HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-16, Page 3FROCKS FOR THE SCHOOL GIRL 9426 9648 EOsbrozdere Embroidery DCstee no, 992 Design No. 98; 9426—Dress. Sizes 0 to 14. Price, '25 cents. Transfer design No. 992. 9648 --Girl's Dress (with straps, in Eton effect). Price, 25 cents. In 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years, Size 8 requires, checked, 2 yds. 36 Ins.; plain, 'tz yd. 66 wide. McCall Transfer Design No, 987, Price, 15 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond street, Toronto, Dept, W. CONSTIPATED CHILDREN. A MOTHER'S TRIAL Care of Nome and Children Of- ten Causes a Breakdown.. The woman at house, deep in house- hold duties and the cares ot mother- hood, needs occasional help .to keep her in good health, The demands un - on a mother's health are many and. severe. Her own health trials and her children's welfare exact heavy tolls, while hurried meals, broken rest and much indoor living tend to weak- en eaken her constitution. No wonder that the woman at home is often Indis- posed through weakness, headaches, backaches and nervousness. Too many worsen have grown to accept these visitations as a part of the lot of motherhood, But Many and varied as her health troubles are, the cause is simple and relief at hand. When well, it is • the woman's good blood that keeps her well; when ill she nr:ust snake her blood rich to renew her health. The nursing mother more than any other woman in the world needs rich blood and plenty of it There is one way to get this good blood so necessary to perfect health, and that is through the use ot Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These Fills make i new blood, and: through their use thousands of weak, ailing wives and mothers have been made bright, Cheerful and stro.ug, If you are ailing, easily tired or depressed, it is.e duty you owe yourself and your family to give Ilr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. What this medicine has done for others it will surely do for you. Yon can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50e, a box or six boxes for $2,60 from The Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Children who suffer from constipa- tion, indigestion or any of the other; ailments due to a clogged condition of the bowels will find prompt relief through the use of Baby's Own Tab-! lets. Tl:e Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which eau always be depended upon to regulate the rowels and sweeten the stomach. They are absolutely safe and are sold uuder a guarantee to be entirely free from opiates or other injurious drugs. Colleen/rig them airs. Thomas A. Boucot, Lake Baker, N.B., writes: "l am pleased to state that Baby's Own Tablets were of great help to me :when my baby was suffering from constipation." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams. aledtcine Co., Brockville, Oat, Stockings of Human Hair. All the hair combings in a Chinese honsebold are saved as carefully as if they were nuggets. in course of time they are spun into long threads and woven into stock- ings. The popular belief is that stock- ings of human hair keep out the wet better than any others. At one time the Japanese made use 'of human hair in church erecting. It. was the custom for e'hurch-going people to give some of their bair as a free-will offering when a temple was ,tieing built. Such a structure at Tokio' lead the :beams and rafters held in place by `one of these human hair cables. {Placed end on end, this human hair rope measured 4,52Sft. long, was fin.. in diameter, and weighed 8,8471b., no ffewer than 350,000 persons contribut- ling before a sufficient quantity was 'obtained. Mixing Lime Lime With Com- mercial Fertilizer. Lime added to commercial fertil- 1 zers, before reaching the soil, may have one or :all of several bad effects: 1(a) The usual practice in the past ,has 'been to advise against mixing of lime directly with nitrogenous fertil- izer materials, _such as ammonium sulphate, bone, tankage, dried blood, land similar materials, for the reason 'that ammonia nitrogen would be re- leased .and wasted; (b) The formation 'af a hard, lumpy physical condition in goods containing sodium nitrate or !calciumnitrate is likely, to take place. These objections are not so serious 'as they -would appear. At any rate, !there .can be no -danger when lime and fertilizers are added to the soil 'separately, especially if a few days elapse' between the liming and fertil $nation. Feathered Frauds. Apart from the natural camouflage which speckled feathers and patches of color, like dazzle painting ca ships, afford birds for their protection, there is no doubt that birds have little tricks which, conseiously or instinctively, they employ to frighten, away intrud- ers. Can anyone doubt that the long neck of goose and swan, and the hiss Ing sound they both make, is a good incitation of the snake in the grass? OP course, it is necessary to think of these birds in their wild state, nest- ing among the reeds. A marauding foe, fox, or wolf, or plaeanartin, hap- pens along, intent on eggs for break- fast at least, or, better still, a tender gosling or cygnet. Suddenly,out Starts the snake -like neck hissing like a whole basketful of serpents, and the Intruder turns tail and flees from the poisonous spot. The wryneck builds its nest in the hollow of a tree, and if auy prying per- son should thrust a hand into his hole he hears a most menacing hissing, and he withdraws the hand smartly, lest the adder should bite him. Even the blue titmouse, an inoffensive little bird enough, will imitate a snake, producing a most alarming hiss if her nest is approached by cat or human, The well-known dodge of the lap- wing to lure the egg -gatherer from her eggs is another case of cute trickery. The lapwing, or plover, snakes her nest on the ground, and when she sees a stranger approaching she . flies,jurat in front of him, constantly seeming to fail, as if her wingwere injured or broken. Naturally, boy or man will make some attempt to catch her, and that is exactly what_she wants! Tigers Are Poor Sailors. It is really pathetic to see a tiger on board ship.. He whines, his eyes water, and he constantly paws his stomach, in which he has such a nasty feeling. Horses suffer very badly from mai de mer, as also do oxeu, but oxen make heroic attempts not to give way to their feelings. Most wild animals hate the sea, and howl' miserably until seasickness quietens them. Polar bears, however,. as one would naturally expect, are quite at home at sea and always enjoy a trip. Elephants get seasick, but they can t be cured, although the prescription would cost a lot of money to make up nowadays. It consists of a bucketful of water to which has been added sothe quinine and three and a half pints of whiskey! Soot weighing' one tan will result from burning one hundred tons of coal. The Atlantic, the second largest of the four great oceans, has an area of 30,000,000 square miles, s� ere waste to and it ' saves sugar,for it coins its own sweeteniz5 No coolccin is necessary and the likable flavor of this wheat and malted barky food. is a waled only by its economy, Grocers re set Grape3 Nut s. ltdo at IVIlzAt andItuit r nedb raoy,'ti C,,,, Co: Ltd. �y��NiM4,:p URFR I m nrti,j;... s.0 11 tl Voo Business is Business. "Business is Business," the Little Man said, "A, battle where `everything goes,' Where the only gospel is 'get ahead,' And never spare friends .or toes.. 'Slay or be slain,' is the slogan cola,. You must struggle and slash and tear, For Business is Business, a fight for gold, Where all .that you do to fair! "lausiness is Business," the Big, plan said, "A battle to make of earth A place to yield us more wine and bread, More pleasure and joy and mirth; There are stili some bandits and buc- caneers Who are jungle -bred beasts of trade, But their number dwindles with pass- ing years And dead is the code they made! "Business is Business," the Big Man said, "But it's something that's more, far more; That makes .sweet gardens of deserts dead, And cities it built now roar Where once the deer and the grey wolf ran Front the pioneers' swift advance; Business is magic that toils for man, Business is True Romance, `'And those who make it a ruthless fight Have only themselves to blame It they feel no whit of the keen de- light In playing the Bigger Game, The game that calls on the heart and head, The best of man's strength and nerve; Business is Business," the Big Man said, "And that Business is to serve!" Mansions of Mud. In order to solve the housing prob- lem, z. , a builder at Los Angeles is put- ting intting up two hundred attractive mud houses, " He is copying the idea frontthe an- cients and South American natives, who used to build their 1l ,uses of wet soil, mixed with straw, cast in moulds of required size, and left in the sun to dry. Generally speaking, any earth with a clay base, that makes it cohesive when watered, Can be usedfor the pure pose. The straw in the mud serves a purpose similar to that of steel rein - forcemeat in concrete. The mud mansions built scores of years ago by the Mexicans are to -day in splendid condition, although some- what damp and .insanitary, These faults, however, are being remedied. For instance, whereas the old Dons were satisfied to plaster their walla' with mud, and protect this with a coat- ing of whitewash in which had been incorporated tallow and cactus juice while the lime slaked, the present-day builder prefers to cover them with hard cement plaster thoroughly to anchor into the walls -generally three coat, -- and waterproof throughout with an all -mineral compound evolved by himself and conceded by Chemists to be virtually everlasting, The builder makes .these claims for the houses now under construction: That they are everlasting, meaning that the occupants will never know the annoyance or expense of the usual repair- bills. That they are sound- proof, p so that howling winds, rattling roofs, or other noises will not be heard within. That they are non-conductive and fire -proof, cool in summer and warm in winter. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited Dear Sirs; I had a Bleeding Tumor on my face for a long time and tried a number of remedies without any good results. I was advised to try MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT„ and after using several bottles it head all up and dis- appeared altogether. DAVID HENDERSOA Belleisie Station, Kings Co.. N.B. Sops. 17. 1904. Wheat. Present prices of wheat will make it worth while to use fertilizer, even if it produces only a moderate increase in yield. This was discussed at considerable length at a recent gathering of grain growers in Chicago, and the general, feeling was as given do the above par- agraph. One man do attendance was particularly insistent in setting forth the economic value of this plan. Herealized that the price of fer- tilizer was considerably higher than in 1914, he said, but referred to a recent Government report which shows that an acre of .farm crops could buy more fertilizer- Iast year than it did in the years immediately preceding the war. As a land owner himself, he said he believed the land- lord could well afford to insist that. his tenant buy fertilizer, sharing half the cost with him. To substantiate his statement, he quoted figures based on the yesults Gf actual farm operations, showing that on a 160 acre farm --,being farmed on the shares, two-thirds to the renter and ape -gird to the owner--- e 'could) pay half' the cost of tjre fertilizer and still 3'ecejve ;.17Q nl re nor has Tental than he "Weald 1f lig ertillzer had been used; and .the •tenant would be better' off by $410. The twenty -nix aldermen of the city' of London are chosen for life. Riz.ewnatisin Now is the time to get rid, of it! Nature is pulling for you-- The waren weather's here -- This is your chance-- 1 grasp it—take Templeton's Rbeumatlo ilies Geteasiest wit out of your system the Sold by reliable druggists for ai dollar; Ask our agent or write usfor a free sample. Temple- ton's,142 King- St.'W„ Toronto, a Blind Babies -An Appeal, An Open Lettor to the Generously Disposed, A few weeks ago I came across In the London Spectator an appeal by Sir Arthur Pearson, in behalf of a special- ly helpless class at tbe community, 1R which he says:— "At Sunshine House, Morley Wood, we have 25 babies who are being taught to be little normal human be - tugs, so far as that is possible, from their earliest days until the age of five, when they are transferred to the restdeutial schools for the blind, There are enough poor blind babies in the Kingdom to 1111 six Sunshine Houses, and I want money to enable me to'. start the other five." From this it would appear that in England there is room and need for six homes for blind babies and only one in existence, But here, 'in this favored. Canada, nothing has hereto. fore been done In this direction, ex- cept a movement ` commenced last year by the late Mr. T. Hope Church- ill, of Toronto, who atter collecting between one and two thousanddollars, specially deposited iu a local bank to the credit of the fund, asked me to aid hint in raising a sufficient sum to pus: chase premises for the proposed home. Having warm sympathy with i'ir. Churchill's praiseworthy enter- prise, I promised to give him the necessary assistance, but circum- stances prevented me undertaking the work until the present time, and mean- while death suddenly removed IMir. Churchill. Now, in order that the money collected may be utilized for the purpose for which it was sub- scribed, a Charter (without stock sub. scription) is being secured so that the incorporated company can legally and properly lay claim to the money in the bank, and proceed to carry out the ob- jects for which the Charter is sought, viz.; "To provide a retuge for baby and infant blind, to provide free scientific Gare, training and maintenance, to save the lives of even a few of the many of such unfortunates who, for lack of suck service, perish every year; and to return these little ones to their parents, at school age, with normal healthy bodies and sound minds." Such, In brief, is the task before the promoters, Money is urgently re- quired to carry it to successful com- pletion. Canadians have never been known to turn their backs on any de- serving cause, claiming their aid, and surely this appeal will meet with a generous response. Help now, with- out waiting to be called upon by a collector, so that the close of the year may see "The Blind Babies' Home, Nursery and Kindergarten" in success- ful operation in the Capital City of Canada, Cheques may be made pay- able to "Canadian Blind Babies' Home." All remittances will be promptly acknowledged. C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, 188 Dufferin Road, Ottawa. Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR Get rid of every bit of that ugly dandruff and stop falling hair As A little ''.panderine" cools, cleanses. and snakes the feverish, itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this stimulating tonic penetrates to the famished hair roots, revitalizing and invigorating every hair Ip tbe head, thus stopping the half falling out, or getting tb.iii, dry or, fad After a fe wing. applications of " Dander- ine" yeti seldom find fallen hair or a particle of dandruff, besides every hair Shows new' lifo vigor, br'iglrtness, , ninlO c l01` a?id tllrckni;o � ecti� collies Ps .a 1 ottle of dog lightful "Danderleo" at any drug or toilet 'counter. ED, 7, ISSUE No,- 37—'2Q,, In Repose. "I see ye have a new hired man, Ezra," said Eben Potter, "How is he doing?" "Resting considerable easier than the other one did, thank ye!" replied the grins farmer, Brought Up to His Trade.. A clergyman was visiting a certain large prison, and by dint of persue• stool and pleading, was endeavoring to wring trona the criminals a promise to reform when at last they found them,- selves hermselves free again. At last he carie to a square -jawed. low-browed ruffian. "My poor, misguided man, how did you conte to take up thieving, to break into houses; and rob innocent folk?" "I learnt it in an excellent school, mister," replied the hardened villain. "Ali, alas! I suppose from very childhood you were brought up among thieves?" "Yue; when quite a youngster I was apprenticed to a food profiteer." Sarah's idea of Security. Sarah and her mother had gone to a neighbor's for A few days to help cook for the threshers, Sarah !rad to gV home one morning to do the chores, but site returnedin a surprisingly short time. very well pleased with, her- calf. "'1Vetl, sary, did you git through with the work a'ready?" asked her mother. "Yes,, ma, I milked the cow, put the milk away and red the chickens, and then 1 come right over. I locked the door 10o." "Well, that's a good girl, Sexy. What did you do with the IceY?" "Hung it on the door knob, ma." MOI'4 Y ORDERS, Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express alouey Orders. Viva Dollars costs three cents. Rings on Fishes' Scales. Several theories have been advanced to explain the rings that cicse exam- ination shows on the scales of fishes. The favorite theory is that they denote the age of tbe fish --a ring to a year, like the rings that show the age of a tree. Iohthyologists in many Euro- pean Countries have made a careful study of the !natter and have deemed it of enough importance to make it the subject of a report published as a British bluebook. They hold that the scales do tell with near approach to accuracy: the age of salmon and her- ring; as to other fish they are in doubt. The Norwegians maintain that the rings bear relation merely to the length of the fish." It bas been found that the food of the fish and the tem- perature of the water that they inhabit have an influence an the scale rings. Mrs Lilian Taylor Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Baby "Our baby was two weeks old when his face became very red and • terribly Relay, and be was fairly crazy rub- bing and scratching till the skin broke and t. bled. He could not steep, and did nothing 1 butcry. His face looked as though be might be disilgnmed for life. "I thought I would give Cuticura Soap and Ointment a trial. I found the free sample so good that I bought more and two calces of Cuticura Soap and a fifty centbox of Cuticura'Oint- meat healed. him." (Signed) Mrs, Lilian M. Taylor, Box 99, Brace - bridge, Muskoka, Ont., Dee,30, '18. Cuticura Soapto cleanse and ppu• rify, Cuticure intment to ' soften and soothe and Cuticura Talcum to powder and perfume are ideal for daily toilet purposes. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 500. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: L marts, Limited, St. Paul St., Montraul, Ctttieura Soap slaw& without mug. z�y EREEZONE' Life Off Corns!' No Pain! Doesu-t hurt a bit! Drop a little "1<reezone' on an aching corn, instant- ly that coat stops hurting, then short- ly you can lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist seals a tiny bottle of "Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, sort corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal, lures, without soreness or irritation, Why Saints Have Halos. Saints have halos because a country boy ,made a curious mistake some bun- dreds of years ago when he first be- gan to paint holy pictures. In order to keep the rale from discoloring the statues of saints that stood just under the eaves of churehes, the church authorities used to place wooden disks over them. Giotto, when a boy, as- sumed that the disks were au essen- tial part of tbe sacred figures. At prat he painted above the bead of each: saint a disk that looked like the bot- tom of a tub: later he made it a mere circle, dark at first, but more and more luminous in successive pictures until it became the circle of light that paint- ers ever since have used as the sym- bol of sanctification. i Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. A road leas beebbuilt in England with leather waste mixed with tar.. MoTH ER!= "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative C ass Accept "California" Syrup of figs en:y look tort the name California oa the package, thou you are sure your child Is having the best and molt harmless physic for the little atom- act, tomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste, Full directions ea each bottle. You nnnst say "Gari. Jamie." *m des', mouser nog Semetraes Rooh on D®6• DISEASES and Sow to Feed Mailed $'see to,any Ad - Arens by the Author. lat. Clay Glover Co., Inc lib west Slat Street New York, SINCE 411870 ��qq IL 3V BTOFS c1 G yy�bJtiL ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not .Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"' . For Colds, Pain, Headache, *mg. aleehado which oantaitls aontp1ete di - gat, Toothache, Earache, and for eect one, The you are -getting real Rheumatism,Larabapo, Sciatica's, Neu- Ae srim--tile genuine .teaepirrt.: rs- ritis, take .Aspirin marked with the scribed; by physicians fors offer n tie- name "Bayer" or you are not taking toe#t Years. i4ow made in Csar adn,, Aspirin at a11. • ,i amdy tltr 'boxes containing 12 teb' Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost VA ;i few cents, J?rttr'gista 'Aspirin" til . to unbroken "Bayer" also sell lex'ger 'TeaserPnekaivas. 'il eco le V1 one ]3ayeis"—r "iqi" unmet s air erB0.Vex .taupirle lW the tra e nark (registered, in can da) , ,'© Tia of aoetloAoldaekor of 'aievlioa 18, While It t e oR.. a 2, z n l+e rMis z>r ridw' ti o tai e s, rod ora u t a. iiap Sia as o slash Manufacture, to €resist silo publia'a,gei ct tYii tioYtO, s ; plete ej' neyo eorepene, ;self! be stiampocl with their gaasratl frti cle enamel 7 � r ;roses 1� .-