HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-18, Page 3Quick relief from RHEUMATIC pain BAUME BENGUE hasimmediate effect. BEWARE. OE SUBSTITUTES 1.00a tube THE tE.tMtNQ MES CO..13O. MONTRiL Agents for Drs JuteA$ 13engue RELIEVES PAIN The Land of Fire and Ice. Living Them Over. Geological map of Iceland by Dr. What good :comes • of.livieg them .over; Tlroroddsen, who has spent many All the wearying, wearing things?, Years on the work, gives much infer- Those phantom shapes from the Past, illation about one of the world's most that hover • wonderful islands which few visitors So oft about its on night -black veins, ever see. With their horny thrusts and their An example of the strangeness of cruet stings? Iceland is .furnished by the la/Wane Wile is stronger for bearing a burden 'Settee This is buried under immense Twice as heavy, or twice as far • Snow fields, but from time to time its As need requires? Lay it down. A fires burst through the glittering buan- ket, ket, and then such floods are poured Is beckoning you frgm Hope's beam- from the melting ice that a great lug star. stretch of .country between the vol- cano and the sea. is, inundated and But, oh! the joy of living then over— huge masses of ice are carried out in. The friendly word and the kindly to the ocean, smile It is unsafe to clams the territory That, like blooming roses or wind - lying between_ Iiatla and the sea. se blown clover,_ euddenly conte the floods, Cheer with their fragrance the -, r r; weary n ale, FOR THE WINTER WARDROBE CHILDHOOD AILMENTS. And. lrewarmfheand whilstrengthen our The aliments of childhood^consti- For hearts grow stronger when pation, indigestion, colic, colds, etc.— Vanished, pleasure . can be quickly banished through the i Lend to the present their afterglow `` use of Baby's Own Tablets. They :are i Of softened Bata and we catch the toiSS PaTii 97:11 iColnesda y 1:17.4enN•.ii1±3 Dessiuu}o.1usS No. 0.663-.--T.adies' Overdress. Price, 35 cents. To be elipped on over the head; clot' in ; at side front' tr: o -piece tunic, pleated Or plain, attached to 1 aiet. Cut in 7 c e.e-t, nil, iib, 40, d.'., 11 :eel 1' inn artist nit;iSnr.. Size requ r e. vette pleated tunic, i yds, uta ine. wide, or n" -,t yd ;II ins. R :ale; with plain teanie, nit yds. :PI bin ,bide, or 214 Fie. El the. wile o. 9723 --Ladies' Dreee. Trice, 3,1 mute. Twa etylee o1 tce:e; with or withent loose t'ieie` nar.t' ; a; or ani halt lenc;th front waistrne. tut in 7 ,., a e, ::, ..",t., 8, 40, 42, 41 :inn 41 ins. beet n agate*. Si e r, rtq.tires, with efele penels, long slew:A.:, yd s 40 in=. 'sv>el, or 27a yds. f,•i irs. wide; leper front, in yd. 18 ing. wan.; with- out panels, withent cafe collar, yt:. 51 eus w';ie. \1 nItit ai'.3und bot- torn, I:a yds, These patterns envy bre obtained from yonr local Alct'ttll dealer, or fr m the ltiereili Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. ein— I,1Inard's Liniment Relieves Distemper Novel Way to Fumigate Fowls. 'Henry Windtthl, of Indiana, has hi - vented what he calls a .anitary chit:kr n roost " which le guaranteed to dispose of the intecet parasites that eftlict poultry, wbile incideutally kill- ing bacterial germs. His idea is to- attach beneath the roost -perch an ordinary preserving jar, with a screw top, the receptacle being filled with a strong disinfectant, and from it to conduct a thick with all along the top of the perch and along the bottom of the latter. The fluid disinfectant follows the wick, keeping it saturated. Along the top of the perch the wick runs in a deep grove, so as to keep it out of the way of the chickens' feet, but along the 'bottom it is stretched without a groove. Evaporation of the fluid, while the fowls are roosting, gives a sense of ex- treme discomfort to the insects hidden among their feathers, causing them to drop out and seek safety on the under side of the perch. There, always seek- ing a hiding place, they crawl between the wick and the perch, and theedisln- tectant kills them. The lid of the Jar (which has a hole for the emergence of the wick) fs per- manently fastened°'beneath the perch. When the jarneeds refilling, it can be unscrewed a a moment's notice. The inventor' prefers a series of short roost -perches, with a jar beneath the middle of each. - Parasitic insects not only make chickens uncomfortable, but impair their vitality and reduce egg 'produc- tion. Hence the economic importance of Mr. Windahl's idea. The atennae masts of two new Jap- anese radio stations consist of rein- forced -concrete pales 660 feet high.. a mild but thorough laxative which measures instantly reg:tlata the bowels and Of the olcl•tinle melodies. sweet and sweeten the stomach. They are guar- anteed to contain no harmful drugs Then live them over—the joy and and can be given to the youngest baby gladness with. perfect safety. Concerning them Of all that has made the past life Mrs.:llcide Lepage, Ste. Ileatrlx, Que.. bright. •rite~. °'Baby's Own Tablets were of ,Let their lnenloriee banish the care and sadness That signal and .sigh from a by -gone night, And sear the soul with their winter - Dr. Williams' Medic•:up Co., !;rock• i And as ever the changes of tient shall c tete, Out reach us- 1Its joy rind bleselug; its pain Alta fret— e pleased, 0 Lord, in thy lave to teach us How"to remember and: how to tor - get. bey along: -de of those of her kings, statesmen, poets and dietinf uished n BLOOD warritee who terve there found their iIei RE» !net earthly re; tints place. :lays the low. - great - help to qty. baby. They r•eg'u- Bated her bowels and stomach and made her plump and well." The Tata lets are sold by eueclicine dealers or by nail at 25 cent; a box Crum The A Grateful Tribute. Great Britain bus chane a line thing g in deciding to inter the body of au un- identified soldier in Westminster Alt - Minor of the Philadelphia Ledger. In NECESSARY t t ial more effective and inlpreesive man- TO HE. til tier could. the debt of the nation be •tc•i,ii rc. ctr••ru sur riga i ' r a' cat a Owe; ei s,a memorial l tttt the pin e ahen the Blood Becomes Weak and Watery a Tonic is Needed to Build it -Anew. Why are we being continually told \4 esttnini,ter Abbey is Ilia resting that good, lteulth-giving blood must place of those oho have contributed be bright red? What has color to do In the greatest measure to the evell-be- with. the quality? Just this --the any - big of their country. Nevertheless, It gen in the air is the great supporter contains few lueanorials which mark of all organic life. One 'function of the existence of those who died to bet - the blood is to take the oxygeu from ter purpose than the grave of this un- the air ---which it meets in the lungs kuown soldier, who rests Whenunknown but. and deliver it to - the tissues of the not unbopored andel the ashes of the bodythe blood, filled with. ltfe- t elerfl of the earth. j sustaining oxygen, is sent out by the heart, it is bright red. When it re- turns, impure and deprived of oxygen, tt is dark xe slis.eri and appreetated the saerlitce x;t those who died not only in the de- f enee of its liberties bat those of the world as well.1• Use for Clinkers. When the householder's furnace gets out of whack, there is usually reason to suspect an accumulation of clinkers in the firepot. It is rather a job to clear theist but. Now, however, a practical use has been found for these exasperating things, represent- ing incombustible material in the coal. They are turned to account for build- ing blocks. 1 For this purpose they are crushed and mixed with sand, lime and ce- ment, the material thus prepared be- ing molded into blocks. Such cliiiiker blocks are used for walls, cellaroiloors, warehouses, gar- ages and pavements. They are cheap- er than brick, and being made in larger sizes, facilitate quick construc- tion. They take- plaster on the in- terior and stucco on the exterior of buildings. In a humid climate clinker blocks are specially desirable because they withstand moisture and do not drip, as brick does sometimes, on the inside of buildings. Gasolene is Dangerous. Gasolene fumes came in contact with a lighted lantern. Ten buildings destroyed, loss, $250,000. Gasolene is dangerous. It is one of the most rapidly volatilizing fluids. Ono pint of gasolene will impregnate 200 feet of air and make it explosive. Many serious fires have been started from the careless use of gasolene. Gasolene should only be used in the open air, and clothes,, after being cleaned with it, should be hung -out- side to allow it to evaporate, It should always be kept in tightly closed metal cans, never In glass bot- tles or jars.The latter are liable : to breakage and the consequent freeing of the dangerous fumes when open flame may ignite them and cause a serious fire: giit11111111111111111NIINIl1111111111111111111111N11011NNilit entii1 inniNiiiiiiNlfllli1NiIIIIIIllilll1111111111IIIIS • 1 _. ze made From. Cour Native -Gr ��. „r-,`•- ins rape=Nuts Rich, and Nourishing A blend of wheat and xnalte $ar- ley that costs but little,yet , pro- vides a food of most attractive flavor, ready to: serve direct from the package. . apeWuts heeds .moo 5Lisrar .:. 1 1l11 I ,11 itidl r9 l ill 1 1 , ! $f 1 Ielil111ililfl Ilt11ii1l111lii111i1fl111111pt1i11l1;U1111lllilf111i11111l141i11111111'1111911141 You will see, therefore, that there are two prime requisites al healttif, pure air and bright red blood -the pure air to furnish tate oxygen, the rich red blood to carry it where it is needed. Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills make, your blood rich and red because they increase its power to carry oxygen, actually making it so much more able to carry increased life and strength to every organ in the body. Pale, anaemic people whose nerves are on edge, whose cheeks are pale, aud,who tire out easily, should try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and note the steady improvement that follows their use. A case in point is that of Mrs. J. P. Rolston, South River, Ont., who says;—"About two years ago my sys- tem was in a badly run down condi- tion; and 1 kept growing worse all the time until I could hardly do my housework. I had severe headaches, and pains across my back and under my left shoulder. I did not sleep well and would feel just as -tired when I got up in the morning as when I went to bed. Life seemed a burden. I had taken doctor's medicine for a long time, but it did not meet my case, at least it did me no good. Then as a result of reading about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I decided to try them. When I had taken a couple of boxes I felt much better, and when I had taken five boxes more I felt that I was again a well woman. I have not since felt any return of the trouble and I advise all wdinen whd are broken in health to give Dr. Williams Pink Pills 'a trial." These pills are •sold by all medicine dealers or will ;be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six. boxes for $2.50, by -The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. .Power of Jaws. The U.S. Bureau of Standards has . ascertained that; 'when you eat, the pressure exerted by your jaws is more than eleven tons to the square inch. No wonder, then, that your teeth are made of a material' almost indes- tructible' except by decay. A sound tooth comes pretty near to being the hardest thing in nature, and tete most enduring. It follows that, artifleial teeth Must be made of an extremely tough quality of porcelain. The material dentists use for fillings .nowadays is .usually either. a cement of great hardness or a metal composition that is mostly sil-' ver, and Which may contain zinc, cop- per anus tin. The fillings are liable to break down under the tremendous chewing pres- sure. Various materials used for the Various materials usecl for the pur- pose have recently been testedby. the U. S. 13ureatt of Standards; and the conclusion it. draws is that a standari- zation of dentalcements and amal- gams is needed in order that their re- lative resistance to wear may be de- finitely known. it says that too much copper in fillings discolors the teeth. , AUTO SPARK PARTS for meet maker erect' tiodele of care. Your old. broken or wore -out part' replaced. Write or wire lee .desorlb ing waa tou want We carry the largeel and most complete stock in Canada of elliibtly used or new Party and automobile. equipment: We eblD C.ci,D, any -where in Canada. Sane - factory or refund in full our motto, i tisi`w's Ante Salva(ry. Part $apel7. 923-931 ansertan $t., Toronto, Ont. Western Fanners Building Silos.,. It is to be anticipated that before many years have elapsed almost every farm in the Canadian prairie pro- vinces will have its silo, The growth - of the dairy industry would naturally bring this condition about in course of title, but tiie movement is being ex- pedited by the success farmers are having in growing sunflowers. Small fields of Prom three to thirty acres have been planted in various parts of the three prairie provinces of Canada. The yields are proving more satisfac- tory than the farmers generally dared to hope, and each acre yields on an average from fifteen to thirty tons of ensilage. Many farmers have erected silos on their farms during the summer to take care of this crop, but most of them have under -estimated their re-' gnirements and will have more crop than they can put in their silos. Sunflower silage is :flue for a more extensive trial this winter than it has had before. The results in pre- vious years have been very satisfac- tory but only comparatively few farmers have grown the crop for sil- age previous to this year. If In its mare extensive use the crop proves to be as satisfactory as it Yeas already proved in a few .cases where it has been tried, it is safe to say that in a few years the farm without a silo will be an exception in Western Canada. Since last year's results have be - Pottle ],sown, considerable interest has been shown in silos and ensilage in Western Canada anti several hun dred silos have been erected during the past summer: Typical of this movement is the Cardston district in Southern Alberta,, where eight silos have been erected this year and where about fifty acres of sunflowers were planted. The crop has proved so suc- cessful that it is predicted that one 'hundred silos will be built in the dig- triet next year and'more than a thous- and acres of sunflowers planted. Similar plans are being made in culler parts of Western Canada, and the already rapidly growing dairy in- dustry premises to grow much faster with tbe general acceptance of the sunflower as a silage crop. Another evidence of the value of sunflowers as a forage crop will be the big gain in finished steers. Many of the larger livestock raisers are growing sun-. flowers and erecting silos for this pur-, pose. Thus will be considerably in- creased the finishing areas of Canada, which, hitherto, have been somewhat restricted, compared with the large feeding areas throughout the country, and the livestock industry in the West will be placed on a sound basis. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—. I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every• day ills and accidents of life I con- sider it has no equal. I would not start a voyage without it if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. P. R. DESJARDIN. Selir. "Storke," St. Andre, IZamouras- ka. Taking No Chances. .An American paterfamilias patient- ly followed for several weeks a wife and daughter who were more keen thanhe was about visiting Roman ruins. At last he rebelled and laid down this rule: "I'll go with you tosee any build ings that still have roofs on 'em, but as to the rust, I say, let bygones be bygones." MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money 'Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Bermuda celebrated recently the 300th anniversary of the founding of its House of Assembly. It has the distinction of being the oldest self- governing British posses: ion. SINCE Ise& I°LO O 5'S OPS COUGHS GHS America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. R. Clay Glover Co., Inc. 118 West 31st.Street .:,:,New York, U.B.A. '�ItM WINDOWS &DOORS •r�*1' - ���"'�l'L+ ILES to suit your 0-1 openings. Fitted with glass. Safe de- livery guaranteed.' Waite for Price List [6l, r Cut down fuel -••d .-t bilis. .ensure winter comfort. The NAl.LIDAY COMPANY, l.imit*d NA NOLTON FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS CANADA ISSUE No. 46--�'20. Classified Advertisements. 702 bean (('11 BT YOUR SILVER FOXES FROM \7 rue. My' stock all "Standard bred" and guaranteed, Prices right E. M. ri2aoDougaii,. West Gore, N.S. 'ii v ]D. PEESALIs HELP ♦NTE T ,ARIES WANTI+D—TO Sao PLAIN Missing. ,g... and Light aewinr at ome;twholee 9r trio e out- i - tafter their. o weeks' W fe i' to '� ing)--"That was it delightful trill we had ftp on tbe steamer. Can't yott'stlil feel the roll? i eau, ' -Bub--"No, the landlord bas mine?" Very Candid., Mrs. Jones was entertaining some of her sons little friends to a birth- day party, "Willie," she said, addressing a six- year-old, who was apparently enjoying a plate of cold beef, "are you sure that you Gan cut your own meat?" sparer time; ,gag nay}' won serf any s- tance; charges pa[d. Send stamp for particulars, National Manufacturing Go., li'iontreal- AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS WANTED; 13141SS N,A.TIVII 13. Herbs is a remedy for the relief of t oiistipation, Indigestion, Biliousness. Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles. It 35 Well-known. having been extensively ad- vertised, since it was first manufactured in 1358, by distribution of 1ar¢e quanta- ties of Almanacs, Cook Books, liealtlt Books, etc., which are furnished to are free of charge. The remedies sold at a. price that allows agents to double their money. Write Alonzo O. Bliss Medical Co., 124 St. Paul St, East,. Montreal. Mention this paper. The child, who was making desper- ate efforts with his knife and fork, 7LIS�rS=_•017f. replied: "Yes, thanks, I've often .had 1 ONEI.1 PEOPL . SENT) 250 FOR it as tough a� this at Lome?' ▪ our big Friendship Magazine; You'll be glad you did. Thousands waiting to correspond with you. Lasnier A$etlQY, Bathurst N.B. Father Was Once a Boy. Johnny liked ice cream, but he drew the line at turning the freezer: One day when his mother returned home she was. agreeably surprised to find hint working away at the crank as though ids life depended on it, ‘`T don't see bow you got Bine to turn the freezer," she said to her hue - band. "I offered him a dime to do It." "You didn't go at it the right way, my dear," replied leer husband, "I bet him a nickel be couldn't turn it far half an hour." Mfriard's Liniment For 9afldruit The actual process of making bas- kets bus altered very tittle since the earliest time, only very simple tools being used. MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Figs' Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic far the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia. Mr. Herbert Osborn Tells How Cuticura Healed His Wife "My wife began to be troubled with itching and burning of the palms of ber hands and the soles of her feet. Later the skin cracked and became in- Hamed, making walking or even standing very pain- ful and preventing aleep at night. Later it became nec- essary to bandage both -hands and feet. "She was treated but obtained no relief. She saw an advertisement for Cuticura Soap andOintmentand sent for a free sample. She bought more and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment she was healed." (Signed) Herbert 0 sborn, 135 - Sherbrooke Ave., Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 2,1919. Cuticura is idealfor every -day toi- let uses. Soap to tleanse and purify, Ointment to soothe and heal. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepott mons. Limited, SA Paul St., Montreal. 111111F-CuticuraSoapshmee without mug. CASCARETS "They Work while you Steep'x You don't know whether you are "coming or going." You are bilious, constipated! You feel headachy, full of cold, dizzy, unstrung. Your meals don't fit --breath is bad, skin salpw. 'Sake Casearets to -night for your liver and bowels and wake up clear, ever. gcite and cheerful, No griping—no in- convenience. Children love Cascarets too. 10, 25, 50 cents= OLDIA ANDBY, FOR ACHES SND PAINS Any man or woman who 'keeps Sloan's handy will telt you that same thing ESPECIALLY those frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counterirritant, Sloan's Linie meat scatters the congestion and genee trates without rubbing to the afihcted part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Zeta handy anti used everywhere for reducing and finally elitninatmg the pains and aches of .lumbago, neuralgia; muscle strain, joint stiffness, sprains, bruises, and the results of exposure. You jastknaxe from its atir,duiating t healthy odor that it will do you good Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug.: gists 35c, 70c, 41.40. oa Liniment "DANDERINEI? Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles- Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." Ai• ter an application of "Danderine" you cannot find a fallen hair or any dand- ruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and • thickness. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" • The name "Bayer" ittentifles the only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over nine- teen care and now made in Canada. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri- tis,' Joint Pains, and Pain 'generally, Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents, larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin--,"Bayer"--You must say "Bayer" Aspirin is tho trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono acotieaoldester of SaacYlieaeid. while it is well know that Aepirin nieane Bayer manufattute,'to assist the public ,against imitations, tiro Tablets of 1''e,yer Company win be stamped with their general trade mares, the "Barrer Gros.." 4 , va4, iice3l