HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-7, Page 8EXE rEE AI]VUGATE. THUR Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fail Wheat ..... 2.00 Barley, new ... , , Oats, new ... Family Flour ..•.,., . ,.•,•- Feed Flour • ... .. ,. Shorts •" Bran... .... ..:.. 2410DairyButter".. .52 to 56 I Creamery* Butter, »,..«, ».,.. 35 Lard Hay trer tori, new 18.00 8.00 Hogs 60 6.40 4.00 ESTRAY STEER. .ER. There ired from the premiss et the wrier , ile.2 a yearling stec;r. R: - n i i; a . red for Information that will teal to s recovery. -Ray E. Rat: R R,„ 2 Dashwood, Ont. NOTICE TO ONION GROWERS I tr ill c: o:nrnenc e• taking in on'ens uaa WeJ:tesdaa, October 13th, every day extent S t't.rdav at the Old 'Temper• ante Ho•t4::t G Tl R. Station= J. t3". GP.EIV1 . Farmers. will assist greatly by hay ing the.r ».Lees nut on bags. The chopper wi iso= he held responsb'e if this is ,no: done. Harvey Bros. FARM MAC H1NER. Call and see our Four-wheel sugar beet lifter, Oliver and Fleury »lows, Grain grinders, Roller crushers in steak WM. WARD, EXETER. GLASSES FOUND. In Usborne, 3 smiles east of Exeter, on Huron St., a paii,r of nose glasses. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying forthis notice. GARS FOR HIRE -Wilson. & Simms Phone 56. met BARN FOR SALE, 30x50, with stcc roof, in good shape to be removed next spring. Apply, S AM'L BEAVER. HAY P. 0, DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and Sanders Street. Hours - 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment. .00111,411.1145 HONEY FOR SALE. Choice clover h,orey in 5 and 10 lb. mails at Wilson & Simms. COOK WANTED. At Central Hotel, Exeter. wages Paid. City VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J, Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 0 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. Where clo you go from here? To Wilson & Sims' ice cream parlor. DEBENTURESFOR SALE The Municipal Council of the Vill- age of Ex=eter offer to the General Public Municipal Debentures as auth- orized by By-laws No. 4 and No. 5 of 1920 to the amount of .38,000. Said Debentures will be issued in sums of one hundred to five hundred dollars and will bear interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent. payable yearly on. the 1st day of October on terns from one to fifteen years. JOS. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk and 'Treas. Running Every ay THE O.K. STEAM CIDER MILL is pressing cider and making apple butter every day. Custom work clone as rapidly as possible. Sweet eider and apple butter for sale. S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND • LOT AND 1iOCJS' HOLD EFFECTS. on Cornea Albert and Simeon. Streets Exeter, ion SATURDAY, OCT. 16th, 1920 At 1 a'c'ne;, sharp, the following Real :Esters -Frame House in good repair and quarter acre of land, with fruit trees, etc. Etat. Parlor Suite, 3 bedsteads with n ngs., one iron; 3-m.a'tltresses; 3 ,dressers., 3 tables, lounge, side - boar i, •auuboard, 2 rockers, 12 kit- chen chairs; 2 cook stoves, one. ccal or d, Canada Pride;. baseburner with - 'es; Florence automatic Ail stale ;.i ;and condition; 2 wash tubs, wrin e. 1.1 stand, quantity •s•ealiers tut dish, :r;, rake, spade, shovels, saw man o ,er articles. Also quantity off hard Te ns -`:;hatters,. cash; real • estate mare knn.v•i on day ;Of sale. wq REBECCA HAWKINS, C. W. Roaiason, Au.ct.• I'ropi • Contract SEALEF; 'TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived a, Ottawa until Noon onFria day, 1.2th day. of November, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years I,six times nen week over 'Centtralia No. 1"Rural Route, from the Post- master General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further: information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained all the Past Offices at Cenatra - 7e.a, Creation, on.E� Exeter„ and it the' office ofthe Past Office, InpeCtor. LQ•nd nn. PostOffice Ins ectori's Office, 7? London, 1st October, 1920, CHAS E H FISHER Local Doings BRAN. UM, 7, ieZo D1 iVE SHE'D BURNED. Mr, lra• :Mdrs1 aft cif hear Kirkttora h ad llonda�y, October 18th is Thartksgiv- his driving shed burned on. T ueaday, ing Day. caused' .itis sunp'osed by a, spark from the •engin,, when they .were filling the silo, a. Mr. Thos, McCurdy of town lost his fine driver by death Saturday. The Canning Co. will about com- plete the conn ,pack this week. Mr. C, B. Sn;e!f is putting in the foundation .for the addition' tc :the Ford Garage, The new cement road on Station:St, will be .openied for ,traffic at the end of this week. Owing to the wet weather ,of Fri- day last the second day of Kirkton Fair was postponed until Wednesday of this week. The second Boys' Parliament is to be held in, Exeter on Oct. 29, 30, 31, of representatives ,of the Sunday S 'hr>,als of South Hurcn. \Ir. Silas McFalis, who underwent an •oneretien in St. Joseph's Holspital London, returned home here on Sat. urday evening much improved, Mr, John Hunkin js building a large , c'nent smoke stack at the salt block: The Exeter Salt Co. ,is having the buildings thoroughly renovated. \Ir. 'Frank Clarke of Leamington is .‘on:hreting a sates of lectures tin Vain Street Methodist Church this week, afternoons and evenings. The rural mail courtiers have... been re-engaged at substantial increases in salary, Mr. Ta, Laing for four years, and lir, H. Parsons for two years, The Canadian pacing mare, Lady Gratton, 2,09';, by Gratton. Royal 2,06?:;, bred by Frank Reeder -of Lieury has been sold for 55,000 to A. G: 'Ai- "horn of St. Stephen, N,B, lc comes to us from different sourc- es that quite a minature snow storm o.'t-urred a little east of Exeter,„tend `narticulary ,in the neighborhood. of Farquhar, ton Friday last,, This is a very unusual occurrence at this •i,me of the year and ii is many reares• since we have had the like around: here. The Harvest Thanksgiving Services of Trivitt Memorial Church on Sun- day last were particularly bright and n ea.<ing. The sermons by the rector, ?2e'.. A. „ . Trumper., were most inr- Etructive and appropriate to the oc- casion, while the music by the eh* ROUTLEDGE-RIVERS. A quiet wedding took place at th:e home, of the bride's parents, Exeter, on •Saturday, ,,October 2nd, at 10 o'clock arm., ,when Miss Elizabe'th Irene Rivers, daughter ole Mr; artd Mrs'. W. C. Rivers, became the bride of Mr, John Leigh Routledge, son of Dr. and Mrs. Routledge of Zurich. The ceremony was performed in the pres- ence of only the i5nmediate relatives by Rev, 'M. J, Wilson. The young couple were unattended. The bride wasgowned lin navy blue georgieitte, with corsage ,bouquet of 'sweetheart roses and maidenhair fern. Thecer- emony over a .wedding breakfast was served, after which ?4 Yr, and Mrs. Routledge ,left on a trip to Hami,tor and Buffalo, ;the bride wearing a suit of nay' y .blue dovetine: valour, with small travelling hat and grey squirrel furs. On their return, they will re- side at Centralia, where the groom ss in the ,emuloy at the Molsons Bank. HOCKEY TEA)/1 ORGANIZED. On Wednesday evening last a num- ber of the Exeter hockey enthusiasts motored to Zurich, where they w ith the Zurich boys 'held a meeting and organized what will be known as the Exeter -Zurich Hockey Club, and de- cided to enter both the 0, H. A. and the N. H. L. The following officers were elected, -Hon. Pres:, J, Preeter; Hon. Vice -President, F. K. Chap- man;; President, Major W. Heaman; Vice„ Tolly Wurm; See'y, G. R. Ferguson; Treas., W. Braun; Manager Goldie Cochrane; Captain C. V. Hoffu tt, In. this way this dis- trict should have gime of the strongest teams in ,the game, Zurich has such players as Babe Siebert, Lanais Cal - lass, LeRoy O'Brien, Pat Hess, Clar- ence Hoffman, Clayton Hoffman, Lee Hoffman and ,Ray Weber; while Ex- eter has some fast material, such as Walter Harness, V. M. Bray, Jeffrey Bartram, Maurice Senior, Ernest Wells Gordon Wells, Edward Taylor, Bruce not least, hat was of a. special nature and w • t ell -ren° ssttar avers player, Goldiiie tCochrane-, W 'e dered, The church ,was very nicely believe the boys will ,nut up a good • � r decorated ww ith fruits, grins and. leave - es. - SCHOOL BOARD. The Board met at the office of the se;:retary* on the 29th and transacted regular busht'ess. It,was agreed to rsresent diplomas; etc. at the 'time of the Christmas entertainment, The matter of the assessment of Usborne lands for Exeter school purposes was left with the chairman; and the mat- ter of scholarships was !left with R, N. Creech and the ,Secrettary, A few ac t ounts were passed. SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SERVICES For the next two weeks beginning Sunady October 10th, and each even- ing of the week except. Saturday, there will be special union evangel- istic services held at 1Mlain and Jams St. Methodist churches. The services will be held the first week beginning October 11th at the Main St. church, the second week at James street. The pastors of the two churches will be assisted by Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A., B.D„ of Hensall and H. B. Parn- aby, of Elimville. The music will be funrished by a union of the choirs assisted by 112rs. Williams, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. Passmore, of Bethany, and Miss Allison of Thames Road, Mr. Hector Taylor, of Zion and Messrs. Goodwin and . Ronnie, of Hensall. Meeting open at 15 minutes to S each evening. All cordially in- vited. NO INCREASE IN PRICE. Notwithstanding the enormous in- crease in the cost of production, even three times previiouS to war prices, that great weekly,, the Family Herald a,nd Weekly Star of Montreal, have decided to accept renewals and new ,subscriptions at the ;old rate ($1.50 a year) ,from all who remit before December 1st, 1920. This should be good news to readers of that big weekly. The Family Herald has been vastly improved and is ,beyond doubt the .greatest value in newspa,pera, • Trivitt Memorial Church Morning service gals usual Evening Subject. -"The Lambeth Proposal ;fo•r Church Union." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, 13. A., Minister 11.00 a.m.—Services conducted by Rev. W. D. McIntosh, B.A„ of Brucefield. 7.00 p.m.—`Being Fashioned.” The Minister Anniversary services on Sunday, October 1r7th. Rev. Major Tolmie, M,P,P., will. preach. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 a, m. -"The Magni ,who Disappoints his Future,", 3 nm. --Sabbath' School and Bible Study. 7 D. 1D.,—"The Heart", a study of Oneself", Doming • of revival servicers. Snecial ,music. " All invited, MAIN' ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A:. , Phone '2123 3 all'. -:Plowing :Old Sora. ,T 3 .rh. _ a'` 'g '. 5 bb th School and, Bible Classes, 7 ,p.m.-Christianizing‘Christianity. Revival, Post Office Inspector. BETHANY - light, a fast, clean game, and it will Le un ;to the public ,to give them fa loyal sunp-ort, i,a th's "the king of in -door snores." Mist, Ida Routledge of,Zurich visited here over Sunday Mr. W. W. Taman. ,was in Windsor over the week ,end, Mrs. C. Birney visited 'Mrs. Mc- Avoy in London Monday. Mr, and 'Mrs, Percy Gillies of Sarnia spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. Harper Rivers of London spent the Fveek end at his home here. Mr. A, J, McDonell spent afeav days at Parkhill and Ailsa Craig last week. Messrs. Ed, Knight and' Ed. Short were in Goderjch on the ,jury *tat week, Mrs, (Rev;) McAlister is visiting her son, Fred G, McAlister and wife, 283 Stewart street, Ottawa, Mr.. Louis Heideman and sister, Miss Emma, of Toronto visited with their parents here •last week, \Jr,. S. M. Sanders was in Niagaira Falls this week an, ,business in con nection with the Canning Factory, Mrs. Chas. Adams and son David who have been visiting the formers' mother, Mrs. •D. ,Johns, left Thursday for their home in Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M-cDonaid and two children, Mr, James McDonald end \fr, Peter Robertson of Stratford were guests of Mrs,. ,T. G. Creech on Sunday. ti*r, .n:1 Kra. Wallace Fisher and little son, ,whoa hat,e,b+e:en here visiting with the formler's parents, ,Mr. axd Wm. ,Fisslter, returned to their home in Hunitsville on Friday last. Mr, J, P. Ross of Calgary, Alta'., a former well-known, .merchant of Ex- eter 'was in town wduring the past week shaking hands with -old friends. He was accompanied by, his son, Mr. Frank Ross; Wife and child of Forest. - Messrs .James and George. Bagshaw of ;Bizsay, S:a<sk., and Mrs: Christie of Stratljcona • .are here visiting with their parents, i-. and Mrs; Wm. Bagshaw Mr. Bargshaiw, Sr., still continue; ill but is;shawing signs of improvement, HEARTBURN or heaviness after meals are most annoying manifestations of acid -dyspepsia. I, IDs pleasant to take, neutralize, acidic and help restore normal digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & swim MAKERS OF SCO?rs EMULSION U F Dedicated to the United 6 GREATEST BIT IN YEARS Farmers • • • and composed by the well-knowp. SONGsong writer, Mr. Morris Manley.. Words and Music 3 5c, postage prepaid. Address: CROCKER PRsss, LIMITED, Publishers, 48 and 50 Lotitbard Street, Toronto, Ont. Landon Rosiness institute DUNDAS & RICHMOND STS. LONDON, ONTARIO It pays to investigate beffore'choaa- ing `,•school, Write for information: Now is good a•ao'd e g time to enroll. J. MORRITT '"' N. STONEHOUSE Principal Vice-Prin. (( PHONE 32 MEW JONES & MAY •br–wain– - illIt PHONE 32 Rio':• .yn erigtlij.fu, SPECIAL VALUES FOR OCTOBER Complete Showing of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits and Dresses We have art, 'excentionally large titock of the above liners to, select frruu. The very ae,west styles .and colors are here shown at moderate prices, Make your selections, early. GIRLS' COATS -Sizes 4 to 14 yrs. is good range of clors and styles. - LADIES' GENUINE FRENCH KID GLOVES AT, .1',95 A PAIR 10 dozen mix Ladies' Genuine French Kid Gloves. Perrin's Make, colors black, tan, and white, worth easily double the price, clearing at $1,95, VOILE BLOUSES AT 11,95 EACH, 15 dozen Ladies' Fine White Voile Blouses; sizes 36 Luo 44, to clear this month at $.1,95 each LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS 50 dozen Ladies' rm., lawn handkerchiefs, nicely =embroidered in white and calors,, regularly worth 35c.; suecial October Selling Price 25c, each or 52,75 a ,dozen. MEN'S UNDERWEAR 15 dozen heavy ribbed shirts and drawers to tci;ea;r this month at $1.5e a garment, HOUSE FURNISHINGS Rugs, Linoleunts, Curtains, Oilcloths, etc„ nearly all at last aeasou's rtric:es. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS SUITS AND HATS Colne to this store for ycur Clothing. We have a tremendous assort ment cif Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats in all the latest styles and at reasonable nric•es. We, will be very pleased toshow you our stack of the e SHOES, RUBBERS RUBBER BOOTS Our Fall Styles in Shoes are here and are selling fast. All t4 he`e y best reliable makers in. Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, You save money by buying your shoes from us. We are, solo agents for the Famous Life -Buoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots You get good wear when you buy your Rubber ,Borolts and Rubbers front us. WALL PAPERS Big stock of reasonable priced Wall papers in. stock. JONES & MAY SINCE .14.-1.L 305o°PCOUGHS DR A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (latelyoccupied by Dr. Vining) Phone. 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offlice-Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A.. Barrister Soliciltor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mal - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office=Maim Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old up, weighting from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices "Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, " - Ontario. SUMMER -TERM COMMENCES JULY 5th, CENTRAL " !IPPIAi'PORD..; ON T. perienced instructors,', gives thorough courtes and asgists graduates to_high grade. positions The_ detnand upon us for 'trained ;}ielb exceeds The number graldUating-Gommemce your course with' us ,at opening;, •of summer term on July 5tii. ,• Get our free catalogue, D. A, McLachlan, Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We have a. large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property.. at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons Al] calls promptly . attended to day or night, Office - Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wali1erooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons:' Notice ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us,. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce 'talon in exchange Jas. Gould' SOUTHCOTT BROS. New Fall Coats We ase offering a splendid range mete and can show you .extra values Pony ,Cloth Coats at' $27.00 b., ALL WOOL SERGE In Blue, $rowvn, Black and Burgundy Shades: This is an all wool . Serge, Special at this price. Per yard $2,65. of Nsw Coats for ;Misses and Wo- in Plush ,Velours, S>I ertones, a5a $332.00 $35.00 " " to $55.00 APRON GINGHAMS 3 pieces of check apron Ginghani. This cloth -,is. worth .\to 45c., It is old stock Ge:t� what. Semi ,wantat per yard.30co CUSHIONED :SOLE,D ,:SIHO11S, WOMEN'S CUs ., , This 'is :stir •regular:litue r'etani( at, $J,00 e at+ size,3- which : W, .are offet ne t we ,bought ,at •s price:,trio are°, c1ea�riutg them tiers per' pair $.00 ;r. 12 pairs week at Southcott Bros.