HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-23, Page 2so t .rr fig is the oprnio4, of alt who have once tried. If YOU have now pried ft, sena us a post card for a free sannpl stating the Ot ice you. soul day and 11: you use BIa+ck, Gree tea' iriix7zd Teao Address Saiada,Toroaato T ifla By EMMETT CAMPBELL HALL PART IL Clayton did nt,t.t neranany o had e .ds a his grtrwn weary in former years of scala ,rig exeiarft at tans of tsi?tenisluneut i, :+«ii he a=-ttt,;treea that he vraa ors to Florida al, the begin^,int:, of sum-; Xtra a a M1l of t si? la •li4 of zlai'relulity 4 s i is grt; ea his exgtla,n ttioe thee, barraig eseeelonal plague t f wow- quitues, the d ieti t mist eenei•t 04 es the ' neat delrgi.t»ul Summer land in the s ret he haci i a smea a=g bar -gat* w: en the brach about mid ay between Palm Bt -at.: a: a :Miami, on the narrow Strip aeperetiao the eanal trent tile tea, mei i c eetal laser hie cruiser al. Meet at hie be.it deer. f liven r r, neer h ne, inlege," C ay - ten e,-se'at'! v:intt rIlti$:::;.:t, 01 tiF, they. elipeed t•nr gh the d sar'idoe at inti <:y ana lnaved situ Iy en clown the str`t Oath lane e _ alt".. i1 iia. r. ' 11 t "l alae eupe _. tae cot- P ling Mn lightly and attach the laugh ln,,, Of the skin. tage." r. eg t 'ng at his Zee: tau z • A It would soon be bark in this landt in the daintiest possible ma nne: Roll 1..c ' a "a e y nlaingcf irief twilight, and already the mos-' it out to one-eighth inch in th-ckne.r c,ncl,tai c Cie a..l h ki �''ei fe� ur ci :t: es were stirring. With an im-„ orad do not forget to peek the pastry ness; se lite strong, robust people; ti the uwith ak - hie heavy esaral taro This gee patient shake of his shoulders Clayton ' in several places to prevent blisters. imps ;, , .t.,, -. t,., b stepped down into the main cabin and ' Always ornament the top crust with. we simply have no use for any of them, Qiteii t'lai ,t,, Ct nz .a-rlorl n Our family tree goes back to the be- ginning of the world, but you only re Gently discovered.ue and gave us our mune. II The Fine Points in Pastry !flaking t paraaieuts, each large enough to eon - The art of making pie crust seems; tarn ane pain of shoes, boots fishery has become severely depleted to have escaped the great majority,' pets, neatly and comfortably, The and in Lunenburg county, where the tac'e to under the clothes industry is mainly centred, tate decline in the taking of scallops is having a serious effect. Scallops may still be taken, but only to supply the demand li Another Fishery Threatened. To afford the " declining scallop fishery of Nova Scotia reasonable pro- tection, an order in council itis been passed, whereby no one shall fish for, take or catch scallops in the province of Nova Scotia, for use outside the saki province. The scallop is a bivalve mollusk, found along the Atlantic coast, The The eecret lies in theemgredients so cl Set shelf can be as plain as one much as in the: handling, if rho pleases, but if they are to stand in the fundamentals are carefully eollowe;l! white light that beats upon the it is far easier to make a delicious bedroompzoper they should be more within the province of Nova Scotia.plc or lemon pie than a delicate white decorative, The tops may be made in calve. The results are "certain sure," to a seat if the bo is of tile proper —' "' no chance of failureisfruit le,sy The izeight,'ar if it ba ' 11 and narrow the Explained At Last, ideal deep dish .re,;lz fru-t pre has i lf, The one I saw was of this variety, an story from the London Post win now. only a top crust, and this should be top zeal be used as ase d the top Doubtless ,the old Froman in this flaky and erisez, consisted of a black walnut board, est must have the car- , be able to enlighten Iter husband an a Good pie cr rest proportion of flour, shortening much lied belonged, to a sideboard in troublesome subject. I my lady's needed to add the water eir'ectzvely, that walnut shelf, holding an old peat- that sante folks be born dumb?" It must be added evenly and slowly wood clock, made suite a taking piece r , until the longe can be handled without Zi lty — lrezn, — why, certainly, of furniture. The front is screened. ma'am, replied the doctor. "It is be- sticking, The latest device for this from dust (and observation? by a expose is a bottle with a spxinking cause they cense into the world with - p chintz curtain in shades which lar- out power of speech," cap on top, used primarily for cater i- monize with the walls, run upon a .. 1 tires In this way the water is "Dear rise, remarked the woman, and water, and real skill and care are the beginning of things. n Doctor, she inquired of a country eh,-n,�er, against the pale rose papery 1r siclan, ,Can you tell zno holy It In clothes. . light evenly and slowly* added, and it aids_rod, Just see what it is to have a ,physical ' a I axed 'au, i greatly to the success of the pie educattan. I'm right glad _ The Germ Says Weare small very small, but our number is greet and there is sere: gth in numbers. Our family has many eliaracteris- ties; some are so fat they are actually crust, I've asked my old man a hundred vas cit whole -hearted. 1 1 , times' that there sante question, and the laughter ' n -If there really haat been any kind of About four to five tab espaonsfu animal E:ngo would have been raving of fat to one cupful. of flour give a to get tt it, and Bingo didn't even delicate, flaky result, Three table- stir. able- st . Sound asleep," spoonsful can be used,, but does not He turned to look at the bulldog give suer a delicate product It is mei - that had been lying on the deck a little est to comb BUY "DIAMOND DYES" { DON'T RISK. MATERIAL ire the fa;, and flour with round, while some are long and slend- be Lind hid chair, mid at eight ofz the fingers, though a fork. or knives gaze a low whistle of amazement, can be employed. -ed, Anyfine patent flour Fork t sleeping but was psl pastry fie z Our fancily is well organized. Bach • peculiar Farb package ' of "Diamond Dyes" cons g .t er, but each is fitted for his pec tains directions so simple that any Ingo was no roue e- tenses the hair upon his will de, butspec p s u s member or group of members will c d • r y'• spine bristling, his which contains less gluten (so essentl- work; one never luterferes with the neaS and ,Bari, his .p g teeth bared in a strangely silent but al in raised bread) are believed to gine work of another. Sometimes we help 1 woman can dye any • material without streaking, fading or running. Druggist haM voter vied—Trite no other dyer incredibly savage snarl. But it was a more delicate texture, one another, but each In itis own way,. the eyes of the dor that chilled the If one-half teaspoonful of baking one never attempting to perform a man's bleed, far in thein he could see, powder is added to the hour in the ma- task iu the way assigned an titer, net the light of brittle which had so jority of cases when sifting a little We lava dirty !?laces, not because often g!rwer #here, but stark terser. better pastry is believed to result; aye think they are dirty, but because -Ana that's the dog that broke a; though perfect technique makes this chain to tackle a panther'," Clayton unrieee,sary, One-half teaspoonful of rt is so much easier for us to live and. muttered. The stars of that termite salt i. neadetL thrive in suck places. battle were plainly visible even tier.; "e love little ebildren, be :use it is' • I'c---` 'G ecce'' he concluded made- 'When rolling out the dough 021 a so easy for us to build cur homes in t i tt SCENTED RED. ft .*e E CHESTS C UAR Absolutely mot11-proof send wonder- fully liandsem4 pieces of ftu-nitu;e, pereet from itaaufactnrer to you 'Write for free illustrated literature.. Eureka Refrigerator Co. Limited Owen Sound, Ont, '.ewatc�iy i ..th an uncantfortable prick- slightly figured board ]vaults the rot -1 them. The only trouble is that most of them die before • a are able to rear a family of creditable s:ze. We hate sunlight; we hate cleanli- atri::tri, anti rad !a.".cl , .anti the long snippet' the electric switch, but no some attractive design in "fork -holes' ;care that siteheel Mien his erne ;life flood of light followed. At the same embroidery so that the steals has rip time he became eonscious of an almost lr' drift i flirt their fray iiad no; al- exit, Iov€�r,oi=ezin odor of gas^vline. t'I he bahlug of least ar ns half But inn theee nneuncin rtease. supper at the!"Two of Ted's seventeen troubles, I the story, however.the Mrhesat ideal�say, as: cottage. Claytcri did Lot take into ,1 v'l-te, he muttered clis;ustedly- in all hinds of cookery, is by the ther- t't'allridera:tit. i the whirrs of gas en Liehts out of commission and a gas gin's. iv), hour later the Leat was ; leak, I can't sleep in the cabin on ac- I =meter. Half the worry and unser- lrioc>reti to a cw«ortr,ut aha, the '=,an . coast of the ;as, and the mosquitoes Minty is taken out et cooking if this w is just touching the 4 ' a'terit horizim, will dev �ur me on deck. Pleasant' little instrument is used. For datable end Ted tip erks we smeared to the pros, t l �„ n :: a 1 crust pies' with a filling of apples, Uor eyclirvtcs with file ;, t As Clay t n row a r e the deck a skiff ries, and the like, an even oven with a hove into slight, a small boy energetic- t temperature of about 450 degrees i'iri're ere a , , ae ci cin things! mow? . g l i i and nervously plyin the oars„ the matter,'" he re,,.r�et., 'any one of, w:s rahrerheit for farts minutes is teees- 44 ztlz many hasty glances over his which would be enough to tie us up right shoulder. The sight of the; sary. During the last ten minutes of for the night, bot I c:amid get her go-, •C ' baking the heat should be slightly=re- cr ur,. er and Clayton seem,d to reas- iiii in the morning exept for the sore hint and he slowed his efforts. ! duced. For deep fruit pies only about magneto. That'll have to be operated : "Say, son, is there a house near, thirty minutes at this temperature is on i. • a s ecialist ' Ile straightened ` hie kir-kedpback, held up the magneto'; where I can stay to -night?" Clayton needed. which he had dhscennected, and let inquired as the skiff came alongside.I A custard or Bumpkin or cocoon. -t fall 'itis heave; wrench. The boy rested an h:s oars and gave pia will require: 450 degrees Fahren- the man a swift scrutiny. heft temperature for fifteen minutes to oily take the tender and convey k "There's a House an the mainland; set the pastry. The heat should then your patient to the nearest hospital. about 100 yards behind those wild' There are good garages at Delray, but oranges." he replied, pointing with a j far thirty minutes. be reduced to 325 degrees will produce if they can't fix yc-u up, you can go itiroiizi hand. "There's a path from on to West Palm Decca, Clayton' that bunch of cocoanuts. They'd; a firm, uncurdled filling with a delicate directed: waving a languid cigarette• likely take you in ifyou want to std undercrust, "I'll wait here far you:" He settled ' there." y For an ideal meringue, so often himself mare comfortably in his deck Something in the boy's tone caused j placed on one crust ries, a tempera- ebair, sharply. 1 ture of about 300 degrees Fahrenheit `I kind of thought you might wait, Cl"Won to luld at him shax 1 Whir- shouldn't I wish to • stay . Ted responded drily, and climbed down there?" he demanded. into the little motor tender " which they "Oh, I dense," the lad responded Iii b b Gass. You. see a plot of grass And loudly say: "How green! And lovely to be seen!"' Then trample it, aid! And lightly pass Unthinking on your way. Another pauses silently: "it is the living sod. Upspringing tho' downtrod; With every blade Divinely made — A part and parcel Of. Eternal Gad." $7 a Karat to Produce Diamonds. To produce a diamond in the rough costs approximately $7 a karat, accord- ing to estimates of various students of is used and fifteen minutes is the the diamond industry. If this diamond, length of time needed. Never take a properly out, were sold at $30, it would meringue directly from the hot oven net a good profit, In the South African had been towing astern.a ac evasively and glanced nervously to - as soon as possabie, sir," he added, as t ward the entrance, to the path, ,tI to a cool place, as that stakes it mines, it is said, the diamonds are lis a concession to the fact that Clayton atter o," he added and bent vigor_ tough and small blisters appear. Al- tributed so evenly that 100 tons of the was, after all, his employer and the Gusty to his oars, g low the pie to stand o^ the shelf of the bluish clay yields about 100 karats of any- oven for five to ten minutes and then diamonds. The production cost of a owner of the boat. { "I'll take a look at the place five -karat diamond is $35. If it is flaw- less and of good water it will easily The Value of Soups net $3,500. The supply of diamonds is Why soups? Some people think unlimited. Almost all of the world's they are a waste of time. Some supply comes from South Africa, and think they :area waste of space, for complete control of it is in the hands the contain very little nourishment of one British concern. Five minutes later the launch had wane Clayton decided, and '.after" set in a cool place. disappeared, and Clayton might have i lighting the oil -burning riding lights fancied himself alone in the world, ex-, started to spring ashore. A sudden eept that just as the silence began to : impulse sent him back to the cabin, be a bit oppressive there came the however, where he procured and slip - faint, far sound of a Iocoznotive'sped into his pocket a small but vicious - whistle, i ly effective automatic pistol. Then Clayton glanced up idly from the; he did leap to the bank magazine which he was scanning, con -1 Bingo hesitated, then followed his'is c ztrparison to their bulk. For just. scions that it was growing a bit dark master, keeping close to his heels. this reason, and because the trot liquid for reading, though the western sky The moon had now risen, and the was still a vivid mass of color. On , land was flooded with clear white favors the flow of the gastric juices, both banks of the lagoon the foliage light, and the well-worn trail was easy is soothing by its warmth and mildly. made a solid wall of dark green, to follow. Cutting through a dense stimulating by reason of the meat ex-, splashed here and there with the; growth of rubber trees and palmetto,tractives in stock soups, we have an scarlet hibiscus blossoms. At one lit deflected to avoid a jungle othornideal "first course," and a food especi only there was a break; where several I wild orange, and then came abruptly ally adapted to the invalid, the over - cocoanut palms grew in a cluster. a! upon an open space of sand, which, tired person who is not ready to digest, trail seemed to lead away from the; judging by the ragged clumps of St, heavy, concentrated food and the water, and a stake driven into the Augustine grass, had once been a "overweight" ground indicated that a boat was lawn. Sentineled about a wide, low who wants to take the sometimes tied .up there. A slight house were a dozen tall Australian edge off his appetite, eat lightly and' movement drew Clayton's eyes and pines, and the dense mass of their still feel satisfied. Soups are usually he stared in astonishment. Inthe shadow Iay like a tangled thing upon out out of the diet when one wants to rapidly deepening shadow under thethe dwelling. Despite the shadows, reduce, but used with discretion they; cocoanuts stood an animal which he however, Clayton saw, or rather was may be a help rather than a hie-: at first took to be an enormous dog; aware,, that the house was very old trance. het even as the thought entered his and sadly neglected, almost, in fact, Even the condensed soups as they mind he dismissed it; no dog'ever a ruin. No window showed a light,, come from the can have about 84 per stand like that; with low -held head and and Clayton was about to conclude drooping tail—and the size of the that the place was deserted when cent of water, and the broths and con - thing! Four full feet high at the Bingo snarled, and at the same instant sommes about 96 per cent, but this shoulder, Clayton instinctively cake- cowered against his master's legs. does not alter the fact that the small. laced. It couldn't. be—there were no Clayton., heard a quick rustle in the amount of itotirishment offered is in: wolves in Florida—yet the beast was growth of saw -palmetto that had been easily assimilated and well suit e wolf, more gigantic than any he had allowed to encroach almost to the ed for certain cases and conditions,. ever seen exceptin 'Siberia. walls of the house on one side saw a Many a person would be better off. Without maving his body, Clayton darner shadow glide swiftly through with a cup of consomme for breakfast' extended his hand'for the rifle, which the shadow of the pines, and heardea' (hot or cold according to season) on the chance of an alligator, had been quick patter of; feet upon the brackets against the cabin boards placed othan with .the haci+nal portion of:teaonof the verandah. A'few seconds later wall. As he touched the weapon, the a lamp was lighted in the house, and or coffee. ' It must be remembered: strange beast whirled about and lis- a broad beam of light camethrough that the perfect food, milk, is 85 per ampeared. Clayton rubbed nis eyes. the open door. A moment after the cent water, a?rc1'wk_ile thin stoups in no It was twenty feet from where the doorway framed. the,fzgtlreof an old way coab:mare with milk in food valise, beast had,:stood to. cover dense'cnbugh man, who seemed' to be breathing sti1•1 the worthwhileness of liquid- to hide it he had not taken his eyes heavily, as from exertion, and who foods -their useful function in pro"- from ro=from it, he could have sworn that it held the newly lighted lamp in both meting healthy body conditions— yetnot covered the intervening space, shaking hands. C yet it was gone (C t d xt ) gives thein a ..special claim out of pro: (Continued in next issue. portion, to their nutritive value; "I'm seeing things," Clayton de- . : ,� 1 Fisherman's Bad Luck. glared aloud and laughed a ittle, but psigeOritry2e04frers 1-Ia:vo us send yours weekly or 'fort- nightly. 'We,pay postage on fifty cents worth. News of the 'World, Comics, Gems, !Magnets, Union Jacks, Christian Novels, ete. Send for list.: it����pp ' r 2.809 Duaaas Street ('iiieis�Rt7t Welt, - Toronto . A Welshman, says Punch, was fined. fifteen ppunds 'Iast week far fishing with a lamp for salmon. The defen- dant's plea that •he was•: investigating, the scientific question whether sal- mon yawn in their sleep, was not ac- cepted, Minard's Liniment Relieves Colds, Etc. Minaret's Liniment For Burns, Etc. It +is difficult for parents to under- stand where their children got their bad traits. Britain depends upon other coun- tries for all her cotton, nine -tenths of her wool, most of ' her motor oil, all. her rubber, and. two-thirds of her food requirements. - The Shoe Box - A compartment box 'for` 'shoes is• much handier than' the old-fashioned shoe -bag on the closet door. 'The': latter does not always keep one's footwear in .good condition, ' and there. is more or less, crowding andrubbing, of fine leather, The box does away with tee. It is merely a set of coni Buy Thrift Stamps.. ONTARIO. COLLEGE OF ART Nortna1 School Building, flt. James, Square, Toronto, Session 1020-21 opens October 4th, 1920. Drawing, 'ainting,.rdlodening and Design Short Courses in Commercial and Ap- plied Art. Prospectus on application, G. 8. AE13.3, R.C,l3., vienetpea. The Beauty of The Lily can he yours. Its wonderfully pure, soft, pearly white ap- pearance,free from all blemishes, will be coin- Parable to the perfect beauty of your skin and contplexionif ycu will use all he would ever say was, 'Cause they be, ", After Eating Thirteen Buns. Mrs. Wiggs—"Is Billy i11, Mrs. Skin- ner V' i►ixs, Skinner—"Well, he ain't 111 ex- actly', but no stumnzick can stand. thir- teen buns! It's an unlucky number; COARSE SALT LAND 4AL" Belk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO BOB Lova; Umar; Mede Gloves Overalls &. Shirts 'Bob Long Says:— \i • overalls and skirts are roomy and Comfortable, and made ripe. ,y ciaily for farmers, 1 designed them with the idea that you unght t: ant to stretei: yoer arms and. legs occasionally." OB LONG GLOVES will outwear any other make of Glove on the market, because they are trade by skilled work- men from the strongest glove leather obtainable. Insist on getting Bob Long Brands from your dealer— they will save you money R. G. LONG & Co., Limited Winnipeg TORONTO Montreal BOB LONG BRANDS Known from Coast to Coast For Little eye-sores— The unavoidable marks of wear on woodwork throughout the home call for AGATE VARNISH STAIN ASK YOUR DEALER 4110111,11•11Mlii 11116....,4111.P...6.1411, -.P.01011111.14. does not mean curtailing expendi- ture so much as getting full value for the money spent. i`faat is Costly. Be sure of getting all fire nourishment from the creat you eat. C Keep's S D. S. F. Mustard --- makes your food more easily digested and assimilated, so that there is no waste. • Haus Keen''s 1. S. P. Mustard always on your cable. MAGOR, SON & CO., Limited Montreal Toronto Canadian Agent,. 13 icy aby's $oetp Keeps the 'shii>i healthy and sweet.. It's. Best for Baby and Best for You. ALIUEItT SOAPS LOME% ?' ra., bloat_xor. Have Your leaning Done Sy x opt% Clothing, household draperies, linen and delicate fabrics c"san be'Cleaned 'and made to look as fresh and; bright as when fleet bought. Gleaning ant Ilyeing Is Properly Done at Parker's • It -snakes, no difference where you' iivet parcels can be sent in 'by mail or•.express. The `same ,care `and :attention lis given the 'work as though you lived in town. We ii11 beyo pleased' to advise u on any question re- gar•:diiig Cleaning or Dyeing. WRITE US. ert. 'anis 791Yoi:ge sty, Toronto