HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-4, Page 7h.. For cold in the Head and Chest use rtE BENGUii has immediate effoct. etWARE OF SUBSTITUTES 0.00 a tube. THE LEEMiNG M1LES• CO, LTD. MQNTRekt. Agents for Dr. Jules. I3engu8 PEI-In/ES PAIN • Remember This. There are many stories told against Irishmen•>of ripe and full age, but not 44 many about them when they are young. Stili, here is a proof that they are Irishmen even before they are breeched, it was a class -room in a village school In Ireland, and the teacher was .giving a lesson on salt. "Now," she said, at the conclusion of her rather long and inclusive lee - tures, «I want someone to give lee a good definition of salt." "Shure, teacher," said Micky, a bright, blue-eyed youngster. "it's the stuff which males potatoes taste nasty when you boil them and deal put any !n." Caterpillar Work. Hast to '~haw whet a rici?e't ••lite"- lziliar'a hard work can accoznpiiph, it may be mentioned that the silkworm lie in19 produced (4,757,C00 pounds of raw silk. Nearly two-thirds er this total duan- t:ty was producer in Japan. Chftu contribute;l aboet one-fourth of the whole. in 'rurope, Italy- was the big p.odueor, meant to market 4,075,600 p unds, or jret ithent ten tinea as nrllclz es Prance. We believe MIN:tii,D«S LINIe UNT is the best; lsil a.. ' ole }.O.I City, " Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Charles 'Wheaten, Mulgrave, N.S. lax. IL 0, Armstrong, Mulgrave, N.S. Pierre Landers, Sen., Polten:auche, N'.Ih Be the Blest of Whatever You Are. "If you can't be a pine on the tcp of the hill, De a scrub in the valley—hut be The best little scrub at the side of the ri11; Be, a bash if you can't be a tree. "If you can't be a bush, be a bit of the grass, Some highway to happier make; If you can't be a muskie, then just $ae a bass-- But ass-33ut the liveliest bass in the lake. "We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew, There's something for all of :tie here; There's big work to doand there's' lesser to do, And the task we must do is the near. "If you can't be a highway, Hien just be a trail; If you can't be the sun, be a. star. It isn't by size that you win or you. fail-- Be the best of whatever you are." THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Canadian fall weather is extremely hard on little ones. One day is warm and bright and the nest wet and cold. These suiden changes bring en colds, cramps and collo, and unless baby's Tittle stomach is kept right the result xnr:x ba serious. There Is nothing to equal .`"hy's Own Tablets in keeping the Utile ae s well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds ani make baby thrive. The Tablets are sc:I by medicine' dealers or by mail at r; cents a box from The Dr, Williams' a:t..liclne Co., Brookville, Ont. To the Loser. Never mind the losing, --- Think of how you inn; Smile, and shut ;;our teeth, lad, -- Take it like a man! Not the winning counts, lad, But the winning fair; Not the teeing shames, lad, But the weak despair; So, when failure stuns you, Don't forgot your plan,— Smile, and shut your teeth, lad,— Take it like a man. It is muelt easier to be critical than o be correct, --Disraeli.. Surnames and Te rim ROBERTS VA1tiA.TIONS- .II. bertson, Robson, Robinson, Robison, Probert, Prabyn, Bobinett. RACIAL ORIGIN--14tecilieval Eng- lish; also Welsh. SOURCE—A given name. 1;i.rbert was one of the most popular of Christian names in the middle ages in pngiand, more so by far than to-' and as an inevitable result the family name, cf Roberts to -day is most widespread, as are also the unusually!! large number of variations from it. Probably no bettei illustration could be chosen cf the manner in which farn- sly names of that class derived feint given names developed. The origins of all the t variations mentioned in this article, which, by the way, fall far short of completing the full list of Robert names, have -'leen. along normal lin¢ and obvious dines. As a given name, Robert is of Teu- eenico.:owing front two roots;' "limed" in the early Przn?tish tongue ( l.:itl±aha" in Senediaavian), mean-' ing, "fame," enddt, the old word common' to. all Teutonic tongues signifying "bright," which in German names has developed into "brecht" • er "precha," and in English names into "bert." Robin was a very common variation of the given name 'in old England, as 'vas' the contraction Reis. From the former has conic Robinson, Robison,) Robins and Robinet, the last named through • the use of : the Norman- Ftench di iinutive "et." Robertson, of course, is simply "Robert's son, and Robson iS "Rob's son." Probert land Probyn are forms of the name i • developed in Wales from "Ap-Robert" and "Ap-Robyn," the "ap" being sine': .lar teethe Gaelic "0' " and "Mae and the Norman-French "Fitz," and sere- 'ting -the same perpose of the Anglo- Saxon ending, 'son." . Washing by Five. The silky fibre derived from Berta n rocks which we call asbestos wee fa- miilar to the ancient ('reeks and ' He - Mails, ' and was commonly used by then to make fireproof yearn,, fireproof rope and fireproof cloth. These are the uses ,to which asbes- tos is chiefly put 4lettliet present time. It is only in the preelnotion of thread from this materlal.th at we have muclz improved upon the tacients. It is now spun so fine that a pound of as- bestos will yield two-thirds of a mile of thread.. To "wash" a piecee.Qf asbestos cloth one ?.as only to put it into are. That cleans it. DRAWING ON YOUR SEY MOU1t VARIATIO N-Seym ore. P y.CTAL ORIGIN --Norman-French, also Middle English. SOURCE—Descriptive of locality, also of occupation. Tt is surprising how many family names which have come to us from England have developed from two or mare independent sources. The sur- name of Seymour is one of these. Regarding it in the light of one .of these sources, it belongs to that very large classification of family names, descriptive cf localities in various !.arts of northern Europe, which de- veloped in England following the in- vasion of William the Conqueror. As William had gathered his forces from many sections of Normandy, making it a rather cosmopolitan host, and as this took place at a time when there, was necessity for some 1 system of names which would dis- 1 tinguish, one Jahn from another, and one Hubert from another, it became 1 quite common, when the Normans got; to England, to add to a man's given; name sone 'mention of the locality in Normandy from which hehad come. 1 One ef the places from which many l of the invaders were enrolled was St. rr Maur. The records show first men- tion of this surname in the form of "de St. Maur" (of St. Maur). Follow- ing this the English language went through the throes of radical change in a short•period, from which the name emerged as Seymour and Seymore. The more humble explanation of the name's .origin is that. it developed fresh the trade ef same cf the early bearers. The word for tailor in those days,was sometimes "sumer," and is is more than likely .that, in some in- stances at least, the surname Seymour may be so explained, being influenced in its spelling by the prior existence of the changed form of St. Maur. ate Resp nSF, Aratime is on your side very tim,e you cat t�2 For this sturdy blend, ('wheat and "malted. b ,r1cy .applies 13w cl. ' and. brain -with elements nutrition that Nature 'demands for health and. vi or,, Grape:Nuts is 'Sugar Saver : er' ' a Reason AUTO SPARE PART$ for most ralkes. and -models of cars. Your old. broken or werwout .parts. replaced, Write or wire us decorib- ', ing what you want. Nye car:7 the largest and most complete stock la Canada of slightly used or new part» and automobile equipment. We ship 0.O.D, anywhere in Canada. Satis- factory or refund in fail our motto.. else.', s Anto i share P;trt Tlaptly, 923-9a1 Yi11iEe-in St., ';,ionto, Oat..l strand heir.,; cut clean away as if shaved by a razor, Yet the child felt no shock. A somewhat similar case was that of a woman who, after being struck, gradually lost all the hair on cite side of her head. Boats That Push Themselves. Boats that bush themselves along, and that can be steered witliout rud- ders, will soon'be seen en our rivers RESERVE STRENGTH and canals, says an 'polish writer. The bargee fitted with this new in- vention travel by means of water which they first pump up, and then force hack again into the stream with sufficient power to drive the barge forward. The planner in which the water pro- pe:a the barges can be regulated; and by exerting a greater pressure en one side or the ether the direction in which the barge is moving niay be al- tered at win, and ee the need for a rudder is done away with. Another advantage at this method of prop zlsion is that weeds cannot get ontangle;i in the machinery as when a screw Ls used. Also, very little depth cf water Is req,uirc3 for these barges. Still another peculiarity is eteimed for this irive:.ticn. It is ca'l tie t boats driven by this means ss•.il he able to travel sideways as we:l 03 for- a ward, as the water parser can be re - This is What Thousands of ]People Throughout the Country Are Doing. Thousands of Canadian b oiteewives are working from day to day an their} nerve, They are daily, drawing mare and more on their reserve strength,' knowing full well that they are using; up that vital force whic1Loften means i life or death in `tile crisis of disease., They are the victims at a feeling 4f hopeleee eehaustlon atter .the per - lenience of even the email tasks which were once . 1)e siinp:est and easiest parts of the day's mark,; They find the appetite failing, steer ' is die- turbed and unrefreshing; they lose; weight, and always feel tired and de- I Pressed. In this condition a blood-, building tcnie is needed to restore health and activity, and for this pur- pose Dr. Williams' fink Pills are un- surpasaed. Often the trouble will have progressed to a point which makes. full reeorery slow,but the treatment should be persisted in and renewed li"alth and activity will be the result. case of Mrs. W. Schooley, No. 2, 'f l'onburg, Ont., well illus- A , t•. n r �@� the t.. w f D . Williams' Pink to a, ,.o r itarls I' Pills in crces c,f health breakdown, through weak, Zvi te,y blood. Mrs. Selwoley says: "For upwards of five years i felt my SLIengt2 deCllling, un- til at last I could not do light chores around the place. Then a doctor was called in, and after doctoring about a month he said that only an operation would help me. I did not feel like go- ing through this, and decided that In any event I would wait a whi/e. T had no appetite, often had headaches ac- companied ccompanied by dizzy spells; several times I had fainting spells, and my legs would swell, and I could not even sweep a floor without resting several times. Again a doctor was called in and tie said the trouble was general debility and nervous breakdown. The treatment, however, did not help me, and then one evening as my husband was reading the paper, he came across a case in many respects similar to mine, cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The next day he got me a supply of the Pills, and to their continued faithful use for several months, T owe my present splendid health. 'I may say that soon after beginning the use of the pills 1 felt a gradual improvement in my con- dition, my appetite improved, I began to feel tested after a night's sleep and I gained in weight. My friends were continually expressing surprise at my improved condition, as it was general- ly believed I had become a chronic in- valid. I always take a delight in'"tell- ing them that Dr. Williams'. Pink Pii:s are responsible for my presentgeed health, and as they have ,been: a real blessing to me I shall always continue to praise them." If you are suffering from any con- dition due to poor, watery blood, or weak nerves, begin taking Dr.. Wil- liams' Pink Pills now, and note how your strength and health will improve. 'You can get these , pills' through any dea_er in medicine, or they will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Photographed by Lightning. Pictures imprinte ? on the siiu are a common freak of lightning. Natural objects,, trees, .ships, and the patterns of ferns are often 'found on a mains, woman's, er child' after it has been struck. Perhaps the.most, curious instance of this_ phenomenon is recorded by. the famous French s•ctentist, •M, Rammer- ion. A doctor, returning from a train journey, missed` This purse... Later in the day he was" called to "attend °a stranger wiio had been struck by lightning 'in' a train: On the Man's throat the doctor was .amazed to see an imprint' of his own monogram, similar to that on his lost purse. The purse was found in the stranger's pocket. He had picked the doctor's pocket in the train, and while examining the purse a lightning Rash had been at- tracted by the metal' clasps and im- printed the monogram on. the thief's neck. Scientists often (mete the.case-of the eight petrified reapers when.talk- ingot the freaks of lightning. They were sitting under a tree eat- ing their midday meal .when a storm. came on, and they were found later in the same position—dead. One pr two held their food in na- tural attitudes, cne had a mug to Ills lips, while another was reaching for- ward with his. hand in the food bag. All had been struck by lightning. Another time a.aflash of lightning a .tripped a girl of her hair, every guh.ted to act in any direct:tut. Live Stock Sha It is said that the proof o': the peal - ding in in the eating, slid this eery aptly appifes and is preeett in the price reec ved for the beat fK:ahad live stock at the Teeente Fat Sleek Situw. In the 1519 chew as high as 75e. per lb., live ~tie',li.t, was paid by I auction for cattle, 50c. per lb. far *hogs, and 41e. per lb. far lambs: Quality always lean^', a premium, In, Tile attention of the readers is direct- i ed to the Eleveuth Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show, to be held at 'the 'Caton Stock Yards, December itth and l eetn, 19.0, Random Remarks. No oke is a good judge of her own reputation. --airs. Ascjuith. One often lightens troubles by tell ing them.—M. MIllerand. I am now a rich woman, but my greatest wealth is my imagination. -- la , Pl:,,�icar3. leasee a. ripe (^'not be kept in re- pair without ..::;.a s alert.—Right Hon. H. A, L. Fisher. The chief thing to bear In el_.n9 in starting life is that everyone Is en- titled to an ap.uion.—Slr J. Colman. It is not the prize that is the great thing; it is the efiort which has de- served the prize.—Bisaop Welldon. "Honor all men" is a thoroughly democratic sentiment, but it scme- times seems to be intsrpreete "Be equally rude to all Hien."—_lieh:,j u. Lichfield. When I was a bit y.ounoor I was told that One's boyhood was the hest time in a man's life. At the time I did not think it was true, but I must say that I know it now.—The Duke of York. Mfftard's Liniment For Dandruff. Was Well Fixed. • One. ,oaf the churches in a western town is so fortunate as to have a young woman as its pastor. She was called to the door or'the parsonage one day, and saw there 'a much em- barrassed young farmer of, the Swed- ish type. • "They said the minister lived in this house," he stammered. "Yes,"replied the fair pastor, "17Ue1T—well—I'd-=er-like to get married." "To get married? Very well, I can marry. you," said the ministre,ss en- couiagingly. "'Oh, but I've got a girl : already," was 'the disconcerting reply. • { f. OM MARE &NRE Class:fier3.Advertisem its, FOR SALE !1 1 1 YOUR: SILV18it VOX -14s Fitu'i X me, My stock ail 'Standard bred" and guaranteed. Prices sight. , 11t iaaeP)ougail, West fore. t S. As an aid to Loveliness, Traidu wo- nlen color their teeth black, while . in; japan and 'China they paint their Horticultural. A teacher in an 3 ngieweed school asked the other day: "flow many kinds of flowers are there?„ Three pupils held up their bands. She chose one to reply. "Well, Isidore, haw many Ideas cf flowers are there'." "Three, teacher" "Indeed? And what are they?"" "Wild, tame, an' Collie." The Only Way, Talk had veered round to. the mod- ern cynical view cf love that prevails. "I remember once," said Smith, "hearing two very ordinary men, a bricklayer and a plumber, disem s love in a smoking ear. said the bricklayer, 'that If you are terribly in love the way to cure yourself is to run away.' "Thee plumber shook his head and sneered. «, , That won't tore you,' he replied, 'unless you run away with the girl.' Easier to Spell, A doctor received a note asking hurt to go at once to a case cf spin:- pox, but to his surpr',:e, 00 arriving at the patient's bedside he fr.und that it was merely a case of rizelruv ti.,m. "But thie is vele ph:ioly r,i:t sraa!1- pox," he said, duster,"• 3,•I;fled the In lie .: Muffled one i' et over the •-thcr, "to tell you tile !':i:th, titc anew 't was rhetient, alp, brt a'„tiody in tit sense could Bell the eve', nail we ;st,:ut;::t h'11�1,-pc) woui.a do just ae a i ten l you came, a.a,1 lirchabiy 1.: ,ng yea its"^ -i* ex DoIn:nicn E,p .ss :,Toney 4*•at:.'. If lost or s`oien e .i get your ,t...ey hack, Citrus Flaw dc,,. ritunai3T.0 mer is re e .t m o Ira s f the die. 0'e � to r covers. of a lingo. aS.ti y a 1 < -Deese for re• ducing orange juice anti lemon juice to dry pawdere, the 2nct';°td adopted be- ing much 'lie that e:siployed for the production of,powde:-ad mills Dry air, at not ter high a tempera- ture, ovaporetas tit( juices to dryness, thus preserving he fresh flavor. When wanted for 'se, it is necessary merely to add WP.er. "DANDERl\E" Stops 'Lir CorningOut: Doubles ass _auty. X at5 r a<" faces white, with red on their cheeks,. and magneta en the flips. Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper AEI. engagement to marry is often announced as a kissing -feast in Hun- gary. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Chill's Best Laxative Accept •'Galt. ,rills " Syrup a' Figs only^-iuok for the •, I.-ae eiat•f; re:a oat the package. then ,.."�'i are rt,re yc:ur child Is has ill; ilt1 beat and ax.. /,armless / h,.;ic ler tells little stem• soh, liver a:;.! It ,�i i . to:2imJren /ore its sickly laete. all direr tte:1s on, tacit bot t a. You plait eny '"IKali,- ornia." • ITCHING On Little Boy's Face. Blisterst Lost vieep, " lvty hills boy bad eczema on hili fact, snit it canoed itcbhig and lass 1 of olcep. The trouble began with red blotches, , `land his face got rte, a► clmaot like raw beef, and. thorn it broke out in bits - tete, The blisters, broke _ • and canoed :hla :ace to rtIJ "' become sore. "Then 1 used Cuticura Soap end Ointment. In a abort time sit traces of the eczems were t r...e." WIra, Z. Alexander, T3' 55, 'grout Creek, Mont., Iant'rr:: 1, line. Mats•'_. -a Srap,Ointmentand :aSC1" „!.r ,..t:;'tA" tpreparati3ns. Soap 2Se, Ointment r' «. sic. Slid tbroughouttheDominion «-,:i,a1D2n-,t: L ane, Linaitea, St. Paul St., i'ii„ne.a.:l:, 2 Cuileors Soap slx toe zviihou• ;raj.. USE SLOB'S TO WAR!) OFFP fou can just tell by ate fie; filly i stimulating odor, tint it is going to do yoit good F' F T crly had se -se S'o r', Tia* went!" }low of tcri you've saki; that! And then wheat tl-e rhea A few cents buy:- "Dztnderine." .M- • uratic twinge sa"`]sided---after hours cf ter an application of elettiderine"' ycu can not find a fallen hair er any dand- ruff, besides every hair shot•. new life, v.gor, brightness, mord color :'n -t tlhielmets. 1 t 'w S3OPi*h INDO S&BOORS. 4 a.;..x o .- .^SIZES to rit your , oacnin;a. '1!',te'd with Clara. Sofa do. lavo y uuarantced �a { rib For P,rico i,ist 4,-,.:...,,,5-,2.-16;A.. l O . Oct <lawa Eu I t �T�.a --" bilis. mints winter coafbrt. 1 The T 1LL! AY COMPANY, PtArnit'sti Ad14TD L N FACO. Y i LISTRIn TDI u ,s c wA a A DA 1 aufferin, ynu forget iti Don't c'•:, it ar , z ,,•' a bottle f:z- cay andyft.r Petette., -. _._o. ti A eu,i •en attack may cored on --s lithos, lumbago, sore muscles ' 3cia, he, stiff joints, n_uralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos- ure. ' ou'll soon find warmth and re- lief in Sioan's, the liniment that pene- trates without ruvaing. Clean, econom- - flat. Three sizes -35c, 7Oc, $1.40 ,ormiR .411 e o � e` .. srern�� child's body CAS A ETS ONLY TABLETS MARKED QED 'They :Work while you yieep." Stop growling around like a cross bt11I pup. You are constipated, bilious, and what you need is Cascarets to- night sure for your liver and bowels. Then you will wake up wondering what became of your nervousness, dizziness, sick 'headache, bad cold, or upset, gassy stomach, No . griping -- 01) laconvenence, 'Children love das-, carets too. 10, 25, 50 cents. America's:Unser • Dog Itemedtes Look on IIC'G DISEASES and liow to Feed Mailed )'res to any Ad- dress by the tuthor. IT. Clay Eno -el ° 175 West 31,st t New 'Vail:, ISBUE. No. 44—'20. 4ABAYER"ARE ASPIR1,i Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" The name "Bayer" :on Aspirin is. like Sterlin° on silver., It positively, identifies the only genuine. Aspirin,— the Aspirin prescribed lay physicians for over nineteen years and now l acme in Canada. of "Bayer Tab'ets' of Aspirin" which contains Proper, dijections for Colas, Headache,. Toothache, Earache, Neu- ralgia, Lumbago, Rliemnatism, Neuri- tis, ,Toint Pains, and Pain generally, Tin boxes of 12. tablets cost but .Always hay an unbroken . package a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages,' UM:tee OrAy most ray "Bay -:r" Aspirin is tete trer'e n•,>tirti (ragtatered in Canada) of Oayer Manufacture of Meno-. neeticacida,tar „f alicyileaeldi. While it le well i:nown that Aspirin ,sena Bayer la-tnftto .,rc, to R,;.,,{ tno ptablle againat tmitdtions, the Tablets of Layer Compata$ n;:11 "be St,,.;tpct with their general trace r-:erli, the ":Gayer Cross."