HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-11, Page 5hNW �> and the 'sealed airtight carton keeps it "Good". Red Rose Tea comes to you with all its original rich strength and rare flavor fully retained. 73 ALL= Canadian Fairbanks Morse Cu THE LATEST P121CI ON THU Engines 1 1-2 H. P. ENGINES 3110.00. 3 H. P. ENGINES ,,..,.., .. .,,,.,5,175.00 6 IL P. ENGINES ,... ...... ,,., ,..,4285.00 These engines are equipped with the Bosch Magneto, the finest 71.419 ,11 i:nnwn, DOUBLE GUAR PUMP JACK ,,.. .. ,,. at.. ,.,,315,00 INTERNATIONAL Gl.AR JACK .,.,., 830,00 FARM LIGHTING POWER -40 LIGHTS ..,: $525.00 WE SILL THE CASE TRACTOR EMILRY STANDS, SAW ARBORS. PULLEYS, Bb,LTIXG HANGERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOTICE AAIL `MAKES OF ENGINES OVERHAULED , CYLINDERS REBORED OR CiROU1 G NEW PISTONS MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS OXY • ACI;1" Ui.NE WELDING DONE, Y The Cochrane Machine Works EXETER ONT. AUCTION SALE )1.z FARM STOCK & IMPT,r:'yR.NTS HOUSEHOLI) a F1•:;(' is On SOUth Hasp of Lot 21, con. 9, Stephen, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1920 At 12.30 o'clock. sharp, the ol!otiving Horses—Heavy draft mare; w8 years Old; 4 year old mare, in .foil; 6 ,year old horse; 11year old horst:; 12 year old driver; driver rising 4; 2 yeah - olds by Emperor McKinney; dri•v;n. mare with colt at foot, Cattle—Cow ,due in Deo; cowdue in Jan.; cozy due in March; 4 cows due in April and :Vey; 4 two year old steers;; 2 yr old ste,ars; 3 yearling heifers; 6 enting calve,; Reesiattered Shorthorn Durham bull, i7„nonths old. Pigs and Poultry -7 stockers; 2 .fast sows (ef not sold before sale); 18 tur- keys; 80 hens. Collie dog. Implements—Ma:ssey-Harris binder mower and disc drill; Frost & Wood cultivator; Massey -Harris bean culti- vator combined; Frost & Wacd bay .rake, steel roller; Cockshut disc; Frost & Wood scalier; Ideal manure spreader; 4 -section. harrows; riding °low; 2 Frost &, Wood. walking plays 2 MaleLeaf 'twin plows;•° fan,n tg i mill. 160 ift. ha} fork rope, maw; 4 sin sones. lumber wagon, wagon box, stcck rack; hay rack, gravel box, bobsleighs, 2 ton buggies, cutters, turnip pulper, wheelbarrow, 2 1-2 Ii.D. engine, emery grinder, 2 set double harness, 3 set single harness, De Laval cream separ- oto: water trough, sugar kettle, 40 gaai e bags,, big straw stack to be fed :os :ea place, bicycle, set scales, 3 bar- rens arre;:s . 2 barrels cider vinegar, 40 rod Wo. -ea wire fence, 40 rod barb wire; heli too coal in ,sacks; 3 apple drying .racks, large chop box, logging chair. hay knife, cu't`ting box, 40 gal. steel 'coal oil 'barrel; rope and tackle, light wire stretchers, roves and windlass for killing beef, girl's relay. house, robe, 3 horse blankets, wiiffletree;, chains, neckyokes, forks, shovels, hoes , and other articles too numerous tc mention Househdld Effects.— Baseburne°r, 1 Moffatt cook stove, stand, cuobcard; Daisy churn, kitchen, chairs, rockers, 3 bedsteads, cistern pump. Positively no reserve as the pro m-ietor is Bih*uttig up farming. Te:meo.$10 and under cash -over that amount 12 mos. credit an an - craved joint notes, or 4,,per cent cff for cash on credit amounts. F. TAYLOR SILAS BRO.1tiENSK.1R>a, Auer. Proprietor Alonzo Hodgins, Cleric, AUCTION SALE of 35#Choice Cows Ai .Mdffatt's ,Hotel, Centralia, ort SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1920 At 1 o'clock, shag,, the following:- 10 allowingi-10 Coors with co1f at foot 1U ,Cows due in About two weeks,. a0 ,Cows due in early caring. 5 cows due in March and April. These coWs are comprised of Dur - 'hams end Hoe's tieitn ,, and are ;an ex- ceotionally choice tat of dairy cows and ivoufd,,not be s oald only that the nrapriao4 tis quintengl the dairy bus- en'ess amine; to ell health. Terns, —Ten imasa credit on approv- ed joint notes ;with 6 ger cent pier. FRANK '.TAYLOR, J..1. CLEAR Auctioneer Propri,e o,r 'Union Business Institute 1MUNDAS & RICH'.4 O D STS. LONDON ONTARIO It pay to investigate before chaos- 'in. a school. Write,for information: blow is a good time to enroll. .J: MC3RRITT N. STONEHOUSt, Princiy'd1 Vice •12cun. [UCKERSMITH--On Thursday Oct 38'h Mrs. 'Wm. Slavin passed away ,her home, after an illness of three months. She suffered a stroke in July which was followed by another stroke 3 few weeks later. Besides her sor- rowing husband two daughters and futir sons .survive, AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK t IM- PLEMENTS NTS on S 1t-2 Lot 21, Con. 17 on.StenWE1DNLSI1AY, NOV.es 17th, of 1920 , at 1 o,m. sharp, the following,— Horses-.dare 5 years old, in foal to Lard Grey, horse, rising4 ; filly rime, 3 by John D.; suck:eing colt by Load Grey. . Cattle—Cow 8 years, due 23 Dec.; cow, 6 years, clue 5th March; cow, 8 years, due 17 Astril; cow, 3 years, due 16 April, cow 4 years, due 23 April; ,farrow cow;; 9 heifers coming 3 years due in March and April; 2 yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer, 6 spring cal- ve;. Also brood sow in pig. linnlements, Etc.—M,-H. Binder, 6- font cut nearly new; M. -H. cultivator 13 teeth, nearly' new; McCormick horse ,rake nearly new; Frost & Wood mower 12 -hoe drill; 3 -horse disc harra,v; set iron harrows, 2 walknng p_o,vs, wheelbarrow, lumber wagon, 1 light e agon, set sleighs, Clinton fan- ning mill with 10 new sieves, set heavy harness, set light harness, 29 (oat extlension ladder, water trough, grain box, :hay rack nearly new, gravel box ;oat ,nul,per, 40 feet inch p;ping, Ford touring car In good conditicn, half cash; 5 acres corn in shock; 1 acre turnips; quantity timothy hay, cash, Forks, chains, shovels, etc., and many other articles. Farm.—There will also be offered for ale 50 acres of ,grass land, being S fe Lot 23, Con. 17, all under grass, and well fenced. Terms, -10 her cent on clay of sale, balance 30 days thereaftezt 'Positively ;no reserve as the pro- prietor has sold the farm he is on. Terms.—$10 and under cash, over that amount 12 months credit -on an, Droved joint ,notes, with 5 per cent. discount on credit amounts. F. TAYLOR EDWARD •ALLEN Auctioneer Propri'etori AUCTION SALE heater OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On Lot 25, Concession 2, Usbornle ON THURSDAY,.NOV. 18, 1920 At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following :— Horses—Horse risen 5, mare rising 5, ;grey driver rising 12, Standard bred. mare rising 6, dt lv(er rising 6, 2 cotes coming 5, Generall Purpose,. Cattle -2 cows rising 4 years;, steer rising 2, 2 yearling heifers, yearling ser 50. Rock hens Im°lements-2Massey-Harris rowers McCormick . culti:vitor, corn cultivator scuffler land roller, set harrows, hay rake, seed drilla fertilizer drill, turnip drill; root aulper, grindstone, 25 grain bags, 2 lumber we,golnrsl, 2 top buggies hay rack, bait bobsleighs, gravel box set double barnessi, light set double driving harness, two furrow plow 3 walking plows, ,faaiuringmdll, hay fork rope, Daisy churnl, 3 :slacks ,of mixed hay forks, hoes, cheine, whifflet'rees and other :b,rticlues too nuxn rous : tc me�oti'on. Household Effects—Coal range and pipes, sideboard, table, 6 cheers, %%ne . 'extensiion table, 2 small tables 'a number of dishiest, 3 beds, mattresses and springs, and a slumber of other household ;articles. Terms—$10 and under, cash, over that amount 12 months credit on ap- proved joint indtes or a disccunt of, 5 Der cent off for cash. F. TAYLOR JOHN BLATCHFORD Auctioneer Proprietor Th•GREATEST 11T IN YEARS U f Dedicated to the United Farmers ■ ' o a and composed by the well-known song writer, Mr. Morris Manley: SONG Words And Music 358, postage qua prepaid.-,Address:. -CROCK/PRESS, T t tt.r m. publishers, Q8 and 50' .i Lombard .8trect,-Toronto, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of 57 Cattle At CENTRAL HOTEL EXETER, on SATURDAY,. NOV 13th, 1920 At 1 ,o'claek, Sharon the .Cellowing :-- 5 cows 30 two-year old steers; 6 two-year old heelers 6 yearling steers 10 yearling .heifers 6 tntrnths' cTed;Rt an apr,Yovjed joint notes while 6taercent per annum add- ed. SHERWOOD HUNTER I'eailricter. m ........ Auct, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & I31PLEz laN rS on Lpt; 7, Sottth;T 'antes Road, Us - borne Township, pen TUESDAY, iNOV. 23rd, 1921) At 1. o'clock sharp the ,following es- klorses-1 draft horse, 8 years old; Agricultural Horse, .7 Years old; lin draft team 3 years old; g Percheron mare, 3 ears •old; j dxiviag mare, 9 years old; 1 drtvng horse, 5 years old, Cti'ltle-3 'cows due in eitrch; • 3 COWS due in Apel., 1 cow due, injure 2 steers two -yen -1r old;' 3 heifers two veers oRd; 6 inteelnenlie0yc r.044; 7 heifers one ye old; 6 spring calves, Hogs—One sow, duo in December, 1 ht;liw due in January,; 2 sown due February; 1 pure ,bred ,York . boa about •18 months, eligible for registra- tion, 32 stockers, 23 shoots.' Implements—Deering mower, 5 -foot cut, Bairn wagon, 2 buggies, bobsleigh corn, cultenator, fret single harness; Stewart horse clippers. • Terms—$10 and under cash, over that amount 12 months' crediton ap- proved joint notes. 5 per cent. off for trash on, credit amounits, FRANK TAYLOR. Auctioneer. EZRA W ILLARD, Prop, . Greenway Jr. and Mrs, Gordon. Ulens ,were is London recently visi-tutg the fat ter'a parents.—The Misses Holland of Parkhill spent the: week end'wlth,Mrs, E. :Eason.—The choir of tate tietho-•' dist church presented Airs, Ray Shep- herd, nee Miss Zillah English, with a ;old lined silver st;gar and cream aei in aopreciation of iter services. \fr. and Mrs. William Nichols of Parkhill visited Mr. and Mrs, W, Eng- land.” -Mrs. Banes and Mrs, J, R. Pol- lard of Greed Bend vent the week end at A. M. Wiisonfo—Last Sunday was alis pei�onary Sunday in ,the Metho- dist S. •t;;, when a special Program was giveo; oleo an aettirees by Mrs, J. R. Mollard of Grand Bend, as Town shits r eprese.nrtlative Was enjoyed by all —Mr, Thos. Stewardson, who has been: 14I, is about recovered.—Air, John Eag- 1esoit .has moved tics hi, new home he bought from Mrs. A Hotsoo.—Miss Stella Grattan of Grand Bend spent a wee1 with, her atmt, Mrs. J. Hoison. K1PPEK.—Mr: Wm. Luker had the misf'for'tune to get hie ,head caught.in the belt of {a threshing machineiwhrch be evas operating for Itfr. Merneriand severely torn:,' but fortunatte1y no bones were broken. BKUCEFILLD—Hugh Ross had his fifth operation jut, Ck;ritTon Hosp 'taj, Piece by niece both degx have been, anaptt'tated above the knee. Amidst all his trials and suffertini .s he keens on ,bravely, never grumbling at' his hard lot. He earne from Swift Cur- rent about a year ago, suffering from gangrene and 'since that ,time spenot' the greater part of elm time in a hospitaa lee is at •tnarrve1of patlient endurance in suffering, IN addition to a branch at xxeter, $a has branches at the following nearby points:— Crediton Dashwood 4>» THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL, - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, R _r1, Chapman, Manager; Zurich :►lise Ida Well ft for Toronto last Thursday Visa Verde Fuss has re - 'turned to her home, after t L ing friends an Chicago and Deirroit. Rev. Allen Good of Waterloo is giving lec- tures . in, the 1fernonne church: -;tfr. David Gottschalk of Pigeon. Mien., was a visitor in the village.—Mrs. A. G. ,Ensues left la's't week for Evanston, ILL where she will remain for the winter with her son, Rev. Morris Ehne; —Miss Nettie Well of Detroit under• ~vent a serious operation last week,in a ,hospital in that esti —Mr. Philip Bea- ver .who Lea been: at Exeter the oast' few :mon`hs, is staying with h:s eon, Edward for ;he winter, Airs. Paten Geiger has :sold her f if,y acre farm oe. !the 15th Con° Hay, to Henry Bad-; lour, tvho gets posseesuon next Alch." ;Badour has sold his :dwe]Ling in Zurich, recently purchased from John 1 Siemon, to Mrs, Emma Fleischuer, who gets im iate possession, --J. J. Bar-1ry has so.d the shop he occupied to • r incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL RF$13RVE $0,000.000 Over 180 Brenehes THE MOLSONS BANK We invite a call from farmers seeking a good Banking 'con- ne.tion giving courteous and efficient service, Savings De- vartrnent at fall Branches, EXETER BRANCH. T 8, WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business laiiy. Saf sty Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. W. C. C1llias, who will use R for acre farm to John Steepha>a� of near Ia stable and garage—Ed. Troyer of Dashwood who gets noasessiotz s e nt the Parr Ltuz, has sod his, fine100-sp�rng ThepxxcePl'd $11,00e, One of Four Millions (A Photograph Direct from the War -Stricken Area per Month Preserves the Life 9f One Millions of war orphans in Central Europe are grown up undernourished and stunted. Thousands of them are dying of typhus, tuberculosis and small -pox. There is almost a complete lack of the nourishing foods growing children need, of clothing, of doctors, nurses and medical supplies. The condition of the children is pitiable in the extreme. Upon. this coming generation depends largely whether these nations will be healthy: and right-minded or a hot -bed of anarchy and degeneracy—a. menace to the world. It has been found by experience that thetcost of caring for a waif child is approximately three dollars per month; that of the supplies thin are.required Is* imports about one dollar is needed; and therefore the dollar that we pr'ovide,.together with the local support of local governments, Local munici- palities, local charities and . local services practically preserves the life:. of one child. Child The British Empire War Relief Fund will be adminis- tared in: Europe by the British Red Cross in co-operation with the League of Red Cross Societies. Send your eon tribution care of The Canadia wed Cross cheque Enclosed flood money order"'for.$ e •t cash as imy contribution to the Canadian Red Cross Society for European Relief, gore , Name h. .ra;r:,„ 3`.:.ti 1i°•,t, k Address .......... .:........ ...1...........,...i........ ..°....,. Please send your -contribution to the loyal Red Cross Rranch or to The Canadian Red Cross, 4(0 Sbabousnte: Street, Toronto. Moneys may be t at the Earik of Coma rce : lie