HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-21, Page 4The Choice of the Shrewd Investor The experienced pur- chaser selects Victory Loan Bonds as the most desirable investment in which his funds can be placed. The security is ent eees- !loped, interest is prompt and sure, and is payable at any branch of any chartered bank in Canada. At existing prices. the securities of the 1)oni.in- ion are obtainable on a More 'attractive basis than ever before in the history of Canada. Following are current prices: Free from Income Tax maturity Price Yield 1927..,.97 1933.... 96i• .. —5.87% 5.870 1937.,-,98 ..,.5,670( 1919 Victory Loan 1934 03 -.,.6215e Select the maturity beet suited to d our r eeti e ments. and mail your order or write for par- ticulars. Wood, Gundy & Company Canadian Pacific Railway Building Toronto The Exeter Advocate sanders Sr Creech. Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance $150 reer year in Canada; $2,00 in the f3nita•i States. All subscriptions not pail in :advance 50c. extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES Ui_,p,ay Advcrtisin—Made known ` a annlicaticee. `tray Animals ---One insertion 50c.. thi e a insertions $L00, Farah or Real Estate for sale 50c. tea; ?; insertion for tree month of four . ii twrtions \Lsceilaneous :articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rer+t. 'Warded, each insertion 50c, Lost and Fouad locals 25c, an. insertion. Loeai reading notices, etc., 10c..per , ,` per insertion, No notice less .thee. 25c. Card of Thanks 50c, Auction Saves $3 for one insertion an $1.50 for each subsequent in- sert on if under five inches in. length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. THURSDAY, OCT. 21st, 1920 Mount Carmel e, and Mrs. Patrick Hall and lam- >xv < Detroit afire snendiing a few days at the home of the former's oaren;es, re. and ,Mrs[. Ed, .Halls. 1IYss NeU e ltl: _affrey, accompanied by her .re'ece 14,.a [Mariam McCaffrey of Dutto , is :spending n it.ew days at -the home of their' aunt, Miss Ellen Sullivan.—Mess- .es Angelina grid Margaret Roberts of Sarnia. are visitors at ith'e home of lelr. has. ,Carey —Mrs. 'Olney Glavin call - din ;on tfriensds here .last (week.—e.\ir, Thos. Morrissy returned home on Sat- ueday, after evweek-s' trip to Calitornra and Hon•:+iulu —Mr. Jos. McKeever is visiting ,friends at Dstro:t. Miss flare Carey o:' DryS:124= spent "1 hank giv ins at her home here.—Mr. Wm. Bar- ry returned (home last week, after soeading 'several weeks in the \\ .st. —a?rs John Doyle and son, ace om- re nie.1 by Mrs. O'Iney 0 Deere , veiled oa Sriends here this weeke-- Miss Sweeney of London spent Th :nksgiving with .her cousin, ;Mrs. Ed. Boland of the 14th of McGillivray, -- Mr Theobt)ld l:)edrich spent Sunday with +'rends in Sarnia—Mr, George Dederieh of Sarnia spent Thanksgiv- ing with his mother, Mrs. Lawrence Dederieh ;near Dashwood.—Mr. and ears. Fred. Burke and family of Lon- don, spent the holiday with the form- er', aunt, \iiss Annee Burke. Hensall. Jr..H. Cook has sold her fine brick eeellenee onKing street to her son, Noonan n Cook.—Mrs.' Wm. Buchanan is in B ussgi;s er siting her .sister, errs. Job L King:—Mr. Wilson Berry of Windsor net a week's holidays with his narents, 'Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Berry. -Mr. Nelson ,Blatchford; who has been in the Weefor ,the hast two months, eeturned home last week,- Rev. G. W. Rivers had charge of the anniversary services at Centralia last Sunday. His pulpits vet Hensall and Chiselhurst were filled by Rev, D. W. Williams, 3. A„ of Grand Bend Cir- cuit.—On • Tuesday evening of last w:eelerMeee J, !McD, Wilson entertained her Sunday School class in. honor cf Miss Velma Marshall, who, with ;her 'sister, Ada, last week for Court - weight. During the evening Miss Vel- mawas presented with cream and sug- ar set from the members of the class —Our station is a. busy place at pres- ent, about 25 car loads of nroduc!e being shipped out each week, In 2 and S.W. cartons,. 20,, 20 and 100-1b. bags trearn the butter with the sugar V - the Cook -Book says I-I, come on, Mabel, I °want to go shopping. It needn't take all afternoon to make a cake! Here, let me cream the butter and sugar. Watch how quick I can do it! If you'd ever used Lantic y ,before you'd realize how quickly a fine sugar creams." Lantic is a quick -acting sweetener:because it is fine. It distributes the pure cane sweetness speedily, thoroughly and economically. It saves time in the preparation of cakes,• puddings and sauces,; in the .cooking of preserves, in, the making, of .:candy,., in the sweetening of beverages, hot or cold: Not .whiter are the• snowy doilys and ,:serviettes on the mahogany table than the tiny crystals of Lantic that gleam and glisten in the sugar bowl. Not firer is the silver with its hall -mark. Yet, in homes where every penny counts, Lantic •goodness helps in the saving. It does go farther! ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES, LiMITED, TRY MONTREAL "THESF RECIPES :The Lantic Library, ?three new cook -books on Preserving, Cakes, t Candies and Desserts; twill be sent to,,. you :.FREE for a Reid Ball trade -mark, cut; from. :a sack, or frorta the top, ['panel of a (.antic Carton: because it's TRACT0RING ON FARMS A Survey ot- the Tractor Situa- tion ill Ontario. NIAutar Uses of the Machine on the Farre -- Ploughing. IIaulitig and General Belt work -- Speed: a Great Factor In Its Use. (Contributed bar Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto.) IN order to secure as complete authentic information as possible concerning the tractor situation in the Province, Messrs. P. C. Connote- and J. A. Steele of the On- tario Agricultural College, under the direction of the Physics Department of the College, prepared a question- naire which was replied to by over one hundred tractor owners in Ontario. As far as possible, all phases of the tractor situation were overed in this questionnaire in order to determine with the greatest possible accuracy information re the future place of the tractor relative to other means of securing power for the farm. The following information bee'ked by the statements of over one hundred farmers owning and operat- ing tractors will possibly be of inter- est both to those owners and to )rhr'rs who are contemplating the ::rplome'nting, (not replacing) of hors' power with tractor power. The .`lief advantages of the tractor as n +t iwer machine would appear to be tested in order of Importance as font -mg,: Speed, belt work, work done it the proper time (especially nleetehie ). labor saving, hot weath- ,e ' eekar, economy, improved work. 'I', 9'ii- slush w•iili which work can n-' , ,'risr iplished with the :aid of a : taet.rr has posy:bly been given the pr men- place of itnportan'a on the ab''e list, due to the nece1ssity of speeeling up production during the past flea years, This condition is likely to obtain for soave years to carne until the returning sanity of the BASK foRTifi 1,,,,,, Expect to find,' the Fisherman, ti ,thi) "Mark of 1. Supremacy, " ;„,,.—`- on every bottle Iof emulsion that you buy. This Imeans that you will always ask for SCOTT'S 1 EMLJLSION 1 Scott & Somme, Toronto. Ont. 24-60 *MID 1111111111111 -6° Kirkton The 'ate \Vm. Detniao;a passel away on Oct 11, at his home int Kirkton aged 75 years and 11 months Dec- ease's was born in. Ireland and came Cantle to w-ieh his parents when a tv1 o six • yeas„s„ Over 30- years ago )ria and M,rs. Denison came •to clutch 411 rind remained residents= ,her: un to about a yea- ago, when they moved to Kieknon, Besides hie wife he is survived by tw a' daughter, Miss Min- nie Dennison ,n Minneapolis, and Mrs. F. A. "Taylor of Kirkten, Usborne ' A quiet. ,but very pretty wveld'n was so!emnieed at the tte`hodis nar- ean :ge Fu'l'rton, on Oct, 6th, au S tam. when Niles Ella Irene Laing, daughter nations of the world results in a re- ° o' Mir, Thoma:, Leine, of Russeldaie, turning to the principle of seeking bee:ein2 the w•is'e of Xr, John. Henry happiness from produeing and living 1* oetell, son eof Mr. David L pi ell of rather than gaieiing and existing. 1 f uss elitiale. Rev.J. M. Catlin„ tis - The saving of hauling costs and the ,Or Of the Fultarton tircu'a cfficiat- "convenieuce” of the tractor as a erl. The: bride, aoeking vi armin, in source of ,po,ver for grinding and silo a nigger .brown eartin;, was assias`ted by filling seems to have ;appealed strong- her sister, Mss live 1.1f nee while the ly to a large number. I groan[ was supported by his brother, Had the eigniflcance of the third *Charles. M. and Mrs. Cottell will re - mentioned item on the list been bet- !side on the old family residence .rit ter understood, especially on farms Usbornc 'townshise, anti have the best where the land is heavy* and difficult wishes of thee many friend:;. to work, it would no doubt have' headed the list. Too much stress can not be laid on this feature of the use- fulness of the tractor, Condition of the soil with respect to filth is the first and foremost probleizt to be • Miss Dorothy Truemner, nurse, has looked atter when greater production gone to Torontc to nractise her pro is the aim and object ot the agile fessian, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw and culturist. family- ahud Mr. Hanson of Crosavicell, Had 'the number of men on the • elich., 'visited at the home or C.We' er farm been equal to the task, there —Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Seibert _;liter a Is little doubt but that the tredvevisit here have, ,etturned home' to I)' - would still be considered mainly astroi;t,—Mrs, S. Deez and Mrs. Henry a luxury to be poaseased only by Reichert attended the funeral of the those who had made good on the late Mrs, Wende,' Colosky at Elkhart, farm, and not by those who are us- Incl.—Mr. Herbert U!ttley has sold his ing it as a means ot making good. dwelline . r o;a-erty at the north end to The fact of his always being "behind air, Davi. asera of Drysdale, who gets with the work” has driven many a possession io February.—Mr. and Mrs man to buy a tractor in order to feel C. F. .Mathews, who have been visiting for once in the last five years that bore 'this summer, returned to their he has caught up with the 'work, and home at Smith Springs, Iran„ last week :'an have an hour to discuss with hist Mr. John Siemon of Kitchener dis- ighbor the latest intormation rela- l nosed at his dwelling property here to use to farm or city conditions. - lMr. Henry Badour of the Zurich Road. Many men have procured tractors 1giving immediate ,ossesseon,—Mr. and exclusively for the belt work which ,14rs, W, B. Colles ,and litltle Beatty, they are able to do with it. These, lave snending a ee;w weeks at Chet - combining their own 'work with souse ham.—Mrs, David 'Plante of St. Jos - custom Work, have made the tractoreob was taken. to .St. Joseph haepital. a paying proposition. (London, ;where she, underwent an on - The fact of having work done att eration •for cancer„—There , assed a - the proper time, including early fall I way at Elkhart, Ind., on Oct. 4, Mrs. ploughing, and getting the crop in Wendel Colosky, after a year's ill during fhe short available time in the •ness. She was a daughter of the late spring is perhaps the most important ee:r. and lMrs. Henry Deite of Bron - feature in tractor efficiency. It takes !son Line, ;Hay, where she was born. the peak load off the horses and par- ' She is lsurvived by her husband, `a son, wits the farmer" to get rid of the and a step -•daughter, also five bro- horses which are kept for this thers ,and+three. sisters, four of whom purpose. ?re John and Samuel Deitz, and Mrs. In the majority of cases where :'atherine Re:charr and Mrs. Susanna tractors are used, it results in a de- ' Axt of this village, crease of man labor. There is a wide difference, however, in the estimate made by various individuals as to ' the saving in man power; and ranges in extent from "making it easier" to . a "man's yearly wages." As a hot weather worker the tractor has no rival. Thousands of horses wer•' ruin- ed last year due to the effect of heat. The tractor works on regardless of the temperature, and it is, on this account, even more in favor during the hot spring and early fall seasons. As far as economy 'n tractor oper- ation is concerned, there are few farmers who keep accurate records in connection with. operating costs, and it is therefore very difficult 10 give definite information in this re- spect. In only six cases out of one hundred is there any definite state- ment made that the tractor is not a profitable investment. In cases where the tractor is han- dled by experts it is an accepted fact that the land where the tractor has been used is in a better state of tilth than -where horse power is used. This is mainly or entirely .due .to the feat that' the.. ground is covered oftener'. in tillage operations since the extra speed of ' the tractor makes • this possible. • The next few•.years,;may see either a marked increase or decrease in' the. number of tractors sold in Ontario. There will no doubt be a tendency to standardize the make of machines` whieh are to hold their place on the Ontario Yarm. Better design of parts to give greater efticiency and greater accessibility will be necessary if the- tractor is..going to hold its place as an efficient labor-saving device. on the farm.—W. C. Blackwood, O. ,A, Col- lege, Guelph,, • • Live': Stock. Observations. . Zurich Under certain- conditions"fall colts are just as satisfactory as those foal- ed in the spring' of the year A'little care'in handling, feed and keeping •racks reps eedevenl be more" than 'repaid by the higher; grading ot• the woolin the spring.` Wives and Mothers of Canada Stratford, Ont.:="I am very enthusiastic in praise of Dr,'Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion as a tonic for expectant mothers. I have had experi- ence both with the Prescription' and without it, and am in a position to :know that there is a vast difference. I was never nauseated or sick at all with my 'Prescription' babies ",\ ti ;;r but I was extremely uncomfortable with the others and my suffering was greater when I had not taken the 'Favorite Pre- scription'. I shall always take pleasure in reoommending it to expectant mothers.'; -MRS. LEOTA M. PEPPER,114 Grange 8t. COULD NOT SLEEP • Halifax, N. S.:—"I was in a run-down' nervous condition for over two years, had been treated by several doctors and only found temporary relief. I could not sleep at night my heart palpitated' so, and I was almost afraid to close nay eyes. Being per- /waded; er/waded; I'wrote and stated my symptoms to the Medical staff' at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y. • I was advised' to use Dr. Pierce's Golden, Medical. Dia- eovery with the 'Favorite Prescription' and the 'Pleasant Pellets'. I did so with the very best results. I could sleep and became my natural self again: I certainly recom- mend ecommend Dr. Pierce's medicines to all eufferera, for they have done for me what .doctor* -failed to do and they have saved me doctor bills, too." --MRS. SOHN SOMANS; Clam Harbor. Toronto, Ont.:—"For over thirty •ppaasas� I.have been a user of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I have taken them for liver trouble, biliousness,: constipation , and• .sok-head- aches and: they always gave4me the:relief wanted". I -am sure the 'Pleaeant Pe seta; haveaimed me, m6tny a e„ck^ spell. ,ill pan .highly reoomimend;them "-MRS.- RAN- NAH BOWNESS, 60 Strange St. Incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL RESERVE SO t (10,f00 Oyer 13 t Ili/taches THE MOLSONS BANK ENCOURAGE 'THRIFT I:v,', YOUR CHILDREN. The opening of a Savings Acetmet :or a child inTHE MOLSONS BANK encourages him totsave. It is a sten to- wards that tradi'tio tal first thaus:ncl dollars. Savings Departments at all .3ra,ne'he*s. DREIER I3RANGlii T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia. Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. tIcGILLIVRAY,—A pretty Fall wedding took place sit ,the homy of lefe. and lire. Jas. Et Autos of Con. 12, on Oct. 6, at noon, when Annie Myrtle, :their eldest daughter, became tha bride of Norman \L'eRoy Virtue of Wcodstock, McGillivray Council Council met on the 8th and passed a number of accounts, among them, being Cunningham and Pxyde, Exeter, for the soldier's memiorial t 1:(85,00. Adjournment wash made to Nov, 1st. Canadian T11E LATEST PRICE ON THi Fairbanks Morse CO. Engines 1 1-2 H. P. ENGINES . $U0.00 3 H. P. ENGINES , . ,.►,.5175,00 6 H. P.'-ENGIN1JS , „5285.00 These engines are equinpad with the .Basch Magneto, the finest lg. ninon known. DOUBLE GEAR PUMP JACK INTERNATIONAL GEAR JACK. FARM LIGHTING POWER -40 LIGHTS ,.... „i,., -415.00 $30.00 $525.00 WE SELL THE CASE TRACTOR EMERY STANDS, SAW ARBORS, PULLEYS, BELTING HANGERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOTICE ALL MAKES OF ENGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED OR GROUNG NEW PISTONS MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS OXY - ACETYLi,NE WELDING DONE. The Cochrane Machine Works EXETER ®NT. Overseas Trade Made Us Prosperous Overseas Trade Will Keep Us .Prosperous To maintain our overseas trade Canada must have sea - conscious spirit . —In the People —In the Government -In the Schools Canadians must not belew ers of wood, drawers of water for other nations. Canadian Ships Must Carry Canadian Products to -;Word Markets The Navy League of Canada I rit WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES - Leave ' your certificates with this Bank. and we will collect for- you the final payment which will probably be auth- orized by the Wheat Board about the end of October. .., 52* THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITA. - $15,000,000 ,RESERVE. FUND - $15,000,1)00 EXETER. BRANCH, F, A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL RESERVE SO t (10,f00 Oyer 13 t Ili/taches THE MOLSONS BANK ENCOURAGE 'THRIFT I:v,', YOUR CHILDREN. The opening of a Savings Acetmet :or a child inTHE MOLSONS BANK encourages him totsave. It is a sten to- wards that tradi'tio tal first thaus:ncl dollars. Savings Departments at all .3ra,ne'he*s. DREIER I3RANGlii T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia. Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. tIcGILLIVRAY,—A pretty Fall wedding took place sit ,the homy of lefe. and lire. Jas. Et Autos of Con. 12, on Oct. 6, at noon, when Annie Myrtle, :their eldest daughter, became tha bride of Norman \L'eRoy Virtue of Wcodstock, McGillivray Council Council met on the 8th and passed a number of accounts, among them, being Cunningham and Pxyde, Exeter, for the soldier's memiorial t 1:(85,00. Adjournment wash made to Nov, 1st. Canadian T11E LATEST PRICE ON THi Fairbanks Morse CO. Engines 1 1-2 H. P. ENGINES . $U0.00 3 H. P. ENGINES , . ,.►,.5175,00 6 H. P.'-ENGIN1JS , „5285.00 These engines are equinpad with the .Basch Magneto, the finest lg. ninon known. DOUBLE GEAR PUMP JACK INTERNATIONAL GEAR JACK. FARM LIGHTING POWER -40 LIGHTS ,.... „i,., -415.00 $30.00 $525.00 WE SELL THE CASE TRACTOR EMERY STANDS, SAW ARBORS, PULLEYS, BELTING HANGERS AND SHAFTING ON SHORT NOTICE ALL MAKES OF ENGINES OVERHAULED CYLINDERS REBORED OR GROUNG NEW PISTONS MADE TO FIT WITH RINGS OXY - ACETYLi,NE WELDING DONE. The Cochrane Machine Works EXETER ®NT. Overseas Trade Made Us Prosperous Overseas Trade Will Keep Us .Prosperous To maintain our overseas trade Canada must have sea - conscious spirit . —In the People —In the Government -In the Schools Canadians must not belew ers of wood, drawers of water for other nations. Canadian Ships Must Carry Canadian Products to -;Word Markets The Navy League of Canada I rit