The Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-14, Page 7PO STU CEREA used instead. of coffee means better thhtatscand bti er toys -for ;every one when coffee disagrees Postuin Cereal shom& be boiler. a Full twenty mi otos.,• Ar other. form- Instant Postura is'made izfstai t'y'in the. cup, Both" kinds are sold by fakers evm: here Made l , Capadiarl.,aPQstum Cereal Co,Ltd., wiricVsOr,. Ontario. POOR :REALTR LIFE'S HANDICAP Rich, Red Blood and Strong Nerves Needed to Win Out. It has been well said that lite is a race. The full blooded man with sound nerves, the bright-eyed, rosy - checked woman, invariably win. The nervous, dyspeptic man, and the ail - bag anaemic woman are left behind. Success in life is largely a question of good health and sound nerves. It is never the shaky, undecided men who are chosen for promotion; the sickly looking, pale woman is not .sought after like her happy, rosy sisters. What makes all the . difference is the condition of the blood. If your blood. is thin and poor, your nerves are bound to suffer, because they have to depend upon good red blood for nourishment, Headaches, undecided will, a shrunken figure and pale, un- attractive face tell only too plainly that the blood is at fault. Both meu and women in great num- bershave found deliverance from their inferiority in life's race, caul' 1 by impoverished blood through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are a remedy that has been a house- hold word for a generation, because they tone up the whole system, make the blood rich and red and strengthen the nerves, Mrs. S, B. Aiiller, Elmira, Out., says; "I look upon Dr. WUl:ams' Pink Pills as a faintly medicine, and save reason to praise them for what they have done in our twine. Sonne rears ago, while we were living in Uberta, lay husband was so com- ?letely run down that he was unable .o do any work, and even to carry a fail of water would exhaust hies. A lector was called in who said his In his interesting book, Impressions leart was affected, and that medicine i of -Theodore Roosevelt. M. Lawrence would be of little use to hits, Ties ; F. Abbott tells the substance, of Mr. rreatiy warded me and. I finally urged It•coeeveit's confe:tsion about his early aim to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. timidity and how he overcame it: tee began their use and in a short tihue There were all kinds of t1du ,s of ;ho swelling in his hands and feet die- which I was afraid at first, ranging appeared. We decided to return to from grizzly bears to "'merit" horses Ontario, but the doctor said he could and gun fighters; but by acting as if sot stand the trip, But the doctor 1 was not afraid I gradually ceased to was mistaken, for through the use of be afraid. Most men can bave the the phis be gained such strength as tante experience if they choose. They to be able to look after the harvest, will first learn to bear themselves well tnd in a month later we returned to in trials which they antielpate, and which they school themselves in ad- vance to meet. After a while the hab- it will grow on them, and they will be- have well in sudden and unexpected emergencies that come upon them un- awares. It is of course much pleasenter if RA.CEFUL SILK ' FROCKS MOTHER! ;`California Syrup of -Figs"' Child's' 13est 'Laxative. 9562 2441 9562—Misses' Dress (in two lengths.) Price, 30 cents. In 3 sizes, 36 to 20 years. Size 16 requires 4 yds. 40 ins wide, Width around bot- tom, 1% yds. 9471—Misses' Dress. Price, 30 cents'. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16 re- quires 8% yds, 40 ,ins. wide, or 2% lids. 54 .ins, wide. Width around bot- tom, i% yds. Thes.a patterns may be obtained from your local dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept, W. How Roosevelt. Conquered. Fear. Ontario. My husband still takes a box or two of the ,pills twice a year, end they keep him in good shape, I have also found the pills good for my trotter's daughters, and we are never without them in our hone." One of the best things about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is that they do 1 one is naturally fearless. But it is a tot contain the slightest trace of good thing to remember that the man opiates or harmful drugs. While they who. does not enjoy this advantage ere overcoming disease they are can nevertheless stand beside the man building up general conditions of who does, and can do his duty with rood health. You can get these pills the like efficiency, 1f he chooses- to. through any dealer in medicine, or by mail est 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' lfedicine Co., Brockville, Ont.. Serve mint or grape jelly with cold sliced meats. When it is absolutely necessary to run on a flat tire keel- the tire on soft earth as much as possible. This prevents cutting the tube, which is inevitable if the wheel passes over sharp stones, car tracks, etc. Of course he must not let his desire take the form merely of a daydreatn. He can do his part honorably and well, provided only be sets fearless- ness before himself as an ideal, schools himself to think of danger merely as something to be faced and overcome, and regards life itself as he should regard it—not as something to be thrown away, but as a pawn to be promptly hazarded whenever the hazard is warranted ,oy the larger in- terests nterests of the great game in which we are all engaged. The Fellows Wh© Stick Yes, it's a Fight— But on by the shadows and out`through the Night, Taking the Break of the Game as it cracks, Head up and ready for Counter Attacks. Soaking up sorrow and pain as we go, Crashing through trouble and headache and woe. Knowing that•. Fate, through the length of its span, Never has beaten a good Fighting Man'! Knowing raw luck, with its scurviest trick,, Never has won from the Fellows Who Stick! So, head up and ready, and on with the play, . - Though we must stumble o'er graves in the way. Yes, it's a Scrap— But the fighters are ready to fill up each gap, Knowing that life has emerged from the gleam Of softness and slumber that leads to .a Dream. Heads up, and ready to travel the road, However weary the burdening load. Heads, up, and ready for whatever's due, Pulling together and seeing it through. Playing the game to the end of the row, Set for the scrimmage with blow against blow - Trouble's the Trainer that reaches the top- Raw Nerve's the reaper that harvests the crop! —Grantland Rice. H. G. FOREMAN Aire A. J. Mitchell, Vice -President of Canadian National Railways; has com- pleted the rsorgauizatton of the Treasurer's Office at Toronto, which reorganization includes the co-ordina- tion of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way and the Transcontinental Rail- way Treasury Departments at Winni- peg, Mr. H, G. Foreman, liltberto Assist- ant Treasurer of the Canadian North- ern Railway System, has been ap- pointed Treasurer, Windmill Generates ' Electricity, The windmill has not beeu generally found available for the generation of electricity, because of the irregularity of the air currents, nut this disad- vantage has been overcome by the ar- rangement of a Swedish inventor. In- stead of being directly connected to the dynamo in the usual manner, the anOU-wheel shaft is geared to a hoist- ing device, which serves to elevate a two -ton weight to the top of a fifty- three-toot iftythree-toot steel and wood tower. When the weight reaches the desired height it is released and as it falls actuates the dynamo, which is mounted on a bracket at the apex of the tower with the mill wheel. A storage battery and a switchboard is housed in the Iower portion of the tower. An Excellent Metlicine Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and mast Kind of Him. harmless physic for the little stoat.- "Miss," said the conductor, severely, acs, fiver and bowels. Children lova "it you are going by this train you its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia." Etgh't-Ftour Day. Reilly—"You'll be sorry to hear that Pat was drowned, yesterday=' • Kelly—"But I thought he was e goad swimmer." Reilly—"Yes,' but be was a :staunch union man; He swam for eight hours, then gave if. up—on principle." Clever Boy! Old Lady—"Son, can you direct me to a bank?" Boy—"Yessum, for a. quarter." Old Lady --'"Isn't that mighty high pay, my boy?" Boy --"No ma'am, not for a bank director," A Great Canadian Mining Region. The Provinee of British. Columbia is fifty per cent. larger than the state of Texas;. and Kootenay is a 30,000 square mile block. The leading indrstries of Kootenay are lumbering, mining and fruit rail- ing. At preseut other lines of indus- try are in their infants, Eighty per cent. of the total area is covered with forest. The question et wood -pulp is intimately associated with the lumber industry. The de - must get aboard at once." "Oh," gasped the dear young thing, who had been chatting with another damsel ever since the train arrived, "do let me have a minute more; 1 must kiss my sister." "Get aboard, miss; get aboard!" Classified Advertisements. n: EerAz1~ =roe Vine. i,^. BD. L PLAIII As nd iiiglht Sexing at home,; whole of spare time; good pay; work sent any dis- tance; charges paid. Send stamp for Particulars, National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. • EAItN TO VAMP IN 1. FEVs a -r hours with. "Shay's Simple Chart o,l,. ehordb" enabling a person to readily play accompaniwaents on piano or organ in very }ter; endorsed Int leading muss. clans everywhere:' Agents wanted, lib• eras commissions; postpaid to any ad. dregs in Canada for $1.00. Self help Pub. Co, 100 Broadway. Sydney. N.S. To Discover .Bullet.. The army surgeon•now fends that by connecting one terminal of a tele- phone with a moistened electrode ap- plied to the patient's skin and the other terminal to a metallic probe it is possible to discover a bullet in a man's body, MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Fish will not break apart in frying if the slices are put into the hot fat with the skin side uppermost and ale lowed to brown well before turn:ng, The surplus female population of the world has risen from about 5,- 000,000 to 15,000,000 since the begin. ni^g of the wend rear. Isaid the conductor, obligingly, "I'll at- tend to that for you." Historic Sinners, Ile was brought before a western magistrate, charged with disorderly conduct. When asked what he had to say for himself, he gazed pensively at the judge and launehed forth: "Your boner, 'man's iuhumanity to man makes countless thousands • ' mend for pulp and the scarcity of i mourn.' I'mnot so debased as Swift, paper are felt in Canada and else- so profligate as Byron, so dissipated�' where. Canada has 83 pulp mills, but as Poe, or so debauched as— there is not a mill between the west "Ihat will do!" thundered the coast of British Columbia and Rainy magistrate. "Thirty days; and, em - River. a distance of over 1,600 miles. cel, take a'list of the nztmea of thostr For the purpose of mining. Koote- other fellows and run 'cm in.. They're as bad as he is." For Little Ones Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- lent medicine for little ones. They are a mild but thorough laxative which sweeten the stomach and regu- late the bowels, thus bringing relief in cases of constipation, indigestion, colic, colds and simple fevers. Con- cerning them Mrs. L. J. Chiasson, Pa- quetvilie, N.B., writes: --"I have found Baby's Own Tablets excellent for my young baby in the case of con- stipation and colic and it gives me great pleasure to recommend .them to other mothers." The Tablets 'are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Legend of St. Swithin. Accurate meteorological records are all against St. Swithitt as a rain Inttker. In the last 70 years there have been 28 years in which it has rained on more than 20 days -.between July 15 and August 24, but in the wet- test years St. Swithin's Day itself was bone-dry; The nearest approach to 40 consecutive days of rain was in 18955, when rain fell on 34 days, but in that year the rain -gauges had ab- solutely nothing to do on. St. Swithin's Day. Bear Island, Aug. 26, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—Your traveller is here to -day and we are getting a large quantity of your .MINARD'S LINI- MENT. We find it the boat Liniment on the market, making no exceptions. We have been in business 13 years and have handled all kinds, but have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. W. A, H AGERMAN. Kindergarten. I watched the children to -day Fitting blocks together In simple patterns I had -set for them. And as I leaned above The small,.restless bodies, And' saw the flushed faces Drawn into serious, unaccustomed lines, I longed to set the patterns right For them myself With a few deft touches, And 'send the babies out to play In the -orchard, To shout and dance And catch the falling petals In their soft rosy palms. O God, , Do you never long To set the patterns right For stumbling : fingers, And send your children To playon the hills Before the day is done? When you •creaan butter and sugar for a eake, a little cold 'water :will make the creaming easier. Use a discarded safety razor blade to remove paint ands putty from the windows lin a new house." nay is divided into two distinct parts; the oal mining field and the metal mining field. The coal measures are limited to the extreme eastern part of the district, and there are no metals there. The rest of the district is rich in metals, but bas no coal. There are three known bituminous coal areas in Canada, two of them on islands at the extremities of the coun- try. Cape Breton Island at the east- ern astern end of the country and Vancouver Island at the western end, and be- tween these two islands no bituminous coal is produced save on the slopes at the main chain of the Rickies, the great bulk coaling from the Crow's Nest field, The mines of the Crow's Nest were opened in 1898, since which time they have produced millions of tons of coal. The annual production is now in ex- cess xcess of 3,000,000 tons. The following figures, giving the exports to the United States alone, will give some idea of the present production and po- tential resources of this coal Heid: In 1916 the coal exports to the United States amounted. to 585,187 tons, valued at $1,277,417; in 1917, 341,518 tons, worth $1,200,440; in 1918, 507,229 tons, valued at $1,930,968; and in 1919, 534,- 675, worth $2,116,652. This great coal field has been tap- ped only at a few points where rail- way facilities are available. Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper Montreal Has Air Harbor. An air harbor for Montreal was of- fically opened recently by ofciels of the local branch of the Aerial League of the British Empire. The situation chosen was. Bois Franc, on the Cartier- vilie road, which was formerly a polo field. The harbor is one of a. chain of stations and emergency landing fields stretching from the. Atlantic to the Pacific, which wil be opened by the Aerial League. CAS CARETS "They Work while you Sleep" 2, 72, Knock on wood! You're feeling fine, eh? That's great! Keep the en- tire family feeling . that way always with occasional Cascarets for the liver and bowels. When bilious, consti- pated, headachy, unstrung, or for a cold, upset stomach, or bad breath, nothing acts like Cascaras. . No grip- ing, no inconvenience. • 10, 25, 50 cents. ima lei ig 'denote Dog Bemedien Boot on DOG DISEASES and Som to Greed Mailed Free to. any Ad- dress by the Author. . 8: alar Glover Oo.. Eno. 1}8 West 81st Street 'New York. U.B.A. STORM WINDOWS &DOORS SIZES to suit your openings. Fitted with glad. Safe de- livery guaranteed. Write for Price List [Ger Cut down fuel bills. Insure winter comfort. . The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited liAM I LION' FACTO Y. gISTR,OUTORS CANADA ISSUE No. 41—'20. Impossible!! "Two men got in a fight in front at the bank to -day," said a man at the family supper table, "and I tell you it looked pretty bad. for one of them. The bigger one seized a huge stick and brandished it. I felt that he was going to knock the other's brains out, and I jumped in between them." The family had listened with rapt attention, and as he paused in his narrative the young heir, whose re- spect for his father's bravery is im- measurable, proudly remarked: "He couldn't knock any brains out of you, could he, father?" Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. The United States now exports stockings and other products of arbi- ficial silk to China, Japan and Italy, the chief silk -producing countries of the world. "FREEZO N E" Lift Off Corns 1 No Pain 1 Doesu t hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then short- ly you can lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone".for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or cora between the toes, and the cal. luses, without soreness or irritation. DAD! YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST "Danderine" will check that lige}' dandruff and stop hair coming out To stopfallinghair at once and rid.. the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small battle of "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several ap• plications the hair usually stops coin. ing out and you can't find any deed. ruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more color, Treatment for pimples and blackheads: At night smear thern with Cuticura Oint- ment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing a few moments. Treatment for dandruff and itching: On retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into partings all over scalp. Thenextrnoning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Repeat in two weeks it needed. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50e. Sold throughouttheDomiman. CanadianDepot: Lyman*. Limited, St. Paul SL, S5entreaL 2 Cutieura Soap shaves without mug. ONLY TABLETS, MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross". • The name `Bayer" identifies the only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over nine- teen years and now made in Canada. Always, buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri- tis Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages. Them is only one Aspirin—"Bayer"—You must say "Bayer". Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Car,tda) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono. aeetleaoidester ai Salicylieests. Neuer it is lea: known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to: assist the public r.gatnat tritstiono, the ' abTete. of Bayer Company' Arlt be stamped with their general trA a mark. the "Bayer Crepg," 1 1