HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-21, Page 5M • Comfort in the Home THOUSANDS of homes have nearly everything that ought to make the home pleasant and com- plete but lack oars very vital need, that of rightly and evenly heated rooms, Perfect temperature eonlrol is available at all times with the installation of 7-14;04 /AWCAPOZIS" HERT ioeousl4 'rR' k automatically controls the drafts and dampers of the heating plant, maintaining just the temperature desired day and tight. hs accurate operation puts an end to fluctuating temperature, prevents any waste of fuel and demonstrates its service in many ways. Easily and quickly installed; in any home, old or new. Several models ranging in priec frori$50.00 to $125.00 completely set up. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. H. SKELTON Agent, Exeter. .nr..rIENE, d 0 Tie GREATEST HIT IN YEARS Dedicated to the United Farmer* s • • and composed by the well-knowu song writer, Mr. Morris ;Stanley. SONGWords and Music 35c, postage ..ssr•� prepaid. Address: CROCKEn Pass, LIMITED. Publishers, 48 and 50 Lombard Street, Toronto, Oat, Lemon Business Institute" DUNDAS & RICHMOND STS. LONDON, ONTARIO It part's to investigate betore choos- ing a school Write for information. Now is a good time to enroll. J. MORRITTN. STONEHOUSe. Principal Vice -Pen :r THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTis Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trams. Full imformatyoan from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing Distaict Passenger Agent, Torte N. J. DORE )))hems 411w: Agent, Exeter AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. On Lot 23, Con. 5, Usborne Township, on THURSDAY, OCT. 28th, 1920 at 12 30 sharp, the following, - Horses -Draft mare 7 -yr -old; driver 6 -yrs, good in harness; driver 3 years. Cattle -Purebred Shorthorn Susy Beauty 2nd, No. 108201, due in Nov.; Burnside Bud No, 102462, with heifer calf of foot; heifer 2 -years old, ani a yearling • heifer. Grades - Heifer due in November, 2 cows in December cosy in March, cow in April, 3 cows in 'May, 'nee' in June, farrow cow; one 2 -year heifer, 3 2 -year" steers, 3 1 -yr steers; 3 1 -yr. heifers, 2 spring calves Imnlements-Deering binder, 6 -ft.; \1cCormick mower 5 -ft.; hay rake 10 ft,; side rake and tedder combined, Mt, -I -L ; Dane hay loader; hay rack and sliding rack combined; M. -H. 13 - hoe drill, nearly new; M, -I -L cultivator disk harrow, land roller, Clinton Fan- ningmll; cutting box, Farmers Friend riding plow; 2 walking plows, 2 set dia-none) harrows, scuffler, root pulper set •;ewes, extension ladder, short ladder, 2 wagons, wagon box and stock rack, set sleighs, ton buggy, 2 oven buggies, cutter, 40 gal.ateel drum 40 rods woven fence wire, 100 ft rove; 2 set double harness, set single har- ness, quantity 3 -in tile; 11-2 acre of turnips dinner bell. Also Collie dog. Household Effects- Couch, wash stan4, sideboard, kitchen table, 6 kit- chen chairs, wood cook stcve, hang- ing lamn, 2 bedroom lamps, Daisy churai, meat chopper. Also chains shovels, hoes, Corks, and other articles., Terms -510 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit onan- nroved joint notes. 4 per cent off fcr cash on credit amounts. ROBT. K. HORNEY, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. F. COATES, Clerk. BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENOEI • Sixty years of leadership --of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service! That's why., the Gilson name wins respect and confidences . from coast to coast. That's why we are proud' to sell this dependablefarm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITYAND SERVICE, An Rises WONDERFUL GILSON" co.t. You Nothing The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" En - gins -any size for any purpose -can be pur Minced on„the easy payment -plan Let it Pay f•' for .itself;=+ It,, eonomy ant depend- ability have Made it the biggest`selling` en- gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on your farm. HYLO SYLO ' The Hyto Sylo Sits ares sweet, fresh; succulent en- silage down to the last forkful. It is built to last indefinitely. Exclusive patented features of de- sign and construction. explain why the Hylo is chosen by the discrimin- ating farmer. Pays for itself in the first season. Then year after year, pays 100 per cent: profit on your investment Can you beat it? "The Wonderful Gilson:" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Fillers wereaold in Canada last yearithan any other make. It is guar- anteed to be the lightest running blower - cutter made Be independent -get. a Gilson Silo Fillerand fill your ownsilo-with. your own engine, 4 h.p. or larger --at the proper time, when your corn has the greatest feeding value. THE GILSON SPREADER Manure is the best fertilizer.' You have it. Use itl The best Manure Spreader made is the Gilson. Why? • It has a wide' spread. Itis low clown. It has light draft. It will take a real load. It is free from clutches, gears and all complicated parts. Call and see our nearest dealer, name below. He will save and make you none, on the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Saw., Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting,(etc' ,_urate for Catalog.. r<i • Masi' in Ciinada and Gugra„teed by • GILSON MFG. CQ., Limited - GUELPH, ON'I'. Call and Seo (Nearest Dealer FRAYNF,• EXETER ONT. tr AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS On Lot 10, Con, 1, Stephen, London Road 23 Miles South. of Exeter WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1920 At 12 o'clock sharp. HORSES --1 mare 9 years old; 1 mare in feel, 9 years old; 1 mare 8 years old; 1 yearling colt sired. by Prince -of Carrick; t driving horse 5 years old, quiet and reliable. CATTLE -1 cow due in Dec,; 1 cow due`in February; 1 cow due in March; 1 cow due in May; 1 cow due in May; 5 young cows; 4 two- year-old steers; 3 year-old heifers; 4 yearling steers; 3 yearling heifers 7 spring calves, PICS -1 young sow due last of January; 1 fat pig; 8 young shoats about 2 months old. IMPLEMENTS --1 Massey -Harris binder; 1 Massey -Harris mower, nearly new; 1 117asseY-Harris hay loader, nearly new; 1 McCormick horse rake, good as new; 'Interna- tional Interna-tional 3 -drum roller, new; Massey Harris 13-1toe drill new; Maxwell disc harrow; Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator Merry root pulper; 1 -furrow Cockshut riding plow; set of iron harrows; scuffler; 1 good wagon with box complete; De Laval cream separator, nearly new; hay rack, gravel box, pair bob sleighs; buggy, cutter, nearly new; two sets double harness; set single harness; 1 turn furrow plow; walking plow; about 25 tons of good mixed hay; 5 loads of clover seed; a quantity of good corn; quantity of marigolds and turnips, also logging chains, forks, shovels, hoes, 2 dozen grain bags, Clinton fanning mill, about 75 year-old hens and pulletts.. HOUSEHOLDFURNITURE-One oak dining -room table (round); ore, oak buffet; 6 oak dining -room chairs; 1 leather couch; 1 velvet covered couch 1 iron bed; 1 ma- hogany bed; 1 mahogany dresser and stand; 1 walnut dresser and stand; 1 drop leaf table; 1 cup- board; 6 kitchen chairs; 1 Pandora range with warming closet; 3 -burner New Perfection coal oil stove with oven; . 3. tub; Connor ball-bearing washing machine, boiler; 1 churn; wash board, ironing board; 1 velvet rug (12a10%); linoleums; 1 parlor lamp; 3 bedroom lamps, pictures, blinds, curtains, fruit, pickles, plants granite and tin ware and other things too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE -There will also be offered for sale at the same time ..it not sold previously, 60 acres, be- ing part of lot 19, con. 1, Stephen, On the premises there are two bank barns and brick dwelling and a nev- er -failing weII. Eight acres of hard- wood bush. TERMS -$10.00 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit by giving approved joint notes or a discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. Positively 'no reserve as the pro- prietor is giving up farming. MILTON SLEAMON, Proprietor. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. DISPERSION AUCTION SALE Lumley We „wer'e, pl�sed, to have Miss Maud ,Glenn in our nudist for (a, 'couple of days, but as she is engaged w•ilth one of the London firms shad lo refttstirt as sowna aa' the ;holiday was over. -Mgt and Mrs. Jas. Ndrris' and two daugh- ters of Mitchell visited at the Broad - soot home $he first sof the )yeek.,-, Mrs. CTThosl. 'Last of ,Kip,eardine and Miss Ida Gla,vjxu of Ch4selhurst called several of the; neighbors here on Sun- days -Mrs, John Purvis of Perry Sound is .visiting with Mrs. McDougal. THE STORING OF CROPZ liow' to Keep Over Fruit, Roots, Cabbages, Celery, Etc. • All Specimens Should Be Sound and Healthy -Careful Handling Very Important --Hints ofa Fall Work In Field and Garden and Among Live Stock. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) IN the storing of roots. tubers, cab - bage and celery it is a compare- tireiy- simple matter if the mater- ials are sound to begin with. Although the decay -producing bac- feria, yeasts and molds are always on these they cannot ctrl any injury until the materials c• re firSt thi a eat in some way es by bruising, heating or freezing, After such Injury bus been done the decay- bacterid and molds are able to feed on the dam- aged fissile and as a result or this action decay or rot takes place and gradually .:prea.1s until all is •sl -oiled, Therefore, in storing roots, Tubers, cabbage or •.elery, it is nee ssary,- 1st, To have only sound, healthy specimens. . 2nd: '1'o handle with are so as not to bruise or otherwise damage the tissues. 3rd. Store in a cool, well -ventilat- ed place where tl...re will be no dan- ger of either over -beating or freezing. Overheating or freezing will usual- ly kill -the living tissue of which tilt, roots are compeses, after which they wilt readily decay as a result of the rapid multialieatlon of bacteria and molds in the dead tissue. In the storing of such fruits as •,ppies"and ,ear.. which can be stored without' canning we have to prevent the development of molds and yeasts These t're always present on the sur- face o: the fruit, Bacteria no not' damage' fruits as they do vegetables or- meats on account of the sugar and acid' nature of the fruits, which is not satisfactory for baeterial develop- ment -but is just what is needed ter sera. and yeasts. ButBevan mean's and yeasts will no: develop on sound apples' and nears that are properly storeda' • If, however, the fruit is damagd8'iza the picking, hti.ndling or packing, then' the bruised spots en- able the mold spores or yeast cells that are on the surface to germinate and grow and multiply, and when once they get a start they will con- tinue to spread even through the Bound healthy tissue and from fruit to fruit until the whole pack may be spoiled. Therefore in the storing of such fruits as apples and pears it is essential: 1. To have only sound specimens. 2. To pack carefully without brilising. ` ' 3. To store in a cool, well ven- tilated place where they will neither be overheated nor frozen. -Prot. D. H._Jones,•0. A. -College, Gmelph. OF PUREBRED REGISTERED SHORTHORN CATTLE, HORSES SHEEP AND SWINE The undersigned on .account of his Law , ractice ,renuir ng, all of his time and attention ,has decoded uo rent his Corm 4,1 1 ;1e711 hilt entire stack at Let 14, cal. 2, L, R. Si. Tuckcrsmith To.. 1 l -4 'mites east sof Kinpen, and 1-2 mile south. on MONDAY, NOV. I, '20 At 1 .o'clock shar.i, the fo.lowizng:- Horses -1 aegis tete Cly des dale; mare 9 year, Lady Oswald 36052, suppos- ed is s'ae in Sen; ea "Comm'cdare"; 1 five-year old gelding', 1 yearling colt and 1 sueking •filly, both sired by !Commodore", C;altle-Osie red cow Pile Crust 2nd 104401 calved Jan. 24, 1913. This has been the hest oa,ying cow I ever own- ed and :she is now supposed to be in calf to 'St. Patrick .11;5i825; 1• red cow calved Seat. 12, 1912 Laura Dutehess 4th 124982 with red,hull icalf, Telma- hill, et foot; 1 red caw Flora Mac- Donald 122706, calved Oct, ls;t, 1916, with red heifer celf-et foot, Lass' 0' Gowrie.; 1 colw; aiedf with some, white "Mary Queen of Sco;te' 131289, calved 3th, 1917, with red heifer ;Cali at loot, Jessie Fllo:Wes sofDumbl.ane• ; Highland Mary 121981, roan,-. calved August 26, 1916; 1 red heilfer, Mag- gie Lauder 141376, born Oct, 5, 1918; 1 red ihsei'fer Boln(oileti Jean 152335, born Nov. 26, 1918; 1 red heifer, Isbabella 154042, 'Iberia Sept. 27, ,1919;, 1 grade coir- ?nine lyear Wld, an excellent milker; 1 flange fat steer, •1 yiear old glade heifer, 1 grade two-yetar old heifer. Sheen and Pigs-2Leucester ewes, 2 -yr -old; 2 year -Old -Leicester • ewes, and ,three lambs', also five pigse Terms -5,10 and under cash; over. that Umoutitt 3:,Lmo tlis credit an awn proved bankable joint ' nates: A dis- count of 6 'per ctenit pier annum .allow- ed for cash in lieu sof mates, , • C. W. ROBINSON, Auct. • W. Mt Pro'nrl,etor.. The Advsocate can give you club birtg rates with ainy of the dandy news- papers 'or magazines. Your When atki4Roixsased, relieve •tba ini$estiat with ♦R':'tenguet-111 ris on*. glf•lt e , *7 II14telds Hints for Field Work In the. Fall. Watch every opportunity for ploughing land in preparation for spring crops: See that all crops are carefully stored so as to avoid damage in case of an early winter. When harvesting potatoes for storage .or for market be eareful to remove as much of the dirt and as many of the small, irregular, bruised or diseased potatoes as possible. If manure is available it is an ex- cellent plan to spread it over plough- ed land and then place the soil into ridges about thirty inches apart by means of a single or double mould- board plough. This preserves the fer- tility, improves the sub -soil and Leaves the land in excellent condition in the spring, especially for cultivat- ed crops. Complete all ploughing which is required to be done in the autwnn• • AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, BARNS AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to Iselil by public auction, as the .proplrisetor will -gets& , his lenit,ire farm in tbe future, On Lot 15, Bayfield Road, Staruley Quarter Mile East of Varna, on • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920 At 1 o'clock share, ,the fallawlzug ,Horses -Agricultural ;Geam. Cattle -Cow, freshened early oart'of ' Nov,; :milking heifer; 5 two -yeah -old. heifers, twowill freshen soon; two-- year-old heifer, calf by side, yearling, heifer,.2 3 -yr steers, 6 two-year steers "2' Iyearlina steers. . Swine -8 s'h'oats 6 months old • Poultry 75 White Leghon us. Imnlem.ents-Purchased new in 1918, M. -H. slide rake, MH. hay loaders M. H. mower ,Oliver Bean .cultivator, steel roller, set bobsleighs, light wagon top buggy - set single: harness, set double harness, 2 (collars, block and tackle, De Laval cream -separator, churn, hang lamas;, roots, turnips and mangles. Barns-T)riving shed and poultry bp,rn, 24x56; new roof and plate; shoese stable , 26x56;. grain barn 36x56. Terns -410 ..,and under, cash ; over that amount 12 `monitjhs,e (ezcnt barns ,6 months) w edit on.furnishing a,a,prov- 'dd lorsui,.natesr I . d sscottnt of 5 net. 'gent o'er annum allowed, for. cash, OR. LLOYD ;MOFFA,TT, Pron. 'JA.S. JONES, "Acct. • Rowto!eta NEW EDISON out oFyair dollar Do you know how to squeeze a dollar? We do. We'll show you. Our Budget Plan, through thrift and system, applies the squeeze to your dollar. Shows you how you can get that longed -for New Edison right away. It looks like money - magic. Actually, it's common-sense. Let us tell you all the details. J. Willis Powell, Dealer, Exeter, Ontario hill IMO 1101 Ma ',SPORTING .GOODS' rOd _OFB'BS tWAS'k1ERSILI >WR1N'GERS ,.1//i HOBBS 0 DAr • of/ /!Il// W,L' AWN' %ice WIN OW ERS!a oLL /vd HOBBS ;)4BiN D ER2 y/4T.WINE: OL Gid 4OBB 1"sEWING'i 1'MACH 1 N EGS'• �',ilO13BS esses es. j. REFRiti•_-.' ERATOR$`j \\" •t/ HOBB5 ''� ioN. 0 \ \� .,"•//,.,,,\\'�' ICU T.LERYl HARDWARE �rROOFING s� OLd roL� ` GaLd. • L ! _ - i•IUllBS iIOBBS'' 6 /lip X'S\,,,,,EE/S,:::( //111,_....\%T\\0,.c.i• i,FILiSi, /.;." GsLY t[OB135 - - iIOBBS, .iii.,, '' 'FDI j/ En '` flame s /.%�J ie '� IUJA LI � OUR WATCHWORD The "Gold Medal" Label Shields You Against Unknown Hardware Goods,. t Easy to remember! Think of " GOLD MEDAL"" when you want the best! Look for the Gold Medal Label on any article and you will know instantly -without quee-� "- tion -that it rust be 'right. For Sale by All First-class Hardware Dealers •