HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-14, Page 1•
Local News
Mr. John Willis Qf tawn, had a valu-
able cow killed by 1ightn:ng on bet
farm in Stephen during •>~he setteae
electrical storm zon, Monday last.
The Mitchell Reca`rder printing Plant
which belonged to the lane Wnr. El-
liot, lias been purchased by H. I)..
Davis, proprietor tof the Mitchell Ad-
voc-ate who will take over 4,1he plant
in two weeks.
Messrs. Rennie and Goodwin delight
ed the large audience in Main Sit.
Methodist Church an Tuesday- even
ing with their duets. They have »ro-
mised to sing again en James eit. c n
sdnesdayevening. Oct. 20th.
Quite a number of aautoiets have
been fined . town tof ';late for ex-
ceeding the speed limit. The author-
uthorities are bound to suit a atop to this
reckless driving. On Monday two
more were up before "Magistrate San-
ders and flared $5.00 ;and costs, with
a .warning that the fine would be
doubled on a second offense.
A petition ;bearing the names of
about 9,600 county residents was fil-
ed with the Sheriff at Goderich, call-
ing union the Dominion Government tc
susuen.d the Canada Temperance Act
or "Scott Act'within Duron, County.
Tbis is about 2000 ,more names than
the 25 ,per cent. calledfor by the reg -
libations. After 10 deetsein ,the hands
of the sheriff, for !examination by any-
one interested, the aetiltion will be
forwarded tot rOtitawa.
Mrs. B. W. 'Ft Beavers returned on
:Monday jest from the Provincial Con -
verifier). at Smith's Falls. She also vis-
ited at London, Brakittford and Tor-
onto Mrs eleAlinter went on to Ot-
tawa to 'visit her sort, .before ireturn
ing lime, The largest and most suc-
esesslul. convention in the, history of
the W. C, T. Ul is reported, Mrs.
Beavers was again appointed : on the
plan of wok arranged for this year.
Monday was probably a repetition of
the notable "Dark I)ay" .of May 19,
1780, so called on account of a re-
markable darkness. In some Places
persons could not see to read cern-
,non print in the open air for several
hours together. Birds sang their ev-
ening song, disappeared and became
silent • lowls went to roost; cattle
sought the barnyard, and candles were
lighted in the houses. Monday was a
like day tfor some time. Not only was
it remarkable for its darkness, but
several severe electrical and rain
storms passed over this section. The
lightning was very share, followed by
startling crashes of thunder, and rain
fell irn torrents,
Reeve Beavers was in Wingham on
Tuesday in connection with County
Miss Lily Halls of Winn,ineg is vis-
iting with the Misses Andrew, Hur-
on street.
Phone Sia
All Kinds
you, old top, by Jove,; you're locking
fine. Where did•you, get such a s'wefl
elegant tfitttng ,suit of clothes?" "At
Taman's, the tailor, rig'!R down Main
Street, Best in teem, they say. At
least, he ifiteed me with the best suit
Wee ✓ever ,had, Not high priced, eit-
JP "Look'sgood to me, toe. III
odder my next suit ,fronithean, Sure."
SUITS ..........,. $20 to $40.
•OATS R $20 to..$35
ovE c
RAINCOATS $15 to "$30
W.' W. Tainan
Exeter Council .J(ltrkton Fair
Monday October11th,
In suite of the fact that to second
day ,of .Kire.ton Fair was nosponed
from Oct, 1st to Oct, 6th, It proved
to be a great success; The weather
was We -atoll. the 6th and a large crowd
attended. The exhibits of all classes
were well un to the standard, and in
manv cases ,better. The full prize
list ,follows ;—
lose, Chas. Atkinson; light horse or
colt. Hiram Copeland; grade steer,
Hunter Bros; Butcher heifer, J. Hoop-
er K Sona. Lady driver, :lass L. Hen-
dersort.Miss Leibier; Bey driver
Thomason Bros., B.F. Stacey; Girl
diver, B. F. Stacey,. Bus. apples,. H.
C. Facey.
Hereford Calves -1,2, 3, ,and 4, John
Homer & Sons; calf 3 y Hereford bull
Horner & Sons.
Baby Beef---Blanshard Tn.—I. Wal-
lace &.Soar, 2nag14.3 J. Hooper &Sons
Usborne 1'n 1 and. 2, A. Etherington
3, S. Pym & Sons. /liar/shard, Fuller-
ton and Usborne Tns.—Irvine Wal-
lace & Sons, 2 end 3, A, Etherington
4, S. Pym & r,Sosr, 5, John .goner &
Sons, 6, Hunter. Bras..
Best calf' in Blansharel-L Wallace
& Sons; Best calf in Usborne—A.
Etheringtort.; Grand Champion: �eaif in
Usborne, ,Fullerton or Blamshard-•-1,
Wallace & Sons.
Seeeding—For horses owned in Us -
borne, Fielarton and Blanshard—Wai-
ter Stewart, Gordon. Hunter, Cecil
Crandon. Free-for-all—John I)ecke•
Geo Riley. Wm. Kuntz,
General Purpose --Three-year-old-•..
W Collings; 2- •ear•-old—W. Collings;
g , 1
Beet in claw—W, Decker; ,earn, W.
9 Agricultural—Mare—J. N. Rateliffe;
Foal—R. ;V. Spence, C. Coursey; 4 -
year -old or over--Arksey Bros; .5-
year-old—J. N. Ratcliffe; 2 -year old—
J. T. Allison, C. Coursey; i1 -year-old
—5. N. Ratcliffe; Best- in class—Wm.
Brock; Team—W. Brock, W. Stewart
Heavy Draught--Mare—W. Pollen, J.
N. Ratcliffe; Foal—W. Pollen, J. N.
Ratcliffe, D. Roger; Four year-old and
over—Arksey Bros; 3 -year -old -.W.
Pollen; 2-year-old—J. N. Ratcliffe, 5.
T. Allison, R. N. Spence; 1-year•old
—C. Atkinson, W. Pollen; 'Team—Ark-
sey Bros.; Best in class—Arksey Bros
Roadster—Mare—W. Decker; Foal-•
W Decker; 3-year-old—W, Decker;
5 -year' -old -J. Decker, W, Decker;
Roadster --H. Cone;1,tnd, A. M. Doupe
A. Park; Best in class—H, Copeland.
Carriage—Horse—F. Anderson, G.
eleFatlaae, H. Berry; Best in class—
F. Anderson.
The Council of the Village of Exe-
ter met in regular session. with all
members present. The minutes of the
meetings held Sept. 27th and 30th
were read. and approved.
Correspondence was read .as fol-
From the secretary of the School
Board asking the sum of $10,000,00
for school purposes for 1920 and 21.
A circular letter from the Dept,
of Insurance, Ottawa, re Fire Pre-
vention Day. Filed.
Messrs. Huston, Stewart and
Weeks representatives of the Library
Board waited on the Council re a.
resolution as passed by the Library
Board asking co-operation of the
Council as regards a request corning
from the Ladles Institute. Per Ward
and Davis that the Reeve with eaun-
cillo, Elston be members of a com-
mittee with equal numbers from the
Library Board, Said committee to
report back to a joint meeting of
the council, Carried.
Auditor Mawson gave his report
for the month of September, the
same being accepted on motion of
Penhale and Ward. Carried.
The Municipal rate of taxation for
the year was fixed at 36 mills. De-
bentures 9 mills, school 13, county
41/f,„ village 91 . On motion of El-
ston and Penhale. Carried,
The following accounts were read
and passed.
The Bell Tel. Co., 'Phone rents,
Bissett 5,50: cemetery 4.13: 19.63;
IL J. Huhn, tile, R.I3. 39.54; Hugh
Spaeltrnan, cemetery, 3.40: .Rohn W.
Taylor, road eon. 50.40; The Globe
indemnity Co.. compensation Ins.
93.80; Advocate Printing Co.. muni-
cipal supplies and printing 94.57;
road construction supplies and print
ing 172.67, 267.24.
Adjournment. Jos. Senior. Clerk.
On Wednesday evening of last week
at the League meeting the people of
the neighborhood presented Mr. and
Mrs. Sam'l Davis, who are leaving for
Londion, with two leather chairs. Afe
ter the nresentation a social time was
spent. Following is a espy of the
address ;—
To. Mr and Mrs: 5, Davis,
Centralia, Ont.
Dear Friends,—We, your friends of
this community, take this opportunity
to express Baur deep regret because
of your removal from cur midst, The
associations through the years have
been most pleasant, and ;the friend -
Ships formed will be lasting. The ser-
vices that you have always So, cheer.
fully rendered will never .be forgot-
ten, and the positions you have oc-
cupied amongst us will be most dif-
eicult to fill. We can assure you that
the prayers and best meshes of your
many friends will follow you.
As a slight token of our esteem and
as n mark a our appreciation we ask
ynu to ;recent these chairs, hoping
that you both may be spared for many
years .of hanpi;ness and useful service.
Miss Eulah Abbott ' has gone to
London to accept a posi`tten.,
Mr. ani Mrs,. A. Hooper .of Londcn
snent the 'week end with Mrs. G. An -
rt. erson,
Miss Della Brooks and Miss Verdi`
Boyes were delegates to the Sunday
School Convention ,in Creditcn last
week. P
Mrs. Spencer and two daughters of
St. Thomas are visiting with Mrs. H.
Mr. Jas. Parker, aged about 55. years
,farmer of Gran on, pas '�sexrrausly
injured when thrown., from ,a wagon at
a conn •drawiing-3n bee nod that vil-
lage. The team drawiin ' the wagon,
took fright and Mr. Parker was thrown
out, his Cleft arm ening elapse torn
off. -,at the elbow by being caught ,in
the wagon ,rack.
THE superb Ansco
—best for all scenes,
at all times,, in all -
weathers. The ama-
teur camera of profes-
sional quality. Priced '.
from $.2.00 up. See
the various models
here. We also have
Ansco Speedex Film
and Cyko Paper.
Shorthorns—Bull, Jas. Robinson;
Milch cow—fl. ani ? J. Robinson; 1 -
year -old -J. Pringle, J. Robinson; Bull
calf—D. Roger; Heifer calf—J. Rob.
j. Pringle; best in class J. Robinson,.
Jersey—Milch cow land 2, and best
in class, lar. Jose.
Herefords—J Hoover & sonall prizes
Grades—Cow, J. Robikrson, C: At-
kinson; Z -yr. heifer, 1 -yr heifer, 2 -yr
steer, 6 -,nos. steer calf, and fat ex, J.
Robinson; 1 -yr heifer, Hooper & Scns ;
1 -yr steer, Hooper & Son; J. Robinscn
steer calf under 11 -yr, Hunter Bras,
Hooper & Sons; best in class. Hunter
Oxford Downs, -J. Pringle all prizes
Leicester—M. Gregory all Prizes.
Lincolns G. Penhale all prizes.
• Grade—Fat sheen, G. Penhale.
Berkshire—Daws•an Bros all prizes. •
S. G. Dorkings, J. McCullough all
prizes; Game, W. Stathham all prizes;
Barred Rocks, McCullough all prizes;.
Partridge Rocks, McCullough all but
2nd ,for cockerel.,, J Wt, I-Iern; White
Wyandottes, cock, W. Statham, alllthe
others ..won by McGrtlough; S. Laced
Wyandottes, all to •'McCullough; Bk.
Wyandottes, all to J. W. Hein; S. C.
Anconas, cock 5. W.,Hern; hen and
Wallet,, J. W. Hern, W. Statham; Hou-
dans, all to W, .StaIthapn, but 2nd cock
T. Crewe; S C. dt. II, -Reds, all went
to McCullough;; S. C. Bk.-elinorcas
also Polands, all to Statham; S. C.Wh.
Leghorn, hen, M. Gregory, cockerel,
I. Shier; R. C, Wht, Leghorns, ',,Crew
all prizes, ,S. C. Br. Leghorns, puilet,
J. W. Hera; Buff Leighorns, all prizes
j, Jeer, Hera; Black Leghorns, all the
prizes, W. Statlia'm; S. S. Hamburgs,
and Silver •Campi:ne, -McCullough all
prizes; Pekin Ducks., young, W.Doup,e
Common ducks, old, F. 'Pridham, young
Willies Daune, M. Gregory; Muscovy
,Hicks, T. Kay alt -prizes,
PETS.—Pigeons, _ H. Fletcher, R.
Denham; rabbits, J. McCullough, H.
Fletcher; Guinea, fowl, I. Shier, F.
Pridham ;''Irish ;swans, - old and young,
GRAIN & SEED.—Fall wheat, A.
Bickel', A; Apure, J. Robinson, 6 -row
baxley, A, Dative; white oats, A.Doupe
W. Harding, C Atkinson e large white
beans, M. 1 regory, Mary McCallum;
small white teens!, Elien Switzer, W.
Sincla ; _Golden Bantam corn, also
Lndian corn, W. Switzer, N. Doupe;
white sweet corn, W. ,Sinclair,: Nina.
bleNaughton; ensilage corn and ears,
D, Roger,. J. O'Brien; ears ,ensilage
corn, N. motive; better beans, Ellen
Switzer ; Pooley potatoes, R. A.Shier
W. Hazelwood; Early Rose, A.Berry-
hil.l; Malian, Dollar, W. Nell; 'Veget-
able Marrow, R; Denitani ; Sunflower,
3, O'Brien, :. ,
Ru,ai"New Yorker, W. " Hazelwood;
Delewa •e,,' N. IDoupe; Pearl of Savoy
T. Crew; Irish Cobbller, -T. Crew, A.
Douoe; Green Mountain, N- Doupe, T.
Crew Extra, Early Eureka„ T. Crew,
miss K. Doupe; Any other t'ariety,
T. Crew ; Swedish turnips, J Hooper
& Sons; E. N Shier; l-1le lv'iest tur-
nips, J' Hooper & 'Sons, D 'Roger;
Field carrots, T. Crew, R. Dou, e,; Man
golds, long xed, T. Crew; Mani;iblds„
intermediate, R. Doupe; Ivlaugolds,
L � than
is R.Donne; 'i :
D e
,une Marigolds o ds � e.
1 1b
yellow or re, T. Cres', .E'. N. Shier;
Sugar rear golds, E. N. Shier, J. O'Bri
en; Heaviest mangolds, J. Urquhart,"
111. Gregory; *Garden carrots, gong, T.
Crew; Garden carrots, intermediate
Miss K. Doune, E. N. Shier; garden
carrot, short, J. O'Brien, N. Doupe;'
Parsnips, T. Crew, Miss Elien Switzer
Blood beets, ton.,, J. O'Brien.;
B_ beets, round, Miss K. Doupe
N. Dotane; Cabbage, white, W. Sin-
clair, J.O'Brien; Cabbage, red, W. Sin-
clair, T. Crew; Winningstead cab-
bage, A. E. Doune, J. O'Brien; Cel-
ery, J. Urquhart, W. Atkinson;; To-
matoes, red, Nina McNaughtora,l)aw-
son Bros; Tomatoes, rink, Miss E.
Switzer. W. Atkinson; Citron, round,
A. Cale Miss E. Switzer; Pumpkin,
red, A, Coe, I)r. Grieve; Pumpkin,
yellow, A Cole, W. Neil; Watermel-
on, A Cole,
ofe, Miss E. Switzer; Squash
W. Atkinson, M. Gregory; ;Maniouth
squash, I. .Shier, T. Crew; Orions,
white, Mary McCallum; Oxfons, yel-
low, T. Crew, ;Miss E. Switzer; On.
ions, red, T. Crew, Dr. Grieve; (.'u-
cumbe e, A. Cole, Miss E. Switzer;
Col,. vegetables, T. Crew; Heaviest
nurmpkin. E. N. Shier.
Apples—Du .h°:ss Oldenburg W. Ra-
diffe, H. llannab; Pear, R. Paynter
Mr.. W. Switzer; Sweet Bough, F.
Pridham, Mrs. W. Switzer; Red As
trachan, Nina McNaughton; .Graven
stein, Mss E. Switzer, 1Mtiss 1. Ride;
Wolf River„ I. N. Shier, 4t'. Rate'liffe;
Blenheim Pinpen, W. Ratcliffe; Alex-
ander, T. Washburn, J. Routley; Cul-
ulvert, :Mrs. Whit Switzer, W. Havel
woad; Wealthy, A, Cole, DawsonB•s
Cayuga Red Streak, W. Ratcliffe., M.
Brethour; St. Lawrcnce, W. Ratcliffe
A. Cole; Fall Pieper). Miss Sweeer,
C, Switzer; Any other variety, A.
Co.e, I. N. Shier; Bell Flower, Irene
Rice, W. Ratcliffe; Baldwin, W. Rat
Cliffe, R. J»enham; Fallawater, W. Rat-
cliffe ; Golden. Russet, Miss E. Switzer
M. Gregory; Roxborough Russet, Irene
Rice; Mann, l -I. Hannah, W. Ratcliffe;
King Tompkins, W. Hazelwood, 'W.
Ratcliffe; Meutosh Red, I. N. Shier,
H, Hannah; Northern Spy, W. Hazel:woad, . R, Paynter; Ontario, R. Den -
hem/ Miss J. Robinson; Pewauke, H.
Hannah, R. Denham; Rhode Island
G=eenings, W. Hazelwood, R.. Paynter;
Ribson Pippin, A. D. Doupe, W. Haz-
elwood; Snotw, A. Cole, A. Rundle;
Talman Sweet, W. Hazelwood, A. Run-
dle; Any other variety, W. 'Sinclair,
A Cole; Col. apples, W. Ratcliffe, H.
Elannah • Crab Apples, red, A. Breth-
our, H. Hannah; ; yellow, W. Sinclair
Dawson Breis,; Plums -Lombard, Mss
J. Robins.;'a F. Pridham; Bradshaw,lDr.
Grieve; other variety, Ellen Switzer,
Pears—Duchess, A.M. Douse, Robt.
Donee; Sheldon, C. Atkinson, T. ash
burn; - Bartlett, A,M. Donne; other
variety, Airs, W. Switzer, A.E"Doune.
Graves—Coneird, Dr. Grieve, Alban -
die ;Niagara, Bliss I. Rice, Rogers,Dr,
Grieve; other variety, Dr. Grieve, W.
Continued on Page 4.
;Diss Gladys Sluett, daughter of Mr.
and Airs. C. K. Bluett, formerly of
Crediton, »vas the successful competit-
or for the Western University Honor
:Matriculation. Scholarship winning
First Class Honors in Mathemaities,
English and Science. fhe scholarship
which ,,was onen. to students of Ont-
ario, is valued at $200, being two years
free tuition. at Western University and
5100 in cash. In 1918 Miss Gladys won
the Alan Gibbons. Memorial Medal for
highest standing in Pass 'Matriculation.
We congratulate her on her success.
Mr. arid Mrs, W. Matz are visiting
friends at Landon.
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Heywood, Mr,
and Airs. Esli Heywood and Mrs. Har -
re Parsons of Exeter spent ' Sunday
at Mr. and ,Mrs. Eli Lawson's.
Mr, Simon Morllock of Grand Bend
spent a few days .,with Mr. and Mrst
jos. Hoist.
MX. Henry Metz left last week for.
London, where the has accepted a pos-
ition. •
The concert given in the Town Hall
by the Hawaiian Glee .Club of Lon-
don drew a Lair crowd. The Keboa
is an excellent player and rendered
several fine selections.
Narrow, Escape.—Mr, J zra Lamport,
who resides south of the village, pare
rawly -escaped- instant deetb,.,on Tues
zieterrioo:n. The -silo on his farm +had
if the rneats 'have been` bought at
this market. Their , fragrant odor
as they cook are toe much for the
mace -aline dewire.. And when the
meats reach the table how he does
enjoy every mouthful If,• as is 'said,.
the way to a man's heart is through
his stomach wise housewives will cer-
tainly ,not Ov+eriookthe advantage' of
using our meats on their tables..
B... Makins,
where quality is higher than price,
just been ,filled
and e workmenn were
taking ,dow e the teed pipes, when
the ton section became loosened and
fell without warning, strzkirig Mr. Lam-
port with terrible force, and cutting
deeo into his shoulder, The. wonder
is that he was ,not killed„ It will be
some time before he.wilt be able to
attend to his duties.
All day Monday there was a siteady
downpour of rain, and the flashing of
• v
lightning as terrific. It is surnrWng
there wasn't more damage done. Sev-
eal head at cattle were killed, but
as ,far es: known. ino ibuildjngs ,w erel
struck. The rail. was welcome as the
ground had become drunter hard.
John Steivacher and daughter Mrs.
Warner and Dr. H. A. Eckert spent'
Sunday in Sebe ngvitle.
Thos. Trevethick has placed a tele
phone in h's residence.
Rev. Brooke gave a very interest-
ing talk oa Home itsiseeans in, ;the
Methodist Church last Sunday night.
An Epworth League has been org anis
ed with a strong membership.
" Mrs. Herb Either and daughter Bern,
ice are visiting a few days i;n Lucknow
On. account of the failure of the
shipment o1 carbide to arrive for the
town gas plant we were without lights
Saturday and Sunday night. All kinds
lamas were dug up; and brought into
use. Postmaster Brown, had a lantern;
of great age in his office while sort--
ing the marl. However the carbide is
here so severthing is smo'o'th sa:iare;
The ;f'o'wl surnper ink the Evangelical
church shed Thursday ev'g was one of
the most succ:e,s,ful,in the history of
the church. The weedier left nothing
to be desired, and, people came from
great distances to partake of thegood
things to eat. The ladles desert/
great credit' for the excellent sunptr
and everything worked out in unison
nal without a hatch, The Band was
in attendance and fureished some good
tease:. After supper a program was
rendered in the church which was
naked. Addresses were delv.red by
In Dome Theatre
Dorothy Gish in
OCT. 15th and 16th.
Admission 25e.
Mack Bennett in
"Jack Ganuck
in Berlin„
OCTOBER 18th and 19th
5 REELS—One of the best picture
plays to come to Exeter.
;Admission 35e.
Ii.ev, Brooksof the Methodist thodst Churcttz
and Rev. Yagter of Dashwood. The-
(excbestra, the Leaf -quartette and the.
choir rendered several fine selections..
Miss Loretta. Holtztnana and Miss Ever
Oestreicher :also Wye, some splendid''
readings, The rece',nts of the supper
amounted to around .700.00.
17tirs. Geo`. Ei+lber visited her ester„
Mrs. Fred. Gxacltoa of Grand Benz!,
on, Sunday.
Miss Loretta Boltzmann has, accent •
ell az nesitzaru in the Bank, in the place
of ::Liss Quee;ry",a Hodgins, who has' .
Frank Taylor -mop ed his elfeets rsr •
Monday to the farm he recently rent
ed erten Bruce Mitchell, on. the 2nd
cont'essien. We hone we will see
'Frank's smiling face, and hear his
hearty laugh es. much .as usual, even •
if he Is further from here. Cred:taxi•
sci'1 clams him as hers..
This 's apple piskng tame, There'
is we abuneence o: trtet everyrwherer
incl peoj- e are at ;a. loss to know
what to :do with •it,
:ernik—in Usborne, an Oct. 9, to
Mr. and Mrs. William Kerruck, a,
owe --hs Steohen, on Oct. 10, to Mr,.
incl Mei. Herman Powe, a son.
Johns—In Exeter, on Oct. .12, Ann,
Wbimster, relict of the late David
Johns, aged 73 years. Funeral cm
Thursday t t 2 p.m.
johns.—Ir. Usborne, on. Oct. 7, Edith
Alberta Johns, daughter of Mr. and
ears. Henry Johns, aged 36 years
4 .months reed 7 ,days.
Denartrnent of Customs t
and Inland Revenue. -
Retailers, Jewellers, Man-
ufacturers and Sales Tax
Licenses as required under
the Amendment to the Snec-
ial War Revenue Act, 1915,
are ;ready. ;for issue and ap-
plication ;forms may be had
from the undersigned.
Firms not in possession of
Licenses: ou the, 15th Novem-
ber, 1920, will be subject to
penalty as ;provided by the
For neglect or refusal to
take out a license shall
be . sum riot
;r, G, DAVIS e
Collector of Inland Revenue
at ;Lom:don.
Phone 16
Ladies' and Misses'
Our stock of Ladies' and -Misses' Winter Coats is complete
and we can give you any style ar color you desire, in the very
latest of cloths. Fur trimmedand the new cape collars, all
marked below Lu'xury Tax. Salts' Genuine Esguianette Seal-
ette Coats in at sizes and styles, very moderately priced.
We have a !full range of Flannelette in neat stripes, in blues
oinks and fawns. They are the real ;wide, widths and old qual-
ities, and are regular 55c, a yd Specialreduced price 45c, yd
.White and Grey, With Blue and Pink /larders in a large
size and the best 'Ibex' quality. We halve only a limited qua,n -
tity which we wlill offer at the Special price of $3.90 per pair
Print, Bight colors, in very neat patterns, sate price 25c a; yd.
Dark Prints en Blues,, greys and Lilacs, ,Lase colors, at 30c ayd•
Towelling, plain linen shade or light and dark stripe,' at 25c. yd
Circular ,pillow Cotton, 40, 42 or 44 in wide, sale price 75c yid
Sheeting, plainer twilled, 2 yds wide, sale price; .1.15 yd
Cotton Sergei plain or striped all colors; Sale price 75c yd
Wranperettes in all good patterns and colon, sale m4ce 40c yd
Salmon, 11b. Cans, real pink salmon, 15e. a ;can or 7 for 51.00
Laundry'' Soaps, Comfort, Gald Sunlight, Surprise, 11. bars 31.
N. P. Soap, large bar at 25c. Kellogs Com Flakes 2 for 25c.
Royal Yeast Sc, a bar Vanilla .or. Lemon, 8. oz. bot. 25c.
PalmOlive large cake, 3 for 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuits 15c.
Pearline, large box 3 for 20c Raisins, choice loose 25c a Ib
Raisins fancy seeded, 15 az' D. 30c' Odd white cups 15c each