HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-18, Page 4The Exeter Advocate' Grand Bend
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
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Lega'. advertisiieg 10c, and 5c. aline,
THURSDAY, ;', NOV. 18th, 1920
Mount Cannel
This week tsees, another of th e old,
est .most respected and esteemed res.
identt of thiscomniuni„ty laid to rest
'i:,rom her aa,bors. We. refer Jia the de-
e-mise of errs. NOMRegap, who -Pus
-ed awey at her home in McGinn -ray
«Township on Wednesday, Nov, 10, at
the advanced age of 83 years. lite
deceased had ,bean in her usual h--alth
up (o about two weeks of her de 1h
Mrs, Regan is survived by two sons.
Mallen and Cornelius of McG•J —ray
Township, and three daughters, Mrs.
Burk on Se T:homa,5;, Mrs. J. W; Doyle
• of Parkhill and tines Joan of Detrroet,
The .funeral 'tock plane to the R. C,
cemetery Here ,aa Saturday at 10 am,
So lemn Requiem Higg Hass was cel-
ebrated ,by Rev, Fre Tierney, assi,steti
by Fr. Hoga'n,ot Lucazv and Fr, O'Neil
. of Parkhill, -Mss Tress Ha,l,l is visit-
ing friends at Detroiit.-Mrs', Stiles of
Detroit attended the .funeral of her
auat, the late ;errs. Nora Regan. on
by C. H, Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. Strictly confidential; no witness.
Savingcoal this winter weans
more tan helping your bank se -
count! It helps your country!
You will save coal this winter if
you don't burn more than you
aetually need to keep your home
"Tine Heart of the Heating Plant"
helps to keep you warm and save
your coal supply. It is an auto-
matic device that takes over the
working of the drafts and damp -
e ere of any style heating plant.'
It keeps the home at an even tem-
. perature all the time. As soon as
the temperature falls below the
comfort mark, the Regulator
opens up the drafts. When it is
again warm enough, the drafts
are closed, the fire kept down.
Thus no more coal is
burned than is actually
The "Minneapolis" will
soon pay for itself
in fuel saved
C. 11. Skelton
Exeter, Ont.
tvh-,:P, Baker had a, bad fall *tun
day +g-1 d is in. tbed alk time of writing,
tier Alf Tiedemere moved into T,
Molllard's house last week, -Mrs. Jas.
n oltard moved to Exeeter last week.
We aa+e sorry to Close Mrs, Mon ard.
1 hIi. Wacker of Ingersoll moved into•
Mrs: Mollard's ;place which he - re-
cently !purchased. -Gordon. Heiman
had alis 'hand badly,cut in the sawmill
Saturday, He ;t14as taken; to Exeter
Herapital: -Gordon Allister who was
home fora couple weeks„ heft for
Detroit ,last week.-Fraink Allister of
St. Marys s;peot a eew days` at his
hone ,here last week, -Miss Elsie D,is-
jard'ate was tatted in ,marriage: to Mr
Isaac Besterd by Rev. Wililiams on
• • Nov -ember 10th,
CLINTON-The marriage tock place
et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Janes
Scott, High street, at 1 o'clock on
Saturday of :their -eldest daugleter.
Katharine, to Dr. James Francis Ad-
ams on Windsor, -A quiet wedding
was solemnified alt St, Paul's church
of Saturday evening; of Nellie 'Fior-
enee, se:.ond datughlter+of Mr. and Mrs,
John Watkins and Mr. John, V4anace
Powell, son ,of Mr, ejoh.n, &Powell of
DUBLIN -A wedding was celebrat-
ed at St., Columbian R. C. Church on
Monday morning, when Mr. Thos, Me -
Cana of London wps married to Miss
Elizabeth Mee theon, the y ouagest
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
mund ii,ytthews ;