HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-4, Page 8'EXETEN. AllII1J1;ATL, THUIta..I1A Y, NOV. 4, 19213 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednlesday Fall Wheat Barley, net.,,,,,, ,.,. . Oats, new Family Flower .. ,,... ., Feed Flour Short..... .. • .. :Bran ....,.,.. ... ..,:,,. Eggs Dairy butter 4.:.rsatnery Butter .,,, Lara ; ,.,,,,..... I'otatcea per bag -lav, per tons,,...,,. Ho, s • 2.00 40 6.25 3.50 2,35 2.10 54 6335 1,00 ZP.9n 17.00 1teetk'1.$T CONCERT Owing to oat lel Sle of seats for the bettreit cera art -Facing the AN- ale- ' to i.t* pet on November 10th, the (emu -Mare have decided to RE - TEAT the play on NOV. 11TH. Plan +of bail at Howey's drugstore. Don't -wait, get yunr tickets early as this is arare treat. Reserved Seats 5.0c Push seats ..ae. FOR SALE. --A number of horses; :soma four months male Berkshire Digs ,and Dorse: eve lambs.—Will Pk gree iensali See C, it Skelton's ad. on nth page. It is initeresting, 1'L=RSE LOST. A black leather ladies' purse,. oar Oct lard, in Exeter., Finder kindly return to A dvoPcate ()trice. "Facing the Music" presented by The Amateur 1)ra'caaTic Club under the• auspices of The Citt.zens' Re4ef Committee, Nov. 10th, promises to be 'a rare treat. Secure your seats r;;aarly. WINTER CELERY AND CAB - B AGE FOR. SALE at Lot 8, Con. 16 Hay Tu. Cheap. Apply to Wm. Leibold,Zurich P.O. AOR SAVE A Joliette Citopper, 8 inch plates, nearly new.—Harley Bros. Be sura to be on. tine. for "'Fee- ' the Music." Opera House, Nov. dlith. Cure in rises at 8.15 p.m: ;One continuous laiugh from first .speech to last, so don't miss any. E s rR A}: ST.tER, There strayed pato the premises of the undersigned, Lot 6, Con, 2, Bid-- dulhh a yearling steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Arthur McFalls, Centralia CARD OF THANICS, Mr..and Mrs. Geo, Lawson, Stephen desire to Om* the tetany friends who so kindly rendered assistance, and sent dainty dishes to there- son Samuel dur- ing his 5tayanDr. Hyndman's hospital: CARD OF THANKS. Mfrs. Thom 4ne21 "virt%sr*tla many haft dicttoerd friends for the a:st:aztce end kindly re.membran- ces tendered hes daughter, Mrs. tic-', Ana;, during her recent confinement eo Joseph Hospital, Louden, and settee, her return, home. Gh'ra actor • EI. JOHN WARD,t pr ,; t4 ae taut and Sanders St., Tui Clay, f ia„ .day and Friday, lo to 4.30. c.oasultation and examination free at fice BARN FOR SALE. ? x5 , with steel roof, n good ehape to be removed next spring,. Apply, SAM'L BEAVER, HAY P. O. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs; E. J. Wetbey, Andrew St. Apply ';t .ny time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings i to e Special Sale of Unlerwear. Boots toed Shoes, Etc., at greatly Reduced prices. ee ee ball Mitts and Gloves; also Weretcr Mitts, lel ot.ne,lotte P ankees S4.05; also a ft . rte of Prints. . We ,1 o. ear7y a full line o;: Fresh Gro tries ? e: a:tn t e your orders and the goods evil? i;t e v er ed -Phone 107. R. ItIcKENZ1E & SON., Exeter North. RurirAing Every Day U.K. STEAM CIDER MILL is ere,:, n = i•: ler and making apple butler every day. Custom work donee a5 zeeile, passible, Sweet older and eeele butter far sale. S. J. V. CA.tNN, Phone 115 Mali Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postrnaste' General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, an Fri- day, the 3rd day of i)ecember, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's' Mails, on a nroposed Contract fcr four years, six times ner week, over Cred- tan No. 2 Rural Route, from the Pest - master General's Pleasure. Printed notices con•talinsp:g further information as' to condeeeens of oro - posed Contract may be ,seen :and blank forms of Tender may be abta'inedeat the Post Offices of .Credi,boin, dCetn tralia, Exeter, and at the office of the Post Office Ins ector, London. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 22nd October, 1920. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, 'Post Office Inspector Local Doings Mr. Geo. tcraee ey is 'stall eatefitted to the house. A:Sr, J. G. Jones its. ,corefpned to hip home through illness. ?dr, A, J. NIcDoaelt has tdispiosed of his fxamte dw j1ieg, west of Mr. W. J. Bissett's, ,homey on Mill St., to Mr. 1. Armstrong, 11fr, and ,Mrs W;M, Smell who re- cently purchased Miss Rebecca Haw- kins' residence ,ort Sinncoe St., moved therein last week. Mrs. Adam Case, London Road, north who recently fell down a num- ber •q` cement steps„ and was oonsid- e ably bruised about the head and oody, is now recovering nicely. FORMER EXETER MAN DIES. The ,funeral took place ,on Tuesday t Goderich at A3ir Bender MeNevin, who messed away suddenly on Satur- dto aferuoon from heart failure, Sev- eral ev-eral years ago he and his bro•t,heircon- duc ted the Exeter Flour ?Chili. Besides his widow two daughiters and one .on survive, ROa S" PARLIAMENT, The Second Boys' Parliament' of he Sunday Schools of South Hurvn was held .her ori. Friday and. Sat,ur day. The three sessions were inter-- eating,'as vtwere also the snorts Saita- urday afternoo'n,'followed by the ban - nue: in the Town Hall Saturday ev- ening., provided 'by the ladies of ovn. Rev. A. Ai, Trumper was the oast master after the banquet and an. n it en address was delivered by- Mr. Vaughan of the Y,1T.C,A,;, Toronto. It was decided to hold the next nacho-- ntent 'in,Cred ton,• and in Succeeding years in Cen iralia, Hensall, Zurich and Dashwood. On Sunday appropri- ate services were held. Mr. Vaughan snoke is the Presbyterian church in the morning. Rev. Wilson addressed the young men in the Main St. Church in the afternoon, and a un .an service of the Presbyterian and \Iethodislt Citurehes was held, in the evening, at wbicit Mr. Vaughan also spoke as well as the nastor, Rev. WKsern. FOR\IER EXETER DOCTOR DEAD Or Young Cowan London's eldest physician, died very suddenly at his late residence, 726 Colborne St., Lan- don, at 8.30 Wedntesday night of last week, of an. attack :of heart failure. Although 86 years; ofage the had been in good health and continued practice until the end. During the day he re- ceived his uatt1,,entts as usual and chat- ted with several, of his neighbors. De- ceased wig born in Belfast, •Ireland, and came to Canada. wth, ,his parents when a very young boy, He obtained his education in Toronto, and then went to Galt where he. married Miss Lute. He then moved to Exeter and >zraetised there until 20 years ago, when, he moved to London. He was ranked among elle city's leading phy- sicians, He .vas member of New St. James Presbyterian church, He is survived by his widow who has been, very ill and' one sorn, Dr. Harry Cow- an of New Zealand- The :remains were taken to. Galt for burial. Trivitt Memorial Church Kr. Thos; Di ney, who has been ill for several days, is now, recovering, ;Magistzt tte Andrew of Clinton fined the two .2 a bw;ood mere under the C. T. A. last week, Judge Dickson, of Goderich , held Gaunt of Revision of the Voters' Lest here oa Wednesday. ;iiss Reta Rowe was, unable to. at - ;tend ;to her teaching 'duties at the school Tuesday anal Wednesday ow- ing to illness, .Ater several klays of steady caulk the weather took on a stiffer temper- ature Atndt is ,now more agreeable. but quite hn illy. , 11r. Reginald Hodgins of Parkhill has taken over the Cockshutt Implement ware grooms here, recently copducted by Mr.. James C. Kestle. Mr. R. I. Horney's auction, sale an Thursday east brought in over $4,,000 after hie having nreviiously ;di,sposed of sii his sheep; ,and ,his grain. Cows sold for from $1.00 to $265, The Hallowe'.en suppler given in the Parish Hall ,of the Tr fvett !tierniareal Church on Tuesday evening was well attended and ;much enjoyed. The proceeds amounted to about $37.00. Miss Clare of London is reliev=ng at the Central Telephone office here,. It we'd faciliitate matters considerably if subse fibers in au'akf,ng calls will give numbers instead, of names in future. much to the credit of the juvenile element and parents of town the Hal- lowe'en pranks vn'tere not very •eaten- siyely indulged in, A. :few minor dis- placements were ,noticable, but we must give the boys and girls a little latitude Reeve Beavers ,on Saturday last re.: c'eived by ire';ht a large German trench mortar and a machine 'um,that had been used in the geleatwould war. Both are in good condition aaui will be sea near the Town Halil. This is the third •gun.of ,the kind that Ex- eter has received. Guy Brothers paid their annual vis- it to, town on Tuesday evening and presented their musical show. Their unattractive :performance of last year did not appeal to ,she people of a3xe- ter ;and ,ns a result they were „ reet- ed with a very poor attendance Tues,. day tight. On Friday last a delightful evening was spent ai the home 01 \fa; and '17rs. T. H. New 11, when Masa Edna Bissett was the reeio ent of a set of community silver in view of her aoprotehing marriage, Miss Bissett has been a valued member of ,the Girls' Auxiliary and of the choir of Txivdtt; Memorial Church, and ,both of the organizations ;met together to dc her honor. The ,evening was spent. in :progressive euchre and tight re- freshments were. served. The annual meeting of the Children's Aid and Humane Sotelety for the County of Huron will be held in the Council Chamber, Clt:melon, on Tues- day afternoon, Nov. 9, commencing at 3 o'clock, The tbusiniess will be the consideration of lthe various .reperta fol the year, ,eleectiore ,of officers, and dealing with any rnuetters which may be brought before the meeting., This meeting is been; held in Clinton with the desire to male as easy as possible aatttendance from ‘other parts of the county, ants a. large attendance isnot only honed ,for by the Executive, but very earnestly urged. The work of the year will .be found of deep interest to all whanttcnd. Services as usual. BROKE HER ARM, Evening subject— "Babylon the Great " Rev A, A. Trumper, Rector, CA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN (,,i UECU t Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister Regular services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. conducted by the pastor. On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock the, annual thank offering service of the W. M,.S. will be held. Rev, Dr. 1IeEeven, a returned Missionary from India will speak. Everyone welcome. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 . a.m,—Recention of members, and Sacrament. 3 p.m Sabbath School and, Bible eClasses. 7 nn,—"Backward, Onward, Forward" ;followed by Sacraneent; Good music. All made welcome, MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 • 11,00: a.m.-Ser:ramental Service pen—Sabbath p, -Sabbath School and Bible Classes, 7.00 n.m.—"Heaven's First Law." Nov. 14th—Church Anniversary: Rev. J.. O. L. Snrackliin, the Fighting Parson, ,preacher. BETHANY- "i 2.30 n.m,-",Forsaken; Mail Co'ritract' SEALEr; 'TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will he re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon . on Fri- day, 3rd day of -Decemiber, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times ,per week, over Crediton Noy 1 RuralRoute, from the Post- master General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of .pro- posed Contract may be 'seen and. blank'forms;,.of Tender may be ob- tained apt the Post •Offices et Credi- ton, Centralia, Exeter, and at' the office of the Post Office, Inspector London. Post Office:Inspectost's Office, London, 22nd October, 1920. CHAS. E. H. FISHER Post Office Inspector, Mrs Wee J, Kernick, John Street while nainti;ng the ulterior of their hoine on. Monday, unfortunatlely fell ream .he sten ladder. to the floor breaking her arra and sustaining -evere bruises. TOBACCO GROWING. 1, may not be generally known, but it is ,nevertheless aetfaet, that we have ^, our midst a man who thoroughly understands the growing, curing and manufacture of tobacco,. We refer to :err. Louis Day, Sr., who, as an exper- iment, this year griew (about fifteen hounds of tabacco, after it had been, dried and cured As a general thing the tobacco that has been grown and '.`cured" around here. has been very strong—in ;fact toxo!strong fcr the a;v- erateeman to smoke, but this grown. and made by Mr. Day ,,is not sot. It smokes ;nildly, hats am excellent flavor and throws out a beautiful aroma. The amount grown by lvIr. Day this year is an excellent sample of what can be done in a local ,why. ,Mr. Day intends glowing et on, a Ilatrger scale next year and it may be only a short time before Exeter Will be able to boast of a large tobacco, manufacturing ;concern. To- bacco can be successtully grown here and that too ut abundance, and there is no reason why 't cannot be made one ,of ith.e products o -f the sea here as well as elsewhere. Miss Drew at Florence vis,,ted-Mrs. Wm. Drew and Mrs. !';night this week. AIG. and Mrs; Chas. Grafton, of Lon- don were rgieepts of ,Mr, find: Mrs, J, G. Cochrane over Sunday. Mr. T, H Newell at,ten,ded a con- vention of dastrebu,tors and dealers in Gray -Dort .cars at Chatham this week, Mrs. Thomas . Bissett and daughter, Miss Ethel returned Friday from a visit of several weeks sn Brighton, Top-on:to and Londcn.. Messrs, Fred. Wells, Ernest Wells Az -to Delve and Harold Kuntz left Monday morning ;for .Wa,tford, where they ;will 'assist en, laying a water ,main for the town. ', • ,fr. Daniel Schroeder., who has 'been. residing on the 5th ,00nc,esSeon eof Stephen, ,for the plast eleven years; is moving this -week ,with his familei to the 125 acre farm ,nealr Bailyneote. Mr. and Mrs Schroeder ,have endeared themselves 'iia ,.circle of friends during elveliir residence on; the 5th, who will very pgt ,ch regret their departure.. The .best t*ishes of all will Solilow„thdemd tlo their mew. home. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness, , PHONE 32 0j i JONES & MAY k r PHONE 32' ac TRUETALUE At this time of generally unsatisfac- tory buying conditions, it is empha- sized to the thoughtful purchaser that the true value of a corset "foes not lie in the number of dollars you pay for it, but in the number of days it will wear beyond the life of the average corset and continue to give you the joy of possession it gave the first day you put it on, 'You may buy every G 0 . S sA :ill Front Lacing C S T with our assurance of your complete satisfaction. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT— WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING SUBSTAN TIAL REDUCTIONS IN PRICE OF MOST LINES OF GOSSARD CORSETS, Illi ;MANY INSTANCES SELL- ING AT PRE-WAR PRIC ES. SINCE g 1870 30 Sl -US COUGHS DR,. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Cotnnrissiioner, Solicittor for the gal - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at rawest rates of interest. - Oiffic;e—Manan Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to Loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exetier Dr. A. R. KINSMAN,, L. D. S, D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—aver Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H, Sanders at the Advocate Of - lace, Strictly confidential; no witness. I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up,” Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK, TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. NEW TERM FROM NOVEMBER 1. CENTRAL sivirserriine.. ow r . The leading Commercial School of Western; Ontario. Corn erceat, Short- hand ort -hand and . Telegsaoh departments.' Graduates placed err positions. .Stu- dents may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue, D. A. McLachlan, Prirtcipal.' DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. - ()Mice— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER' AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warierooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. = G. F. Rouistote L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office aver Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. e 1 IN atice4612.,J GREAT BARGAIN IN FURNITUR,lt R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND FURNI= TURE DEALER Motor Hearse in, Connection. Phones 20J and 20W. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery hue Call and see us. A trial as -to quality will contain Ce.. Prodnee taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHIJOTT -BROS. Ladies' Coats In the`Sea,son's newest styles: We will be glad to show you *e are offering. Special valued h Salts' Pony Cloth `,at $39.00. MIEN'S WORSTED SUITS They are 'good value, creat pat- terns and good staple styles. All sizes $37,50. HEAVY SHOES We handle several of the best Greb's 'Williatiis' and Ahrens' S ALL WOOL SERGLS A splendid quality to pleat for Skirts. We get them. pleated for you. The price per yard in $2:65 - whatt :ALL WOOL SERGE DRESSES, Several new styles in braided & embroidered all wool serge dr•.es'se•s Your choice of any style $27.50. HEAVY SHOES makers' heavy shoes for Mei, ,Sisman's pecial values (at $4,95, :$6,50 .and !$J,06. ALL WOOL COATINGS Grey, Fawn, Brown and Blue. If you can make your own coat see these cloths at per yd. $4,50:' ; Southeott Bros.