HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-16, Page 5AUCTION SALE
otu LOT 13, CON. 1, USBORNE, half
mile South of Exeter, an SATURDAY
ell SEPT, 25th, get one o'clock sharp.
the following, -
1 horse 7 years old; 1 cow, sup-
posed to be in calf; 1 heifer, 2 years
ad, supnosed en calf ; 1 calf ; tap bug-
gy, nutter, single set Harness, ,scuffler
mower, horse sake, land roller, horse
blenket; new 11 -foot gate, robe and
duster, ,cream separator, Daisy 'churn
wart: bench and screw, boring machete
sad augers, some cherry lumber, a
number ,of framers' coals, crosscut saw
2 oak barrels, and many other articles
too ,numerous to mention.
Terms --.10.00 and under e:ash ; over
that amount six months' credit on
approved joint notes, or 5 per cent,
per annum discount.
Proprietor Auctioneer
On Lot 9, Con. .4, Stephen, Half -
mile south of Crediton. Grist Mill, on
MONDAY, SEPT. 27, 1920,
At 1 o'clock sharp the following;-
Horses -Draft mare in foal; Gen.
1'urpoec marc, 10 -yr. -old; Percheron
horst se -yr. saki ; aged horse; Perch
eros 3-tr. 3-tr.old; 3 dolt colts, rising 3;
Z draft eo ts, ristxtg 2; sucking colt.
C tttie-Cosy due :Nov. 5, cote due
l)ec, 4, vow due 'ant 15; cow clue
Feb. 14. ow• due April 5. .:ow due
June 9 ; steers ,risjeg 2 -yr; 3 heifers
rising 2 -yr; 4 $print calves.
Pigs Etc•. --Sow with 6 pigs at toot Mount Carmel
4 week:, n:
ted clay sof sale. 75 he,.
1 . 2 tts k rose 1St W ooai hd'
G*SBORNE COUNCILA. regular meeting of the Usbo ne
Council was held in Elineville on.
Sept. 4th. All members were present.
Minutes of the meeting held August
7th were read and approved,
Bylaw No. 11, fixing rates for'
1920 was finally' read and signed.
The following motion: was passed;
That since due notice has been given
by the Usborne Council to the Exe-
ter Council that the Usborne Coust-
cil refused to collect a school rate.
on N3! lot 21, lot 22 and 23, con.
1, Usborne, for the Exeter School
Board, until proofs are given that
they have power to collect such rates
and since no response has been re-
ceived from the Exeter Council or
School Board and no proofs given',
the result that on the request: of the
owners of the said lots, they be now
placed in School Section .No 5, Us -
borne and that they be charged the
No, 5 rate for 1920.
The Oris miles of extra designated
road to which the township of Us -
borne is entitled, was allotted from
the Corporation of Exeter, east, to
Coward's corner on the Exeter side -
Bills to the amount of 841,9.88
were passed and orders issued for
the payment of the same.
Council adjourned to meet on
October 2nd.
Henry Strang, Clerk.
m!p.cata -- n
:Massey .tower, 'Massey -Harris seed
dri i, tunivator, M. H. hay rake, new,
M..11. h tree disc. new; 2 waking
plows., set herr ewe, tanningm'le root
turret .100 ib, scares, pair etelarde
bag truest, see bo.raltriehs, 2 cutters 2
wagons one reerly new; tole bulgy,
double ttegot b .x, tray rack, gavel
box, 2 ,erindstoaes, eet sings, hay
fork re . e. M. 11. c•reem separ. et'ir. 2
set dote atar ieee, :e, In tee her
nese, co Steve, llaisy churn, et. ',,
shout eves, chairs, n +s -etre •
nt: k eteee.:.t.1 many other .,rti e ,.
Terra -All suras tot 10 end ur.tit'r
conic tett. Out anioue menthe.
credit oz. approved joint nude,, or
diva: tt ta: l t,r vert. per annum eel
for cash on c.eait amount'.
.A.:eat: t ee t t'rvpr°-eti.r
on. Lee Con. 2, Stephen Tow $hie.
o't TVESDAY, OCT. 5th. 192,0
At 1 o Block sharp the Seeming :-
fiot .--1 draft marc rietn 5 ve r.;
1 drat borse, rising 6 years; 1 heavy
maze r .i:eg .9 years old, supposed to
be in lone.
CATTLE -3 mw•t, due in March; 1
cow,teeth; 1 steer, 2 years old, 1
heifer 2 ,years old; 3 yearl:,ng heifers
4 ring Valves.
logs, Etc . -9 hats weighing 150 lbs,
1 sow with litter at foot; 125 hens,
Collie dog.
Implements -Deering binder nearly
new; Frost & Wood mower, hay rake,
hay tedder, side rake, fertilizer drill,
disc harrow, 2 set iron harrows, two-
oofurrow ;plow, 2 walking Plows, scuifier.
fanning mill, wagon., land roller, gravel
box, tutting box, wagon box, hay rack
roller rack, set sleighs, cutter, top
buggy, .root puleer, 2 grinders,g rind
stone, wheelbarrow, Ito horsepower
gasoline engine in good shape, manure
spreader good as new; 400 bushel of
oats and barley mixed, 6 tons clover
hey, an litre of turnips, an acre of man
golds, also clipping machine, 2 set of
double harness, set single harness,
Soaks, shovels, whiffletrees, neck-
e-eees, and many other articles.
Furniture -Daisy churn, cream sep-
arator, 95 sap pails, sap pan, sugar
kettle, butter bowl, 3 mattresses, Z
beds, 3 -piece parlor suite, kitchen
chairs, centre gable, cook stave and
Terms -S10 and ander cash over
that amount 12 months credit will be
given our approved jount notes, or a
discount o1 5 per cenit, per annum off
for cash on credit amounts.
Proprietor Auctioneer
135 HOGS, ETC.
on Lae 11, Sou th Boundary Stephert,
pee Miles South of Croatiian, on
At 1 ,o'clock sharp the; following :-
Sow clue about time of sale' 4 due
in Oct ; 5 echo Iijm IDiecl ; 3 sows < with
litter at earn; t; 13 shoats weighing about
40 pounds, 23 weighing about 50, and
25 about 60 pounds; 17 stockers weigh
ng about 125 poumds; 10 shockers
w ie tints about 160 pounds; also A
gland driving mare, rising 5 years old
and a -pair sof twin calves about 7
months cid,
Positively no ,reserve as the pro-
prietor :is changing !arms and cannot
accomodate the pigs,
All sums toe °110 and under, cash;
over that amoutet 4 months' credit on
furnisheng a teroved joint notes. 6
per cent. ;ne.r annum off for rash en
credit amounts.
Atte time .er Propriettar
A?,oulzor Hodgins, Clerk.
i)edieated to the United Farmers
a a a and u,rnposed by the' weft -known,
�,pp G song writer, Mr. Moltiris Manley.
u d 4Yordaand Music: 85e. postage
mg prepaid. Address:
Caomaa Pans, L,tMiT¢D, Publishers, 48 and 50
Lombard Strebt, Toronto, Ont.
The death took place on Sunday, 12
lent„ o:' on.e of our most esteemed
former residents of McGillivray .in the
ne sort at Mr. Archabel McIlhargey,
eged 78 years. 'Mr. elcIllt:trgey is sur,
, vivo c i by four sons, Jas,, of Washing
' toe tate. J oseph, Mathew o; laetrott
lobe in the West, and three daughters
'1r:• Norman Farrell of Clandebuye,
`eese, A ;;;ten and Annie of Detroit.
t "4t tuners: took place here on 'rues -
le umora_le. at 11. a.m.--Mr. Thomas
'l:, rs.eti et the 14th of Mc(,'1lit ray
,fired e telegram. oa \Vedas:sday of
sees week of the death of his uncle,
11. Andrew Ryan of St. Helena, Cali
•'o :sin- Mr. Morrisey, accompanied by
his cous'n els. John Sullivan n Cen.
t tr.,li:t left for that city at •ante. Many
Brum this neighborhood are ;attending
the London Fair this week. -. ' Miss
llet.e O'Rourk left on Saturday for
Mr. tine Mrs. Thos. Ctuneron, and i.ir.
t ' it J. Tatar t. who. have been in the
west :or sevi rat weeks, going through
w the CCest returned home tztst week.
--•Z's • Fred Sterman is driving a new
'Fore. tis is also Mr. Archie McCurdy
a, Plugtotere-Miss Ague, Fenwick of
Termite is holidayine al the home of
tier ptrents here, Mr. and Mrs, D.
Fenwick. -The Women's Institute met
la, t Tuesday with an attendance of
twenty, The address. by Dr, Graham
wts indeed eery much,apnreciated We
were also favored with a solo' by ilius
Jean. Allison, A number of orders
were taken eats the goods made by the
blind, and enyotte desiring any of the
articles may leave the':r order with
the secretary,
Miss I' atltlenre Fox is vis;,ting her
brother in St. CatGitatriniee.-Mr, Th.as,
McFalls .af Aevtnston spent a week
here with relat yes. -The annual ath-
letic day at the High School will be
held oia ,Friday, Sept. 24. -Mrs. W. ` J.
Cunningham and ,grnndsaa have re-
turned from 'their Western trip, also
Mrs. W. E. Stonley, who was 'there
spending the summer --Mr. Albert
Betts of •Detroit spent a few days at
the home of his brother George. -Mr.
John 'Abbott jias purchased the resi-
dence sof .the late Geo. Fox; also Mr,
D B McV icar's iolt on, Alice Street,
-.Mr. Zoic Mcllhaegeyr died in D:e,troit
last week. -The Lucent Milling Col
have started operetion, after ebeinig shut
down for sevtetral weeks,
VOTERS' LIST 1920. e,
Noiice is hereby gitiene that T have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 4
of "The Voter.,' List Act" the rop-
ier required by the said sections to
be sc transeuittea ot delivered of the
fist made pursuant to said act, of all
persons appearing by the last revis-
e.d Assessment Roll of the said 'Mun-
icipality to be entitled to vote in rhe
said Municipality at Elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly
and at. Municipal Elections, and that
said list was first posted up at my
office at Exeter, on the 4th day of
September, 1920, a,nd remains there
for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law.
"Dated al Exeter this 4th day- of
September, 1920. ,
Clerk' .01 Exeter Village
Unexcelled dnning car service.
' Sleepsrsg cars on night trains and
Parlor canes on prnneiaa1 day train#.
Information from ally ,. Gran
erunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ng Ds3trict Passenger Agent, ToroMfA
none 46w Agent, Exeter
Mr. Alex. McMurtrie orf Hamilton is
home for his holidays, --Mr. Arthur
Coxworth' left An: a business trip 'to
the West. --Reeve Petty spent the past
week in Toronto. -Mt! and Mrs, Will
Boutthron andchildren of Detroit spent
a few .days with Nit and Mrd Robert
Boathxon, Also Mr, and Mrs. McMar-
tin ;kind children off. Barrie, -Mr. Alvin
Ingram of Hain ton, is spendines his
vacation under 'the parental roof, -Miss
Jessie Buchanan left to resume her
duties As teacher Brantford. --Mrs.
Smythe and two children left hast
week to spend a, m4:n'th with ,friends
in Kincardine. -.Miss: Margaret Maxwell.
Who is pow in training for a nurse, and,
who has been, visiting her aister, Mrs.
(Dr.) Peck, :for the ,pest :week, was
taken. to St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, to. be operated tan for appendiei-
tis.-A ,quiet ,wedding was solemnized
at the home of Mrs. Carlisle, on Wed-
nesday, Sept, 8th, at high noon, when
:Miss Annie Car'Iislet Was united in mar-
riage to Hugh McDonald, the cere-
mony being ,performed by the Rev.
'fr. McConnell, in. the presence of
their immediate tfriends and relatives.
-Ur, D. Urquhart hassold his oat-
meal anill and gra'elevator and grain
business to Mr. Geol. 'r, Mickle of
town, who took possession on Wed-
Mr, Henry ;Batdour has disposed of
hie 'farm an the Zurich Road, Cont
13, to Mr. Jose E. Druar of this vid-a
age, who gets possession int: March
next, -Miss Doodle; Ruby is visiting at
Demo t. -Miss Mose :Doaat of Winni-
peg was a visitor at the home, of the
Williams family the past few weeks.-
Mr•. and Mrs, Alf, tlelick and Mrs. J.
Ott were visiting at Detrooit,-Mr, and
M'rs. Oscar Koehler and stn, Bruce,
attended elle Toronto Exhibition. -Mr.
Nesbitt ,Woods, hes taken chargeas
teacher, the Parr Line school, Hay. -
Mr. and ,Mfrs. H, Wagner sof Detroit,
are visiting, ithe latter's father, Mr. H.
Well, -Mr, Geo. tSchrocder• has sold
the .farm recently purchased by him
oa the Bronson Line, to Mr. Arthur
Gabel, who was the adoining farm.
Eli nville
Mr, and 11tra. r. Al Junes of Lon-
don spent elle weelc end at the home
of Henry JoJms,-Misses Edith Johns
end Elva Horoe returned:home after
spending a few :days with. friends in
London St, m,-I1I'M
Jones ofand LondonThospentastlte wisseek Mae
with her cousin Mrs. Nelson. Coultis.
McGlLLIVRAY-A memorial statute'
to 11IcGihis ay's fallen heroes will be
unveiled at West McGillivray Fair on
October 1, by Chaplain, Rev. A. Gra-
ham, formerly of the 135th Battalion
the pride PE Middlesex, and Lieut, W,
Ulens of C. Connpany, of the same
GODERICH TP; -William Fuller, a
young farmer of Goderich Township,
ship, met with a serines accident,
whi:.h may lay him .up for some time.
was oa a roof p£ bis barn making
some repairs, when he. lost his foot-
ing and ,fell to the ground. One of
his wrists was broken, his nose part-
ly rut away and his upper lip badly
cut, besides other minor injuries.
CLINTON-On Sept. 8th, at the
home .at the bride's uncle and aunt,
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McCartney, the
marriage took pace of Miss Ettie
Makins and Mr, Alvin Fletcher of Sea -
forth, the rceremony being performed
by the Rev. S. E. McKegneyy.
MITCHELL -rt, quiet but interesting
wedding took place at the home 04 Mr.
and Mrs. John Larkworthy on Sept 7th
when their youngest daughter, Char-
lotte, was united in marriage to Tohn
Watkinson of Copper Cliff, Ont.
BAYFIELD-A quiet wedding t4ek
place on.,&Sept. lth in Lendenn when
Vera Joyce Nicholl became the bride
of William Henry Brandon, both of
London, and formerly of Bayfield.
PARKHILL-Miss Mollie Baird and
Clarence W. Browne, a prominent
young busiiness man and member • oe
Cie Town Council, were quietly mar-
ried on Sept. 6th.
Unless your food is digested with-
out the aftermath of painful aoleratrr.
the joy fat taken out of both exiing
and 11Yia g.
are wonderful in thoit blip to the
,stomach troubled ovetraekliti.
Pleasant to taker–tarot prompt and
MADE IIFy scoot do nowx> --
BAYFIELD,•-The tneeriage took
place at ehe manse, Clinton, the Rev.
j. E. Nogg officaalting, of Andrew Gorr
don Sturgeon. and Kate tCipfer, both
of Bayfield.
mrd, lei how
You don't need "ail
cash," You don't need
to squeeze. Our BurIffet
Plan will brink
"7Ae P.ie eetrr)k eie6 a Seal"
for your iwmedette use. It
will accumulate the money
during the months to come.
Let us tell you how.
J Willis Powell, Dealer
Exeter, a'
For BAKING. For pound, tea
and sponge cakes, coffee cakes;
angel cake, layer cakes, fruit
cakes, cocoanut cakes, pork
cakes, nut cakes, short cakes,
macaroons and biscuits, crullers,
rolls, buns -ALL cakes-Lantic
creams quicker with the butter -
because it's FINE.
For BEVERAGES. For tea,
coffee, : cocoa, lemonade, : root
beer,oprangeade, lemon pop and
fruit punch -in fact for all home-
made beverages -use LANTIC.
There will then be no wasted
spoonful left 'at the bottom of
the cup or glass -because it's
in granulation—finer than all other sweetFINE
eners in actual use—finest in results obtained.
"Fine" has many meanings to the Lantic user! In
snowy glistening crystals of pure cane sugar—all
sugar and nothing else—Lantic brings you concen-
trated sweetening. And because each crystal is fine
and even, Lantic dissolves at once—it instantly delivers
its great sweetening power without hesitation. Of
course it goes farther. Of course it costs less. `Of
course you will like it fine,
In PRESERVING late fruits such as pears, plums and peaches, it elimin-
ates the danger of over -cooking, which robs fruit of its natural color and
shape, and some of its flavor.
In BAKING, Lantic creams quickly with the butter—which makes the
cake light and dainty. Creaming need not be tedious.
In CANDY -MAKING fine granulation gives candy a soft velvety quality.
Most of the highest grade chocolates and finer candies are made with
Lantic. The exquisite "velours" of the best chocolate creams comes from
Lantic fineness.
In TEA or COFFEE, in fact in all beverages (hot or cold), every Lantic crys-
tal dissolves at once, yielding readily the full sweetening of the purest cane.
peaches, pears, plums and
grapes -if you use Lantic you
can smile at the old caution "Let
it simmer until all the sugar is
dissolved." W M?e yet the fruit
retains its beautiful color and
attractive form, the preserving is
done' -because it's FINE.
fudge, tasty, butterscotch, cara-
mels and fondants, walnut and
maple creams, marshmallows;
peppermints, peanut brittle;
candied fruits, and of course ail
icings, Lantic has the call with
the best candy makers because.
it's FINE.