose val tlators are to be�� appointed. DEATH 01" THEODORE KRUEGER After an illness of come months, due a gely ,to advanced years, the death'. ocurred at the home of his daugh - er ,Mrs. C. B. 1IcGi11, 239 Grand Avenue. Loadon, on Theodore True er a former well-known resident of Stephen Tp., near Dashwood. He was 89 years o: ge. Deceased was born in Germany, but spent the greater part of his life ;,n' Canada, on the 14th concession of Stephen Township. A few years ago he ,event to London to reside with hos daughters. His ;wife died several years ago. Four daugh- ters and one son survive, ,Mrs, James Bissett, Mrs. McGill and John, Lon- don, Mrs. A, E. Fuke, Exeter, and AMS. Abe Bagshaw of Carstairs, Alta, The .remains were brought by trainto Exeter on Tuesday morning, and in- terment was made In Exeter cense- tery the funeral being private. The Horan Old. Boys of Toronto at their annuel meeting last week elect- ed the following of t ecers :--Hon, Pres- idents Sir John Willison, Senator 1 Proudfoot and G. A. Newton; Pres., F. T. W. Hodgson; vice-president, Mrs, t R. G. King; chaplain, Rev.J. A. Rob- imam: secretary, F. li f oody ; Treas., g, Capt. Proudfoot; auditors, John Rob-. ertson and F. A. Sheppard; executive Mesdames Marlin, Beck, Ferguson. Scott, Moody, Morrish, McKinnon, Burton. and Cobbledick, and Messrs, E. S. Caswell, H. W. Timmins, Rev. 1•.I. W. Neal, 7darlii. Holmes, Morrish, Scott, Fingland and Major Bell. With eighteen players registered, a fair financial start, an excellent rink for lights and sheet of ice. and room for spectators on end and sides, a natty green and orange uniform, w fach like the well-known Goldie oehrane, it looks as though nothing remains but encouragement and pat- ronage of the citizens, and good winter weather , to place the Eneter-Zurich hockey team in the front rank in, the CeILA and N,H.L,, both of which they have entered. Goldie may even be re- instated in amateur hockey himself. It is ten. years since he played profes- sional hockey and having been over- seas and twice wounded, we -believe he should be re -instated in the ama- teur game.. Following are ttha names of some from this neighborhood subscribing to the Laurier Monument Fund;-- Exeter—R, nd--Exeter-R, E. Pickard, W. Jr Nea- man, Donald McInnes, J. G. Jones, R. W. Gladman, S. Martin, J. H. Grieve, H. Hastings, B. WI. F. Beavers, E. J. Christie, G. Harvey, J. S.. Harvey, Ex- h eter Times, H. E. Huston, E T. Rowe Wesley Snell, George Manson, B. S. Phillips. J. G. Stanbury, Chas, Harvey, R. G, Seldon, WI. W. Taman, W. G. A:edd, J. W. Browning, M. D., Wm. i Sweet, V.S., Henry Smith, Crediton -Charles, Zwicker, Mrs. C. Zwicker T J. Collie's. e JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Oa Sunday and Monday last the anniversary of James 'Street Metho- dist Church was celebrated with spec- ial Sunday services, and a Congrega- tional Meeting an the !allowing even-- ing: Sunday morning the pastor, Rev, AI, J. Wilson, occupied the pulpit, and in the evening Rev. W. G. H, McAlister of Main Street Methodist church, a former f m r asto r r enc pastor, lied. Both h s- er mons were of high order and appro- priate to the. anniversary occasion. Special ,music was rendered by the choir assisted by the Doherty Male Quartette of Clinton. The selections y the quartette were very pleasing and well received; as were also the anthems by the whole choir.. ren Monday evening the, Congrega- tional Meeting, and, Tea were thorough - y enjoyed by the large number who. were present. The musical numbers were good, and much interest was entree! in the contest between nine '•pups representing the Canadian rovinces, which groups were in con- test endeavoring to induce a number of supposed foreigners to settle tri their respective, Provinces. It was very enjoyable. The British Columbia group came out >on •top, and won the prize, a box 01 chocolates, The pro- gram was so:lowed by a bountifulsup- per provided by ttie ladies o1 the con- gregation. erre unanimous opinion was that 'ekes was the mos: enjoyable congregational meeting of the church for many years. The antii'ersary was different from other anniversaries from the fact that >no special appeal; was made ,for money This was made possible by aa appeal last Spring for an increased weekly offering, thus making it possible to eliminate ith>e anniversary appeal and also the pew repos Zurich—Ed. Wurm, Andrew Hess, g Wm. Lamont, Alf. efellfck, D. Du- r charme John Laporte, Chas. Fritz, F. C. Kalbfleisch, John Preeter. Centralia—Andrew Hicks, Wm. Col - will, .Sa.m'1 Davis, John Essery, John Kent. Usborne—Wm. Moodie, T. J. Allli- son. T rivit t Memorial Church 11 a. m.—"The Lamb—Symbol of Vic- tory." 7.nm,—"Severe Golden Candlesticks. Rev A. A. Tsumper, Rection CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CTRURCH Rev. ,Tames ..Foote, B. A., . Minister Regular services next Sabbath. The Guild will meet Thursday ev- .eving at 8 o'clock. Devotional meet- ing. Annual meeting of ofacers and teachers of the Sunday school on Friday at 8 o'clock. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. Social Service and Evangelism Field Day. 11 a.m.—Revt, Jt. el. •Johnston, B.A., of Parkhill. 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes . 7 p.m.—Rev. e T. George, B. A., of Parkhill„ Helpful music—A welcome to all. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 Evange7,i£al'end Social Service Day 11.00' aen., ev: - T. T. George; 3 n,m.—Sabbath School and Bible Classes. 7:00 p.m.—Rev. J, H, Johnson, B.A. B. S. BETHANY -- Bethany --Rev. J. H. Johnson. Ur. ,Merve Vizncen t is home from London. Mrs. a Becker and, little daughter, Bettie, visited .over Sunday Wathrel- atives here. The Reeves and Deputies are at- tending Huron County' Counce in der • Goic . u •h this vteelc... Major W. J. Heamain attended the annual meeting of the 33rd Regiment at Clinton on Monday night. Mr. and . Mrs. Jos: Hawkins, after speeding .several. menthe in the West returned home Saturday last. Mrs. A.:E . Fu.ke ares in London dur- ing the week owing oto the death of her father, the elate Mr. Krueger. Mrs. George Easterbrook and daugh- ter; Miss Phoebe, attended the funeral of a ;relative in aSeafoath last week, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd off the r Caner West, Caned -an V t near 07e Baht1 d tC are ` ters ti rents, 1hir. and Mrs. ;Thonass spend, a .Ce weeks with the tat- EiMliot rst.,W E. Kerr, B. \A., is the gueee of Miss ,Stella Gregory. Mre Kerr has been Principal of Post Rowan High School, but is recuperating, after ase - 'ere illness, Ars Fames .. Bijstsettt, Mr. tinct Mrs YAC v'• t. a t G zi, �t1John, Krueger, and Mr, Richard Bissett of London were here r Tuesday attending the funeral, of the late Mr. Krueger. 1 t SHONE $2 JONES & 1.V[A PHONE 3t Great Charing Sale of Furs for the Next 15 Days. 25per cent. discount -off fur sets a Owing to the unfayoeabie weather for selling Fess, wte teal offer for the next 15' days a -discount of 25 per cent off our entire stock of Fur Sets, in- cluding fur sets, neck pieces and muffs These include. Natural Wolf, Sable Wolf, Black Wolf, Fox, Muskrat Persian Lamb, etc, For instance, a :.et priced at $60 will now sell for $45; a 540 set for $30; a $30 set for $22.50, etc., Don't miss this opportunity. LADY'S FUR GOAT SPECIAL. --1 only lady's Bolivia Beaver Coat, beautiful queeit, of beaver, fancypop`in lined regularly $185, sale price $159 iriet DON'T FORGET OUR SALE OF LADIES' CLOTH WINTER COATS. SUITS AND DRESSES. e All Ladies', Misses' and Girls' Cloth Winter Coats must go, regardless of cost, litany styiiah coats to select from. 15 only Ladies' Black Coats including velours, plush, and Salts'. baby lamb, to clear at $25,95 each, CLEARING SALE OF SWEATERS Ladies' all wool coat sweaters, respular colors, clearing at 57.95 each, Ladies' all wool pullover sweaters clearing at $5,95 each. 'lien's Heavy Union Sweaters clearing at $4,95 each, . LADIES' GEORGETTE BLOUSES REDUCED. 3 dozen Ladies' Georgette and Crcepe.-de-chore blouses greatly re- duced—price for quick selling. SALE OF COLORED UNDERSKIRTS 2 dozen underskirts in popular colors regularly $2,50 and $2.75, clear• ing at one price $1,95 each. • A REAL S ILK BARGAIN Hundreds of yards of Swiss Dress Silks fn black, .navy,, taupe, etc., en Duchess, hTessal ne and Taffeta greatly redueed .in. price for December selling. A BARGAIN IN YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS. 20 young meres smart winter overcoats regularly $25, to clear at $19.75 A 'few mens gooa heavy winter overcoats at $155,00. CHRISTMAS GOODS. Our Stock of Christmas Goods is now complete and ready for inspection. Fancy handkerchiefs, linens, purses, hosiery, etc. An, enormous stock to select from. your r JONES & ■ AY Mr. Oscar Anderson, of Sarnia spent Wednesday with . his parents here. - Mr• T. H. Newell is ,attending a meeting of the Shriners in London this week. Messrs. T. Nelson and A. Delve are in Windsor this week doing some repair work on. Mr. E. Fowell's car. The total value of field crops in Canada during 1920 is estimated to be $1,636, 664,900. t► SINCE 4,1870 sTQPSCOUGHS DR, At E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McD•on,eli's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Off,ice—Brokers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or might. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good coedition. Geldings 5 years old up, weithing ing from 1500 pomade. up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G., J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer ,for Counties of Hutton and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario,. NEW TERM FROM NOVEMBER 1, CENTRAL " t3TRATFORD.- ONT. The leading Commercial School of. Western Ontario. : Commercial, Short- hand and Telegranh departments. Graduates placed in positions. Stu- dents may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue„ Dr' A. McLachlan, Principal MONEY TO LOAN We havelarge a amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN 8r STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, . Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night Office— De Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exe tier. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED' AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, -Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wan e:rooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Dr, G. F. Rou1stoetf, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! GREAT BARGAIN IN FURNITURE R. N. ROWE THE UNDLRTAKER AND FURNI. TURE DEALER Motor Hearse in. Connection, Phones 20J and 20W. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line °all and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ee. Produce takenin exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT EROS: SPECIALS ! SPECIALS I Coats and.Dresses DRESSES -18 CATS -90 Beautiful Silk Serge and Triicotin,e Dresses, all new ";from makers. This, is aere ' a s P I purclr!ase and regular pric- es were . up to ,555.00: Don't miss seeing this Iot. YOUR CHOICE ..529.80'' Misses and; Ladies.' Coats, all this season's eabr'ics i'arid styles, including, good, warns blanket cloths, and. Vel- ours and Silvertenes. • YOUR. CHOICE of any coat $24,95 (Baby Lamb and Flushes not included), Southc tt Bros.