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bra •
Always the same rich, full -flavored tea.
Sold only in the sealed air --tight Red
Rose Carton.
Let us play
y a
air family favorites=
e ] Di
'27te Phonograph with a aat.
Come in. Tell us what they are. Listen to
a fascinating test.
The New Edison is all the living artist can be,
—excepting his physical presence.
We'll prow it,—through your own self.
°We'll have the New Edison Re -CREATE those
family favorites, and have you listen, in a
Realism Test.
Ask for it. Get your own proof that the New
Edison brings all the thrills, joys and witch-
eries which your 'entity prizes in its most
beloved music.
of Lot 17, Con. 7, Usbarne Township
r>.n TUESDAY, DEC. 14th, 1920
A, I o'clock, share, the following:—
Horses—Clydesdale mare, 4 years aid
registered No. 44572; 1 mare, 5 -yr old,
Agrisulture; 1 mare 7 -yr -old, agricutl-
eire; 1 driving horse, 4 years old.
Cattle—Pure B;ed-1 cove, dual par -
pose Shorthorn, ,Bracelet Beauty No.
107095, with calf at ;Loot; 1 cow, Brace
let Queen; No. 126101, 3 year old, due
in March; Bracelet Mary, 3 months old
Grades -2 .fresh cows, 1 cow due in
i',rarch; 1 cow, due in February; 2 cows
due in April; 2 two-year-old heifers
2 one-year old steers; 1 one-year old
heifer, 3 calves.
Pigs -18 pigs average 150 lbs; 1 saw
With litter at •foot; 1 sow due in Jan,-
uary; 1 York hog. •
Poultry -50 pure-bred White Wyan-
dotte !hens and a number of roasters.
Grain and.Roots,-600 bush. af man-
'gcr ds, 600 bush. turnips, quantl.ty of
mixed grain, 200 bush. seed oats No:.72
Implements, Etc.—One 7 -ft binder
McCormick; 1 6 -ft. binder, Massey-
Harris; 6 -ft. mower; 12 hoe drill cul-
tivator• 4 sec. harrows; wagon and box
nearly .uew.; truck wagon, gravel box
hay rack, root pulper, top buggy, open
buggy• De Laval No. 12 separator, see
boaseighs, two -furrow plow, walking
pia v se;_ double harness nearly new;
set single. harness; one bed and spring
2 wash stands ; 8 dining chairs, 2 rock-
ers, number of pictures, and other ar-
ticles ioD numerous to mention.
No` reserve as the. proprietor .is giv-
ing up .farming.
Terms -All sums of 310 and under
caslr : over that amount 10 months'
c_ediL :On. approved joint notes, or a
discount 'of 4.per, cent off for cash..
AruT tioneer Proor.ie:tor
, ,$ M. Francis, Clerk
Uai xce11 d. dining car service '
Sleepama, , ,, nig.nt trains and
Parlor cars u , „ncipal day trains.
Full irtldorm,atit,n t.nom My Graanci.
Truk Ticket A.B..-t, or' G; E. Horr,.
lata$ Disttict Past , keenx,'Tor',aato
Pho,ae 4Gw. Agent, h,.crai�:
SEAF•ORTH, Following severe in, -
juries which she sustained in a fall five
weeks ago, ,the death occurred here
on Nov, 24th of Mrs. Elizabeth Scott
wife of Dr, J, GF Scott, coroner, She
was a nertive a:' Ireland, but spent her
early life in Mitchell. She had resided
in Seaforth for. more than half a cen-
tury. Her husband and one son, H. R.
Scott of Seafarth, survive.
CLINTON—Onslow Crich, an- old
resident of Clinton was found dead
in bed at his home on NOV. 26, by lo-
cal constables, who were asked by
neighbors to go in. His wife, who was
also in a serious co;ndri4ion, died some
time later. Grippe was the cause of
death in each case.
GODERICH.—hiss Whitman, who
teaches .school at No. an Lake Shore,
Township of Colborne, .was seriously
injured Monday mare&•ng, when the
auto bus in which she was- returning
to her school, averturn,ed, pinning her
under the car. Miss Whitman suffer-
ed a broken leg and- was badly curt
in several ,places by the broken glass
o: the windshield. She was taken to
Goderich Hospital. At the time of the
accident she was accompan ed by Miss
McArthur. also a teacher, with whom
she had spent the week -end, and who
like the driver of the •bus, escaped
with a fright and a few bruises.
is the root of nearly all digestive
ems. 0 your digestion is weak or
out of -kilter, better eat less and use
the new aid to better digestion.
Pleasant to .take—effective. Let
Ki -moils }yelp straighten out your
digestive troubles.
MADE ea scams. BOWNE
MAKERS OF scours Eitetna ON
London Business Institute
It pays to investigate before choos-
ing a school Write for infarmatioxi!.
Now is a good time to enroll.
Principal Vice-Prin.
furs. Matz of Sebewaang, Mich., is
the guest o,: her sister, Mrs. 5. C.
Dlerner, Mr. :Wm, ;Pfaff last week
moved into his new residence.— Mr.
T, C. Joynt vv;as in To -onto last week
attending the wedding of his brother
Dr, G. Joynk.—Mrsi, James Bantbron
and children have returned from a visit
in Waterloo;—Mr. M. W. Ortwe:u,who
has carried on a general merchant bus-
iness in our to.wfrr for same yearslast
week sold out to his father, Mr, J.W.
Ortwein, who will contlinue the busi-
ness. The!former will devote his
time to the insurance ,business.--- Mr.
James P(tterson of Toronto, Mrs. J.
5. Gould of London, and Mrs. McDou-
gall of Whitewater Man., attended
the funeral of Mrs, Ingram.
Death of Mrs, Ingrant—The death
to* place •on Nov. 20 of Sarah Foster
•evict of the late Algxatnitler Ingram.
Deceased was one of the earliest pion
eers and was 91 years of age. She
was born in Yorkshire, Eng., and with
her parents came to Canada when she
was 14 years of age. At the age of
18 she wit's ,married and they came to
Huron, settling pear Hensall, Mr. In-
gram died 24 years ago. Out ofeleven
children eight survive, George, Port-
land ,Oregon, Alex, near Hensall, Mrs.
Fisher and Mrs, Spear ,Vancouver,Mrs.
Dougall of Whil,tewatier, Mart„ Mrs.
Blackwell, Carmen,, Man., Mrs. Patter-
son and Mrs. R. Eacrett of Hensall.
Death of David Dew, --Death came
suddenly to David Dew on Nov. 23rd,
although he had. been in .failing health
for some time. He wets 51 years old.
He had been a resident here .for many
years and was for some years amem-
ber of the school board. Previously
he had resided in, Exacter, Besides his
wife five brothers and ,one sister sur-
v ivt:, The funeral was held on Friday
to Remelt cemetery,
Grand Bend
11•r. Lawrence Carriere of Flint
Mich., visited his parents, for a few
days last week,—Ivan Green and Ar-
ther Page. went to Detroit recently.—
Mr. Benoreleftt for his home in, Point
Edwards last Tuesday. --Gordon: Mc-
Allister arrived home Thursday.-- Mr.
Mark Wild. who went west this sum-
mer, arrived. hope last week,—Mr and.
Mrs. Sam. Sims, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Sims and children. of Crediton visited
at John Baird's Saturday.—Mrs. Wni.
Ilse and daughter, who have been vis-
iting In the west, arrived home lost.
week.—The Presbyterian S,S. children
are practising for Their Christmas. Tree
entertainment on Dec. 22. -,-• Harmon
Cilli s sm ling, over the •arrival of a son,
on the 16th,-- Mr; Sain Carriers carte
home from Toronto last week.
Mrs. Robt. Hobkirk of Bad Axe,
Mich., .has returned home after spend-
ing a week with £ .ends and relatives.
—Miss Zfarguerite. Fisher spent Sun-
day last with Rossie and Gladys Broad
foot.—The majority of the people of
this aveighborhdoo, attended °a very suc
cessful wood bee; at Mr. Robt, Cole's
Hibbert. Mr., and ,Mrs.. Cole treated
both young and old to a large party in
the (evening. --Mr, John McQueen is
spending a few days with hhis daugh-
ter, Mrs. Bartlett of Thamesford.
Mr, E.Holtzman of Toronto visited
at the home Of his father, Ntr. Geo,.
Holtzman,—Mr. Meyer brother of Rev
:F. B. Meyer, of British .Columbia, was
a visitor at the Evangelical parsonage
--Mr. Albert Rose, who recently sold
his farm on the 14th con to Mr. Paul
13adour, 1.s;s snored into town.— _lir.
Trefle Laporte., sort of Mr, Chas. La-
porte, Sauble Line, Stanley,, underwent
a serious operation; for appendicitis
last week, but is improv ;ng ,nicely. The
local doctors performed the operation.
—Rev, F. B. Meyer, was the recipYnt
of :A tine young two-year old deer last
week, send 'by a friend in New Ontar-
io—Mr. end Mrs, Elmer Oesch have
taken .up housekeeping itt the house
Mrs, J Geiger recently purchased from
Mr. Wm. Meidinger.—Mr. Robt. Will-
iams, who has been;in Zurich for a
number of years- recently left for
Quebe., where he will make his home.
_Mrs. C. Eilber is recovering slowly.
—Mr. Ed, Schnell who has been in the
west the past few months, has return-
ed to his home here.—The principal's
ro^in in the school was closed for a
few clays, owing to the illness of ,lir.
N. E. Dahms.
Sixty years of Taac.ership-•-pf giving goot..v*Iue; heaping satisfaction
and' and real ssrvic i That's why ,the Cation name wins respect and
confidence tetra. ererst to coast . That's why we are proud to sell
this dependable farm equip/stoma
Costs 'Yqu ."The Waasiderfut Gilson" stands supreme.
Nothing More Gilson Silo Fitters weresold in Canada
I t th otherk It •
The famous Gilson "Goes 1,ike Silty" 'En-
gine—any size for any purpose, --can be pur-
chased on the easy payment plan. Let it
ability made it theconomy gfgest selling
in Canada. Let us demonstrate on
your faros.
The Il to Sylo inaeires
sweet fresh. succulent en-
silage: down to the Last•
forkful, It is built to fast
indefinitely. exelusi'te
patented features of de-
ign and construction;
explain why the
.1t 10 is,
chosen by the diserimin-
sting farmer: Pays Inc
itself in the first waged.
Then year aftee year. pays
100 per rent. profit en
your investpsent...Can
as year . an any naa e, is guar-
anteedto be the lightest running blower
cutter made,
e independent -get a Gilson Silo Filler and
fill your own silo --with your own engine,
4 h.p. or larger—at the proper time, when.
your cora has the greatest feeding value.
Afanure is the best fertilizer. Yon have it,
Ilse ill The best Manure Spreader made is
tee Gilson. why? It has a wade spread.
It is low down. It has light draft, It win
take a real load. It is free from clutches,
gents and all complicated parts,
Call and as, our neer.,t dealer, rune, below, lie will save and make you money' on
the srqquippwrst illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dlxto-Ace Tractor., Wood Saw.,
Grindora, Pump ,lacks, Belting, etc. Write for Catalog.
Matte in Canada sad Guayas re4 by
GILSON MFG. CQ.,. Limited - - GUELPH, ONT.
Call told Ss, Nearest Dealer
KIPPED --Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 3'IL-
Gregor of Kippen. celebrated •, • their
I golden wedding anniversary at • the
home of their sort recently, . They I
were married in Egmondv,i1le..tnd re-
' sided on the 10th of Tuckersmith un • 1
t i
ti, Here a euro• C
ritlr0� t�1FC'' a Zr!_4 ♦ s'G
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le.� ll,.'�a�,lil... , � . '
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Ili vi:; , • • .=�
,Ute �ri:
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9A/0 411
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til fourteen years ago, when they re-
tired to Kappen. The family present.
ed err. McGregor with a gold -headed
carne and Mrs. aleGregor with ,haaud--
some inatel clock. The family consists
re' one son and three daughters. '•
411 Its
• s rw
yeeeivesseerrie. '4
Furniture, has always been one of the.,mos! popular,
most appropriate and most useful of 'Qhist.nas Gifts
THIS year it is doubly so, because of the move-
ment foto beautify the home" that is, at
present, sweeping across the world. Therefore,
gifts that will help to make the home more attrac-
tive, more refined, more comfortable and more
hospitable, are particularly timely this Yuletide.
Christmas in the Dining Room
Just think how much more delicious and more
delightful the savory turkey, the plum pudding,
the entire dinner, will taste if served in a dining
room that is furnished to reflect the good cheer
and warm hospitality that are associated with
Christmas time.
Why not give "The Home", itself, a gift of
a beautiful new dining room suite? "The Home"
is just as deserving of a Christmas gift as the
individuals who live in "The Home" and to
whom it is thedearest place in all the world.
A Family Cift •
Let all the family club together and give "The
Home" a real, true Christmas gift. If' not a
dining room suite, then a Chesterfield suite, or
some bright, cheerful sun -room furniture, or a
richly designed library table, or a handsome chair,
or an attractive, decorative hall seat and mirror,
or some other appropriate piece of furniture.
For members of the family there are more
than a score of suitable gifts of furniture.
For father or big brother, one of the handiest
and most welcome of gifts is a Chifforobe or
Chifforette. It is a real aid in keeping clothes,
shirts, ties, etc., in smart orderly shape.
For mother, there's the curate or the tea -wagon
and tray that she's been wanting for such a long
time. Or wouldn't she b, Baia•,+r it she were
to receive a modern vanitd sir, -::,e., or a little
bedroom rocker, ora ,sawing n •:i, or charm-
ing writing desk.
More Furniture i*i:lgestions 1,
For the musical clru•3h" •* aaha veald be more
appropriate than a handsotoa pieaio bench or an
artistically designed music cabinet?
And for baby, there's the cute little cot, or a
high chair, or a smell labia and chair, or a suite
of juvenile bedroom furniture.
For the friends that ere dear to you there is
nothing more appropriate or that more truly
represents faithful, lasting friendship than gifts of
beautiful furniture.
For men friends, there's the smoking table or
wand, the bench on which to rest the feet, the card
table, the easy chair.
For women friends, there's the bedroom box,
and many kinds of artistic tables and chairs.
As a present to a man and his wife, what
could be more suitable than a telephone taisle and
chair, a flower box, a jardiniere stand, a floor or
table lamp, a pedestal, a reading table or a
fireside bench ?
Tokens of Happiness
Gifts of furniture are gifts; of cheer and
happiness. Unlike many other gifts,, they have
the advantage of permanency.`'A piece or a suite
of furniture is a lasting token of your love or
friendship for the person to whom ' it is given.
And it will help to beautify the .home, which
makes it the ideal gift—
"Better Furnished Homes Mean Greater Happiness"
This announcement is inserted by
Bank of Hamilton : Building Toronto, Canada
NOTE:—The Home Furnishings Bureau does not sell furniture or goods of
any kind. Its object is to promote a greater interest in the Furnishing of Canadian
homes, Your local dealer will be pleased to give you any int rrnatron jou desire
about suitable furniture for your home and to show you suites and individual pieces
that will make appropriate Christmas gifts.
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