HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-23, Page 8EXE F R AI]yOCAmm, TRU.`1SnA ', SEPT. 28, 19211 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat w..,...: Barney, new Oats, ;new 05 Fami Flour 6.90 Feed Flow' 4,011 Shorts i• 2.75 Bran Eggs ire Butter 52 to 5 Creamery Butter .. 6 Lard y 3 Hay ;t.ar tan, new Hogs ,2,40 Les K.,,..1.•: 2,50 9 6 4 4 18.00 20.00 DISLOCATT;,D HER ARM. Local Doings USBORNE GIRL MARRIED, The marriage took place on Sept, 11 Itt See Thontas of Mijss Floaence Cow ted, daughter of Mr. ;and, airs. George Coward of Usborne to Dr. Walter A. Burns of St. Thorne's, a well-known dentist who served overseas in the late Isar. Dr: card ars. Burns, after en extended wedding trip, will reside in St. Thomas, where The doctor has a Targe practice, PLO LISTV +" . , MPETITIO - . The ;'..Maar Farmers'' Int- prs , tent boli purpose hold- nt; . ,t:. ,-empetition open to all Junior .,eters. Good prizes will ' . .,'d for the best plowed' farm. also tt r the best plowed five acres.. Kntr ie; to be in before Oct. l5th, Alr,u:; '. R. W. Rowclfffe, Pres.. W. aiialitan, Seety. ;tit>•t" t'i,' rsti ' 4,r„ is' slow 801.. 21o. makings e. else- -.yth largest deg' on the coalsnie :. GLASSES FOUND. Ir. Usborne, S wren ,5 tact of fixe c.r, of Htarcu, St., a par tee nose glasses. Owner can have sant:,' by calling at this office and paying for this notice.' MILLINERY OPENINGS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th AND FOLLOWING DAYS We ere presenting advanced Fall' aid \'Winter Models. IIere on display are the very fates t Millinery Ideas from the leadi.'.; fashion centres, to- gether with original creations from our own work roan:. Prices never exces- sive. T. V. CURLISS Our Price Ls right and so i+ tour four, Harvey Bros. GARS FOR IRE -Wilson •S: Simms Phone 56, Don't eat inferior bread. Use lir vers Flour and hay.: something atwt will tickle the xal:te. ESTRAY SOW. There etraesed srom he pr:mile.• et* the undersigned on or about Sept. t1 e. black sow. Return to owner or give i,riformation that will lead to her re- covery axed !receive. reward, Stephen W.ebb, Grand Bead. IiETHAINTY ANNI1 ERSe1RY Bethany Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Sept. 26th after- noon and evening. The pastor, Rev, W. G. H. McAllister, M, A., will preach. Special music by the Thames Road Ladies Quartette. watism BARN FOR SALE. 30x50, with steel roof, in good shape to be removed next spring., Apply, SAM'L BEAVER, HAY P. O. DR, JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and ,Sanders Street. Hours 10 to 12' and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment. ppointment. HONEY FOR SALE. Choice clover honey hi. 5 and 10 lb. pails at Wilson St Simms. COOK WANTED, At Central Hotel, Exeter. City wages paid. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply' at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. Where cio z eu go from here? To Wilson & Sims' ice cream tnarlar, 1)EBENTUR.ES FOR SALE The Munic?ase Council o:f the Vial - age of Exeter ciffc- to the Genera.1 Public Municipal Debentures as auth- orized by By-laws N. 4 and No. 5 of 1920 to the amount off :38,000, Said Debentures wi 1 bet issued in sum's ref one hundred t five hundred dollars and w!,'1 bear _ettereot at the rate of five and ;Dene -I -self per cent: payable yearly on the est day, of October, on terms .Tom one to fifteen years, JOS. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk and Treas. PROP s2TY FOR SALT:,. 'The uelersigmed is offering for sale Lots 59 t ,, el, on Andrew Street, be- ing three--'.ftbs of an acre, There are ,an the premises a good frame house, with a new furnace and 'elect- ric lights; stable, shed, fruit trees etc. Also the a•1jiining one acre of land. There is a frame. house on this land, and 2 goadorchard- These are de- sirable pnot a tiles p!nd will be sold at ✓ easona.b e prices, separately or jointly. Apply Da the premises to Mrs. I. Hall, Hay 2,0, Runn/ngEveryDay THE O.K. STEAM CIDER MILL is press:rag cinder and making apple butter eve dary. Custom work done as rapidly as noesible, Sweet cider and apnle buttes for scale, _._... S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 Corn for Canning Y Factor.. Those growing corn, far. the 'Cann nerds Fac l o -y:, wi l kleedf y bring sample cobs t fliefactory atter the 13th, when they will be' a'dvdsed when to make delivery. Help Wanted husking worn when the factory starts. 3t. EXETER CANNING CO. On Wednesday of last week Mrs James Brimtnell was painfully; injured be being butted with a call, She was aeout to teed the cow and calf when the (:alT' playfully attacked her, knock, inn her down, causing her to fall on her arm in a w:ty that it was dislocat- ed at the elbow. A physician, was called and Mrs. Briintneil is new re- •ot ei ing r c ely ;from the injury. 1-I OUPER-WILFORD The Ifo w, of 'Air. W. H. Wilford.. S icord i\,t the scene .of a pretty wed ding at hetet noon pn. Sep-, 15th, when. second daughter, Mildred, became the bride o:' Grant Hooper, soa of lir, :td Mrs. \\'m. Hooper o1' E'xeter. Rev. C. .ti. Innes, pastor of :he Baptist Church officiated in :he presence of torts guests. After a trip east they will r es de 071. the ,gxr•+ont's ;farm a.t• Salford. Dli;C) IN VANCOUVER, i']te death took place in Vancouver an Sept. llth of William 1-1. Parsons at she a„ : o: -67 years •and 2 months, Tieart trouble was the cause of death, He leaves a wife but no family. Three sisters and iwa brothers survive -Mrs James Ni.hole of Port hope, MN. ,lathes Riches of Caraway, Mrs. W. R. Cole of Bowmantd,lle, Lewis of Dar. lington. and Samuel of Exeter: Inter- ment tools place at .Victoria, ac ., on the 14th. Deceased built and conduct- ed the blaelcsmi h shop now occupied by dr, David Russell, and resides in Exeter tor several years. QUIT BUSINESS. Ott Thursday last Mrs. E. sanders, who with her late husband, had .con, ducted a confectionery business in the leuld:,ng next the Advocate office, for over forty years, closed up shop, and retired .from business. The building has become the property of Mr. C. B. Snell. Mrs. Sanders will reside with her daughter, Mrs. R. N. Creech, on Union Street. She well deserves a rest from business worries. This place of business will be much missed by the many old customers who. have been accustomed to get their confec- tionery supplies there for so many years. ► DEATH OF WILLIAM ROLLINS. A well knanvn resident of Exetler passed away on Sunday afternoon). last very suddenly, in the person of Will- iam Rollins, do hens 82nd year., The late Mr. Rollins, although showing the signs of old age, had been, in his usual good health, on Sunday morning and had enjoyed a romp with Ms little grandson at the home cof Mr. and Mrs, Win, May, with whom he had beenliv- in) »y and son metered to Mitchell, . In the afternoon Mr. and 1end were shocked to fined on their return shortly after supper to fined Mr. Rol- lins lying ,on the led dead, On. the arrival � alaf r.H•�he a D ndm st 5aced Inthat heart trouble was the cause. Mr. Rol- lins had for years ,been, troubled with heart weakness, Deceased was born in Biddulph, but resided most of his life until :four yews ago, one mile south of Exeter. He was 'esteemed and respect ed by all who knew him. He was Con servative iii politics and Methodist in religion. Two sans and one daughter survive Ardaigh of Exeter, 1.dward of Killarney .and Mrs. Wm. May of Exeter. Five brothers also survive - Joseph of Crystal City, Robert of I.i1- larney ',Arthur, J. -of Detroit, Dr. T. A. London and Frank of California. The funeral, which was private, took place to the Exetex cemetery on Tuesday af- ternoon. MONEY LOST. About $70 ,In, bill ,on Exeter Fair Grounds, Finder rewarded by leaving at this office. Trivitt Memorial Church Rev. T. B. Bythell of Granton will occupy the pulpit on Sunday morning and evening. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister Services as usual next Sabbath. Thursday at 7.45 p.m.—Prayer service. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 a.m.-"The children; are tender ; lend softly." A sermon to Chriistiari, workers, 3 p.m. -Rally Program; Baptismal Ser- vice, All welcomer, 7 Penn' -"Danger Spots in, Exetler" A hearty weed cienlet to all these ser- vices. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 2123 ]1 am: -The orilgi,'n and ,tivfeaning ,of, Our Rel4gian;, 3.00 -Sunday School. Classes for all and a; welcdrne. 7 p.m. -The 'etnensineg service isa w'th•- drawn. ?. . BETHANY Anniversary ,Services at 2 30 and 7 The Thames/Road, quartette will as- sist in the anniversary-sexviiceis, Mr. Theo. Walper has sold his house in Exeter North, to Mx, J. N. Howard, A number of the Oddfellgws attend- ed the Clinton Decoration Service on Sunday. Mr, John Hockey has been '_ontined to his ,home ,far some little tinge, ow - Mg to nerve trouble. , C, B. Snell and _Mr, R: N. Creech. moved their furniture last week into the hones which: they recently ,ex- changed, taking aan otor t.trip cto hThedford tendo see the,p'each orchards on; Thuraday of this week.• else John Keys, who has been suffer- ing from p broken. leg for sosue time, is improving ,nicely and expects to get out again before long. The engagement is announced of Mss Elizabeth Irene Rivers to John. L. Routledge; the marriage to take place. in October, :Mrs. R. Quance presided at cite or- gan in James Street church on Sunday to the absence of Mr, Wright, who was visiting in Owen Sound. else Silas »McF*s, who was oper- ated on in St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don. last week, is improving n;,cely- and expects to leave that institution shortly Mr.Stratford, �i� Woodster ock, t Hamieft on ;Monday cl Siincoe races, taking his horses, that h ve been in the ,nconey very frequent- ly thio summer, etre MMAvoy underwent a ,•rctical operation at .St. Joseph's sf-losp;:,tad; London, on Saturday morning last, Dr, Ernie Wiliian s performing samel' Tie ,operation was a success and lice patient is progressing favortbiy, \\IGHT HAVE BEEN SERIOUS. What might have resulted in a very serious accident occurred in, town on Thursday evening last. It appears that Mr. and Mrs; W. A. Balkwit),'s little son William had hitched ,up his fahe ere horse to take Mr, and Mrs, John \V alper's two. children, Hugh and Hel- lea for a drive, but ;in .tete, hitching operations he .fared to nut on hold. backs. However, they drove. some lit- tle distance when the buggy began to crowd unto the horse, and the iciu- nrl, though a quiet one, tried to get. array. Wats !hung on the best he could and at the same time ye,led for help, but no one seemed ,to be able to render ii and after running down the back street and the, up Main the horse turned West at Mr. Fred Baw- den's corner, when Willie Balkwill Jumped and ,falling on his head was rendered unconscious, He was mediately rushed to Dr. Hyndmar,s Hospital, where he, was cared for, but he did not regain consciousness for eight ,or ten hours. The little ,fellow, however, Was not seriiosly hurt, receiv- ing only a few bruises and the shock,. The horse, which fell on. the 'turn was captured shortly after, and the other two youngsters escaped unhurt, as did also the horse. The buggy was only slightly damaged, end was not even overturned. Miss Margaret Pickard- is home from the west, Airs, E. Chritstie returned Saturday from Detroit, Miss Ellen Brown of Toronto is here a d Mr. end Mrs, Jas'. Hill last week. Miss Mame Sanders and Miss Vesper visited in .London during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds re,. turned last week from a visit in Ham- ilton. Mr. Luther Braund and fancily were visitors -here ;from Brannjtlforc1 aver Sunday, lairs. Birney spent a few days with Mrs. McAvoy at the Hospital. London, last week. else Jos, Bawde:a of London visited old friends here and attended the Fair this week. Mr. S `1VI, Sanders and Mr, L. J. Pen - hate were in Strathroy and Alvinstoln on business thes week. visiting friends. /Mrs. W, H• Harvey has returned t he: home in Flaxe,ombe, Sask, \iiss May Clarke: is attending the In stitute of Musical Art, London. M. . Bruce Walker ]eft Saturday foe oronto to continue his studies. Mr Nelson Hill of Niagara Falls vis d his parents here tins week, Mr. and Miss Christie of Madoe vis its �r ite Mrs. Montgomery, and child of Weyye burn, Sask., are visiting the former's father, 'Mr. James He ndford. Mr. Oscar Anderson, and family cf Sarnia are vdsetdng Mr. Anderson', par- ents, Vlr, and Mrs. Geo. Anderson, Mr, and k[rs. Perry Windsor of Des- bora are holidaying with the farmer's parents, Mr. end Mrs`, Geo. Windsoorl, Miss Etra Houston, and brother Clif- ford returned leo 'their home in MVlilton alter a teen (day vilsitt with Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Salniders,. Dr, J. A. 'Rollins of London and Mr; A. J Rollins of ,Deeroet ,were. here attending the ,funeral of their brother, William Rollins:, on Tuesday. Among the ,former Eioet,eriites at- tending the Fair on Tuesday we. noe- iced, Mr. Jars; Shaddolck, Thos. Cook, Robert Coates, Mrs. Thos. Oke Mrs Esli Heywood, who bas been visiting ; wet'h her .sest'er, ,Mrs, .\V, , J, Nichols of Adelaide,\re'turnees home on Saturday, accanpanied by Mrs.Niichoiss Mr, and Mrs. Austin Hewitt of De- troit are vis'itenig relatives here. Percy Hewitt"and wife of Kitchener and Mr: and Mee. Lamport of 'London are also visiting here. Miss Gea.ctys. Ford, nurse, has r-eturp, ed from'.duteep an Buffalos 'N.Y., and intends remaining at her home here for a time. • She visited ,in Detroit and Saenia on the way home. Mr. W. D. Sainde'trs, who has been an, a,n, extended trip Otto. the coast and different''pa',rts of the West for neer,- .1Y three anorsths, seturned home eeir urday tight Wi JD, .tells many' inter- esting "de•taais off: lis 'ou'ting, and while he has tiseten much of a favorable na- ture . r'n varied wa,Y;si, ghee *till 'thih,ks' there are. no parts corning under hies ebservaitiien during rhisc,enexens ve trip that would have advantages over good old .Or,tar,'io, and piartecularly;this Dart of it. • t 4 - er`C{^"map'.u.:+.iR*�.?9$'m�..... - PHONE 32 PHONE 32 Complete Showingof Ladies' ' : .n-�a�dies and Misses Coats, Suits and Dresses NORTHWAI AND ROGERS' GARMENTS, NO LUXURY TAX WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SILK DRESSES. CLEARING SALT: OF CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. LOT NO 1-15 dozen Children's Vests and Drawers, good quality fleeced lined and heavy wool and cotton mixture on sale at 59c, a garment. LOT NO. 2--10 dozen heavy cotton Vests and Drawers, odd lines and bre • ken atinge of sizes-clear=net at 49c a gaz'merlt, MEN'S HEAVY SWEATERS AT S 4.95, EACH 3 dozen Men's Heavy Winter weigh coat sweaters,, good rine o: calor, on special sale at only 54.95 each. h. ANOTHER SALT. OF SLK HOSIERY. 5 dozen only pairs heavy weight silk hosiery; colors nater and black, re $aced in price for this sale from 51.75 to 1.39 a flair, FURS FURS Our Stock of Furs for :he Fall and winter season is now complete. \V have a large range to select (ram at moderate *prices. • Ask to see our Bolivia Beaver Coate for Ladies. Special Values in Men's Fur Coats, FALL ANI) WINTER COATS. For Ladies, Misses, and Children in new styles and colors, excellent range of fabrics, all marked below the luxury tax. SPECIAL -Salt's genuine Esquimette Sealette Coats, moderately priced, DRESSES In all -wool British Serges, Silks and Georgettes for Misses and Ladies, Beautiful range ,of colors and styles. Dozens to choose front and reason ably priced. SUITS In all -wool serges; colors, Navy, Black and Brown. Plain tailored styles; also trimmed with. Military braid and butt oris. We invite an early insoectton of these Tines, JONES & MAY Closed Wednesday afternoons during June July and August, Rev. Wilson was in Toronto this week. \ire James King of Forest, who has been a subscriber to the Advocate for over 32 years, gave us a pleasant call Fair Day and renewed his sub- scription for another year. Mr. anal Mrs. Wm. Amy of Burford are here attending the Golden Wed- ding ;celebration of the latt•er's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Elijah Joey, which was held Wednesday of this week. DR. A; E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McD.anell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offiice-Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R CARLING, B. A.. Barrister ,Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mal - sons Bak, Etc. Money to loan at Uowest sates of interest. OIjce=Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED want an =Pirated number of - Horses in good condition, Geldings 5 years aid up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up,wei hull from 13 0 g g0 Downes up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phpne 83 Exeter. G.•J..DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. - Creditan, - Ontario. SUMMER TERM COMMENCES JULY 5th. CENTRAL d'14lA1M'RD.• ONT oeri:enced instructors, gives" thorough courses and 'assists graduates to :high' grade positions The, dein uponuls :for - trained help ;exceeds .tine ninnber-• graduating. Commence your course with -us tart• 'onerthg of summer term on July 5th. 1. Get our -"free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. .1 MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loam on farm and village property at lGLADMAN & rates ST intANB URY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter • Dr. A. R.. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladznan & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness, DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night, Offipe- Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 'AND VALUATOR. for Cauntites of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt Waperooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulstony L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Clewed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! SPECIAL DISCOU-NT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWEE. THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, .spices, teas, coffeeand every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce._ Produce taken ,in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. ' - We can . save you money on Farr Da ticaly Yip s Fair Dsy ALL WOOL SERGES,. PER YARD 25 PAIR OF MEN'S FINE SH 32.69; in different shades, regular Price Regular GES bular 36.00 and $6,50 value: is $3,00 a' yard. Special for Fair Day $4,98. LADIES' FINE SHOES $2;49.: 50 PAIR LADIES' CORSETS ,. 50 pair worth .$4.00 to.$4,50. Our re $I 98e- gurlar se qg $2,25 kneel Ree Clearing Fair Day at peer` bair 32.494 duCed for, Fair Day ,only. MEN'S WORK' SHOES Speciai ;price p'en pair 51:98:. Sizes, 6, 7, 9 and 111, worth ; 36,00 MEN', FLb ECED DRAWERS '& and 56.50. SIi1RTS 51,09: Fair Day price .S.4,98. Get r 9 Ya'tt twim)teir supply R�e'n. 1.25 f Fair Da rice ' b BOA S :SHO S-SI7, � .1Y 'A $1.09 ,, E ,:.. ES to�S e • A tlea�ring.of all. odd Curves, , Regular w'JEN'S WORK SHIRTS S1,98 ° 3.50 and.$4.00 valtues. Se n ��lt g to -day. art $2.25 Fair. Day only,'per Hair 32.60 Special price Ifor Fair Day drily 31.98 Southcott Bros.