HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-26, Page 5CLINTONeeAt the home of leer daughter, Mrs. fames Livermore, with whole she hard lived for .eight years, there passed away onl August 19, an old Iresident, 'Mrs. Robert Marshall, at Si years of age. She wasborn in Exbg land. Three daughters ak1d ,one son survive, M. Livermore, Mrs:' EJack- sGn, and Mrs. T. Coley aod; joint, a1l•of 'MC Clinton. • What Prominent Ontario Women Say Tillaonburg. Ont.: --"T found Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription very beneficial during expectancy. I felt quite poorly, was nauseated and sick, could not eat any- thing and T was extremely nervous and weak. I took Favorite Prescrip- tion" and it soon stopped the nausea, my appetite return- ed, also my strength and I was sewn: feeling fine baby stwasssstronng and healthy and bee always been so. I consider 'Favorite Prescription a great help to the expectant mother and am glad to recommend. -- MRS. aMOS 1vILIB. Box 238. A HAMILTON .WITNESS Hamilton, Ont.:—"A few menthe ego 1 was stricken down and was confined to bad .bout ten dart. My atrength all left me, II was my first illness since a child, 1 Ioat fiv pounds and felt awfully weak afterward. I could hardly do my work. • I was advised to trey Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tablet form. I tried a couple of bottles and, before I knew it, I 'ens well and strong and .had gained 03i pounds. I on recommend - Dr. Pierce'= Fervoritu Prescription to build one up."—MRS. E. MARTIN, '397 Dundurn. St. After suffering Pain, feeling nervous, .dizzy, weak and dratged, down by weak - newts of her sex --with eyes sunken, black alleles and, pale chceke -such a woman is quickly Teetered to health by the Favorite Prescription of Dr. Pierce. Cheesed, too, in looks, for after taking Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription the akin becomes clear, the ' seas brighter, the cheeks plump. It is purely vegetable, contains no alcohol. —because it tells "what's what" in Period phonographs. —because it pictures 17 exquisite Period designs. —because it's yours for the asking. T Willis Powell, Dealer Exeter, Ont CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug. 28 -Sep. l l "The Greatest Annual Event on Earth" Where the Nation shows its best finished product of the Mine. Fisheries, Forest, Factory. Studio and Laboratory for Exhibition, Companion, Instruction and Encouragement Pageantry on a Massive Scale. Incomparable Music. Fine Arts. Applkod and Graphic Arta International Photographic Salon. - Demonstrations daily by Northwest Mounted Police Twe days of sensational automobile racing. .Mile•a-minute motor boats and water sports, Electric show. Amerlca's best Give Stock Poultry, Tractor and Perna Mechinery D*.piey Government Exhibits and Demonstrations, ,. And a score of other Special Attractions 42nd fl onsectitib'el tyar'1,291;000 1 ; Visitor. in 1919 JOHN G. KtNT. y Genereif'Maii t o, NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Clitre- tuUy Compiled and Put tato Handy and Attractive Shape for the Renders of Our Paper SUd Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Manitoba will vote on the liquor question on October 25. The Lord Mayor of Cork has been found guilty by a court-martial, Citizens in St. Catharines unable to get houses are living in tents. Enforcement ot school attendance for adolescents may be postponed.. Stratford textile workers have sub- mitted demands for increased wages. Domestics will be brought by the Provincial Government from Great Britain. There is still no clue to the mur- derer of Phillip Goldberg, the small Toronto boy. The condition of Premier Venizelos is reported to be quite satisfactory to his pliysielaiw. The weekly report of the National Railways says the western crop is bet- ter than expeeted. Teheran advices report that Per- sian troops have established contact with. Bolshevik forces. Midnight Sun, winner of the Buf- falo Courier handicap, was beaten at Fort Erie Monday by Wynnewood: After an absence of six years; the array worm, who many fanners know to their cost. has again invaded Nova Scotia, Ottawa police are investigating a story that two boys who were drown- Irl were embed -into deep water by other boys. The Toronto baseball team defeat- atl is•yrae n ' on Monday by 5 to 0, and stretch:it their winning streak to nine eereeeutIV( viceor'ies, Lloyd George has expressed his t itlingness to discuss the Irish goes - !Will with rept•[*senlative e of ane Darty if three eonditions are grantee. a The Dominion Bowling Tottrna- l^nent opened U T n'outo on Monday, l eeve.rel supposedly strong rinks were beaten in the Walker Trophy prelim- inary round. Harry Vardon and "Ted" Ray. tate anted English golfer's, beat Geo. Cum- ming, Toronto Golf Club, and Albert MurrayeKanawakl, 9 up in ' ;ti -hole competition in Toronto on Monday. WEON ESO There is a. faction vitt' arnnna, the' !lineae in Windsor, Harold Scarlett of London was frowned at Port Stanley, T. E. Pedlow was again llourtnated Try South Renfrew Liberals. Action may be taken against the leaders of the Thorold riots. The new Mothers' Pensions Board meld its first official meeting. Several jail sentences were .mpos- zd for hreacltes of, the Ontario Tertr- perenee Act. Gond progress wee made in the Dominion Bowling Tournament on Toronto greens. Following an accident in Toronto, the driver of an auto was charged with negligence. Azreal, a Canadian -bred horse, won the Buffalo Commercial Hitndienp, run at Fort Erie Tuesday. Two kittens were substituted for apples that were stolen from '11.ev. F. A. Vipond of Toronto. D. C. Elwood, alleged diamond thief, arrived in Toronto last night from the Southern States. The Boston Nati ,nal League team defeated the Toronto baseball team. by 2 to 1 in a ten -innings game. The strike of the coastwise long- shoremen on the Atlantic roast or the United States has been called off. Twelve million children in Europe lost one or both parents during etre war, according to recent compila- tions. The royal proclamation to India states that the Prince of Wales will not Day his proposed visit nett winter. The Empress of Canada, the C.P.R.'s new palatial liner on the Pacific, was launched at Govan, Scot land, on Tuesday. "Ray" Chapman, shortstop of the Cleveland baseball team, who was struck on the head by a pitched ball on Monday, is dead. Earl Thompson, Canada's most formidable entrant, was beaten in the 110 metre,. hurdle race at the Olympic games on Tuesday. The Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen wants a retraction of the statement by A. J. Hiles that over- time is paid for over five hours. THURSDAY. , Cobourg horse show had a record attendance. Three-year-old Violet Lindsay was fatally injured in Toronto by a motor car. Commercial light and power rates were raised by the, Hydro Commis- sion. Marshall Marlowe was the victim of a drowning accident at -Sunnyside, Toronto. Several more jail sentences were given in Toronto"for breaches of the O. T. A. Rev. Dr. Alfred Gandier has re; turned . from the Geneva Missionary Conference, The state attorney at Boston de- mands $100,000 bail bonds to release Wizard Ponzi, • Waitresses at the Lyon's Cafe in London have gone on strike to up- hold their, union. Thorold Council -. held a secret meeting to decide what will- .; be done with the riot leaders. A mass meeting is . to be .held in Toronto to ,fight the proposed in- w`ease in telephone rates. • Davie Barr of St. Thomas has sold British Columbia post lands to New i'oi interests for $256;tj00 . epee Seinong morn of t'he •steamshep Nile was Lobbed of $10,000 in gold bullron on the way to Shanghai. ,':,. i f •Or'a ngNHil1e afolt 'tire' chhmpionship. rn,COO, d i1,L.A, intermediate els-: Luc'( 'be beating Weston 17 to JI on, the tie ild. '![.muss f.:„ssolt,'one‘ ofthe bandits [,who held up trains in the Crow's Nest I. Pass, was committed for trial on two,, charges of murder. Earl Thomson, the C radian hurd- ler, won the 110-aetrifi face at Ant- werp Wednesday and established a world's record of 14 and 2-5 seconds for the event. Baltimore• lengthened its lead to one and a half games over the Leafs by beating Rochester twice on Wed- nesday in the only games played in the International League. FRIDAY.. A delegation ot Mennonites waited, on the ,Quebec Governprent. Mrs. S. Jones received ,painful in- juries in an auto accident in Toronto. 'A Cabinet squabble has arisen out of the administration ot iii O. T. A. - Lord Burnham of the ImpO@Tal Press party was made an Indian chief, 'Ilon, 1!. C. Nixon, PzovineIal Sec- retary, was given a reeeption in St. George. Toronto baseball team defeated. the Baltimore Orioles in Toronto by 7 to 2, Mrs. Annie Gearns, aged 74, was almost instantly killed in Tonto by a motor. Six school sections in Lobo tOW11- ship have joined to forte a consoli- dated school. The Toronto Labor Council ex- pressed sympathy for Sinn Fein and the Bolshevists, Hing Fersal of Syria left Port Said for Europe Wednesday, He will visit Mr. Lloyd George, Viscount Jellicoe has left London I'M' New Zealand to assume his du- ties as governor-general,. It is expected that Hon. Mackenzie King will start his Western tour in. Victoria on September 25. Alex, Ponton, Toronto, qualified to compete in the 200 -metre semi-finals et Antwerp on Thursday. British and United States associa- tions in. Pekin are opposing the re- newal of the Angle -Japanese alliance• D. C. Elwood, who came from. California to answer to a ebarge of burglary in Toronto, was honorably acquitted. When "Babe” Ruth made his 42rd homer01 the SO1s011 at New York on Thursday one of the spectators drop- ped dead. Raymond Chapman, the Cleveland baseball player who died following being hit by a pitched ball, will be burled at Cleveland. SATURDAY. A bride arrived in Toronto to find her lite:,band bind left the train en route. Irene Hayden of St. 'Moines died from lockjaw. Investigation is to be made of the Peterboro' fire department, President Wilson's condition still gives anxiety to his friends. Fresh facilities for 1M -search. haver been afforded Canadian dentists. Criticism of Hon. Manning Doher- ty's Western trip met with a reply. Marjory Armstrong, two years old, was burned to death at Oshawa. Provincial police are examining witnesses regarding the Thorold riot. Hon. Mackenzie King was enter- tained in his grandfather's place of refuge. The Prince of Wales has completed his visit to Australia and sailed for Samoa. Sir Thomas Lipton visited Sing Sing and made an address to the in- n.'t 's, One hundred and sixty school teachers start a tour of Northern On- tario on Monday. C. Battery, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, will hereafter be stationed at Winnipeg. The Dominion Bowling Tourna- ment singles aid doubles competi- tions finished Friday. The Leafs' winning streak was broken Friday when Baltimore beat them in Toronto by 6 to 2. Prominent Canadians are planning to inaugurate passenger and freight airplane service in Mexico. The New Westminster lacrosse team won the Mann Cup, emblematic of the amateur championship of Canada. The British royal family are aiding the price -cutting movement. The King has purchased six ready-made suits of clothes at $36.per cult. MONDAY. Hon. Mackenzie King spoke at Guelph on Saturday. Burglars rifled post office and gen- eral store at King City. No, damage was done to wheat by a slight frost in the West.. The case for higher freight rates closed before the Dominion Railway Board. The,W.C,T.U. drive to raise funds for an extension of Willard Hall, To- ronto, opens td -day. Bolshevik troops have been allow- ed by Armenia to cross its •territory to join Kemal Pasha. Premier Drury defended the Gov- ernment's action on/Hydro-radials at a Labor meeting in Hamilton. The Brampton O.A.L'.A. senior team defeated the Young Torontos in Toronto on Saturday, 6 to 5. The Baltimore International team beat the Leafs in an 11 -inning game in Toronto on Saturday, 6 to 55. An umbrella was the cause of a woman being run down and fatally injured by a motor car in Toronto. After eighteen months searchfor an Italian charged with .murder in Chicago, he was, captured in Toronto. Lieut. P. A. Steele of Guelph won the 'Governor -General's prize at the D3minion Ride Association shooting matches.. The 'French garrison at Adana, which ' has been besieged for two months, madea sally on, Friday and Turks. .the Col. Burnham, chief of the Cana- dian War Hospital Fund -Mission in Montenegro; has-been ordered out Of the country by the Serbs " ` - Hennes .Koiehmainen, won the Olympic Games Marathon run at Ant- werp iia recordotinie eiDellow,, In thir teenth.`place, Vis.;(he,drst ,Canadian ti) finish ff A-1 PeitnsyWanla ita;illroad" electric ttai .' tatl,;,Camden, , N.J , stuck ,ail auto&ob e bus containing.;' fifteen persons,; killing six Of the oi:cti Tante. of th;5''Vehfcle='and''injuring' at leapt four others. • Where are Your Victory Bonds Could you still wear the "subscri- ber's button" of which you were once so justly proud?The possession of ictory Bonds to -day is as great an evid- ice of patriotism as it was when the campaigns were in full swing. And as the supply of these bonds has been definitely curtailed, the possession of them is even stronger evidence of sound business judg- ment than it was before. We are in the midst of what is known as a "buyer's market" and 1934 maturity Victory Bonds can be bought at 96 and interest, which yields nearly 6%. At this price, Victory Bonds are unques- tionably the roost attractive investment obtainable. If you halve pared with your Victory r Bonds, today is an opportune time to re -purchase —and you should re-ptuirchase. Mail your order or write for particulars, Wood, Bundy & Company Canadian Pacific Railway Juildi.iig Toronto Hensall. Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Rivers and family are spending their holidays with relatives at Sarn;.a and Petro:ea,—Miss Graham of the Molsons Bank 'staff. who spent the past two weeks with friends NI Detroit, has returned home., .Mrs Moffatt of Newark, U. S., Mrs'. Risk o Galt, and Mrs. Walters of Fore.:[, visited Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Me- Donell last week,—Mrs. V. Wood and son, piaster Jack, who have been here for the past four months, left last week for their home in ;Santa Bar- bara, Cal.—Dr. and Mrs. ,Geo, Blatch- ford of Clinton, Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown,—Mr! and Mrs. Har- ry Armed left on. a visit in London, Sarnia and other poi=nts,—In the ab- sence of the pastor, Rev, G. W. Rive era, Mr. Savage of Seaforth had charge of the service in the Methodist Church Sunday morning. In theevening Rev. R. B. i,Stevenson of Stratford spoke in the interests of the Lord's Day Al- liance,,—The J,ollowing left tor the Weseulast week;—Messrs. J. D. Craig and Wm. Craig to Belbeck, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Farquhar, Nelson Blatchford, Wm, Henry, Clifford 'Stair, Jas, Johnston, Wm. Parsons, Wm. Dou- gall, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Dougall, Paul Boa, Geo Jackson, and mother, Mr, and firs. Jas. Green, W. Nichol, Geo. Thompson, Chas, Purdy, Darrow Park- er, lir, and Mrs, Wes. Coleman and family. -A highly esteemed resident of Hensel! passed away at his home in the person of Mr. William J. Clark, at theouge .of 60 yenirs. The deceas- ed had been i11 ;for some time, suffer- ing from diabetes and high blood pres- sure. Mr. Clark was horn at Hills - green, and„followed the blacksmith business all his life. He married Miss Christina Bengough, who with several children, survives, Mrs. Arthur An- derson of Stanley, Mrs. David Kilpat- rick of Kippen, Mrs, John Mason of Bedgrave and Alfred of Hensel'. The funeral was ,conducted by the Odd - fellows, and interment trade in Hen - sell Union, cemetery. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED fice, Strictly confidential; no witness. by C H. Sainders at the Advocate • MITCHELL --The death occurred on August 18 of John Coppin, a NMI known resident. Born 55 years ago he had lived (in Mitchell all his lite, dur- ing the greater Hart of which he was coinected with the livery business, — Two young. Mitchell people were wed- ded recently at Niagara, when 1 ar.'ma McLaren, and ,Fred Ivar Stuart were united in marriage. WE SELL G1LSON* FARM EQUIPMENT RACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE! DOMINANT IN QUAL TTY AND SERVICE! Sixty years of leadership --of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real •service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from, coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE Au Sisal WONDERFUL GU -SON" Costa You Nothing The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" En- gine—any size for any purpose—can be pur- chased on the easy payment plan. Let it pay for itself. Its economy and depend. ability have made it the biggest selling en- gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on your farm. HYLO SYLO The Hylo Sylo insures sweet, fresh. succulent en- silage down to the last forkful. It is built to last indefinitely. nxeiusi:ve patented features or de- sign and construction explain why the Bylo is chosen by the discrimin- ating farmer. Pays for itself in the first season. Then year after year. pays 100 per cent. profit on your investment. Can you beat it? "The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Fillers weresold in Canada last year than any other make. It is guar- anteed to be the lightest running blower- ehtter made. Be independent—get a Gilson Silo Filler and fill your own silo—with your own engine, 4 hip, or larger—at the proper time, when your corn has the greatest feeding value. THE GILSON SPREADER Manure is the be:H...fertilizer. You have it. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is thy Gilson. Why? It- has a wide spread. 'Pis low down. It has Light draft. It will take a real load. It is free from clutches, gears and all complicated parts. Cali and sea our nearest dealer, name below. He will save and make you money on the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Dixie -Ace Tractors, Wood Saws, Grinders, Pump Jacky Belting, etc. Write for Catalog. Stade in Canada and Guaranteed by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - GUELPH, ONT. Call and SeeNearestDealer 411.11110 WM. FRAYNE, EXETER, ONT. `You' of good satisfaction ®f •Li IP _ this GOLD MEDAL to of to For Sale a First-class materials and skilled workmanship, coupled with perfect balance, make "GOLD MEDAL" Tools best for every farmer. - Ease of motion and maximum' work are the rule when you use " GOLD MEDAL" Tools, because of their right construction. Ask your neighbor how he likes the GOLD MEDAL" line. Heavy 1 duty tools should all be as good as "GOLD MEDAL" quality. Alt Sensible Farmers Insist Upon "GOLD MEDAL" Harvest Tools r .g Fir st_� .1" ass�v,� ar� - Stores �