HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-12, Page 3i ---teras.
yor most mattes and motels of -care.
our old, broiten or wot'n-out. parts
replaced. Write or wire us describ-
ing what you Want. Vie carry the
largest and moot complete stock In
Canada et slightly used or new parts
and automobile ecluipnient. We ship
C.4.D, anywhere in Canada. Seals -
factory or refund in full our motto..
sheave Auto, Salvage .Pert GuinAZo
923-931 ufie.tu Gt., Toronto, Ono.
What An irrigation System
. Did for My Garden.
A couple c# years ago, when we
bought our electric lighting and
pumping outfit, the man who sold it
to us mentioned among other things
that it would irrigate our vegetable
garden. however, I put this do;vii rs
a talking point which would `listen
ou paper," but wouldn't amount
to much in actual practice.
But after we installed our pumping
plant I got a letter from the irriga-
tion company explaining how I could
put in a couple of lines of pipe over
my vegetable f;•rarden at a very mod-
erate expense that would supply all
the water I wanted. at any time, by
merely turning a valve, and so I de-
cided to try it.
I must say, after using for two
years this mechanical watering sys-
tem, that the claims whieh were made The woman at lienee, deep le 'house. els or pockets). Price, 30 cents. In
for it were not exaggerated, The re- Bold duties and the cares of mother- 3 sizes, 10 to 20 years. Size 16 re,
sults we have been able to ,het have hood, needs oeeaaional help to keep quires 2?ia yd;. 54 ins. wide. Width,
been simply marvelous. For e great her in good health. The demands up 234 yds, Quite tailored and .neat is
many years we have prided ourselves on a another's health are many and this frock, with pleats at either side
as having; as good a garden as is severe. 1-Ier own health trials and of the front, extending from yoke to
grown vn in the section, but it is no ex- Iter Children's; welfare exact heavy hem. Developed in linen.
itg oration to say that our vegetable tolls, while hurried meals, broken rest bz9562 �t vo-piecDresitii ltin•ti -on
crops average at least twice what they and mutes. iltdoor living tent' to weals- 1engths; with or without draped apron
did before, Furthermore, the can plant en her t'attstitutlon. No wonder tltai. turie). Price, 30 cents, In 3 sizes, if
at any time without weitieg for ricin, the woman at home is often iridis to 20 years. Size 10 requires 4% yds.
and get immediate germination, and Polled through weakntess;-headaches, 36 ins. wide; contrasting, 3 yd. 36
keep every . crop growing right backaches and nervousness. Too many ,ins. wide. Width, 1% yds.
straight through without any check women have grown to accept these These patterns May be obtained
until the day it is harvested, Thee visitations as a part of the lot of from your local McCall dealer, or
we are able to get in a g,.od many ntatiterhaed. But many and varied as from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
more clops each Year than if we tru:et- her health troubles are, the cause is Toronto, Dert, .
ell to theia
weather emu for our rain: t :m;;le and relief at hand. When well =�
at is the woniait's good blood that Is Your 'Writing mall?
Conning both the inereace in the kr'E'I'•' her wail; when ill site mustIt has been said that ninety persons
crone enol ilte ^'a°r) in the number of metes her, blond rich to renew Iter out of each hundred have literary ani
cf M a.P,? we get at least' oo per czr.t. Iseult'. This teasing mother more ( onions. Jr you are of the anxiety, then
mere frees our garden space than wethan any other woman. in the world your ambitions may be realized, if
ascii to, and the clttulity of the stuff leetl3 ri111 bleed and plenty of it. your handwriting is i:itaually very
1::CI.' C- up het' . too 'Mile is one way to fist this good small!
Pass the Good Along.
It Good Fortune brings a gift to you •
while going ou yonnr way,
A gift that cheers your very soul and •
brightens all your day,.
Go forth and make another lean join
in a joyful song;
De .totxiethizig to make glad someheart, and pass the good along.
If' a glad simile should greet your face
whezt setting forth at morn,
A .senile that speaks of friezadsl:ip true,
or of a love new-born,
Full of the gratitude you feel for
friendship true and strong,
Show teen-Mina:se to ether folks, and
pass that smile along.
If anyone says a kindly word
troubles whirl around,
And when it eosins;zo happiness in a
dark world is found,
Find out another isuffering soul, whose
luck has all gone wrong,
Help him to see the sun once more,
and pass the word along.
Care of Lorne and Children Of-
ten Causes a 13reakdown.
Two Styles for the
Small Woman
—sleepless• nights, constant
sneezing, streaming. eyes,
wheezy breathing :—
brings relief. Put up in capey,
sules, easily swallowed. Sold b
reliable druggists for a dollar.
Ask our agents, or send card for
free sample to Templeton's, 142
Xing St. W., Toronto.
Trout Fishing en Canada. ,
More benefit is derived from i•ecrea,
1 tion in the open country than from any
i other form of amusement, and flailing
'i is one of the happiest and most health giving of pastimes. Summer is fish -
fug, time, and Canada has numerous 1
i lakes and rivers where there is tabun I
dance of fish of all varieties to tempt
the angler. Trout fishing is amongst.
9552• 6562 tbe most popular forms of this sport.
9552 Misses' Dress (suitable for To fish successfully for trout his
small women; convertible collar; two ^ habits must be known. His habits in
styles of sleeve; with loose side pan- one part of the country will be dif-
ferent from the habits of life brothers
in the lakes and streams of other dire
ferent sections of the country. The
trout loves clear swift runningststreams, wltether large or Ismail, the
bottoms of which are filled with bould-
ers and gravel. He is wont to hide
under the overhanging banks of the
streams and under and along fallen
trees in sleep holes made by these ob-
structions of the current, It is par-
ticularly advantageous to look for
trout among the fast moving rapids,
or in the eddies along the banks. The
trout feeds largely on insects. He is
a lively forager for food, and he is of-
ten seen chasing the amen minnowsduring
during the middle of the day, and now I.
and thee leaping in the air for blacksan
flies d moths. He likes plenty of
exy geu, and delights in the white -cap
ped foaming waters below a fall in the
stro tri.
Kaiso, B.C., is the headquarters for
b'°. l.t atria, olid that is through the use of It is extraordinary, and seems to be ares,' fishers c;n the upper I%ootenay
ii� e last in two lines of 3x n;gatittn , ,. lake.Holiday is I ors who are visit-
i:tt'ht `Ott feet i..ng. Tl:c:�e lines _»r. ltiiliiains• ,ink Pula., :ti,ese pills :sometin:1.g more titan a mere coiuci-
naake new blood, and, through their Hence, that literary geniuses--practi-
c tante L° i*i+'li' a n•. a 111) with special
Could Afford Them.
Visjtor (looking et portraits) -
Vita a lot of ancestors you've got."
Newrich—"That's dead right. 1
didn't want so many, but Sarah insist-
d use thousands of weal., ailing wives , .
10' zit every throe feat and tally all or them—write exceeding
n r. 4 atil mothers Have beet made bright, m.
a epoeinl union on the end of each mall.
fitted with a strainer to keepany cheerful :end strong. If you are ailing. ` Thacheray s serails„ was e:,:tremely among the Laurentian 1lountains, clz„
q., r i 1 line easily tired or depressed, it is a duty neat, but so sinal that it could hardly Qua ec; in tact there is trout iiahing To came to yeti,' was the rejoin-
ed mint f.o n getting r tic t e 1 eon owe yourself and your family to : b rend del.
and cis
Couldn't Trust Herself.
"Margaret, where is your little sis-
"I just hurried . away from her, 1
mother, 'cause I felt sure I was goifl
to lose my temperature."
The rustotnr=r picked up some rogue -
fort cheese from the grocer's counter
and tool: an appraising sniff of its
"1'd line a dime's worth of this
eheese. "
"Madame, you have already had it."
Raspberry Jam.
Pickle Manufacturer•• -"People don't
want tomato eeed in ketebttp, so we
squeeze out the seeds.
Inquisitive Friend - A -td what do
you do with the seeds?"
Pickle Manufacturer ---"Put -"Put them in
raspberry janl. Makes it look more
natural like."
Nut Waiter Wanted.
An old lady, after waiting in eon-
fectionery store for about ten minutes,
grew grossly Impatient at the lack of
Finally she rapped shari,ly on tile.
-"Here, young lady," she .called, "who
waits on the nuts?"
Idiotic Advice.
Classified Advertisements.
yea sa.zz
Foxes. Reed Bros., Bothwell, Ont.
dollars, at slzcty-live cents. 3Ser.
man Lippert, leitehenea'.
W,d.2Q'TEP,-,`S rOU2" aro1Z ES,
itOlvt' ON1P TO I�iVil r1rQUS AND
words. Get reai money 1t your
stories are snappy. Write Short story
Market, -5 Columbine Ave„ Toronto.
PE ?.zE tEnrP wazQs•nD
Pupil nurses fax Training School;
salary with outfit; two year course to
graduate— mcceilont opportunity, Write
to South Chicago Hospital, 2325 East
921)d Place, 'Chicago, Illinois, tY.S..li-
The House I Want.
The house I want is stucco' bungalow,
Built towards the sunset's garden glow,
A cool verandah reaching all around,
With steps of stone that rise from.
grassy ground.
A library secluded in a wing,
Its quaintly loaded windows hung to
A sleeping porch, and bedrooms peak
and blue,
A living room in ebroine and erecuny
The house T want is stucco bungalow,
Built towards the sunset's golden glow.
,Tones, who was suffering from neer- i
algia, went to the dentist to have soiue •
teeth extracted.
The dentist, after looking at his
teeth, said --
-Have you had c dviee before about
", these tecta?"
ing beautiful Banff may catch excel- "Yes," replied acnes. "I went to the '
1. n lid „
lent trout in the Bow River.- Spec chemist. last flight. , ,
trout fishing inay be had at Nipigon, 'And what idiotic. thing did site
Ontario, and i;. the rivers And lakes emist advise you to do?"
Dominion Express lwtoney Orders are
on sale in; five thousand offices
throughout Canada,
Jap English. -
Japanese laundry circular ---"Con-
trary to the opposite company, we
most cleanly and carefully wash our
customers with possible cheap prices,
as follows: Ladies 2 dols per hundred;;
gentlemen 11se dols per buudred.,'
Ask for Ileinard's and take no other,
To clean white paint dissolve .a piece
of ammonia about the size of a, walnut
in half a pailful of water, awl rub the
paint carefully with a sponge. Dry
with a elean soft duster.
to be llacl in nearly all Canadian
ve Diel pcuznans tip was o waters of any great extent. But those
l;r;itil, up the nozzle:. They - - .
i Dr �'� illt•ain5' Pink Pills a fair f Di 1 1 � of th
Oen have ehort handles, makingtt trial. What this medicine has done ;minute order, too. That, and his pre-
pr...;� li]e to turn the line from one side for others it will surely do for you. i (election for writing with blue ink on
to the other. Through the little RV. -lou can got Dr. Williams' Pink Pills :"blue paper, with much interlining,
ales inserted in the pipe the water through any dealar its medicine or by made his 'copy" a trial to decipher.
i, thrown in tiny ,streams to a cies-through
at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 i Captain Marryat's handwriting was
so fine that it was said that when. the -
compositor rested from his . work he
was obliged to stick, a pin where he,
Secret of Longevity is ; left off in orster: to be able tofind thei
Courageous Mind., place again,
Half or more of :the senility =-_ -• - flue that it appeared to have been
we can water a narrow strip the entire world may be traced ,to unresisting traced with a needle.
length of the garden any time we yielding to a fiction that years are. the The same "small" epic obtains
want to. This is especially handy measure of age; half of the aged men "lenthe majority of present-day
when we are setting out plants, just and women in the world could be im-1 writers. Thomas Hardy and Kipling
After sowing seed .in Try weather, or peached for bringing upon themselves ,
just after hueing or cultivating any by consent tete infirmities which set! are instances.
era as scan as the weeds have had upon them the marks of decline. In- The moral seems to be .taint he rite
a chalice to die in the sun. stead of dadging the scythe of Time writes "shall" has it in him to arise
"big stuff.
tame of 2a feet, These little streams from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
break up in the air so that the water Brockville, Ont.
falls to the ground in tiny drops like
a fine gentle rain which will not pack
Elia scii or heat down even„tbe small-
est plant. As we run our rows in
the ;amedircetion as the lines of pipe,
: Charlotte Bronte`s writing was to.
All we had to do to put this system they stand resignedly in the grim old
in was to run an inch pipe from the reaper's. path. He cannot be blamed
barn to the garden, a distance of about for cutting them down.
300 feet, and put in two rows of cedar The sound constitution is fiot as
posts 50 feet apart to support the essential as the courageous hind.
irrigation line. The feed line from Many mien and women of weak consti-
the barn to the garden was only a talon have lived to an advanced age,
foot or so under the ground, as we the mind dominating and sustaining
turn the water off and drain it out be- the body. Calm temperament is the
fore cold weather. greatest factor in longevity. The per -
While we grow our regetables prim- son who regards himself a borrower
Warily for our own use, we have always of time must worry over an indebted
aeold a few, and since having the irri- nesa, which does not exist, which could
gation we have had such a big surplus not be established in any court of law,
that he have sold quite a lot, espe-
cially during midsummer, when all the
rest of the gardens around here are
more or less dried up. The summer
folks from a good many utiles around
come to us because they •know that
they can get nice, fresh, crisp things.
Our "rain machine" is something of a
and every one who has signed such a
bond ought to repudiate it and win the
commendation of all courageous souls.
Here are -a few facts which are com-
mended to the consideration of all
those who measure life in years; Sir
Isaac Newton lived to an age of eighty-
three and gave proof of his intellect-
ual vigor to his dying clay. Walter
Incidentally, it may be noted that
poets, from Byron onwards, scrawl!
The born poet, it is claimed, could
not write small or straight, if he tried!
who are seeking a big haul should go
to places that are not too much fre-
(;, 1 bought. a horse ,with a supposedly
incurable ringbone for $30.00. I treat-
ed him with $1.00 worth of MINARD'S
LINIMENT and sold him for $85.00,
Profit on Liniment, $54.00.
Hotel Keeper, St. Phillippe, Que.
Cholera intantum is one of the fatal
ailments of childhood. It is a trouble
that conies on suddenly, especially
during the summer months, and unless
prompt action is taken the little one
may soon be beyond aid'. Baby's Own
Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward-
ing off this trouble. They regulate
the .bowels and sweeten the stomach
and thus prevent the dreaded summer
complaints. They are an absolute
safe medicine,' being guaranteed to
contain neither opiates nor narcotics
curiosity, and they like to stop andor other harmful drugs. They cannot
see how it works. Altogether, I stip Savage Landor wrote his "Imaginary possibly do harm—they always do
ose we have sold enough vegetables Conversations at eighty -five -and lived good. The Tablets are sold by Medi-
to pay for our two lines of irrigation
two or three times over in the two
' years since we have had them, .ini ad-
dition to hiving more and better vege-
tables for ourselves.
Poverty is a. hard nurse,but she
raises healthy children, •
Teacher—"Mention six 'i'mportant
'Arctic animals," Pupil—"Three polar
hears and three seals."
seven years after. John Wesley sway-
ed multitudes with his eloquenceup
to the age of eighty-eight; Washing-
ton Irving worked at his "Life of
Washington" in his seventy-ninth year.
Browning was nearly 'eighty before
lie ceased to write; Tennyson com-
posed "Crossing the Bar"' at eighty-
three; Victor Hugo did much of his
work after he was seventy-five; when
be was eighty-three ,;Voltaire com-
posed his tragedy "Irene."
A table drink that fits in just
right in place of tea r coley:
A rich flavor, ease of maki4
-economy to pocketbook„,and
superior erior. health value make
Instant Post um she natural
beveraige to tura t when tea
or cofFee, disagrees.
eres a Reason
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Just an ordinary woman, just an or-
dinary man, ,
And a child so ordinary that on him
there. seems a ban,,.
But what mysteries lie hidden --
Further prying is forbidden—
When we call them ordinary—miss we
not the Master plan?
It All Depends.'
Arithmetic, according to the average
small boy, was simply,invented in or-
der to give teachers a good excuse for
punishing their unhappy pupils. And,
certainly, little Tommy Smith found
it the -unpleasant. feature of his young
"Now, Ton iuy Smith," said the
school -teacher one -morning,. during the
usual hour of torture, "what is. thehalf1 '
of eight?,,
"Which way, teacher?" asked the
youngster cautiously.
"Which .way.!" replied the astonish-
stonish ed lady. " "What do, you mean?"
: r
"Well, on top or sideways, teacher?""1 ,Accept ^'uaiiiuri1ia" Syrup ct Figs
said Toininy. only -look for the name California on
"What difference does that make? the package, then you are Sure your
"Why," Tenney explained, with a child th having the best and most
pitying air, "haif off the top of eight •bai•niless physic for the little stem.
is nought, but half of itsideways is ach, liver and bowels. Children love
three." Its fruity taste. Full directions on
each bottle. You must say "Csli.
world is forma."
SSU No 32-'20.
No Substitute for Youth.
Nobody, so far, has found a real
substitute for youth, although some
surgical experiments are asserted to
have been successful in restoring vi-
tality and youthful spirits. Youth, af-
ter all; is a state of mind as well as a
span of years. Men and women are
not old at sixty; they are not old at
seventy, and when eighty is reached
many of them refuse to be shelved.
One's outlook upon life is likely to de-
termine whether one is to continue
real living or go to seed. Year' ago
men retired at forty or fifty and were
notworth muck to their communities
after that. Now a man staysin the.
ha'rnes% alternating' work and play.
So, ir_ reality,- he never grows old in
spirit, regardless of an. accumulation
of many years when birthdays come.
Old age is something of a habit. It is
easy' enough to acquire if one seeks
it hut if youth is desired one may have
it, and forget about the birthdays.
The number of officers and men in
the British navy to -day is 136,000,
compared with 151,000 in 1914-1915.
'California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
The total war debt of the
estimated at $200,000,000;
,ED. 7.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Toil On.
Why despair, if frost and storm and
Threaten our harvest, our inten-
tions foil?
The peaceful day subdues the tempest
night; „
The frost yields to- the snn; in eager
The seed stirs, touched by God's hand.
In His sight,
Effort's the gain. Who, then, would
shirk to toil?
To Saye Yoilw
Nothing like shampoos with Cuticc ra Soap
and hot water, preceded by touches of G'.uti-
cura Ointment to spots of dandruff and itch-
ing to keep the scalp and hair healthy.
They are ideal for all toilet uses. In the
morning shave with Oneonta Soap, After
shaving and before ba.nin g touch spots of
dandruff or irritation with Critic= Oint-
ment. Then bathe face, hands and scalp
with Cuticura Sbap and hot water.
Soars 25c, Ointtneni 25 anti Sec. Sold
throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot:
i vaszans, Limited, St. Paul St., rtset,n^eal. •
gree"'Cuticaara Soap shares without snnr.
Let d"Bander'ine" save you
Fair and doui?le
its beauty,
3 •.
Oh, girls, such tin abundance of
thick, heavy, invigorated hair, a per-
fect mass of wavy, silky ]lair, glorious-
ly, fluffy, bright and so easy to manage.
Just moisten a cloth with a -little
"Danderine" and carefully draw its
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; this magically re-
moves all dirt, excess oil and grease,
but your hair is not left brittle, dry,
stringy or faded, but charmingly soft,
with glossy, golden gleams and tender
lights. The youthful glints, tints and
"Danderine" is a tonic beautifier.
Besides doatbling the beauty, of the
hair at once, it checks dandruff and
stops failing hair. Get delightful Dan-
derine for a few cents at any drug or
toilet counter and use it as a dressing
and invigorator as told on bottle.
America/0 Pioneer ?dog Zemadies
rook en
and no's• to reed
Mailed Free to. any Ad-
d.rehs by the Author,
IL Clay Glover Co., Sao.
111 West 31st Street
New York, •1.7 S. A.
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The guano `Bayer" idleniiides the
only genuine Aspirin,—the aspirin
prescribed by"physicians 1 or over nine-
teen years and now made in Canada,
Always buy an unbroken package
of "Bayer Tablets, of Aspirin" which
contains proper directions for Colds,
Headache, Toothache, • Earache, Nen-
ralgiti, Lumbago, Rheumatisin, Neuri4
tie, Joint Pains, and Bain generally:
Tin boxes of. l2 tablets cost'but
a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages.
There is only one Aspirin,-"Bayer"—You must say 'Mayor"
Aspirin. is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Mayor 13anufacture of Mono-
nceticacidastor of Salicylicaaid, Whilb It is well' known that Aspirin means Bayer
{ manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of ?Sayer Company
will be aternptid""WTth their general trade n arle, the "Byer Croce."