HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-2, Page 8r." EXETER ADVOCATE: `PUURaU.AY.' DEC. 2, i820 Exeter Markets Local Doings +.:t teed each t\'edn<esday \\*.+ .hoe*e had a lice bit 4f fall n ea - 1.80 the.r !for the past £ew days 65 to '7S Don't worry about your Christmas „••5.70 Cake, See Harvey's a,d. on front page, Fal: Wheat .. .. Barley, new ...,.; Oats, ,newe .. Fzoni'y 1`no'ir w Feed 1.':o n hoa,a Br.m. lie:(1 Eggs N4 r t aid Egli, Dairy ,clutter Creamery Rutter ,; ti Lard Po ai-es ., Haw .. Hogs ,,.,3.OU :‘1,r, and Mrs. Curtis • Harness have 2.25 moved into pert of Miss Elston's house 2.00 tr:, Andrew Street. 55 \}- Archie Towers, es off duty these $0 dales owing to a. large ,j'ob's comforter ee on the back of his .neck. 62 Its. R. N. Rowe .has been under, 35 the does -ere care this week, owing to 1.50 an alt °'1: o," rheumatism. 27.00 a}.; Fletcher of Thames Road oc �.. ...14.50 , up,e:i the pulpa of Caven. Presby ternan Church on Sunday. \GTH OF THE FARMER. wrr. Samuel Hunter of Usborne `oeimad to his bed suffering from a were. attack of pneumonia. --- Mr and Mrs. Thos. Dinney are cel - Rt et: ewers have dearly demon-- ese „tan. the fifth anzti,versary of thein stra.ed tee reser -of organized. Agri- wedding b: entertaining friends Weee Ase rocs :doing, your bit?,nesday ani Friday evenlegs o; this Are yoe -ceding The Fanners' weeks Sue, the Oreste of the Ontario farm- : Mr. Peter Gowan, formerly of Us- ersF No ether publication fights the borne, ww he was recently appointed ?let -mess' t ruse with :he same vigor. i to.vn ele4 o; \%in;ham, has resigned, No ether pies_ caters its readers as;itpparently 6prete-ring to continue his great value incl \ dually, or as business t teaching duties. farmers Its market reports are worth; Jaynes Street Methodist Church an- rnenv times tile, subscription price.. niversary will be held next Sunday The twice -a -week service of The when Rev. Wilson, the pastor, wi3. Fanners' `un o osts more than twice preach in the morning and Rev, Me the subscript:oa price Of $1.50. Are Mister ' ei the everar;,ng. you doing your bit to strengthen the On Wednesday evening a hearty re- mov..meat ? The most effective way e option eels Wednesday to Sir. and Mrs. to do this is by reading The Farmers Preston Dearing at their home, Con. .0 a and by getting your neighbors to '. . to' en, the bride and groom hawr- euhscribe t The greater :he Sun's dr ing returned from the;r wedding trip. eulation the greater the growth of the movement. The strength of the mov:-'' It is understood that after Decent- ment is that you make it. Let all bet- 1st the Ontario Temperance Act help and the proper time is now. will be .n:orced .n Huron, not the d v s seri tion only01,50 (=•T.= •, as a result off the recent Sen your ub ip twi•e-a week, one year. The Farmers'.lareely signed pe.ieoe sent to Ottawa. Sun, Toronto, Bishop Williams of London Confirm- ed a elates o£ five in the Trivi,ttMe- FENHALE—DOWN. A. quiet•w+ed -ding 'took place on,'Nov. 24th a't the Methodist parsonage, Car-. bett when Miss "Elia Ray Down, daugh ter of :Mr. and ]Mrs,, 'George Down of near Grand Bend, became the bride :qr. Russell Gordon Peuhale, on of S?r George Penbale, of the ,3rd cen- vession of Stephen. The congratuln, tuns and best washes of a wide circle frieeds are extended' to the young couple. SOLD BUSINESS. — eir. Ben 1lakins on Tuesday dispos- ed or his butchering business to :lir. Alf: Paul of Karkton, who took immed- iate possession- Mr, Makins has con- dueted• the, business far the past year and has to his credit a good record of honest and fair dealing with the public. Mfr. Paul comes well recom- mended .and we welcome him to the business circle of Exeter, We un-.' derstandthat Mr. Makins may take up :farming agairh, THE HUMANE NOTE. lir J. R. Reynolds, superintendent of the Huron Horne, in addressing the managers o' Hones for Aged and In- firm. At Hamilton, last week, particul- arly emphasized the humane side of the matter, deploring the fact that 1 economic management seems to be first coasideraiion instead of the' spirit o'' kindness, In Huron," he acid "we look on the inmates ase of our own flesh and blood." "We feel that in the worst ni them there is much good, and the best of them a great deal of good. They are. all human tragedies, They respond to kindness quicker than <'hiidren do. None 'of us but might tio'ite day have to et -tier a ]tome for the aged and inf':mt, just as they have clone. They care not paupers; they are our venerable elders cm whom fortune has frowned," In Huron .County the home for the aged and infirm was conducted by a staff of Mr. and \ire. Reynolds and one other paid assistant. There were 91 ianmates. Hoe. was this accomplish- ed? Simply by snaking every inmate a trusty, by assigning h'm, or- her some task to do. "They take pride in the;" work. \\'e make ;hem feel ;;,t is their berate, and, whai more, we feed them o:a she best we can possib- le procure. The result is we are a here, fami'y, ' moria] Church on Thursday night last. Remember the Bazaar in the Trivet The sermon delivered by His Lord - Memorial Church Hall on. Friday, De- cember 10th. Aprons, Candy, Cook- ing. Admission 15c., including after- moon Tea. ship was o,f a deep .p'eitual nature and was deeply interest;ng to all pres- ent, Ton Marks Company held forth in the Opera House on Wednesday and Thursday nights of Iasi week. and drew pretty fair crowds. The visit of Torn Marks to Exeter is usually look- ed forward to and well, received. The plays he puts of are always good, and likewise clean. Those given last week were no exeegtion to the rule. In view of increasing expense for ta.m.s, lights, cleaning, etc., in their shed, the ddethodist Church Board in WILL BUY APPLES. Br t'ssels has decided to issue member- ship tickets to those .who wish to Open to buy a. limited quantity of have the accommodation, at a. fee of hard apples. Tatman Sweets 25c cwt, $5 per annum commencing Dec. Ist, S. J.•Vt CANN, Exeter. This does not apply to members of the congregation who were under the expense of erecting the shed. This charge is not prohi1 tine as it means only 10c. a w'eek. MUSKOKA HOSPITAL BURNED. The destructioin by Lire of the \ius- koka Free Hospetai for consumptives will be a, sad blow eta the Province. of Ontario. The (building was burned early Tuesday morning, caused by wires connected with the ,electric stove in the diet kitchen The building con- tained about two -hundred patients at the time, of the ,fire, but all. escaped with their lives and without injury. See C, H. Skelton's ad, on another nage. It is ineerestiag. Will the person seen removing a vinegar barrel from the back of Mac- kenzie's store on Tuesday night re- turn at once and avoid further trou- ble yimplo TAKE NOTICE. Having disposed of my butcheriaa.g. business all accountts due me must be paid at once. BEN, \iAKINS. LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE Thos. Routley, London Road south has a number of six week old pigs foe sale. FUR COAT FOUND. On Sunday, Nov. 21, on the Cred- iton Road, near Shipka, a fur coat, ,Owner can have same by calling at this office and payting for this notice. IS IT YOU. The party who borrowed William Ward's Wire Fence Stretcher will confer a great favor by returning it at once. WANTED by careful tenant a small house, comfortably furnished, for two months, or longer. Rent in advance„ Must be warm. Apply at once at this office. STRAYED. A yearling with pyg rine in left ear. Finder rewardei by leaving informa- tiocn at this office or with Wm. Welsh London Road North. FOR SALE. A Victoria Washing coaching and wringer also an theater, all in good condition. Reason far" selling, using Elecwtric,—Mrst Gambrill, Main St. DOG STRAYED. Black and white setter dog stray- ed onto rhe premises of the under- signed, Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. M. E. RATZ, Dashwood P.O. BARN FOR SALE. 30x50, with steel roof, in good shape to be removed next spring, Apply, SAv11_ BEAVER, HAY P. O. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. W ethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7to8 D . JOHN WARD, -Chiropractor, W i;ianu and Sanders St., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 10 to 4.30. Coasulraaon and examination free at office. Running Every Day THE O.K. STEAM CIDER MILL is pressing cider and making apple butter every day. Custom work done as rapidly as possible. Sweet cider and apple butter ,for sale. S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of County of Huron will meet in she council chamber, in the .Town of Golerreh.'at' 3 o'clock in the aftern,onn on 'Tuesday, tthe. 7th day off. December 1920. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than, Monday preceding the meelting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Co. Clerk. txoderich, Nov. 15th,1920 THE OBJECT OF THE LABEL. In the itirst place ,it is to help the postal service to deliver the paper to the fright party, in the next place it informs the subscriber as to how his subscription stands, whether paid iu advance, or in arrears. It is areceipt for money paid; Look at your label and see how you stand with the pub- lisher. See that you keep always in advance, as our price is "in advance". CLAIM FOR DAMAGEF. Charles Powell, a London Township farmer has entered an action against Amy Wrexler of Exeter in. the Mid- dlesex County ,Court at the Decem- ber sessions, claiming damages for per- sonal injuries and a smashed buggy as a result -of a coliiiision on The. Proof Line rood last December with an auto- mobile driven. by A. W exlier. The defendant claims that the plaintiff ne- glected to turn off to the rightt. ` J. W J. Witninettt is ,,s64c;ittor lar the plaintiff, and Gladman & Stan.bury are acting for the defendant. d Trivia Memorial Church Services as usual. Ree A. A. Trumpet Rector 0AVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, 33. A., Minister 11.00 a.m.- 7:00 JAMES : ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. • ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 1. a,m.—"Why Smth ought to goy to Church." . The pastor, 3 p.m, -Sunday School and Bible Classes . 7 p.m. -Rev. GI W. H, McAlister,M.A The Choir assisted; by "Doherty'ltlale Quartette" Clinton. Monday .night, Dec. 6th, a social ev- ening of all James Street Congregation —all welcomed., MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. • Phone 21r3 11 a.m.—`.`Cheerfulness." 3 Han.—Sabbath School and Bible Classes. • 7' p.m. -Service withdrawn l.a Ja•rrte's` St. Methodist Anniversary BETHANY- 2.30—"Our Lord's Sermon." THE VOTERS' LISTS. The 1921 voters' lists will be twice as large as in previous years as they will contain, the names of all women over 21 years of age, as they are now entitled to vote at ;elections to the Legislative Assembly. Some years ago the voters' list was made in three parts, but in. recent .years there have been only parts one and two: The voters' list now goes Back to the old form of three parts; Part one contains the names of ell persons entitled to vote at both municipal elections and elections to the Legislative Assembly; part two, of all :persons 'entitled to vote at municipal elections' only; and partthree, of persons entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative An- sembly only, The „names of the wo- men are not included in the 1920 lists because of the -early date upon which the esseasors do their work. At the time the law which only came irate force on July 29th, did not make pro- vision. for the placing sef the women's names upon the voters' fists for Leg- islative franchise, and- the township and townlists therefore only contai;nn 'the two parts as formerly. Aa the town-. Chip lista and the -lists in nearly rill places do not contain the women's names for their Legislative franchise' provision will] have to be. made .for the :making up of lists early next spring --- gr. Percy Browning of Toronto was home over Sunday. Miss Jessie Manson of London was home over ,Sunday Jr Norman Norry was home front Watford over Sunday. Miss Ethel Sweet of Tilsonburg was home over the wreck end, Mr. Earl Browning of Toronto wus- „ted his parents here last week. Miss Ruby Parsons of -London Bust;- ness Colle;g.e,was home over, Sunday. Mr. Coleman Moncur of Peted:ato %Tilted his parents for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, David Whyte left an Tuesday to visit relatives in Seafortlt Mrs;, G. Hockey, Mrst F. Boyle and Miss V, Essery were in London -. on. Friday. - vEss Lulu Hastings left Saturday foe London, where she has accepted a position. Ur. Looker, clerk at the Grigg House London, visited with ft -Lends here on Monclay. Miss, Jessie Oreech,speent a few days' with her brother, Mr. James Creech in Rochester, N.Y. err. and Mrs. Enoch Rowclilte spend; the 'week end at the home of lr, tp Rowclif f e, London. Mrs, C, Dale of Elmira, N. Y., ar- rived here, Monday and will -visit dol a short time among relatives`.. His Honor Judge Dickson. at God- e ich was in town' Tuesday in con•, Gentian with the revision of. the Ex. eter Voters' List Mess -s. A,. J. McDoniell,, C. W. Rab inson, and F. Ellerington. are this week attending the Conservative' meeting in .Toronto• ,Lor' the s.eieetion, of a leder Lar the Conservative party. Messrs. Wes. Snell and Joseph Amy New on Saturday from ew Yorkwhere Mr Snell disposed of ,a few car loads of choice cattle,. They -met .a pretty faire ,market, and had an enjoy- able trip .Mrs., Wm,: Andrew;,, who has been. visiting le Hamiota and Winnipeg ,for the past four months, returned home on Saturday last. Needless to -say her visit was a most pleasant one as she lived in, Harniojta for many- years be- fore coming to Exetter to,.,l ve. Mrs. B. W. ,F.. -Beavers, County presider -it -W. C. T. U. left on: Tuesday, aceotripanied by Dr,. Sara Detweiler, Kitchener, on her annual visit to the various unions through the County. While in town Di. Detwiler was the guest of Mrs. Beavers., i JONES PHONE 32 MAY PHONE 3; • Great c!earingS ale of Furs 1. Qr the Next 15, Days. • 25ger cent. • diecaunt off fur sets Owing to the unfavorable weather for selling Furs, see: well offer for the next 15 days a•discount of 25 percen. off our entire stock of Fur Sets, in- cludieg fur sets; neck pieces and muffs These ;include Natural Wolf, Sable Wolf, Black Wolf, Fox, Muskrat*, Persian Lamb, etc. For instance, a ,et priced at $60 will now 'sell for S45; a $40 set for $30; a $30 set for $22.50, etc„ Don't miss this, opportunity, LADY'S FUR COAT SPECIAL, -1 only lady's Bolivia Beaver Coat, beautiful qual.ty of beaver, fan+'y pop'in lined r gularly $185; sale price 5159 net. ; DON'T FORGET. OUR SALE OF LADIES' CI.O'I'FI WINTER COATee SUITS AND DRESSE4. All Ladies','? asses' and Girls' Cloth Winter Coats must go, regarde,es of cost. Many stylish coats to select from. 15 only Ladies' Black Coats including velours, plush, and Salts' baby lamb, to clear at $.25.95 each. CLEARING SALE OF SWEATERS Ladies' all wool coat sweaters, ttopular colors, cieariag. at $7.95 each, Ladies' all wool pullover sweaters clearing at $5.95 ,each. \ten's Heavy Union Sweaters clearing at 54.95 each. LADIES' GEORGETTE BLOUSES REDUCED. 3 dozen Ladies' Georgette and Crepe de Chen blouses greatly re dueed-•,price for quick selling. SALE OF COLORED UNDERSKIRTS 2 dozen,,,underskirts in popular colors regularly $2.50 and $2.75, clear ing at one price 51.95 each. A REAL S ILK BARGAIN Hundreds of yards of Swiss Dress Silks in black, navy. taupe, eon'., ,n Duchess, Wessell= and Taffeta greatly -reduced ,in price for Deeemh-r seeing. A. BARGAIN IN YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS. 20 young men's smart winter overcoats ,regularly $25, to clear at $19,75 A few men's goon heavy winter overcoats at S15.O0. CHRISTMAS GOODS. Our Stock of Christmas Goods is now complete and ready for inspection; Fancy handkerchiefs, linens, purses, hosiery, etc. An enormous stock to select from. yOUr 'TONES & MAY SINCE glut) ILO e3O wRoti COUGHS DR. A. E. TENNANT Vetesinaxy Surgeon McDonell's Stables, Jahns, St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. I. R. CARLING, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Cammission.er Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, e)tc. Buy VICTORY BONDS 51000.00 Bonds due 1934 for $930.00 S 500.00 Bonds "due 1934 for $465,00 to yield 6% per cent. Interest half-yelarey ,at any Bank. Orders received by nne. Money to 'loan at 'lowest rates of interest. Office—earlang-.Bk., Mein St, Ettlter HORSES WANTED I want an=United number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year: old up, weighting from 1500 pounds up. ,.Mares .from 4 years old. up, weighing from 1300 :- pounds up. Parties having.... the required stuff, write or . phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed 'Auctioneer for Counties . of • Hugon and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satiefactnon Guaranteed. . Crediton, Ontario. NEW TERM -FROM NOVEMBER 1. CENTRAL "eTRA'' ?ORD.. ONT. The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario. =Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraph departments. Graduates placed in, positions. Stu- dents may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue. D, A. McLachlan. Principal. Illeaseilleteelliessellettellesselletter MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S,, D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gledman, & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended day or night. Office — Dr. Sweets old ,office Phone No. 120 Exe Ger, ' C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron !Perth, Middlesex and Oxford.' Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt . War(eroom'e, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. RauCiston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carliiig's Law Office Cioaed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! GREAT BARGAIN IN FURNITURe. R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND FURNI- TURE DEALER itifotor Hearse in Connection. Phones 20J and 20W. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery Iine Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convn- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas.. Gould S OU-THCOIT BROS. SPECIALS ! Coatsn Dresses a d resses SPECIALS ! Beautiful Silk Serge and Triicotuitye Dresses, all pew from makers, This is a special purc,hnse' and regular pr,c, es were up to ,$55.00;. Don't miss seeing this lot. 111 YOUR CHOICE ,........,..$29.80 Misses and Ladse,s' Goats., all this season's • (fabrics' and stylies, including good, warm blanket cloths, arid Vel- ours and Silver'tones. YOUR CHOICE of any, coat $24.95 (Baby iamb and Flushes not inclu sled) Southcott Bros. 1 1