HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-28, Page 5DontWaste ' 'OU can save coal this winter if you don't burn more than you actually need, to keepyour home comfortable. Alternately over -heating and under. -heating your house is one of the chief causes of wasted fuel and this can be en- tirely overcome by the installation of ilMtAleAoreAP041$ts of"' ffearRieussroa "The Heed et the Hemet r1szt" 'at is en automatic device that takes over the working of t drafts and dampers of any style heating plant, h keeps the home at an even ternperatuta all the time --no more coal is burned than is actually needed. Your home will be really more comfortable and healthful with less :worry and attention than ever before. It takes over the bother» some work of rnanaging the furnace. SHE "MINNEAPOLIS" WILL SOON PAY FOR ITSELF IN FUEL SAVED« -,,. Agent C. H. SKELTON Exeter, Ont. e DISPERSION AUCTION SALE PUREBRED SHORTHORN CATTLE, REGISTERED S SHEEP AND SWINE The uade.'signed on account te- Law to:active requiring ailof his time and attention has decoded io ren: his farm anti ;sell his entire slack at leot 14, Coin.. 2, L. R Se Tuckersntith Tn.. 1 1-4 miles east ctaf I inpen, and 1-2 mile south,, on MONDAY, NOV. 1,'20 At 1 o'clock sharp, the followi; ; Horses -1 aegis tete 1 C lydesdele mare 9 years, Lady Oswald 36052, suppos- ed to (bre in ,foal to "Commedore"; 1 five-year old ge1d:nr, 1 yearling colt and 1 sucking filly, both sired by 1'Commodore", Cattle --One red cow Pie Frust 3nd t04401, calved Jan. 24, 1913. This has been the'best paying cow 1 ever own- ed and,sire is now supeteeed too. be In cat to ,St. Patrick 11325; 1 red cow calved Sept. 12, 1912, Laura Dutchess 4th 124982 wilth red bull calf, 'Taking• hill, at epee; 1 red cow Flora Matt - Donald 122706, calved Oct. 1st, 1916, with red heifer calf at foot, Lass 0' Gowrie.; 1 cow lied with some white ",Mary Queen. of Scots' 131289, calved May $th, 1917, weth red heifer salt at foot, Jessie Flower ;of Dumblane ;. Highland Mary 121981, roan„ calved August 26, 1916; 1 red heifer Mag- gie Lauder 141376, born. Oct. 5, 1918; 1 ee : heifer Bonnie: Jean 152335, born Nov. 2e, 1918; 1 red heifer, Isbabella 154)te, born Sept.. 27, 1919; 1 grade cox ntue year old, an excellent milker; 1 large ,fat steer, 1 Year old szade, heifer, 1grade two-year old heifer. Sheen and Pigs-2Leioester ewes, 2 -yr -old; 2 yeareold Leicester ewes, and three ilaanbs, also five pigs. Terms -510 and under cash; over that amount 3 „months credit on aro- •nroved bankable joint notes. A dis- count of 6 hoer cent per annum allow- ed foe ,.ash in jaeu tot mates. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. W. lift DOIG, L.1413. Proorietor. U F 0 Tea GREATEST BIT IN YEARS Dedicated to the United Farmers 7Y • and composed by the well-known song writer, Mr. Morris Niamey. SONG Words and Music 35c, postage mommommun prepaid. Address: CROCICER PRESS, LLMITEO, Publishers, 48 and 50.... Lombard Street, Toronto, Ont. Lo ion Business Institute D;NDAS & RICHMOND STS. LONDON, ONTARIO It pays to investigate before choos- ing t1 school. Write tor information. Now is a good time to enroll, J. ,MORRITT N. ST6NEHOUSI Principal Vice-Prin. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & UvlPLEIVIEN T S On Lok 20, C. 4, Stephen Tp, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1920 At 1 o'clock sbarps.the following; Cattle ---Cow reEr ejwted; 5 cows due is March ar i Ana 3 helefers 2 -years old, 4 steers,' 2 elders old. Hens --•A number Rhode Island reds. Implements -6 -ft, binder, 5 -ft. mow-- er, manure spreader, nearly new; corn cultie^ator and bean harvester combin- ed, snring-tooth cultivator, horsexake land roller, fertilizer drill, nearly new, fanning mill set scales, g<asoeitn;e engine 4 harse,nower; grain grinder and bats idm ; plow, 4 -,furrow plow, 2 walking Wows, set iron harrows, 2 wagons, 3 set sleigba, here ,mocks, cream separ- ator 1lalotte, nearly aiew; cutting box stutter, scuffier, 35 gal, coal oil tank, wheelbatrrow, sawing outfit,- 2 good ,eider .barrels, blue rock ,trap, .fonts, shovels. chains, end a lot of other ar- ticles too ,numerous to menticn, Positively kip seservie. Terms -$10 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on furn- ishing; approved joint notes; 5 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts# C W. Robinson, Fratnk Triebner, Auctioneer 1'ropriejtor i ACTION SALE of 70 Cattle The uundersigmed, will offer for sale at the Jamieson Farm, Centralia on I TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, A920 at 1 o'clock sharp, the following,- 2 Thorobred Hereford Cows, due December 1st. Pedigreesproduced at time of .sale. 5 cows with calves at foot. 10 cows springing to calf 35 steers two years old, rising 3, weighing from 950 to 1100 lbs. 10 heifers .2 years old, rising 3. 1 8 vearling steers. Terms --12 months' credit on approv joint notes, with 6 per cent. added. IC. W. Robinson, Byron. E .Hicks, Auctioneer Proorietor AUCTION SALE l OF FARM STOCK, BARNS AND IMPLEMENTS • I The undersigned auet'n:le'r his heen .n.tructel to. sell by mtbler tuesion. as the proprietor will wee: h': ent4.re arm to the future, On Lot 15, Bayfiel l R , i t etanlay : thug tet Mile East o: Varna. on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 1920 I At 1 o'clock share, the following: -i Horses --Agricultural team. tattle Cou freshe ie 1 early art of Noymilking heife 5 tivo ;ear -,Irl heifers. two Will f itch ,bran; two-- year red l'ei cr, eat by s'de yearling hei.'er 7 3-er sti'e's 6 ;•wyear ste. rs 2 year 1', seers. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled 'dinning car seryiee. Sleeping cars on night trains, and. Parlor carts on principal. day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C, E. Horn ing District Passan.ger Agent. Toroalc J. DORF,t Phone 46w. Age , Exeter Swine --8 shoi.ts h tour, h /std. Poultry -75 Whi Ira ;h erns, Implements Purc hase:1 new in 1918, 1 ei.-Fie side rake, M H. els 'older. M.. H. mower Oliver 3e in cci t vator, eteel reser, set bobslel;'a hight xagon, ton bug y set -single ' irneas • et double ',,arness, 2 collars, block And tack,',e, De Larval cream sena ato:.:luirn, hang ;114 Aamns, runts, to riga and mangles. 131 As--r)riving shed and poultry bare !4,c56,,new rots: and mite; horse stable 2ttx56; grain barn 36x56. Terms -310 and under, cash; over that amount 12 m'rnths (except barns 6 months) credi ^a :urnshing aaprov- ed joint notes. A, d scount of 5 per . cent per annum aeoxed for cash. OR. LLOYD MOFFATT, Prop. JA,S. JONES., Auct AUCTION SALE OF eARM STOCK & IMPLEVMENTS GRAIN AND HAY. I,ot 21, South Thames ,lt,oad, half mile East ;of Farenhar, on WI DNi.SDAY, NOV. 10, 1920 .At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :- Horses-R,egisteaed Clydesdale mare with foal; 3 -year-old registered Clyd- esdale filly; Hair two-year-old regis- tered Clydesdale.; fillies; par filly fools registered; driving mare; Agrice brood mare. Cattle -Registered „ Shen -thorn cow Durham Queen„ due in March; reg- istered 1 heifer calf at foot; cow due march 4; cow due \A.nri1 7; cow due An=i1 15; heifer due ,Dec. 23; 2 cows due in June; cow due June 1; heifer 1 -year-old ,•' 6 spring caves. I-Iogs and Poultry-Tnruworth sow with litter at ,fbaoit, 5 pigs weighing about. 125 lbs 50 .pure, bred ,Berred. Rocks; 50 white Leghornis; 6 pair Ir- isb swan geese; 10' va,ir Lefu,stcoy(;e ducks,,, lmiatements-Frost & Wood binder, 6 et. cut, nearly new; Deering mower, 5 .ft, cut Friost & Wood 'rake 10 1t. ; Frost & W.aod steel roller 3 drum nearly new; MVlaacwell 'cultivator; Mas- sey-Harri'si disc, : dt amond harrow, rid- ing plow: nearly nese; 2 ,walking plows and Twin nlaiw, turnip sower, scuffler, lumber.wagon, double box; steel truck wagon." new; spring wagon, top.. bug- gy, rubber. tire; o:ueni ;buggy, 'cutter, set bobsleighs, nearly .new; hay rack gravel box, 5 -horse power g+aslaline engine, International; buzz sa,w, stock, scales, 3000 lbs, capacity, Clinton 'fan- ning mill, set niekle mounted harness, new; set light team harness, britchen; set tight cteani harrreiss{, 2 sets single harness; De Laval cream 'separator harrow cart, wheelbarrow, 2 .fi'fty gal- lon oil tanks, ; stone ,boa,i, grindstone, sugar kettles, Burry, 150 feet term roues, .sling ropes, 1500'tbusheds oats. 25 tans .firsit-.class hay, colony bees, 12 hives, chains, forks, shovels, hoes and many other articles; also a high oven, st'etel rraivgej, "Clare. Bros?; ,coal s'tcwte, 3 heeler, land other house- hold ,iuin_1ure, • Teems -110 and under, cash ; over that amount 1.2 months' credit on aD- pr(we 1 joint' ,nodes:. 5 pietr .cent off for caoh'on credit amountts. W. H. KAY C. ,W. ROBINSON, Proprietor Auctioneer . J. ,ACayy Clerk. AUCTION SALE Rum STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by Public Auction on Lot 4, Con, 3, Hay Towns WED. NOVEMBER, 3, 1024, At orae o'clock sharp, the following valuable property,-- I14fPLEMENTS-One binder slight- ly used; 1 grain, drill, with grass seeder and cucllivator attachments; 1 disc harrow; 2 sets Diamond har- rows; 2 plows, 1 fanning mill; 1 set of slings, ropes and pulleys; 1 grindstone; 1. large iron kettle; 2 open buggies; 1 light wagon; 1 buffalo robe; 1 goat robe; 1 set double harness; 2 sets single harn- ess; 1 western saddle complete with bridle; a number of collars and halters; 2 wheelbarrows; carpenter bench and many bench triols; 1 small eircular saw and mandrel; 2 long ladders; 2 step ladders: 10 farm gates, 12 and 14 toot long; 5,000 ft, of lumber, oak, elm, pine and hemlock, different lengths and sizes; a number of cedar posts; some wood; 1 window frame with sash and glass complete, whittle trees, neekyokes, forks, shovels, ditching spades, Pick, stone hammer, chains, cross -cut saw, axes, canthook and other articles. Two strong colonies of bees, a number of ezuptyyboxes, supers, smo- ker and otter tools. HOUSEHOLD GOODS ----One side- board, 1 large cherry drop leaf table 4 rocking and 1 arm ellen': 1 lounge 2 wooden bedsteads; 2 washstands; 3 toilet sets; rag i:ar pet nearly new; all -wool stair car- pet; stair oilcloth; large kitehen Always the same rich, full -flavored tea, Sold only in the sealed airrtight Red 'Rose Carton. Saintsbury Mrs. Alf. Dianna is ,horn ag inand is much:improved in health. -Mr. Free- man Dobbs rnotoxed to W;ctods:tock last week, --Mildred Davis has return- ed home, after spending a few days with friends ,near Clandeboye,-What might have resulted in ,a serious ac-. icident °ceuxred en front of Mr. T. Wall's farm. a 'short time ago, when: a young counle were thrown from their buggy and the horse ran, away. For- tunately the Gey Ape came along and they succeeded in capturing the horse The boggy, •however, was the defy thing in7ttred, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on tarnishing ap- proved joint notes; discount of 4 table; cupboard; &chairs; woad Per cent' oft for cash. Decision of auctioneer to be ural. cook stove; coal heater with oven; , C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. hanging lamp; a number of small JOHN, 3[4`lir1tHON, I'roiirieter•. lamps and lanterns; cellar table, cel- lar cupboard; meat chopper; 10 gal,' areata can; and numerous other ar- The Advocate can give you club - tides. bin; rates with any of the daily news - All sums of 310.00 and under, vipers or magazines.. , 11 }, 'i AOkkk 1�1 \� \ 1 ti 1�`11„ Whalen (Intended for last week;) 13r. and Mrs. F. Guneiet and err. Wm. Brooks spent Sunday in Exeter. F-iYlai. Uodgson is all smiles • 'these days --its a toy. --There was no ser vice gin. thio church on Sunday an. ac- count of the anniversary services at Centralia. --Miss Bessie Morley has re- turned from Sarni% whe a she has been attending her uncle, \lr. Lingard, who has been suite tell 'n and Mrs. Edward Squire were v .::ors at the home of Albert Scott ,a: Sunshine on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs- W'ioi 11er'.ey snent Sunday isi,li :a ' seer, iters, Percy Passmore, at Thames Road -Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson were the guests of Mr. and Mr. John tiler- leyy at Waodhaim on Sunday.-Mr.and Ma's. N. Ogden of Eeener spelt Fri- day at the homte of Thos. Gentling: - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire have return- ed to Grantore after spending a month with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Rodd. --Mr, end Mre Cls a 'Wilson of Lucan spent Tuesdaywith the forsn- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mel - son. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning and Mr. Ir. anal .Mrs, Frank Squi-e attended the anniversary serviee•a . Ceniiralia on Sunday. Sehold Effects $5009-2" A True StorY By R. Wood GENTLY mariner died, leaving an estate valued at $9.5,000. Of that sum, $500 repre- sented "household effects." Before his death he frequently deplored the fact that his grown- up children had left home and gone to the city. Is disappoint - that he had lost ment was not money by their desertion, which had compelled him to leave part of his farm unworked for want of help. He was an affectionate father, who liked to have his children near him. rfecould not under- stand why should' wont t tobo drift away one. Strangers may •G9"1433 ' Dad have wondere as until they read of the es a e- "A•ouset item, in � inventory hold effects, $500." Waiting for 'Better Days For a generation that family had lived in a house with an irreducible,minimho um of furniture. When as a young w the farmer had taken his blushing eari e home, he did ° not have a great were moneto on ent touwwait ut oforett r days But when better days came, and there was a modest sum available, it was spent on better accommodations and furnishings for thib live stock. That was fine. at was humane. It was also good One of the Best inSeveral Counties In time the fainl came to be one of the best. equipped „ --- in several counties. The . machinery was of the. very latest and best description. The live stock were glad and content to stfolks on the farm. But the young were not content to stay. There were four sons and two had daugh- ters. A piece of furniture en added to the house from time to time, generally the second-hand furniture store lied theheed. For years the family smanaged with just as little and as cheap furniture as could be wade serve their turn. The stable and barn were com- fortable, butinidem the old nor farmste d there was neither s $6,000 at 6 Per Cent An item in the in- - - ventory showed $6,000 invested in securities paying 6 per cent. Part of that money invested in comfortable, artistic furniture would have transformed the farm- house into a real home and would have in paid the farmer infinitely better, cash and moral dividends. uitable and The house furnished with s instead of moderately priced furniture, odds and ends, its scattering of cheap children would have attractede� thethe children. Children naturallyrestful, and their matures craveor its have been ce. Some of the boys might mother farm and the ned to remain not l,aveebeen left alone mighta,id other to -carry on the dairying duties. Against A Hard the Wall Bare walls and scantily eoveredtioors, a hard chest �t,■._- against the wall in lieu of a couch, offer feeble counter -attractions to the lure of the ltksurious city. The children who deserted the farm probably did not blame the lack of lionie comforts for were no of the cows and horseseir desertion. be - ca jealousquarters. Thcause ofc thele more with a themany happy memories of the old homestead. Butthey went, and can you wonder when you read that illuminating item?. -"Househuid effects, 0500. Beautiful f urniture transforms an ordinary, uninteresting house into a real home, in which it is a pleasure to live. It brings an atmos- phere of cheerfulness and brightness into every room. It delights the eye. It gives rest and com- fort to the body. It brings contentment to the mind. It gladdens the heart. It makes borne Iife more attractive. It makes people take more pride in their homes, Nothing that you can buy will give your family more years of happiness and solid satisfaction than modern furniture. And beautiful, well - made, Canadian fur,- tureis ob tainable in moderately - priced sets and individual pieces as well as in the morel bor- ate and expensive ._. THE O ',".• ; E FURNISHINGS BUREAU Bank oe Hex/liken Bldg. Toronto, Canada T -The Houle Furnils5 ng .. Otx J ureau does not roit furniture or goods of szy k�..l. Its object is to pprotnota a greater interest in the turtishhg of Can- adian homes.. Your lora t eiea_er will be pleased to give s ; y information you desire ,., itt suitanle furniture for your i.:n ,• iii fie r. ...: cite,t,:�:;:......'h�"."..:�r::........... .. .