HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-23, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. EX.E4714.7iR,•ONTARIO, THURSI)A Y SEPT. 23, 1920. .2 7. SANDERS & CREECH Our Corner Local News seansw Coal at $7.1 a tion forbids atte e,ay- Crystal City Courier—"Mrs, f. T. lag thlet he will be glad when -.eating Wasting, havine seed her house, will weather conies. sell her housegold effects at eerystal City os Saurday, October .9th. All Meti used to strike matches on their pants, but the high price pants to -day will not eel the strain. Luke elcLuke says, "The healthiest people roe those what keep the skin exposee .to the sun. That i why our women folks are so hkeolthy. The amendment 'to the School At- teretiaee Act which extends the corn- eadsore elli&t o 16 years doe.; no: come to force until Sept. 1. 19?.3. Immediate demand far exceeding =le, supply, the prospect o.' horse famine on farms within the next few Years, is a subject bough i into conversation by almost any hoe -seinen nowadays. Eastern professors are getting it figure -I out 4.o hit by following, a well laid out plan a person can Jive on 23 cents a dey. Some of theta will fig ure it tout pretty so so a man can read. over a bill of fare and satisfy his eitomath by swallowing his words. .......emomm,•••••••••••••••••••• The Government has. declared Mon • deY, October 18th, as Thanksgiving Day, ond all are asked to observe it as such. Canada has an abundant harvest and many a:her things to be thenktui tor, bat, it hard eo agree to pay SZ1 a ton for ecial. Where the. L ool provideF, he provides abundantly but where Moe manipulates the re- sult is rotten • Goderieh Clintane,Seaforth. Wine ham, et. Marys. Blyth and other pate ere 'of Hum). County increase their subscription price eo SUM on Oct. DI:. No aeology is needed for the increase —inereased cost; make it iinnerative to either increase the. rate, or be pet out of btoiness by the sheriff. The nesspaper expectsits friends to stay with it in. a stressful One. Dashwood The Calvary Evan. Church is obsery jag Rally Day on Sept 26. A snlentliel missionary Play, "The Call of the Nutions" as being prepared by the Y. Peke and a missionary ,offering will be taken. Mr, and Mrs. Otterbein and Mr. and 'Mrs. G. Nadiger visited in Kitchener over the week Messrs. Herb and Sol Miller of To ronto xi:sited their mother this week, Master Eugene Tiernan entertained a number of his friends at a birthday tea on Monday evening. Mr. Chester Geiser of Toronto is visiting at his home here. Mrs, J. Rader and daughter have returned :from a visit out west, Phone 81a TAMAN'S For All Kinds of Men's Surnmerwear THE GLASS WILL 'TELL YOU. . that our straw hats are entirely al- -right Theme Is a style to then.; that puts them- in, a class by them- selves. Nowhere'teese, will. you flied erg much real class in summer head- aaNowhere else either will you find hats so reasonably peleetl. They are sure enoughsmart straws for the tuna people. posammosionammulliol SUITS $20 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35 RAINCOATS $15 to $30 W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher must be :sold, as Mrs. Manneng is giv- ing up heusekeeping." SOLI) BUSINESS. This week Mr. Hugh Spackman, who has been in the hartkwaie business hero fete forty years, sold his stock and business to etr. 13. W. F. Beavers. and they are now taking sock. Mr. Speck men will remain in Wen for a eine but exneets later to go to Guelph to re- , eide Wrt• "egret Mr. Spavk man entail the business circle, but wel come Mr Beavers back to business, Mr. Anderson, „who has been uith Spackman for thirty-five years, will ontinnetwith his successor. SPEe..D COLLECTIONS. County Court business will be les' 'Fened and tha: of the Diviston, Court somewhat increased as a result of new regulations, Under 'the old regulations person could not be sued in 1 he clir- deion court on a eolleetion charge ov Cr 860, but this amount has been in- creased to 8120. A promissorY note action. in extless .of 8200 could not be heard in the eourt, but oow enaction up to $400 can be tried without takteet it to the county court. Similarly there is a change in re gent to contract suit. A. charge ran now be heard in ,the diviserin court up to $200 instead of $100. In view a. the fact the elivision, court in the city sits once a me•nth and in the county every two months, collections can be handled with greater speed, for county court only sits twice a year. Creclito,n The Slst Anniversary of the Cred- iton 'Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, Sept.. 26th, 1920: The Rev. R. A Brook will preaeh in the morning at 10.30, and evening at 7,30. Special music will be rendered by the choir. A mare meeting of the Sunday School and voageegation will be held, at 2.30 when the members of the School will present the annual Rally Day Pro gram The public are cordially invited t i, all the services. Mr, John Klumpe, who has been jil to: several weeks, is showing signs et improvement, we ante glad to state. Feed Kerr bas (exchanged his old Franklin car for a new- model. Frank Taylor has been engaged to coni •.Quie a number of sales in this district mithiin the ,next few weeks. Frank has got the reputation or being lone of the best auctioneers at 'the business. Our school was closed on Tuesday to allow 'the teachers and pupils to attend Exeter Fair. Mr, Sidney Young of Taranto is is wee Mr. I. G. Young and family. Mrs. Jos. Heist bad the misfortune to strip over a bag en the dark the other night, with the result that she sprained her knee very badly and is obliged to remains in bed. We she will soon be able to be around again. A number ifrom here attended the Grand in, London last .week to hear Chu Chin Chat. All appeared to be delighted with /the play. Mrs, Christian :Trick Is' at, present under the Doetofr's care. Mrs, Lydia Huxtable of Hamilton is visiting her .mother, Mrs. Finkbeiner, and sister, Mrs'. Harry Beaver. The annual Rally of the Evangelical Sunday School will be held next Sun- day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. It is ex- peetted that Mr. 13rethaunt and Mr. lifter .of Kitchener will be present to add to the meeting.There will be wothie other interesting ,features added to the program which will make it worth' Mrs. John. Humble of Sarnia and Mrs. Wm. Nichol oif Adelaide are vis- iting With Mr. and Mrs, john Mallett It has been Arranged to have a. Tow] eupoer in the Evangelical church shed on Oct. itle Keep the date: in mind and be surge to come. Mrs. David ,MaSon of Galt .and Mrs. J. Rogers of London spent a few days last /week in, town. the equestr of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson. Quite a ;number of motor accidents occurred last week; as our people were driving from London Fair, On Wed- nesday night an :wtb ran into Henry Heist's, tearing off the rear wheeland fenders, and throwing Mrs. Hairst into the ditch. The, same night Fred ICerr was ceowded into aj deep ditch at' ,crediton. East by a car having bright lights. His new -tar was damaged con- siderably. It is about time that the law was enforced compelling drivers to dim their liihts and it would be a good idea to have a light ion each vehicleas well not for their o'wn safety, but for the protection of the motor -driver SID. HODGINS NEARLY KILLED Sidney G. Hudgins of near 1:.,,ucan, and one ot the best k,nown race horse men in Ontario and many parts of the United States, was very seriously in- jured at the race track at, the West- ern. Pair, London, Wednesday after- noon, Sept. 16, when Alto. Lynn, the horse.which the was driving, fell, when ball way (on, the last lap oif the second round of the 2,30 one. Mr: Hodgins was 40 second plagfe t lle time of the ,accident. Pow other horses were coming up. behind hem„ 'end when the horse fell Me Hudgins was thrown out of 'the ,cart, .the throe ,horses behind 'him passing Lov-ei- his body,. and how be escaped alive is a ntyOttery.,. lipdging-was' thriiwn Tully ten feet- in the air. Helenittitted unconscious for many ,hours 'and Ilia life bung in the balance .for 'He. has, however, somewhat Unproved and now' gives promise tof recovery, notwatlistandwg, he received e severe eraeture of the skull: • , . Exeter Fair CATTLE semesa" ' 1 A SPLENDID SUCCESS Although Moody was a very cold and unpleasant day, Tuesday —the real Fah. Day—was all that could be de- sired as to weather, and the exhibits in all 4ines were :well no to standard. These things, toge,tbe- with the fact that the attendance was the largess ever, make the 1920 Fair he best in the history of the Society. Specie mention could be made of :he exhibite but suilize t eo eay, that those who were present could see for themselves and the ,extended prize list following will give our readers an ides where the values were. Many favorable comments e tee made on themusic furnishca by the Exeter Thc Concert in h (L'tera House the evening was an exceptionally good one and well attended. Tbe races in the afternoon, as usual, claimed the attention of the larger part of Me crowd and both :events were watched with a great deal te' '.n• terest. In the 2.30 Class George Pettit en won in three straight lieets, ,e4h Irish Bill ia close seemed, the Patehe horse having to, get down to good, honest hard work to keep the lead. The 2,20 'lass furnished a pretty fair ,race, in :t N?e Bov, who figured 73.1 ,the err jr.N Sid Hodg:re; was so seriously hurt London a couple weeks ago, and also Gentry de Foes e owned and driven by Mr. Jim Galbraith ,of Brussels, and a short time ago caned by Mr. 'Miler of town. He is 'Steil ;ea kthe ring as a rve horse and puts uu a mighty good race. Ello, ,owned by Thos. Yearley. Crediton, (clean cut, little heist and gives promise to make some ef them step in the near future. Following as the result 2.30 Trot or Parc George Patchea, G. Young, Clan deboye , 1 1 1 Irish Bill, F. Taylor, rcrediten I,- 2 2 le Prohibition, G. S. Lett, Mitchell 3 3 3 2.20 Tifot or Pace Nile Boy, S. G. MeNall, SheP- pardton 1 1 1 Gentry de Foreet, J. Gailbraith, Brussels . - ,2 2 2 Elea T. Yeafriey, Credit= ,.'... 'N 3 3 3 Tony Unco, E. W. McFa.,wm Mjtchdll,- . 4 4 4 "Shorty" Campbell, known from 'cost to const,, gave a performance af tents in front of the Judges and' grand -stands, that proved very inter- esting,. He handled the, rope with re- markable dexterity end the. most diffi- cult of ell ropings were done with ease and cleverness. "Shorty," apart from his cow -boy stunts, has a wagish turn and always keeps the crowd amused We wished us to iextend hie heartiest and best wishes to the, Fair Commit- tee, directors, theatre manager and all his friends in this, part of the world. Following are the winners,— JUNIOR JUDGING COMPETITION in order, Andrew Easton, Cecil Stewart, E. Roweliffe, Hedley May, Wilfrid Shapton, Milton, Luther. The prizes were donated by C. W. Robin- son, Southcott Bros., Geo, Hawkins, BABY BEEF COMPETITION Usborne Tp., A, Etherington land 2 Wm. Essery; Hay Township, H.Smith Sweepstakes, A. Etheringean, 1 and 2 SPECIAL AWARDS Malsons Bank .for heavy draft brood mare, J N. Raecliffe. Bank of Commerce for draft team, Arksey Bros, Heaman's Hardware, ,for grade cow, j. Delbridge. W. J. Beer for Roadster foal, Jas. Essery. Martin & Son and J. Dawson, for lady driver, J. Decker, C. Truemner Royal Purple Stock Food Ca., for best calf, A. Etherington 1 and 2. & Sims ,for display ladies' work, Miss N. Tom, MrsR. Davis. Hervey Bros., kl'or loaf bread, Adam Case, J. J. Merner, M.P.., foe Shorthornbull calf, H. Smith. D. Russell for draift foal, ',Ratcliffe e. H. Grieve ,for light breed birds, R. Quance. W. J. ,Stathem for heavy birds, Mc- Cullough & Son, Grig gStationery Co. for dairy but- ter, H. Ford. R. N. Rowe for dairy butter in, roll, Miss Hogarth. B. Melons for bacon hogs, G.Miners. Dr. Browning for peiraing landscape Miss Follick. S. ,Davis (for for 10 ib dairy butter, Miss• Hogarth. HORSES General Purpose—Mare, Manson & Son; 3 -yr, old, W. McDonald 1 and 2 W. 'Decker; 2 -yr old W. Decker, H. Dolland; team, G. E. Thompson, W. McDonald, .W. Decker; diploma, W. Decker. • Agricultural—Mare, J. N. Ratcliffe; 1920 ,foal, A. Moir, J. N. Ratcliffe 3 -yr, old, J. N. ,Ratclitfe, W. Hawkins; 2 -yr. old,, j. N. Ratcliffe; 1 -yr \old, 3. Ratcliftfe, G. jeffery,leam W. !Brock, G. Penhale, W. Hawkins ; diploma, W. Brock. Heayy Draught -1U. N. Ratcliffe, W McAllister 2 and 3; foal, ,ditto ; 2 -yr. old, 3. Ratcliffe, J. Allison; l -yr red, W. McAllister land 2; 'team, Arksee Bros, L. Rader, C. Goelbelt; diploma, A.rksey Bros. • itt Carriage—Foal, Manson & Son; 2 -yr old, G. Thomson 1 and 2; 1 -ye tied A. Wetzel; single, F. Anderson, Wurrn, teem, J. Hey je., diploma, Geo t Thompson. 'Roadster—Mare, W. Decker, 3 Es- ser*; foal, J. Eeedry, W. Decker ; 3 -yr old, J. Hey, J. Decker; Z -yr old, C. Trueinner, G. Thompson; 1 -yr old J. Decker, W.:becker; single Cope - Shorthern—Cow and 2 -yr heifer, MARRIAGES • Smith 1.42,3; 1 -yr heifer, A. Ether- ington, heifer calf, A. Etherington, H. ISriaith Etherington; Bull calf, also '2 -yr. bell, arld diploma, H. Smith, Herords—J, Delbridge swept list. • Jersey, T. (Brock for cow, heifer & irliPeradmae.s—J. Delbridge ail hut first for heitei calf and diploma,. ,which. reent toWns. Essery.tp siiE Shrepshliedowas, —Ram, A. Muue shearling ram, Manson & tien; rain Iamb A. Doupe, Manson & Sen.; ewe with 1920 lambs, A. Doupe 1 and 2; sh.ewe also- ewe lamb, A. Doupe, Manson & Soa. Lincoln—G. Penhale swept lee. Leicester—W. McAllister ewept Pen of Sheep.—G. Penhale, A.Doupe Robt, Bell, budge. HOGS Yorkshire—G. Meters swept liet, Berkshire—Dawson Bros three firsts and three seconds. Tainivtirth—Manson & Sons tourist and three 2nd, Chas Harvey, judge. MANUFACTURES AND IMPLE- MENTS—Domestic cloth, W. W. Ta- man; wool blankets, Mrs. Penrice; Woollen yarn, Miss N. Tom; rag car- pet, Miss N. Tom; sewing machines, S. Martin & Son; stuffed birds, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet 1. & 2; tailor custom suit, W. W. Taman, Sautheatt Bros.; col, general goods, Southeott Bros.; hest col. tailor's goods and furnish- ings, W. W. Taman, Southeott lerose eat, boots and shoes, Southeott Bros, factory ,,weeds, W. W. Taman; as - sentient of tweeds, W. W. Taman; ladies' boats, Southeott Bros; gents' boots, Southeott Bros. Plano .Special—S. ',Untie and. son. Special—W. Powell, Judge—W. G. Medd. MISCELLANEOUS --Best collec- tion eauned fruit, Mrs. McPherson; best col. of honey, B, Harburn; bailey in comb, R. Barburn; honey in Jar, E. Harburn; cot, battled pickles, Mrs. McPherson; home-made buns, 3, Shapton, Miss Hogarth; home-made bread, Adam Case, J. Shapton; cured ham, W. H. Dear- ing, Mrs, R. Davis; eggs from light breed bens, H. Ford; eggs from heavy breed hens, Miss Hogarth. POULTRY—Silver Gray Dorkings McCullough and Son, lst cock, hen, cockereland pullett, W. H. Dearing, 2nd hen and pullett; Barred Ply- mouth Rocks, McCullough and Son, 1st and 2nd for all; any other var- iety of Plymouth Rocks, cock, It. Quance, hen, McCullough, R. Quance cockerel, and hen and pullett, Mc- Cullough, R. Quance; white Wyan- dottes, cock, Dr. Hyndman, McCul- lough, hen, McCullough, Dr. Hynd- man; cockerel, Me,Cullough, Brock, pullet, McCullough, 1st and 2nd; any other variety WYall- Hoeper—Wilford—At Salford on Sept. I 15th., Grant Hooper, son of Mr. and Mrs, Adolphus Hooper of Lake Road Hay, to Mildred, daughter rsf W. H. Wiltord at Salford, Jacobs—Shourtz,.At the home of the bride's sister, Mes. Harry Fre) Continued en Page 4 Centralia Miss Hazel Essery ,visitea in Bel - grave over Sunday. Mrs. Connor hes been in Sarnia. at- teading !the funeral of her brother, Jacobs.—Shoultz.—A pretty wedding took place at the home, of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Frey, .on. Saturday, when Mr. Newton. Henry Jacobs, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs of Stephen, was united in marriage to Mies Neele Schotiltz, sister of Mrs. Frey. The ceremony took place at nine o'clock a. me and was performed by Rev. A. Sincla'r in the presence of only the immediate relatives. The bride was very prettily gowned in blue silk georgette end carried the usual bridal bouquet. The ceremony over and the wedding breakfast served the young couple motored to Listowell, where they took ;the train, for Brantford, Hamilton and other eastern poutts, the bride travelling in navy blue serge, with hat do match. The groom's gift to the pride- was a beautiful Foreign fur. The young couple on. their re- turn from their honeymoon trip will make eheir future home in. Centralia, and will have the best wishes of their many „friends.. HE CANNOT KJ,EP OUT OF THE KITCHEN if the meats have been bought at tbis market. 'Their fragrant toilor as they cook are toot much for the masculine desire, And when the meats reach the table how 'he does enjoy every ,hioutleful. If, as is aaid, the way to 'a -man's heart is through. his stomach we housewives evill.cer- tainly not overlook the advantage of using aur meats on their tables. B. Makms, Centralia, toe Sept. 18th, by Rev. A., Sinclair, Mr. Newton Henry Jacobee son of Mx, and Mrst, John Jacobs, Stephen, to Miss Nettie Shoultz, DEATHS Rollins—In Exeter, on Sept. 39, Will- . i'im Rollks:;,, in his 82nd year.. IRKTON FAIR Thursday and Friday Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 Speeding in the Ring LOCAL TROT FREE FOR ALL FOOT RACES LADY DRIVERS GIRL DRIVERS GIRL DRIVERS BEST SINGLE TURNOUT PRIZE RIBBONS FOR HORSES —STAMPED IN GOLD $U0) IN PRIZES 15 UFF1,RED IN BABY BEilF COMPETITIONS MIDWAY VALLEY BAND WILL BE IN AT'ThNDANCE. MELT YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FAR THEY WILL ALL Bit THERE Wm. Brock President Amos Doupe Sec.-Treas. Sept. 28 & 29, '20 The Big Fair' Dates a At PARKHILL, Ont. Exceptional Showing in the Poultry, Live Stock and Horse Classes • • 2,20 PACE OR TROT. PURSE $250.00 2,40 PACE OR TROT. PURSE $125.00 FARMERS' TROT PURSE $50.00 OBSTACLE RUNNING RACE PURSE 825.00 Baby Show, Tug of War, Greasy Pig Contest After the races a Grand Concert in Town Hall Geo. Tudor, Pres. W. W. Tate, Sec., J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats, Suits and Serge resses. We have a complete range of Ladies ,and Misses Fall and Winter Coats kin all the Latest Styles and The Newest Cloths int Fur Ganges and Trimmings, also the iaew' Cape Collars, All Coats marked below Luxury Tax. SPECIALS in Salt's Esquiniette Seafette Coats M several different styles. They are sure swell •Coats, If isa wane of a Winter Coat don't ail --,1 see our range, OVERCOATS FOR MEN AN1 „JYS. Our New Winter Coats for Men, Young Men and Boys, axe sure the eatest ward in Style, Cloths gad Colars. Call end be convinced. LADIES' FURS , Now is :the time to pick on pick out your new se tof furs. We can show you all the latest styles in all the different Furs SPEC/AILS FOR 'FAIR DAY, We will have a lot ol specials well *orth your in:epee-40,e, oia our counters for Fair Day. Also Some speCials in Groceries Make 'this your headquarters for Exeter Fair Day, J A STE HvedinanIVART • • land, J. Decker, sr,, Horton and 'Dr, THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET , I E. Phipps quality is higher than price tionkoloWto •I I 4 • 1 , 1 A 4 4 1 4 4