HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-12-2, Page 4The Exeter Advocate cane It's Made Right NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK � Cod-liver oil is as delicate as butter, it must be made right to assure palatability. Sanders & Creech, Proprietors e rte... Subscription Price --In advance $L50 per year in Canada.; $290 la the United States. All subscriptions not pard in advance 50e. extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known an application, Stray Animals -One insertiOxt 50c., three insertions $1,00. Farm or Real Estate for sale SOc.' each insertion for one mantle of ;foul insertions ?+'i scetilaneous articles of not more than five. lines, For Sale To Resit, Wanted each insertion. 50c Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc„ 10c. _per line per insertion; No notice less than 25c. Card of Than ccs 50c. Auctrou Sales $3 for one insertion. and $1.50 for each subsequent n- sertion if under five inches in length,. Legal advertising 10c. and Se. aline 3 R RSOAY, DEC. 2nd, 1910 Saintsbury 1'lre Junior and Senior brairwhe rf sire W. A packed their annuli bar'!et toe the Slaringbank Home at Sault S'e }Marie on Tuesday, Nov. 23, valued ar ±167.00. -The friends ;end net hbors of Mr. James Turner are pleased to hear that he is ga?m ne gradually_ rind expected home soon> --M. Heb 'r bee is spent a fey days last week ie. Lon- don Township --Th'. and 11rs. George, Davis end arse Lena Dares spent Sun dry in Cene«ral'a 011ss Agnes Creery o' Sunshine spent last week visiting friends around he e. -The season's threslreng trt th's ne,ghborhood has -iust been i omp'eted with every rain - ere filled to thea- utmost capzc«ty.- A very pleasant time was spent las; Wednesday evening, when about eigh- ty members of St, Patrick's congre- gation, gathered ett the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Davis and presertted their daughter, eNFes Vera, with a handsome quarter -cut yak library table as a. token of the aPP ewiat'ion of her :xerwi. es as. orgaOnt of the church. The gift was accomptnled by 'he fol- lowing address:-- ro Miss Vera Davin We. the cone egeni'ra of St. Pat'',_ r'., Church Saintsbury, are ane: toeethe:r tine evenine to express our a:rpre tt"t• 1 " Ire e r Ciel e vea hey. nerd red is our midst. . You have always beer an e,e„en: sten; kee an c?lurch and Sunday Selo ' tend we fee: that ,we would like toj .ansa. in Some way ,that, we reline Pp preelete what you have been do'n e, among us. As organist you have alway s been very faithful anti attentive, anti also you. have always Sheen ready and zviltlne to hen) in ens other way :tip rinueh or Sunday school Work. We ask you to ,accept this library L.able as a mere token of our apprecia- tion of your services, and hope .';you may lo'tg be spared no carry en,`:'the good work in our midst. - Signed on behalf of the congregation. Alex. liacdrana'd George Davis Miss Davis, though taken compete e by surprise, heartily thanked the eon gregation for their vary kind remem- brance. After the presentation and a feat abort speeches refreshments were served, after which the crowd joined in an old-time dancewhich was much enjoy ed by old and young. Mount Cannel The funeral of the date Mrs. Ellen O'Brien of Cesittralia •took place to the 1t. C. cemetery hiere at 10 a.m. on Fri- day. -Mr. John. Walker held a very successful wood;bee ^n 1•Ionday after- titeon, - Miss Geraldine Harness is •suffering from an atteek of hlood- poisonang en her hand. -Mr. Pat Sul- liva:a has purchased a re•c Chevrolet car from 1fr. E. Tiernan of Dash- wood, -;Miss Huberta Glavin of Lon- don is spending a ,few days at Vie home of her sistter, gets, C. Regan, -:tar. Martin Keough of Ser1i ne Wash.,, visited hie sister. Mrs. M Mad - dee last week. -Messrs. P, and C. Rag- What a - What Prominent Ontario Women Say Tillsonburg, Ont.: -"I found, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription very beneficial during expectancy. I felt quite poorly, was nauseated and sick, could not eat any- thing and I was extremely nervous and weak. I took y„ Favorite Prescrip- .' 4:1 tion' and it soon-, gym`t r jt, stopped the nausea, my appetitereturn- ed, also my strength and I was -. - soon feeling fine *"yr _a, and strong. My }x 'j baby was strong and healthy and Inas always been so. I consider 'Favorite Prescription' a great help to the expectant ;'^ mother and am glad to recommend it."- .MRS. t"-.Mlle; AMOS MILLS, Box 238. SCOTT'S EMLILSION is decidedly palatable and easy to take. It l contains purest me- dicinal cod- liver oil that is, made right'. from the start. Scott & Bowne.Toronto. Ont. 29-65 ier are busy awing wooti n the neigh - hoed this week. -lir. Wm. Barry left on Friday for London, where he . dis- tends io remaint-We are . pleased to state that Odo Pfaff is improv' g .nicely, afteris recent operation at St' Joseph's Hospital, London. R.11RA1- LEGISLATION Well Worth a Second Glance From Farmers. Cream and Milli Purchasing—Dog and Sheep Protection ---Sale of p`orwuldehyde — Marketing Lean --Prevention of Bee Diseases. (Coetribuuted uyltureOOntaTorDepartment of A FOLLOWING are brief outlines of some of the provisions of certain bills passed at the last •sesefon of the Legislature, and which 'tench ver, closely the interests of farmers of the Province, furnished by the , Agricultural. Gazette of Canada Cream and Mill. Purchase Act. This is a measure designed to pro -4' tect the. producers of creamin the mattes;ot test. It provides teat all cream purehased in a wholesale way shall be purchased on a basis of the butter -fat coutene and that all milk thaf is paid for or, a butter -fat basis ,shall .be tested by the Babcock method. At the present time, of course, practically all cream purchas- ed,bSr wholesale 's bought on a basis of its butternfat content, so that the chief purpose is to standardize the test and see that the producer gets a fair 'teat.- The, Act and Regulations ,prescribe the 'reline] of testing and also provide the i "te shipper shall be entitled to a r•'at•.rnent in detail of the- quant,.ti..; ' cream r eceivPd and the amount ::•r.'h 'nen tested. The inspectors are given arr.•.iority to enter factories at ell Hours and make tests, and. also belt over the books of the cohipanie a and check up the quantitie$'of cream received and the manner' in which it it disposed of. Dog Tax and Sheep Protection . Amendment Act. A. HAMILTON -WITNESS Plamiiton, Ont.: -"A few months . ago I Was stiicken down and was confined to bed. . bout ten days. My strength all left me. It '"-- was my first illness since a child. I lost five pounds and felt awfully weak afterward. I could hardly do my work. I was advised to 'try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in I tried a -tablet form couple of bottles and dDerore I knew it, I era's well and strong and -had..gained 9% pounds. I can recommend Dr. Pierces' Favorite. Prescription to build one . up.". --MRS. E. .MARTIN, 897 Dundurn Si. After suffering pain, feeling nervous, .dizzy, weak and:dragged down by Weak-.. nesses'of her sexy with eyes sunken, black circles and pale cheeps -such a woman in -quipk1Y'restored to health by the Favorite' Pr`egciiption: of .Dr; Pierce. Changed, ton, in looks, for after taking Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription the skin becomes clear, tine byes brighter, the cheeks plump. It is ;purely, vegetable„contains no alcohol. Important Events Which Have Occurred Dui ins the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- tally Compiled and Put Into Bandy and Attr etive ^Shape for the Readers of Our Paper A Solid Hour's Enjoyment.. TUESDAY. Toronto dole employes' unions plan federation, ormerres'de > 1' >, n t Deschane 1 has Completely recovered his health. The former karserin is thought to be dying at the Doorn residence. Soldier organizations in Toronto will take a band in municipal elec- tions. There was tt clash between anti Hydro and electrical experts at radial probe. The lliethodist Ministerial Assoeia- tion is opposed to teaching boxing in schools. J, H. Gundy spoke in Toronto on Monday of financial conditions in Europe: Freneh troop repulsed the Turkel. who attteked them in cousidetablc force northeast of 'Tarsus, Rev. jells Armstrong, for glove. than 75 years a minister, died in Montreal at the age of 98. "leen'” Simpson of Hamilton has been selected as referee in the Dom- inion football series final. Sugar sold retail in Montreal at 12 to 1; rents, the lowest price since the peak was touched on July 26. Two women and seven children were burned to death in a farm house at Petloue. Mataue County, Quebec. The Japaneee in :Korea !rave burn- ed a Cattle"tinn school on the ground that it was a resort for Korean out law;„ The defeat of N. Yeni elos in Greece has resulted in the Turkish, Government demanding what ie egtnivelent to a revision of the treaty of Sevres, • The ei .Ji+ ymir-ol l .erre of lei, Pel letter of I ev ii, ,tyle., lies tenet•..1 to give some of his skin to save his ten -ye tr-old stere(, who was severely burned on Sunday. ' Magistrate W, O. Chapman of Rainy River has been ..sired to re- sign, following investigation of charges that he let personal feeling Influence his administration. WEDNESDAY. ESD:AY. Units of Gen.enninoff's army have. surrendered to the Reds. An Inter-ehau•ch movement, has. been organized in. Toronto. A new Children's Shelter fof'Grey county was opened at Owen Sound. Louis ,. Faus of South Dumfries died. Monday evening in his 101st year. Sugar dropped to $11.10 whole- sale in St. John and sold at 12e retail. Trouble is expected in "'Toronto. Labor circles over resolution oat.{ ex- tremists." , 'mow, r The York County Council' pins"•co increase police force to cope with auto bandits. The eighty-sixth, annual meeting of the Fergus Curling Cirib' was held at that town. The Victoria County Veterans' Me- morial Clubhouse at Lindsay was formally dedicated. The owners of the Esperanto have declined an invitation to race Dela wane again this ,seasein, W. H. Tonkin of Oshawa is ex- hibiting in a store home-grown lem- ons, one weighing 114, pounds.. Admiral Callaghan, commander in the Nore, at • the mouth of the Thames, during the war, is dead in London. Forty rural Methodist and Pres- byterian congregations In London District and Presbytery are to be merged. Harry Hibbard, aged 16,. of Alex- andria Bay, was accidentally kilted while hunting at Goose Bay, near Brockville. Fifteen persons accused of attack- ing the Frencit Consulate et Bresnan, Germany, have been found guilty. and Imprisoned. Governor Smith of the State of New York has issued an order prohibiting boxing in State Armories by other than soldier cont8stants. A campaign for $200.000 for ' new English-speaking Roman Catho- lic high school in Montreal started with subscriptions of $59,100. With six_ polls to r: port, early figures give a majority of 430 in the Yale by-election to J. A. MacFelvie, Government candidate, over Col. O. E. Bdgett. THURSDAY. Sthiooe county will be free of debt by the end of this year. " Current loans in Canada decreased $1.000,000 during October. Wm. Edwards was fatally burned in a new restaurant at Merrill, 13.C. Bolsheviki forces may re-oecupy Vilna it is reported ,from Soviet sources. "Fred" Waghorne was re-elected as president of the Toronto . Hockey League. The Roman Catholic Women's League i.eld its anniversary lunceon Wednesday night. The Penn. State University' soccer team defeated the University of To- ronto by 3 to 0. , Reports from Turkish source say, Kemal Pasha has entered b7 (van Ar men e's capital. Rev. R P. Mackay says Christian nations must prevent terrible disaster in Chinese , famine districts. Miss Grace Q1';Boyle, aged 55, of 4 C Ottawa., was found dead in her hotYte, the body guaided'by five dogs. The dog nuisance is so general and so serious to owners of sheep that there is an effort almost every ses- sion to further strengthen the legis- lation to protect sheep, owners from losses by dogs. The act introduced at the recent session provides that all dogs in the province shall wear tags, to be secured from the officers of the municipality. Any, dog found off the premises of its owner and not underthe control of any person and not wearing a tag may be killed by any person, and there is also a fine to the extent of at least $10 for those who fail to secure tags. This section, however, does not come into effect until April 1, 1921, so as to give peo- ple concerned proper notice. Another amendment gives the councils of counties power to take over all dog taxes: collected..a,ndato pay out the losses which' may be in- curred through damages to sheep. At the present time these losses are borneentirely by the townships, which also receive and control the revenue from the dog tax. ' • The Sale of Formaldehyde. For sonte years past the Depart Ment of Agriculture and many lead- ing farmers have been advocating the use of formaldehyde for the treat -p ment of seed grain for smut. Fre- quent.complaints were heard that as formaldehyde was only handled in drugstores,it was not convenientin many rurl sections where drug stores were Often ten or twelve miles apart. It was found that all that was needed was a slight change in the Pharmacy Act which would put for - maIdehYde in the same class as Paris green and other poisons that are handled by hardware stores or gen- A majority of the Legislative Com- eral stores. It is, of course, provided mittee decide to recommend propor-. that formaldehyde canonly be sold• tional representation for Ontario.. in sealed packages carefully labelled A movement is to be launched in "Poison" so that the handling tnay, be the iJnited States to make Sunday a properly safeguarded. day of quiet, with ban on •a.11 amuse- ments.. : , Tbe`As,oeia`r ct .13e •-1 of, Trade rend -The GREATEST. HIT IT YEARS Dedicated to the United Farmers trYII and composed by the well-known song writer, Mr. Morris Manley. SONG Word's and 'Music 3Sc, postage. prepaid. Address CROCKER PRESS, LIMITED, Publishers, 48 and 50 Lombard Street, Toronto, Ont. Bellveau, of Thyc" Rivera, Q11e., wee burned to death when the fuinily reel- notice was destroyed. FRIDAY. Dissatisfaction is said to exist in militia 'circles in Toronto, - The International Silver For Ex- hibition opened at Montreal. The Independent Labor party will enter municipal politics, Cobalt miners are arranging to establish a siek benefit fund. The Women's Liberal Association records its .vnews on important ques- tions. The next .session of the League of Nations assembly will, be on Novem- ber 30. TheCanadian Nortbern 'Railway floated a bond issue in New York for $25.000,0E1. Milton Hallman of New Dundee died as a result of taking by mistake a semi -mercury pill. Thomas J. Moore, city manager of Guelph, died in Sudbury as a result of a hunting accident. .- "Lew" Tendler, Philadelphia light- weight boxer, outpointed Johnny Tillman in eight rounds, The New South Wales Commission. gas reeommended £850 as payment to private members of Parliament. A Toronto child may die as a re- sult of a blow from a hatchet. The man is charged with wounding. It is said that former• employes of the Grand OperaHouse, Toronto, may sited light on the Small mystery. The Manitoba Government will ap- ply to the Public 'Utilities Commis- sion for an increase in rates to meet a def et, t, A Woodstock amateur wireless telephone operator picked up a mes- sage sent from 1,800 miles away on the Atlantic seaboard. . The British Food Controller sees in the fall In the price of wheat in Amer- lea and Australia a sign of real change in Lite economic situation, Premier Lloyd George stated in the House of Commons that it had been decided not to impose martial law in Ireland at the present time, SATURDAY. A deputation from Cochrane asks for a separate juctieial area, Geologist advo.;ttes pevdng ravines with coal as community store houses. Sidney 5, MGD 'rmand'a plurality in Cast Elgin over John L. Stansell was 251. A driver of a bread wagon in To- ronto was held up by three motor bandits, John Bodnar, aged eight, ran in front of a street car in Toronto and woe ltiiled. H:rry W. aleMuldrock, aged 16, of Sarnia, was fatally shot by accident, while hunting. non, Manning Doherty expects ten Chambers of- Commerce, i'rpea -their, seventh annual meet;jug to -day at. 3 3�v e• 'Ilse' Ma nitona Fanners' group will support' Premier Norris, Leader Rob, SOIL having agreed to work with him for a year. The nine-year-old son of Dennis eAcestasetweanwe ........... UNPREPAREDNESS —FAILURE A bank account is an assistant in character •building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which increases effort and paves the way to success. Open anaccount to -day and be prepared. 74A. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE C PAID-UP CAPITAL, - $ 15,000,000 RESERVE FUND) - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855 OAPITAL RESERVE, $9,000.000 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK ENCOURAGb T.HRiFT . I \' YOUR CHILDREN. The on•ening of a Sav-.nes Account ,or a child in, THE MOLSONS BANK encourages himtoss te. . It ;s a step te- wi'ards thattraditional first th ousand dollars; Savings Departments at all Branches. EXETER BRANCH T, S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch. Qpen for business daily Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch ST. MARYS-While Wilbert San- dercott and Reg. Lucas, 12 -year-old boys, were out shooting rabbits, young; Sandercott was Accidently shot in the face and leg,, and was taken to Strat- ford hospital. If you have anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column thousand British farmers to come to Ontario next yeas;, "- The workings of Toronto's police court are to ale probed by Public Ser- vice omm n , "Teddy" Jonce of -Toronto ont- pointed Par: y" Wallace in a ten round bout in Toronto.:, "Benny" Leonard, world's light- weight boxing champion, beat. Joe Welling h fourteen, rounds. A, mother and her three young children perished in a fire and coal gas explos,o:i in a Winnipeg suburb. Detroit -and Windsor authorities are to jein forces in an effort to stop rum -running :across the Detroit river. Chanes McKechnie, onetime li- quor sleuth with Rev. J. O. Sprack- lin's squad, was sent to jail for rob- bing a woman. Geo. Cummings, aged 19, of Wells- chester, P,E.I., was killed by a land- slide on railway construction work near Fre1ericton, N.B. :. Lt. -Col. Robert A. Bowie, a leading physician of Brockville, was killed :7;r a fall drown an elevator shaft at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital: • Officials of the Labor Temple, To- ronto. will not allow the Irish Self- Determination League to hold Sun- day meetings in their,building. MONDAY. An earthquake was felt in Oregon on Sunday. The timber prdbe will resume on December 6. Si. Andrew's Society celebrates its 84th anniversary. Owen Sound Y.W.C.A. has dedi- cated its new building. Eaton and Kaiser won the six=d<ay bicycle race at New York. The control of Victory Bonds has been removed by the Government. The condition of the ex-Kaiserin' has taken another turn for the worse. Several Chinamen were arrested in Toronto on charges of "dope" traffic. A co•ttanuation school has been' or- ganized at Dorchester village, near Ingersoll. Three youths were arrested in To- ronto on charges .of housebreaking and burglary. The University of Toronto' boxers beat Ontario Agricultural College on Saturday.night. John Doughty claims he can estab- lish his innocence in connection with the Small mystery. The British Government has ap- pointed a commission to study the economic outlook in Egypt. Picton business men held a`` ban- quet to discuss. the best methods of dealing with present market condi- tions. An international council binding together the war ,veterans of the allied countries has been •formed in Paris. Sarnia C. I. won the Interscholas- tic football title by. defeating, De la twenty Salle 9 . to 8 in we ty minutes over- time. New Zealand Chambers of Com- merce are trying to promote a reci- procal tradeagreement with Aus- tralia. us- ra r' t li a, Farmers in -the Uno Park neigh- borhood in Northern Ontario ' have had good success in drilling for arte- sian' wells. The price' of flour will be reduced"' two ;shillings per sack to -day in Lon- don, England, and sugar by two pence per pound. Wesley Garrod died in haapitai at C h atbein as a result of scalds re- ceivec, when he fell into a vat` `of boiling water at s, packing; plant. Toronto .T•lniversityand McGill .Uni v reity get apportionment'Of $1,000,- 000 deal,' to be used exClusively in cid of medical, education in Canada, from the Rockefeller Foundation: The Advocate can give you club - bine rates with any of the daily news- papers or magazines, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the. Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. riffitlijfaliters for Every Horse We have"a very choice and "com- plete line of STA -fall Halters They will repair or replace, freeof charge, any of their guaranteed halters if broken inside of one year from date of purchase. We give you a dated tag with each of these halters. This added protection is for you and we will be pleased to show you our hal- ters and harness at any time. W. J. BEL+R. - Tie the horse or colt so be can't break loose in the stable at night and damage the other stock or Let Injured. "Griffith" Rafters bold any hone. We hove 'ens. EXETER E. Ni.DIGER, DASHWOOI) F: J. FAIRHALL, CENTRALIA D THE LATEST PRICE ON THE Canadian FairbanksMorse Co 'y. Engrnes 1 1-2 H. P. IENG-INH. ,$110 00 3 H. P. ENGINES..e 5175,00 „¢ H. P. ENGINES ..,285,00 These engines • are equipped with the Bosch Magnieto•,; the finest lg- . nitiott known. DOUBLE GhAR PUMP JACK ,.,. Taro INTERNATIONAL GEAR JACK • $:30.00 FARM LIGHTING POWER -40 LIGHTS , $525,00 WE SELL,, THE CASE TRACTOR - EMERY STANDS, SAW ARBORS, PULLEYS, BELTING HANGERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOTICE ALL MAKES : OF ENGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED OR QROUNG NEW , PISTONS MADE TO HIT WITH RINGS OXY ACETYLENE WELDING DONE. The Cochrane Machine Works EXETER ONT. • INTER WORK ON CARS I am in a position to handle all makes of cars for overhauling this Ix inter. A square deal to all. B. FOOTE . FordGarage .. wun'4,x ... _.... w.c. ..�., ..v� ,.4 �ia`is..'�. Exeter