HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-14, Page 8r . fr fr M r h p 1K s 10- F F M M r M EXE 1111QI AT. 1 T% U1thDAY [GT, 141 IU2D Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday 4, •.. .O 90o 60 Fall Wheat Barley, nevvi Oats, .new Family Flour Feed Flour ......... Short-, 3,50 2,35 2.10 Dairy y Butter „� M. '50 to 64 Creamery Butter ., 64 Lard 4 35 Potatoes, tiler :bag „. ,.. 2.0 21. Hay, ner too 00 Hogs, Per cwt. NOTICE, r+. Dr. Scho's. foot expert, ,will be at ou: stere .: Thursday, Oct. 21st, all. day. If you have any feat troubles c1cc't naffs, falai opportunity. JONES & MAY STRAY HEIFLR. Thee str..;ed unto. the premises of the undersi„ze.d, Lot 8, con. 9, \Ie Gillivray, on or about Sent. 1, a year- ling he',.;:er. Owner can have sante by ov,n„ property and paying expenses. Wesley Dixon, Ailsa Craig; R. R. 2. CAPE AND Rt`G FOUND. On Sent lb, East of Hensali, a Lady's fur cane and a rug. Owner can bave same by anplying to the under- signed and paying expenses, John Itlienfield, Cromarty, P. 0. ESTRAY STEER. There strayed from the Premises of the undersigned a yearling steer, Rer ward is offered for information that will lead to its recovery.—Roy E. Ratz Ii 1. 2, Dashwood, Ont, NOTICE TO ONION GROWERS I will commence taking in .onions on Wednesday, October 13th, every day except Saturday at the Old Temper- ance House at 0, Tl R. Station!, J. H'. GRE1V1:. Farmers will assist greatly by hav- ing their names nut on bags. The a.honper Will ;net be held responsible if this is not done. Harvey Bros. FARM IACHINER Call and see our Four. -wheel sugar beet lifter', Oliver and Fleury plows, Grain grinders, Roller crushers in stock WAI. WARD, EXETER. OARS FOR HIRE—Wilson & Simms Phone 56, BARN FOR SALE. 30x50, with steel roof, in good shape, to be removed next spring. Apply, SAI 'L BEAVER, HAY P. O. DR.. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and Sanders Street. Hours - 10 tot 12 and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment. HONEY FOR SALE. Choico clover 'honey. in 5 and 10 lb. nails at Walsoan. & S unms. COOK 'WANTED. At Central Hotel. Exeter. City wages Haid. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any- time. 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings Ito 8. Running EveryDay THE O.K. STEAM CIDER MILL is pressing cider and making apple butter every day. Custom work done as rapidly as neasible. Sweet cider and apple butter fon- sale. S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 Local Doings Mr. John Selves liab leasedthe farrn pff 1\ar. 1V. H, Kaiy, near Faaciuha,zi vIr, Wm, Crefe)ch' is on 'the sick list this week and confined to• the house. Misses Olive and Myrtle Wille4. and cousins Pearl, of Saginaw were vis- itors :in .town this week, Beech nuts are .not so plentiful as they were ireported to be., although solaie trees have a, fair supply, Mrs, Pert*is of Parry Sound is vis- iting her brother, Mr. Wm: Stem of twin, having arrived on Monday. Revival services area being held :n \fain Street Church this week, and in James Street church .next week. Mr. Amos Dune of Usborne lest two horses valued at $400 in thefield when struc1fby lightning Monday. The ',Inoldi.ng shop of the Bell Foun- dry was badly damaged by fire Mon- day. Loss covered by insurance/, T,he West Huron Teachers' Conven- 1 tiara will be held in Goderich on Thursday ani Friday of athis week. Miss Jean S. Murray. tof Exeter is President. and Mr. W', H. Johnston, Secretary. Miss Hunter's Sunday School Class of James Street Church was given an automobile ride to Kettle Point cn Saturday as a reward for having the highest' average attendance for the year, Mr. Samuel, Preszcaator has moved with his family from ho residence on Huron street to the one he recently bought from the late °4'i'illiam Parsons' estate Gordon Appleton has since moved into the dwelling tutted by Mr Preszcator. The an }Wit,aary services of Caven Presbykedan " Church :.wall be held on Sunday nextr.when Rev. J. C. ",Colmie, 13.A. M,P,P., of, Windsor,,will preach morning and„ teeming-, The choir will be assisted by Miss Olwilda Suhr, soloist of Leaden, and Mrs. .n C. Armstrong. Violinist, of Parkhill. One day while standing on the west side of l•fain Street, we beheld two streams of water issuing out of the mouths «f the bronze tun's heads cn the soldiers' monument. We asked the cause and were told that the wat- er from the town tank hard been let loose. \Ve looked again, expecting tc see bubbling 'fountains one on either side of the eolumn, ;but no, it dis- anpeared (the wetter we mean), some- where in the :inside of the troughs, and was seen no more. We looked again and saw our pretty la?ttic town team striving, to cross -the curb, boulevard, and sidewalk to drink at the fountain but the swatter bad stopped 'running (and has not run since) and the team turned away with a look of disgust and disappointment, and we are led to ask, "Will it ever run againr'' Com, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johns, desire to express their sincere appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED. Mrs, 0. Bishop, Simcoe St, Exeter. Mail -Contract SEALEn TENDERS addressed to, the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Friday the 19th dof of Navember,1920 for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week, each way between Creditan and 'Centralia. Post Offices and Grated Trunk Rail- way Station (Centralia. No. 2 Rural Ratite) frown. the.Postma,ster General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- pose. Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained .at thte Po>t Offices of Crediton, Central- ia, Exeter, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. I4. FISHER, Port Office Inspector. Post Offace Inspector's Officet, London., 8th October, .1920. CURTAIINS LOST. 'Right-hand side Curtains for Ford car, Reward on ,returning to W. J. Staatbam, Exeter. MISSING COPY, We would be pleased if two or three of the Advocate subscribers would sunply us with copies of the issue of July 29th. - CLERK'S ADVERTISEMENT OF COURT IN NEWSPAPER Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant ,to The Onaari:o Voters' Lists' Act, by His honor, the Judge of the county Court of the County of Huron, at Elimville Town - shin Hall, on the 23rd day of October, 1920, at 10 o'clock la.m'., \to hear and determine complainits of errors and omissions :n the Vc(ters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Us - .borne for 1920. Dated ;the 7th day of October, 1920 HENRY STRANG, Clerk of the Municipality of the- Township of Usborne, Mail Contract SEALEr; (ENDERS addressed to. the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived an Ottawa until Neon oaFri day, 12th day of November, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years lsix, times per week ,over, Centralia No. 1 Rural Route, from the Post- master General's pleasure... , Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of 'pro- posed Contract may be 'seen and blank forms of 'Tender may be ob- tained, at the Post :;Offices at Centra: Crediton, Exetea;,. and at the .. Office, Inspector afftte. of the P.asf., Of , ;a.. Lando Post Office Inspe ctara's Office, October, Lorodor,=1st Oegab -, ,1920. CHAS. E. Ti. FISHER Post Office Inspector, Trivitt Memorial Church Master Reg. Beavers has been sick with .mumps, but is able to be out again .At 't 'e aneition; sale on Saturday .Mr. Thomas Cameron; of Usborne, bcught Mr. R red Lu tton,'s residence on An- drew Street, baying therefor $2500. Lightning struck the Eden school house during the electrical'stor'm on Allonday. IIt ,mitered the bell cltamm .ber anal running down the bell rope tore off considerable ;plaster from the walls Otherwise ,no damage 'vas home, �� FIIYLD CiAY. , . Field Day Sports. will be held on the Fair Grounds F.ciday ,October 15, Two baseball games" will be played on the School grounds. in the morning, Lucas .vs, Exeter 'end Parkhill •vs, the winner. Basket Ball games will be played on the School grounds alsc in the morning—Lucan vs, Exeter, and: the wl'nn,er. Spouts ,will be held on the Fair grounds in the afternoon commencing a(t 2 o'c{lock. in the ev ening 'the nxesen(tat;on of prizes will take placeet the Town, Hall, when ad- dresses will be delivered by localcid;:. izens, ak, DEATH 01 MRS, D. JOHNS. Early Tuesday morning, October,1,2 there: occurred at her late residen'e, William Street, Exeter, the death of Ann Whimster, .widow of the late David Johns, for many years the nest - master of Exelter, Mra, Johns, who was a daughter oof the late John Wh'imste,..of St, Marys, was beloved a by all who knew her, and bore her nrolonged illness from4that dread (Us- ' ease, nernicious anaemia, with wonder - td fortitude and patience. Her illness extended over a period o'f several months. Three daughters are left to mourn the loss of a loving rnlotber, Miss Lila at home. Mrs, W. T. Goode ison of Sarnia, ands Miirs, C. F. Adams of Calgary; also Mr, Wellington Johns of town. and Mrs. Hugh Ross of Win_ nineg; and one brother, Mr, James Whituster of 'Aurora, and a sister, Miss Whimster of Ottawa, The funeral will take place ,from the family resid- enee, tiV,illlam Street, on Thursday af- ternoon, DIAZ'iON15 WEDDING. On Saturday-,( •9th 4 ,aevent of an tutust }l-:�,iThilif e"sting'•nature oc- curred 4t the =ho}he Of 1'ir;. and ,,,Mrs. James Sweet; wheia.Urelr children and grand children, ,vitt a-(etiv friends and relatives, assembled to celebrate the 60th anniversary of their wedding —their D..amond Jubilee, Mr, and Mrs Sweet are two, of the oldest residents of this district, Mr. Sweet having been born some eighty years, ago on ;the farm just south of the village on the London Road, and Mrs. Sweet in, Lon- don tawnshin, moving northward intc this district at the early age, of twelve, walking the entire distance from Stt Johns to Exeter in one day. For the Hast fifty years they have continuously resided in the home in which they now live, .her, Sweet being engaged in the building trade. During that time ' by their kind arid friendly dispositions they lr .,:made a host of friends in this orad-th -surrounding country. Al- thot} lr tlioy`er-e now ire their eighties botjlt'';, d ,Mrs, Sweet, are still strong; nid vvigorous, for their age, and take aQ.,tab trite „mart ,in the life of the cl# pity :& , the wedding banquet their Pfesented with many beau- tlla'ul i restfilks, among them being a diamond ring in horror of the cccasion, but still mare dear to them were the feelings of love and affection ex.- nressed to ath•em by their children; grandchildren and friends in the toasts which followed the banquet. Of the twelve born to the union eight are living, and all were present at the celebration, Samuel and Mrs. Egan of Exeter, Frank and Robert of 'Sarnia, Tames of St. Catharines, Fred of Penetang, Mrs. McCaillum of London and l.rrs. 'Ferguson of Torootc,tMr. and {ors, Martz of New Baltimore, ilich•, were also present. The Advo- cate joins the many friends in hearty congratulations to the aged couple. Mrs, Piper 'of. Die/troit is visiting with Mrs. Delve far a, few daysl: Mrs. Lloyd Baynham is visiting rela- tives in Pe terboro and Millbrook. Mrs. Marshall Box of near Parkhill called+ion friends in town on Saturday Mrs, (Rev.) Godwin, formerly of Ex- eter is naying a !brief visit with friends Miss lalineretta Homey left Friday to resume her duties as nurse in Chic- ago. Sunday next will be ,observed as Children's Day in. the ,Trivutt Mem- orial Church when, special services will be conducted by the rector in the morning and afternoon. , There, will be no service in the church ,in the ev- ening owing to the •Coven Presbyterian Church anniversary. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector.. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bev. James Foote, B. A., Minister ANNIVERSARY Rev. J. C. Tolmie, B:A., M.P.P, of Windsor, will preach morning and evening, at the usual hours. Special music by the choir, assis- ted by Miss Olwilda Suhr, soloist of London, and Mrs. M. C. Armstrong, violinist, of Parkhill. All Welcome JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. WiQson, B.A. 11 a. m,—' 3 pin.--0Sabbath' School and Bible Study. 7 .o, .m,—• Special ,music. Al) invited. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. ,.;. .Phone 21r3' 11.00 sm.—Sowing andReaping:. � ,p m. -Sabbath. School and Bible Classes; sses . , 7.00 Pain.—Service withdrawn). BETHANY . ' Rev. E. G. Powellt , Mrs,' R,ousom of Hamilton is visiting ber ,nar:ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley J: tpissett. Ur. alio Mrs). R. 0. Seldaii` and Mr. an:I Mrs. - 1:, S. Woods spent Sunday in Dutton Mr. and Mrs. T. Statham of Actors are visiting th.ef,r. • son, Mr. W. 5, Sta- tham, for three weeks. 'evil•. Gordon,',Rednvovd and bride of fvlarlette. Mich., ivtiskted during the with the former's grandnaren(ts, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott. • Miss Sadie Plewes, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) McAlis- ter, leaves. Thursday morning for Chat- tauqua, Tenn., ,to 'spend the, winter. Mrs. Jas. Russell and daughter, who have been visaing the former's nar-' ents, Mr. and Mrs',. E. Jary, returned Last week to :their home tat Rilbstoane(, Alta • a.trt'T B. Carling, and daughters, 411sse,s Eva and Nina of New Yurk,, and Mass :Minnie Of Braintford, spent a few days an,'tthe ,home, ,of Mr., I. R. and the Missies Carling. IN:i ;!Glias. Bayley aitd daughter, Miss tvra.rgaa'ei' of• Toronto, and Mr. and1b1rs; Geo Bay ey.'and_Mr, Alfred ,3aylesa of Londc'in were visitors at Mr. and Mrs, A E,r'Fiike's over Sunday. Mr. Alfred +Bayley is remialiln{ing for'.a few ,lays:. Special'Sale of.::. f 4 PHONE 32 rwrxas . .SPECIAL VALUES FOR OCTOBER Complete ' and Misses' Showin � of Ladies I Coats Suits and Dresses • ;tx We have an 'excentionally large titock of the above laneas to select fre'm. The very ;Hewes;" styles and colors are here shown. at modelate prices, Make your selections, early. GIRLS' COATS—Sizes 4 to 14 yrs. in, good range of clors and styles. LADIES' GENUINE FRENCH K iD GLOVES :&1 11,95 A PAIR 10 dozen, pair Ladies' Genuine French Kid Gloves, Perrin's Make, i.olorr black, tan, and white, worth easily double the price, clearing at 51,95. VOILE BLOUSES AT 11,95 EACH, 15 ;dozen Ladies' Fine White Voile Blouses;, sizes 36 ,to 44, this month at S1,95 gazer, LADIES HA NDKERCHIEFS 50 dozen Ladies' Fine lawn handkerchiefs, nicely embroidered ;n whit:' and colors, regularly worth 35c.; nice ial October Selling Price lac, each or $2.75 a :dozen, to i''ear IN/EN'S UNDERWEAR. 15 dozen heavy ribbed shirts and drawers to lear this month at 51 5t' a .garment. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains, Oilcloths, etc., pearly all at last se:lamas n=ice, MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS SUITS AND HATS Come to this store for your Clatliil5g, W'e Have. a tremendous assort' ment of Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats in all the latest styles and at reasonable Prices. We will be very pleased to;show you our stock of these SHOES, RUBBERS RUBBER BOOTS Our Fall Styles in: Shoes -are here and are selling fast. All. the 'very best reliable maks in Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. You save money by buying your shoes from us, We are sole egeants for the Famous Life -Buoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots You get good wear when you buy your Rubber Boots jnd Rubbers from us. MOOT EXPERT HERE. l)r, Scholls,'toot;'c pert, will be at our store on. Thursday, Oct. 21st, ail .only. If you have .any foot troubles don't miss this opportunity, Jo:NES i MAY SINCE 41870 30 STQPSCOUGHS DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John; St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. Uverails, ,Und(erwear, Boots . , and, Shoes, Etc., at greatly Reduced price's'. lfieia's 'Fall 1.10t's ' and ,Glioves ;' also, V ntex 1f4,1lts., lal?inellte'tte iBllra;nk�ejta $4.65; also': a' rite Citing of Paiivats, ' 1 < • K e,. aliso„ far a -fnl line' ,,etf Fresh ry l G..oc'rses TeLeiWaha - J raug r :orders andathe o;cidsi p lain be %deliVa red "Phpn,e� 107 R. McKENZIE & SON Exeter North, ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Soliciitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office=Macon Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed- Auctioneer for Counties of Hugon and Middlesex Prices,,Reasonable and Satisfaction Guairanteed. Crediton, — Ontario. NEW TERM 1,'ltOM NOVEMBER 1. �r CENTRAL /Z sitiAillremir3, ONT. The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario, Commercial, Short -- 141d and Telegraph de 'artments ig ,n,, eS• e xdat 'a,positions. G, � •u nl c d :izv Stu- de'its may ;enter 'at any time, " • Get our frees catalag,ue,, D. A. McLachlan, Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. .SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night . Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt Walerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulston,, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office 'Coed Wednesday afternoons. d • N tice SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will conVin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 New Fall Coats We axe offering -a splendid range of New Goats for Misses and Wa- iner.: and cash show you extra values in Plush Velours', Salvertones, and Pony Cloth Coons at $27.00; $32.00. $35.00 to $55:00 ,'ALL,,WOOL .SERGE. In Slue, Brown, Black and Burgundy Shades. This is an all wool _Serge, Special; at this price. Per yard $2.65. APRON GINGHAMS 3 nieces of che,ck apron Gingham. This 'cloth is worth ;to 45c., It_ is- old tsold stock, Get what tylou want 'at` per yard 30c. R , WOMB-N':S• CUSHIONED SOLED ' SHOES:' e Jour 7 , s Tli's' ,vs r lout, . wee retail.' at 00Weareoffering2' Haar esti •uta wI S9, ... ], Of size 3 'which we [bought at a price and are clearing' them' this week "at' , g ver air $3.00 o'uthcott BrO