The Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-18, Page 1A THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NOV .ti 18, 1920. eseseaessiesar SANDERS & CREECH' Our Corner - Local. News 1)oretmarry an old flame with the,,}SIMS-DE\'V, expectation that ,she Tget • up an A quiet wieddeng took ,place at T 'v a cold morning and light the kitchen itt .Memo ia4 - :story on Nov: Lith, fire. when., Miss Gladsy `Alice Dew, daugh- eres rr.ra.... ter of Mr. acid Mrs, Evan Dew of Us - The drop in sugar is .lot all borne, became the bride sof Mr, Sam-- swee'tln:esta, It has its bitter . e de - uel William Sime, of the firm of W'. so say the sugar ,beet growers, who son &,Sims, mud son pf Mr. aid Mrd owing to the drop will receive aless- Jonas Sims of town„ After a motor er price ,for their ,beets. trip to Landon, and Essex the young couple will reside 4.n Exeter, land well A t:onventtron of the Liberal -Con- have the hest wishes of their many ser iative ,party of Ontario will be I riends, held in Toronto on December lstand JOHN BOWDEN DIES SUDDENLY. 22nd to diecuss matters of im,p,oreance to the ,parity. D°e,iegaites are to at- The death occurred suddenly on teed :rom 'each sub -division of each Tuesday. Nov. 16, of Mr, John Baw- riding den, at his home tan (the 3rd conces•- _ sion of S'teFhen, Mr, Bowden had Expanding xewenu+e last month been in his usual .excellent health and that morning wis helpng his son to Brought a reduction in the net Ceuta- pulp turnips at the Darn, when he was inn inetienal debt of $2 634,356. At the suddenly etricken with paralysis and. end of September the ;,.et debt (no expired a .fewimaments afterward. The credit being taken for 'non, active as.: late Mr. Bowden was a remarkably sets) stood eat $2,276,516,163. During heathy mann;, and but for .14 months' ;October it wials reduced ;ta $2 273 881 - illness from rheumatism two, years ago 809 atvvihich:figure jt now stands. The he ,had never known what sickness bounding revenue, coupled with the was. He was honest, plain-spoken and heavy Tall tin capital texpend(uture due sitxaig]tiforward, and esteemed by all to tile tpraetieal closing up of war ac- who who knew him, Bora in Devon,., count:, is regarded with keen ,sat.:- shire, England, he came to bxeter 48 faction. :years ago, and latter spent 12 years in Oxford, returning here 33 years Is it root about time our town; Fath- ago, when he ,purchased the farm •on ers took action, to ,give nus some kind which he ;died," and which is now cut the vvhtaie farmed by his only -child, W,ilti�irn of a lime servicer or c thin, our? One day the bell is rung Bowden His wife d;ed eleven years ten minutes out of accord with the ago he funeral takes place to the railway time, another day fifteen, but Exeter cemetery ton Thursday aft'r- most tizzies of late it has been, twenty noon sit 2 oi'cleek. minutes slow. There should; be only 1)Er1RLNG-RICb one time in tow(n and than is railway time. The irregularity with which The Trivitt Memof tl Church was cloak and bell have been heard of late the scene of a very ,pretty wading is simply rotten, so to speak, and it is on Wednesday a1;terzoan., Nov 17th 'time a ,changcwas m . ad , is when Miss Clear ol;te Alleae (Lottiie) people %straggle into, church find at- Rice was unikted in marriage to l\Tr, tend a<neeting anywhere ,withing a halt Preston Dearing, son of Mr. and Mrs hour and alt think they are on time., UM THERl. 1S STILL HOPE.� Those in town; who are short of cos] will be consoled by ',the ;sta,tement made by We' K. P.ruddieai, chairman of the State Fuel Committee of Lansing, Mich., who says :-"The bottom will drop out of the coag. narket 'v(thiat sixty days, prices wr;ii return, to a level lower thaw, that fixed by the fed- eral fuel adminiisitraltruan during the war and fuel will be a drug on the market. The whole shortage has been caused by the xaBroads ,not being able to ;handle the coal. There has been no shortage • of coal. Ott the mimes. axe The cold spell has• made the taking ftp of sugar bee is and turnips a rather chillly jab. The rabbit sholoting season closed an Monday, Paatrndge may be shat until Saturday of this week Phone 81a TAMAN'S For All Kinds of Men's Winter wear 'GLAD TO GRE1'T you., old top, by Jove, you're lacking fine• Where did you get such a swell elegant fittingsuit off clothes?" "At Tanian's, the ailor, right down Maiti Street " Best: in town,, they say. At least, he fitted rife with, the best suit II've ever had, ,Not high priced, eit- her." ; "Looks good to me, ,. -tog', aider my next suit from thein, Sure," SUITS ............: $20 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35 RAINCOATS ' $15 to $30. W. W Taman Tailor &Furnisher' W. H, Dearing of the 2nd concession of Stephen,+the Rev. A. Trumper per- forming the ceremony. At the hour of 2 o'clock the bride . nitercd church leaning on the arm of he; brother, Austin Rice of Stratford, to the strains of Lohengriln's vvedd:n: march,°. played by Miss K. McFault The bride was beautifully and become , ingly gowned in a 'suit of grey silk, Dur - richly trimmed weeth beads and braid I and carried the usual bouquet.. Dur- ing the steeling of the register • lfr Arthur Middlemiss sang an excellent voice, "0, Perfect Love," On retie- ing from .the church Miss McFaui splayed Mend:elsohn's march. The groom's gift tio the ;beide was a beau- ttiful gold inecklac,e;, set with.‘a•clis- t mond and pearls. The ceremony over the wedding party repaired to the home of •the bride;, where {al d(a;inty wedding repast was served, after which the young couple took Rhee tevrening I {train an p. honeymoon trip to Flea, and Marlette ° Mich. On. their return they 'will take. charge of the farm which the groom's parents are about to vacate. The young couple will have the best wishes of a, host of friends for their future happiness and proa- perztn . y Dashwood 1V1rs. Fred Genittner is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed; Harness in l:.xeter. Anniversary 'services were held in alvary Evangelical Church on Sun- day. Bishop Spring of Cleveland was the ,principal speaker. Mr. B, Gassman of Detroit spent last week wilth .hits brother in town. Mr. P. McIsnac held a very success- ful furniture sale on Saturday. We are pleased to report that Miss Rose Rader is improving, after her recent illness. ' A yowng son arrived at the, home of Mr. J. Kralfit on Nov. 12th( A quiet wiedding, took place at the Lutheran parsonage, ,on 1VIonday, Nov. 115th, at six -o'clock gun: ;the .evening when Re+v.° Graiulpner,, pastor of the Lutheran church, united in marriege, Emma Matilda, youngest daughter of the late Fred Genttner and Mrs. Genntt ner of I)a'shwofd, and Elmer Pesch of Zurich. The bride wore a sunt Of navy blue serge, with georgette blouse and black picture hat. After :the ceremony the young couple motored tothe home oaf ;Mr. tEd. Harness o>' Exeter, ,where, •a wedding lunch was served. The. young •couple, who have best w (rhes ,of all, w,il:I. make thetirfu- ture home, at Zurich. At ChristmasTime LET YOUR ,GIFTS BL PERSONAL ONES. ,- PHOTOGRAPHS WILL SOLVE MANY PROB LEMS FOR ,THL BUSY MAN OR. W OMAN- AS •GIFTS THEY ARb AL - WA YiSe„ APPRECIATED. MAKE AN. APPOINT- MENT .TO -DAY; IT IS NONE TOO hARLY Senior Studio EXLTER ONTARIO MA IN tSTRE ET METHODIST • ANNIVERSARY, REV. J, U. L. SPRACKLIN IS TFi SPEAKER. The anniversary of this church was truly of an unusual c haracter Sunday when. the rpreacher for ,the occasion Was Rev. J. O. L: Sprackli+n of Sand- wich, who for five lrran;ths has been, a spe'ial license ;inspector employed by the Ontario Gavlerninerit in. an effort to stop the rum -running so rampant in Essex County, and who early Sat,. urdav morning, Nov 6th, shot and killed Beverley Trumble, while mak- ing a, 'said on. the premf ses of 'Prune - ale, who conducted the Chappel House in Sandw•iieh, It will be remembered that the coroner's jury ,exonerated hlr SprackIin who claimed, he shot in,self defence. Mr, Spracklin had been engaged to take the anniversary services of Main Street Church •some weeks prior to the shooting. The preacher arrived by motor just in time for the ,mornting service which was ,held in the Marin Street Church ' which was tfilled to eapaeity. He addressed a !mass meeting in, the af- ternoon, end in the ;eveneag the ser- vice wjafs held in James Street Church which is much larger, and which, was packed to the doors, neater people be ing forced to stand. Calver Presby terian Church withdrew their servic in, the manning and ;James Street did likewise in the ,evening, Rev, McA1is ter occupied Mr. Spracklin's ptylpxt Sandwiich. Rev, Wilson in introducing Rev, ;11 Spracklin. at ,the •eve+;aing service sari he knew that many 1tad come to th service from a motives of. curiosity, bu he believed also that underlying it wa a deep feeling of Ioyaety to law and order that brought many \of the peo ale out to hear Mr. ,Spraoklin3 wlnv had ,far some morales been fighting ttie battle against the liquor traffic i Essex, ,aand who in the pursuit of duty had been brought.' up against a trag- edy Kz few days ago. Rev. S,pracklin prefaced his sernz both morning kind evening with a re vital of the lane-brjealeing in, his county at�,on rnrl his connecwjith .the -]ion cs depaet,mieaat. In part he saicd,• "II realize to -night that many are here 'tram curiosity;, but ,I am thank flu for 'the many ,expressirans .of COn iidence and loyalty I have received I do (not pose es an idol or sain , bu sty heart wants to .thank you, Th way his been hard°end I felt that should %cancel this .engagement, bu finally ,decided that although it would be hard, I believed it ;would do, nee goad rather than, harm ,if tI could go into the pulp,„t and speak .ta the peo- ple. I am tired in, (mond ;and •body, ' u will a,pprecjalte my posaytilon and • as cited as one who ,stood in the attitude pf pray,er, t "Of `,material things the power •of the wterfalls, the gas, the oil and the coal, wall stored up for our use. If God has seen fit tostore up phy- sical ,power for ua, will,], he not supply us with spiretual power? If I could get you to see, this 'the world would be s,peed°ily saved. Power is avail- able to wipe out the cursed liqulae business, and wfe, must; ,vise the avail- able slower of Chrfst,'s spirit, end make the world fit to 'live in.." Centralia Tberedilton League came over to Ceatrelia on Wednesday evening last and put ox the program for that night Everybody ,present .enjoyed the pro- gram. after which the Ceeetralia Lea- gue served xefreshzneryts. The even- ing throughout ,vvs a most pleasant one, Mr, W. Baker, who has been in the West throughout the summer, has ar- rived home. • The many friends of Mr. Samuel Davis were sorry to hear of the ser- ious accident that befel him in Lon.• den, rind all hope Or a speedy re, covery, Painful Accident, -Roy Webber who has been engaged, in assisting the Mit•- ebelll Brothers near here in ereet;ng - their new barn, met with a very .pa,,n-- • f ul accident on Saturday last, He vvas. e helping to mave a part of an of building :from the township of Bid- - dap, when a large section of h struck II him on the bead, ,infl(teting a larg e and painful gash over the eye, and he was tendered unconscious for a r time, It required several stitches to close the wound. e Ln last week's issue It was reported cthat a son had arrived at the home at: Mr. and +Mrs. Ray Johns. It iho yid have stated Mr. and Mrs.Lewii Johns. Credrtan A concert will be given in the Town Hall, Credigon, von Friday, the 26th on vast., et 8 p.m. by the bays and girls - of Crediton Public School, The;pro-• gram will consist of a ,patraatie play, e entitled, "The Wooing of Miss Can- ada" ,replete Nth choruses, drill,, and exercises. The ch ldren, will be dressed in striking costumes, repres.- - enting, Patsies and different nations. Plan of Hall at Dr, Orme'st, Admiisa- e ion 4s and 30c. A pretty home 1vedding took place I on November 10 at high noon, at the residence of Mr, ,and Mrs' Alonzo Had- , gins, •Credltan, when their daughter, Miss Queenie Irene, became the bride of Mr, Clinton. Roy Brown, the cere- mony being, performed by. Rev. Brook, Miss Lorene Sambrook played the wedding maach,aand, Miss Trelll,s Hod gists, taker Of the. bride, was maid of honer. The many beautiful presents showed the esteem, in which the bride is h eld, After a dainty wedding din- ner the young couple took the train for a ;trip to Detroit, accompanied by the best wishes of their many friends. On. their r'ettuirn th:e vvl!ll ,reside on the groom's .farm at Sharon., A quiet wieddiieg to r -,z place at the Methodist parsoage bele on• Thursday Now. 11, when the :mar:i age toak,place of Mr. Henry Milton Briown, (son of Mr. Barney Brown, Jr,, of Stephen, to Miss Edith Lauvina Klernmer of Elk- ton, Mich, The ceremiony was per - ,formed by Rea Brooks. The young couple were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. (Brown will take a 'holaeymoon trip to Elkton. Me John F. Brown has moved into. the dwelling owned by Mrs. Stahl. A %number tram here attended the anniversary rs•ervices'en the Evan- gelical Church, Dnshwaod, last Sizer - day, when Bishop Spreng of Cleve- land preached .ole three different oc ,nasions. Silas Brokens!hire;ha,d, an auction eelc of his farm stock and implements on Tuesday. A large number was in at- tendance and 'bidding was . quite lively. Word was received here last week that Rev: Domm had died in Toronto, after having (gone, through .a critical 'olpera;tion. The deceased wase pastor of the Evan;gelica1 Church in, • this !town, some years' ago, and wasea. fre- quent 'visitor amongst us ,who were glad to lmiow him as.a friend. To the t know I ,have your kindly sympathy You have waged a, gite(at. fight es Huron on ue!ht:lf o;f Ten+pierlalnce. The next few months will ,be a, strenuous campaign, but ire are going to show the to liquor t q a ette stsd t1. arca ze rnouerted faterlests behind it hit \Vie..meap to get rid of the cursed ',stuff. That is why we ;halve the ,unifortunatte time in Essex -trying Ito make the pace liv- able ear' dec,eni people. The reports of the troubles have snot been exag- gerated, but the thing has not half been told. We had to „get into the fight to keep the, p' -ace dec•enjt. The conditions were disgraceful. I did not ask for the %jab. It is a thankless position. I ata]id them in \Toronto I would give .up when ,someane else would take up the work. I have had to neglect my church work but nay people have been very loyal, and ask little o: nee. The rum -runners have shot at me, tried to shove, me ;into the canal, threatened all kinds of things against my life and that of my wife. My home has :been, shot through', I have beem,traa,,ked from one place to another. I have been face to face with death seawall •times. I am doing the work to safeguard law and o rder. It was nothing to see crowds of drunken p,e,oplegoing down th street,'. lespe,cially'on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. It vvas a common thing .to hear people going down the street in automobiles, - yefleng and shouting until. .2 or in the morning. The Chapped House, was dumping o•uft disgraced ,fo`ks fataGer than, ,the church could help. I do not _ask ,the your sympathy. I askonly foe {loyalty. God has aided me and I come, back to preach and 'lo stick to ,the fight td Win, lout against John Barleycprn., It depends an you pe,ope in the inland cautery to roar up a, great ma,jo)rirty in April. Mr. Spracklin's'evening subject was ('Power" and he took ,his text from the Acts' of the Aposftles, 1-8, "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost hes come upon you." From this text ,he said, "The, Apostle:8. went to Jerusalem, and dict wane : and they were •: filled with the Holy Ghost. If ev'i ere tan accomplish: anytheg we must terry i it the Meet of . God. Can you imagine how much twelve. men could have d,atn,e iio wipe out the sin of the day without the Slprtt of God,' Too often, when we try to do anything we 'think 95 ,per cent man mad 5 per cent God When, it sh,oulclbe reversed. It is nota. inattter .of using Goid, :but. God ,using us, as ;•cress,el*. n hes, care. Ln our organizations the ,sipurit of God should permeate." instanced Mos- es, _who sought the presence of God to give him strength. Froin hein dis- couraged and disappointed he went on and ied his ,peo ,'.e out of the wildernlees: Elijah was ,i,nist;anced : ac receiving the ,,power which is avail- able i to all.. "If I thought Christ. lead eo'i the '�pe,v,:•r'•ta save the world lead stop preaching., tut I' be- lieve he has, and we must do. our,pert• •I-fE CANNOT KEEP OUT OF THE KITCHbN it the meats. have been bought at this market. Their fragrant ,odor as they Book are' too much' for file ma'culine desire. And when the meats resin the table how he does enjoy every mouthful lft as is said, the way to a man's heat is through his stemach' wise housewives will cer- tainly, not overlook the advantage of using our meats on their: tables, B.Makins, bereaved family we •extwnd our sym- path)-, A number oe our hunters have been out these, last few \days send have re -1 turned home well rewarded tor th^ir xtramp 'through the woods. H, F. Either is ein Clinton installing a heating system en the school. Mr. az1l Mrs. R. S. Wilson and fam- ily spent Sunday in London. Quite a number were in Exeter on Sunday do hear Rev. Spracklira p-eich in the James St. Church. SEAFORTH-The death occurred after.., tproestacted illness at her real- deuce on Goderich street, .Nov. 14, of Jane Laidlaw, widow of the late j. P, Brine. The deceased, who was bora in Ayrshire, Setcltland, in 1829. had resided in Sealfoeth far 70 }ears. asIRTHS Ratz- In Stephen, on Nov, 13, to 4r° and Mrs.. , Wm. Ra;tz, a daughter, I:ru f t -At DaPhw eod, en Nov. 12, to \fr. and Mrs, J. Kraft, a son MARRIAGES Dearing--Rice-In Trivitt 1lema:ial Church Exeter, on Nov. 17th, by Rev, A, A. Trumper, Preston. Dear Ing son of Mr, and Mrs. W. 1•I. gearing to ,Miss Charlotte Alleve tLattie) ;Rice. tDesch--Genlener.-At the Lutheran ,parsons e, Dashwood, oa Nov. 15th Emma Matilda, daughter of Mrs. Fred Genttner, to Elmer Oesch of Zurich. Bravn-lledgins-In Crediton: on Noe 10th, Clinton Roy Brown, to Miss Queenie Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Alonzo Hodgins, all of Cred- iton, 11cFal#s--T.ziebner-.At • the Trivia Memorial Rectoee Exeter, an Nov, 13, by Rev. A. A, Trumper, Stewart Alexander McFslls, son o ' Mr Johns 'dcFalls :of Bidduiph, to 'Miss Filar... envie Louise daughter of Mr. and Mrs Frank Triebner of town. Sims -Dew -At the Trivia Memorial Rectory Exeter, on, Nov 11 hYReg A. A. Trumper, Samuel Wiltlinnt Sires of Exeter to Gladsy Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Evan Dew of Ushorne. Brown-..Klemnner--At the Methodist parsonage, Crediton, on Nov. 11. by Rev. Broaks, Mr. Henry Miltes • Brown. to Miss Edith Lavine. Klem- mer, of Elkton, Mich. Andrew -Dick -At St. James Church. Seaiorth, an Nov, 8, Margaret, eld- est daughter of Mrs. G. lick cf Hensel:, do Thomas le Andrew of Seefar th, tc'Cann-•- tlwrtliews--At St. Col -unm- an Church, oa Nov. 8, Elicab4thlr- cne daughter of Mrs. Mary Matt- hers, io Thomas F. McCann, eon of Mr, land Mrs. McCann, Mt. Carmel,. Bettard-Disiardinc.-At the home of :11rs. Mary 1);lsjardi.ne, Grand Bend on Nov, 10, Elsie May Disjarctine to Isoar Best incl, Jr. DEATHS Bowden -•]n Stephe, an Nov. 16, John Bowden, aged 89 years, 11 days. Wine --A` Flint, Mich„ Nov. 6th, Mrs Pexin Winer formerly of Stephen.' aged 63 years. Ruby -la Seeforth, on Nov. 7 William Ruby aged 92 years, aendergast•-•In Egmondville, on :vie, 10th John Prendergast, aged 85, Mori nn -On Nev. 8, at his home ori the Tawnline o: McGillivray, Imre 'Morton.• Regan -At Mt. Carmel, on Nov. 10th \trs. ,Nora Regan;, aged 83 years. 'e Wail Your TTadc For. TVrec Reasofls. 1, WE HAVE THE BEST SYSTEM FOR HANDLING THE HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. 2 OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. 3. WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS. A Few Fall Specials Fresh Cranberries 20c. qt. Swe; t Potatoes 10e. lb. Finnan Haddt.es 20e. lb, Clear SkinFlorida G e Fruit 2 for 25 ]•irater••s, bulk (s,elects) $1.20 qt, Pint jars 70c. Large C,ocoaliuts, 2 for .3Sc. Try Schneiders' Country Pork Sausage, fresh every Tuesday and Friday, Seasoned •just the way you like it, send always the• , same. HARVEY'S for Hot Chocolate and Oysters (after November 12th,) Make ita habit every night after the show, ` -HARVEY & HARVEY PHONE 102 DELIVERY J. A. STEWARTe16 LADIES' PURE WOOL SER GES Our Vaiu e ea Pttre Wool Serge is wonderful. It is alovely fine Twill, in a nice, soft quality, The very thing you want for that Fall and Winter .Dress, We have them in all widths, 36 in. to 54 in, and is all the popular shades, -Nave, Green Grey, Brown, Sand, and Black, We oif0- an extra special price on several lines, and in. 40 in Serge in all shades, a beautiful cloth. Regular $3.75 ner yd.; Sale Price $2.99 per -yard. A real bargain: in a 38 in. Serge, lovely fine qualityain a real goad weight, and fast dyes. Regular $3.25 yd; Sale price $2.60 RUBBERS RUBBERS Rubbers for the whole family from the little kiddies lto '"Dad", We have a complete range and can suit you in all styles. Don't delay. Get a new pair to -day and avoid,that cold, you will surely get by getting wet, , Miner heavy rubbers; In- v.-incible brand, formerly called "Monarch.", The white boot With a (name ;for itself also. Many other brands. WHITE AND GOLD CHINA 1 only 97 piece Nippoai. China Diener ,set. This tin a white, „with ',a solid ,gold leaf band with Kermes cues. An extra fine, china set, Regular $:125, Sale price $ 88.00 GOLD LACE 2 only 97 piece ,sets iso, a very swell Gold Lace Band, Kermes cin. A lovely white semi-pior-, celain china, worth regular $55 Sale' Price ,.. $40.00 CLIFTON Tliis_is one, of the finest Semi- Porcelain Dinner sets ever o:f- eer-ecl, It lige a very neat floral band, 07 pieces, IGermes cups.. Sale. Price ,.s - $35:00 B RICLEY conventional na;ttern with solid gold handles on all the dishes, Kerns ,cups, full 97 piece set, ;;swell pattern, sale price $35, TEA SPECIAL RED ROSE TEA, BLACK'AND IVIIRED, REGULAR 70c. PER, LB, SALe. PRICE THIS WEED, 2 LBS, FOR :..... $1,25 J. A. ST WART Ts the wohld• any ,better far your life THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET 1AID FOR ALL PRODUCE HIGHEST. PRICE P' or miner, Dattel in ;the lion's den where quality is higher than price, ~ 1,,,k 'i1ui ri.'r@+NelFi'�I 4 4