HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-12, Page 4In the Rush of Harvel THEP RAE'S NOTHING XhJch makes a man eo downright mad as Io have twine run uneven. Stopping a binder once on this account is simply a nui- sance, but such twitfe means c_. Stant internu ptione, _.a peri.. ous matter.. Uae only PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE and be rid of molt trouble forever. T ilyznoUtth MAM 111 CANADA ig more even size , and stronger titan othikr ends. bamaidtis more n les anddost enol fen down. t�the balm that'+stwova s "" and on'dier Carly. The same Mood tsuiitty is foti+ld tai GOLD MEDAL Pure Manilla Hay Fork Roper It ash Deli h ttc0Jitt• • 1-11t- The -l.t- Thi Western Fair I.U: DON Sept. 11th to 18th THE GREAT AGRICULTURAL A.? l) LIVE STOCK EXHIBt'I OF WESTERN ozcrA1RIO, $35.000.00 in Prizes and Attractions JOHNNY J. JOKES EXPOSITION ON THE MIDWAY FULL 1'ROGRAMMME TWICE ,pAILY AUTO POLO, MUSIC, FIREWORKS TWO SPECIAL EVb,NTS DAILY EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. SOMETHING IIOING EVERY MINUTE, GENERAL ADMISSION 50e. CHILDREN 15c.; AUTO AND DRIVER S1. All information from the Secretary, a%.t:. Co; W. Mb Gartshore, President. A, 2a11 Hunt, Secretary, The Exeter Advocate THURSDAY, AUG 12th, 1920 TiIlage of EXETER By-law No... 1920 BY-LAW NO. , 1920 VILLAGE OF EXETER A By-law to authorize the Reeve amid Treasurer of the Corporation of •the Municipality of the Village of .,Exeter to -borrow certain sums of •money to complete payment for the concrete pavement ' constructed on lain Street under authority of By - No. 4, of 1919. And for the issue and sale of fur - e ter debentures in the amount of $20,000.00 to cover said cost. WHEREAS the sum of Twenty 'Thousand Dollars is deemed neces :nary by the Council to complete the •:payment due for the construction of take Main Street pavement. AND WHEREAS the amount here- tofore borrowed and outstanding for the purpose aforesaid and the a- mount hereby authorized to be bor- rowed do not exceed the amount of the said concrete pavement construe tion. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter according to the last revised, Assessment Roll is Ane sum of $775,275.00 AND WHEREAS, the existing de- enture debt of the said Village of neuter, exclusive of local improve- bent.debenture debt secured •by,spec- •+' af•l•assessment therefor, amounts to the sum of $59,184.11 and no part of the principal or interest thereof ie in arrears. Be it enacted by the Municipal •Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter as fellows:= - 1. That the Reeve with the Treas- +-urer of the said Corporation be, and -.they are hereby 'authorized in the !•wanner and supject to the conditions therein .mentioned to borrow upon the coedit of the said Municipality the aim. m of Twenty Thousand Dollars, ($20,000,00) .foe the purposes herein 'before set forth and: for that purpose to issue debentures of the said :Mun- icdeality to the amount of $20,000.- s00 in• sums of pat less than 100.00 each and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- poration and countersigned by the Treasurer of the Corporation and duly sealed with the corporation seal which seat the Clerk is hereby au- thorized and directed to attach to each of the said debentures. The said debentures shall be dated upon the date of the issue thereof, and shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent_ per annum and. the said interest shall be payable yearly .on the day of the month on which said debentures are issued and as to both principal and interest the said debentures shall be payable in annual instalments with- in fifteen years, said instalments to be of such amounts that the yearly amount payable for principal and in- terest shall be equal as nearly as maybe to what is payable for prin- ciple and interest during each of the other years of such period of fifteen years as hereinafter set forth. In the Total Year Principal Interest. Payment 1921 $892.51 $1100.00 $1992.51 1922 941.60 1050.91 1992.51 :1923 , 993.39 999.12 1992.51 1924 1048.02 944.49 1992.51 1925 1105.67 886:84 1992.51 1926 1166;48 826.03 1992.51 1927 1230.64 764„87 1992.51 1928 1298.32 694.19 1992.51 1.929 1369.73 622.78 1992.51 1930 1445.06 '547.45 1992.51 1931 1524.54 467.97 1992.51 1932. 1608.39 384.12 1992.51 1933 1696,85 295.66. 1992.51 1934 1790.17 202.34 1992.51 1935 1888.64 103.87 1992.51 That this by-law soh come into fierce and take effect on the day of the .final passing thereof. That the vtotes of the Electors of the said Village of Exeter :entitled to mote ;an this by -laity be taken on Fri- day, August 20, commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and continu- ing ontianu ing, until dime to'clock iite the afternoonof.' :the same day, at 'the following Place ...within, the said Village .off Ex- eter arid by the ,(bellowing Deputy -Re.- turning Officers. Polling :'Sub -division 'Ncel, at -Silas Hatndlard's Residence, Main Street. Edward `Treble, D. R. 0.;'Sidney Davis, . Poll Clerk.' ' Polling Sub -division; No. 2,, at the Town, Hall, Main Street, ellington Johns D, R, 0.; James H. Greive•`Po4,l Clerk, Polling Sub -division No. 3, at 'Mrs, Mitchell's Office Building, corner of Main and Wellington; .streets. Junes Weekes, I), R. O.; Alfred 'Gambrel, $ Poli .Clerk• ! Pullin Sub -division No. 4, At the North end Fire ,Hall, Frederick iWit- Iver. D. R. O.; and Castor Willis, Poll Clerk. That Monday, the 16th. day of Aug- ust, 1920, at seven -thirty o'clock an the afternoon,'shall be the day and then, th Clerk's Office, .e Library Build- ing, ire the Village of 'Exeter, shall be the place where the, Reeve shall' ateteed to appoint persons to attend at • the various Polling places aforesaid,'. and at the .final summing up. of the• votes by the Clerk on behalf of tier -1 . sons interested in, promoting, or ap- posing this bylaw respectfullj-, 1 That the Clerk; of the Corporation, of the said Village of Exeter shell at- tend at his office .in the said Village of Exeter at eleven o'clock in the forenoon en Saturday, the 21st day of August. 1920, to scan up the number of vote. given for and against this 0 by' -law NOTICE. The above A's a true copy of the proposed by-law which. has been tek- en into consideration and wh ch w li be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Ex- eter. in, the event of the asent at the electors being obtained thereto atter' one month from first public:Woes :n The Exeter Tinges and The i*xeter'1 Advocate newspapers, which first putt- 'ieatio:n was the 29th day of July,1920 and at the Dour, day and p:ae.es ,herein . need far taking the vote of the elec- tors a poll will be held. Every lease holder entitled by law to voter on the proposed by-law shall t !east ten days next .proceeding the lay of polling file $n the Office of the Clerk of the 'afunicipality a stat - t t w declaration stating that his lease meets the requirements by law exttit- 'n* hip: to vote on such a bylaw. a4 the starves of lease -holders reg tin, to file such a declaration shall' yet be ;!:aced on. the Voters' List for such roam. Ceproatione entitled to appoint a • neve to vote oti 'ts behalf shall •:rt ate:. than the tenth day before the lay appoint d for taking the' vote, file .yith the Clerk of the municipality the relin' in ww r t ag of .a ;lersan to `;e as its n :n n, e ,17-4 iia fes be}tal:. Da tl at Exeter this 26th day sz July, 1920. Clerk lay; e oZ JOS.. SENIOR, the Corporation of the t';i- ter. Pillage of Eleter Bylaw No... 1920 A BY-LAW to provide for borrow- ing the sum of .$8000 to pay for the construction of a concrete pavement oe Wellington Street, M the Village of Exeter and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor; -- WHEREAS, the Municipal Council, of the Corporation of Exetern.d per auent to a request of the ratepayers: that it is desirable and in the interest of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter to construct a concrete pave- ment ,on Wellington Street, beginning at Main Street and extending as far as the Grand Trunk Railway property within the Village of Exeter. AND WHEREAS, it has been estab- lished that it ern' require the sum oft 512,000 to prepare the roadbed, do the necessary draining and to construct a pavement thereon. AND WHEREAS, under instruc- tion., of the Municipal ,Council of the Village of Exeter, estimates of costs of construction of a concrete pave- mrient have been, submitted and in said estimates, the Sum of $8000 is placed as the sum necessary to complete the corporation's share ;of said concrete pavement Construction. AND WHEReAS subscriptions have been assured by interested par- ties in the said pavement construction in the sum of 14000, which subscrip- tion list will be filed with the Clerk of the Municipality of Exeter, AND WHEREAS, it is necessary for the said purpose for the said cor- :,oration of the Village of .Exeter, to borrow upon the credit of saiel munici- pality the sum of $8000. AND WHEREAS, for the purposes aforesaid it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said municipality of the Village iof Exeter for the said sum of 58000, and interest as hereinafter provided, which is to dee* amount of the ' debt intended to be created by this by-law; the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied iai`the pre- patration of :the roadbed, and ip the construction of ,the concrete pave- ment an the said Wellington Street in the Vslia;ge of Exeter, and for no AND WHEREAS, it is desi,rable to make the principal of the said debt repayable try annual instalments during the period of fifteen years next after the issue ,of the debentures therefor. AND WHEREAS, it will be neces- sary . to raise annually for the period of fifteen years during the currency of the debentures to be issued here- by under special rate sufficient there- for on all the rateable property within. the municipality the sum of $797.00 for the paying- of the several instal- ment. of e rinciipai and interest there- on at She rate of five and one half per cent per annum!. AND WHEREAS, the the a moutnt of the whole rateable property of the Vill- age. of Exeter according to the . est revised assessment moll is the sum of $775,275.00. AND .WHEREAS, the existing de- benture debt of the said Village of Exeter, exclusive of local improve- ment debenture debt secured by spec- ial assessments therefor amounts to the suns at $59,184.11, and no part of the principal or interest thereof is in arrears Therefore the municipal Council of the Village of Exeter ,enacts as fol- lows: - It shall be lawful ,for the Reeveand. Treasurer of the said :Village of Ex- eter to ,borrow on the credit` of . the `said cornoration tate sum of $8000 for the •purposes therein before set forth and !for that purpose to issue deben- tures $of, the said municipality- to- the amount of :,$8000 in sums of not less:. thee 1100. ie. ch. and such debentures shall be signed "by the Reeve of the said corporation for the time being and covntersiggled ley the Treasurer for the -time being .of the said corpor- ation and duly sealed with the Cor- poration seal thereof, wbioli seal the Clerk ;for the time being is hereby authorized and directed to attach to each of the said debentures. The said debentures shall be dated vont: the date of the issue thereof, :and shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent. per annuli', and thee said interest shall be payable year- ly on the day of the month on which said debentures are issued, and as to 'loth.principal, and interest said de- benturee shall be payable in annual in- stalments within fifteen, years, such in- sttaiments to -be of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall he equal as nearly as may be to what :s payable ,tor pruicipal and interest during each of the :other years of such period of ,fifteen years as hereinafter set forth Total Interest Principal Payment 1921 `:440.00 $357.00 $797.00 1922 420,36 376.64 - 797.00 1923 399.65 397.35 797.00 1924 377.79 419,21 797.00 1925 354.73 442.27 797,00 1930 330.41 466.59 797.00 1937 304.75 492.25 797,00 1923 277,67 519.33 797.00 1929 249.11 547.89 797.00 1930 213.93 578.02 797.00 1931 137.188 609.53 797.00 1932 153.65 - 643.35 797.00 1933 118,25 678,75 797.00 1934 80,92 716.08 797.00 1935 41.55 755.45 - 797.00 That this by-law shall $orate into force and take effect on the day of ;. the finalpassingthereof. 'Trait the votes of the Electors of the said Village of Exeter entitled to vote on this bylaw be taken on Fri- day. August 20, commencinv at nine a eloek tri the forenoon, and eentinu- in; until give o'clock in. the afternoon of the same day, at the following ;,:aces, within the said Village of Ex- eter and by the following Deputy -Re- turning Officers. Polling Sub -division No.l. at Silas', Handtord's Residence. Bain Street. Edward 1 reble, A, R. 0.; Sidney Davis Poll Clerk T•alling Sub -division No. 2, at the Town Tali, :Hain Street, Wellington. Johns D. R. 0.; James H. Greive, Poll Clerk. I'olan� Sub -d w cion No. 3, at Mrs. Mitchells Q fEce Bu?ding, corner of ;Alain and Wellington streets, James Weekes. 1), R, 0.; Alred Gambrlti, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division Na 4, At the North end Fire Hall, Frederick rick Brit- 1 wer, D. R. 0.; and Castor Willis, Poll.1 Clerk That :Monday, the 16th day of Aug-. ust 1920, at seven -thirty o'clock in the afternoon, shall be the day and the Clerk's Oific:e, in the Library Build- ing, in the Village of Exeter, shall he the place where the Reev, shall! at- tend to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the fiscal summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of per- sons interested in promoting, or op- posing this by-law respectfully. That the Clerk of the Corporation of the said Village of Exeter shall at- tend at his office in the said Village of Exeter at eleven o'clock in the forenoor. on Saturday, the 21st day of August 1920, to swim up the number of, vote; given for and against this by-law, NOTICE. The above zs a true copy of the proposed by-law which,has been tak- en into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Ex- eter in the event of the assent of the elector^ being obtained thereto after one month from first publications in The Exeter Times and The Exeter Advocate newspapers, which first pub- lication was the 29th day of July,1920 and at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the ,vote of the elec- tors a poll will be held. Every lease holder entitled by law to vote art the proposed by-law shall at least ten. days next proceeding the day .pf polling file in the Office of the Clerk of the Municipality a stat- utory declaration stating that his lease meets the requirements by law •enntit- ling him to vote on such a by-law. And the names of tease -holders neg- lecting to file such a declaration shall not be placed of the Voters' List for. such voting. Corporation entitled to appoint a nominee to vote on its behalf shall not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taltirng the vote, file with the Clerk of the municipality the name in writing of a. person to vote as its nominee and on its behalf. Dated at Exeter this 26th day of July, 1920. - JOS. SENIOR, Clerk of the Corporation of the Vil- lage of Exeter. . i WIEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES Bring your certificates to this Bank and we will collect for you the initial payment of 30 CENTS PER. BUSHEL authorized by the Wheat Board. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL M - $15.000,000 RESERVE: FUND • - $15,000,000 EX4TER BRANCH, F, A. Chapman, 'Manager, 1pcork>oratad in 1855 (A 1 'rAL R1±+SERV.EE$9,000.t 00 Over 120 Bruuohee. - THE MOIABONS BANK THE MOLSONS BANK AssisTS FARMERS. Almost every farmer finds ?lia money tied up ira, stock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should con- sult our toad Manager', - Savings Departments -ar all Brane'ie, WF ARE PREPARED TO COLLECT VOUR WHEAT BOA. I) PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES, 11X$TER BRANCH T. S, WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for, business daily. - Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter lirafn.:h, AmotwomMokenimemagmemn rN►#ari�rltaltl�werellN�lsrllstllis A Right Choice' Nearly everyone arrives at a point where there is need for a tonic -restorative. • Scott's Emulsion is the choice of tens of thou- sands because i;, gives tone Ito the whole system and restores strength. 1 CAKE SCOTT'S YOUR 01011104 dcott ac 'Bowne, Toronto. Ont. arnaallainalannalannalaa O'Br fen's Business College 361 Richmond St, London The oldest established business Col- lege in I00(1en unxler present man- agement, fi'ith the highest qualified teachers, give indiv,idual, instruction. Thorough courses in. Bookkeeping, Cost 'Accounting, Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, etc. Write for catalo- gue. Register ow !for Fall Term, starting Sept 1st. W. J. O'BRIEN, Commercial Specialist, 7srnc ipa1, Luca.n G. Smyth, a Loan war veteran, a.: - ter only a few days' illness, died in etroit on, the 3rd of August, and the remains were interred here oil, Thurs- day. Members of the G.W.V.A. were pallbearers. He leaves three sistrs, :incl two brothers„ CLINTON'. -- Another business change has taken, place in Clanton, Messrs T, N. Corless and C. H. Ven• per having purchased the hardware businest of ;lir, W. H. 'Da:vison, the deal having been, completed Saturday. Mr. Davison purchased this businesti from Mr. R.,Rowland six months ago, coming here tfrom Paisley. Harvest Haip Excursians $15.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus 1,k cent per mile beyond AUGUST 9, 11, 16 ,and 18, stations° Toronto to Scotia Jct. inclusive; a- sp all stations an Depot Harbor: Midland Penetang and Meaford branches, AUGUST 9 And 16 from all Stations in the Province of Ontario, and Que- bec, Pembroke, Golden, Lake., Upter- gnove, Toronto and east, - August 11, and 18, from all stations. in Ontario, Toronto and west For tfurther particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E Horning. Dist. Passenger Agt, Toronto Phow 46w N' J. DORE Agent, Exeter Western University London, Ontario @Arts and Sciences SVledicine Fall Term Opens October - 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDARWRITE K. P. R. NEVILLE, Regristrar CN/'L DIAN PACIFIC FARM LABORERS WANTED "Fare Goin "-$15 to WINNIPEG' lore ' Going .Q;ett��nrng ;20 from WINNIPEG.. cent per mite' Winnipeg to destination, 3. cent per mile starting 'point to Winnipeg. GOING DATES AUGUST O, and AUGUST i. AUGUST 11, and ' AUGUST 18. TERRITORY From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and includnng Toronto oe Lake Ontario Shore Line, and Havelock-Peterboro Line. From Stations Kinston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. From Station. on Toronto -Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound inelueipe.' From Station., Dranoet to Port MaNicoll and►Burketon, to ISobcayeecin, iuctuatve, . . ' From Station. South od:West `of Tetonto`'to end: including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont. •From Owen Sound, Walkerton. 3bewater, Winghain, 'Blore, Listowel ti e i , Port' Burwelland od etch, St. Mar7'8. St.Thomas. Breaches F m . ro Stations Tor and ad Nort t `�o h o l Bolton.i et inclusive. SPECIAL TRAINS PROM TORONTO Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD. District d'assenger-Agent. Toronto.