HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-11-4, Page 4The Exeter Advocate 1 E''S TPI 3 at
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Pta,ce—In advance. $1.50
or year in Canada.; $2.00 in the
United States. All subscriptions not
paid in advance 50c. extra charged.
Display: Advertising -Made known
on apglitation.
Stray. Animals—One insertion 50c.,
three insertions $1,00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c,
each ,insertion for one mantle of four
insertions Sugar in Hamilton is selling at
Miscellaneous articles of not more 18eac a pound.
than, five lines, For Sale, To Rentt, Montreal sugar refiners cut the
Wanted. each insertion 50c, Lost and price at sugar to 17c.
Found locals 25c. an. insertion.Toronto's old Union Station nzay
be the terminal for Hydro radials.
The Russian Soviet is planning to
have the world's greatest air fleet.
Peterboro' bakers reduced the
price of bread to 13 cents a large
General Bramwell Booth passed
through, Toronto on his way to
Premier Meighen, speaking at Win-
nipeg. pledged a new tariff before
the next election.
Crediton baebfiCyril Flanagan, star of the McGill:eld, is undergoing treatment in.
a Montreal hospital.
Irish Self -Determination League
colunm. ' in Toronto cables sympathy to the,
widow of Lord 'Mayor McSweney.
Tubercular soldier patients in
sanatoria aro asking aid to establish
a community centre near Hamilton.
Capt. J. B. Home -Hay of the
f . A. F. flew from Moose Jaw to
Winnipeg;' 579 miles, in two hours
50 minutes.
• Toronto financiers promised. Sir
lfenry Drayton eo-operation in ob-
serving the "embargo" against out-
side securities,
An ' Amerieen brewer, Patriek
Rooney, who is visiting Britain,
thinks there is great danger of the
United Kingdom going dry,.
A new law in Italy which becomes
operative on November 1 forbids the
sale of meat between Wednesday
afternoon and Saturday morning.
Frank I,tunshaw, aged five. at To-
ronto. died at the Western Hospital
Monday afternoon. as a result of in-
juries received when he was struek
hay an auto.
Louis Neil. formes Minister of Jus-
t E•°.r .:,d member. of the Ft eneh Cheni-
lle; of Depetles was struck by an
automobile in the Rue hie Castiglione
'efnaley and died a few moments of
t.'r °,bnvin; leeseu removed to a hos-
'11' Kl)N1'.>DAI;.
Important Events Which ,Have
OcCelered Dut in,; the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy, and Attractive Shape tor
° Paper
the Readers of Llut,-- A,
Sold. Hour's Enjoyment,
Local reading notices, etc„ 10c, ,per
line per insertions- No notice leas
than 2Sc, Card of Thanks 50c.
Auction Sates $3 for one insertion
and $150 for each subsequent in-
sertion if under five inches in length,
Lega'i advertising 10c, and 5e. aline.
THURSDAY, .NOV. 4, 1920
See Ed - Allen's sale ad. in extoller
We are tgen:i
he� to state that 5. H.
Mott mann who was onerateti on in St
joseoh's Hospital, Ieindon, last week
for en abscess in the face as the° !re-,
suit o: no ulcerktid toroth is doing
nicely rind hopes to be home soon to
resume his bus'ness.
Michael Beaver has returned hone
after a short vie:* wi h his son in
The steam hearing sy at..nn which
Was installed in the •scboal :this past
summer, ;was out into opera;t'pn Mon-
day to cthe delight of both teachers
and pupas. We feel sure the change
will be anetteeitetecl, and that there
will be no more eem.laares .of cold
rooms, whhvh made, it very un.otnforte
able to study in
Fred Werth, the tae collector, is
making his rounds, handling out .the
tar: notices. As usual these notices -
are no: ve.y welcome..
M. anti lir, R. St Wilson andfam-
ily tis;te3 their parents in London
over Sunday.
Henry Paaff has bought the house
and premises at present o:cup:wd by
Paris Anderson.
The teachers o our school are
Making arrangements for a svh eteon-
ce.t to he gi't en. in the Torn 1•I t:i on
Friday the 26th o: this month. The
Program promises 12 be clew e« the
best ever ,gig -ea by the seh el, and we
know the Hal w s -k be filled by those.
who wish to see the children do their
Pte. Herbert Peatte t o:' •the Toronto
Garrison '.s el e,:.,n; Mr. and Are; W
H. Gaeaer tor a fen days vacation:
Mrs. Catherine FinkbeLne•r as. Y:isit-
in„ her daughter, Mrs. Esti liesitwood
of Exeter.
The, wie. weather of the nast week
has .raven very disagreetble and ,leas
nut a stos ,to a lot of wcrl.,. „whi+ h
still remains to be ,dine.
Michael Finkise'iner has returned to
his home ,',ter Vsitng hit daughter
in ThorndeLe,
John Hirtzel sold hiss 50 acres,
on the -5th concessilan to Jnc. Rolleaa
Mrs, Isaac HO- has returned home
after a few tweeks visit erfth relat-
ives in efoostjaw and other w.eltern
A number from hereattended the
special services given, in the James-st,
Church, Exeter on Sunday e`•enLee
cor1nectien tyvith boys' work.
Dr. Orme es wearing a great, big
smile these days. A little girl has ar-
rived atthis home to stay.
The semaitns of the lateWilbur Gei-
ser were interred en the Evangel .al.
church last Sunday afternoon. The
C.I.C. ,Bible Class, of which deceased
was a member, marched in a body to
the grave. The deceased was operat-
ed color appendecitee Exete a few
weeks ago, but other ccmolica[::3ns se!t
in wbich eventually caused his death
on Thursday, 28th October, at the
age of 28 yea.: s, 2 ,months. To the be-
rear::d parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gottfried
Geiser, and tfami1y we extend our
Professor H. Strauss, M. D., of the Royal
Charity Hospital, says, "The cause for an
attack of gout, rheumatism, • 1uinbago, is
supplied by the increase of uric acid in the
blood -serum, the result of various caul,
the.most frequent of which is renal. Before
an attack, one suffers sometimes from head-
ache, neuralgia, twingea of pain here and
When your kidneys feel line lumps` of
lead, when the back hurts o the urine Is
cloudy, full of sediment, or you lave rheu.
uratic pains or lumbago, gout, sciatics'
obtain at your nearest drug store .'Anuric'
Poyser shortage in the Trent Val-
ley is relieved.
A second revolution is now lu pro-
Tress in Bolivia.
, There are at present 49,000 Brit -
WI troops in Ireland.
Senator J. B. Prinee of Battieford
died in Saskatoon on Tuesday.
Italy is expelling all alien anar-
chiste, found in Italian. territory.
The steamship Saxonlan brought
$10,000,000 in gold to the United
P.etail clothiers and shoe dealers
quiet financial assistance it it is give
cel the sugar refiners.
Two boys were badly crushed in
collision between an auto and a To -
Street ear, One may die,
\#i*, Justice Kelly blames losing of
home authority for part of the preen -
WS unrest and serious crime,
:.Three Port Colborne citizens have
bought land and deeded it to trustees
for a civic athletic field.
A bomb was exploded on Monday
in the vicinity Of the monastery of
the Capuchin Fathers in Barcelona,
C.etpr-ge A. Hines of Cobourg is
charged by the coroner's jury with
liuirdering his little sin, near Port
Principals and members of the
Staffs of Toronto High Schools, in-
terviewed, are in favor of the intro-
duction of boxing,
Day and night shifts have been ar-
ranged on the Thorold section of the
Welland Canal, owing to power re-
duction from 1,500 to 450 h.p.
The Riordon Co., Ltd., has bought
more than 1,125 square miles of
timber lands and water powers near
Lake Timiskaming from Senator
O'Brien, of Renfrew.
Georges Carpentier ander Jack
Dempsey will sign for a match to
take place in the United States, Can-
ada, . West Indies, Cuba or Mexico
before the first day of July, 1921.
The purse is $500,000.
This is the discovery of Dr. Pierce of
the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. "An-
uric" is an antidote for this urio acid poison-
ing and dissolves uric acid in the body much
as hot coffee dissolves sugar,
i'`Anuric", will penetrate into the joints
and Muscles, and dissolve the poisonous'
accumulations It will stamp out toxins.
Montreal, clue.: --"I cannot praise Dr.
Pierce's• Ann= (anti -uric -acid) enough for
what it has done for me. For three months
I ;was under the doctor's care and got no
better. I was always complaining of my_
kidneys. I did not' know what to do. L
read about Anuric and madeup my mind
Ihave-taken t o boxes a d
tryit w n
d a tcomp3au, any more. T:Iave gained in
weight and.am atilt gaining. My apppse-sits
is,great and sleep has come to me. That is
what the. Anuric Tablets have done for me.
1 'de truly recommend diem to those who
are suffering the way I did. The tablets
are mighty good, though not expensive,
EasY to buy, but hard to beat."—T. A.
BROWN, 388 Dorchester St. W.
Send 10 cents to Dr. ierce's Invalids'
Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package.
prison, and maintained a sii.r'nee be-
gun ten years ago.
Earners have decided to lower: the
price of milk.
Ring Albert of Bele:nun n honors
Hon. Dr. IL S. Deland.
St, Andrew's Society held its an-
nual meeting in Toronto.
Hon. 0. C. Ballantyne addressed
the Navy League in 'reroute)..
t e fo •
Candidates are nominated z the
Northeast Toronto by-election.
Oseoode Hall plans to enter a team
in the Intercollegiate senior hocked'
The Penitentiary Commission has
held its preliminary meeting in
Qt gra.
The Western Gout Association has
effected, drastic changes in the play-
ing rules.
Britain has submitted 16 agree-
ments with Governments abroad to
the League of Nations.
All merchants selling articles com-
ing 'under the luxury tax must have
licenses on November 1.
Piet Wessels,, member of Pardee-
rent in the Union of South Africa,
gave an address in Toronto, .
A. G. Mitchell of Owen Sound has
a raspberry bush that is now yield-
ing its third ereip this year.
The Irish Republican Brotherhood
in the United States has severed its
connection with Dian Na Gael.
Southern Ontario Gas Co. custote-
cers have been notified that their sup-
ply will be cut of November 1,
The Greek Parliament has elected
.ttlrniral Cotsndoureotes Regent of
Greece till the new king is crowned.
Gerntauy Hurst deliver 275,000 tons
of shipping to the Allies as emu-
pensation, for sinking shins in Scapa
Lorne Helmer was sentenced at
iuteo 4 w 18 months in the reform -
Atone for manslaughter of James A.
The Baptist Convention of Ontario
,an./ t,)uebec at Biantford took the
drat step toward union of Baptists
sit Canada.
John Elliott, manager of Standard
Bulk at Belleville, tendered his lith
annuel banquet to the Belleville
Ce: liet,tr,l :end dai,yr;,see ..ti the
SAT 1:111>A17.
Ex -Kaiser Will -em has c'.e i•ied to
grow a full beard.
The Allies have ordered Hungary
to ratify the Treaty of Triune.
The hydro Conuuission issues
Statement on power shortage.
Leeds tanners are to orennize a
branch a€ the Fanners' party.
"Willie Jackson knocked out "Ed-
die" Fitzsimmons in the tenth round,
Graduating exercises foe' nurses
were held at the Hospital for Incur-
The hog ehalera outbreak in Went-
worth county is less serious than first
Three thousand workers are want-
ed on farms and in lumber and min-
ing camps.
The British Government's. Omer-
genay Powers Bill has reealred the
royal assent. ie ,
The McGill track and field team
won the Intercollegiate title In To-
mato an Friday.
Emile and Ernest Boutin, brothers,
nd asphyxiated in th
were fat , it lunch 8
wagon at Sherbrooke.
Direct negotiations on the Adriatic
issue will begin between Italy and
Jugo-Slavin early In November,
W. R. Stewart, Broadview avenue,
Toronto, has an attack of the heart
while cranking his car, and dies.
Fuel Controller on strength of the
conduct of the animals in the north-
ern woods, prediets a mild winter.
Inability of the C. N. Rys. to fur-
nish cars causes imminent serious
coal shortage In the Prairie Pro-
Rev. Dr. Shields denies right et
the United States "committee" to
gratuitously undertake to investigate
the "atrocities in Ireland."
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
opposes measured telephone service,
but would let 'the Bell Company have
a reasonable increase in tariff.
With practically unlimited /totaled
for Canadian grapes in the ,United
States market, Niagara district h•r s
only 4,500 acres of vineyards on les
200 square utiles of suitable land.
Sterling exchange in New York is
quoted at $3.441,.
Hamilton Tigers beat Argonauts on
Saturday. by 8 to 6.
A Prussian junker has composed a
new hymn of hate,
!beSaft..st Toaic
is not that, which 1
depends upon alco-
holic but upontonic-
nutrient virtues.
is the purest kind of
nutriment and `helps
the system keep
up with the wear
and tear upon
Scott &Blown. Toronto, Ont. 20-62
The death occurred on Friday last
tit the home of her daughter, Mrs,
lobe A. McKay, of Mrs. Wiil-'am
Barnes. The deceased had never re-
gained her strength, following a sev-
ere attack of dropsy ,last winter, but
was able to get About gad do light
work until ,about three weeks ago
when, she Ras seized with asevere
weakness. For a ,few days it was
thought she might gee better, but in
shite of medical axd and care she
gradually grew waeaker until death
claimed her. She is survived by her
husband grown -un family. The run-
ei ll "took .mace to •Naim ;cemleeene4
Those who attended from a distance
were her son Will, from the West;
Mr. and \lre. Wm. Boss anti Mrs.
Robinson rum Londcn. A sad feature
of Mrs. 13.trnes dwa'rr':t i' that 't foie
!owe sr closely a'.ter that of her
daughter, Agnes, who died on April
24th last.
THURSDAY, Ernest Seymour of Madoc was
There are seven seats vacant in Lound dead in bed
the Senate. London again is threatened with
Army leaders in Italy deny plan- a street car strike.
ning military coup d'etat. Thousands heard General Booth
Major E. L. McCall is Canadian speak in Toronto.
Trade Commissioner to Brazil. The Vote on liquor restriction in
An Educational Association has Scotland begins to -morrow.'
been organized in North Middlesex. Two Toronto Churches unveiled
Russia will return Roumania's tablets to their soldier dead.
gold reserve if peace is concluded. The first snow of the season Pell
Polish troops have defeated the in Montreal on Saturday morning.
Lithuanians in a three hours' battle.. Mrs. Joseph Gibson, wife of Inger-
Sir Thomas Martin,.. formerly edi- soil's veteran postmaster, is dead.
tor of the Dundee Advertiser, is dead. 'Burglars, masquerading as Hallow.-
Retail merchants may ask for e'en merry -makers, operate in West
courses at the University of Toronto. Toronto.
In° a Mulock Cup football game, George Sydenham, for 31 years a
Victoria College beat .Trinity by 18 G.T.R. conductor, died in Brockville,
to 1.•aged 79.
Ten constables of the Irish Con- An unusually large number of
stabulary have been dismissed for motor accidents were reported over
various offences. the week -end,
T. G. Smith, postmaster 01 Mount Sixteen soccer league games "Play -
Forest for more than fifty years; died ed in the Old Country on Saturday
in his 90th year. ended in draws.
The Carpentier -Dempsey world's Wilbert E. Fredericks of'Windaor
championship boxing bout will be shot his wife four times, but not fat -
held in Havana, Cuba. ally, then killed himself.
Lorne Helmer at. the Simeoe As- Toronto boxers won all the titles'
sizes was found guilty of manslaugh- at the international tournament
er 01 Tames A. Learn.' whichclosed in Toronto on Saturday.
Fred Watts, a trapper, of Wolfe The result of the recount in St.
Island; near lieingston, was burned John only leaves the four Govern -
to death in his house. ment candidates elected, as first de
The fifty-fifth annual convention of .laved,
Com -
the Ontario Religious Education
The Inter -allied Admirals' Com
mission h sdeclared a blockade in
�'ouncil is in session. at Belleville.
The '. schooner, ..Esneraato, which the Black Sea against the Russian
will compete in , the International Soviet.
Fishermen's Cup races, has arrived A Toronto girl makes a complete
nTalifax, retraction. of ,charge upon Which two
The Dominion Government has is- Serbians received seven years in pent -
need new
ne d.new regulations to its employes; teritiary.
1hey are ordered to economize as Fifteen thousand Germans, armed
each as possible.. ° and equipped, are reported to have
r e , ieie J. Hanley ended a 25 -year joined the Lithuanian army to fight
,.e.ettctce in the Massachusetts" state the Poles,
lib .:lONDALE
The \Vomen's Institute held their
monthly sueetitt, ,on Oct. 20 at the
home of :hiss L. JeckeU, About 35
member, of the Credi on Institute
were entertained, ond the total at-
tendance of over 70 ,peat a pleasant
aflernoen. The musical part of the
pro„ ram cen.isted of a sole by hairs,.
Folie of Exeter, an instrumental by
:hiss CIark of Creditor., a son; by
Crediton Quartette, a violin selection
by Master Roden Rogers, an inetru
mental by lfiss Myra Morgan. An n-
>;tructive raper on "Money" tins
given by Mrs. Elliott of Crediton. The
next meeting •will be. held at the home
of Mrs, Evan Dew:
Wm deRann has sold his farm to
Alex. Rain io': Parkh ii for 37,500,
and ,bought the Harding farm on the
2nd concession of McGili$vray for
18.500. Then he sold again to Mr,
Treteiit O; •of London Township fcr
\1r. • and Mrs; 'Fred Parson,, Mrs.
Westlake and Mrs. Whyte and two
children of Exleter anent Sunday at
\fr Thos, Hunki{n's.-MrtCharles Bor-
land is all smiles these days, It's a ;kJ
--Miss Millie Pollen spent the Week
end at her home here.—A large crowd
intended the ;farelwe1i service. of Dr.
Fletcher on Sunday last—Mr. Ed,PoI-
lee 'lad ibe misfortune: to get his hand
caught in the machine bast week.—nits,
Della Pellet snen;t the week end atthe
home ,of her sister Mrs. N, Passmore.
—.Master Sim and Harvey Pollen have
been ext the sick list the Has;t week.
Services*on Sunday were conducted
by Rev, James of Woodham—Mr. and
Airs. John :Morley of Wctydham sneni
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Gun-
nil-lg.—Mrs. Jas. Squire, who has been
quite al, ,!vas game to London tc un-
dergo an onerekiron.—Threshing ;..s the
order ref ihle day jhn . this •s c i•1l'.ty.--
miss Ge iie Jaques and Mrs. Frank
Squire spent a couple of days in Ex-
eter ,last week, the guesets of Mrs. N.
Ogden,—Mr. and Mrs. Jas`, Hodgsoneof
Granton. were Sunday visitors at the
home of .?dr. John Hodgscn.
The nuolishers tof The Family
Herald and Weekly Star o^ Mont-
real are day's, the right t'a'ng with
the oub'ic. Ninety ,pee cent. of news-
oneeri hates n.rea,dy raised rates. The
F ~ni' , Her a':d publishers guarantee a
fule year's su!scr1otian at the .old rate
o` $1,50 a near to all who remit: be-
fore December 1st, 1920. We learn
that mat'iy cad subscribers are renew-
ing for twoyears irr' advEince incl
throusands of pew subscribers are be -
trig added. It is a ;g- ,eat, paper and
the best /value on the. IC,.oa1tiili;,nt.
Wonderful improvements have late-
ly been made in the Family. Herald.
Members of the Imperial Press Con;
ference. who lately visited Canada,ssay
it bas ;no equal. in, the Br]t'tsh Ernie:et.
Canadians should anpneciate such a
Diner at the prime,. After December
1st they may have to nay more•
> e tk storm*,
117 We se three
after swab,.ellssstsed inti ihw
tougroo—kosp your Owlish
aims! --try tt►l-gaol ds--th. Mew
HMS ill1E' &CCM i iwwiis
Harvest time brings expenses which must
be met with ready money. Should you
need an advance to help you over this busy
season, interview this Bank. We are pry.
pared to help all responsible fanners. 004
OF COtt,i'll\IERCE
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - 4• 5,000,000
RESERVE FU' x ! 5,000,000
EXETER. BR -?NCO, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
, seise se esee e+ a ewmssese ,wise sem
Incorptn'ated in 1855
Over 1S0 Branches
Almost every farmer finds his money tied up itx stock or
•- +,s, at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should con -
:see our local Manager. `
Savings I?epartments ar all i3ran+:tles
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business .!ally
Safety Deposit Bolles to Rent at the Exeter Bran: h
Dr and :firs: W, Schellig and fam-
ily of Detroit .wvese in the. village for
a day or two.—Mrs. O'Dwyer and Miss
Tenn Laano:,t Attended the Wom
ns itut Correenti, n nn London,—Mr.
Tae oh Deich'ert and mother, :11rss. J.
Det.'hert, sr.. and Master Earl and Miss
Inez Yungblut were visitors in Port
recently.—hitt farad Mrs. Moses
Er', of the Bronson Line were vise,•
oei at Weltesiey'-?beer Davis was
her for a few days.—Mr: and Mrs. J
Berry were presented with an address
end rocker, ,prior to :lee'r leaving for
utuaville to reside.
3, S teohen, tfor O Bober, --Sr. XV, R.
Jory 81, F. Parsons 68, K Pen hale tis;
Jr IV., G. Knight 68, Ar P.reszcator
6o; Sr. III„ M. Jory 78, 'et Willis, 70
S Dea.ring 68, R. De4iiring 67, L. Stan
Bite 65, E. Christie 57; Jr' III., $.Box'
61; Jr. 1I„ S, Dearing, D. Dearing ;
Furst Class, E. Christie.. M. Penxh'ele,
G. Dearing, B. Sanders, M. Scott; Pri
mer, L. Jory, W, Stannake. Noe mate
roll 21, overage 20.5.
Lela: B. Sanders, teacher.
Canadian Fairbanks MorseCO.o
1 t-2 K P..ENGINES $110.00
3 H. P, ENGINES ..,4„3175.00
6 H, P. ENGINES .......,, $285,00
These engines* the equipped with the Bosch Magneto, the finest
nition known.
DOUBLE GEAR PUMP JA)Ck .,,.i,.. ,,,$15,00
The Cochrane Machine Works
tat TER ONT.
Sixty pears of leadership --of giving good value, heaping satisfaction
and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and
confidence frorn coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell
this dependable farm equipment.
AU Slues
Costs You
The famous Gilson "Goes. Like Sixty" E ,-
gine---any size for any purpose—can be pur-
chased on the easy payment plan, Let it
pay for itself. Its economy and depend-
ability have made it the biggest selling en-
gine rn Canada. I,et us demonstrate on
your farm.
ip4 lI1
"The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme.
More Gilson Silo Fillers'were s old in Canada
last year than any other make. It is. guar-
anteed to be the tightest running blower -
cutter made.
Be independent -get a Gilson Silo Biller and
fin your own silo—with your own engine.
4 h.p. or larger—at the proper time, when
your corn has the greatest feeding value.
The Hilo Sylo insures
sweet, fresh. succulent en.
silage down to the last
forkful. "It is built to last
indefinitely. Exclusive
patented features of de-
sign and construction
explain why the Iiylo is
chosen by the discrimin-
ating farmer. Pays for Manure is -the .best fertilizer. You have it.'
itself in the first season. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is
Then year after year. pays the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread.
100 per cent. profit on . It is Tow down. It hass light draft. It will
your investment. Can take a real load. It it free from clutches,
you beat it? gears and all complicated parts.
Call and see our nearest deafer, name below. He will gave and make you money on
the.equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Saws,
Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc .Write for. Catalog.
a22 ode isz Canada and Guaranteed by
GILSON MFG.' CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT.
Calf and See Nearest Dealer