The Exeter Advocate, 1920-9-9, Page 5tits AUCTION SALE 1 NEWS TCPICg W •EK OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . The undersigned auctioneer -has. received instructions tosell by pub- lic auction on . ANDREW STEE;ET, EXETER, O? SATURDAY, SEPTRAIDER 11, 1920 The Busy World's Happenings At one o`clock p.m. the following t Care. valuable property. tally Compiled and Put [oto Three-piece upholstered parlor Handy and Attrrlctive Shape tor suite, in excellent condition; 2 good the Readers of Our Paper -- A Important Events Which. Have Occurred During the Week, oak rocking chairs; one round. par- Sold Hour's tsnjoyunent, for table; sideboard, dining -room 'TUESDAY, table, 'Wettest table and chairs; two. Sterling is qu• oted in New York at iron beds and springs; one solid oak $3,55. dresser with large oval mirror and . Martial law has been declared in washstand as good as new; bureau Canton." and washstand, one toilet• set, one New prices are set for Canada's velvet rug, 101n x9; 1 velvet rug, Victory bonds, 9x12; 1 tapestry rug, all in good LaLxyc•1'e front all over Canada are lnQcting in Ottawa condition; Rayniaud sewing machine The Sydney Bullcti.l leas raised its one organ, hall rack, window blinds, price to live cents a (espy, couch, New Perfection coal oil stove, John Henry non r:-, • historic baby buggy, Happy Thought kitchen po.r:;et Slane at Iteasenlle Monday. range; 1900 Gravity washing mach- C. 11. 11,. Full r of Toronto was ine. new this smuttier; tuba baby's al -Tainted C11y i,n lit 'n Chatham. bath tub; knee mower; kettles and: The 1Nqu table' t. -, ztl.aa,•'. ;;o - pans, axe and garden tools and other ciety will take .1(1 "'re L'a"n'Uan. articles. 'menu ss. `1� le,.ltu'.- Cs I An inquest i11 Toronto 011 an infant left in a downtown clinch mom pros, - C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer -et! fruUlass. MR:. GEO. HOCKEY, Proprietress A I);iraea-lallilatilen Union for On- tario beta been formed tit u eozlvention .�. ,. ; 111 Stratford. In an O.A.L.A, ,iuvenile gauge at WOMAN' YYSTERIOU?sI.'z 41fin.r. ! Shelburne the hozw team defeated Dlub 'n. la to 5. f'tseph Nichols on Full:txton Tp. Rebel Arabs in the lennellotamia was insured jn a nnystd sous manna, at valley are proat'iring a holy war her !tome on. Aug. 31st she went agullua Iia ' Beene, a*.roe the 1'at 1 into a field to cha•e sitewen sweetens are leading 3e- ,ome 0' her ct11+'i:ens h..nte tell R tri=' irol'9 i4.6j, ..,.t the eovivt Gat:•111H1.(?nts of them sail into an old building: On ease of the Urals. ooenir 4 they soar to go St1 she w:,n, 11.11(>t•uart (Toronto) res i.:('zits met shot in the. wrist with a bullet nolo a to !WWI 22 -calibre e, There was rothinr'.n ,;Belts the iia 11 Telephone e the: bugle 1, w11.l it has not been 1- :aul � oyli�at�111 tBs•lt1 I l)„ty ;nee tlui'n- e.d what the .1 had been +;e s;. An ince t ant ea s being' made. Aemail(1.1 ieed �s"eta 3istz'ictt la L �l;l zitui;t, to the 11011,:,r.: Mrs N> :Ciloi'S .1rm was b '!:wr, l:lrh 3 1 astr ct'1Ut':a (tt «i w work refines to 1 11:1clt to wort: on British ens shins 1111 9i e�'t is rel. reed. .u+ f> ul tat `°:.' 1+'titl or a ,('e'lllr- etlu:. a. tilt (1 into the1 Law ArAi ii etK 3a t t.t� rte Tin l:a(lti:nor. uriults that leen dinner by a to 7 anti lead the luter- nationtcl Teeigee t'aec. 1'be Leafs were i.tI1. WEDNESDAY. Poet Lullee ehltrges in Greet Britain will r'iti.' to -day. tonic -help of rarest value.. Metal workers in Milan have oeiza'd A little of Scott's after meals possession of the fat toric,, for a few days would do Miss Casey ofOtt 1'tt 1 JJ.,� S ivat and 'e killed by John Neal a world of good. my it/0 .1 fereen. Enforcement of t11.• Ilat,;trraus Scott & Howne. Toronto. oast. 20x'9 Drugs" Act begins in Urt'at lfritain to -day, 'fhe London team are the ;']tarn- VOTERS' LIST 1920. plots, of the Midi .-untario MU'NInIPALITY OF THE l"ILL League. :AGE OF h;.X.ETER A meeting was held at Ottawa to As - COUNTY OF HURON promote a "Better Utidersi gilding As- sociation Noltce is hereby �iv•a, that 1 have Gen.Wrangel is retorted to helve transmitted is e Idle 1, v n e 1 to the }sere Proposed an alliance with Pet tar,,, the souls mentioned in Scetion 0 L.ltt,inlnn leader. Hamilton v,'atty meeting decided of "The Voter- i„st Acct” the cop- to .:'k tiln rector, ilcv. Percival les required by tee ', i 1 .et'titln, to be sc transmittal or ale,»v,:red .,f the list made pursuant to ,.i 1 sl;' persons appearing by t'1: 1 1s teen ed Assessment Roll of tin rt•r.l ants icipality to be entitled to -en ie '- said' Municipality at Elect' ens members of the Legislative Cumbered with endless rounds of duty, the tired, nevous mother generally finds in 1 Scott's Enwizion 0 103.1050051M 000000021010 � Mayes, to leave the rihtu't'll. The Canadian. Pieter, built for the Canadian Government tlier'l:hant ma- rine, waes insite('t('ti at. :t 0ttre111. A severe typl non is r1 ,:ag and Manila shippine hue bt't'n bailie dam- aged. Loss of lilt' is unkato tl. and at Municipal Elections, a:t ; ?':.,l Ciaeinneti's reverse u ad a vie»tory said list was first posted up ;et !-•' by tslooklyn gave elle latter the lead offit'c et Exeter, cin the 4th day of in the National Baseball Lee g,,e rare. September, 1920, and retnains there Bellimore was idle ye..t.rai , and for inspection. the '1 menu° L .se'ibail trail,, by win- And I hereby call upon all voters nine at Roehester, are again in first to take immediate proceedings to Placa • have any errors or or}lissions correct- Mrs. :tint ier Deniers, Montreal, ed according to law, died as a rt alt it is ell(ged of being =site! at Exe..er this 4th day of thrown downstei:s at a neighbor's Se. en.ber, 1920. JOSEPH SENIOR Clerk o£ Exeter Village, .1.'0, Witness Testifies SHE WAS WEAK AND NERVOUS Brampton, Ont. -"About five years ago 1 bekan suffering s t'n woman's trouble. I L'•;.cauie all run-down � weak sod nervouscompletely _ 'A down and out that I could not do any- thing, could scarcely dress myself. I had the doctor and took other medicine but without getting bet- ter until I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion and his Golden Medical Discovery. It was only neces- sary for me to take about three bottles when I was completely restored to health and' strength and I have been in better health than I ever was before. I have had no use for medicine since, but should I need it I would take these same remedies, knowing them to be excellent." -MRS. HARRY KNIGHT', T, Jessie St. OWES HER LIFE Ft. Saskatchewan, Alta.: -"It is with great pleasure that I write the following and I hope it will help the many sufferers who do not know the good Dr. Pierce's medi- cines would do them if they would try' them;. 'In regard tomy condition, I will say that I suffered from childhood from a very weak back; 1 had the misfortune of having spinal meningitis when I was one year old and until I was.. 13 I diel not see a well day, but a very kind lady told my mother about Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and she got a bottle to try it. It did me so much good that mother got me 6 bottles. Recent- ly I happened with a car accident and hurt • my back badly. My doctor gave me up and said I would not live, but I still stink to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and to my surprise in three weeks I was out of bed and better. I owe my life to it and nothing else, and shall never be without it. "If any sufferer wishes to write .I will house. Many British manufacturi'rs are preparing to shut down work as soon as a strike in the coalfields is an- n oumed. . More than .125,000 passed throug i the turnstiles at the Exhibition in To- ronto on Tuesday — the record for Children's Day. John Callingelo, aged six, of 31 Walton street, Toronto, saes seriously injured when he was run over by a motor truck last evening. A large number of armed Sinn Feiners raided a fancy dress ball at Roslare Strand -Hotel, Dublin. Mille tary officers were compelled to leave, being told that they were denied so- cial intercourse with the people. THURSDAY. Bread prices are to be reduced in Montreal. The League of Nations has pur- chafed a hotel in Geneva. - King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium have left for Brazil. Italian metal workers have decided to seize all factories in Lombardy. Teter Manning won the feature event at Reedville on Wednesday. An airplane vessel service is to be established between Seattle and Vie- toria, B.C. Davenport Albions beat Caledon- ians by 1 to 0 and won, the Robert ran Cup. Lightning destroyed the Dominion Steel Co.'s transforming station at Sydney, N.S. Tons of fruit will go to, waste in Niagara district unless'niore pickers are secured. Hundreds of children who cannot speak. English were enrolled in . To- ronto schools. ; Milk prices rose two cents per quart in Toronto with the advent" of the winter scale. Advocates of proportional 1epre- sentation appeared before the Gov- ernment Committee. . Use St. Catharines Typographical Union has withdrawn from .the answer pl with pleasure!_ Mbar. NOEL Trades and Labor Council. BARTHOLea, n The Empress of France calve from Liverpool to^Quebec in 5 days and 23 a -an -as -nee - hours, a new rtcOrd, . Rev, W. Louckens,; retired Metho- dist uiiuisLer, near Flint Siding, is d SINCE i x1870 bRops $'TI'S &i i j?cP; missi1rg fr•oni home... " • Montreal is asking ing the ' Quebec Gov ;t'uuaent for '$1,000;000` to build houses for workingmen. in the coliafise of a ;hangar at 'North S3'dney, N.S.,, one man wase •nillten ,;rid two were badly 'hurt. N/1') iu„ 'Perry, aged nine. who was steatili aga ride on a motor truck in Toronto, fell under thb rear wheel; and was killed, Baltimore regained the Interna tional League leadership by winning twice at Syracuse on Wednesday while Toronto lost at Roehester, F>fi>iDA7r.". Print paper in the United. States will be again increased hi price. Fire destroyed a large stock of sehool supplies in a Gxe11►h store. Three Quebec women ?save been decorated by the French Government, Henry Cayer, Parry Sound, is be, sieved to have been drowned while fishing. A warm discussion of the Bowie.. vlk propaganda occupied the Labo) Council. Only $3,000 was realized by the tag day in Toronto lield for th4 G.A.U.V. C.P.R. employes have been ofeial ly notified of the increased wage schedule. Canada's golf team for the match with the United states has arrive., at New York, Yorkshire cricketers met an all. Cleveland tram in Toronto, each side scoring 70 runs. Mrs. Ambrose Small of Toroni:oxe. quests that the reward for hex hits• band be renewed, Governor Cox of Ohio, P'reside'ntial candidate, will 1ea'e on a trine -thou- sand -mile campaign tour. A hemlock timber limit com- prising 25,000,000 feet was sold al Parry Sound for $171,600, According to a despatch to London from Athlone, Ireland, gold has been found in county Westmeath. hadnian, the Tennessee reirteman, won the two chief races at the Grand Circuit rneetiog at Readvj?le Thurs- day. Canada's total revenue last month was $11,274,290, as against $5,251; 801 for the corresponding month last year, Toronto ;Milk and Crean, Product• ere' Association ofacet's are ordered to anppeercear', before the Board of Cora - Hon. Ilon. E. H. Armstrong, Commis- sioner of Works and Mines, was elected in the by-election in Shen Burne, N.S. Toronto won from Rochester on Thursday, 5 to 4. Baltimore beat Syracuse in two games, Baltimore it still leading by a few points. SATURDAY. All teams were idle in the Inter- national Baseball League on Friday. A plague of lizards has overrun the Pelican Lake district in Mani..' toba, Hearing fn the telephone rates ease will open at Ottawa on Septem- ber 21. Representatives of aye cities will. discuss phone rates in Toronto on Tuesday.. Hon. i 1, Doherty says Milk Com- mission's report will justify increas- ed prices. J. D. Flavelle promised' to recom- mend that Sergt, Bruno, D.C.M., be released. Premier Drury addressed the On- tario Municipal Association on Hydro -radials. Lack of rain. has caused a curtail- ment of Hydro power use in the Trent River system, Capt. G. O. Johnson flew from Ot- tawa to Camp Borden, about 300 miles, in 2'n hours, Montreal ladies besieged Dorches- ter House, competing for the ser- vices of 23 domestics. The striking metal workers in Venice, Italy, have taken possession of the military arsenal. Four cases of plague have been discovered in the Turkish Govern- ment barracks at Scutari. Labor ni New York has adopted a resolution favoring the United States asking for MacSweney's release. A. Berlin despatch states that the Lithuanian troop;, have driven the Poles back on the Grodno-Suwalki front. 4,000 Mennonites May Go to Abitibi. WINNIPEG, Sept, 6. -More than 4,000 Mennonites of the old stock will leave Manitoba for the district of Abitibi, in Quebec,if the reports of their investigators, who are re- turning from an inspection of the ter- ritory, are reassuring, R.' Fletcher, Deputy Minister of Education, said Saturday. ' Mr. Fletcher was of the opinion, however, that the 15,000 other Men- nonites in the province, who are more enlightened, will stay and com- ply With the requirements of the Education Act. The Deputy Minister stated that in the 'Hanover district, where they have been farming for thirty years, they are complying with the law, and are, sending their children to school. Such is their interest in education, Mr. Fletcher said, that they are at present engaged in constructing new schools. Syrian Archbishop Visits Canada. KITCHENER, Sept. 6. — Arch- bishop Kouri of Souhr, Mount Le- banon, who is on an official visit to Canada representing the Patriarch of Mount Lebanon, and visiting the Sy- rian people throughout America, ar- rived in the city on Saturday. The. archbishop is accompanied by his sec- retary and Rev. Father Louis Soaid- of'Sydney, N.S. Germany Sends a Protest. LONDON, Sept. 6.—According to a Berlin wireless despatch the German Government has protested to the Warsaw Government against the al- leged violation by the Poles of the East. Prussian frontier. The wire- less also says that a report to the Petrograd lzvestia declares that the crops in wheat -producing Russian provinces are complete failures. Would Banish H'e 11'st Issues. MONTREAL, Sept. 6..--- A resolu- tion, recommending the sunplession of Hearst publications, news services and. films In . Canada, will be.)ne of the matters to be considered by the Conference . of Canadian Clubs, to be held. hereon September 6 and 7. 'This will come up as a resol>_itio3 submit- ted by the Hamilton Canadian Club. Farquhar Mr. and Mrs. John ,Browee daughter Miss Laura, end Mrs. Donaldson. of Raaock and Miss Irene Brown, Strat- fordv,._,tsLIOU Sunday at Mr, Thomas Hunkin's,-Miss Millie Pollen of Mit- chell visited at her home here over the holiday, -Mr. and Mrs. John Sel- ves, jr., and little son, Freddie visited Sunday at Mr, Thos, Hunkin's,-•-Don't forget the dance in Farquhar Hall oo Friday night. Come and bring your f'rLeAd&. OUR MAILING LIST. Our mailing list has been, correct- ed to August 31st, If you have re- newed your subscription and we have not given you credit for same, nine', lylet,us know and we will make car- eectioags, artd ,by -the -way, there are several who have not renewed yet this year. ' To such we would .advise to Day up es we ,must soon, "raise ' the subscription rate and you will be obliged to .,pay the increased rate. -estelm Untversity London, Ontario Sdenes 64rts • e. kine Fall Terri Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE K. P.R. NEV ZLLE, Regristrar These two sketches are from „photographs ofSignorFrsscea e amazing act, now lying billed over the Keith and Affiliated vaudaville circuits. Signor (Trisect COMO onto the stage and plays. Suddenly he stops playing. His xylophone performance Continues. Then el - curtains of the Lark drop port. The Jeer Edison is re- ward. It loos tarsen upSignorFrisree'o per- formanee and is RE- CREATING it atone. You can he.r it in sixr store —the- phonograph that is f ea- tnredin Vaudeville' s strangest act Perhaps you've seen it—Signor Friscoe's "Magic" Xylophone Act. It's the hit of vaudeville's "Big -Time Signor Friscoe's "magic" is an Official Laboratory Model of the New Edison. We have one exactly like it. Signor Friscoe's instrument is an exact duplicate of the origi- nal Oficial Laboratory,, Model, which cost Mr. Edison three million dollars to perfect. Our instrument is also an exact duplicate of this famous three million dollar original. We guarantee it.'to be able to give the same marvelous RE - CREATIONS of music, which Signor Fris poe's Official Labor- atory Model gives in vaudeville. Come in and test the astonish- ing stonishing .realism of this instrument for yyrourself -- in Mr. Edison's Realism Test. 2/iCN:W I ON ” TIie Phonograph with a Soul' You've read how the New Edison has proved its perfect realism. Four thousand tests have been given, in which more than 50 different artists compared their art with its RE- CREATION by the New Edison. Leading newspapers conceded that there was no dif- ference between the two. Has any one suggested to you that these comparison tests :are "faked faked " — that the artist imitates the New Edison ? Signor Friscoe's performance makes such an assertion positively ridiculous. ` Every week, 20000 people see his hammers ripple over the xylophone keys. Suddenly he holds them aloft -still. The rippling music continues. ' Slowly, the gorgeous curtains of the back- drop part. • The audience gasps.. The New Edison stands. revealed. It has •.taken . up Signor Friscoe's performance, and is now RE-CREATING it alone. The effect of this extraordinary magic can rest upon only one fact No one can distinguish any difference between Signor Friscoe's performance and. its RE-CREATION by the New Edison. Signor Eriscoe could not possibly imitate the New A re Edison, because the xylophone can not be made to imitate any other instrument, so as to deceive its hearers. Signor Friscoe's act is not an Edison enter- prise. fie has simply been clever enough to use the New Edison' for what it is worth. Why don't you? The price of the New Edison (United States price) has increased less than 15% since 1914. This includes the War Tax. °tr. Edison has staved . off price advances by personally absorbing more than half of the increased cost of manufacture. Because of the exceptionally high quality of materials and workmanship demanded by the Edison Laboratories, and the con- tinued 'scarcity of both, it may be necessary . to advance prices. But rest assured that this will not occur, unless Mr. Edison is forced to it. Our Budget Elan—the thrift way of spend- ing—will help you buy now. Let us tell you about it. J. Willis Powell, Dealer, Exeter, On