HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-2, Page 7•
Por most tinakes and models of oars,
Your old. broken or worn-out Parte
replaced. Write or wire ala describ-
ing what you want. We carxy the
largest and most complete stock, in
Canada of slightly used or new parts
and automobile equipment, We shty
i',`•O,D, anywhere in Canada. Setts -
factory or refund in full our motto
abates Auto Salvage Part anpnlr,
933-93i DeafIda St., Toronto, Oat.
9737 9732-9373
No. 9737 --Ladies' and Misses' Rag-
Ian Coat. Price,. 35 rents. Two
styles of •eeollar. Cut lrz 3 sizes;
small, 34, 36; medium, 38, 40; large,
42, 44 ins. bust measure. Small size
requires, without nap, 413 yds. 40
ins. wide; or 3ee yds. 40 ins wide;
with nap, 31:i yds. 54 ins. wide; lin-
ing, 37e yds. 36 ins. wide.
No. 9732—Ladies' Suit -Coat. Price,
35 cents. Convertible collar; with
or without: bell cues. In 7 sizes, 34
to 46 ins, bust, Size 36, with bell
cuffs, without nap, 31* yds, 40 sus.'
wide; with nap, 2%4 yds. 51 iais. wide;
g e.
These patterns may be
linin , 2le vis. 36 Inc. wid
from your local McCa11 dealer, or.
frons, the IvIcCali Co,, 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Some murmur, when their sky is clear
And wholly bright to view,
If .one small speck of dant appear
In their great heaven, oi: blue;
And some with thankful love are ill's
If but one streak of light,
One ray of God's good mercy, gild
The darkness of their night.
In palaces are hearts that ask,
In discontent and pride,
Why life is such a dreary task,
And all good tbiugs denied;
And hearts in poorest huts admire
Trow love bas in their aid
(Love tient not ever seems to tire)
Such rich provision made.
Wriggling Eels.
Eels do not breed In fresh water.
All of the myriads of then. found in.
our streams and lasses were origizliaily
hatched in the sea, They are be
origin znarire fishes.
When very young they do not look
M the least like the eels with which
we are familiar. They are #sat and
ribbonlike. This is a larval stage of
development. When they have usual.-
ssual-ed adult form they leave -the sea and
run up into the rivers.
When big enough •te breed they go
back tothe sea, and there the females
lay their eggs. Thus the cycle of their
lives is accomplished, One under-
stands, then, why there were no eels
in Lake Erie lentil they were planted
there, They could not, climb over the 1
Niagara cataract.
Baby eels were caught in deep-sea
dredges, many years before they were Island,.
recognized as eels, their appearance
being so different. Niven now very
little is known about their snewnine
A jumping tooth or
earache quickly re-
lieved by the use of
It soothes pain,.
$1.09 a tuba.
Agentsfor»r Juteegenii
Victoria and Vancouver
FOR LITTLE ONES grounds, ,
Thousands of mothers `tate post WEA. � E VOUe
tively that Baby's Own Tablets are the a,t VVV►I
best medicine they knew of for little
ones. Their experience has taught'
then that the Tablets always do just
what is claimed for them and that
they can be given with perfect safety
to children of all ages. Concerning:
them Mrs. Joseph Therrien, St. Ga-
briel de Brandon, Que., writes "Ilaby's.
Own Tablets are the best inedicine I
know of for little oues. I thought I
would lose my baby before trying the
e#.s but they soon made Nina
healthy and happy and now I would
not be without then," Tim Tablets
aro sold by medieluo dealers or by
mail at 2e cents a box from The Dr.
WilIlanrs' eled(eine Co., Brockville,
On a fifteen per eent. grade it takes
nine horees to move the same load
that orae horse can move on a level
highway. Grade the grades and save
horse -flesh and power.
Only the best of everything comes
to the man who waits on himself.
Condition , Afflicting Thou-
sand of Ieopi+-How to
Get New Health.
There are thousands of people who
are enduring the pain and disco/Pe
fort of minor ills in the slope -oak the
, is only temporary and.
will be outgrown in time. Orton such
illnesses are not serious enough to
require the attez;tion of a doctor, but
will respond to intelligent home treat-
ment if a reliable remedy is used. Wo-
men, busy with a multitude of house -
bold cares, young women in offices or
stores, or girls studying hard in
school, easily fail a prey to that con-
dition of bloodlessness known as
anaemia. The trouble need not be
serious if prompt, effective measures
are taken, to clieck it in its early
stages. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will
restore the elements needed to bring
the blood limatl d
1 to st
Vitecouver Island eon/ pick roses in
the garden when the Christmas bells
are ringing, and the, golfer la never off
his game, so far as being able to play
is concerned, because there he can
drive, approach the green and putt al-
most every day in the year. In tete
fall and during the winter the grass
is rich and green. and bloom is per-
petual. This is due to the warming
influence of the Japan current, which
is the Gulf Stream of the Paeiflc
Ocean. Vancouver Island was named
after Captain George Vancouver, of
the British Navy, who discovered It
in 1792, and has an estimated area of
15,000 square miles. its trees, among
them the stately Douglas fir, which
towers 300 feet above the roads over
whirls the traveller glides by auto-
mobile, or by the Hsquimalt & Nonni -
mo Railway, which nine nortllwarcl
through half the length of the island,
are magnificent beyond description,
some of them being 6 or 7 feet in
diameter. Along the road are many
eomfortat)id+ hat
pis anu (nun try
chalets, many of them like the inns
' one. finds on English conutry roads.
Victoria, the capital of British
Columbia, is a city of rare charm with
its beautiful drive:,, its golf tour: r's,
its Chinese quarter, its turbanned
Hindoos, its Eulpress Hotel and its
beautiful Capitol buildings. Fiery
rang t, an once year at least 5,000 American golfers
obtain.e I ' Mlnard'a Liniment Relieves Distemper the blood regains its healthy quality Visit one couree in Victoria, the Vic-
, tlit' G 1
Among the many who have found of automobiles leave Seattle annually
benefit through the use of Dr. Wil- for Victoria and Vancouver,
banns' Pink Pills is. Mrs. James T. There is splendid inland and deep
Johnston, of Peterbora, Ont., who sea fishing in and on the coast of Van -
says: "I can personally strongly re- couver Island, and the ambitious fish -
commend Dr, Williams' Pink Pills be- erxnan who really wantedto do Some -
cause of w
the entire body will show the be ossa Gole Club course, and thousards
At the present time smallpox is a The experience of the people of
real menace to the health and wee Cuba is one of the most importan
faro of the people of Canada' and facts we have on smallpox preven
United States, In recent years these tion. In 1896 and 1897 there were1
has been a carelessness in these over 1000 deaths each year from
countries with regard to the dangers, smallpox in the City of Havana alone
from smallpox, because there has been'With the beginning of American oe
a long period of comparative freedom eupation of the island, vaccination
from :ho severe;forms of the disease. was enforced; children were come
The cases that have occurred have. palled to be vaccinated, as were also
been few and mild. But since the all persons who could not produce
Great War there has been a world- satisfactory evidence of previous vac -
'wide increase in the number of cases, cination. The beneficent effect of this
partly because during the 'Wm: people common-sense procedure. was observe
from all parts of the globe were ed. almost at once. Between 1901 and
brought together in large numbers, 1917 there was only one death from
and some came from countries where smallpox in the City of Havana. A
there was much smallpox.. The lack
of adequate medical and sanitary ser-
vice in all the fighting countries of
Europe, the unfavorable living condi-
tions arising out of the war,'and the
marked falling off in universal vac-
cination, have resulted in an increas-
ed prevalence of the disease. In a
number of instances it has occurred
in severe form.
In the Province of Ontario, where
there has been persistent opposition
to vaccination, a very severe outbreal
of smallpox with thousands of cases
occurred early this year, and the
United States sanitary authorities de-
clared a quarantine on all travellers
from this province into the United
States. California reported more
than 2000 cases in 1919, and reports
from several other States in the South
:show that smallpox has been widely
prevalent recently.
It is entirely within the power of
the people to erect a barrier against
the disease. Vaccination is the one
measure which has proven its effec-
tivenesa as a means of smallpox con-
trol. The evidence shows conclusive-
ly that in those countries where vac-
cination is faithfully carried out,
hardly any deaths from smallpox oc-
cur; and in those areas where there
i~s public and private. indifference to
this simple procedure, there is always
more or 1ess,mdld, and, at times, viru-
lent smallpox.
similar condition was observed in
Japan. Before the practice of vac-
cination was effectively carried out
Japan had thousands of cases and
deaths each year. Epidemics of the
disease were especially severe. In
1909 a law was passed requiring vac-
cination of each infant within three
months after birth. This measure
had the effect of greatly re-
ducing the number of cases and
deaths. There have been no serious
epidemics from smallpox in Japan.
since vaccination was generally in-
In Canada and the United States
there are no centres of smallpox in-
fection where vaccination has been
thoroughly tried out. • Soine cases are
brought in from other countries, or
from other areas where the practice
of vaccination is lax, but no epidemics
have commenced in these protected
centres. On the other hand, in cities
where there is great laxity in the en-
forcement of vaccination laws, or
where there are no laws to be en-
forced, many cases occur each year..
It is the duty of health officers,
publicists and all others interested
in the public safety to arouse their
communities immediately to this men-
ace and to enliven public interest in
Pie passing of vaccination• laws
where none now exist, or -in the rigid
enforcement of such laws' as are now
on the statute books.
' ^Vi,'u� 2-31., IngeMl MriEOWSSOLa3'^fi 7tCt;'F.r3,'�`is Mteeln1ea"". Lf `l
The Cereal
That Needs No Sugar
Healthful, substantial and
full of sturdy nourishment.
A food' -of delightful flavor,
rk eatable to the last atone.
Pili Sold bygrocers everywhere/
Lifee eteeena>v" nenaalenet.trdooc5'P •S S ewar4fzr `dan=eleleeni.{eeniEtri i
hat they have done for me.
About two years ago I fejt pooriy, was
terribly weak, nervous and run down.
I was easily annoyed and worried, and
my heart would flutter at tho least I
exertion. I tried several remedies but
did not find a cure until I took Dr.
Williams' Pink Pith:. I took seven
boxes in all and am now enjoying per-
fect health and have.gained in weight.
1 calculate the costsmall when I
think. of the benefit I received, and I
recommend the pills to all weak
Rich, red blood Is the whole secret
of good health, and from the first to
the last dose Dr. Williams' Pink Pirie
enrich and purify the blood. You
can get these pills through any medi-
cine dealer or by mail at 50 ceuts a
box, or six boxes for 32.60, frontThe
Dr, Williams' Medicine toe., Brockville,
My Youth,
My youth was my old, age,
Weary and long:
I had too many cares
To think of song:
My moulting days all came
When I was young.
Now in life's prime my sour
Comes out In flower;
Late, as with Robin, conies
My singing power;
I was not born to joy
Till this late hour.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Gentlemen,—In July, 1915, I was r�
thrown from a road machine, injuring
my hip and back badly and was oblig-
ed to use a crutch for 14 months. Iu
Sept., 1916, Mr. Wm. Outridge of La -
chute urged mo to try MINARD'S
LINIMENT, which I did with the most
satisfactory results and to -day I am
as well as ever in my life.
Yours sincerely,,
tiring sensational
on the west coast
and caught a real
Needless to say,
served on toast.
This is say Father's world.
Shoutd my heart be ever sad?
The Lord is king—let the heavens
God reigns—let the earth be glad,
Buy your out-of-town supplies with
Dominion Express Money Orders,
Five Doliaes costs three colts.
has even gone out
waters of the Pacific
whale for breakfast.
he did not have it
Cheese, besides containing a large
per cent. of protein, has nearly an
equal amount of fat in its composi-
tion. Both of these must be taken into
consideration when planning meals
which are dependent upon cheese for
the principal nourishment.
Debby Knew.
Teacher: "Now, Bobby, how muele
do six and four make?"
Bobby (eagerly): °Eleven, sir."
Teacher: "Now, guess again."
Bobby (doubtfully) : "Twelve --nine
Teacher: "Row about ten?"
Bobby (exultingly) : "Oh, you can't
mix zne up that way. It's five and five
that make tent"
No' a Girl Guide.
It happeeled in London about the
time that the jamboree was held at
Olympia, and Boy Scouts from all over
I the world attended.
A Highland soldier, on entering an
underground train at Paddington,
Classified, Advertisements.
.'t'FPLA F. BTZ VANTrig.
and Light Sewing at home; whole or
spare time; good Day; work sent any dis-
tance; charges paid. Send starup for
particulars, National Manufacturing Co,,
Herbs is a remedy for the relief of
constipation. Indigestion, Biliousness,
Rheumatism, 'Kidney Troubles. It is
well-known, having been extensively ad,
vertised, since it was first manufactured
in 1558, by distribution of lame quant;-
ties of Almanacs, Cook Books, Health
Books, etc., which are furnished to
Agents free. of charge. The remedies are
sold at a price that allows agents to
double their money. Write Alonzo 0.
x314ss Medical Co.. 124 St. Paul St. East,
Montreal. Mention this Paper
boa° s real work on heaven and
:Hell, and a real world beyyond. (Jver 4O )
pages, only 25c p0stpaid. Ii, 13. Law,
486 15 lid Ave., Toronto.
As a result of the world war the
present value of capital in France
necessary for pensions for widows,
orphans and wounded is 58,000,000,000
found himself in the centre of a party francs.
of the boys.
There were no vacant seats, but
a tiny "wolf -cub" got up and said:
"Will you please take my seat,
The Tlighlander blushed, smiled,
and replied, in kindly tones:
"Titanic ye, Phe lad but A'm nee a
Girl 'Guide yet."
Sloan`s Liniment should be, kept
bandy for aches assts palms
WHY wait for a severe pain, are
ache, a rheumatic twinge fol-
lowing exposure, a sore muscle,
sciatica, or 1t.mba(io to make you quit:
work, when yea should have Sioau's
Liniment handy to help curb it and
keep you active, d fit, and en the job?
Without 212 eeene, {:'r it fa=a etre',•.,
apply a bit tt i ty to tee al:dined part.
Noted] eeeat i ,,, date , proretre�lief
that iollir . lei a I t ime ::t cuulcln't
keep its many tee: ands of;pendia the
world over if it didn't zr..l.e good.
That's worth renhcrhl .,.,;, Alt drue-
gists--threes ea tete l,.trae t is ti.e
most econoxmcal. 55c, 70c, 41.40.
"California Syrup of Figs"'
Child's Best Laxative
Minard's Liniment For Dandruff.
A stork has been known . to perish
in a conflagration rather than desert
her little, helpless brood.
Stops Hair Coming Out t
Doubles Its Beauty.
A few cents buys "Danderine."
ter an application of "Danderine" you
can not find a fallen hair or any dand-
ruit, besides every hair shows new
life, vigor, brightness, snore color and
Accept "California" Syrup of F`igsi
only—look for the name California ou
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless physie for the little store -
"The Work while you Sleep" itch, liter and bowels, Children lova
• its fruity taste. Fall directions on
each bottle, You must say "Cali
Island of Ghosts.
The little island of Rotheneuff, off
the coast of France, has for its sole
inhabitant an eccentric hermit who for
many years has devoted much of hie
time to carving humanlike figures .out
of the rocks which slope down to the
There are hundreds of thein—mostly
lying on their backs, as if staring up
at the sky, but some in a seated pos-
ture 'and a few standing erect.
The effect is described by the Popu-
lar Science Monthly as weird and un-
earthly, the figures looking like petri-
fied'men. They are understood to rep-
epresent biblical characters: Along the
top of the well in front of the hermit's
dwelling are a number of heads, like-
wise oarved,out of stone.
The hermitage is on the summit of
the rocks, overlooking the carven
shore and the sea. People who live
on the nearby mainland call the place
the "island of ghosts."
The hermit keeps his sculptures
swept clear of Calla, Tiley seam to
have for him a religious significance.'
The international signal code makes
use of eighteen flans from which 78,-
000 signals
8,000-signals are given,
Do you feel at "`sixes and sevens"
to -day? You are bilious, constipated!
You feel headach'-, full of cold, un-
strung. Your meals don't fit—breath
is bad, skin sallow. Take Cascarets
to -night' for your liver and bowels and
wake up clear, rosy and cheerful. No
griping—no inconvenience. Children
love Cascarets too. 10, 25, 50 cents.
Send for .list of inventions wanted
by Manufacturers. Fortunes have
been made ,from - simple ideas.
"Patent Protection" booklet and
"Proof of Conception" on request.
QIZES to suit your
j a N.' openings, Fitted
�i with plan Safe de.
livery guaraateecL
Write for Price List
KO. Cut dawn fid
�. -..e bile. Insure 'winter:
ISSUE No. e18—'20,
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on
and Mow to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
E. Olay Glover Co., Ens
118 West8lst Street
New York, U.S.A.
Cuficura Shampoos
Mean Healthy Hair
Especially if preceded by touches
of Cuticura Ointment to spots of
dandruff, itching and irritation.
This treatment does much to keep
the scalp clean and healthy and to
promote hair growth.
Soap2Se. 0inttnent25 matte, TelennaSe. Sold
throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:
&roans, Limited, 344 St. Peal St., W., Manfred.
Cutieaza Son; (have', without mug.
Not Aspirin at All without the `Bayer Cross"
Tho name "Bayer" stamped on tab-' contains proper directioffie for Collet,
lets positively identifies the only gen- Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu
nine Aspirin,—the Aspirin prescribed ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri•
by physicians for over nineteen years tie, ,Joint Pains, and Pain generalsy,
and noir made in Canada. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab-
Alevays buy an unbroken. package Ida cost but a row cents. Druggists
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which also sell larger "Bayer" packages.
There is only one Aspirin►..." 3zayee-37'on must say "Boyer"
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manuf'e,.ture of Mono-
neetirecidester of Sallcyileactd, • While it is well known that _Aspirin moans Bayer
ananufaeture, to assist the ptrbllo agaThet imitations, the Tablets, et Bareir Company,
will be Stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross."'