HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-25, Page 8EXE TER All• IE1C LTL., T LTIU SDAY, T❑�. af, 19 Q Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fail Wheat 1,80 Barley, knew .., ,..65 10 75 Oats, new ..{..,:, 45 Family kion x.9(1 Feed Flour .25 Short . to 35 Bran ,... ,. ,,. 2.10 HIe'd Eggs ..•.,,.,. ,i.,. 55 Ne.r Laid Eggs ,.., {.,. 75 Dairy Butter 54 Creamery Butter . .,,..,... 62 Lard 35 Po`a+ees ,.. 1.50 Has. her too 20 00 Hogs . „... 15 E'0 FUR t• z,A r FOUND. On , n u 1 tial-. 2 1, on the Cred itae Roe' 'nc - tib pka, .a fur coat. !Owner n have same by calling at tizis o , .'e ate paying for this notice. CAR!) OF "THANKS. Mr. and \1-.. Wiu.a;m Bowden o; Step'.+ , wee/ .a thank the neighbors and eierel. to tttip many acts o; fond- re`s gena ,l during their recent be,- rea► epee .t .: o for the many ) eaz, . ei, & fora; 14 -butes. IS 1T YOU The party v. Fro borrowed William Ward'e Wire Fen e Stretcher win eonier a great favor by returning it t °nee, WAN rED by careful tenant a small house, comi;ort.,bly furnished, for two months, or longer. Rent in advance, .Must be warn, Apply at once at this office, C. O. FORESTERS. Will meet oa :Monday next, NOV. 29, in the Hall at 8 p,m;, Spacial Busi- ness,—F. W. GLADMAN, Sec'y. STRAYED. A yearling with peg ring in left ear. Finder sewerded by leaving informa- tion, at this office or with \Viz. Welsh Landon Road Narth. "W.('.T.V. ANNOUNCEMENT Everyone should know what the Travellers' Aid is doing to assist girds and women travelling. Come and hear Dr. Sara Detweiler in Main. St. church on Monday at 8 pen. Dr. 1)etweiler is a member of the world's executive of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. A cordial invi- tation is extended to the public. A liberal collection is asked for in aid. of Travellers' Aid work. FOR :SALE, A Victoria Washing machin, and wringer. also an oil theater, all in good condition. Reason far selling, using Electric.—Mrs1 Gambrel, Main St, DOG STRAYED. Black and ;white setter dog stray- ed onto the premises of the. under- -signed. Owner can have same by pro\iag property and paying expenses, M. E. R ATZ, Dashwood P.O. BARN FOR SALE. 30x50, with steel roof, in good shape to be removed next spring. Apply, SAM'L BEAVER, HAY P. O. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E, J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and Sanders St., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 10 to 4,30. Consultation and examination free at office. Running Every Day THE O,K. STEAM CIDER NULL is pressing cider and making apple butter every day. Custom work done as rapidly as possible. Sweet cider and apple butter for sale. S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIf .e The council of the Corporation of Count) o: Huron will meet in the cou'ici: chamber, in the Town of Ga•1eri:h. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, ithe. 7th day of December 1920. All a: counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk hat later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEO W. I-IOLMAN, Co. Clerk. Goderi,eh. Nov. 15th, 1920 Notice to Creditors --- OF Ll e e J. HORRELL, LATE OF the Vela„e of Exeter, in the County o; Huron, Widow, Deceased. N) l lee:: is hereby given that all creditor, and others having claims ag init the .estate of Eliza J. Harrell, ,., latea tee \ i•la�e ,of Exeter, in the Co -+ t u Huron, widow, who died on or about the Eighth day of Nov- e,nbe:, A.D. 1920, are; an 'oar before the ,.re=st •dry of December, A. D.1920 to send by pest prepaid to the under- signed, sae-) ter (,for Mr. Herbert E;, Horre!l sea and heir of' the said de.' ceased, their christian names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full perticu;ars of theitr claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securiities Of any) held by them: anal that after the day last aforesaid Ube said Herbert R, Harrell will,proceed rto distribute the assetsof sai4 deceased among the parties : en- titled thereto, having regard only to such claims ,of which notice shall ,have been given, as above required, and the said ijerbterit E. Hoinrellwi,lleet be lia- ble for (said assets,, of any part there- of, to any person! Or petrspn. of whose claim or claims notice; shall' not have beet, received by himat the time of such dstxibutnn. • Dated at Exeter Ontario, this 15th. day of November, 1920. ISAAC R, CARLING, Local Doings Mrs. Louis Day is .confined #o It home -through ,illness, er The sidewalks were one sheet afic er Miss CIare, who was relieving atthe aver Sunday, and walking was reth lilt~ t cult. e Milder w'ej ►;'Tier ,prevails juet now, and the now has almst disappeared, efessrs, G. Crawley and J. G. Jones are both showing signs of improve meat this week, but are still cartel/led fo their. homes \Ir Jahn Beer of TorerJto;has pur chased Mn.Thost. Brock's residence c Simwoe Street Miss Stella Gregory was off` duty a .few days last week tat the school owing to illness. Central Telephone Office here, re- - !turned to her borne in ;London on .i Friday the vabalnny being filled ,here by hiss Idildred Horton, Mr, Wm. Powe and family enjoyed a delicious dish of raspberries pick" ed from his garden last week, Need_ less tO say this belated treat was mudt enjoyed by Mr. Pow and Iris fancily, Miss Irene Howard, daughter of the late Edward and Mrs. Reward of 'Wind sor, formerly of Exeter, was married in. ;that city on Saturday last Nor. 20th, fio .-lir, Banghert, The af- fair was of a quiet nature,on]y the ten- d mediate relatives being in attendance, The Official ;Board of James Street 1 elethodist Church has passed a res_ e olution to co-operate with the boys who 'desire tto .have a gyntn,asium es- tablished in town, and a, suitable build- ing is now being sough,. Itewould, of lcourse, be ;opened to ail boys, and it is,hppe4 to have the other churches co-operate in the, movement. Special services are hewing conduct l zit the Tr vett Miemarjal Church thi week by the rector, Rev. A. A. Truro per, Rev J 0, L, Spracklin has been. cC nnuitted ,tor trial at Sandwich on' the charge of killing Beverley 'Truro ble on Nov, 6th, and has been release en $10,000 bail, Bishop Si, elleams ,of London, wil conduct Confirmation services in th Trivia Memorial Church to -night 'Thursday), when a class will receive we rite oa Confirmatfan, The dwelling comprising a part o tete estate of the late Mrs, Hoare ll was last week Meowed of to Mr. henry John Kealtle. of Stephen, the c onsideretion being $1700. It will be pleasing news to many cin ;:own to know that Mr. Wml J. Call- ing is eboge to move back to towns he having disposed of his farm near Brighton :and 4,ii1 hold an auction sale of his farm eeteek and iznp/eznent, in a week or sa, _After ot':2.r half a lifetiit1e's exp:r- n a in publ icity, vie are firmly ccn- vinced that for reaching the people of any community there is no publicit)- .zs effective at a moderate price as advertising ,in the local newspaper that circulates in. that district, says the I;owmanville Statesman. 1-iURON OLD BOYS' MEI,TING. 1'he annual zneelting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto:, W'l be held in Roam 15, 1. \1 C. . Building 40 College street, on Mon- day evening, Nov. 29, at 8 o'clack, for clea�tion of officers and other busi- ness. r LAMB—LUXTON. A very pretty home wedding took pace on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at rix o'clock p.m. at tate home of \Ir. ;,nd errs, James Irving, when their ester, \Miss Minnie Luxton, became the bride of Mr, R. A. Lamb of Greaten, :Task., the Rev, J. Adam Smith offieieting, Only the immediate relatives 11 ,',e contractmg parties were present. Al- lan Dale and Miss Ethel ' Luxton were the- atteada,nts.—Grenfell Sun, SCHOOL BOARD ME .TING. The Board aneit, int the office of the Secretary on the 16th. The chairman reported that the meitter of assess- ment ,of Usborne property for Exeter school purposes iw is to be referred to the Assessors next year, The prin- cipal complained of faulty ventilation and it was decided to investigate,, It; was decided to purchase one .hundred chairs .tcf Assembly Room. A number of accounts were passed. A report was received that there is no approp- riation from the government for med- ical inspection, but the Minister was pleased that inspection had been made and advised same for next year, D1ED AT NORWICH. The death occurred at the home of his soa. ,near Norwich, on Nov. 20th of an Exeter man, Mr. Henry Makins in his 90th year. Old age was ;the cause of his demise. The late Mg Makins, was born in Lincolnshire, Eng, and came to Cenada as a young man. He settled ,first in Toronto, then ,in Grey Township, and forty years ago moved to Staley Township, and re- tired . to Exeter eighteen years ago. Latterly he has been living with his soa George near Norwich. His wife died seventeen, ,years ago. Six son' and three daughters survive, Ed. and John in New °Atario, George at Nor- wich, Joseph at Detr Levi at Sea - forth and Benjatni,n at Exeter, Mrs, Norman Patterson of London, Mrs. T; Johns Exeter, and Mrs. Smith of Zurich. The remains were brought to Exeter by train on Monday, and a private funeral ,took place on Tues- day afternoon from the residence of his son, Benjamin, interment being made in Exeter cemetery. Trivia- Memorial • Church a.m,-Subject, "Evening and morning." p.m.—Subject, "My Future." • Tuesdayevening, :Missionary ad- dress by Mr. Bythel, . Rev A. -A. Ta-umper, Rector CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 11.00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m,—. JAMES ST, METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B•A, 11 asci,—"The Smuggler and his friend 3 Dani—Sabbath School and Bible Classes, 7 pin'.—"How benefiit by. the. .winter ` • Evenings," Gadd music, • A hearty welcome.• James Street ass)3sersary. Dec. 5th The ; Doherty Male Quairt;ette at both services. , MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Gep, McAlister, M. A. Phos. 2113, 11 a m,—"Th'e Lord's Sermon." 3 am,—Sabbath School, and Bible Classes. 7.00 pm. --"The ,Shadow of Eg#tet " PLOWING COMPETITION. Following are the results of the Jun - or Farmers' Plowing Competition as 'judged in the Exetter district on November 15, Five Acre Field -1st, Elgin Row- clrffe ' 2nd, Amin Pyni; 30, Roland «ri1i)unzs 4th, Earl Shapton; Sth Jeffrey . l ii',n--Eit;in Rowelti'fe; 2nd, Aivj Pym; 3rd, Wilson Hawkins, IS HE AN EXETER BOY ? Frank Ding and four other nien'are i errested in -Chatham on a charge of "shooting with intent to kill azid rob" a Detroit barber, one Frank Cornish, l:h e.e weeks ago. Cornish now lies rn St, Joseph Hospital in a critical !,'oeditian, He was badly riddled witle shot from a (shot gun, and may have to have both legs amputated. The matter has been hushed up for three !weeks and the police learned of it only a few d tys ago. King admits that a shot lead been fired on his prem- " ises o:t the.night that a party of Wind sor rum-ruuners visited iris place, but he claims he does not know who fired the shot, The prisoners pleaded not guilty and were allowed out on ,bail of $10,000 each, and will receive a heating on Nov. 30th: An Exeter boy ,named Frank Cornish is a barber in Windsor or Detroit, and it is supposed here that he ,is the unfortunate man mentioned above, :Nix, Ray Ellis of Parkhill visited with friends stere over Sunday, Mr. T. C. McLeod of Kitchener vis- ited in town. on Saturday. Mrs, Noyes returned to her home in Oakville on Wednesday. 11r, Gib. Dow is en Mori(treal this week wilth a load of horses. Mr. Saxon. Fiitton has 'been in To- ronto several days this week, Major Tolmie of Windsor was the guest of Mr. W. W. Taman. on Friday last Mr Ernest Pym has returned from the West, where he -spent the Fall months. Arto Delve returned last week from Watford where he had been working. - \Ir, John Hunkin is confined to his bed through illness asees also some of bis children, Mrs, W. F. Newell, (after ra few days wieh her parents here, returned to Strattford Monday. Messrs. Douglas .Stewart of Toron- to and Wilfrid Steweet oaf Kitchener were home over Sunday. Mrs Jabez Short of Mt. Brydges vis- ited here over Sunday with theform- er's brother, Mr. Ed. Short, Rev. W. G. H. McAlisiter is in St, Thomas attending the annual meeting of the Board of Management of Alma College. Mrs. S. Martis. returned Tuesday from London. Mrs, ,(Dr,) Cowan re- turned with her and will k'f,sit here for some time, efeesrs, W:e,s.7ey Snieal and Josiah K&'stie left Saturday for New York where ;the former had shipped frier loads of 'fat cattle, Mr. and Mrs. David Whyte of Ham - iota Man. are visieing with relatives in and around Exeter, the guests o•f err and Mrs, Samuel Ross. Mr and 'Mrs.. George Cassidy of Charles City, Iowa are viseti;ng 'with Mr. "and Mrs.. Willis T. Po•we]i: Mre Cassidy was ,formerly Mrs: Munroe. of (town, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Banting sof Esterhazy Sask., after visiting among 'relatives in and around Exeter foe some time, left Tuesday on their re- turn trip borne • Mr and Mrs', Clarence Banghart of Windsor are there spending aepart ,of their .honeymoon .wl,tlt their cousins, and Mrs: E" J. Ghristtie! Mrs.:Bang- hart was formerly Miss. Irene Howard of town. • - Dr Mary j'ohneten Deft Tuesday fox Toronto, :where .she will attend the wedding of a college churn, Dr. Ruth Cale and Dr. Angii'na; She will ,'then resuine: work in; the lefoutttain San,itor- iurn Hamilton, Dr: Johnston has been enjoying :a wel,17earned rest with her traren;ts here, Dr. and Mrs, Plaa•ry Browning, af- ter spiending,Aa;;few. days with the f oriner's '•parents 'Ibex; left for their hone an Emerson„, Man..„. -cin, Friday morning,- Both had ; ritended stayi ig longer but the Doctor received word from •home that leis oar had been tak- en out during' • his absence by some man, and running ;a' man, !killed him.. See C. H. Skeilton's ad. on another nage, It is ii terestirlg,, LITTLE PIGS FOR SALEThase.Routley` London Road south Pigs has a number -of sit weeks' aid So]ieitor for Herbert E. ;Borrel, BETHANY 2.30— An;IJnbaked Cake'_ fog' sale, PaONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 fearing Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses. Commencing this week we announce a Complete Clearing Sale of Ladies' & Misses' Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices. Don't miss these rare bargains as every garment must go, regardless of price. All Girls' Coats, ages 4 to 14 years, also reduced in price. JONES & MAY DR. A: E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonel 's Stables, John. St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. I. R. ,CARLING, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mal - sons Bank, Etc. Buy VICTORY BONDS 51000,00 Bonds due 1934 for $930.00 5 500,00" Bonds -due 1934 for $465,00 to yield 6% per cent. Interest half -yearly et any Bank. Orders received by me. rlfoney to loan at lowest rates of interest, Office—Carling Bk., Malin St, Exeter HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year: old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required- stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton. — Ontario.: NEW TERM FROM NOVEMBER 1. CENTRAL sTRATFORD. ONT. .:The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario„ Commercial; Short - band and ' Telegraph departments; G'redztates' ,placed, in, posetions. Stu- dents may enter et any. time. Get our free catalogue. A. McL'liciilan;` Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWART & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended • to day or night. Office -- Dr. Sweets old office Phone No, 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warierooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Rou1ston, L. D. S„ D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cioeed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! GREAT BARGAIN IN FURNITURE R. N. ROVE THE UNDERTAKER AND FURNI= TURE DEALER Motor Hearse in Connection. Phones 20J and 20W. Tea & Coffee Store • For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery lite Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould J SOUTHCOTT BROS. SPECIALS ! SPEOIALS. Coats and Dresses DRESSES -1 L Yn J 12,.iµ^ %, ' •-,*� ,k ......Abiuil�Lm:,k�w.�{ Beautiful Silk Serge and Triicotene Dresses, all -new from makers. This is a special purchase, and regular pric- es' were up rte ,$55,O0 Don't, miss seeing this lot. -A YOUR CHOICE Misses and Ladies' Coats, ' all '; (leis season's fabrics and sty,lies, Including good; warm blanket`" cloths, aitd Vel- ours and Silver,Lenes. YOUR CHOICE of any coat $24"9.5 (Baby Lamb and Blushes not incli�' d) Southcott .cos.