HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-2, Page 6Surpassing
all others in Delicacy and Fragrance
Send us a post card for a free sample, stating the
price you now pay and if you use Black, Green •or
Mixed 'rea, Adnress Saladal Toronto. 8717
Enrol[ With the
757 Dovercourt Road (at 13Ioor), Toronto.
write for free Information.
The Essentials of Success.
entirely away from business, there. Mastering Fire- by Faith. 101 so highly •prizen for the tlreing
How very often we look. at the suc- are no minor unpleasant eules of t e
f .I. J .
ceeeful business girl and try to That man sliould be able to plunge I Most fly-papera•owe their effective -
analyze the eeaeort for her premi- health question which ;cannot be -reme-
died by careful and faithful attend- his bands into a. large and blazine
n fire,aeness largely to the net that the
fingers in the hottest part, without '; them containa mt i • t il
and stir the red-hot coals with nisi "tanglefoot" preparetion smeared on
le i tas or o• .
feeling the slightest pain, sounds M- i
-- I credible.
h • h i d h i ht ; - - allnard'e alotment Renevea Geld:: Ete.
enver. :With a good position she is, any length of time _at. my work, I
- et
feat leas been perforaeed by people
nenee. She may not be particularly;
attractive or intelligent and seems to'
us just an ordinary girl who has,
some ovk or ot er, ga ne e g s we As it is vele, eard f toana
My "Lazy" Sink.
or Me On several occasions, hoern ers the ,
eontinually being offered other good bad the rim of my sink Placed 2916 claiming to have ower ever lire-
usess men seem to seek her,' inehls from the floor, with the drain- abeolute faith that fire cannot hurt I or
Ti- t t I nu rainfall u au
their own ofile.e. And we wonder the right height for nee to sit in au Bower over fire was exhibited bY the lana of the globe amount -3 to
to a preeiate her and want her for b el to c rres ond This makes Ira thew
. „ . oat. o P
T tt
BY liDEN PlilLiernenat'S.
ti EF
te o a an d P
ordinary ehan. while washing and wip- ninny martyre to a remarkable de- ait,347 cubic miler:, and of this mien -
i It is bemuse that paatieular busi-I ing dishes, or preparing vegetables gree, Oraumer, v.ho placea Ilia right ; thy 6,524 cubic ne:les draias off
good arm in the flame until it was centtuua: threugh rivers to the sea.
uees girl has certain assets Whit!' 11 for coohing, It might not be a
j help her to be efficient and beeorne height for someone shorter or taller.i .1cuimile oeater
f 'ver wweighs
ed, apparently eudured lint little sua . bc „
kitchen eabinet--huillain-is eap taring; while them is autboutie record , .
i necessary to the office where she isd My , 1,205,00,000 tons. anel carries in
emplo,yed. When We become necesel placed that the end of the cabinet
sary we are of some Recount. man: serves to the side of the drain -board of Lourdes.'"
and proof of Bernadette, the g
bolding h' hands in' a , tons oe solids,
"eeere!-'s : solution an average of abo,az 420,010
or woman. and the girl who possessesand forms an L with it, thus furnish- In ell, about tons
flame tor fifteen miuutea without tbe 1
uqalities- that 'make her a so is indeedi ing te upon ablWhich. the wipedi slightest pain or scoN" -ilrching. a
- - A- Fond matter at.e time carried annual.
, .
Yc•trt•gs•. Tom helped his father, andrate girls need not simply stand by placed without rising from the 'chair. The most amazing modern euee is ;
fortunate. But the other lees forbid elishes, or prepared vegetables may be the Are mark the flesh. • V to the ocean.
et-eate. Teles eaiee teee ;leases:a . ear 11 44. -eelltad, :he rate- and re.gret their OWR inferior post- Having, running hot and. cold water' that of Air. 'Daniel Home, the fameue ,
!,arer4:s ine top neetvar 't s foliate- et, tee parent feotstepe.
Z'Ql1S; they on study het' ;Ind acquire over the sink, practically all the \volt geottiab, medium, wit1ST], at the
tzal zat,i zIttee4, stail but uebaav ever. those same qualities which aTe such before or after a meal may be done house of str croae% ibe
04 t :e haph, hee merliter eheates :male He wets held tt eelf-righteette for
valeable businesa assetse while sitting, NVIdelt to malty women eminent scientist, and In the preseuee
so fee Yetis a tidy sized enint but water. Rana; ageinet him, end tlisen as:
D.F.s Ow „ae oale ea ee.. thee with years and '.'.P'- beau. because it helps all others. The girl With a chair equipped with the "slid -1 aands into a aleziug lire without being
Toms fell ea• tee ee aami: tante? and mother doubt- Fatienee is a most valuable asset1 would be an almost untold blessing. of other reliable waneesee, thrnst his
li roday „ut wooed !e -----------' eate, bra'. grow eo large minded FtS' who van ]me atience t •' lug casters," Which ean be boueht Tor: hurt. Ile eeleeted ' • t
, . red -bot. piece a
• • p . - n re mg hours 1
ethea. ie. We -ea., n ith seen 1 fem.,: thew. He wee a fair. freckled man, i and leen u eo 1, .1 h a Ion vdien about ten cents for four, the ebair can coal as large as en orange. end almost
rut hy a 1.,10.ry, intatth he mash; geoti In 'de' ta il •laer-; but his sister, Susan; e e Z • ' WithOnt tollelling it with the hands. 4 it until it was White-hot and the flume
reeney ae huntsmao te the liaei Vale r.a.i e gtektier -ort of mind and more, nit "11). ..?°
a.ecused will always come out
be patient, and keep Owl/ d i i I
a e:-- ': -":'" eaelly be pushed to any place desired! enclosing it with Ills bai•e iiill1C04.-iiieW
o e ear e
ity. eaea 1:1•Vt.: 1.5,1 WW1) af.,.7.10,.., it1 ‘t re toe- -nate in ophrion and a terror , uniustkii
eletericee leer.ireeitv They wae all Primitive RFT waated it of such a height that itl Prevously the ecientIst had ea-molte
n es gn ng the leite len cabinet, I; lieltea Ms lingere.
temper well. =ler control.
the: e a a the pitehee wee: •ho the may thing as ever mat e! That little god is the best of friends
01, one when the task seems ira, • nig bread. Being only five feet one were not chemically prepared. 'fa
the potrr meet, tete,. tee ; eeele ea- , lioweeer,1 tnee hoped that with time usually if d I
'2:: ei , , one oes teep fan, success• lest 4'.4 441.121 surface for me was 29 1. "power oZ fleee' ileum afterwards cave
I b h tb • binet made' red -ho -----------------------------------
1 et,
LQO P•ftl..7! the we:* air' in ilia mai. their •itealot aneut Joanna was that! to cultivate. for with it a, gix.1 ean would be the easieet for me in knead-, ed Home's hands to see that they
t acseitile and the future dark, and inch tall, in testing I found the eas.; illustrate the tut handiug on the
die tete-ea: hit over tiairty-ae ezere else tenotegea •he Cl h " Eng -
;n ourier, mai nee of 1-..;e. land.
.; ",t'av r aea ah.1 exemp.e she d pin their persua-1 cowl.
The :house which hes as ...a accordingly, zs Au this
ae • me ies, enee e
021. 111dvetY 5115 might have. motto, ..Keeping everlastingly t it ,I —
a netteeera t t It is still low,
work it is Promising teem iranmuity from seoreh.
ing, and twee of them suffered '
o s and.
Eaelt package of "Diamond De-ee" eon.
Reim dim -Hone eimple that any
woman can dye may material v:ititont
etre,ining, fading -or running. Druggest
bus color vaetnearake et, atur
to be the best in etteaaa, Any number
of musicians deeireel. Write. wire or
phone Al. Manley. 65 Ozark Cm.,
Toronto, tor open dates.
(.•,r,,Ing, r'iSake pleaemg them,
sae le hcC.P.V.,;• .•V• ; • • aeger; took to them frera the first. forpiallse- Home also wrapped reddtot
osideteielsosL ieweavii.dses, trim:owl:the
i Oak. kimhwes of Mrs, Turtle ate WAS enough for other things to be done Willy:a
coals in handherchiefs without burn.
c°4 at it while sitting dom.
'''c';'• ta.1 * 3"11r." ...: l'*:41111' N "g'bt '': ef th f i lead f Susan. For: thing ever eomes without diaeourage-1 witi b ,d of proper height, the, Mg or scorching them, al113. placed
!ea. t ee ., ,-,teaee e. itteee e", ;,-, !,,,, wi;,,i Trenleese naegheer found Joauna just: while, i hoping fluty e oue a 1 e
its thout sin On his h
aep: ia - La 1nita I thin!. a_ wee be. ' snen ei eoe as she iambi eetre about) Take a look about at the men and thus irunIng ; wileurther 1;-illuftrationVr.of "Powor
..ee et eiee .„‘t3 tool ataaasa.h araa das gun:: :minded and cleverer! wo - day loses much of
men who may 1.tigh poeitions end . (freed.
over ilre" are provided by the lire,
re, ; Fee a eetteeeeeee. raga num aer tate/ Seueetr. nod in a month the girls' • " ` , Some think it looks indoient for
one of their assets is keenness -that festivals of certain tribes of
t of uielc perceptibility! The '' woman -to sit while doing housework.; wolking
Tether oever eroeeed a hees-eleau wora gram': to be; great friends; and. if
natives, notably FIllene, who walk !!
seem quiet and unobserving., but
*••‘ ^ Wily ShOUld it 100k any more indolent" bare -tooted over etouee made white
att. sheat ehaseea. ea.ea neeeee, and , thetegh. in a manner of epeaking Mrs,i g q - - - '
I ust watch h in her case than it does for a strong'
eitein ereey tray. v.:1h. neer% eerhe hair, Turtle Telt her daughter wae, taking! maY
t.:L.,:y tli.1M; ee ea. era: a geaCiele Way ' mere to Jeenna than rnight be seem-• j t em and you will soon a to it on 1 is c ilti at r re er t hot without being, inJured in ih,,
.d lee, iteae Lkt,tit i'er see nos :not e r ent fie 9 n thel
d some on the head 0 au elderly
et oat
2- ;1,-,1•12 • 12 ..'„'kq the ger s were near o an age a t 'tient and struggle to make it worth
b d il itti tm
yn yeah inea that Nvt.;".• tlfl boaVta, high la' betweai the future wife of a Bap -41 learn that they miss little -that they ds4,d, t v !tin sughyt,st degree,
atel lova In tact, the aell.s at his. t• minieter al:A a maid of all work ! have trained minds which are quick'anek-: piece of farm mac -e
famgal surarieed ever. his wife, and Yee she eouldn't eay anythioer, for she' to eraep new thought 11. urY
e • s and to see all
140,:,. no small cenee'atton to Mary:
liked Joanna a lot herself and admired sides of business. Much that you may'
' • • ' hergood sense d h t ad • York
EF .45t eteff the eueinv even:. But a Turtle was put about a little, how- hold, and it is just this keenness My husband's old . raineoat hung, We are accustomed to tbittk el i
Utili in an. Old GarMeni:
. . .
mart who aletwea geed sport for twee, eeer, bemuse \hen she found the which enables them to net quickly, to foe' A long time in the hall cleset tak-, castor oil as a disagtaett e me eat .
ty:. eears deserved ett.11 a ftereral,_anl ; girl such a proper beauty, she bad tIllnk straight and to give valuable: ine up needed room. It was too worn This, however, is the least important 4,
aao the b r AV tt/10*i',.,",, :, , the Htin: feare. In her experienee them right judgments when asked. Try it your.' about the shoulders to serve its orig..: of its uses, commereally speaking.
len up owe Ins gee: e. ; dewn amazing pretty girls be trouble- self. It will surprise you how this mot purpose, ad vet too good for One of the largest employmeots found!
t —
Joanea favorel her Teti:ere-a, Some, because! Ow men woot leave! gift will develop nd uponj t what the junk moth One rainy daY, armed' for it is in the making of tritnepar- i!
nowerin maid with a earale tee,eper , tin akeie, and spoil 'tin and turn' definite signs andlkindicitonslroa
like him, tr.ul Kou,,11 in%is ratteen-' their heads and give 'eau wrong ideas. usually depend. There are times something. with that raincoat 1
caul- With a pair of ehears, I decided to do ent soaps. It also eields an acia i
utilized in the making of candles, anJ
alive to leer geed lorles. She faced' cause he said ne weren't fair to doom when great issues fall into the bandsi From the back I cut an apron. The another acid evhitni is an important t
modeat, an -1 tea:et tied eeennegle• not . But Farmer Turtle didn't worry, be -
her Aut. great sorrow pretty brave,! a young creature for a beautiful fate, i which least expect it and you, the edges were bound with tape, and sew-, ingredient of varnishes e,uitable for i
fan the world r.ft i a might's! different: and he'd know a properly lovely crea- business girl, may some time find ing tape was used for strings. This, polishing furniture and carriage '
T(111.i to z•fee 'who wee theie. and the g er a e think trifling they will pick up andl g
proper flower enow of beaut7fal hat -i tted the Way she looked at life. Mrs.
Uses of Castor Oil.
Bulk Carlota
dekaukeaeeet SCUITEO RED
Absolutely inoth.-proof and wonder-
fully bandcorne Omen of far4ittir,e.
Wrect front easontreetaree eo you.
write for tree illusitstied litoretnre.
Eureka Rotrloorator Co., Limited
Owen. bonito, Oato
plave for: her when jack died, and. tore tarn out very well more'n once.
F.1•4 8,:rry to leave home and! "She's no giglet wench," he said.
:get Lamy Teem 4 piece lattentea be her 'She's self-respeeting, so far as I an
ftaleee. • ; see. and though she's got a bit up her
ThQ1*,.? woe one bright thlng her, sleeve and bid from the elder genera -
ie, liewever, for site was tokentid 10 tion, as all young things' have, I
e sailer boy end loved hint very deae,weuldn't call her sly or up to no
but that a -as a seeret, and Joannaagames. And as for Toin, if you're
had premised hire faithfully not to, thinning him, he haven't got. no use
atel abut : it till he vane ba ele henne: for the females yet. Re's too busy.
we-11in and could make a home for her. 111 - fact, he's a bit down on weitan
The Toms faintly Eyed at the lodge so far as I can see, and I've toyer
ea-tes nf Saline. Chaske and when lenown him to say much in favor of
T ••• le (leered to take nen
- • ,, e
Jcanta. to Le maid ef all ..aork at " 'Tis then that think they stand
T. Waye. near Buekland„ di • ' b - e to fall h • '''
, . !my e so_ est. ow ever, argued grouchy man and send him away at ;den pillow, -which 1 stuffed with ea-, i ‘
Tonle was glad, be,ause the Dirties Mre. Turtle, and if she was "the glad isfied-to comfort and encourage the celsime Using this to kneel upon I; ;
were goilly, prosperout people and ey,e tort I'd e.end leer going for eto. office boy t)r the discouraged clerk, can dig among my , plants without' 'Making hooked, or aravni-In. rugs is 1
.reel thouglt. on; and it also meant ture peace; but she abet; I grant that. and her pleasing personality helps to fear of dampness.
yourself in a tight place where your waterproof aprort serves many uses.; oties,
keenness will decide -whether thou-, I put it on for washing dishes, water- Castor oil is also used in the mak-
sands of dollars are saved or lost-ing the garden, and even elip it on` lug of certain waterproof prepare- 41
Surely the girl who poesesees keen- under my Turkieh-toweling • apron: Hons. It is an essential component ,
mess will be appreciated at such a when I bathe the babyin some ttrtifielal rubbers, and in ver -i,
time. From one side front of the rain;
I tain kinds of -celluloid. From it is;
Are you congenial -do you make it coat I eut a piece to fit the bottomobtained the so-called °turkey led' l
a point to say and do the things of my sink, rounding off the cornere 1
which keep the office running smooth- This fake bottom has ;saved me mut:h -
ly or do you antagonize by your man- broken glaseware, and. even my most
ner and your remarks? The girl delicate chana may be washed in the:
whose gift along this line is well de- sink with this protection,
veloped knOWS "IlOW to meet the The ether front I made into a gar-;
fascinating work, ea -O:1' leoxib oirriPlY
that joanna woald aleverys g,et home' And Susan likes her and tells 'me impress the desired customer evimse Then the sleeves, after the worn; burlar, pattern with a rug hook, v'hioll
pulling l000s of rag or yarn tbroweb. a,
fer a bit ell, her day out. !that she don't seem pexticular biter- patronage is sought parts were carefully trimmed off, the' tually learn to do in a few ,
a enatir familea-eiast Themasl answerea; and Mrs. Turtle,' who girl a faithful following among -.--------- ffs which have proved indis-!
• ; wear. and blankets into beautiful
'fur Te atta A liee li:ts wife; :4,..nd one ' thoure`it well of her husband' ' d office workers. All people do not pos- pensable in my Itouse-eval-k. been making oatterre for these mote
et: continuously since
. A rug hook. 250, and one of our small i
s ind-
aheset five menthe after fell out! or two. but turned "ene down." gee eemme all leen elastic, can ma 0 ;caul- cas
mY0iunuete%2 with tolftittollootphiinacgt,icuoizg
,2 vvetlt-beth gl,ad and ested in the males. She s had an offer To be of co- rta t t and ad d d•
emopo n as e8
veiy traanan ta:e. Tite Turtleel "Then yoti've no call to fre-," he a good mixer _assures the congenial made me a pair of water -proof slit!
--; This work is not a. fad, as we bal.°
diet eiiter, toleentel te: the Ker. Bladese!Onent. teased to trouble about Joanna's
21 B.IptiSt miniteter at. Aeithin ton. good looks,. For she worked as well
one sen, young Tem Turtle. as the plainest.
gess this latter gift, but it, too, may There were several add pieces left, door -mat pattern% 18 x 32 Jae
utter depreciation of self, either, for "Junior." My young sister saw them, age
rutiloi110.7,8w(111 ssit:arrc'nobut.lrilktrota!
05'21 both. 133a4y directions for hook
be developed, and it does not mean which made splendid play aprons !foil
,in. be sent With your pattern, if
f,;:::,,:r ht2hg tailed Thomas, he was! Things went on very way for a one may mix well with other per- and insisted upon stenciling blue, I
neeked by his own go 014t1021 though! liked the place and the people, and And because good health makes all background. These decorations add -e 4
- v01 ask for them. . ,
heal to be an example for n. be- 11i5i her spirits rose presently, for the little machine weighing six enmesh i
young fellow seed thought a 1,it stiffn happy. as hex mother seem found. She
moiler, tyll: bwed ,itm better than most lrIving young creature can't
a good father forever. But
4s)",3 also make Qarvett o Rue .otoolcer,
t1s'. s ea 1(1 Tom -a 1 ery sharp good bit and Joanna 'VMS content and sonalities and yet not lose one's own. ducks and red berries on the tan *
should concentrate upon its perfec- , -for in rtlge faster.
these other assets posible
tion. Unless she has some very pro- ! I OulflLt r design sheet showing 51= sizes cif
sthe girl ed much to their ttracti
flounced illness which should keep her Itooker seat Free on request.
Blue Monday
Aro you discouraged with the color of
your wash?
Net week use
. ••
t and booklet about Gar- s
After All.
" t se.. Sfew Otaogovr, N-0. '
You want Wm Rood and healthy,
'You want him tee and stronR.
Then give him a pyre wool ierity
Made by his Wend, Bob Lon3.
Let hlm romp with all his Veer
He's the be boy in the land.
And he'll always be bright and
If he wears a Bob Lone Eranl
Alown front "Cooet to Coastil
Look fez the Label
SI Monty
After all, to be living,
then Mary Toms maeked a gradual ',Co be part of it all, to be
01137 Joanna now and then. She ask- Somethg of , all the giving,
Sotuething of all we see,
change and. felt that a cloud tame
ed if anything was amiss and the Something of ail that's gloeving
girl declared theee was not. ! In, the world around us, dear-
' Theyre all kindness alive," she
said, "and I'd do anything in ' my
power for any of 'em. All the same
life's life, and it can be a bit difficult
seemingly. Miss Susan has asked me
1 to be bridesmaid when. she's married.
! next October, and she'll pay for the
' dress, she says; but I won't have that.
'Tis a great honer for me, and if her
, amether agrees I muet have a flame! Storms may shadow our heaven,
i new Imt and clre.ee for eertain.' But skies net day are blue,
They'll miss her." 1especially ! her, Jult steoedbeinpathrte oglfoewlietheffolortt
'Ye, ttune
, ehey will---
1 father. Shee to him same as I was , te babble of bloorn in the- weather',
1 to cleat father myself. He puts' her I first. lies a thought afraid of his A breath of the morning's rime;
God it is worth Lae anguish
And all to be living,
Now, tills moment, and here!
What if the dreams do shatter, ,
What if the dust does rise; k,
Wthe- -
'hat ir e small things matter,'
aVhat If the spirit c.rtes!
Something in all makes even
The joy -and the sadness true;
You will find that your wash will have
that pure, snowy whiteness that is only to
be obtained by the use of
Keen's Oxford Blue
Sold by dealer.v.
1V1AGOR, SON 44 Lintitea
Montreal Toronto
Canadian Awls.
i son; and not the only one. A. terrible
'1 strong will lalastme Toni :have got"
"1 should have thought ilea be
, peeled of -a thing and a thought teased
of it, too. Look at bosses."
"You ban't -feared of him E should
hope? No child of yourfather's was
ever feared of anything an two "lege,
or four either.
"No -I bent feared of him. I'm
Sortas for him '
r'Why, then? f'm sure he 'ain't
sorfy ler
"You never know. He's a cueiems
young man and 1 himeelf :out Of
Edght of everybody brit himself., Res
got his secrets."
Her mother regarded Joanna very
(To be conianueel.)
LIntment For Borne, Eta, •
. .
„ .•••.1-;e:
Just to „be living, and part
Of the beautiful world wiLOShiging
Is a eong in the hearts
The Best city' to attain •a popula-
tion of 1,000,000 is believed to have
been Babylon.
. • —•
On June 30th, 1920, Caeada had
eighteen chartered bankwith com
bined assets of over three billion
New Manitoba, north of latitude
53, last year 'produced from natural
resources $3,500,000 worth of commo
dities, including copper and gold ores,
fish, furs, timber and agricultural
products. ;
s&4..kil at no -7
4... •
Have Your Cleaning
Done Ey Experts.
Clothing, household draperiee, linen and delieate fabrican---
can be cleaned and made to look as fresh andbright as
when fleet bought.
. „
Cleoinifig- and Dyeing
Is Prceperly Doae at Parker's.
It makes no difference whei e you live; pairoels oan
eent in by mail or eoepreas. The same care and attentior
is given the work as though you lived in to -tea.
We will be Pleased, to advise Yea on anY question re:
ge,T<Vaig Clem -lbw Riir Dyeing.' WItl'IrE T.T8.
arkers or limed
ownersm ronr!