HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-23, Page 5oktie AUCTION SALE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC, on LOT 13, CON. 1, USI3ORNE, half mile South of Exeter, en SATURDAY SEPT, 25th, et on,e o'clock sharp. the following, - 1 horse 7 years old; 1 cow, sup_ posed to ,be in calf; 1 heifer, 2 years old, supposed is calf ; 1 calf ; top bug- gy, cutter, ,single set harness, scattier mower, Morse rake, land roller, horse blanket;,new 11 -foot gate, robe and duster, cream separator, Daisy churn work bench ;and screw, boring mach%ne and augers, some cherry lumber, a numb r of framers' tools, crosscut saw 2 oak barrels, .and many other articles too unumerous to mention. Terms -510,00 tend under cash; over that amount six months' credit on approved joint ,notes, or 5 per cent. per annum discount. JNO. CORNISH C. W, ROBINSON Proprietor Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS On Lot 9, Con, 4, Stephen, Half - mile south of Crediton Grist Mill, on elONDA,Y, 'SEPT. 27, 1920, At 1 ;o'clock sharp the following: - Horses -Draft mare in foal; Gen. Purpose mare, 10 -yr. -old; Percheron horse 9 -yr, old; aged horse; Perch- eron 3 -yr. old; 3 elmitt colts, rising 3; 2 draft i;olts, risme, 2; sucking colt. Cattle. -Cow due ;N'ov, 5, cow due Dee, 4. cow due Janl 15; cow dire Feb. 14, cow thte April 5, •ory due June 9. 3 steers rising 2 -yr; 3 heifers rising 2 -yr; 4 epring calves. Pigs, Etc. -Sow with 6 pigs at foot 4 weeks old day, log sale. 75 hens, Imp.eme,nts-Frost & W ooa hinder, Hassey mower, Massey -Harris ,eerl drill, cultivator, u^\ i. K hay rake, new, \M 11 eoeee disc, new; 2 ria;kn Ocoee. eel hal re c fanningm i , r, of puitrcr • 1200 ib. scales, pair st;ilards bag teu,;k, set bo.>slcighs, 2 cutters 2 wagon, one nearly new; top buggy, double gag= hex, hay rack, ;ravel box. 2 grindstones, set slangs, hay fork rope:, M. H. cream separator, '2 set double hertiesa, eel shr;le her nese, cook stove, Daisy churn, tori`s, shove's, hoes, charas, wh.itletre:s, neck yokes. .0,1 many other artiehes, Terms -All sumo pC $10 and under, cash; over that atioum le menthe' credit on approved joint notes, tar .: discount of 5 per eeent. ner annum t:1't for cash on credit amounts, F. TAYLOR, JOHN APPLETON, Auctioneer Proprietor AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, tea Lent 3, Con. 2, Stephen Township. on TUESDAY, OCT. 5th, 1920 At 1 ,o'clock sharp the f ollowin', :- Horses -1 draft nrnre• rising 5 years; 1 draft horse, rising 6 years; 1 heavy mare rising 9 years old, supposed to be in foal. CATTLE -3 cows due: in March; 1 cow, iresh; 1 steer, 2..years old, 1 helier 2 years old; 3 yc.trl'gng heifers 4 sprint calves. Hags, Etc, -9 hos weigh',ng 150 lbs. 1 sow with litter at fobt; 125 hens, Collie 'dog. Implements -Deering binder nearly new; Frost & Wood mower, hay rake, hay tcdder, side rake, ferOlizer dr;ll, disc barrow, 2 set iron harrows, two, furrow plow, 2' walking plows, scuttler. fanning mill, wagon, land roller, gravel box, cutting box, waggon box, hay rack roller crack, set sleighs, cutter, top buggy, root pulper, 2 grinders,;; rind - stone. wheelbarrow, .L U horsepower gasoline engine in -good shape, manure: spreader good as new; 400 bushel of oats and barley mixed, 6 tons cloven lie, an lac're of turnips, an acre of; man golds. also, clipbing machine, 2 set of double harness, set single harness, fo.;s, shovels, whiffletreees, neck - yo :es, and many other articles. Furniture -Daisy churn, cream sep- arator, 95 sap pails, sa.p part, sugar kettle, butter bowl, 3 mattresses, 2 beds. 3 -piece parlor suite, kitchen chair, centre :table, cook stove on.d pipes. Terms -S10 and under cash over that amount 12 months credit will be given on approved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. BRUCE i4IITCHi.LL' F. TAYLOR Proprietor Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE 135 HOGS, ETC. an Lot 11, Sou th Boundary Stephen, 21,4 Miles South orf Credtlon., on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the fancevein,g :- Sow due ,about tine; of sale, 4 due in Oct,; 5 ttu,e een Minot; 3 sows with litter at ,foot ; 13 shoats weighing about 40 powmds, .23: weighing about 50, and 25 about 60 pounds; 17 stockers weigh in„ about 125 p,ottnds; 10 stockers weigher, about 160 pounds; also a grand drivingmare, rising 5 years old and a pair of ' twin calves about 7 months old.' Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor is cha,ngireg :harms and. cannot accomodate the pigs, Au' sums of 510 and under, cash; over that amount 4 months' credit on furn isheen over oved joint notes. .6 per cent:; n,er atnoum• off for cash on credit amounts. F. TAYLOR, EARL GA:IS.ER, Auctioneer Propriettor Alonzo, Hodgins,- Clerk.; 0 The GREATEST HIT IN YEARS , . Dedicated to the United Farmers - F • • and composed by the well-known song Wetter Mr. '.Mortis Manley. SONG Words and Music $'5c, postage oosome prepaid. Address ,CROCICER PRESS, Limn -ran, Publishers, 48 and 50 Lombard Street, Toronto; Oat. SINGE 1870 re 30MI sCQUGf S AUCTION SALE of HOUSE, HOUStd1OL0 EFFECTS at the premises of the, undersigned, Andrew Street, Exeter, on SATU REAY, OCT. 9th, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the following :- T.heee-piece parlor suite, parlor tables, rocking chairs, dining roam table, 6 d nig groone chairs, jardineere stands, bed spring and matress, bed - :room stand, 2 kitchen tables, 12 kit- chen chairs, hanging lamp, 4 other lamps, mirror, base -burner, with overt, Pandora range and pines, petures, carpet swee:,,er, ;flower stand, house plants, ete iladder, lawlunower, wheel- barrow, flower pots, bucksaw, sawhorse axe, lantern, shovels, garden rake, hoes .washboards, tubs, quilting frames, fruit jars, dishes, boiler, set irons, and many other useful articles; '53' tarns teens chestnut coal. There will also be offered tox sale at the same time and place, if not, pre_ viously sold, the 14 story brick house with it acre land, owned by the pro- prietor. There are on ibe premises a number oe fruit :gees, hard and soft water, eec. Every:hing is in good state o: repair, and the property is most desirable one. Terns :-Chattels, c ash ; Reale .tate made known on day of sale. C. W. Robinson, Fred. Luxton, Auctioneer Proprietor AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, on Lot 20, S. B. 1--Iay Tp., 1 rrt'ile ease o: Dashwood on THURS., SEPT. 30th, At 1 o'clock sharp the following:- Horses-Brood ollowing:-1lorses--Brood snare, 7 -years, in'ioal to 1 .tr,l Ronnie; colt from sante pure t,, al. Graham, yearling 'cit, aged y nr nue sucking cat 2-•r-oI i1 d & er old divine. salts, i:•ritt'e--teow 3 -yr -old due Jan let; 3 :'ews 7 -yrs due March; cow 8 -years newly carved; 4 steers Syr• -old; 4 earling steers; 2 ycarlimg heifers; a tionobred bull; 2 spring calves. ries-Sow due Dec. 15; 10 ;toe:kera, ro,. s'd; 50 you,ae hens, .'ow hay i,np;etu:tnts-M,H, binder 7 -ft teat 'w' ty new; etcCarmiek mower, 6 -ft. 'tlt nearly new; i,H.C-, eui.inater,yvZde tee:b new; niepure spreader, new ;hay afc. reviler, din harrow, 4 sec. har- rows, sett;flex; 2 walking plows, No. 21 F'cury; 2•furrow gen; plow, lover tomato:, nearly new, De Laval \o. 15 crt:dn separator, McCormick st.el drill light oagon with pig rave complete; :umber wagon with box, pulner, fan- niryg mill with bagger, 1200 ib wales, nex bug,;y, used buggy, new cut,er,set bull, set sleighs, wheel barrow, 2 ret single harnes:e, one new; set double light harness, 50 ,grain bags, 2 sets sling ropes, all kends lumber and want ling, Furniture-IC:schen range, wood or eon ; heater, wood or coal; 4 -burner e o.tl oil stove, nearly new; Sure -au, kitchen cupboard, 2 lounges, kitchen 1i� I`•, washtpg machine, .harp, •uaar ket..e with stand, 2 grass seeders, 25 say) nails and spouts, 2 wash tubs, 3 hedsteads, )nalttress, oil cloth, parlor - te. eerpet, many a:her articlles, 'I e..ns-Ali sums of 1,10 and ander car, h, ower that amount 12 months' credit io,, approved ie'.e notes, rr 5 per ,scat o f for cash. Hay, 'ash, ED, WILL PR I d'r.):). A, eyeeee F. Taylor, Nt, l'.lrns:on Auctioneers, Clerk AUCTION SALE USEI.) CARS, L re. at GRAY I)ORT GARAGE, t.XETER SATURDAY, SEPT. 25th, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the following :,- Fool -Foil 'Touring, 1918, first class repair; Ford Touring, 1919, Al shape, Chevrolet Touring, 1917, good order. Gray Dort Roadster, 1917, 3 passenger newly painted, Overland 90, Touring, 1918 model Overland 90, Roadster, 1917 Model Gray Dort, 1920 demonstrator, new; Ford car; Trailer, good condition; McLaughlin Touring, 1915 model y Two, 50 al oil tanks with pump; Heavy carriage mare, 6 ,years old; Light deism; mare, 5 -yr -old; New Tires, Tubes and Acceasories,etc Terms -4 months' credit oa approv- ed ,Sint notes, wieh 6 pee cent. per annum off for cash. F. TAYLOR T, H. NEWELL A net. Prop: VOTERS' LIST 1920. MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILL- AGE OF 1,XETER COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have transinitted or delivered to the per - suns mentioned . in Section . 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the cop- ies require -1 by the said sections to. oe sc transmitte 1 or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in the said " Municipality . at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at Exeter, on the 4th day of September, 1920, and, remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all 'voters to take immediate proceedings to have•any., errors or omissions correct- ed., according to law. Dated 'a•l Exeter this 4th day of September, 1920.:.. J*SEPH. SENIOR. ,Clerk. • of Exeter Village .. RAIU"TRU I SYs EM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUT11 • Between : MONTREAL' TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars oat principal day trains:. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horne ar$ District Passenger Agent, Toroste N, J. DORE • Phone 4:6w Agent, Eirldca At AUCTION SALE OP HOUSEHOLD Pune TURF The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub- lic auction on MAIN ST., EXETER, At the rear of Dr. Browning'. Drug Store, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1020 At one o'clock p,m, the following valuable property: PARLOR -Three-piece mahogaleY Parlor suite; mahogany tousle Cab- beet; 1 solid- oak rocker; 2 stands of quarter -cut oak; small white stand; bronze reception chair; lov- ing cup;' 1 picture, Music Hall of Fame; 2 ,9panelled36x12iA011 paintings, vel - DINING -ROOM -One quarter -cut oak extepsion table, round corners;; '7 leather bottom quarter -cut oak dining -room chair's;' 1 quafiterut oak sideboard with mirror; bed lounge;-. quarter -cut oak rocker; open grate with Apes; dining -room pictures, tapestry rug 9%x12%, STUDY -One set Stoddard's lec- tures; 1 set of Charles Reid's novels, 5 volumes of English history; and a miscellaneous lot of books by choice authors; 2 leather eleairs with rockers to match; oil Painting, "A Stag in Winter"; 1 scene, "On The Coast at Wales;" baud -painted mirror, brass aardinere and stand, small curtain poles. KITCHEN -Two kitellen tables; 6 chairs, small rocker, 2 -hole laun- dry stove, new; 2 -burner oil stove with oven, new; large quantity of dishes and graniteware; 24 'fruit sealers, 2 lamps, 2 small mirrors, Bisset sweeper, 1, wickerkat clothes bas- ket, mats, galvanized wash tub, large wooden tub, garden tools and an axe. THREE; BEDROOM SETS --one mahogany set,dresser, commode, iron bed with mattress, green chair and green rug. White t.resser, bed, and commode, bookcase and Brussels rug. White dresser, commode, white bed, white chair, Brussel rug to match. A lot of other articles too numer- ous to mention, TERMS -CASH. 'C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer ALEX. PURDON, Clerk MRS. E. J. WRIGHT, Proprietress London Business Institute DUNDAS & RICHMOND $TS, LONDON, ONTARIO It pays to investigate before chaos ins a school. Write for information. Now is a good time to enroll. J. \MOR.RITT N. STONEHOUSI Principal Vice-Prin. Shipka Mr Thomas Keys who was thrown, from his horse and had lis collar bone broken, i5 slowly• improving -\ir. T). J, McLachlan of Trenton, Mich., visited at Mr. Peter McKeinzie's for a few days last week. Quite a number from here took in the London Fair last week, -Mrs, Wm. Smith of Crediton and Mrs. Pickering on McGillivray vis ited apt Mr. Albert Sm'th's for a few days, -Mr Ray Rate is laid up with a sore knee. McGillivray Council At the September meeting of th me'nbers of the council were preseni, A 'ter passing accounts a by-law was i, •se's ,'evying the followingrates for leen-County 6.e8 mills, Township, 3 mils; general school rate 1.961 mills. besides special rates for schools. Jas Dixon was appointed •soles for for East Division, and Andrew Greve for the west. Adjournment was made to October 4th.-J,D. Drummond, Clerk. in Maidenhood, Womanhood and Motherhood London, Ont.: -"For many years Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been my most favorite medi-„ eine. I have taken it for the ailments pertaiwom- anhood nd before and after mother- hood, otherhood, and it always proved excellent. I have also recom- mended 'Favorite Prescription', to many friends who have taken it with goad results. It is �. the best medicine I know of today for women or,girls who are weak and suf- fering." -MRS. : WM. STEEL'" 179 Rich- ' mond St. • SAVED HER LIFE :• Si. Catharfneay Ont::="I was in a ,very' Miserable . condition when I first started taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical .Dig- oovery and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presorip- tion sixteen years ago: I suffered and was extremelyemaeiated and weak. Although I was a young woman my doctor thought I wa'going through the critical stage of life, but after using these remedies my strength returned, another child came and from that' • time on my health was perfect and my .;-weight increased. 1n really believe that Dr. Pierce's remedies saved my life and I shall always praise them as long as I live." - MRS. ELIZA OVERHOLT, 43 Beach St. Favorite Prescription should have the full 'confidence of every woman in Canada because it contains no alcohol and no narcotic. Dr. Pierce knew, when he first made this standard medicine, that whiskey s and morphine were injurious, and so he has always kept them out of his 'remedies. Send l0c to Pr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, linealo, N. Y.. for trial package Tablets. OVER -EATING Is the root of nearly all digestive 24s. If your digestion is weak or out of kilter, better eat less and use 1 5 the new aid to better digestion, Pleasant to take --effective. Let Ki-moids help straighten out your digestive troubles,. MADE BY SCOTT 14 ISOWNE MAKERS Or scow' EMULSION Mount Carmel Mr, Joseph (Gla.yiee wae in Detroit last week for a :few days, -Mr. Patrick Sul- livan. and sister, Miss Ellen, attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Caff- ery at Duttosi last week. -Mr! Daniel McCormick of Mt. Pleasant, Mich.,' is sielting his brother, Langley nearKhiva 12r. and Mrs. Mike O'Brien accom- panied by their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Mahoney and son Gestin; lett last week to visit rfriends at Detroat. Whalen Miss Ethel Atkinson and friend of Stratford spent Sunday with the form er's sister, Adelbert Morley. -Mr. and 1lrs. John Foster spent unday at the home of Edgar Squire.- e. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning have returned home after spending' a week !n Port Huron and Flint,- Mb clt,--•Mr. and Mrs. John Thacker Of Woodham spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs., John Hazelwood. -Miss Lucy Gentling of. Granton spent the week 'end et her home here. --Mr. Fred Foster is lathe neighborhood cutting corn dile Week.. \Ir. and Mrs. Francis `,quire attend ed Exeter Fair on Tuesday. -Mr and Mrs,. Clarence Milson and daughter, Ruth, axe holidayielo, with the farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs'. Geo. efiilsor4, Mir and Mrs. Thos: Gunning visited in Port Huron. -Mr. a.ncf Mirs. John Webb are spending a few days in Lis - towel end Tavistock, .Miss Stewart of BreeenSton is the new teacher here.- Mtn. :,tewar and daughter Marian, of Detroo are visiteng with Mr. Philp Brooks, Miss Perkins of Locale spent a :lay or two here, -Among those at4 ten,liee London Fair were, Mr. and Mrs Win. Morley, Me. and Mrs. Delbert Morley, Earl Johnson. \ elsilie Gun.. nine, Percy tFoeter, Erne. rooter, Mr. and \ire. John Stevenson, Frank Squire and ,Frank Parkinson. -Mr. and Mrs. Porter e, London nee: Gladys Dann, spent a. day with hire latter's sister, \lrs.. Wm, Morley. Zurich • \ire, Henry Gellman is vieleing a' the home cf4htn patren'`s at Petrolea•-- Miss l,.?a Melick :left an Monday for Clinton, Where she is taking a .cnnr - tnercial course in the business college. -Mrs. \Vinkenwelder of the 'Wee: is eisitine her nto;her, Nil's. ti Reuse e. -Me. Geo. Schnell and bride of Mich- igan visited reip:t.ves. here. for a few days last tweet. We ire pleased to State that Mrs, W. C. Canine, who is confined et S;, Josephs Hospital, Lon don, is re,,.tver':n, nicely. -Mr. Dine; Eckstein of P Teen, Mich., is y e'ng h_. elste-, Mrs. MosesGeer. Mr. Arvin Surerus left on Tuesday morn ing for Oakv:ele, where he is a tea cher o: fang nee in a large collet;,:,- \ir. and Mrs. Noah Geiger, accompan led by the':r two daughters, Urs. tee: tel and J_ -ss Ec,hel, moored from Pg - eon, dish., and are visitors at the home of the fornier's brother, Mr, Mos es Geiger, -Miss Gertrude Weber has returned to her home, after spending a few week'; at Woodstock. Hensall Miss Gertrude Howe:1 c>; \Ie;bcurn,; viened with \V54 Sade Acheson. Annie G'ch:ist left last week to at- tend bu i',ess e o'lege •n Lo rid:on-Mr. and enes, en C. Paisley Of. \1^n,cre'il, Mise !me Rennie of Detroit are guests of air. end Mrs, R. Rennie. -Mr. John Keys of Sten'ev has purchased :1'e residence of Mrs. Alf. Clark -Mr'. S. M Wickens at:e.:Ied the Iuneral of his grandmother, the late Mrs. Cath erin Stephens, 'n Torr.,n: a -Mrs. le, F. Kennedy and daughter of Winnipeg are visetheg meth Mr, and _Mrs, G. C Petty Miss Gladys Petty, who, , has been vieeting wf th therm in the. 'West, accan)p en;ed them home• -Mr. and Mrs. Newell , roan the West toe visiting Mr. Newell's mother. Mr Newell recent- ly sold his boefin.ess in, the West, and we understand Mr. and Mrs. Newell are ,to become eitluzens of Hensall..- Mr. Geo, Brown visited his van, Mer- vin tion Toronto. -Me. W. Ct, Pearce and Mr. Peter Wooley sustained quite severe injures thei other days. They were, siding ,an a water tank when an automobile raninto them, owing oto a heavy mist. Both were. badly brass - ed and shook wp.., BLANSHARD-Mrs. Roy Nethercott of the Mitchell Road, was recently het by lightning and knocked unconscious to the ifl'o,or of .her home Both arms and shoulders were tesellets:s for a, day, she wasbadlyburned: about the body. She was ,sta'ndirgat an .open window at the time. -During the storm the barns of a ,n,highboa;, Milton , ,,Evans, • were destroyed with the season's crap 'pf;_hey iagrrd grain and much mach.nery. S1 AFORTH bli:zabeth Eckert, a daughter of C. Eckert, w.a:s married on the fedi tto .Ctfaelies L. •Braiv'1otf Detroit. After a 'trip !t'o Dullu'th they will re- sede i s D,etr:oi e • After Sicknets !when the .body is weakened,1 l the best restoative is an o easily y assimilated tonic -food. ct t food. Scott's Emulsion is the favorite nutrient recom- . mended by physicians as as 'means of re-establishing strength. Scott's always �. aolnrishes and vitalizes. Scott& Eowne. Toronto, Ont 90-11 fheNew1daton of our *tore / if the New Edison can makeou feel the e same emotions as can the living artist -it proves itself the musical equal of the living artist, doesn't it? Come in and see whether it can do this. We'll give you Mr. Edison:'s Realism Test -the most fascinating of phonograph experiences. JI Wills Powell, Dealer, /'tea Exeter, Ontario E SELLGILSONArifibArm-t FARM E ' UIPMENT BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCEt � MANDD BERME! �- Sixty years of leadership -of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service: That's why the Gilson name wins respect end confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment, THE GILSON ENGINE Ml Shies WONDERFUL. GIL SON" Coate You Nothing The famous Giisou "Goes bike Sixty" En- gine -any size for any purpose --can be pur- chased on the easy payment plan. Let it pay for itself, Its economy and depend- ability have made it the biggest setting en- gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on your farm, HYLO SYLO The Ilylo Sylo i'neures sweet, fresh. succulent en- silage down to the last forkful. Itis built to last indefinitely. Exclusive patented features of de- sign and construction explain why theHylo is chosen by the discrimin- ating farmer. Pays for itself in the first season. Then year after year. pays 100 per cent profit on your investment. Can you beat it? "The Wonderful Gilsoa'r stands supremo More Gilson Silo Millers were sold in Canada last year that' any other make. It is guar. anteed to be the lightest running blower- cutter made. Be independent -get a Gilson Silo Filler and. 611 your own silo -with your own engine, 4 l.p. or larger -at the pr.,9cr time. when your corn has the greatest fe alas value•. THE GILSON SPREADER risr -414 Manure is the best fertilizer. You :have it Ilse it! The best Manure Spreader made is the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread. Itis low down. It bas light draft. It will take a real load. It is free from clutches, gears and all complicated parts. Call and see our nearest dealer, name below. He will save and make you money- on the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixio-Ace Tractors, Wood Saws, Grinders, Pump Jacks, Belting, etc, Write for Catalog. Made in Canada and Guaranteed by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT. Call and See Nearest Dealer WM. FRAYNE, EXETER, ONT. This Mark on Harvest Tools A Small Thing to Look For But a Big Thing to Find Half the job lies in having the right tool. If it's a Hay Fork, you want a fork that feels right, has the right spring and balance, the sterling good quality that makes the work go faster and easier. ,. All Sensible Farmers hnsiz w• Upon "GOLD MEDAL" Harvest Tools With GOLD MEDAL Tools, you know you can de- pend on good hard service. No wasting tr . , ;:,.;cause of poor, defective 'tools, in haying time, . when the moments are precious. Buy tools with the. Gold Medal Label ---•std good steel, right temper, tough hickory, proper fit and heft. h All First-class Hardware sealers ORBS GLD ME lines_ac ejor.salai: big BEAMAN'S' HARD' `ARE.