HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-10-7, Page 4A Province of Inheren t Wealth Saskatchewan has played an import- ant part in gain- ing for Canada her place amuug t the great wheat pro- ducing countries of the world. Iii 1915, 56% of Can- ada's bumper ( 'op was reaped in that Province. This year, estimates say that 136,000,- 000 bushels of the Dominions total of 289,000,000 bushels, will be produced there. The value of this Province's 1920 wheat and oat crop alone is estimated at $400.000,000. This large natural wealth constitutes one of the reasons that Saskatchewan. bonds rank high in invest- ment circles. We offer, in $500 and $1.000 denominations, $3,000,000 of this Province's 6% Gold Bonds at 96.62 yielding 6.30%, Mail your order or telegraph at our expense for a descriptive circular. Province of Saskatchewan 6% Gold Bonds at 96.62 yield 630% for Twenty Years eon mood Gundy d pany t an:m•in Patine it,tiies;ax ttiiklin:; Ttti\ilial The Exeter Advoca THL:• . QCT;; 7th. 1420. Kirkton ,i kto,t Fair, mwing to the, ,wet aclier o: Friday last, was noataaa- aal until Wednesday of ahis week.-- l(' eh• Beitamv, ,ex -Reeve of Blush - !a -,I Township, whose home was at t; r r, roti, died in Toronto hcsaita' al - le, a Ineerina illness; and Mrs. Swat - n• • widaw'of the. late Henry Swe.it.er, o' Science Hill, one of the pioneers c>' Blansbard, also died last week. Mr:.. (Rev.) 'Snarling, missionary. an West China, is a daughter of • de - Grand Bend Mr. rind Mrs. Shepherd o Th•efiford visited at Asalah. Gravelle', Sunday -„— air, and Mrs. Chas. Lawson and tam my who have been visiting here left for their home in, Hamiltaa Friday. - Ir. David McKenzie and family of .'hiaka visited at Stephen Webb's on Sunday.—Mr, Tiedeman.left Monday ,t4' work in Forest, ,making anp,le bar reIs.—Ste11a Granton visited a few • days in Sarnia last week. There was no school Friday afternoan in the jun- i a ,,aat gang, to 'Mitis Bahl) go is tk> 'fit Wry,- to attend 'lke ',uite Eedy Lumley Ties vainy° a•riends of Mr. Thomas ,rale • are Weasel to know that b i, a5 quite reewerei niter being so seriously hurt from accidently falling o, f iris wagon while in. Hensall some time :ago.—Mr. McTaggart c>f Toronto accompanied 3 y his cousin 'arr. Wel: • ingtoa :11rTaggart and son visited Mrs 1 John I. Glean last week„ the former being her brother.—Miss Jennie Millar of Munroe is now seendiaa, a few days with her brother Mathew.—Mrs. Thos Last of Kincardine is v;;sating ht the l neighborhaod. She came to see :her ; si%te'•- n -saw, Mrs. Wm. Slavin, who 'is, seriously i111 a.'t Aresena Mr. and ['qrs. Wellington Kerslake motored to Mitchell last Wednesday and took in the Fair. 1 ( BLYTH—David Floody, while on- ( crating a trip -saw had the index and I cecona anger of 14s left hand. severed. The Advocate can give you club- bing rates with any of the daily news- oapers ,or magazines.. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness LIN Pin Your Faith to Hobbs' Goid MedaiLines TTENT1ON!" VERY article you buy at any of the following hardware stores will give you ' Distinguished Service" if you make sure when buying that it bears the famous GOLD MEDAL Label. " Quality " and "Hobbs told Medal:" mean the same. Look for the Gold Medal Label—a symbol of service. You'll find it on Harvest Tools, Garden Tools, Safes, Lawn Mowers, Sewing Machines, Roofing, Washers and Wringers, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Refrigerators, Binder Twine, etc,. For Sale by All First-class Hardware Dealer`` 3 SATURDAY, Two noted British Women Social Workers in the city, The 13ridgeburg Co-operative Asso- ciation is opening a store to -day. The Moscow Soviet, in a com- munique, admits the loss of Lida. An air mail service has been estab- lished between. Warsaw and Paris. The Board of Commerce will be asked to "try" and stop rents from soaring. Rev. D. M. Solandt has been ap- pointed manager of the Presbyterian Church paper, Canada's Baby Conservative Asso- elation has been incorporated, with offices at Montreal. The Cleveland baseball team ,Bole even against Detroit on Friday, 'While St, Louis beat Chicago 8 to 6. The governor of Toronto Jail re- fuses to let movie company "stage" the escape of Frank McCullough, Fred Magee,M.rP.P„ has been ap- pointed a Minister without portfolio in the New Brunswick Government. Many Americans are dodging the high war tax by buying railroad tickets' In Windsor with Canadian money. In addition to German cruisers and destroyers, France is to get an ;additional quota of ,cruising sub- marines. Oliver S. Jordan, building contrac- tor, shot himself in a fit of despon- dency at his summer cottage near Tecumseh. Players Benson, Halderson and Goodman, of the world's champion Falcon hockey team, have moved to Saskatoon. Wm. Collett of Prince Edward -Is- land was drowned while bathing at the mouth of lied river, Winnipeg, with bis son. Bugle March beat K) iris and Woodbine in the mile anal three- quarter race for the hl,r1 t,f" D.ir- h.tni's Gold Challenge Cup at Wood- bine Park. it is proposed to reorganize base- ball, take it out of the hands or iu; present rulers and place it in control' of a committee of business men after dedicating it to the American pea,,l= . rAart? isreasrun iNearly everyone arrives at a 1 point where there is need for a tonic -restorative. Scott's Emulsion is the choice of tens of thou- sands because it gives tone Ito the whole" system and restores Strength. MAKE scams YOUR CHOICE! iitete1c sow ne. x 4i r Or 34''' • CLINTON-Chas; 'Hovey, an old resident, •dill on the 29th, in his 80th year, Twa sonss Id, .y and J'. E. of Clinton, end one sister, Mrs. Orchard of St. Thomals, survive,: --The marriage took glace on S.eitit'29th of Miss Hel- en k1alt Iliiddietten of town. tc Arthur Lewis Smith of Was:t(an, BRUCEFIl.LD-A quiet marriage took place on Sept. 29th of Katherine ciaugllter• of Alex. Thompson, to James BoWle..merchant of Kippen. BRUCIEFII�LD— Miss. WWanit;red i4Vrtght, ,was nla,ri .ed` otn (he 29th to Win Hiel of Stanley,. SCHOOL- REPORT OF, S. S. No. 4 Usborne, .for ,September,—Sr. IV., H. Hunter 87, I. Hardixag 83, G. Thom- son 78; Sr. 111,, L. Hunter 83, 3V, Bsigent 77, Jr, III., ,til, Hunter 77; H. limiter 58; Jrf. II, L. Hunter 87,;G,. Thomson 81,, 1T. 'Wetac>att 77, D. \lrestcott„ G. Ford 40; Jr. 1., M, Finn, ter 70; Pr, A, Thomson„, NO. on. rcll 14, average attendance 13.— L. M. Davis, teacher, McGillivray The home tnif Mr, ;and Mrs. S. J. S:ot o: tbjs tawnshsn was the scene tr' a happy gatheri,,g when the 47th tnn versary of their marriage was cel ebrate:l. Children present wer .--11rs. Greenlee, Brinsley; Mrs. Hodg:mi .of iiranto, Miss Cllarisa Scott; James of Medford, Alfred of Niagara Falls; Ni>b'e of Exeter, and Aaron and hdu itr o: this townsh'n. Alma College has adopted the "house system." Sterling exchange in New York is lt'eady at $3.48v., Cattle dealers says retail bureh•'rs charge too much for beet. Persian Cossacks have reached li:i•- zeli, on the Caspian coast. „, Sergt.=Major McNamara, M.P,P., is preparing a bill to regulate rents, The fund for Ingersoll returned men is to be divided among thein, Mrs. A. Schwartz of Breslau, Ont., was fatally injured by being burned. Exterminator won the Ontario Jorkcy Club -Cup race on Saturday. Six youths were arrested in Th- roato -on charges of stealing motor cars, Miss Mary Kinlake was fatally in. lured when . struck by an auto near l'orBnto. Hamilton natural gas consumers have been warned not to use -gas for seating. Cleveland won the - Anieridan pennant by beating Detroit on > tturday. Seventy thousand and fifty-two ,.liens arrived at...Ellis Island during i',ptember•. The agreement between the Italian iietal workers and employers hap real signed. a John D; .Isaacs of ;'Vancouver was i cicientally killed with a Manitoba Bunting party. St. Catharines qualified to play in he'0 A.L,A. junior, final, by beating t,eston, 3-5, to 3. The Italian'CroVernmcnt is inereas-' cig the subsidy to extend search for .11 deposits' in the provinces. ' Gen, Seely, ' who commanded the ',anathanc cavalry' in the great war, n i former members of the 'brigade 'Toronto., IS Zurich Ir.. Leslie :Bene.:l::,: t, who spent the n5 t new nkoa:hp in the West, reittun- e.i home last week.—Mr. John Geiger anti family and Mr, and Mrs. J, Gruehn of Pigeon :Well , spelirt the hast week at he hooks o'` the icrmer's daughter \1;s J Gaascho.—M,r. and Mrs. J. Pree- ter vistaed in lyetiro;.t .4s.t wk.—r. tfenno Oesch had the mishap to step on a rusty nail the consequence.; suiting. in .lo..k-jaw. He was at once hurried to London Hosa'ael, where he received treatments, ttnd returnad to hie home on Sunday, cured.—Mi. Arthur Well o: Detroit is visiting at his home ,h,..ae.-Mt. John Oesch c th. Goshen Line, north, lost a. valuable horse which was struck by Lightning.— :Miss Jemima, Johnston, who had spent the oast few months at the 'home of her sister, Mrs. R. Dryir,da;e ,a. San.. dut;kv, Mich„ returned hornet herrn Pl Mr. Jas. Johnston, who has been in the ,,vest !for 'some: ,time has returned, —Miss Vera WV,aods, atter snendin,g a gree ko:• two w,'tth Jrkeaunt, Mrs.. Fred alarms. and other relatives in, town, left for her home in Re.gint.— Mrs, Smithof Detroit is 1/4l±iist1ting her sister, Mrs. Humeston,.—Mr. and Mrs', Will Fairbairn of Gtourtland, are visiting the f or mer's na,rents; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fairbairn, -1.0•5t • week Mr, Wm. Van- horne said his house in Land --n, end is moi:Ing back to Hensall„—Rev. Mr. Parmiby o: Elimville preached in the Metbalist Church Sunday, Rev. Rivers taking Mr. Parnaby's work at Sunsh'ne, preaching anniversary sermotna.— Mr. Louis afaeKay, after the holidays there with his paren:sl,<. returned to Tor- onto to resume his stud les. — Miss Florence Welsh, who has bean spend- ing the ho_.lays az the west, has re turned home —Thad. Dayman of the 2nd of Tucks -smith had the m'sfor- tune to be, kicked in the' 4ace• by a cost which he was ,oalsaing in the sta- ble He was uncoflsciiou> :t : a time. and he received some had cuts ren_utr ing a ?few stiitch,es._ ' A Woman's Trouble Stratford Oat.:—"I do think Dr. Pierce's Favnrite Proscription one of the best medi- cines I have ever known for the ail- . ments of women. I had for quite a long tune been having woman's trouble which caused me to become" all run- down, weak and nervous. I doc ,, tored but nothing seemed to give me relief until I began taking ''Favorite Prescription,' This medicine gave me such wonderful relief that I am glad to tee= ommend it to others."—MRS. A. GOD- WIN, OAWIN, tit) Brant St. NERVOUS AND RUN-DOWN Brampton, Ont.:—"A few years ago I was in a nervous and run-down condition and felt greatly in need of •a tonic. A friend who was being helped..., by Dr. Pierce's,' Golden Medical `Discovery advised melt°, try it, too. It helped me from the very -start and eventually restored me to perfect health. I feel. in a position to praise the 'Golden Medical Discovery' very highly and take 'pleasure in recommending it to all those who are at all nervous, weak r run-down.' —MRS. ESTHER PEATSON. Dr. Pierce'e medicines are made of vege- table growths that nature surely intended for backache, headache,, pains, irregularities, ,- '`and' for the many diyorders common' to women in all ages of 'Life. Dr: Pierce's Favorite Prescription' is trade of lady's slipper root, black cohoeh root, unicorn root, blue cohosh root, Oregon grape root and Viburnum. Women who: ( take this '. standard remedy know that in Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescriptionthey are i gettinga safe woman'stonic so good that druggists: everywhere sell it in,liquid or tablets..Is is without alcohol. Iucorporated in 1855 CAtPITAI,, RESERVE $9, VOW 00 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The inporiance of a Bank 13t lance is not only its purchasing value, but the independance wh ich Its nossession Wives. Deposits of O,nle Dollar or m": re are welcomed at any of THE MOLSONS BANK Branches --In. teres, allowed, /METER BRANOB T. S. WOODS Manager,. Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran.h Overseas Trade Keeps Canada Prosperous —Workers busy —Wages good --Farmers affluent To Win World -Trade We Must Develop Our Sea Heritage Our Men Our Ports Our Ships Trade must flow East and West and Overseas Shutoff this Dominion from the seas and in fifty years Canada will cease to be a nation. The Navy League of Canada 14 "al OTHING but the tea leaner. left fo tell my ioitune by, eh, Dot T' ` there's no sugar left anyway, Harry 1 can see good i'ortune;in that You make the money, and til help on the savings by' using Lantic It certainly takes less, As, ne as the silver, as snowy white as the kneel in homes of refinement yet• ,, tts;tlirdty goodness earns for Lantze a hearty welcome lethehumblest home Multiply your saving of sugar in each cup, 'ai'each ' meal, by 365 days; and the yearly saving by'using Lanttc becomes considerable( Wme for Lanttc'L,brary Thm rtes Coolr Boob io because i1'sV P nerving, Callen and Candie ® -• and Desserts Sent FRSE for a Red Ball rrade'mhrk, aur from a aack or from the top . panel ofaLan hecarton 'Write `• for than today:. In lab, and 5 -lb. cartons 10=Ib 20 -Ib. and' 100.1b„ bags. 5B WHEAT PA.F"' TICIPATIQN CERTIFICATES - Leave your eert:l ica,ts with this Baric' and We will collect for you the final 1 payment which will probably be auth-.. 1 ori- :id by the Wheat Board about the � env k)f' October. . gas THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. Dr. Pierce'e medicines are made of vege- table growths that nature surely intended for backache, headache,, pains, irregularities, ,- '`and' for the many diyorders common' to women in all ages of 'Life. Dr: Pierce's Favorite Prescription' is trade of lady's slipper root, black cohoeh root, unicorn root, blue cohosh root, Oregon grape root and Viburnum. Women who: ( take this '. standard remedy know that in Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescriptionthey are i gettinga safe woman'stonic so good that druggists: everywhere sell it in,liquid or tablets..Is is without alcohol. Iucorporated in 1855 CAtPITAI,, RESERVE $9, VOW 00 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The inporiance of a Bank 13t lance is not only its purchasing value, but the independance wh ich Its nossession Wives. Deposits of O,nle Dollar or m": re are welcomed at any of THE MOLSONS BANK Branches --In. teres, allowed, /METER BRANOB T. S. WOODS Manager,. Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran.h Overseas Trade Keeps Canada Prosperous —Workers busy —Wages good --Farmers affluent To Win World -Trade We Must Develop Our Sea Heritage Our Men Our Ports Our Ships Trade must flow East and West and Overseas Shutoff this Dominion from the seas and in fifty years Canada will cease to be a nation. The Navy League of Canada 14 "al OTHING but the tea leaner. left fo tell my ioitune by, eh, Dot T' ` there's no sugar left anyway, Harry 1 can see good i'ortune;in that You make the money, and til help on the savings by' using Lantic It certainly takes less, As, ne as the silver, as snowy white as the kneel in homes of refinement yet• ,, tts;tlirdty goodness earns for Lantze a hearty welcome lethehumblest home Multiply your saving of sugar in each cup, 'ai'each ' meal, by 365 days; and the yearly saving by'using Lanttc becomes considerable( Wme for Lanttc'L,brary Thm rtes Coolr Boob io because i1'sV P nerving, Callen and Candie ® -• and Desserts Sent FRSE for a Red Ball rrade'mhrk, aur from a aack or from the top . panel ofaLan hecarton 'Write `• for than today:. In lab, and 5 -lb. cartons 10=Ib 20 -Ib. and' 100.1b„ bags. 5B