The Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-12, Page 1be THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. , EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUG. 12, 1920. SANDERS & CREECIH+ Our Corner STREET CLEANING VOTE FOR THE BY-LAWS. Exeter ratepayers have before them two by-laws having, reference to road improvement. The vote is to be tak- en on! the 20th of August. One by-la,w is to raise 520,000 by 15 - year debentures ;to pray Lor the balance of Main Stfeet pavemenit4. That is, the origianal, estirhate is too low, and 20 0 .e is awork 0( more needed. The� rk $ m n ed, 5 nearly completed, the business portion' being opened for traffic on Saturday last, The other bylaaw is to. raise 58000 to .pave. Wellington Street from Main Street tc' the G. T;. R. propertyt The sum of 512,000 is festinated as the cost of this piece of ,roed, and the council has been assured that 54000 will he raised by subscreptlon, so that all the r eople are asked to pay :for is two- thirds of the cost, 558000. Road .buildinto is costly, biet it is necessary and after seeing the fine stretch ,of pavement on Main Street few people will say that it is not worth tare money. The Main Street pavement is practically finished and must be paid for. The council is ask- ing you. if you Gane in favor of a by- law to spread the payment over 15 years If we diol Mot favor this by-law we may have to :ray the whole all of in one year. It wouldbe well to be wise and spread it over the suggest- ed fifteen years, Let everyone vote for the $20,000 by-law,: Regarding to 58000 bylaw for Wel- ton Street, those who are anxious for its passing. should get busy on the subscription last and raise, the 54000 aaromised. This money or its equiv- alent actually 'raised would be a strong incentive to the ,ratepayers to vote favorable to this by-law. Welli(ngtan Street :navemesat is needed, This is recognized by all who use it. During the. last few years every effort by the old methods has been made to keep it in reaair, and yet at times it was; im- possible The principal and Interest at $8000 .spread over fifteen years, would we feel surae, be a lesser oast than the old way, and in the one case we would have a /road, and in. the other we have nothing. Vote for the Wel- lington Street bylaw, too. In voting on these bylaws da not be confused, nor should you allow . your objection :to one to influence you to vote against the other. It is ,good bu'sixaesa for Exeter to pass both by-laws. Vote favorable to both Phone 81a TAMAN'S For All Kinds of Men's Summerwear THE GLASS WILL TELL YOU. that our straw hats are entirely ` a1 - right Tberte as a style. • to them that puts them in ,a class by them- selves.Nowhere lease will you find. so much' areal class in sumtner - head- gear. Nowhere velsrd either will you find ;hats +so reasonably .,priced. They cynosure enough smart straws for the darn t people. imiamoirosomMaid SUITS $20 to 540. OVERCOATS 520 to 535 RAINCOATS 515 to $36 W� W. Taman Ta .lor& Furnisher ospeasity.h Now that we. Rave a paved Mahn St whaat is going 'to ibe done about keep- ing it clean? There should be a •says tem. We have seen. not +evidence of it as yet. It is surely a fact—that from every viewpo,in t it must he kept elm, --then let the council get after the very best method -,economy being cone eidered. -- A JAUNT THROUGH HURON. Quite a number iron here attend- ed the traces at Brussels on Wed- • xse sda ' ) afternoon; of last week, • It is a refreshing and pleasing sight In many ways to motor through the nlortherr, part oif the county of Hu- ron at this period of the year. Win have heard a great deal about the fields of beautiful 'waving graaat in the West, but they can be mo more beau- tiful than those throughout the length and breadth oaf this old county in which we live. The writer was par- ticularly struck wvath the advainced improvement in ahe way of beautiful homes, barns and other buildings Of farm equipment north of us, and many tfarmelrs are to be congratulated upon their enterprise, taste and theif.t. There e he a 's , ]atow ver, one very deplor- able condition. of farming that mars the scene acs you speed along ache highway in ytour automobile this side of Seeforth, and from that on to near Brussels. We refer to that nvxioue weed caged the sow thistle, which is go, common. in the West, and which we have seen so. little at in the southern. ,part of the county.. In the tfew yeas sinice it was_aiiorticed in this country it .has, spread '''lith wonderful rapidity and in many cas- es meth it would seem the weed has gained such a foot hold that it is new getting beyond control. It blossoms out in a bright yellow flower, carries a very large amount of seed paid when the land becomes rear es,ted chokes out everything that grows be- side. it. Ini the West they are fighting this ,enemy of the land with a veng- eance, and we would warn our farmers to keep a close wwpltcb for this dans gerous weed end pluck ,it when aver noticed. Once it gets a start it ars rein. bard to eradicate. Stephen Council The Council of the Township of Stephen conversed in the Town Hall, Crediton, on. Menden, Aug, •2, at 1 D, m. All members .present. The min- utes of the previous, meeting ' wereread and adopted; The following Orders were passed: lv5..O;Bruen, ramf Se -Bt, $t�50; Con. O'Brien, do. ';5; Mc al. ,Nesbitt, ret Wiiliams, 519.50; e T. R., freight en 515.84; G. Steeper, contract S. Be S22.50; J. B. White, . Com; S. B., 53; F. McKeever, gravel, 59.95; Shenk and Fahnler, grading 3rd S. R., 59; D. Tie - man. cement, 552.50; J. Wilson, grav- ellingCODA and ;gravel, c 22, 445; T. Webb, grading 68.40; Ed. 'Allem„ draw- ing tile 6.00; Jonah ;Kessel}, repairing bridge and lumber E.S.R. 251,00; Nel- son Baker and others, grading 25.56; Peckover's Limited, steel for bridges, 225.84. The coil -tail adjourtned to meet again for special business ics Credjiton or Monday, August 9th at 8 p.m. lientry Eilber, ;Clerk. RUN OVER BY ROLLER Whalen, Aug. 6.—David Johnson, Sr., who resides with his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Gunning, met with, a severe ac- cident to -day. Whale bringing a' atee1 roller from the fiiead to the; bane the tongue broke, hurling him to the ground., dierctly behind the horses. The horses became frightened and ran away the Molle:+ passing over the• man's body namrowlyeescapinga his head. One Loot was badly ca uslhied, atlso+ the back of one hand Maas torn terribly, exDos- iavg the Wan -noes., He will be laid up ear some ;time. ' Grand Bend Mr. Cyrus Green is all smiles, a soon haven arrived at his home on July 30th.—Mrs. Phil. /Barker left Thursday to •vi!sit with• frau* at Port Harken,.—Mr. and Mrs,: G. Sutherlaasd of Ma- sa'Craig virsited at - Ed. Gala Sr., on Sunday.—Mai. Feeney of Port Huron visited at P. Baker's Sunday;. Mrs. Scott of Sar,nisa, who visited her par- ents,• Mr. end leers, Wm. Person ]left for her' home Friday.—Emery Car- riere ,of ,Toronto visited under 'the :parental' rooif,— Onv August 4th the stephs at Mr. �Eccleston's 'dance hall broke down. Several; people were hurt buyy ;nonce very, seriously,—Donald and Isabelle Webb ,oaf. Tomato are visiting_ their parents, Ma and Mrs. S. Webb.— Rev. and . Mrs. Carrie -e left Thursday For a months' visit to Mooseja,w.—Mrs Jas, Denze1 of Pt Huron visited at Macs, Wm, Patterson's for a week. — Mr. WM.Ip'pesron of St. Thomas is visiting his uncle Wan. Patterson. Last Thursday ,ev'enin,g the people of this.commodity gettlhtered at the home of Mr. and gra. Wm. Patterson to say good-bye to their dauglr'ter, Gladys, who was married..ires triune to Mir. Ray Scott oaf . Sarnia." A 'very Pleasant socisl evening was spent 'rind just ;before refreshments were served Mals. Harold Waiper read an address which( hrowed the very high esteem in ,whichMrs. Scott ;has "al- ways been held in ,the crommmunity for bee 'c;,eesfuLspi'triit and wvileianginess 'to Ilea, in:piny church orfsoc ;ival enter - wise; and :1t sisv `Marglarret ' Carriere� Dmeserrfted, her math aharidsiome� cater ruet of silver. Mrs( Scott: ivae takeiti by sur-nxrse, vbut showed in her reply. how vaery ra i�,ateava she Ware for the gift aril honor .bestowed on ,her. All left Wishing her.: ?the best 116e has to give Local News -Four rinks oif M sa Craig bowlers. were here on Friday ev', mites last and friendly games were played with Ex- eter howlers. On the total score the ',locals were urn mine -shots. Sneaking Sof the fun thatis poked at worsen,for weaririig furs in summer, one of the fair sex calls :tieenefon, tae the fact that the oricg°ansa,', owners of furs wore them the year round, At the Brussels races last week in the 2.35 trot, R. Luker &San., Exeter, got first with The Emblem and fourth with Carrot Todd, while W. Kuntz got ar third with Ae D. In the 2.25 S. Hodgins of ,Lucatn gaot second with Mary Patchen, and in the s;Less5rfied race, he got first ,with Eva May Pat- chett. By en amendment too the School law the mialmum amount which the town- ship council hays to pay each school section at 5600 'for ,the .principal and 5400 .for the assistant teachers, which makes a considerable =crease over the ,od,d rate of 5300 for principals and *200 ,for assistaeits,t The idea of the ,change ,is to ,equalize -as far as possibletI e i c 1 . to s biao rate. DIED IN TORONTO. It will be sad news for many here to learn of the death of R. Fred. Oke, youngest soh of Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Oke, he having died in Toronto, cn Friday August 7th, a:'ter 711. illness of only a week from the effects of an acute attack of appendicitis. He was taken to the 1'ospital in, that City and operateel an, but apparently it had not been taken in time, and ,he died a short time after the opera:eon was nerferrned. He was aged 18 years and 5 months and was known ,to quite a number here. His father and mother. were. away in. the West at the time he was taken down and they were im- mediately sent ;for but before they ar- rived he bad passed away, MIDDLE SCHOOL NORMAL ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS , The following is the list of success- ful students from Exeter High School, —L V. Beal, T. G. Creery, honors; R. E, Davis, M. M. Ford, J. M. Harvey, M lel, Hogarth, A. B. Medd„ F. Turn. - bull, M. I. Walker, H. E. Wright.. • MATRICULATION. Mervyn E. Caznm, Pliarnnie Theron G Creery; Richard Fal. Davis, partial; Mildred ,Mae Fiord; Muriel Hogarth, partial: Lillian M. Walker, partial ; Mildred Walker; Harold Wright, par- tial; Grace Kellerman, complete Metric. `Aa enclosed memo. froze, the De- partment stated that certificate for J; M. Harvey will foelowt• Of the eight candidates for complete Matriculation every candidate ,from Exeter was par- tially or entirely successful; not a sin- gle faihyre. To the list of Lower. School Candid- ates should lbe added Miss Doatothy Campbell and Miss. Roselle Broadfoot, Exeter High School with an attend- ance of ;less than, one hundred has ob- tained 16 Lower School, 10 Normal En- trance and 10 Matriculation, standings. None of the First Foam take part in these examinations rand nearly half of the Second Farm, who are not pro- ceedin,g as teachers, did haat present themselves. --_ Mr. Clayton Prouty was in London on businiess Thursday last. •Mrs. Ed. Short left Tuesday mora - leg for Windsor, whore she .will visit au:lativen afior a time, Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Johnston and son Reg, of Essex care visiting Mr. and Mrs. lel. E. Gardiner.. Master, Reg. and George Beavers haavereturned•home, after visiting with their grandmother near St. Marys'. Miss Allie Eacrett of Temente is vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrst, M. Eacrett, also Mrs, Beavers. Miss Reta Rowe has returned from Guelph. where she took a course in' agriculture at the Model Farm. Mr. and ,Mrs. Adaras of St. Marys visited at the Carling home on Sunday: Mr. Reginald Eltiiat, Jr.,, of Taranto also ,spent a few days ,there tdurimlg the week Mrs. E., J. Wright leaves to -day on, a visit tar Buffalo and Rochester, N,Y. where she will /meter her mother and two sisters, who are also visiting there fawm Whe a:ye ' and Minneapolis. Mrs. Cecil Skinner and daeghter Beulah •erf Usborne left Friday night for ,t,ohvdon, and from there they will start on a mioeor, tripwith Mr and Mts. J. IS. matz and daughter Vera to visit for a week with relatives In Pigeons and Elkton Mich. Shipka Miss Laura Eilber! visaed Mrs. A. Smith for a, few days .last week.—Ma. J. Campbell, whd bas been'spending his vacation tallith Mr., a. •McE+achen, entwined tot his home int 'London. on Friday. -Miss Isabel Webb roll • Toron- to visited her sisrter, 'Mrs. Dl. McKen- zie, for a few/' clays }vast week,—Mr< Dan alcE tcheln of Sault Ste Marie ar- rived home on Saturday to visit htis. mother and mother relsitiivres.-Mr. and Mrs. Roos McKenzie and children, re- turned to Windsor east week, t after spending a two weeks' vacation with the farmer's ,parents hvere.—Mrs: C. P;112rnz oaf ,Lorndan is„visiting her par- ents, Me . and Mad. J. \Gower. ' • Lumie` • Miss • Margaret Jennie:on:.is ,vreeting relatives around hon.—Miss ” Hag -Head of Ingersoll has returned home; aft spending a week with Mrs. McDoug and other friends, -Mrs: Crawford of Brussel, is, spending a few days with her nephew; Jack Gilernn—Mess. Feral] and children have returned to Toroui- to.—Mr. Duncan McDougall, wiife and little daughter' are spvending the hal,- idays id this viccinpty, Credzion Mrs. Cawley, 'IIx. and Mrs. George Treller of Detroit a;nd Mrs. Louis Ray - !mond of Buffalo are visiting at the home of tars. Fred, Either. 1 Mr. R. S. Willson, of the Bank of Commerce is spending his holidays in Laindon.. Galt and Oakville and ern the meantime 12•x; Dampaez of Strat.h- roy is prctieg manager. Goderich .was defeated by our boys !on our diamond last Wednesday with a score a 5-3. The ga ae was a good a !one. Kato fanned dhc:n, out time and 'again, His support in the acid was splendid and very few errors were matte an, eitr shire, al Henry. Setehei..ds<h re. and • leers.. Ewald are, havingg, thea dwellings repainted. The 14iisaee laa+ry end Medei me B er- jtrand of Detroit stoops; a few days is our Midst visiteeg. friends. firs, Chas,. Zwicker and eon Gerald areespendir,,g their Loadays at the F.1- gin House, Muskoka, t Mrs. Charley B:own! and Children o 'Detroit are visiting, at the home of her father, Mr. Kientzle. Mr. and Mrs. Dans Schwalm of Col- t borne were icor town. on Sunday. Miss Wa11+e H:1 of the St, Joseph i Hospital staff, Lor#dec:, Ls vieitang her pare+cts rfo; a. few days, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Fulmer :mil Mrs. John Mallett wore in Sarnia lase week attending a picnic of the Deer'm family. Mrs. Fred ,Plaint and Mass `.,otaetia are visiting :•recede an Chicago and Naperville. Arxafi,ger.;e:nts have been, mad : to have tna G e. Cue h- '• t ern. 'Caller?, Naperville, concert iii taxi 'n the near future. This vvill he, a r:,fee treat —ea no ne should miss dal,' epp, rhanity to hear first-class talent, . 4 Harry Beave: has bean assisting Con tractor Lawson;, with tie cribbing of the bridge at- Goma Bend. • Mr. Haylock of. London is visiting his aunt, Mona ;ton Sweitzer, The picnic held on, Kuhn's flats last Thursday by +tion members of the Wo- men's Institute and their .families was well attended.. Quit e a number of games were run off. It caused a lot of amuseaetnt for :no the men engag- ed in the clothes ;pin race. It is easy enough to take pins gaff the line with your fingers but when teeth only are allawea it is a diiffercnt meter, A huge,aron-fire was lit in: the ,evening. The picnic evr.: a success itr every par- ticular, It .is hasped tat a next year this ,will be a covmmunity afar when every+onie fnay come wad help .to cele- brate, Centralia Miss Marie Hodgins has been sick for thelast two weeks, but is improv- ing. Miss Veva Davis and Miss M. Hea- man are visiting at their homes here. A good /number attended the Sun- day School pie* at Grand Bend on Wednesday. Mr James vfitchell had a barn rais- ing on Saturday last. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, and baby visited at Highgate last week. Station Agent ;Thompson is recov- ering arom his recent accident which he met with whine cranking a car; Mr. Moffatt threshed his fall wheat last week and it yielded 38 bushels to the acre. Good farming counts. Dashwood Miss Antoinette Zimmer of Detroit is visiting her permits ;et present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sipped of Lansing and Mr. and Mrd. Ches. Henley of Portland, Mich., neeta't last week with Mr. and Mere ,. IKuretz on the. 14th' Miss Ida Lthrsk of Brantford visited her parents oto the 14th con. this week Mr. gad Mrs. H. Hessemnuer oe Kit chener spenit a rfew days ]oast week With Mr. and Mrsa, W. Ehlers(. Mr. and Mr ' Roy Brothers and family of Stratford. were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrst R. Hayter Mrs, Taylor pe London. spent a few days this week with Dr. ,Tayi'lor. Mrs. Wm. Shroeder of Det'r'oit is visiting with aolatives ito town, Mrs. Et A. • heart'of Tyroma, Arks, is visitung Mr. and gra ID. &lia a Mr, and Mrs. Otterbeini of Preston tan ere visitir a re'laatt!ves in /town, 1 BIRTHS French --In Wetaskiwn, Alta. on Aug. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Viktor French, a son, Janney Pa?rner. Green,. --At Grazed Bend, ore July 30th, to Mr and Mrs. Cyrus Green, a son. Blair—lar. Exeter, at Dr. Hyndman's •Hos,ital on August 5th, to Mr. and Mrs James Blau, of Usborne, a sone DEATHS Taylor--In.Exeter, cn Aug. 5the, James - "'helot aged 64 years, 7 months, 1 day. } e?larnd—In Exeter, on August 911x,,, Rev J. G. Yel]and, 'in his 78th year: Oke—!n Toronto, on, Aug 6th, R. Fred Oke.ses a° Mr. and Mrs. Frantic Oke - formerly of ,Exeter, aged 18 yeers, 5 months. 'rest-O-L.i#e Battery WE HAVE. THE AGENCY FOR SOU Ik1 HURON DISTRICT FOR THIS FAMOUS BATTERY, ANI) NOW HAVE A SUPPLY ON HAND. THIS IS ONE OF THle BEST BATTERIES ON THE MARI'FE. ANL IS GUARANTEED I'O GIVE ONE' YEAR'S SERVICE. COME AND GET OUR PRICES AND BE SATISFIED. WE ALSO DO BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING WITH.` SATISFACTION GUARANTEu.D. Taylor Tire DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOM; AND INLAND REVhNUE NOTICE To Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers yea OTICE is hereby given to all 'concerned, that Returns, 1 accompanied by remittanc e OF LUXURY AND EX- CISE TAXhS, must be inade w. follows to the local Co' lector of Inland Revenue fro whom: any information, de- sired may be obtained. RETURNS OF LUXURY TAX muse be made en the the first anti fifteenth day of each month, RETURNS OF JbWELLERS' TAX.' lelANUFACTURERS' TAX, AND SALES TAX must be made not later than the last day of the month following the month, covered' by. the Return. RETURNS FOR TAXhS IN ARREARS must be made ''orthwith, othewise the penalty provided by law will be en- forced. By order of the DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REV1 UE THOS. G. DAVIS COLLECTOR OF INLAND REVENUE LONDON ONT. OH, THAT'S WHAT t CALL A STEAK fit for a king. Thick, tender, juicy, wholesome—nor matter how you like it cooked—it'ssure to .be a treat when you eat it. That's because it came from our butcher shop. Only qual- ity meat:; here. . We never disappoint cust&mers, "The public be pieaaed" ,is our aim. If you haven't been, acusto• mer of ours a trial will convince you of what we say, B. Makins, THE ,SANITARY MEAT MARKET where quality is higher thane price. J. A. STEWART Phone 16 All Summer Goods At Greatly Deduced Prices. Owing to the extremely cool weather we are over stocked , in Gim,ghams, Voiles;, Middy Blouses ped Whine Waists. We must sell. Our prices will surprise you. NEW i NEW We have two aayannce sbinnneets of knitted Shawl Scarfs for ladies. These are quite the newest 'thing and are going'' to be worn extensively. ATTENTION MEN. We have too many Pamela Hats. Every hat must go— Regular $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, and ,4.5.0. :Your Choice ........, $2.75 S'WEATbR COATS AND PULLOVERS These are .very. essential id: the, cool eveninlgs. , New ship- ments arriving weekly. A wonderful variety to choose from. All moderate priced. LADIES' SILK , STOCKINGS ,We carry, a full Bite of Hole proof, Luxete, end Adaanac Hosi- ery. osiery. In order to save you luxury 'tax rail fialka lines at $$1199 PHONE YOUR. GROChRY ORDER for PROMPT SERVICE J. A. STEWA,RT 4