HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-9, Page 8i‘• f Exeter Markets 'hanged each WednlesdaY Fell Wheat Barney, new Oats, aew ,75 Family Flour 6.90 " Feed Flour 4,25 Short e 3.25 Bran, • •,e 2.75 Eggs Dairy Butter Creamery Butter . .. . .. Lard EXETER AllIIIMATE, THPBSDAY• SBPT. n, lapo Local Doings The laying of the pavement on stet - 2.45 ion. street is. peogressing nicely, It is eepoeted that ciffars will take another *um up in a few days. Rev, J. Kestle is somewhat ionter after a slight stroke sustained a few days ago, Baroness 'MacDonald o4 Earnscliffe, widow of the great Canadian pre.mier, Sir John, A. MacDoaald, died on Sun- day last, aged 84 years. Mrs. Wright, choir leader, and sone Herold, organist, of James St, Charch, have resigried to go to Wiemipee the 'resiertations to take effect on Octebea 59 52 ta 56 64 .... 34 Hay :her ton, new .... . 18.00 Hogs ..... .... 20,00 After making a tie of the secoid . game with Stratford, 4-4, Zurich on first. Tuesday aieht lost by a score of 6-4. air. Wm. Hunter of Eden lost a val. 1h 11a Ella Leek, who has spent her uable young horse last week with e Ito:Heys ban: and at Crediton, has broken leg above the hock,the result gone to Walkerton, where she has ice, a kick. Tbe beast had to be des - opened mai:eerrooms. and Mrs. George Melville 0.'• 1•Ir°:.iTe(1 r.1-1‘ H. W. Doerr is moving into his y Ru.seldale & 'Mott -Islas celebrated the house on Maia Street, from the resi- fiftieth anniversary ,of their marria.ge. dance aa Andrew Street recently rore kmeno tkcan rtt-ie. a distance who chased by Mr. E. A. Follick from Mr , were nrese it. were a son, Frank, j. N. Howard, Caleinnati d daughIer. Mrs aone- ,ast weeka issue we were in. er- sal o; Braadoa. eor in stating that it was Dr. F.rnfg Williams in attendance on the late Get a sack of our Flour and corn- Gen Hockey should have read Dr, vete at): our Special at the. Fair. Fiedler Williams. artet ,os. Mr. C. B. Snell has purchased from Mr, H. Ramohr what is known as the CAR FOR SALE. Dory Braand property in Exeter A 1918 model Chevrolet, five -Pas- North, and Mr, W, IL Johnston has ranger auto: in good running order, rented it or the. winter, for $650. Horse, harness, buggy and dr. ROLA. Luker was successtal in eutter, $165 for quick sale; also, bred- aaptering two prizes at Toronto Ex - to -lay white Wyandotte chicks. -Dr. hibitioa, lst for his roan hiare, and Aitken, Kipper', Ont. 4••••••••••••• 3rd ,tor Topsy Todd, both having been shown on. the line. Congratulataeas APPLE BUTTER AND CIDER. &ob. We are making apple butter and ei- Euler High school reoonengd on der on. Thursday, Friday and Satur- Tuesday rot this week with an initial day ,of each week. fl' attendance of a8. This will be cone SJV. CANN., Ph.°4e " j siderably increased. The staff consists +Imo of Mr. E. J. Wethey,Miss Stella Gree - GOING TO LONDON FAIR? Call un 117J to secure auto ride London W. H. Hodgert eae-aae L.' you want real.satisfaction in bak- ing use Harvey's Flour, BARN FOR SALE. 30x50, with steel roof, in Veal shap to be removed next ,spripan Apply. SAWL BEAVER., HAY P. O. 1•••••.10...1 ory and Miss Verna McLaughlin. The automatic water supply system los been. installed at the pumping sta- tion by the waterworks department. Thi, le to insure aeontiatioas supply oe water to all users and for fire pur- purposes. The gasoline engine will be retained or use in case or emergency. Labor Day was spent quietly in Ex- eter. Many of the bowlers spent the day on the green. Two rinks, skipped red by Messrs, Seldon and Anderson This is the time of the year to mended a tournament in London, the consider a supply oF bran and short-, former winning one game and the lat- tthe quality .is extra. ter three, out of four; failing, however See Harvey Bros. fo get inside the •prize list. Quite a number of our people spent the after- noon in Zurieh, where the day was being celebrated with sports. FOR SALE One good second-hand 11 -hoe Mas- sey -Harris grain drill, in first-class repair and guaranteed to work right. Cheap WM. WARD, Exeter. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and Sanders Street, Hours - 10 to 12' and 2 to 4, and by appoireta meat. -- AUTO TO LONDON FAIR. Leave your names with Wilson & Simms, as their cars will be rimming to London each day. HONEY FOR SALE. Choice clover honey:in 5 and 10 lb, pails at Wilson & Sinems. •••••■1111. COOK WANTED. At Central Hotel, wages paid. FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE. One and half storeys, Exeter North Apply to Ted. Walper. --- VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time. 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. --- Where do you go from here? To Wilson & Sims' ice cream Parlor. Exeter. City Corn for Canning Factory Those growing cora for the, Cane rang Factory will kindly bring sample cobs to the fac iory after the 13th, when they will be advised when to make. delivery. Help Wanted husking corn the factory starts. 3t. EXETER CANNING CO. when Dissaiiiiion of Partnership NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween us, the undersigned, as repairers of auto nobiles, in. the Village of Ex- eter, in the County ,af Huron, has this day beecissolved by mutual consent. All debt: o vino to the said partnership are to be .:ctid to James Foote at the said Village tat Exeter, and all claims against the said partnership are to be resented to the said James Foote by whom the same will be settled. Datel at eetener this twenty-third ,day of Augeste A. D. 1920. Ahbert J. Soullier J. R. Foote Isaac R. C. arling, Witness. " Exeter Fair See the list of special pries for the Exeter Fair in the prize list. e Good ,specials awarded for butter and cooking at the Exeter Fair. Do not be afraid to bring them as a glass case is being provided. Exeter Fair, September 20th and 21st. Potato race on horseback will be one of the features at the Exetwr Fair. - Baby Beef coinpetitioas by borne, Stepleen and, Hay townshiper at Exeter Fair. Sweepstakes open to all $15 and $10.• „ A purse of $300 is being awarded for trials of speed at the Exeter Fair. Mr. W. H. Johnston, who has be- come one of the veteran teachrs of Huron, has taken, charge of No. 2, Hay, just tves and north ,of Exeter, and is residing in Exeter North. Mr. Johnston taught in this school for quite a long time several years ago, but during. re- cent years has been teaching at Kippen On August 25th prior to leaviung Kip- pers, the ,people of that community presented him with an, oak chair and an address, Miss Mabel Tom of God- erich has received n,otice that she .has been appointed on, the staff of the Pekin Union Medical College, conduct- ed by the Rockerfeller foundation, and leaves to take up this position about October 1. Miss Tom is the daugh- ter of Inspector Torn and is one of ten chosen out of 200 applications. Miss Tom is a graduate• of American h,osDitals and did valuable work with the American. hospitals in. France, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wo od and soriPercy left Thursday of last week for Van- c.auver, B. C. It is their intention to remain for some time in that coun- try pad if they find it agreeable will make their future home there. The family have be.en, long and Most wor- thy residents of Exeter and their de- parture from our midst for all time would be regretted by all their many friends, and it is to be hoped that they will eturn to Exeter and con- tinue to make this their home. COLLIDED WITH ENGINE. Mr, and Mrs. James Lawson, of town,, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil of Calgary, while motoring in. London 'an Monday last had a narrow escape with their lives. They were about to cross the prand Trunk tracks at a crossing where their view was obscur- ed, and hearing no whistle or bell ringing proceeded to cross. Just at that moment a train pulled in sight, and Mr. Lawson put on the breaks, just in time to stop the car before reaching the track, but not before the engine struck one of the lamas and turned the car to one. side, Their ex- perience• will long he remembred. Trivia Memorial Church Services as usual. Rev A. A. TrumDer, Rector CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN, CHUIWH Rev. dames Foote, 13. A., Minister Rev. McFarlane, of Bayfield will preach Sunday morning and even- ing. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 am. -"A Wonderful Title; David, a 'Man, after Gods Own Heart!' 3 ,,in. -Sabbath Schaal and Bible Classes. 7 D,ne--"The Maoufacture of aFace' Good music. Hearty welcome, to alt. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 1100 Aem-apur Lord's Caming.” 3)30 -Sim ay Shoel. Qsses far all and a welcome. 7.00 Ren. -"The Great R,etreate BETHANY-' 2.30 p.m. -..."Our Rent" ELLISON-JOHNSTON. The wedding took place on Tuesday afterneon, at 1,30, at the hornet of Mrs E. Wright, leader of the James Street Church choir, when. Miss Margaret Jobristora nurse, who bas been jiving with. Mrs. Wright, became the, bride of Rev. H. V. Ellison of Collingwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, Wilson in the prese:ace of a num- of the friends of the contracting per- sons, among thertt. being Rev. Curran of lefeaford. After a trip to. Winni- peg, Saskatoon, Calgary and Edmonton they will reside in Collingwood. • NIPPED IN THE, BUD. An incipient fire was nipped in the bud at the G. T. R. station be, Friday 1 evening last. Shortly after the train had gone south Mr. larne. Hodgert, who. bappened to be at the station. noticed the blaze opposite the bag- gage zoom door, after it had nicely started, and had it not been discover- ed when it was, nothing would have saved the building. The blaze origin- ated under the., platform, but how is a mystery. It is thought, however that some person dropped a lighted match or a cigar stub, axtel going thru a crack ignited some paper or rubbish below. Miss Mildred Hardy of Toronto was home for Labor Day. Ur, 'Waiter Dearing of London was here over the holiday. Ren and Mrs. Fear visited Mr, and airs. W. S. Howey this week, ;11r. and Mrs, Richard Treble, were on from London. for the week end. Miss Mable Heamen of London is visiting her cousin, Miss Ida 'Cottle. Miss Alice Kedwell of Sarnia is here spending p. few days with old friends. Da and Mrs, Buck ,of London visit- ed Mr, and Mrs, W. W. Taman, Mon- day. Miss Piewes, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs, McAlister, at the parson- age. Mr. Francis Hill has returned to To- ronto, after a visit with his parents here. Mr. Wes. Vale of Toronto spent Sunday and 'Monday with Iras mother here. Mrs. Wm, Harris, son and daughter, of Calgary, visited at Mr. S. Davis' for a few days. Miss M. Horrtey and Miss Wolfe of Chicago are visitiag the former's lel- ativeshere. err, Will Mallett and family of Strat- ford spent Sunday and Monday with relatives here. Mrs. Wm. Kuntz and son John re- turned Monday after visiting relatives in Ubly, Mich. Miss Mabel Schade spent a week with her cousin, Miss Melee= Schade on the Sauble Line, Mr. George Jewell of London visit- ed with his brother, Mr. Jas. Jewell, over Sunday and Monday, Miss Williams of Clinton has re- turned and,resumed her ditties with Miss Armstnoog as milliner. ears. Frank Mallett and daughter, Eva of London, spent a few days with rel- atives in town, duringt he week. Messrs, Archie and William Davis and arie,nd Mr. Moffatt of Ingersoll epent Sunday and Monday here. Miss Verdi Rowcliffe of the Com- mercial. College, London, spent Sunday and the holiday at her home here. Mrs. Cousins, Mrs. Stewart and lit- tle Shirley of L,onelon, spent Thursday with Mrs. McCombs and Mrs. Cottle. elr. and ;Mrs. Ray Eacrett and child of Sarnia spent several days during the wee -k with relatives and friends in • town. Miss Ann. ‘Sanders spent 'Monday in London. with her sister, Mrs, ItIcAvoy, who is en St. Joseph Hospital, await- ing an operation Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slater of Detroit who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. al. Simpson, Mooresville, called aia rel- atives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. -Chas. Girvin and Mr. Wm, Bailie and daughter Mabel ,of Goderith spent .,abor Day at the James Street parsonage. Rev. Bray of Landon, a former rec- tor of Teivitt Memorial Church, spent Monday the guest of ihepresent rec- tor, Rev. A. A. Trumper. Mrs. Ed. Sanders, who has been vis- iting relatives and. friends at Zurich, Parkhill -and, llaeter, left for her home in aluskegon,fieeghis, Mich., on, Thurs- day last. Mr. Jos., Davis, who has been, vis- iting .tor two' weeks with his parents left Monday for neania, he having been transferred from the Maisons Bank at Marrisburg to. Merfm.. . Mr. and Mrs Geo. Windsor re- turned ,T.Lhursday east frona a motor trip to Desbore, where ihey spent sev- eral days with thear ,son. Perry. Mr. Windsor had the privile.ge, of enjoying.' some fine speckleu trout Halting while away, -. Mr. ,A. J. Snell pf Lansing, Mich,, a former well-known Exeter boy, while on a hurried visit hea.e east week gave Tbe Advocate a pleasant call W ed- nesday . He had been on a visit to„, Grand Bead and Barfield; and was on his way to visit his brother John in St Thomas. - Mr. and Mrs. Moses -Amy, accompan- ied by Charlie Way 01 Edmonton turnect home on Saturday from a motor trip to Brantford, Haniutoa, Wood- stock and Dundee. The 7 also 'at- tended Taranto Exhibition. MiSs Kestle, gecompantecl them as far as Woodstock and returned with them Mr.' Henry Willis of Detroit, son 04 the late George Willis of Exeter, after an absence loom town for twenty seven years, spent Saturday and Sun- day the guest 01 is atmnt, Mrs. CieCti Sanden, Since he loft here Mr. Wil- lis has resided in, nearly ,every State of the .Union, and ,svent some years • Mexico. • - Mr. ,Wallacee Fisher, who, has been here visiting with ,his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs, WM. Fisher, left..Tuesday main - in, /Or Toeont , where hia will c stilt a specialist regarding his health, Some time ago Mr:, .Fisher *as ,a vk- iniofattick oif the flu, from which' he never rightly reovered his case be-, ing of an anaemic eondiaion. - -"ne easpreasoa-- PHONE 32 JONES & 1VIAY PHONE 32 Oomplete Showing of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits and Dresses for Fall and Winter NORTHWAY AND ROGERS' GAR MENTS. NO LUXURY TAX WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SILK DRESSe.,S. FALL AND WINTER COATS. For Ladies, Misses, and Children in, new styles and colors, excellent range ot fabrics, all marked below the. luxury. tax. SPECIAL -Salt's genuine Itsquimette Sealette Coats, moderately priced. DRESSES In, all -wool British Serges, Silks and Georgettes for Misses and Ladies Beautiful range of colors and styles. Dozens to ehoose from and reason- ably Priced. SUITS In all -wool sergesolors, Navy, Blaek and Brown. Plain tailored styles; also trimmed with Military braid and butt ons. We invite an early instiection of these lines. FALL STOCKS NOW NEARLY COMPLETE Our range of Fall and 'Winter Merchandise is now nearly complete. New Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dress Fabrics, Etc., for Ladies Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Etc, for men and boys, FURS. - NOLUXURY TAX. Furs are (here shown, in many new Shapes (aryl Styles, in, such popular furs as Sable end Natural Wolf, Red Fox, Racoon, Black 'Wolf, Etc., all marked below the. luxury tax. MEN'S UNDERWEAR SPECIAL. 10 dozen Men's Heavy Rib Shirts and Drawers, evool and canton mix- ture, sizes 36 to 44, aia special sale this month at only 51.50 garment. ORDERS TAKEN FOR ALL KINDS PLEATING AND IllealSTITCHING JONES & MAY Closed Wednesday afternoons during June July and August CASTO R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John. St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w . DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Mee -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended tot day or night. • ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Comniissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etq. Money to loan at Ipwe'st rates of interest. OfficelVfain Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years old up; weighing from 1500 pounds up. Manes from 4 years old up, weighing fram DOUndS up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. • G. J. DOW • FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Itmon and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction - Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. SUMMER TERM COMMENCES JULY 5th, CENTRAL Al //Ai /® aro. perienced instructors, gives thorough courses:and assists graduates to high grade .position. The dernand, upon -Us or. trainehelp. exceeds the -number graduating. Commence yourcourse with 'us ,at °Owing of summer. term onIlitly 5th. , • . • Get our free .'catalogue. • D A. McLachlan,. Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farrn and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter -Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons Al] calls promptly attended to day or night. Office - Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Clo.ed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea ~& Coffee Store For the choicest' groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will conVin- CO. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. " I PHONE 134 Our Fall & Winter Line of Coats & Dresses features the latest styles, weaves and, patter We Weinvite your early inspection of our splendid offerings, , . • • NEW ALL -WOOL SISRGES NEW SILKS Splendid Values in all wool serge s All we ask is an opportunity to, in Navy, Green Brown, Garnet and 'how roti some of the beautiful shad - black. es vve have to offer. • 38 inches wide, per .yard $2..75. , ' SHOES • SHOES •SHOES. A bigger and bettter range than eve.? ;before, .Our Schaal Shoes fcir.-Boys and .Gitla should 'interest you. 50' xrair 01 Men's Heavy Shoes, Snecial price'l$5.00. •SEE OUR, NEW WALL PA PERS FOR FALL, -e.aelieelaeta..e.eaeeneeee