HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-19, Page 51
M1TC! ELL --I¢ Trinity, Church, in
Mite htill ran August 11, Gwendolisie
Katy, youngest daughter Of Mr, and
Mrs. W. J. Daniels of Mitchell was
married to Cha fes A; Golquhleun o,(
WalkeirVille, son Of Mx. ant "Mrsj W.
Colquhoun of Mitchell.
Chatham,. Ont.:—"For many years I
suffered with stomach trouble and I tried
many remedies but .they seemed to be a
failure -my stomach seemed to be getting
worse instead of better. One day I came
in possession of a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Gold-
en Medical Discovery and took it. Yy
stomach seemed completely cured. I have
great faith in this medicine and hope any
sufferer that reads this will give the 'Die -
()every' a trial.. Once tried, you will never
be without it."—C. TI TUS, Jr., 28 Duke St. t
New wiitshine, P. E. suffered
three years with bronchial asthma. T was so
weak I could hardly walk three steps at
time, I could not steepest' would eat upand
stay up the zest of the night . Onedayafriend
advised me to use Dr. Pierre's Golden. ;
Medical Discovery eo I sent to my druggist
for a bottle and when I had taken hail of it
I felt a great deal better, When I used that
bottle I trent for two more, and when I fan- I
lulled the third bottle I was completely cured. '
"It is over two years since I first took Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and I
have not been troubled a day with asthma
since."—ALEX McLEOD.
Hamilton; Ont.: "I have suffered with
rheuneallem for' the teat five years and I have
only taken three bottles of Dr. Pierce's
Anuric (anti -uric -acid) Tablets and three
bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery' and
am nearly cured. I also had that dread
disease, Spanish. Influenza, leaving nee in a
terrible condition, Only those who have
had it know what an awful condition it
leaves one in, I am sere if it had not been
for Dr. Pierce's medicines and advice I
certainly would have died.
want to recommend Dr. Pierce's
medicines to any aufforer with kidney
trouble or to anyone rundown after havuig
the 'Flu', Also try Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
GRNBYda constipation."—MRS.
Come in and
frm flu*
ffaseinaf nq'
mp (alixmlenf
MT. lidim in'$
It shows you what to ex-
pect of a New Edison in
• your home—whether it
AE-Cxnaxas music with
such perfect realism that
you feel the presence of
the living artist,
J Willis Powell, Dealer
Exeter, Ont
%A IA q, :4
Aug. 28 -Sep. 11
"The Greatest Annual Event
on Earth" -�
Where the Nation shows its best finished
product of the Mune, Fisheries, Forest.
Factory, Studio and Laboratory for
Exhibition. Compassion, Instruction and
Pageantry on a Massive.
Incomparable Music.
Fine Arta, Applied and Graphic Arts
International Photographic Salon.
Demonstrationsdaily by
Northwest Mounted Police
Two days of sensational automobile
it racing. Mile -a -minute motor boats and
water sports, Electric show.
America's beat Live Stock ,Poultry,
Tractor and 1Farm;Machinery Dlsptay
Government Exhibits and
l)emooarrariona ,+
And a score ,o+ other Special ,
• Attractions
42nd Consecntit.e pearit;20(,000
Visitors in 1919.
General Manager.
Important Events Which Have,
Occurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Bappenings care-
fully Compiled and Put lute
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper.— A.
Solid Hour's Enjoyment..
Many former friends attended the
funeral of the late Rabbi Jacobs.
The Ontario Rifle Association open-
ed its annual meet at Long Brandt.
Saskatchewan police posing as
cowboys seized $75,0'00 worth .of
A three -billion -bushel corn crop is
predicted this year in the United
Laurence Ginne1I, fernier British
is in the United States to assist
Forty million dollars are to be ex-
pended on highwaye in Ontario and
Canada's wheat crop this year is
estimated at 226 to 250 million
The murderer of eight -=year-old'
Phillip Goldberg. of Toronto, is still
at large.
An injured officer was brought
from. Cantu Borden to Toronto in an.
Hon. Duncan Marshall arrived in
Toronto after a trip to the Old
Co u u try.
Joh, Hubert Falbant of Montreal
was a,eeitl'i:+ally and fatally shot' by a
nine-yea;-oltl boy..
The Canadian retaY cyeling team
was be'a'n he the South Africans at
Ante erg on Monday.
N is k b,ysi i k was shot and killed in,
Mistake. fel the 'aandit Bassoff by a'
coxed:able t'. Alberta pian -hunt.
T. t3riatso liatise of Lords has
giv-•n s yon 1 reading to the Irish
Crimes Bill and it has received royal.
'I':i.a Leafs defeated treading on
el relay, while BeVimore acid But-
t t. t xv >re king even: Toronto is
ossein in second position,
The growers of the Niagara tris
trier have deeided to form a joint
stock company, with a capitalization
of $50,000, to handle all kinds of
fruit and farm produee.
Vardon shot a 75 and Ray a 72 in
practice over the Inverness course at
Toledo Monday, The United States
open championship br „ins there to-
day. Douglas Edgar of Atlanta,
Canadian open champion, is an en-
trant. There will irti 281 starters.
W El>ti ESDAY.
The treaty with Turkey was signed
at Paris on Tuesday
Three members of the Mothers'
Pensions hoard were named.
The movement of this year's crop
through Winnipeg has commenced.
News has arrived that a "Toronto
Club" bas been toemed in Tokio.
• Hon. Manning Doherty predicts a
big influx of 13ritishers next year.
Russian c t4 alary.> have captured
Chorzle, on the East Russian border.
Junior matriculation results are
announced by the Education Depart-
The Italian Chamber has voted for
the ratification of the treaty with.
J. Dorval was instantly killed
while digging a well at Robertson-
vilie, Que.
Jaynes H. Grant of Newrington,
One. was fatally hurt in a runaway
while mowing.
French r'hilwaymen will order a
strike If they are expected to carry
troops to Poland.
Forest fires are doing .much dam-
age in the Yukon and in the Stone-
wall district of Manitoba.
The Quebec Government, it is stat-
ed, will soon take over the contzlil
of the trade in liquors,
Felix Willette of Sarnia, subject to
fainting spells, fell headlong down
his cellar stairs and was killed.
A harmless foreigner, mistaken for
the murderer of a boy in TArento,
was hotly pursued by the police.
Leo Diegel of Chicago led the golf-
ers at. the United States open tour-
ney at Toledo with a card of 71.
The degree of LL.D. was conferred
on four of the Imperial Press dele-
gates by the University of Toronto.
Rain interfered with the Toronto -
Reading game at Reading on Tues-
day. Two games will be played on
OMce workers ir. Winnipeg'are or-
ganizing a guild.
Six hundred deaths have resulted
from cholera in. Korea. , i
The Toronto police force held its
first field day since 1915. •
The Toronto baseball team. broke
even at Reading on Wednesday.
Bolshevist Commissars are • form-
ing Soviets in captured Polish towns.
Sir Barton wort the Dominion
Handicap at Fort Erie on Wednesday.
Delegates to the Imperial Press -
Conference inspected Toronto's har-
bor work.
Following an accident in Toronto a
motor truck driver was charged with
Baldwins,' tinplate rolling mills in,
Toronto will commence production in
three weeks.
Lieut. A. Humphreys won the
Bankers' match at the Long Branch
rifle ranges.
The former kaiserine has had a
bad heart seizure and her, sons are
at her bedside. •
Ponzi, of Boston, has admitted that
he served prison sentences in Mont-
real and Atlanta.
The ()ataxic Veterinary Associa-
tion opened its 41ss annual eucven-
tion in Toronto.
Soldieis under command of D'An-
nunzio have attacked the Norwegian
Consulate at Fiume.
Most of the Prince Rupert Ire bri-
gads -leas been dismissed and reorgaie
ization is aregressing.
The e tT ti: 'tnotoxrboat• Miss America
won tie„Ha:'ruswo th Trophy by win
ning Wednesday's race.
1GI. • le Shearin's Buffalo' rink won
the Later Trophy in the international
bowling tournament''. Wednesday.
About ten thousand persons at-
t-teej ed a joint picnic of • Welland
County Farmers' Institute and Erie
County (N.Y.) Grange eat Crystal
Ethel Louth, eight years old,
daughter of Wm. Lentil, Norval, Ont,,
was drowned in the Credit, and the
four-year-old son, of Matthew Lawr
was drowned. in the same river at
Coal merchants forlee no shortagel
of anthracite this winter.
A giant American plane lett for
Cleveland with eight persons.
Paris is in a panic over the crime
wave prevailing in that city.
Preparations were matte for the
deep waterways campaign in Toronto.
Two records were established at
the Fort 'Erie .raee course Thursday.
Juliette Tindel, aged 22, of Que-
bec, was drowned at Cap Rouge
Great Britain is resuming money
order service with Germany on the
16th inst.
Cincinnati beat laostoa T,urs
and went into the lead int the Natio
League race.
Quebec Province has a surplus for
the year ending with June of
Alex, Taylor, an Indian, was fatal-
ly injured in a sawmill accident at
Colpoy's Bay..
Two men and a child were injured
in automobile accidents in Toronto
on Wednesday.
The Chicago White Sox are one
game behind Cleveland, leaders in the
American League,
A road map of the sky for all Can,
ada is t•) be issued by the Air Board
within a day or two,
The Lord Mayor of Cork and ten
of his associates were arrested on
Thursday while attending a Sinn Fein
court. -
Tbe Toronto baseball team defeat-
ed Jersey City in two games Thurs-
day, the scores being 5 to 0 and
2 to 1.
The Steamship Niagara;'from Bor-
deaux was held up at quarantine at
New York Thursday on suspicion of
having typhus aboard,
"Jock” Itutebinson equalled his re-
cord round of 69, made Wednesday,
at the U. S. National open golf cham-
pionship Thursday morning.
London has been made the public
health centre for western Ontario,
Peter Donovan of Toronto Satur-
day Night has been offered a London
"Ted" Ray of England won the
open golf championship of the Unit-
ed States
Eddie Rickenh:teher won the Buf-
talo Courier handicap at Fort Erie
on Friday.
A f.houaaud harvesters left St.
John, Ar:Th, fns' the West by special
C.P,R. train.
The Leafs defeated Jersey City by
4 to 2 While Akron was beating Bal-
timore 10 to 1.
The Railway Commission finished
hearing argument for joint tariffs and
will give its decision soon.
A drop in prices of foodstuffs is
ofacially predicted in the United
States as a result of big harvest.
The Sinn Fein have secured copies
of the British secret cable code and
of the Kin's own private code.
John A. Musgrove of Boissevain,
Man., was fatally injured when the
horses attached to his binder ran
Wm. Lacey of Niagara Falls was
crushed to death when caught by a
cable at construction work at Twin
Huron County Temperance Asso-
ciation will seek the suspension of
the Canaria Temperance Act' in the
District No. '9 of the Ontario Medi-
cal Association held a meeting on
board the Northern Belle, steaming
on Lake Nipissing.
An elevator man in Toronto is
charged with manslaughter. A young
woman stepped on the moving eleva-
tor and, was killed.
The International Seamen's Feder-
ation will enforce demand for a 48-
hour maximum week at sea and a 44 -
hour week in port duty,
Cardinal Mercier will open the
Olympic Stadium by celebrating mass
in memory of the soldier -athletes
who died in the great war.
A boy was killed by a fall in his
father's barn hear Agincourt.
A British manufacturer stated that
woollen price:] will fall no farther,
The Lord Mayor of Cork, under ar-
rest, has gone on a hunger strike.
Two men a ere arrested in Toronto
Sunday following a motor accident.
• Four hundred persons were drown-
ed in the recent floods in Saghalien
Island. -
The Daily Warder and the Weekly
Post of Lindsay are to cease publica-
tion September 1.
Four persons were injured in an
nauto colission on the Lake Shore
road near Toronto.
Alexis Daoust of St. Polycarpe,
Que., died at St. Henri, at the age of
101 years 8 months,
The Polish -Russian battle line ex-
tends from Roumanian frontier to
the Prussian border. •
Writs for by-elections in East El-
gin and Yale, B.C., will, it is expect-
ed, be issued errly this week.
The Railway Commission granted
the application for an increase in
through rates, except on coal and
W. H. Coates, son of Rev. H. H.
Coates, D.D., of Japan, has. been
chosen: Rhodes. Scholar for British
Two prisoners, named Briggs and
Hilton, escaped from Kingston Peni-
tentiary in Warden Ponsford's auto-
Paul Bennett won the National
singles tennis title and ,Mrs. Biekle
the ladies .champonship . at Winnipeg
on Saturday.
Brampton put Maitlands out of the
running for tlie. O A.L_ A seiTior;,;
champions'1ili wia,en they;beat them.,
Torontd;on Saturday by 8 to 3..
At the .Oly}uplcgames Sunday Pend:;
ton of Toronto was second fn his ,he
of•,'the ' 100: metros, Coaffee ` art
of Win-
nipeg nipeg third in his heat, "'Phillipa; of
Toronto, uziplaced•-in the, 800•` metres,
and Thompson, Saskatchewan, and
Kennedy, McGill University, unplac-
ed in the: high jump:
Remain an Owner of
You are now
an owner. of Bo4ds
bonds. That
prior to the
Dominion of Canada Loans, was widely believed
to be reserved for the wealthy only.
You are satisfied with, your purchase --that goes
without saying!
The Minister of Finance announces that "Canada.
has finished borrowing". You therefore possess
bonds of an issue which will not be added to,
and for which the demand will increase as time
passes. This means eventual enhancement in.
Your first concern should be to hold the bonds
you already own, and as you have cultivated the
habit of thrift, your next and wisest step is to
add to your holdings as substantially as your
income will permit.
at 96 and
nearly 6%.
Mail your
order or
write for
Wood, Gundy & Compauy
Canadian Pacific Railway Building
Mr. and airs. Lonna Scott and ehild-
rezu of Toronto are visiting at G. C.
P,et —�'^
t is
y s. i.. Agnes a tv is
1 has
LS ,
spent the past ten ,or twelve year at
Chiselhurst with afrends, returned to
her home in, Glasgow, Scotland, last
week,—Mr, end Bars. O. McDon.e11 and
family are visiting ,n Forest,— Niles
Bessie Urquhart of Schenectady, N.Y.
is spending; t month with her parents
—Mrs, Yair of Toronto. is ;pending a.
short time, With her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. ,Jtobt, ,Boathrorv.— ;ter! and Mrs.
Walter Mann, and family of Cleveland
visited Mrs, laianu,'s mother, Mrs Hunt
—Miss Wintr afeed Cudmore of Toron-
to is ape:ding her holidays with her
parontre Mr. paid Unfit., R. Cudmore;—
Mr H. H. Liittle .was called to Phila-
delphia ilas'tiwe`ek owing to the death
of his pnothter,'-Mr::tid ,Mrs. Tames
Barnett and Itw,a children of Windsor
are visiting with Mrs. Barnett's moth-
er.—Mrs, Jars. Al, Bell and sirs, Alex.
Buchanaan have returned after a trip
to the west,—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Max-
well of Dakota; visited Mr. and Mrs.
Geo, Hudson tor a few days last weed;
—Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Reith and son Co-
lin. and Mrs. C. Stewart of J3a,C.ic
Creek, visited Dr. and Mrs. Mair. —
There passed away at the home of her
daughter, Mrs, Will Henry oat Fri-
day last, Janet McDiarmid, ,relict of
the late John C. Cameron. et the age
of 74 br•eu;rs, She ,was :bairn and lived
most of her life ea Stanley Township
Since her husbaatd• died five years ago
she had lived gist Brucefield and was
visiting here whent she deed. The fun-
eral took place to Brucefield—Baird':;
cemetery, The children who survive
are Mrs, Forest, Alberniy B1,C., Mrs,
Aikenhead of Brucefield, Mrs, W,
Henry of Hensen, John, of Victoriai,
Hugh of Brucefield, and Peter of Kin-
dersley, Sask.
CLINTON—Oa Sunday, after an ill-
ness of some weeks Susartneli Boyes,
relict of the late 11r -:�:rhensotn, diced
at the home of her eon at. the age of
84 years. Deceased was born in Eng-
land, and name here when 14 years
old, residing most, of the time in the
Township of Stanley.
Your Digestion
titled, relieve the
eta with
lei4b'o wily on tongue—as
wassnt to tabs ss rang. Keep
your atoms& sweet, try 113 -maids
NOM $Y scorn R SOwst
MAtitsl & OP seams gOdu.s1Os
Riding Comfort
Made -in -Canada
WHY let rough roads inter-
fere with your motoring
In this Overland you need not
let bad roads spoil good rides.
Triplex Springs make every
mile you ride a more enjoyable
Lightweight: makes every mile
a more economical mile. -
This rare combination of rid-
ing luxury -With driving economy
accounts for the tremendous en-
thusiasm which is greeting the
Overland all over Canada.
Its equipment is of the most
modern type. Its stamina is a
credit to the Canadian institu-
tion which created this car.
Let us .shover you the Overland,
Elworthy, Dealer,: Exeter,
head Office and, Factories: Willys-Overland L411441)1,9'ronto, Canada
Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg'and:""Regina,