HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-19, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR,
VTAJ), 1HVRSDYAUG. 19, 1920
, Bowling Tourney CHAIN OF LAKES,
ow s the time to cut the weeds.
Soine streets and lute are running wild
with, weeds.
;tier don't read. magazines. The only
thing they tread is .the newspaper. The
newspaper is the, *oily t.iraug in which
to advertise.
Mark your ballots "for the by -;law"
both canes in b ala s as Friday ,next, Good
roads are a great asset be town. We
have one and we,need thee other.
It is one thine to ,go to a "leg"
show is the Opera House, but abetter
thing' eo set o,:t, ,tib, bathing beta -
a is, if you .] k�c that style of thing.
The Farmers' Sung asks Governments
to remember that the real voice ofthe
oeople is to be heard through the
country weeklies, not from the city
It is a fair .e timeatxn, to say, that at
costs nyore no keep• Statile:1 ,Street in
dis.,repalr with ✓b t` t than it ,will it
kept io +first-class c�otnditeta:u with a
cement :pavement/
It is :said that on ;and after Sept. 1,
only licensed hotel keepers will be
permittted tea sell the. two and a half
per cent. goods. This is an effort on
the part of the Government to en-
courage the hotel keepers.
There are all kinds and *levees of
meanness, but the Tarn who drives up
to a garage and fiefs up hits tires evith
free air and thea swipes the taller and
all the other accessories he can. lay his
hands ,on, takee the cake, And 'they
tell u it ,ts di* a�.g ,t here, :m tow.n.
How many erathers are teaching
their girls today the value of rn6 ey
or the necessity of being economical?
It is net then- ability to dance well,
or tor shine in a bathing suit; that will
make them valuable helpmates
in the: future, but then ability to spend
to advantage The mousey their husband
brings Luta tin' houne,
Under the Motor. Vehicle Act ata in-
toxicated personah^u drive a motor
Vehicle under peaty for ,the first of-
fense ear lawn gn'nientt for 7 to 30 days
exec' for the second offense for 30 to
90 .days. lengestrates .have no option
in the matter; they must aead the per-
son convicted to tan., whereas former-
ly a lirse+of fifty dollars or less might
be imposed.
Phone 81a
All Kinds
Bummer, Wear
that our straw .hats are entirely al-
right There as a style to them
that puts them in ,a class by them-
selves. Nowhere one will you find
spa much' real class in summer head-
gear. Nowhere else either will you
find hats so reasonably priced. They'
are sure enough smart straws for the
smart people,. '"
• SUITS ... .., $20 to $40.
OVERCOATS 420 to $35
RAINCOATS $15 to: $30
Wi W. Taman,
Pallor lig Furnisher
, the The annual bowling tournament sof
Exeter Club was ,field on Wednes-
day of last week, a:nd was favored with
fine weather and a large entry -forty
eight yanks being present, forty-three;
d outside e
r m ac
plates. The h
p day
was Exeter Civic Iloeiday and thenum-
lber of spectators was large. The Free
!press and nfa,jio.; He amaaatrophies and
five sets of prizes were played for.
't Each rink played four games and sew=
Fen. rinks won all four,
1'f, Durkin's :leek tar Mitchell and A,.
Whiteside's wink of Exeter having
the two highest plus acorea played aff
fuer the ,Free Press trophy and first
ancle secoind itarizes, the former wine
ning by a, set re, of 15-11.
C. C. Gordon of, the. London Elm-
w.00ds aced .G, I , Case ,of Toronto
Oakwoods played off dor the Major
Hearnan Trophy, and third and fourth
prizes, the :farmer winning by a score
of 14 to 10.
C. K. Bluett of the Landon: Thistles
and Truman Elliott of Exeter quali-
fied to play for the fifth prize, but
the lormer defaulted to the latter.
The Elliott trine., consisted of Harry
Fuke, Wallace Fuke, Ed, Howald and
Trueman Elliott -.the colt's rink --and
the boys deserve credit for the way
they played theoughaut the day.
Jack Newcombe of Stratford, an
Exeter told boy, was the seventh skin
tee win all his ;games, but unfortunately
hie solus did not entitle him to the
The following is the summary of t
games won by each rink, to ;eth
with then. plus or minus scores,-
Iyr. Hunter, Goderich, wan; 2 plus
We leave our beautiful little in
town, of Exeter on August 12 to pa
a few pleasurable days De
broad expanse tdf the greatest fr
water roadway in the world. T.
roadway is ell that je, claimed for
and the person who cannot enjoy
privileges and pleasures is lacking t
spirit of appr�eciatipa, that should
o ei Fainter of Woodstock
land a Mr. and Mrs;, J Ri Schroeder and 'spent a few days here teat week vis -
se . family of Detroit motored here Mon- 1 itmg :aid +friends. -Mr; and Mrs. Ray
the day Pod visited relatives. Richards of White Pi�'een Mich.,
esh '
Ms returned after a ,pleasant holiday le IvleEache e -.;liar, and Mrs. Arch ;W-
ee, Buffalo, N.Y. Lachlan and daughter of Atlanta, Gear
its Mr. and Mrs. Telfer of London, and gia spent n few days with the form-
o , are
Mr; and Mrs. Garnet Sweitzer have spending a couple weeks with Mrs, R.
hat Mx, and -Misr. Red`'erre of Toronto are ern sister, Mrs P McKenzie Quite
general in, manldnc'. Arriving at
nia wet take the S. lSe Ilaanone'c.
5 great Is one: of the three ,,.ea. boats -
the service of the Northern. Navig Company, land is built of ste displacement is 5264 tons, freig
capacity 2850 Mans, or Nord to a
and a quarter of loaded freight c
Measuring 365 Deet over all and fi
feet in width, the Hamonic accom
ates 332 passengers.
We were fortunate' in taking the
with a large inumber of the memo
of the Imperial Press Conference, w
are now touring Canada for the :et
Pose of making known the great po
sibilities or %his fair tieomtatpn,
their land across the seas. They are
a, representative delegation and
doubt when their reports appear
many of the rnoet influential journ
of the Oed Land, .Cas>rhda will sur
derive .an incaecuable amount o. hen
fit from their visivt; By eche era
heard on all sides eby ouch notables
Lord Burnham, Sir Arthur Hoobrc
and others, �s'hon it was our privi'e
and pleasure to •meet, we gather th
the expression of their appreciat:' »1
their treatment et the hands of t
Canadian people 'will be of the high-
igh-est order,
"The shirr as yours," is the watch
word on, aur boat. "Be sociable" :S
carried out to the letter. We are one
big happy :ain..y--:n „lip for the
time. beim;; is our home, and we are
eriteiieged to explore it from stoker's
he room to• pilot's chamber, the o:ficers
er not deeming it a trouble to explain
au details of their respective depart,.
Fite minutes after leaving the Soo
we arrive at the Sault .Ste. Marie can-
al, which connects the waters of Lake
Superior with those off the St. Marys
river and Lake Huron. If you have
never seen. the locks before you will
now add a very interesting chapter to:
your book of experiences. Oa the
American side are the Weitzr1, Poe
and Davis Locks, a description oaf
which. spat will not permit. White
we write, our congenial iriuend, Mr,
A. J. McDan.e11 is discussing the top-
esof the Arthur t a daywithSir Ar hur
brook, who ione .of the most genial
of the! Imperiatl party, white our bet-
ter hake is engaged' conversation
with the ladies of the party, on. Can-
adian and Old Country differences and
customs. In order to get this off at
Port .Arthur we will conclude for the
present. O. H. S
be t 'icing at the home of Mrs, Ewald, 'a number from here attended the
Sar-' bar. Wes Finkbe alit of P1ttsbury, races in iii angham Iasi week. -Mr. Wm
She Pa., is visiting hes noothez; 141cKellar and Mr, Sandy McEachen
los' Mr. and firs. Ad= Geiser have
da a re- have exchanged their Fora cars lar
ga. turned tto ?Deaton after visiting with Owei1ands,-?tar. Donald Webb of
eel, i rel tive. Toronto and Miss Iaernice Webb of
ht ! the s, Anson, Girvan: of Saskatoon tt'as Grand Bend visited their sister, P.irs,
guest of Mr, and first H. K. Eit- D. E. McKenzie.--''12ri Lorne Fink..
ars. ber last week. beiner's team ran away wrath the binder
fty ':Miss Qu en'.e Hodgins has resumed one day last week, but fortunately no
otl - her duties en the Bak after a short one was hurt, but the binder was con-
hollday. siderably- damaged,
trip The basebtill game between Clinton '
err and Crediton on the kcal d ,amend on G --+--
ho Friday right was tone of the `gest this I
r- season. On account of darkness they Farquhar
s- dal( sorra innings were not plaYed, l Air, Foster Bray of o
0 in, reds.toires favor was the: score.daY Toronto is hal
Our boys ,o to Gcdexich on Thurs � y j Bray. -Mr. and blest 1William
Miss Echo bilbear of Ubly, :lic:ra., Pollen, end daughter Miss Millie of Mit
ala and Miss Ella Link at i bay, ;are via. chell ,:pent Steeday with triends in
it ng attic home or: Mee H. e. eeir, Stafia--Miss tiiae Hadgert of Eviler
e- The Convert in, the
Town, lira t.n send the week end at the home of
;ire Tuesday evening by the (tee ' ub rf Mn J. R. th er vi -lir, and Mrs. John
as the Northwestern College .,: Napi r Bell of Exeter visited Sunday at ;lir,
ok ville, ie.. was a great tree: rate ha. ; John Bray's -Master Harvey ?oleo is
age was packed: The sin .eat, a: the aunt, visit%n;, with -iriaater Aly mar Tullio at
at men and the instrumea a's were y , Staffa.-Miss Edith Tutiin, of Settee
of very high order and much, a: pace zted, is tr,sit',' g tine week with heraun,t Nies
he To the Y P. A. is due the .hanks ti. �rn, Pollen,
the people o: this virinny :en getter;
this mus .-a'. orgartiza,t,a+n te the rill -
wen Come agaire
On Saturday evening the !oily of
Mrs. Math. w Wein, met :la. her hoi.ie
to celebrate her 73rd birthday, It w.ts
a complete• sterpr se to Mrs, We':n, Th:
children were here. Gram London and
l'imins. A very :a.easunt even ng war
spent. We congratulate her and hope
she may celebrate many more 'iir£h
Mr, and Mrs. Alex I•Ield of Buffalo
are Yielding in. town.
MM Dora Kraft of Lendart spent
last week with her patents here,
Mr. J. Kraft was c,ondined to hs
hone with an. attack of bronchitis,
Miss E. Guenther has returned ,`'rom l
spending her vacat,torn in Muskoka.
Mrs. White and children of Detroit
are at ;yresent :visiting with Mrs. Wit-•
rel re.
rhe»'.uid Mrs, iii. V7oelker, Mrs. Voel-
ker, Misses Herva, and Alma Vallett of
Flint, Mich., spent Sunday at the home
of H. Hoffmann,
Miss Grace Kellerman, visited in. Sar-
nia last week,
Mr, and Mrs. L. Ireland al Stratford
spent Sunday with ear. and Mrs. E.
The Misses Rose and Antoinette
Zimme,r returned to Detroit rlfonday
after spendinng 'Cher vacation with
their parents.
\4r. and Mrs. E. Otterbein and Mr.
and Mrs. .R, Goetz spent the week end
in Sarnia.
Mr. M. Ehlers of Detroit is visiting
his parents at present.
Miss Pearl Tiernan minted in, Strat-
ford and Taviltock last week.
Dr 1lcTaggart, Toronto, wan 3 talus
C. I3. Hillier, St. ;Mathews, London,
wort 3 minus 2.
C. A. Down, Stratford, won 3 minus
R. Northgraves, St. Marys, won 3
;las 13.
Dr. Burrows, Seaforth, soon 1 plus 2
W, Snellgrove, R. C., London, won
3 plus 2
H Otte h'
n, Thistles, London, cyan 1,
minus 4
A. Whitesides, Henson, wan; 4, plus
M, Chapman, Godericby won 3 plus 14
T. Oke, R,C., London, won 3 plus 15
W. Amen, Seaforth, won ()minus 30
G. Clark, Lambeth, won. 1 minus 19
C. L. eforrenr, Thistles, London, won
0, niiuus 22.
R, J. Txetheway, Thistles, London,
won 2, minus 7.
P. Fassold, Dashwood, won 1, minus
W. J. Nediger, C1Jnioxr, won 1 minus
T. Elliott, Exeter, want 4 plus 27.
A. Hemphill, Hensap,l, worn 1 minus 6
J. Newcombe, Stratford' won 4 plus 22
J Moore, Stt, Marks, London, wan
1 minus 18.
E. Gabel, Dashttpod, won 0,minus 37
J 5, Dyer, Elmwoods, London, won
0, minus 39
C. K. Bluett, Thistles, London, won
4, plus 28.
Dr. Walters, Forest, won 3, plus 4
J. Boehmer, Listowel;, won 1 plus 0
W. Caissady, St. Thomas, won 1
plus 14.
C. B. Snell, Exeter, won 0, minus 24
R. G. Sieldon, Exeter, won i 2 minus 6
Dr. Ferguson, Teeswater, won i,
minus 15. M.W. Telfer, Blyth, Von 2 plus 11
F. Busch, Hensaill, awn 2, minus 7
R. R. Cajmietaon„ Ailsp, Crau,'g, wont 1,
minus 45.
M. Durkin,. ,Mitchell, won 4 plus 37
5. Broderick, Seefortht won 2, plus 12
Dr. Kennedy; ,Ai:sal Craig, won 1,
minus 15.
A. Whitlow, St. Matthews, Landon,
won 3, Plus 18.
R, E. Gregory, Eimwao,ds, London,,
won 1 manus 20.
G. E. Case, Toronto, wont 4, plus 34
W, Luck;niow, won 3 minus 3.
A., M. Heannan, Thistles!, London;
-won 3, plus 13.
R. N. Rowe, Exeter, won 1 minus 17
W. Fee, Henson, won: '1 minus 164
H. Raine, Clri(nftont wont 0 menus 43
Ed. Weld, R.C., London, won 2, -4
W. B. Soreaton, Lesitawel;, won 2,
Pilus 13. ,
R. N. Creech', Exeter, won; 3 plus 9
C. C. G.ord.oin, Elinwoods, London,
won 4 plus 34.
Exeeter ,011d iBioys who werehere
for •the rBowling, Tournament were -
T, Oke, W EL Levett, Father For-
ster, C. K. Blueteof London, W. D.
Bright +oaf +Sierajfoerthe Dr, McTaggaert.
and G. E. Case of Toronto, Gen, Me
Taggart lel Blyth, John Newcombe •off
Stratford, '
WinI +L
oost P, C.
Zurich, 11 , 4 :733
Co dition .9 5• .643
Clinton 8 8 ,500
Goderich .4 12 •,250
Should Crediton.•, ,deeeat Zurath an,d.
Goderich in the two rernauin me game*
thie,n Creditotnl nand Zurecb well hetae,
Council met at Elimville, Augus
6th, 1920. All the members wer
present. Minutes of the meeting o
July 3rd were read and adopted.
By-law No. 8, confirming the con
tract agreement between the counci
and Daniel Crowley for the constru
tion of the Winchelsea Creek Drai
Improvement was read and adopted
Mr. Marshall of the Department of
Highways was present re securing of
Government grants on the salary of
the township Road Superintendent
and on the expenditure for, the ears'
struction and maintenance of roads
and bridges for the year. By-law No.
9, was prepared, read, and signed
confirming the appointment of the
former and by-law No. 10 appropri-
ating $6000 expenditure on the lat-
ter for 1920 was also read and sign-
Frank Cornish . lodged a com-
plaint to the council that he had two
ewes and a number of lambs killed
by dogs. He made declaration that
they were worth at least $70 and he
was paid this amount.
The following rates of taxes for
1.920 was struck:
County and Good Roads 5.8. mills;
Township rate 1 mill; General
School Rate 2 mills; and that the
special amount required ., for each
school section be levied by special
rate, entered on -the collector's loll,
and collected with the other rates
and that a by-law be drafted con-
firming the same.
A petition from a number of gra-
nail pit owners was ieceii ed asking
forr an increase in the price paid for
By-law No. 3, 1914, was amended
and the price fixed to be paid for
gravel in the future be 20 cents per
cubic yard, and $1.00 per cord on
contract work.
Orders were issued for the pay-
ment of bills amounting to:
On Winchelsea Creek Drain, con-
tract $632.00; other items $5"6188,
Council adjourned to meet on
September 4th.
Henry Strang, Clerk,
Next Sunday a talon services ; will
again be held in James ..Street and
Caven churches.
Reeve and Mrs. Beavers were ,in
St. Marys on Monday, where they.
were guests at the reception banquet
tendered Premier Meighen, . Reeve
Beavers and the Premier were for-
mer students together at Collegiate
in St. Marys. Mr. Jesse Elston mo-
tored to St. Marys with, them and
was a visitor with his uncle.
elr, and Mrs. Fred li'emery of flit
(•hell are spending a week with Mr,
and Mrs. McQuce ._..:4xjsr Vale .of Ex
eter is visiting Mies Muriel Keys ':his
week.Mise Gladys Broadita't just ree
turned home after spending a week el
elitchell and Stratford, --:Ire. Gond
fellow of Taranto is visit:ng 'cis ihie
vieinity..-The young nr1s nt this vie,
May gathered at Chselhurst Frtlay
evening and gave a shower of rtumer
'Qua useful preserr,ts to ,bliss Evelyn. Mc
t Kay, rvh�a was married on Saturday to
Mr. Kenneth McCloud. The young
couple tank the train on. Wednesday
'to spend a few months in the west.
Following are the names of the iii ,
ners be the Oat Crop Field Comp,. tit -
ion of the Agricultural Society, -.-1st,
David Roger 86 1-2 points; Znd, "+Tin,
Urquhart 85 1-.2 ; 3rd, Win, Harding
83 3-4; 4th, Chas. Atkinson, 83 1 4 ;:
5th, Wm. Blackley' 80 1-2; 6th, Wm:
Jas. Moore 75 3-4; 7th, Wesley !-hi'r
75. The judge was G. A. Weitzel., .e,(
Mr. Amos. Doupe of Usbcrne wen-
awarded theit e
fi st prize, $20:00 iii the
Field Crop Competition for °pia' ,n
the Mitchell Agricultural Society el.
test. Score 88 points. Mr. Rcb- < r..
ri- of Hibbert was second.
white --1 Stephen, an, Aug. 4. ac 'err'
a'id Mrs. J B. White, a son.- ;-
eph. Kenneth.
O'Leary -In :McGillivray, on Aug, 6th,
to :ear, end '\Lrs T. O'Leary, a <,rhn),
Fleming -In irlcGSilivra.Y, an Aug 5th,
to Mr. end :draw P. Fleming, a sores
Calarke Lance --At Richmond, ,Que.,
an August 11, Rita, daughter of Ms.
elaxy L. Lance, tp• Mr, Wallace
Deane Clarke, formerly of Exeter.
Leech -Orr -At Bayfield, on. Aug. il,
1 ily, youngest daughter of Mr. Tot
Orr, to Albert Leech, son of David
Leech, all of Bayfield.
nickson-Cook-In Toronto, on Aug.
5th, Ruby en, younger daughter of
the late el. W. Cook of Clintecn, to
Roy Dickson, eon of Mr. I-terxy
Dickson of Toronto.
Down -L. Toronto on August 13, ".Iary
Andrew„ relict of the late names
Down, in her 85th year.
efelville_anti, Exeter, on. August 1.`th
Annie Warden, relict of the ;'n
Peter Melville, abed 63 years nil 1
by C. H, Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. rice. Strictly confidential; no witness
Mount Carmel
Mr. Thomas LLanei of Detroit called
on friends here last week, -Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Ryan. of Chicago arevis-
itiing a ;few ;days at the home of the
Dormer's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan;,
-Messrs. Jos. Guinan, P. Sullivan, Vin-
cent Guinan, and Miss Ellen Sullivan
motored to Dutton last week to visit
friends. -Miss Ftchue• of Drysdale is
spending the week with her sist'r, Mrs,
T. O'Leary. -Miss Margaret Ma'.r of
Landon is visiting fereenedr here, -Sister
Carmelite, formerly Miss Marjory Gui-
nan, of Ursuline,College, Chatham, cal-
led on her lather, Mr. Joseph Guinan
a ,n Sunday Mrs Martha McPhee
accompanied by her granddaughter
Miss Martha Mearrisasey, left on Satur-
day to visit friends at. Detroj,t,-Vim-
cent Guinsa delft can Saturday for St.
Michael's College, Toronto, - 1+Iiss
Clara Rytte of -Detroit is spending her
holiday ,at the home sof. her »arents,
i4lr, and Mrs. Ed. Ryani.-Mrs • Keough
of Detroit is s+pe.n.din;g a few days with
her sister,. Mrs. i4T, Madden.
fit Spar -a king, Thick, tender, juicy,
wholesome -no matter how you like it
cooked -it's sure to be a treat when
you eat ii. That's because it came
from our butcher shays: , Only ghal-
ity meats here, We never disappoint
customers, ''The public, be pleased"
is our elm. If you haven't beena custa-„
mer of ours a .trial will convince you
of whatwe. say,
B. 1akhf'S,
where quality is higher than price.
Chevrolet, Gray Dort, Ford;
5 per cent. off for your old battery
Taylor Tire & Battery
Phone 16
All Summer Goods
At Greatly
Reduced Prices.
Owing to the extremely cool weather we are over ^stocked
in Giingharms, Towles, • Middy Blouses and White Waists,
We must sell. Our prices will surprise you.
NEW !,. NEW t
We have two a&vaance shin ments of tenanted Shawl Scarfs
Ler ladies. These are quite the newest thing and are •goang
to be worn extensively.
We' have too many Panama Hats, } Every hat must go -
$3.00, $3.50, $4,00, and 5,4,,
You,' Cho50ice $2.75
These, are very essential for the cool evemrvntgs. New ship-
ments arriving weekly, . A wonderful variety to choose from.
All moderate priced,
We carry a full itne ,of Holepeoot, Luxeteeend Adanac Hoar
try: In order to save you luxury tax all It'L, i) lines at S$1:99