HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-21, Page 8EXEPER AI11IU1 ATE, THURSDAY, OCT. 21,. 192❑ Exeter Markets Local Doings "Facing the Music," 1n hang ed rich Wednesday Fell Wheat 2,00 Ba ley, new, r . ,,,...,.. 90 Oats. new .,,. 60 Family Flair' . , „ 5.90 Feed Flour Shoe to Eggs E. Dai v .Butter 5 rneamery Butte; ,..,» Lard .. ,• 01,.•..:. Pota tees, per bag„,,,, ,,,,,,,,, Hai-, Per ton Flogs, ner eat. , 2,35 19,00 59 to 56 35 1,00 20.00 19,25 A 1” PEN'DABLE PAPER. ' teehttl n; subscribe for a newspaperflu e a ,: e , o essential Points to be take; ;nee .eonsiderawrr. ioFirst', make e sue ten y ou subscribe for a .Duper Intently ter your interests, one vhose fete a lehin has been, proven Second, newsnaten that is 'fearless editor - en dependable and with farm orfs that arena nearly ae- ossible.. Such a paper is s' Sun„ Toronto; owned d twee: a week by • the he interest of the farm-. a week, 104 issues for he, f.1.50.f.1.50.You should have' er:enel in your borne. \V Rev. lfL J. lson conducted anni- versary tservices en the Oneario St. Church, Clinton, on Sunday last, Watch for the notice sof the Share- holders' meeting of the Community Laundry Compare? next week. A Len_ don :end ether sneakers will address the meeting. NOTICE. Dr. ScholIs, foot expert, .will be at our store on Thursday, Oct. 21st, all day. If you have any foot troubles don't miss this opportunity, JONES & MAY STRAY HEIFER. There strewed unto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 8, con. 9, Mc- Gillry My, on or about Sept, i, a year- ling heifer. Owner ca,n have sante by emoting property and paying expenses, Wesley Diettere 41; Sat Craig, R. R. 2. CAPE AND RUG FOUND. On Sent:16, East of Hensall, a lady's Fur cane ar.d a rug. Owner cane have same by applying to the under. signed and paying expenses. Jobn I' tienfleld, Cromarty, P. O. Rev. Andexson of Clinton occupied Janes Street nulp;i0 on Sunday,. Mr. W.11.V. Taints last week Pur- chased the Property in Neaeh he has been. conducting his tailoring business from Mn S. Fintont Mrs. A. McAvoy, who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, return- ed to their home here last Friday, and while still quite weak, is gradually iuzeroving. J. Dow Oast week had hit right band injured in a torn cutter, and it was. severely crushed. He will be obliged to refrain from using lee for sometime. A very pleasant gaithering took *Mee at the home of Mr. and 1frs. C. 1-1: Homey on, Saturday, Oct. 9th,when 11s Horney'smother celebrated her 92nd birthday, only the relatives being Present. lest Will ams 'is still' hale and heart~' and re`ta,irts all her faculties to ,t remarkable degree. to the local Scotch Double Bowling Tournament which was completed last week teelve and Taman won first, Shmekmar, and Anderson second, and Puke and Howald third. Some fine bowling heather has' been, on tap re- cently, and the boys have been en- joying themselves on the ren: KILLED BY LIGHTNING. in last week's electrical storm light- ning killed a cow belonging to Mr, John McFalls of the Zad of Biddulah, and a horse owned by Mr, Hector Taylor of Usborne was killed and an- other injured, THUMB NEARLY SEVERED. \I'r. Lioyd Beetnlia,me of the G. T. R, here, while on his day to London on the passenger train last Wednesday morning had 'the misfortune to get his right hand crushea by the ali,det door on. the express can with the result that the thumb was ;almost ;severed, He went to the hospital in London tc have the injured member dressed and the doctor is trying ;to same the thumb The injury is a beetlful tone, and at will be sometime before he will have the use o' the hand. SUCCESSFUL ANNIVERSARY 1 The anniversary services of Coven Presbyterian Church on Sunday last were most successful The weather was fine and the attendance bogie morning and evening large, The spec- ial preacher ,was Rev. 3'..C..,Tolrnie M. P. P., of Windsor, who delivered two very forceful, interesting and eloquent sermons. The music was of a s&ecial ,nature, and was highly pleas- ing the echor being assisted by Miss Olwilda Subr, soloist, of Louden Mrs, Mr C. Armstrong, violinist of Park- hill, Mrs, Weight, of the James St Methodist Choir, Exeter, and Mr. A: Middlemiss and Miss K, IticFau1 of the Trivitt Memorial at night. -Rev. Dr. Fletcher of the Thames Road assisted at ;the evening service. The tot coatxibuetion was about $400. HE IS COMING -A. 1;, Almond, the noted eyesight specialist of Toronto wili be at the Central Hottee Exeter, 29th and 30th of October. L, 0, L. 924, MEETINGi, A regular meeting of L.O.L. 924 will be held on Thursday ev'g., Nov. 4th, and it is particularly requested that all members bel present, as im- portant business is to be transacted, W, T, Lutman, D,lfi, ESTRAY STEER. There strayed from the Premises of the undersigned a yearling steer, Re- ward .is offered for information that will lead 'to its recovery. --Roy E. Ratz R. F, 2, Dashwood, Ont. BARN FOR SALE. 3040, with steel hoof, in good shape try be removed next :spring. Apply, SAM'L BEAVER, HAY P. 0, DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and Sanders Street: Hours— 10 ' A 12 and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment COOK WANTED, At Central Hotel, Exeter. City 1 wages paid. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs, E. J, Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. Running EveryDay THE O.K. STEAM CIDER MILL is pressing cider and making apple butter every day. Custom work done as rapidly as possible. Sweet cider and agate butter for sale. S. J. V, CAN t . Phone 113 Mail Contract SEALEn TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Friday the .19th dot of No'ventber,1920 for the conveyance of His Majesty'e Mails, on a proposed "Contract " for four wears six times ver week, each way between Crediton and Centralia Post Offices and Granit Trunk Rail- way Station (Centralia No. . Rural Rotate from the Postmaster General's Pleasure, Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posee Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may. be obtained at the Pont O.fices of Crediton., Central- ia, Exeter, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. ' CHAS. E. H. FISHER,. Post Office Inapec' o . Post Offsce Inspector's Office, London, 8th October, 1920. tiiaii Contract SEALErt TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon on FrI- day, 12th day of November, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails: on a proposed Contract for four years i.six times per week over Centralia No, 1 Rural,Route, from the Post- master General's pleasure, , Printed notices containing further infoa-matlan as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be 'seen and blank • f firms- of Tonder , may ,be ' ob- tained at the Peso- Offices at Centra- lia, ,Crediton, nExetier, and at the office of tire. Post Office, Inspector. Landon. Post Office Inspectods Office; London, lst "Ocltober, 1920. CHAS, E. H. FISHER Post Office Inspector. FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED. Miers. O. Bishop, Simone St. Exeter CURTA.IINS LOST, , Right-hand side curtains for Ford car. Reward on returning to W. J. Statham, Exeter. CLERK'S ADVERTISEMENT OF COURT IN NEWSPAPER Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, nursuant,to The Onttar•io Voters' Lists' Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the county Court of the County 'of Huron, at Elimville Town- ship Hall, on the 23rd day of October, 1920; at 10 •o'clock ,arm', Ito hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Vclters' Lest of the Municipality of the Township of Us - borne for 1920. Dated the 7th day -of October, 1920 HENRY STRANG, Clerk of the Municinality of the Township of Usbb•rnre, Trivitt Memorial Church Services as usual, Rev A. A. Trump er, Rectors CAVEN' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.—"Being Fashioned" 11a.m.—"The Spaciousness of. Life" Prayer Service Thursday evening at 7.45. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson., B.A. 11 a,m,—"Memory' being .a study of ourselves„ 3 nen'.—Sabbath School and Bible Study. 9 Pn,—"The man who adjournted the, meeting," te A11, welcome" Helpful music; MAIN. ST METHODIST CHURCH, ,Rev -Geo. •MeAlister, M. A. Phone 21x3 11.00 arm,—r- 3' nem.—Sabbath School and Bible Classes 7,011 B ETH_9NY— - i Opera House Nov. 10. miss Stella Southcatt is visiting in Ingersoll, Ulric Snell wars in ,Toronto for the \veelt end, Mfrs. Joha 1Blatchford was in 'Torontc fora ,few days. Judge Dickson of Goclerich was in town on Friday'. Mr ,and l4,rsl J. G Jones were in :Detroit ,this week. Miss Ruby, Parsons of Loudon was hour: foe the heliday.. Mr WeiterDearing was ue from Lon don for the weele end. eV, Harper Rivers of London was bonne for the holiday. Mr, Alex, Stewart of London wgs here ocher the holiday. Mrs. Banes ,of Grand Bend. visited Miss Lewis lias.t week. Mx. and Mrs. J, Al. Stewart spent the holiday in Toeonjto. Miss ,A znne Sanders of Stratford nes home over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Geo. Mantle spent Monday in London with Mrs. Duncan Mr. 'end eirsr, C. Pt Hooper leave to- dee: eo eine in T;orceole, Dr. and Airs;, Roulston visited in oedon Thanksgiving Day. Mr, Earl Southeott was home from Toronto over the holiday, Miss Lillian ,Boyle of Tororktc v'ie- ited .friends here this weelc, Miss Marjorie Huston of Dunnville was home for Thalnks thin g, Mr. Archie Davis of Ingersoll spent a dew days at his home here, ` Mr. Gee. Hicks of Toron;tc snemt a few days here with relatives, Mrs, E. A. Folliek visited her sen in Hamilton over the holiday. Mrs. Inwood and daughter were un Prem London' over the holiday. Mr. and .1Zrs, W. H. Levett were un from London for Thanksgiving. :Miss Jessie Manson of London spent the horeda,y with her parents here. Ur, and ItIre. R, GL Seldom and fam- ily ;spent Thanksgiving in Kingston, fir ,and ;firs, Bingham of Pt. Huron have been visiting at Dr. Brownings. Mr, and Mrs. G. Anderson bad their 'luldren with them for the hioliday. Mrs, (Rev,) Sharp and daughter of Simcoe are visiting et Mr. J, G. Stan bu;y's, M. and Mr"s. Charles Coates of De- troit visited relatjsves here for a few days. Mrs. Smith Spence of London spent 11londay in, town, the guest of Mrs. J: N. Howard„ Mss, M. Powell Ieft on Wednesday for Brandon, Man„ where she intends snending the winter, Mr. and Ifrs, Geo. Willis and Mr; T. H. McCalllum of London called on friends in 'town. Thursday, Mr, and Mrs, le Me Southcoitt were in Hamilton and ,14Irs. O..Soutthcatt in P' estop ;for ;they ,week end, Jr, and Mrs; A. M. Heaman and son Jack of London visited at Mr. Wi. J. Ileaman's over the holiday. Mr, And Mtn, Richard Treble and Air. and ;Mrs, Ernest Flynn of London were ;holiday visitors here, his grandparents„ Mr. and Mrs. William Treble Crocker of Toronto is visiting and Mrs. R. Crocker. ;ter and Mrs, Albegt Pemnrase .of Toronto visited the latter's sister,Mrs, Thos. Bissett 's e at of Usbarne over the week en:d, .es , Grace Creech, is atteading l,us- inees college. en. Stratford, Her aunt Mir s J ssie •Creech accompanied ler to the. 'eiry, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Sanders of Tor- onto spent Monday and Tuesday with th c f ormer's :larents, Mr. and Mrs. Tiio>, Sanders. <,.:; Livingstone 'of Stratford was here owing,Ytoe the illness of her moth- er, :firs. John. Hawkeha,w, who is re- cotesing nicely, Mrs, W. H. Doerr and little son, ffack, eisited alt the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs: George Vivian, Mitchell. Mr,Oliver Davis of the M,olsnns Bank spent a ,few days tvith his par- ents here.. He twill renort after his holidays al Toronto, MTs, D. Spicer, son Bert, and grand- son Allen, of Brantford visited with cxld friends in town, (the tgues'ts .of Mrs, Geo. gentle. and .Mrs. D; Row- cliffe, . Me and Mrs.. James i3agshaw and Mr' Geoige Bagshaiw returned last week to their homes in the west, ,at - ter being here 'a few days, owing to the illness of Mr. Wm. ,Bagshaw, who is new recovering nicely. NOTICE COURT OF REVISION OF VOTERS' LISTS OF MUNICIP- ALITY OF EXETER Notice ie hereby given that a Court will ba Held pursuant to The Ontario Voteret Lists Act, by His Honour the. Judge of°the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, ?xeter, an Wednesday, 3rd day - of November, 1920, ' at 10 o'clock a m,. to hear and determine cam plaints oferrors and omissions in the Voter.:' List of the Municipality of the Village at Exeter for 1920. Dated the 16th. day of Octpbex,1920 jos. Senior, Clerk, of the Municinalijty of the, Vielage of Exeter. Speciah:Sale of Overalls, Underwear, Roots and Shoes, Etc., at grea.tly;Reducecl prices: ivfert's ;Fall Mi!tts:.sand 'Gloves; -*s° Weenitere.teleeten ; Fla,nlnellette.• Blankets 34.65; ' at -so -a' finer Jine..of .P'in'ts:, e •_also carry a full line ;of • Vt� Fresh. G: o'c eri,es. Telephone your orders end tl'e gocds will be ,delivered—Phone 107. " R. i'LcI'.ENZIE & SON., Exeter North, 1 PHONE. 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32, BICC ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' Coats, Suits and Dresses AT ATTRACT LVE PRICES. WE WILL 13E PLEASED TO i SHOW YOU THESE GARMENTS WHETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR NOT. Shoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots Our Stool: of Shoes for Fall are all in and we are showing all the latest styles. We carry only reliable makes, direct from the manufacturer' and are the best shoes that can be had for the money,t Here is a lit of some of our lines, which should he sufficient guarantee to the most Parti=° ular,— FOR. LADIES Empress Shoes B,latehfird -Shoes `'lassie Shoe,; Lady Belle Shoes FOR CHILDREN Hurlbut Shoes Chums Shoes Classic Shoes Puesy-foot Shoes. For all kinds of Rubber Footwear come to us. All in both Lifebuoy and Dominion Rubber Brands. MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK SHOES Alen's reliable work shoes with the military-riveited Sole, special at $4.50 Also Williams', Cote, Greb heavy shoes for both men and boys. FOR. MEN Slater ,Shoes Invicts Shoes Long Life Shoes lines guaran'eed OVERCOATS AND 'SUITS.. Come to this stone for Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fur Coats, Hate Cans, Etc, SPECIAL NOTICE Dr, Scboll's, Foot Expert, here all day Tbursday, Oct, 21, Come and consult him. JONES & MAY SINCE - 1870 o�/at�Il' 3O sT8M cOU HS DR. A E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McD.onell's Stables, John St., Exeter MONEY TO LOAN Wee have a large amount of private funds' to loan on farm and village property GLADMANs8iSTANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. (lately occunied by Dr. Vining) MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Phone.26vv by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confide,ntia3; no witness. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT - t VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST... Offiice—Balers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol- Bions Bank, Etc. Money to loan at bow'est rates of interest. Office=Maiin Street, Exeter, HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old up, weighting from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 •pounds up Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. D O W FRANK, TAYLOR Licensed Auctasoneer for Counties ' ,# Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable , and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontaiio. NEW TERM FROM NOVEMBER 1: CENTRAL S'fRATFORD.. w'ONT. The leading, Commercial School of Western Ontario."Commercial„$ o. . h rt hated° and Telegranh departments, Graduates placed` in position. Stu- dents may entex at any time. Get our free catalogue, D. A. McLachlan, Principal, DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended day or night. Office -- Dr•. Sweets old offiice Phone No. -120 to Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty, Office at Cockshutt Warrlerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D., D, S, - DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cloeed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! SPECIAL .DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. 140WE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, -fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A :.trial as to quality will covin ce.. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTJICOTT BROS. Ladies' Coats In the Sea;s,on's' newest styles. We will be glad' to show you whait t: we are offering: Special ;values in Salts' Pony Cloth at $39,00, MEN'S WORS'IsED SUITS ALL WOOL SERGE DRESSES They are good value„ neat part Severelt new styles, in braided & terns and good staple styles,. - ernbroidere,d .all wool serge dresses All . sizes $37.50'. HEP V Z SHO11,;S Hp • AVY SHOESYourchoke of anystyle $2"7.50, - e WIrailnli:a1lmess' ve F>u7 of the, t> mnk _<�G= - heav `sho es for Men. Sisnians ardAhrens, Special values {at t4.95, f$6,50 ,autd ,$7.00. 'ALL WOOL SERGI.S "' ALL WOOL COATINGS'; A splendid quality to pleat for Skirl's. We iget them pleated for you. The Price per yard in $2.65. Grey. Fawn, Brown and Blue. If you can make your own coat see these cloth's at hex yd, $4,50. Southcott cos.