HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-19, Page 8r EXETER AJli7Ut;AT , TH.LJ$S ]A'Y, AUG. 181 i12CI Exeter Markets i.hanged each Wednesday Fall Wheat .Barley Family Flour Feel Flour per cwt; Shorts Bean 'per cwt .. Eggs Dairy Butter Creamery Butter Lard Hay per ton, new , .,....••... Hogs .... . . 2.25 1.20 1.00 7.55 4.50 3,60 .3.00 59 50 to 53 34 18.00 20.00 MAP OF EUROPE, New mat] xtf Europe showing bound ary t•han;r : ars a result of the war. Pri: c 30c. Particulars later. • CAR!) Oe THANKS, \lrs. e Nicol, her sister and broth cr::, wish t,' thank the friends for kind mess shown during their recent be- rcavemeat : ad. for floral tributes. Dome Ri=tk August 20th, Kekoa's flawei'an Glee Club --Comedian Jazz Violinist—under auspices oa the Girds' Auxiliary .: the Trieett Memorial. Adults 35e. Children. 15. Ice Cream etc„ on sale. LOO: ! LOOK ! Your atternioa, is celled to the .•lue- tica Seen Ad. of Mr. John T. Wood's nrooperty ::nd household cornets in another column,, STRAY STEER A steer strayed onto the nremis::s of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con, 17, Stephen, on or :;bout August 1st. The owner cora have same by proving pro- pert).- end paying expenses. Mat. Sweitzer. BOYS' COAT LOST. Betweea Farquhar rind Exeter on August 6th, a boy's suit coat, green and black check. Finder please lame- at ame.at this office, T. Austin BUSINESS FOR SALE—Firstcless Rooming House, central location, Lon- don. Phone Sydney Smythe, Business Broker, Market Lane. FALL TERM .COMMENCES AUGUST 31st Tile. Central Businese College of Stratford, which. is ree o„ hued as one of the leading Commercial Schools in the provittce, reopens ier the Fall Term on August 31st. Those interest - cd ia Commercial_, Shorthand or Tel- egraphy Course should write the Col- lege now for its free :'atulogue, The Central carnet supply ;he demand made noon it for trained help. 'AUTO FOR SALE. Che',rolet, 490 Model„ in. good cone dition • Apply at Advocate Office; RUG LOST. On Aug. 5th, on the 8th concession Stephen. south of Lake Road. Finder return: to D. Haugh, Lake Road. WRIST WATCH FOUND. Ladies' Wrist Watch. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses.— Ed. Sweitzer, Crediton OR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor, William and Sanders Street, Hours - 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment, HORSES FOR SALE. Dark Percheron three-year-old colt, broken. mare with colt at foot. Clyde Heywood, Exeter. FOR SALE. Edison Gramaphone, cabinet size; also 18 good records. Apply to D. G. Appleton Exeter. HONEY FOR SALE. Choice clover honey lin. 5 palls at Wilson, & Simms, COOK WANTED, At Central Hotel, Exeter. wages ,aid. and 10 lb. FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE. One and half storeys, Exeter Apply to Ted. Wolper. City North VIOLIN LESSONS taught„by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply' at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. Where do you go from here? To Wilson & Sims' ice ,cream parlor. CAR FOR HIRE—vVilson & Simms Phone 56 WOOr' PUMPS REPAIRED. If vou•, pump needs ,fixing we are ready, to !o the job now before other work orumerices. We do turning of all lame, Sarees gummed, etc. S J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle STORES CLOSE ON Local Doings 11111111111111 Wednesday of this, week it Gala Day at Grand ,Bead \Irs W. J, I•Ieasrtan,is doing nicely fallowing her operation, last week. A number of Exeter bowlers are at- tending. the tournament in Stratford to -clay, Wednesday. The members of the Exeter Bow,- ing Club have been drawn up for a Scotch Double Tournament to be played nights. See that you get your games :allayed Mr. S. Smith lost a horse last week through its falling into a well on the farm of Mr, E. Penhale in. Hay Tp. The horse went through the platform and was dead before it could be taken out Ma Chas, Harvey, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs. 'McAllister and Mr. W. G. Medd were in Clinton last Wed- nesday atttending Use executive meeting of the Temperance organi- zation. - Rev. Dr. gad Mrs. Medd ot Ridge - town, recently of Exeter, announce the engagement of their adopted daughter Miss Eleandr Regan, toeelr.. J. W. Hum phries of Chatham, the marriage to take place Sept. 1st': Quite a number of Exeter people motored to ,St. Marys on Monday to see and hear Preniter \Icighen, who was beerier honored by the people of that town, and the Township of Bien - shard, among whom he was ,barn and raised.. A great x..rowd attended the demonstration is his .honor, While cult ing oats on Friday teethe farm of Mr. Henry Hoist near Cred- iton the horses became 'frightenedand rag away. Luckily the tongue broke ?before they had gone far and the horses got tangled up and were caught —not before the machine was consid- erably damaged, however. jr\, and Mrs. Edwards and some friends of Goderich experienced an automobile shill on Sunday morning last on the second of Stephen, just west of Exeter. A steering rod broke end the front wheels doubling up, the Oar coma to a sudden, stop. The lad - l: wure thrown out o•:t he ground but only light bruises were sustained, Luckily they were running slowly al the time. The ear was left here fol repairs and Mr. Edwards .anel party were taken back to Goderich. %\ EDNESDAY AFTERNOONS We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close otir places of business each Wednesday at\12,30 during the summer months of June, July and August. J. A. Stewart, Jones & May, G. A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, South- cott Bros., W. W. Taman, Jas. Law- son, S. Fitton, W. J. Beer, W. 3. Beaman, H. S. Walters, • H. .Spack- man, 3. Senior, Grigg Satiosery Co.,, e Bros. f'. Elliott, Fl. Bayle,. Hockey . > Times Feinting Co, Advocate Print- ing Co„ P. Frayne. The following stores close Wednes- dae' afternoons until 6`o'cleck,-Wilson & ,Simms, A. More,' Harvey &Harvey W. J. ,Sta'tha'na. GOING TO VANCOUVER. Me. and .\lrs. John T. Wood and daughter, Miss Mac, intend leaving in a few weeks for Vancouver, B.C., to reside. See their sale. advertisement in enrotiaer column, GERMAN TRENCH MORTAR. A Germain (trench mortar arrived at the Exeter station on Thursday last, a1ddressed to °'The Reeve": It was send by the Cr4nadiam authorities, and was captured in battle in France, Un- fortunately the spokes of one wheel were broken, neither in transit or be- aGnd it will have to be repaired, atff ter" which, int will be set up on the Library ground. - (MRS MELVILLE PASSES. On Saturday last the death occurred of Annie Warden, relict of the late Peter Melville, aged 68 years, and l month. Deceased had not been well for some time. She moved here from the west a few years ago, and before going west had resided near Russeidale The funeral took place to Ray's cem- etery on Monday afternoon, the funer- al being private. PAVEMENT FINISHED. On Friday afternoon Inst the con- tractor finished tthe paving of Main Street. For a time the portion north of Wellington ,Street will be .under blockade. In thhie meantime carriages have to go through the river and after the heavy train to the east on: Friday the going was pretty heavy through the swollen, stream, several cars hav- ag to be pulled out. We are of op`.n- ion thait it would be advisable for the councel to 'throw a temporary bridge over the stream, as otherwise considerable •damage might be dome. DIED IN TORONTO. The death occurred in. Toronto• at the home of Mrs. E. Harwood of a former well-known• resident of Exeter in the .person, of Mary Andrew, relict of the late James. Down, who years ago conducted the woodwork shop now occupied by Mr. Ed. Treble. Mr Down died several years ago, and the family has been away .froom Exeter for many years. The late Mrs'. Down had reached her 85th year. - The remains were b= -ought here for interment, the funeral taking place from the Exeter station. on the arrival ,of the morning train from the' south on Monday. Be- sidesMTS. Harwood another daughter Mrs. John. Davidson; survives. Trivitt Memorial Church Services as usual Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH' Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister Union- Sesvuicc —Janney St. end Coven •-James Stein the m,crn5nig and Coven at night. Rev: Foote preacher. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Winson., B.A. Union Service-Jaanes, St. and Coven --James St inethc,m,orning and Coven at • night. Rev. Foote , preacher. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo.. McAlister, M. A'. .Phone 2ir3 a f+ , , rs. 00 S'uai:da School - -Classes for es f and a welcome,- 7,00 BET}ThNY-- 1. 2,30 p.m:.•. 11 We understand that several infor- I - rnations have been laid against citizen;, of town, and others, charging 'them with going an the paved street be- fore the tb oakade' was lifted. The cases ihave. sot ,yet come up, however. Friends here received announce-. meats this week of the marriage at Richmond, Quebec, of vIr. Wallace Deane Clarke, formerly; of the Molsons ! Bank here, to Miss Rita, daitghter of Mrs Mary Lt Lance of Richmond. Fifteen children, have been received by the Hunan County ,Children's Aid Society since the last meeting in June, and the .same- number placed out. At present there a -e five children inehe Home,, a;ad the Society is anxious to know of homes open; for small boys from onleto seven years +of age, A number of � contributions ere gratefully ackr-owledged. The next meeting is on Sept. 14th. At a meeting o, the Huron County Temperance Executive in, Clinton. on Friday it was decided to circulate a petition asking /the Dominion Govern- ment to bring Huron. County under the Ontario Temperance Act, and suspend --not repeal—the Canada Temperance Act, which has been, do force six years. Those interested in the enforcement of the laws like the Ontario Temper- ance Act the better, gas the fins are much more severe, A. petition of at least 25 per cent of the electors is necessary. A SUCCESS. The Musical Recital given; by Miss Lila Sanders end her pupils in the Opera House on Monday evening, was a decided success, both in point of at- tendance and program, Mr, J. G, Stanbury was chairman and introduc- ed the entertainers. Miss May Clarke a pupil of Jg ipleas%ngly. Mrs. E. ; WetheY's vio- lin orchestra made their first publhc appearance and :their selections were very much enjoyed. Miss Sanders is to be congratulated on the success of her undertaking, her pupils all taking their parts splendidly, The duets by Miss Sanders and her pupils and the solo playing ,by the pupils were alil epprecieted and heartily applauded. A number of her pupils were from Hen- sel \;Irs. Amos. is yisittng in. Brantford, Mr. Frank Sweet of Sarnia spent a day or two en town. Miss Brained of Brantford has been visiting Miss Elva Rowcliffe. Mr, Cliff Spackman of Guelph is holidaying here with; hie family. Mr; Alex. Stewart of London was here fox e few days last week. Mr. Clifford McAvoy of Windsor is holidaying with his mother here, Miss Amy Johns returns today from Wanstead where she spent a week, Mrs, Well Johns and Margaret leave today to visit the former's son in Tor- onto. The Misses Bertrand of Detroit are visiting the Misses Kuntz and .other relatives. Judge and 'Mrs. Dickson and .Tics Dolly of Goderich were here on Wed- nesday last. Mr. Jos, Taman of Toronto wisited his brother, ,W. W. Tamanhere last Wednesday. Miss .Katie Collins of Toronto is visiting Mrs. R. W. Fuke and other friends here, Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Stanburyand two children have returned from a boat trig) up the Lakes. Messrs. Percy nand Earl Browning of Toronto• are visiting their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Browning. Jr. niid Mrs,, G. 111Sanders and Mr. A. J. McDnnell left Thursday on a boat trip to Duluth. :etre. Jack Jiordaln. of 'Toronto is visiting her parenit(s, Mr. and Mrs. Ja.ine* Murray in town. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Oke of London were guests at ,she Central Hotel for a few days hast week. Mr. and :Yaw, Wm. McLaughlin and. daughter of Brantford are visiting 1'4r McLaughlin's parents here. Mr. Alex. hStevrArt took his little daughters to London and Port Stanley for a couple days; this week. ' Dr,- Robert Ferguson, and son Gould of Pontiac, Mich,,, are visiting with the t:ormer's sister, Mrs. C, B. Snell. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Hewitt of Kit- chener ~were home for ,Sunday. The latter is remaining for a few, days. v1rs, Dud fis, after a visit ,with Miss Grigg teed Miss McFaul, returned to her home in Rochester Tart week, Chester Creech, who hos,been visit- ing his cousin, Hugh Creech, for two weeks, returned to his home in Brant- ford on Monday. Miss Allie Eacrett .of Toronto, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Eacrett, left ,Wednesday t•a spend a few days in. Detroit. Mr. And Mrs•. Garvey Acheson of St. Thomas end Me and Mrs. W. H. Levett of Landon •.,en.r day at the Central Hotel tasr week, lir, Fred L. Collins and wife and Miss Edith Collins, of Columbus, Ohio,. are visiting relativeee in Exeter, ';'the guests of Mr and Mrs: Wm. Pea -hale, ?vies. WI J. -Bissett is visAi i, 'in Hamilton. with her daughter, who re- turned last week, and alsra fart Grimsby Beath with, Mee:.P; ,R. Iink,sater of Paris. Exeter Fair See the list of special prizes for the Exeter Fair in the prize list.. Goon specials awarded for butter and cooking at the Exeter Fair. Do not be afraid to bring them as a glass case is,Ibeing provided. Exeter Fair, September 20th and 21st. • Potato race on horseback will be one of the features at the Exeter Fair. ' Baby ., Beef competitions bp b rne, :Ste hen and' flay `•towathi.. at Exeter Fair. ;Sweepstakes open to all $15 and $10. A purse of $300 is being awarded for trials of speed at the Exeter Fair. PHONE 32 JONES & MAY Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter COATS All Marked at Prices Belo -, the. Luxury Tax. Our Stock of Ladies' and Misses;' Fall and Winter Goats for the cern-. ing Fall and Winter Seasons is now nearly complete, NEW STYLES NEW CLOTHS Make your, selection EarIY. We handle ,the Celebrated Northway and Canada Cloak brands. Ask to see our Special Values in Salts' Black Sealette Coats. No luxury taut. NEW COLORS Furs for the Coming Season We announce our, first showing of Neck Furs and Muffs, is such popu- lar furs as Sable, Wolf, Fox, Bolivia Beaver: Black Wolf, Etc„ All marked below the luxury tax, All Summer Goods Must Go. Udine White Wash Skirts, Clearing at Men's Panama and Show Hats, at Ladies Middies Clearing Girls' Middies, clearing at • Ladies Black and White Silk Hosiery at Ladies' Pullover Sweaters, all wool at ;...,.. Ladies' House Dresses '25 per centoff, Children's Dresses 25 per cent off. • t • SUMMER DRESS GOODS IN VOILES, LTC., GREATLY ED IN PRICE. • $2.95 $2.35 $1.60 69c ,75c $4,45 REDU,'• JONES & MAY Closed Wednesday afternoons during June July and August. CASTO R IA For Infante and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of DR, At E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon. McDane1I's Stables, John, St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON` AND- DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A.. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mal - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at !lowest rates of interest. Office—Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition, Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing frorn' 1300 pounds up. Parties haring the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer Lor Counties of Hunan and Middlesex_ Prices Reasonable . and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. SUMMER TERM COMMENCES ,JULY 5th. • CENTRAL 9. f STRATFORD.. ONT. perienced instructors, gives thorough 'cottttes and assists graduates to high g, trained help exceeds the � •ade positions. The demand, u on us' p.. fvr the ritimber; taduating. C'ornmeatce your. r course: Wr111 ue'at opening, Of summer temp on July 5th'. y Get our free catalogue." D A. McLachlan, Principal, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at GLAD�MANsof interest. & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. 'Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—aver Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS; SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night Office— Dr. Sweets• old office Phone No. 120 Exeter, C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wanierooms, neat door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulstona L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office aver Carling's Law Office Clewed Wednesday afternoons, Notice! SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 r .. . Tea & Coffee Store - For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us, A trial as to quality will conVin- CO. Produce ,taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOIT BROS, PHONE 134 BEAUTIFUL VOILE DRESSES This week we are showing a beautiful range, of Fanlcy Voile Dresses: They were $20,00 to $25,00 values; butwe were'table to buy them at a prick, and will clear them at $12,50, $15:}00 and $16:50. HOUSE DRESSES ,, Why worry about making a house dress when we can 'supply you with' good styles and good fitting Dresses at very low prices. We- have sizes: frorn 36 to 49, Our dresses for stout women are 'splendid fetters, $2;75 10 $4,25, SMART PUMPS AND OXFORDS, All wew want opportunity ala , as to show auk our ,,,Y new styles in, stammer footeeette. You;will Bike tl en . One prrues :tall' neve• you nione Y y. WHIT N�7' C AS".' SF A t . .iO,ES3 FOR HOT. mrEA, - ;:. Every :member coif. the family should Have p pair for the hot weather.They save your' good' leather foot wear'al'id,look 'smart or summer wear. Southcott Bros.