HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-14, Page 5• ssJ • PARK_HILL—On Oct. 4, fait 4 P,m., a quiet weddi,rt was 'solemnized at St,'1 Paul's Manse, Parkhill, when the Re, W. L Nicol unjted; in ,rnarrlage Jessie Weir Sanderson of Parkhill and Mr. Francis Hueston McCrachen of Car- •t H)'BBERT—Mailcolni Lana,oatd, a'pros nevous farmer of Hibbert %I�awnslrip, died on Tuesday, aged 57. Deceased had been in poor ,health for over a year. Besides his widow, a grown-up family survives. The funeral was held on. Friday afternoon to Rcy's Ceme- tery. .__ OLINTON—Thursday morning Mr. Samuel Castle,, Sr., passed away at the rine age rof 81 yeatrs, 7 months and 7 days. Deceased had ,been ailing all year, and lr,as been quite sick during the -past week. AUCTION SALE OF.,FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. on Lot 32, Lake Road Wtestt, 1 3-4 miles north of Grand Bend, on WEDNI.SDAY, OCT. 20th, 1920 At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following:— Stoela—Heavy biare rising -7; heavy mare rising 8, driving mare rising 8; COW due Apra 4„cow due 'April 19,. cow due April 11, cow due April 30; yearling steer,. 3 yearling heifers, 4. auxins calve; 8.. pkgs, stockers; 1. brood sow, 30 pullets.. lninlements—l\ cCormick mower r.e- arly new, bay rake nearly new, seed chili ;cultivator, disk harrow, Ret har- rows nearly new; walking plow ,nearly new; steel land roller nearly new, top buggy, single seated road cart, lumber wagon nearly new; set sleighs ne,w; Portland cutter rniearly new, ;ravel box, new bay rack, fanning mill,, root null>er. 3-doz, grain. bags, nearly •new; extension ladder, set heavy harness, set single harness, 40 gal gas tank, new stosk ra:_k, wheelbarrow; about 30 cord. oak, stove wood; anew Fard car 1.970 molt.i o: cash„analialo robe, whiffietrees, ne.:kyekes,` chains, forks shovels, ca : "r a, doer frames, sash and glass. llousehald Effects.— Range ..aolc stove, nearly peso, coal or wood; ne.: heater coal tar wood; nets Pertectic n oil. stave, '3 burner •with oven; extort:: ion table,' 12. d,-niug Tha:.rs, new Mor ria looker; 'uch, 2 bedsteads ct;tii swings and mattresses; commode, man tle o1ock. 1 n.:eutn 4 yards square. new; galvan:ae:l flour can, new Daisy churn, cream ,seoaratar, dishes and crockery, and many other articles. Terms—$10 and under cash, aver that amount 12 months' credit on no - moved joint notes, or 5 per •cent cif for cash on credit amounts. W. M. F_ARRELL • F. TAYLOR —• Proprietor Auc;:,ioneer AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS TS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. on Lot 17, • Concessihn 5, STEPHLN on THURSDAY. OCT. 21st, 1920 At 1 o'clock., sharp, the following:— Horses—Driving mare 9 years old driving ;stare 8 fears old, Cattle -1 cow due, in, January; cow due in. Feb., 2 caws disc in March; COW due in Arra;, cow due in May, cow due in June; farrow cow; 1hei- fer and 3 steers -ris•ng 3 yrs. weigh- ing 1100 lbs; 8 lsteers and 1 11er,fsr rising 2 years ; 1 baby beef ; 7 aoring calves; 1 thorobred bull Ben Signet, 1.20814 Pigs and Hens—1 sow due time of sale; 8 pigs; quantity hen,s. Implements—Deering binder, M. -H. ^mower•, 6 -ft. cue; hay rake, Interna- tional hay loader, manure spreader; Oliver bean. harvester and cultivator, hand scuffler, harrows, Frost, & Wood cultivator; International disc.; and roller; 2 -furrow nlolty; riding plow ; outper, fanning mill, cutting 'box, horse poser; 6 h.pt Fairbank & Morse en- gine and grinder; 40 gal. ta.nk; cross-: cut saw, stanebaait, work bench, quan ti. ' lumber, cedar posts, quantity .of fire,cood, bay, about 8 ;tons cf clover and timothy chaff, some'turnins, Household ,Effects—Cook stove, kit- chen cupboard, celler cupboard, Chat- ham incubator„ clock, kitchen chairs rockers, music stand, 2 bedsteads; crib, cradle, bureau, 2 burner coal oil stove, jardiniere and fern, • coal stove with oven„ book rack, lawn mower, lawn bench, vinegar barrels, churn, washing machine; many other articles. Terms-S10'sand undepr cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on,ap- nraved joint notes, of .5 per cent. per annum off for cash an credit amounts DANIEL SCHROtaDER F. TAYLOR Proprietor Augtioneer AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND , LOT AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, on Corner Albert and Simcae. Streets Exeter, ban, SATURDAY, OCT. 16th, 1920.' At :1 o'clock,. sharp, the following:— Real Estate—Frame House in good renalr and quarter acresot land, with fruit ,tees,, etc. a Effects—Par:Or Suite, 3 bedsteads with sa ';n.gst, one iron; 3 ma(tresses; 3 dressers, 3 table,s, Lounge; side- board, !cupboard, 2 rockers, -12 -kit-,. chen chairs; Z. -cook stoves, one tical or woo^d, Canada Pride; baseburner with pipes; Florenceautomatic 'Rail stoce in good -condilic.n; 2 wash tubs, wringer and stand, •qualntity.sea1ers8f dishes, hoe rake, sade, shovels, saw'. many other articles. Also quantity of hard wo'ed, Terms—Chattels, cash; real estate made known, on day lotfr salle, MISS REB,C_ CA HAWKINS, C', W. Robinson, AuCt, Proof Laotian Business Ins'situte DUND;AS &: RICHMOND' STS. LONDON,- ON-TARIO3' • i r• It pays: -to investigate ;before chop, a; it>;t! ; Ivschool. Wirate. •far mtforination. Now is a good time to enroll. J. - MORRITT N. STONEHOUS E. Priaeigawi Vice-Prin. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, '.FARM STOCK AND LMPLEMI NTS CM. Lot 29, Corn 4, Tuckersmith To. 2 Miles East of Brucefield,. on, TUESDAY, OCT. 19th, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp, the he following :— 2ge1din , w atsrr about 3000 lbs. 2 ,fillies swell matched,1 and two years old. Cattle -4 milch cows, 3 'supposed to be in calif ; ‘ste}ea''S ,rising 3 years old, 4 steers' and 1 ,heifer rising 2 years 5 this year's cales. Implements—Massey-Harris binder, 6 ft cut with extra knives, disc drill, 1 cultivator and seeder combined, hay loader, roller, manure spreader, 6 -ft, mower with extra knives, hay rake, disc harrow, 4 sec, drag harrows, Ver- ity walking plow, and riding plow, dou bye walking plow, hay and straw cut - Ong box, root pulper, fanning mill buggy, cutter, set sleighs, wagon and rack and box, 2 carts, hand grass seeder, root sower, 2 set double har- ness, one ,nearly new, 2 set single harness; also a viaswell auto 1918. A quantity of grain and feed. Farm--Tbe farm is 4 miles from Seafartb, known as the Brock farm, and comprises 100 acres more or less most of which is in good cultivatable condition. There is about 7 acres of good bush, ,maple and beech. Tho buildings include n 6 -roomed dwelling house, including a kitchen, pantry and Woodhouse, ,with 'hard and soft water house; also .first-claiss barn, size, 90:; 50, with brick and stone foundation and cement ;flooring; finished with maple and ,oalt; water piped through the barn .from a never -failing w'i3i1. There ar`.e, 8 sitahLs for horses, 5 box stalls rt'yl 30 head ,of cattle can be tied; a commodious roct cellar under both grill, -•ways. Roof is galvanized sheeting. An implement shed 58x26, Terms—Real 'estate—half cash and balance can be arranged to suit the purchaser. Chattels --810 and under sashover that aanoun,t 12 months' credit on approved joint notes; grain sal feed cash, Farm %vitt be subject to a reserved °t•,, :ay Armstrong. Rat>t. Luker, Prolaretore Auc;tioneer Clandeboye Itev !).. J, McNair is moving to London. having sold his farm of 50 a:•res o : the 204 coneessiota of 1St- Grllivrai , to 11r. Lewis, for $6,000. Hiram Windsor of the 2nd Con. of :McGillivray. had a valuable pure-bred Shorthorn cow killed by lightning dur- ing the severe electrical storm (In Monday.—Mrs. Dale, a former resident of McGillivray, had the mistr*rtune to fall while n Luican en Monday and I. lo.'ate ber shoulder. She. :s yet un- able to b cram vel',t,> ler home, TIR GREATEST HIT IN YEARS UDedicated to the United Farmers • • • and composed bythe well-known S0w, song writer, Mr. Morris Manley. ,7 Words and Music 35c, postage �� prepaid:,,,\ddress;• - CROCKSR Pans, ane rse. Publishers, IS and 50 Lombard. Street, Toronto, Ont. • ChoOs 'your 1 favorite What kind of voice or in strurnent,do you like best? —which gives you the keenest sense of pleasure? Come in, and sit mere —and we'll play your fa- vorite music on the New Edison. Listen while the Realism Test brings out each subtle q..ality.of the rendition. W tie NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with. a Soul” --gives you all thil pleasure which ,you ordinarily get :-'from hearing 'your favorite music rendered by great living artists—then you know the New Edison can bring fullest ` musical en- . oyment into your home. Let us give you this "per- sonal favorites" Eealisi n Test nova. V li1is Powell, D,ealer• Exeter,_ Ont. AUCTION SALE I busnesa trip to London Aust Wednes-' day, --Mr, Bert Doyle of McGillivray underwent an operation for append-' ici.tis at St. Joseph's ~Hospital, London, last week. At present he is doing nicely,—Mr, and Mra. Mike, O'Rourk called on:friends in London last week. and Mrs. J. Laj'ines of Detroit were visitors in this ,neighborhood last week.—Miss Mary of Toronto is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. ,John. Hogan( - Mr: Joseph Guinan, left last week for Toronto. OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, On Lot 23, Con. 5, Usbozne Township, on THURSDAY, OCT, 28,th, 1920 at 12.30 share; the .following,— Horses—Draft mare 7 -yr -old; driver 6 -yrs, god in ame $a, driver 3 years. Cattle—Purebred Shorthorn Susy Beauty 2nd, Na. 108201, due in Nov.; Burnside Bud No. 102462, with heifer calf at foot; 'heifer ,2 -years old, ant a yearling heifer. Grades — Heifer due in November, 2 caws in December cow in March, cow 9n April, 3 caws in. May, cow in June,,farrow cow; one, 2 -year heifer, 3 2 -year steers, 3 1 -yr steers; 3 1 -yr. heifer;, 2 spring calves Implements—Deering binder, 6 ft. '1feCormick mower 5 -ft.; hay rake 10 ft,; side cake and tedder combined, Mr; H.; Dane hay loader; hay rack arid sliding rack combined; M,-11, 13 - hoe drill, nearly new ;„M. -H. cultivator disk harrow, land roller, Clinton Fan- ningmill; cutting .box, Farmers Friend riding plow; 2 walking plows, 2 set diamond harrows, sc;uffler, root pulper set scales, sextensionladder, short ladder, 2 wagons, wagon box and stock rack, set sleighs, top buggy, 2 ooen buggies, cutter, 40 ga•„].steel drum 40 rods woven fenoe,wire, 100 ft rope, 2 set double harness, set single har- ness, quantity 3 -in tile; 11-2 acre of turnips dinner bell, Also Collie dog. Household Effects-- Couch, wash stan.i, sideboard, kitchen, table, 6 kit- chen chairs, wood cook stave, hang- ing lamo, 2 bedroom lamps, Daisy churn, meat chopper. Alsa chains shovels, hoes, forks, and other articles;, Terms -510 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit onap- moved joint notes. 4 per vent off fer cash on credit amounts, ROBT. K. HORNEY, Prop. C. W. ROBINSON', Attet F, COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE' FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Orn Lot 10, Con, 1, Stephen, London Road 216 Miles South of Exeter WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1020 At 12 o'clock sharp. HORSES -1 mare 0 years old; 1 mare in `foal, 0 years old; 1 mare 8 years old; 1 yearling colt sired by Prince of Carriek; 1 driving horse 5 years old, quiet and reliable. CATTLE -1 cow due in Dec.; 1 cow due in February; 1 cow due in March; 1 cow due in May; 1 cow due in May; 5 young cows; 4 two- year-old steers; 3 year-old heifers; 4 yearling steers; 3 yearling heifers 7 spring calves.. PIGS -1 young sow due 1st of January; 1. fat pig; 8 young shoats about 2 months old. IMPLEMENTS -1 Massey -Harris binder; 1 Massey -Harris mower, nearly new; 1. Massey -Harris hay loader, nearly new; 1 McCormick horse rake, good as new; Interna- tional 3 -drum roller, new; 1tilassey- 4arris 13 -hoe drill new; Maxwell disc harrow; Massey -Harris spring- tooth cultivator Merry root pulper; 1 -furrow Cockshut riding plow; set of iron harrows; scuffler; 1 good wagon with box complete; De Laval cream separator, nearly new; hay rack, gravel box, •pair bob sleighs; buggy, cutter, nearly new; two sets double harness; set single harness; 1 turn furrow plow; walking plow; about 25 tons of good mixed hay; 5 loads of clover seed; a quantity of good corn; quantity of mangolds and, turnips, also logging chains, forks, shovels, hoes, 2 dozen grain bags, Clinton fanning mill, about 75 year-old hens and pulletts. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—One oak dining -room table (round); one oak buiret; 6 oak dining -room chairs; 1 leather couch; 1 velvet covered couch; 1 iron bed; 1 ma- hogany led; 1 mahogany dresser and stand; 1 walnut dresser and stand; 1 drop leaf table; 1 cup- board; 6 kitchen chairs; 1 .Pandora range with warming closet; 3 -burner New Perfection coal oil stove with oven; 1 tub; Connor ball-bearing washing machine, boiler; 1 churn; wash board, ironing board; 1 velvet rug (12x101/2); linoleums; 1 parlor lamp; 3 bedroom lamps, pictures, blinds, curtains, fruit, pickles, plants granite and tin ware and other things too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE—There will also be offered for sale at the sanie time if not sold previously, 60 acres, be- ing part of lot 19, con. 1, Stephen.. On the premises there are two bank barna and brick dwelling and a nev- er -failing well. Eight- acres of hard- wood bush. TERMS -$10.00 and under cash; over that amount 12 months credit by giving approved joint notes. or a discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. - Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor is giving up farming. MILTON SLEAMON, Proprietor. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. • Hensall 11r. and Mrs, Ra Smith and children who have ,been, visiting Mr. and. Mrs. C. Cook and other relatives in town, have returned,lto tii'err J1Ome in. Nelson, sor gay.e'the first dance of the season on Friday :even- ixtg,--Miss Hagan sof London is visit- Mg friends 7n tdwn.—A Pretty wedding was solemnixeld at the hoarse of Mr, and Mrs, John Zuefiet ,pu Sept, 4th,. at 9 a.m„ whe{n. their youngest daugh- ter, Miss Gertrude, was united in mar- riage to Mr, W„4e11 ,of Windsor. The ceremony was peztfarn c.d by Rev- G. Rivers, in the presence of only the inn - mediate relatives and friends. The bride, who was unalttennded, yore a handsome ,dawn of Georgette and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The ibride's travelling suit was a navy blue valour 'with hat to match; 19r. and Mrs. Bell will resideSent. 6t• h, at Carmel The first annual Holy Name Rally was held .here on Sunday afternoon, numbers from ,Zurich, Centralia, Lucan and Parkhill being present. About four hundred members gathered in. the Hall, when Mr,. John Hays read an ad- dress of welcome to the visitors, car- rying banners they marched to the church. where Rev. Father Dignan ,of of London spoke 'tc the members of the good work that has been done by •the society mud urged them to Con- tinue the good work. Blessed Sacra- ment was given, by ,Rev. Father Shra- ader of Zurich, assisted by Father Ho- gan of Lucan and Father O'Neil.of Parkhill and the pastor, Father .Tier- ney. The ladies of the parish served lunch' in the hall,at,;five o'clock,=,l eVa, Father- .• Tierney, on. Sunday ;announced the;holy. bonds, of marriage of Mr. Ryan df McGillivray to Miss Teresa Ziler , of Dashwolod, •'the:marriage to' take .glace the latter ,part of October. —Messrs, John Guinan and Pat O'- Hara made a trip to London on Sun- day. (Some.. attractjgn,boys T, ' J. Hra11 and Joseph Glavin inade a KEEP I. SWEET Keep your stomch sweet teaky awl ward off the indi- of tomorrow – Icy IN 0105 the now ,Aid to digestion.. As pat quad as safe to is ke andy. MADras *csx acoTr ss rrorwrwr. Ammaisusemos4Aseas of ttCorra EMUL iOt1 ti "0 hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea! ” Have you ever been at sea in a storm ana seen the clouds lowering, thea wind rising and the waves running mountains high, decks treacherous and the crew anxious? Unless you have, you cannot imagine its awful majesty, or the courage it calls up and the spirit it commands in men. Many Canadians Have Never Seen the Sea— Yet the sea is Canada's World -Trade highway. The sea and the' Merchant Sailors make us prosperous. But the Merchant Seaman's life is hard and perilous. He wages• continuous battle against the forces of nature. The real sailor is. not the deck steward or attendant on comfortable ocean liners. His ship is no floating palace. His voyage no pleasure trip. The Real Sailor's Ship is the Tramp Steamer-- or Windjammer, beating against gales—decks awash—sleep a stranger - for days and nights on end. Frozen in winter, dodging icebergsf in spring, groping through fogs off treacherous banks, beating roundi the Horn, fighting through typhoons, or becalmed in the Yellow' Sea. , Tough going all the way. Death Always. Hovers Over the Wheel Is it any wonder, then, that the Navy League wants to make life, comfortable for our sailors when ashore? After all, Canada is their home; and the home, while they are here, of the sailors of other lands. The Navy. League endows, maintains or assists in maintaining every Sailor's Home, Institute and Welfare Society in Canada. And every. dollar subscribed for the maintenance of these Homes and Institutes will be money well invested, and redound to our national prosperity. The Sea is Our Heritage . and . Our Strength -- In proportion as we develop this Sea -Conscious Spirit so shall _wo advance in world civilization and trade. ,,We can only develop our Sea -Conscious Spirit, by making life more endurable to Canadian Sailors. And it is for this purpose that ;a portion of the Navy League's Fund is set aside. To carry bn its work next year, the Navy League must have $760,000. This money must be raised next week'. It is not a large amount and borne in proportion from Coast to coast it must surely be subscribed.. The Navy League of Canada AILORS' WEEK CAMPAIGN October 18-23. Dominion Objective $760,000. The work of the Navy League is— , to enlighten people upon the importance. of the sea;• so that Canadian products may be' shipped, through Canadian' ports, in Canadian ships, of-, 6cered and manned by trained Canadians. , to encourage and to undertake the training of Canadian: lads to man Canada's Nays,and Mer - cloth. Mar%nq to formulate; a fundamentally sound policy for the training *Cent present sea -faring population, to meet 'an emergency, so that Canadian overseas commerce grill' be,'a`dequately .protected. to support facilities for making the Sailor's life aelwre entlu,ablep to provide for dependents of those who died do protect Canadi; Nationally, Imperially and Cern mercially., These objects can.,, only be achieved through an orgnnirati•n representative of public responsibility • and ' ewtiide party politica. •