HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-9, Page 5The distinctive Red Rose flavor, aroma and rich,
is found d
fall h '
In every Red Rose Sealed
Never sold in bulk.
A,I.c�LI I
Cives a larger return for life than is obtainable
from any other form of investment with absolute
security,. •
Free from Dominion. Income Tax.
Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over
the age of 5 may purchase, to begin at once, or at any
later date desired, anAnnuity of from $5 "" to $5,000,
to be pale, in monthly or quarterly insta'tnents.
Any tw i persons may purc:ir.se jo:xst'y
Exp <il,,;rs inay•p :relse for tl,ei employees.
Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage . ree, to S. T. Bastedo,
Super n.en lint of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other
information required. I+,"Iention age last birthday.
McGillivray Council
Coa^r.'ii me; p.of 4,ij:*u: :u.
ne',3t ng wt ; • r esd Fl Oka -111. .7`
131".saR_e - 1"hat h
gating 57.2 . lie i a 1,,._( ur:ed,�
Maguire--Le+w `—That
of 1920, arra - ii•. a r,'-1,• '-a': -
bur, nohn'.na t 1.T ` , , ; .•: a :.+v. I +..::.
ty returnin ,
be reit' ;t thir"l Clue _ ..
-clic, Con.. i`. hen adji,u. e ` •. ivy..
o;: ISee 15th, . " 1 o t'ikab'i, p.m,.
J. lib J it unlnnoncl
of the stomach has upset many a
night's rest. If your stomach is acid -
disturbed, dissolve two or three
on the tongue before retiring and en-
joy refreshing sleep. The purity and
goodness of Ki -molds guaranteed by
on Lot 17, Con. 7, Usborne Township
os TUESDAY, DEC. 14th, 1920
A, 1 o'clock, sharp, the following :—
Horses --Clydesdale snare, 4 years old
.registered No. 44572; 1 mare, 5 -yr "old,
Agrisulture; 1 mare 7 -yr -old, agricul-
ture; 1 driving horse, 4 years old.
Cattle—Pure Bred -1 cow, dual pur-
pose Shorthorn, Bracelet Beauty No.
107095. with calf at foot;' 1 cow, Brace
let Queen No. 126101, c3 year old, due
in March; Bracelet Mary, 3 months old.
Grades -2 fresh cows, 1 cow .due in
March; 1 colo due in February; 2 cows
due in April; 2 two-year-old heifers
2 one-year old steers ; 1 nae -year old
heifer, 3 calves.
Pigs -18 pigs average 150 lbs; 1. sow
tivith litter at foot; 1 sow due in Jan-
uary; 1 York hog. .
Poultry 50 pure-bred White Wyam-
,dotte hens and a number of roosters.
Grain,. and Roots, -600 bush. of man -
golds, 60,0 bush. turnips, quantity of
.mixed grain,. 200 bush. seed oats No.72
Ihnplements, Etc.—One 7 -ft binder
McCormick; 1.6 ft. binder, Massey -
Harris : 6 -ft. mower; 12 .hone drill, cul-
tivator 4 sec. harrows; Wagon and box
nearly new ; truck' wagon, gravel` box
hay rack, root puiper, 'top buggy, omen
.buggy, De Laval No. 12 separator, let
bobsleighs, two -furrow plow, wa;Iki:ng
p1o.v set double harness, nearly new;
set single harness; one bed and spring'
2'Wash stands; 8 dining chairs, 2 rock-
ers, number of pictures, and other ar-
ticles Los (numerous to jmention, -'
No reserve as the proprietor is giv-
ing up .farmistg.:.
Terms—All sums of $10 and under
cash; over that. amount 10 months'.
credit approved joint notes, or a
discount of 4 per cent off for cash.
Auctioneer Trot) rie,tor
B. M. Francis, Clerk \.,
Unc.xceiied dining, car service:
• Sleepun,g ca:^ it night trains and
Parior cars 0,, :, nicipal day trains.,
Ful n orma esus from' sty Grand
Trunk Ticket Ager, or C. E. Horn-
ing District Passions , 1e?'fit. Tor-osiso
Pilose 4t w.. Age ; C ret
Rev. Je fer..on-and Morley Wass are
cenditl ' 1:etlio:list ct,nferc•ne.' at
t"hath:in Iii we:k.—Mrs. John \Vr ght
came home Fri71 v after a vis:'. with
ler p.rent, at •Lambeth. Mr. and Mr%
Fle:tor Nlillson of London visited. last
wee* with trends here and at Z',on.—
A - very int., re,.wug debate ivas giv'n
at 'hC I.ei= ue here on :Monday tsveninu
"•Re -olce1 that Paul was a greater man
than Moses." Re •ult was Pi prints ..f'or
Mast•., ani 1'i p >i'ttti -Paul.—f)aa' t
a number !':on1 ::^('unci here are attend
lir the tit _*"t 1• h i:,«,•ISIotPs
ing is tis citric di r•ct., and fall
,wtheat i'+
A. I.. Sr.:mienan, and N. A. Can,tin
,rvvr r,a 1 the• Si., Joseph Fish Cum -
pony plant, consisting; of nets, boats
i.e. 1 houses, etc. ,:> C. 1:et' and
+_: r1 ;e I3risssti,.—Mrs. 5. 3i"urtz of
i Pi ;e0.1 M k ,1 , :s w sit:'n„ helatty e.i here:
—,tits l.c ;ebert and Mrs. I. L.
\Vu n :" k 'l;tors wi,'1 the ':ornier's
sister, M. V. Si;,ebert, at Winsiltam.—
;eMr Irvin. lEskste n o: tT h 'all vis: t-
d relatives and friend; 'n tills vicinity
last week. Ai the West Huron Tea-
! churl' Conventi pn Zurich was chos.en
:i:; one of the 'fetchers' Library cen-
tres. Teachers in the, vicinity may ob-
• till book, ,at any time roni Mr. N.
E. Dahms,—Mr. Wm. Kropp received
a i 1e quarter of venison that was sent
i to ti n by Ws scant, 1)r. Hubert I lope
o; I(imond, Ont.
Pub:it' Notice is hereby even that a
meetingo' of the Elector: ,> '+1 Town -
s�hip Sieph'e;n, wwi'rll be held n the
MONDAY, DECEMB.b...R 27th, 1.920
At 1 o'clock i'n stile afternoon, for
ithe pu-rpose of making and receiv,ng
nominations for Reeve, Deputy-Rerve,
and Councilmen. And further
notice is hereby given that in
iia event o: mon: candidates being
for any pa: titular office than
required' 'to be. elect -id, the (proceed-
ings will be adjourned .until Monday,
January 3rd, 1923, when polls will be
opened alt 9 a. m., at the following
places,, as fixed by ,Tomis.hip by-law,
Poll 1, 'Mills' Shop, Los 5, Con, 1,
Henry Mills D. R. A.; Nelson, Baker,
Poll Clerk.
Po.I 2,..Penh,a.le's Kitchen, Lot 20
Con. 2, Wm. Dearing, D. R. O.; Asa
Penhale, Poll Clerk.
Poll 3, Barber Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6,
Alonzo Hodgins, D. R. 0,; .Geo, Hirt
zel, Poll Clerk.
Poll 4, Town Hall, ,Lot 10, 'Con 7;
W. H. Wenzel, D. R. O,+. ; Henry Beav-
er, Poll Clerk. •
Poll 5, Walker's Kitchen,' Lot 11,
Con. 13 David' Lippert, D. R. '0.;
P. Sullivan, Jr., Poll Clerk.
Poll 6, Zimtner's Hall, Lot 23, Com,
N. B. ; Ed. G. • Kraft, D;. R. 0.; John
Graybiel, Pall Clerks
Poll 7, McKeller's Hall, Lot 11, Con,..
17; •Ernest Keys, D. ,R. -0.; David
McKenzie, Poll Clerk. •
Poll 8, Pall'ock's Ha)11, ,Lot 40, Con
S. B. ; W. H. Hayter, D. R. 0.; Frank
Turner, Poll Clerk.
Poll 9, 'Brenner•'s( Hall, Lot 1;, Satible;
John Gill, Dr; R. 0.; Emery Des jairdi�ne
Poll Clerk.
All electors are hereby requested
to take 'notice and :gover-n themselves
Returning Officer.
Crediton- Dec, 10, 1920
London Business Institute
It; pays to investigate before choos-
iang a school. Write for information,.
Now is .a good time to enroll,
Pranc i:pal
' Vice -Print.
(Intended for last week,)
Special services ,for women were
held ia the ?Vletlhodist Church on Sun-
day evening. .Mrs. J. R. Mollard of-
Grand Bend was present and gave an
ear test and. thoughtful appeallor bet-
ter service iia the 1yerid and church.
The children oftho churches hereare
practising ,for :their Christmas con-
certs.—Miss, ,Adah McGregor is re-
covering from an, attach of scarletfe-'
ser,—Mrs. ` , •Stewp, dson is not auf-
foring ras much pain, but remains very
'.veal( yet. His many friends are anx-
ious itor his recovery;.—A quiet wed-
ding was solemnized at the Corbett
p^.rsonage on Nov.. 27th, when Miss
3tallfe Mason, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs
.klason, was marred to Mr. '43-r, O.
Wareham of Sarnia, Rev. I). W. WV'i-
lams, B.A., officiating. The bride
wore o a bzowvn silk dress and travelled
in a navy blue suit, 'After a honey -
moan. spent in Toronto and Allendale
they wilt reside zr Sarniaa All wish
them many years of happiness and
prosperity.. The bride will be much ,
missed in S.S. and among her many
old ;friends.
daughter, 14irs. 0, Simpson of Bruce-
itield.—Mr. Rabit, J. Drysdale is im-
proving rapidly from his serious "11-
A very enjoyable evening was sp.nt
nese and is now able to lie around the
house,. -Mr, and airs. Whiite of De-
troit are spending a week or so, with
relatives and cfrleends in Henssalf and
vicinity.—In the absence of Rev, Mr.
McConnell, who was, called to Toronto,
his forsuet•home, Rev. Mr. Clifton, who
has been residing in our village far
some months, took charge of the ser-
vices.—Hiss Christina McEwen, who
has been in Regina, ,Sack., for some
months as a trained nurse, nursing her
sister lice.), -Mrs. Beach, returned last
week accompanied by her sister and
her four children.—Mrs. Smith of Hag-
-I lle is ' s is,lting her brother, Mr.
Walter Ilabkirk,—Mrs..C. A.McT) -
ell has returned from Toronto, wile
she spent a couple of weeks with her
daughter and friends. --A quiet wed-
ding took place at the, Methodist par-
sonage son,.,,,(. an Saturday, Nov. 27, when
atiss Pearl Moore and Mr. John A,
Sharp of Watford were married.—Mr
alight, who has spent the 16 years
in Manitoba, has returned to Hensali,
where he will spend the winter,—Mrs.
Wurtz of Pigeon, Mich., who has been
vile=:ting her sister, ('firs. Merrier, left
on Friday for home, accompanied by
her mother, airs. _lielUck, who will
spend the winter with her.
Warden Petty is attending County MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED
`lsineGo ery ch. tl� rhRobtt Bon file, Strictly eontidentlal; do witness:
+ ,life Lay• C H. S;utciezg, at the Advocate
Mrs. Shane, of 1MIonletori. The funeral
took place'on Friday from his late :es-
10d.ence to Kirktox Union Cemetery.
at the iaonte of ,'fir. Arthur Jones, a r
new resident of Lumley, Friday last.
spent gins progresswe euebre ,'and- af-
ter a dainty lun'-1i the time passed
very rapidly, the sossoarty enjoying a
variety of g' -nes Afte--:4irs. Jones'
reading, "Conae lueaceq, ' all retired to
to their respective homes, thinking
Mr, and Mrs. Jones splendid entertain-
ers and wishing that .in ;the near fu-
ture that all would have the privilege
of attending a sintliar event. -=Messrs.
John Bolton, John Glenn and Stewart
McQueen are attending the Fat Stock
Show at .Guelph. --Mr. and Mrs. John
McQueen, on their return from
Thainesford visited Mrs, Wm. Genn
of London,
SFA —1
sAnn FergusonRTII. ,oar •�
wife of John. Morrison, (lied on Now
ember 28th, after several months'
illness. Born in ,Ireland in, 1844 she
came to thjss country, as a child and
lived many years in McKillop and Sea-
forth. The husband and one snn sur -
FULLARTON—The death occurred
at the home of his son, John Foster
in his 78th year, Deceased was a ma
tive of England, but emigrated here;
at an early age. Ile ,Leaves to mournG
his loss one son, David, with whom he
has been residing, and one daughter, 1
lir The plump, rosy cheek, r,
a well-nourished body,
are the best evidences
of strength and vigor.
. r
is used in tens of thou- „t
e sands of homes every
day. It improves
the appetite, pro-
motes growth and
sustains strength„
he:Mt& nawrne.Torrut,a Ont. Zr
oar > t■ er ortt.
From a photograph
taken in Mr. Rath-
maninoT, /foal,
Neuf York City.
on.the Mw ,d
11,..ACHMANINOFF has not
only Made RE -CREATIONS for
the New Edison. He has also made
recordings for one of the standard
talking -machines.'
We are glad to announce that
these talking -machine recordings
may now be heard. We Want you
to hear them—and compare 1 De-
termine for yourself which gives
you the real Rachmaninoff.
Let us play ` Rachmaninoff's
Edison RE -CREATIONS for you.
Mark how clear, how true the
piano tone. See how every note
in his runs, every accent in his in-
terpretation, every- shade in his
pedalling is perfectly RE-CREATED,
This was proved by a' test made
at Mr. Rachmininoff's home in.
New York City. He played the
Second Hungarian Rhapsodie
(Liszt) in direct comparison with
the RE-CREATION of his perform.
ance by the New Ediscn. The
absolute fidelity of the RE-CREATION
to the artist's original peformance
astounded the listeners.
Make the Rachmaninoff corn-
parison. It will guide you right
in selecting your Christmas phono-
Ask also
about our Budget Plan
It brings your New Edison for
Christmas without squeezing your
pocketbook. Remember, too, that,
in buying a New Edison. now, you
are virtually buying a before-the-
efore-the war -value with an after -the -War -
dollar. The price or the New
Edison has increased less than 15%
since '.1914 :(United 'States .prices),.
and • a portion of this increase .-is
war tax: "Edison stood\the gaff"
to keep his favorite invention'
within the reach of every one who
loves beautiful music.
J. Willis Powell, Dealer,
Exeter, Ontario
"'Me Phonograph
nal -a Seoul"