HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-16, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR, ,EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPT. 16, 1920. SANDERS & CREECN when all the teams are strengthened Crediton and a better town added to replace Tlae 51st Anniversary of the Cxed- Credits" which hats been the storm - center for umiiire: baiting and disorder- 1 ton Methodist Church will be held • on liness all remora" And in referring to Sunday, Sept. 26th, 1920. The the tRev R. the gamesheld in,Zurich on LaborDay P 8 he says, "The crowd was all with: at 10.30, and evening at 7.30. Special Goderich in the afternoon, most of the music will be rendered by the choir. spectators 'being disgusted with the A mass meeting of the Sunday School! attitude .of the Crediton, players who and congregation will be held at 2.30 are anything but good sports"As a when t o members of the School will frula it aspt goad paltcv to ta.lce un present the annual Rally Day 1 aro- arguments in ;the press on matters of gram. The public are cordially in�dted this kind. We have always tried to t o ail'thc services. • play the game and insisted on getting a square deal. The writer of the This is Londono Fair week. QuIlte above words is very likely -a sore -head a number from here are in the ci?y ;end wants lo get e\t�ven. e contend combining business :oathpleasure. we have as goad a team 'a> there is Hary F. Silber :.s in Indiana to in the league a -rd to have this thrown bring his daughter, Esther, home, att us in nothing but a down. -right an - where she ,has been visiting Rev. and suit. We think ;the least that could Mrs, Otio Brown„ be, done would be..ta have the anal- . The boiler .for the heating system ogv o'' the writer of "baseball notes. has been delivered at the school and The concert give:', in the Town. Hall will be hr'cked in within. afew days. ora Friday evening under the auspices Rev, anti Mrs. Baker and family vis• of the Women's Institute ,vas well ted ourseliage last week. attended. The program consisted of Rev. Yager .of Dashwood preach instrumentals, zeadings, dialogues and ed in, the Evaagetical Churchl ast Sun- drills rendered by local talent. Each day ,morning and Rev. Campbell of number was :highly applauded, Would Benmiller on the 'evening. it not be a good idea. to get up inlay The horrible news comes from near this coming .fall? Our' young people Dashwood that a boy climbed a corn are all talented and ,we kn ow would stalk to se: how the corn was get- mike good, ting along, and now the stock is growing; uP ,faster than the boy can climb dawn. The boy is plumb out at' sight. Three men -have undertaken to 'cut ;town the stalk with axes and save the bol- from starvation. It grows so fast they can't hack twice in the same place. The poor boy is living on no- thing but raw earn and has already thrown down our bushels of cobs Next! Hiss Nola Faist was taken to Lon rloneast week to have an operation PCs tornied on her throat. She Is mush improved, It bas been decided by the mernb.rs Q. the Evangelical Church to have a .• i owl suptacr in. the: near future. 1):atc: made known later. John. Dyer is suffering t great deal with part in his head. We hope the treatment he is receiving will prove beneficial, B. Brown has returned from Kit- chener and Toronto While in the latter city Mr. Brownhad the mis- fortune to stumble on the street end Brenner, A. Becher, R. Schwartz, E. received a badly bruised lace. Becher, L. Wein; Turnips (1), A. Our town lighting system is gett,al„ Becher, E. Tiernan, C. Stanlake; Beets worse: an,d worse. se tnueh so that (e)• R. Itlei,nstiver, li, Marten, E. Mer- Our G. Guenther, E. Guenther; Car - Places of business are obliged to use rots (6), G. Becher, I. Bierling, A. oil lamps to help them out, Street is the H4lfmana, M. Tiernan, E. Dearing; On - lamps give a ,fa'snt. glow. Lucky tone (6), E. Stine, T. Weber, P. Li- man who reaches his bouse wathtJut walking off the sidewalk. When, oh` tan:%, C. Baker, H. Hartleib; Parsnips ? (6t, HH Rinker, E. Hartleib, G, Hud when will hydra come Last week's Goderi.Star has an son' A. Schroeder; Cockrell %Barred sports was run off in the athletic Rock), Lucille Wielert, E Tiernan, P. field. It was a pretty sight to see article on "Baseball Notes" which has Kieirsstivcr, E. Dearing; Pullet, Lucil- the different schools parade before caused considerable their la ','inert, P. Kleinstiver, F, Hartleib the judges, dressed in charming cos- tumes and going thru their drills like veterans. Competition was keen and it was hard to select the win- ners. It will be noted that the prizes were -very well distributed thruout the schools. To the teachers of the different schools and especially to Mr. S. B. Stothers, of Clinton, and his staff, is due the appreciation of this district for the excellence of this school fair. We hope that next year will be bet- ter and so from year to year. Follow- ing is a list of exhibits shown and the prizes awarded. PRIZE LIST Grain - Sheaf oats — Herman Hodgson, Russel Finkbeiner, Frank Parsons. Oats, grain—Russel Finkbeiner, Frank Parsons. Sheaf Spring wheat— Kenneth Kuhn, Stuart Kuhn. Grain, Spring wheat — Stuart Kuhn. Sheaf Barley—Ivan Hodgins. . Field Peas.—Willie Lamport. Corn — (Compton's' Early) — Eileen Hodgins, Kenneth Mallett, Gordon Lamport, Herbie Edwards. Roots and Vegetables.— Potatoes (Irish Cobbler).— Walter Hauch, Leta King, Frank Hall, Milton Fink- beiner, Thelma Taylor. Potatoes (Green Mountain).-- Lester ountain) - Lester Mcisaac, Lawrence Hirtzel Melvin Sims, Iia Appleton, Alma White, Wm. Hanover. Five mangolds—Jos. Dietrich, H. Schroeder, Jack Isaac, Howard Bea- ver, Alvin Finkbeiner, Harold Pen - hale, One mangold—Michael•Hogan, El- gin Woodall, Gerald Zwicker. Five Turnips—Inex Fahner, Rath- eleen Wurm. One Turnip— Dorothy Fahner, Katheleen Wurm, Clara Lewis, Hee- bie Edwards, Maurice . Beaver. Beets.—Phyllis Winer, Madeline Dearing, Helena Mclsaac, Kenneth Kuhn, Murray Neil, Elsie Reeder. Carrots.—Gertrude Hoist, Verde Sims, Alma Winer, Greta Dearing, Nola Foist, Wealthy Schroeder: Parsnips.— Helen Hicks, Sam Lawson, Irene _Palmer, Inez Fahner, Thelma Lamport. Onions—Lloyd Fahner, Alice M. Preszcator, Dorothy lairtzel, Beatrice Schenk, Myrtle Sweitzer, Lottie Wag - horn. Poultry.—Cockerel.—Rosa Dear- ing, Luella Stanlake, Herman Hauch Pullett. Rosa" Dearing, Josephine O'Rourke, Luella Stanlake,• Pair of Rocks.=Rosa Dearing, M. Beaver, Beatrice Haist. Pair White LeghornS.—Herman Hodgson, Harry Bowden. Pair. White Wvandottes---- Walter Hauch, Laura Clark, Herman Hauch:. Pair of Pigeons.—Bernice' Eilber, Ila Appleton, Jas. Taylor. 'Continued on page 4 Dashwood School Fair The School. -Fair held ,on Thursday last watc a successful affair 'a spite of the drizzling rain; The exhibits in all classes were well represented and of a high standard. The following is the .esu'.: o' the judges' awards.-- Fec.ld peas, H. Schlundt, P. Bender E, field, H. Miller; corn, (Golden ikintaml, Gordon Bender, S. Allen, J. Guenther; corn. (Compton's Early), R. Weber, G. ':Veber, E. Zimmer, h. Turn- bull, Ii. Brenner; potatoes (Green - Mountain), I. Brokenshire, V. Baker, H. alorentz, 11. pinker; potatoes (Irish Cobbler), V. Birk, L. ,Wein, M. Stire, L Ptaff, E. Dearing; mangolds, (5) M. ?I, Dislardine, I(. Wein, T. Hayter; mango.'.ds (1), X. Wein, T. Hayter, F. Wein C' Burmeister; turnips (5), E. bull, M. Rinker, L. Willert, J. Guen- IZa tier. Patching—A. Hoffman, E. 1.1 Howard, L, Reid, 141y Willert, .As. It wrfll he sad news to many here and in this neighborhood to learn of n t has befallen _ .r the sad affliction the be alla a .on 1 and Mrs.Henry Ruby of near Saska- toon, Sask., former well-known resi- dents of this place. For some weeks Mr, Ruby has been confined to the hospital •a Saskatoon, suffering from c- fever, and while an ,ratio 1. a. typhoid f ve , n h 1e he has thus been confined to that in. siltation his young daughter, Floren"e aged between 12 and 13, while play- ing with other children near the wat- er, she and two other little boys were drowned. The bodies of the boy s were recovered, but that of little Plor- en e, at the time the last word was sent here, was still' missing., It as about fifteen year ago the family left here, and the deepest sympathy is expressed at their sad affliction. Miss Brownlee, of Wyoming has taken charge of the millinery de- partment at Reid, Edighoffer and Son's store. The election of officers of the Jun- ior Y. P. A. resulted as follows: --- Pres„ Edith Guenther; Viee-pres., Evelyn Howard; Secretary, Alice Hoffman; Treas., Verna Birk; or- ganists, Ferrol Hartleib and Loreon Baker, London Fair is being well repre- sented this week from this vicinity.. A temperance program will be rendered in the Sabbath School ou next Sunday. Rev. Campbell, of Colborne oceup- o led the pulpit Sunday morning in the absence of Rev, Yager. Mr., and :sirs. Fidt and family of Dashwood KIRKTON FAIR ters—A. Tiernan, H. Schlundt, B. Edighoffer, E. Howard. Sweet Peas — t Gr, er F.Hart- leib, ar - I, Marteue, M. aupnt leib, K, ¥orlock. Phlox—M. Graup- ner, E. Else, A. Hoffman, F. Klein- stiver. Bouquet (home garden)—i M. Morentz, E. Held, H. Miller, A. G.1 Marentz. Dahlias -V. Burmeister, G, Weber, D. Guenther. Col. of House Plants.—Lucille Willert, E. Howard, E. Graupner, C. Steinhagen. Pump- kin.—R. Schwartz, E. Howard, R. Turnbull, E. Tiernan.. Public Speak- ing.—A. Hoffman, E. Howard. Hit- ching Contest—A. Rader, B. Willert Parade—S, S. No. 4, S. S. No. 13, 5, 5, No. 16, Junior Room. Baby Show—John Meerburg, Grace Hay- ter, Lloyd Guenther. The sports were not run off on ac- count of the rain. The special prize offered by Mr. White for the best halter -broken colt was won by Leon- ard Pfaff. The boxes of chocolates offered- by the confectioneries, for the two highest winners of prizes were won by Evelyn and Laura Howard. The totals wan by schools were: Dashwood, Sr., $64.45; Dashwood Inter., $27,00; Dashwood Jr., 13.25; S. S. No. 11, $7.00; S. S. No. 15, $8.10; S. S. No. 4, $20,85; S. S. No. 13, $19.75; Total $161.10. . - • Crediton School Fair The first official Crediton School Forest wen, visitors in town on Fair to be held under the directio N Sunday, of the Ontario Department of Agri -1 culture took place on Thursday, the 10th inti The weather man was on his good behavior and left nothing! Centralia to be desired. Seven schools took! A good many of our citizens ;are at - part in the competitions. There was' tending London. Fair this week. a large crowd in attendance and ek*- I the" SundaydScch of f next er Sunday after erybody appeared to have enjoyed noa,'a. themselves. The exhibits were excel-' The Mission Circle intend holding lent and many were surprised to see the splen'hid choice of exhibits in the different classes. It is hoped next year more stock will be shown as a Cooking: Sale next Saturday after- noon. Ur, ani Mrs. Brock of Winchelsea visited web, Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake on the prize money is quite liberal and Sunday' Mr Connor has said his farm to Mr. makes it worth while to compete in Brown of near Crediton, and will give this class. While the judging was possessing beet March. being done in the school, a program Mr. anise Mitchell has rented Mr. of public speaking, hitching compe- Thos. Willis' house and will move Minn, school parades and list of shortly. He is having a sale on Oct. '5th, our ball players andbei Graupner, M. Grauunr • Pen of two terly the attendance haother s picked up and at- Dearing; Pen fit two 0(1919),, M. Wein, is sure to be much better next year H Kellerman, A. pestameyer; Brown Leghorns, F. Hertleib, E. Turnbull; Rabbits, H. Stanlake, E. Smith; Brown. Eggs, V. -Birk, A. Restameyer, R .Turn bull, A. Willert; White Eggs, V. Birk L .Wein, P. Lafond,.i. Marttene; Colt (Agricultural), L Pfaff ; Colt (draft) A. Rader; Lamb, H. Kellerman, A. Restameycr; Calf, A. Rader, L. Reid, L. Pfaff, G. Bender; Pigs, C. Stein- hagen, L. Bender, L. Pfaff A. Resta- - meyer, L. Tiernan; Pressed weeds, E, Howard, A. Rader, M. Turnbull; Mounted Seeds, E. Howard, M, Tie - man, R. Eilber, G. Weber; Mounted Insects, F. Hartieib, E. Howard, A. Hoffman. E. Guenther; Plant ; Dis- 11 Kinds HweaEHo. wkadrtlett unMtgd Leaves, L. Turnbull, I, Marten; Native Woods, E. Howard, C. Steinhagen%, H. Stanlake, M. Willert Map of Huron, 1. Martene, S. Rader 1T, Willert, I, Biieriing•.; Writing (st Class), T. Weber, -r Morentz, H. Nad- iger, E, Kraft; Writing (2nd .Class), M. Graupner, V. Willert, I. Marten, S. Rader; ,W,narag (3rd Class), Cee Weber, R. Weber, I. Brokenish,ire, E. Graupner; Writing (4th or 5th Class), F. Hartleib, A•. H�ollmanl, E. Guenth- 9ummerwear er, G. Turnbtnll. Water colors—F. Hartleib, C. Phone 81a TAMAN'S For of Men's THE GLASS WILL TELL YOU. that our straw hats "are entirely al- right Theme is a style to them that puts them in a class by them- selves. Nowhere else will you . find so much real class in summer head- gear. eadgear.' Nowhere else either will you said bats so reasiomably ,priced. They sire sure enough smart straws for the salart people. SUITS $20 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 • to $35 RAINCOATS .$15 to $30 W, W. Taman Steinhagen, O. Ford. Pencil Draw- ings—C. Steinhagen; F. Hartleib, E. Howard, J. Guenther. Specimens of Art—C. Steinhagen, A. Hoffman, L. Willert. liamemr Handle—U. Zim- mer, R. Silber, H. Schlundt, C. Bur- meister. Rope Halter—M. Tieman, J. Guenther, C. Snell, C. Stanlake. Milking Stool—R. Eilber, L. Schwartz, G. Burmeister, H. Schlundt. Chicken_Coup—E. Tiernan Nail Box—U. Zimmer, R. Schwartz, •C. Steinhagen, L. Witmer. White Bread—M. Wein, L. Willert, E. Hartleib, L. Reid. Graham Muffins E:"' Howard, R. Turrnbull, M. Graup- ner, raupner, I. Brokenshire. Tea Cookies— Pearl Schade, E. Merner, L. Reid, E. Howarth Buns—L. Reid, K. Mor- lock, C. Bender, S. Rader. School Lunch—N. Fassold, E. Howard, A. Schroeder, E. Fahner. Homemade Candy—F. Hartleib, N. Fassold, E. Martene, L. Schwartz. Apple Pie M. Rinker, H. Nadiger, la. Morlock, I7. Willert. Jar Preserves—L. Reid, E. Merner, Lily Willert, A. Schroe- der. Light Layer Cr/ea.—N. Fassold, G. Turnbull, E. Howard, L. Reid, Dark Layer Cake—E. Graupner, L. Reid, M. Merger, C. Baker. Butter (one pound) -C. Bender, Lily Wil- lert, L. Reid, R. Turnbull. Dressed Doll—E. Howard:; I. Bierling, V. Burmeister, R. Turnbull. Hemstit- ched handkerchief.—E. Howard, M. Turnbull, G. Weber, , : B. Edwards. Apron—A. •. Miller, C. Baker, M. Turnbull, L. Reid. Crochet lace E. Howard, E. Deering, M Turnbull and L. Reid. Tatting—E. Deering, E. Graupner. Embroidery— D. Eh- lers,"M. White, G. Turnbull Dust cap—E. Howard, L. Reid, P. Latour" ° ami or F ,iiishek and E. Willert, Darning -M. Turn Thursday and Friday Sept. 30 & Oct. 1 BIRTHS Nickiin-In Guelph, on Sent. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Nicllin, nee Nina Kinsman, a daughter. Elford -In 'Osborne, on Sept. 6, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. T. Elford, a son. MARRIAGES Aylen-Bowman-At,linin Street par- sonage, Exeter, on Sept. 9, Robert S. Aylen of Windsor, to Miss Con- stance Bowman, of London. DEATHS Jordan -In. Seforth, on Sept. 9, John Jordan. aged 36 years and 6 months. Hodgins -In .Bidduiph, on Sept. 14th, Eliza Mathilda, wife of Eli Hodgins, aged 56. Funeral Thursday to St. James cemetery, Clandeboye. Morlock-At Graiad Bend. on Sept. 15, Mary Morlock, beloved wife. of Sim- on J. Morlock, aged 42 years, 0 most, and 19 .days. IN MEMORIAM Ford -In loving memory at aur dear Blanche, who died- °.:a Detroit one year ago to• -day, Sept. 15, 1919. My thoughts are on those days of vole As dawns another year; Nat dead to us, just gone before, The one we loved so dear. -rather, Mother, Sisters, Brothers Speeding in the Ring LOCAL TROT - ERE1: FOR ALL - FQOT RACES LADY 1)R1V1.RS GIRT. DRIVERS GIRL DRIVERS BEST SINGLE TURNOUT PRIZE RIBBONS FOR HORSES -STAMPED IN GOLD' r1ti0,00 IN PRIZES IS (>FI"1.RED IN ABBY BEEF COMPETITIONS MIDWAY VALLEY 13ANi:) WILI. BE IN ATThNDA SCE. MEhT YOUR FRIENDS AT THE THEY WILL ALL BE THERE Wm. Brock Amos Doupe President Sec.-Treas. . IN MEMORIAM Johns -In loving memory of Earl Johns, who was killed in action, on Sept. 12, 1917. The hapey hours we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still; But death has left a vacant spot This world can never fill. -_ -Loved Ones The Exeter Fair Monday and Tuesday Sept. 20th & 21st Fine Exhibits Choice Live Stock Many Good Sports Great. Speed Trials Big Crowds HE CANNOT KEEP OUT OF THE KITCHEN if the meats have been bought at this m:nrket. Their fragrant odor asthey.,c:aok are too much for the masculine desiee. And when •the meets reach the table • hvow he does e.njoy every ,mouthful. If, as is said, the way to a nian's heart is -through his stomach wi,,e. housewives will cer- tainly nal overlook the advantage of using our meats on their tables,. B. Makins, GOOD PRIZES IN J1UNIOlt *i Ry' JUDGING COMPETITION ADMISSION TO GROUNDS - 25c. and 15c. Concert in Opera House Tuesday Ev'g "Jock" Ballantyne, Comedian Miss Alice Eckert, Reader and Impersonator A. G. McCulloch, Baritone Isabel Graham, National Costume Dancer Earl McAllister, Piper and Dancer Dr. J. H. Smith, Accompanist W. Andrew, Pres. THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET where quality is higher than price. R. G. Seldon, Sec. .4.11111,210141. uEWART e Phone 16 4 Ladies' nd Misses' Winter Coats, Suits and Serge Dresses. We have a complete rcnge of Ladies and Misses Fall and Winter Coats ;in all the- Latest Styles and The Newest Cloths in Fur ,Collars and Trimmings, also, the new Cape Collars. All Coats marked below Lux ury Tax. SPECIALS in Salt's Esquimette Scafette Coats in several different styles. They are sure swell . Coats. Lf in want of a Winter Coat -don't lfail. to see our range. OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS. - Our New Winter Coats for Men, Young l.len and Boys, are. sure the West word in Style, Cloths and Colors. Call and be convinced. LADIES' FURS Now is ,the time to pick ou pick out your new se toe fuss. We can Shaw, you all the latest styles in. all the daiffereut Furs SPECIALS FOR FAIR DAY. W. will have a lot of sp•ecitils .wbli evorth your inspeetyon, on our counters ,fox: Fair Day. Also soave Specials Ina Groceries. Make ;this .your headquarters for Exeter Fair Day. j. A. STEWART