HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-28, Page 8r wt r EX rER AlUgut AT ;PHUB 3�lA r, DWT. ae, 11320 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat 2.00 Barley, newt, ..., r• 90 Oats, ,new Family Flower .:e, Feed Flour 60 6.15 3,50 Shorts 2.35 .Bran, ......... ..... 2.10 Egos ,.,, 63 Dairy Butter .,. 53 Creamery Butter ....,,........ 64 Lard 35 1.00 Hay, ner ton 20.00 Hogs • 18.00 Potatoes, Per bag ,..., .;.....:, s WINTER CJ~LF..RY AND CAB SAGE FOR SALL at Lot 8, Con, to Hay Tn Cheap. Apply to Wm. Leiba d, Zurich P.O. tee, en invited o Byron Hielee o cet,,e at Centralia on Nov. 2. Fbe cit; CaiW,eZng comed', ,.Fait g the \Sus ! by The Drainage Club. under the ti': ettroa .Mrs. N. J. Dore watt be s.::' e3 at the Opera House, November i'±th, Proceeds tt.s o :•ec The Cat rens Ree Connate . loo not Bass th ,.. 1. s the best yet. Ad- msss:on 50c, and 35e. Plan open at 1-Iowev's Nov, est at 1 nine See bills tor Iasi of cha,r2cters. E TRAY STEER. ER. There strayed Ionto :Ilee premise:: on the undersigned, Lot 6, won. 2, Bid dutch a yearling steer. Owner "ui have same by Proving property and caking expenses. Arthur Ni.'Fails,;:'entratia L. O. L. 924, MELTING. A regular meeting of L.O.L. 924 twill be held on Thursday ev'a,, Nov. 4th, and it °s particularly requested that all members be present, as itn- portant business is to be transacted. W. T. Lutman, 1?,1M. FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED. :Sirs. 0. Bishop, Sjnwoe St. Ex en STRAY HEIFb.R. There str yed unto the Premises n rhe andersigaed. Lot 8, con. 9, Mc- Gillivray,, on. or about Sept. 1, a year- ling heifer. Owner can have sante by nrovhat property and paying expenses.. Wesley 1)i oa, Also Craig, R. R. 2. CAPE AND RUG FOUND}. Ort Sept: le, East of Hensel!, a lady's ;fur cane and a rug. Owner can have same by au lyin g to the under- ried and paying expenses. John. Klienfield, Cromarty, P. O. BARN FOR. SALE? S 30x50, with steel roof, in good shape to be removed next spring. Apply, SAM'L BEAVER., HAY P. 0, DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and Sanders St, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 to 4,30, Consultation and examination free at office, VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J, Wethey, Andrew St. Apply et any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. NOTICE COURT OF REVIS1ON OF VOTERS' LISTS OF MUNICIP- ALITY OF EXETER Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voter., Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court piths County of Huron, at the Town, Hall, Exeter, on Wedeesday, 3rd day of November. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m,. to hear and determine com- plaint., of errors and omissions in the Voter.' List of the Municipality of the Village a: Eeet;'rr ;or 1920. Datel the Bath day of Oci•ober,1920 Joe. Senior, Clerk. o: the _�Juniei alety of the Village of Exeter. Special Sale of overalls, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Etc., at greatly Reduced prices. Men's Fail Mitts and Groves; also € i n.ter ll jets. Ftanne?+ tte Blankets $4.65; also a fine '�:.tue of Prints. 1,Ve also carry a full line of Fresh Gra, eries I ,:•.enhone your orders and the gocds will he delivered—Phone 107. R. McKENZIE & SON„ Exeter North. Running Every .a3' THE O.K. STEAM CIDER MILL is press';ng cider and making apple butter every day. Custom work done as rapidly as Possible. Sweet eider and apple butter far sale. S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 EA ail Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Friday the 19th def of Novemb•er,1920 for the conveyance of His Majesty's. Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week, each way between Crediton and Centralia Post Offices and Grand Trunk Rail- way Stattion (Centralia No 2 Rural Route) from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices containalg further information as to candittons of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained fit: the Post Offices of Crediton, Central- ia, Exeter, and tet the officeof the Post Office Inspector, London.: CHAS, E. H FISHER, •That Office Inspector. Post O.fface Inspector's Office;, Londos) 8th October, 1920, Local Doings See ;Byron Hicks' sale Sad, i,n•another column. The 'eeetleal,. servaeiete its the Method- ist churches in Wive •closed on Friday,. Siniilax servicee,iarei bei head in Hen- sel!. and Ellntville tl* week. V17. and Mrs; Thomas Bissett nn-• nounee the te;ngegetneny • of their daughter • Charlotte ,Edna, to William F, • Newell, son. of Mr. ,and Mrs.. David Newell Stt-a.tford, ,Onto, the ,marriage to take nine quietly in November, The. Ile}ys' 1'aslkteient of represent- atives from the Schools of S. Flume Wel be held bete tele week. Sessions on Friday evening, Saturday morning and evening, with sports Sat- urday afternoon. .Ind a banquet Sat- urday at 6 Pan. The church jervie es Sunday will be in keening. Ness Lucy Lawson, who has been one •o' the imputa,r and obliging taper- ators at the Central Telephone office Here was united in marriage at Lon - doe. on Saturday mornlar last to. Mr. Joseun Brekeashire of ti'indaor, sen o \1 . and Mrs. Silas Brokenshire of Stephen. The ,event Wes at a quiet n, tune end the young eottoie were un- attended. They will make therir fu- ture home in Windsor and will have the best wishes of 'their many friends b t thitt neighborhood. FOR SALE A Joliette ^Chopp;*r, as int: h plates. nearly rem—Harvey Bros. »PECIAI.. ()TICE,.\ For 3 days only, this week, Thum- dav Oct •Zeth, the Z9th and 30th. We will have on a special Display of 13 Tapestry end Velvet ,Rugs- 3x3 3x3 1-Z, 31 ex 4. No. tax.. Also several of tS'vLui'tocks good Eider Down Comforters, ventilated and tu,er,tatteed, made in England. 10 Per eeta. off these goods for 3 days cnly, Call and inspect at MRS. , W. D. YEO'S llk: 15 CO.11NG—A. 1;. Almond, the noted eyesight specialist of Throng; will be at the Central Hex{el, Exeter, 29th and 30th of October. Trivitt Memorial Church Service:, as usual. Rev A. A, Trumper, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Be'. James Foote, B. A., esinteter 11.00 a.m.—Au address by 1Ir, W. H. Vaughan, of Toronto, espec- ially for boys and boy leaders. Everybody welcome, 7:00 p.m. --Service withdrawn on account of union service in James Street Church. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B,A, 11 am.—"Conscience" a. study of o« ourselves, 3 ten.—Sabbath School and Bible Study. i tent Closing Rally of Boy Parliament. Address—.1r. W. el. Vaugn at Toronto. Special singing, MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11 a.m.—"Other ,Little Ships also.,' 3 p.tre—Sabbath School and Bible Classes. i P.m.—Service ,will be drawn for Union Meeting in. James S,seet, Nov. 14th—Church Anniversary, Rev. J. O. L. Snracklin, the Figh'wng Parson, nreacher. BETHANY Mail Contract - SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the 3rd day of December, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty'; ),fails, on a Proposed Contract fcr four years, six times ner week, over Cred- iton No. 2 Ronal. Route, from the Post- master General's Pleasure, Printed notices c etaining further information as to condiitf,c:ns of aro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of .Credition; ,Cor- tralia, Exeter, an'd at the office of the Post Office Insa,ector, London. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 22nd October, 1920. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector ai Contract SEALEI) TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived a4 Ottawa until Noon on Fri- day, 3rd day of December, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for faux years six times ,nee week, over Crediton No. 1 Rural Route, from the Post- master General's pleasure, Print notices containing further information as to condiitionsof pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices at Credi- ton, Centralia, Exeter, and at, the office of the Post Office, In;snector Leaden. Post Office ]sispectar+'s Office, London, 27.pd October, 1920. CHAS, E. H. FISHER Post Office inspector. eft; L. ,Herdy zs .quite seriously ill at has. eteme, See C a. Skeeton's ad, on another nage. It is initexe'sting, ele. George (Ceetvley is again con- fined to his Name through fitness, Keen Tuesday, November 2, free for HhAowe'en .Tea in Trivitt Memorial School Hall, '. County Clerk Holman of Goderieh has been aepoitnted issuer of hunters' lite1tses .for tithe county. Aar. F E. Willis was, Conlfined to the house ,fox a few days last week.,'. but is now able oto the out again. Don't miss :the Hallowe'en Suppet in Tr.iv'itt .Memor2 I Parish Hall, Ex- eter, Tuesday, throv, 2, tfrom ,6 to 8 n. fu. Admission 35c. children 20c. Sneak thieves ,took about $25 from Ur. W. J. Statham's till on Tuesday morning between 'eight and mane o'clock. and i4fr, Statham has a fair idea of who the guilty party is, Wander who he citizen of town was who (narrowly escaped severe in- jury to his hands .while 'forcing the cork in, a bottle of "0 -be -joyful" and and now ,mourns the,,t, ss of the ccn- tents by ;the bottle ,burstih ? t's.Ve can imagine the rush eo the scene to save the contents had it been known that such tan incident ,vas gang to happen. BROUGHT A FARM. Alt. Thomas ,Brack of town has Purr ell ased ,lie Ferguson Harrah's 100 acre farm being Lot 40, Con. 12, Us - rue, near Sunshine.. Possession to be given ttfarch 1st next. SHAREHOLDERS' 1ME:ETING. Tithe Shareholders 1•feeting of the Exeter Community Laundry will be held in the Town ,Hall, ,Exeter, an Tuesday evening, `Nov. 2nd, for the purpose of electing officers and oth- er business. Thetspep,kers of the everting wall be Mr. Hi Ashplant of London, who will address the meeting on the advantages of Co -operatics between city and country tneople. All are invited. ENGLISH AS Stitt 15 WRIT. Editor' ere often retie:ants of rare sloe, ime "as tS English, for instance the va,atc !as ,rust received the fa1- 'oring °mem tor nublkatican:—"cher' is i young Lady is takims advantage; of noising trouble at the school. she is about 22 wear. ri°d, ,not twilled. a growing tea yontie girl she hat taking trubl of yeund school children to one of your most resnetetable nabors. all the wood and sticks ,they drew in there lawn vas a show ,so be care full. young 'Lady do not ;;o tc fax you must know there might be trouble yet." DRINKWATER—OLIV1.R. ;4 Ir. Williem G. Deinewater of Lon- don. a former resident of Exeter, be— ing theeldest sort of Mr, Chas. Drink - water, who .moved from here to Len - don some years ago, was married to Miss Nene Gertrude Oliver of Dor- cbester an Wednesday, Oct..20. About twenty-five friends curd relatives were in attendance at the wedding and the event was carried out with much eclat and in the most approved style. The bride's sister, \l;.ss Jessie Oliver, as- sisted the bride, while the '„room was supported by his brother, Charles. The young counle left on a honey- moon trier to Torcnitio, Ottawa and other noiants, J. A. COUG.1-1LIN DEAL.). J A. Coughlin, aged 47, of (lin firm of Corbett, Hall & Coughlin, Toronto, died at Petrolea. at 10.30 Thuirsday night fallowing a stroke with which. he was ;stricken, in that town on Wed- nesday. Mr, Coughlin had been buy- ing cattle in Lambton County for the Hast week, but oa his arrival at Pet - :oleo was taken suddenly SII, Deceas- ed was well known throughout Ontario He is a eon of the former inspector of weights :and metieures <af London. He was born at ,C,enkralie and lived these until 12 years ago, when he went to Toronto and fcrmed tate company. When quite a young lad he started in the cattle business and was ranked among the leading cattle buyers of Canada, The death of Mr. Coughlin came as a great surprise to his many friends, as: he had been enjoying tom_ naxatively good health. He spent sev- eral^ --weeks at Grand Bend this sum- mer. Betides his widow he is survived by two daughters, Marjorie and. Ruth, and one son Jim all living at home. The funeral took place at Mount Car- mel and was largely attended. Miss Grant of Becher visited Mrs; A.tnos for a :few days. Mrs. Robert Brown. of the west is visiting with reldtives in town. Mrs. Salter of London is visiting hher daughter -Vie -law, Mrs. Mt Salter. Mr. Jas. Ferguson of Toronto ;pent Friday ,with his sitter, 'Airs. Syl'eanus Carni, Dr, and Mrs, Howden of Waltford visited with Dr. and Mrs. Roulston on Sunday. \lr. and Mrs, Richard Bissett of" London spent Sunday and Monday in town with relatives. Mrs, James ,Mt itniness is `here .from Duluth, owing to the illness of her father, Mr, L. Ifelydy. iblr, aad _Aire. Alex. McAllister : 'oaf Marlette, Mich., :visi1t,ed with Mr, and Mrs, C. 13. Snell lase week. Mrs, Piper who has .been visiting in town has: gone to Chicago tc spend the wiblter her daughters. Mrs. Rau'sam xeturined to T ronitr. on Saturday, Her mother, Mrs, W. 11. raissett accomnaltaiied,herr as far as London,. Miss Oakes ;of Chicago who is vis- iting her .grandmother, Mrs. T, Greg- ory, satig very pleasing solos in Julies street Church ,on Sunday evening, Mrs, W. F. Vaubuskirk and Son, W! F, W. Vaubuskirlc of ,Stratford, spent the week 'send- at thehome of the' formers ;brother, Mr. T p S. Wood. Mr. Richard Quinton and Miss Quin- ton returned from their trip• to the :oast last week. Weille:in the .West :bey ,vilsited many a; +:heie old friends and their visset throughout was amort enjoyable one. 3 PHONE 32 JONES &MAY PI -TONE, 32 TRUE VALUE At this time of generally unsatisfac- tory buying conditions, it is empha- sized to 'the thoughtful purchaser that the true valt;e of corset 'toes not lie in the nwnher of dollars you pay for it, but in the number of days it will wear beyond the life of the average corset and continue to give you the "boy of possession it gave the first day you put it on. You may buy every G O S S A 1aED Front Lacing CO R SE with our assurance of your complete satisfaction. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT— WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING SUBSTAN- TIAL REDUCTIONS IN PRICE OR MOST LINES OF GOSSARD CORSETS, IN MANY INSTANCES ShLL- ING AT PRE-WAR PRIC ES. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private Yee funds to loam on farm and village '/ property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter 30STQPS COUGHS DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phioae 26w DR, HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. . ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solnciitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates off interest. Office -=Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old' up, weighing frorn • 1500 pounds _up. Mares from 4 years old up, • weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write- or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer Torr Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction. Guaranteed. Crediton, °k -_ Ontario. NEW. TERM FROM NOVEMBER 1. CENTRAL SofilA' ORD;. ONT. The leading Commercial School of 'Western .(Ontario. Commercial, Short- hand and . Telegratph departments., Graduates placed in positions. Stu- dents may enter et any time; Get our free eatalogue. ,D, A. McLachlan, Principal. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. 11. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All cans promptly attended to day or night. Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONE1,R AND' VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex aktd Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt Walrlerooms, next doom to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roupston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE. THE UNDERTAKER & h,MBALMER Phone- 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choices% groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- • thing in the grocery lane Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 Ladies' Coats In the `Season's newest_styles. We will be ,gtatd we are offering. Snecial values in, Salts' Pony Cloth MIEN'S WORSTED SUITS They ,are good valueu neat pet - terns and good staple style's, All sizes 137.50. HEAVY SHOES We lia;nd'1e several], of the best makers to show you whatt et $39,00. ALL WOOL SERGE DRESSES Several new styles in braided & embroidered all wool serge dres's'es Your choice of arty style $2750,' HEAVY SHOES heavy -shoes' for. Men; S'sma 1 ti S (reb's Williams' and • Ahrens' _ Special ALL WOOL''SERGES A splendid quality to pleat for Skirts. We gest them pleated for you. The peace rpter yard,,in $2.65 values rat e4.95, '$6.,50 -.and te7.00, ALL' WOOL COATINGS Grey, Fawn, Brown and Blue, If you can make your eerie coat see these cloths at per yd $4 50 Southoott Bros.