HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-5, Page 7.sk
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Is Always Full of Life and
Energy—Failures Are Weak
and Bloodless.
e Some men seem to have all the luck.
'If there are any good things going
these men seem to get them. ThoY
make other people do their will—theY
are leaden, If they are businetes anen
they are suceessful; if they are work -
'men they get the foreman's job. They
have the power of intineneing people.
The eame thing is true of women.
Some have the charm that makes men
eeek them out; others are always neg-
tented. But this is not luck. It is due
to a 'lemma gift—vitality. Men and
women ot this sort are never weak,
puny invalids. They may not be big,
but tney are fa life and energy.
The edible thing is a matter of good
blood, good aerves and good health.
Everyone would wish to be like this
and the qualities that make for vitali-
ty and energy are purely a, matter of
health. BY building up- the blood and
nerves, sleepleseness, want of energy,
-weakness of the bade stooping should-
ers, headaches and the ineti'ectual
sort of presenee wilich really comes
tronl weakness can all be got rid ot
Dr. Williams Pink, Pills have made
zany weak, tired men vigorous and
healthy, and many pale, dejected girls
and women, plump, rosy and atten-
tive by impraving their blood and ton-
ing up their nerves. If you are weak,
ailing, lowspirited or unnealthy, try
Dr. Williams Pink Pills and note their
speedy, beueileial effeet.
You can get these pills tbrougb nay
ntedieine dealer or by nmil at 50 cents
a box orlile boxes for $2.50 front The
De. Williams Mediethe Co., Brockville,
A University on Wheels,
Agriculture is the Dominion's pre-
mier industry. Back et Canada's pro.
grees stands the farmer, and the come
try's advaecement in agriculture is re-
flected in every phase of the Domiu-
ion's activity. The settlement of
* lands, better farming and every pro-
greesive move of agriculture is the
.concern of every resident in Canada
no matter what his profession; the
rallwane, the governments, industries
and manufacturesaand the cousuming
publie are alike interested. The
Fetleted and Proviucial Governments
and the railways, with a keen realize -
lion of tills, have ceaselessly worked
tor the progress and development of
this industry through the establish
recut of experimental farms, the cir-
culation of literature, and other pro-
paganda matter and many other meth-
nds. They bave never ceased to ad-
vocate better farming, the scientific
etudy of soils, crepe and systems, land
•conservation, and all that tends for
greater and bealthier produetion, en-
richment of. land, and improvemeet in
living and social conditions in rural
No better syetem of eduee.tion and
aid to more eueeessful farming hits
been devised than the "better farming
trein," or as it has come to be pope -
laxly termed, "the lattiversitY on
Wheels," whiele Jontneys througb. the
Prairie .Provinces of the West under
the auspices ot the Provincial Depart-
ments of Agriculture and Education
and the Canadian Paciec Railway. It
Is in truth, a travelling uzilversity of
agrioulture bringing an agricultural
course to the farmer's home with its
iatensixe lasses and eemonstrations
of the bigleeet educational value.
The train Das two large machinery
cars carrying the liyestock and feed,
and two large flat cars, one atted up
with pens to carry sheep and hogs,
and the other for use as a demopstra-
tion can These are fitted up in Win-
nipeg under the direction of Profes-
sor As M. Shaw, professor in animae
husbandry at Manitoba University.
Three large coaelies are used in die -
playing field husbandry exhibits awl
another car for the dairy, mechanical,
nuildirkg, and poultry displays.
Moving picture car elms of an enter-
taining character are slaown, me well
as those of an educational value. Two
coacnes are fitted up as lecture ears
tor men and =other for women. A
nursery car is provided which con.
tains sandpiles, slidee and cribs, in
charge of capable nurses, where
mothers may leave their children
wnilst attending lectures.
The train and Mire equipment b
furnisbed free by tee Canadian Paciee
Railway, which Ilea spared 2)0 paill3
to melte the better farming- trate, of
the greatest possthle service and a-5-
sistance to Canada's agriculturalists.
Nature's Way.
How wise a mother Nature le I learn,
When from the first I see her ohne,
ren leave
Behind what they outgrow. They
do not grieve
Bach more that yesterday will not re -
The Intiuturn.
an march would end did Age
but yearn
For baggage left, with Youth—tho
littlo dolls
That girlhood inotheeed, and boys'
bate and balls;
Ilay gracefully gives place to Duty's
Yet wise beheet. Each day we bid
To something, no 1 oft have smelt
men die—
Leave the familiar moorings, push
tneir prow
With no misgivings to the, trackless
Lite's last leave-telt:lug'. Nature
taught them how,
For each night -fall prepared for the
long sleep.
—Alexander Louis Fraser.
Ask for MInard's and take no other.
and women are not evenly divided,
bilge the -whole party arrange them -
stem in. two tepee and give one line
the A's and the other the B's. IA and
lei will be partners, 2A and 213, 8A
and 3B, and so gortle Let the metre
beln of each pair sit opposite each
otter. Each then draws o. picture of
the other.
Ween this Is done collect the papers
au d shuffle them._ Have all the mem-
bers at the party now wit in a circle
and give each a picture. When any.
one guesses who it is, he writes down
the number of the paper and tee name
of the version, as, far example, 213
Mary Smith, and, passes the picture
to tlae right, at the Fame time reeelv-
ing one from the left until all the pic-
tures have gone around the circle.
• The one who guesses correetly the
greateit number of pietures may be
awarded a prize, as may the one who
got the greateet number wrong.
An Amusing Contest.
Prepare as many slips of paper as
there are contestants and mark them
1A, 2A, 3A, and so forth, and 113, 213,
313, and so forth. Give the papers
merited A. to the women and those
marhed 13 to the men, or, if the men
ew Designs for Misses
9549—Misses' Dress (suitable for
small women; four -piece skirt, front
and back panels plain or pleated; in
two lengths). Price, 30 cents. In 3
sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires
8% yds,. 40 ins. wide, or 2% yds. 54
its. wide; vest % yid. 18 ins. wide.
Width, lee yds.
9580—Misses' Dress (suitable for
small women; -two styles of sleeve;
July—The month of oppressive heat;
red bot days and sweltering nights;
is extremely hare on little ones.
Diarthoea, dysentry, colic and cholera
infant= carry off thousands at prec-
ious little lives every summer. The
motber must be censtantly on Der
guard to prevent these troubles or it
they come on suddenly to fight them.
No other pedicine is of such nid to
mothers duriug the hot summer as la
Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate
tbet bowels and stomach, and an oe
asional dose *ill prevent summer
=plaint, or if the trouble does come
suddenly will banish it. The Tab'
lets are &old by medicine eeelere or
y mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brodkville,
overwaist closing on shoulder). Pr:ce,
30 cents. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years.
Size 16 requires 3 yds. 40 ins, wide.
Width, 1% yds.
McCall Transfer Design No. 1044,
Price, 25 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
G d.JuImen
leads thousands of
housewives to serve
in place of foodsthat require
hours of drudgery in a hot
kitchen. 1Veeds No Sugar-
Comes.ready to eat from the
'There's a Reason for. GrapeNuts
Gasses of Canadian Prairies
Make Mountains of gutter
Alberta'e 1920 eentribution to the
utter merket was a fair sized lump
weigbing ten end one-half 1111111°u
pound e that put $5.532,500 into the
butteamakere' poeliets. The quality
of this butter was unquestionable as
attested by the fact that Alberta car-
ried off the erst three prizes for block
butter at the recent National Dairy
Council Exhibition beld at Winnipeg.
Alberttee butter output increased dur-
ing the past four yeers almost 40‘, in
volunte and over 123% in value.
There are 65 co-operative creamer
les in the provinee—all community
owned and operated, and 13 privately
owned and operated. In addition to
Uwe there are in the larger centres
such. as Calgary, Edmonton, Leth-
bridge ane 'Medicine Ilat, large cen-
tralized creameries or dairies. These
operate collection brandies or cream
buying stations along the railway
Claim malting has become a con-
siderable intlustre tete but does not
keep pace in growth with the butter
industry, as farmers generally prefer
to sell their cream and feed the milk
be -praline to growing stock. Eleven
cheese factories aro in operation in
the province and turned out In 1920
a half million pounds valued at $140e
Dairying is fast becoming one of the
big industries of the prairie proviuces,
following close on the heels of grain
growing and stock raising. Mixed
farming has been strongly advocated
to Canadian earmera and they have
seen its advantages. To -day it is
generally practised. If a crop fails,
disaster Is not the result, there is al-
ways plenty of grazing and fodder to
insure the weekly cream check for the
man with a dairy herd. The progress
et the dairying industry hes been very
much helped by the increased cultiva-
tion in irrigated territories. Alfalfa
is the greatest fodder yet discovered
for dairy cattle., and is bringing won-
derful prosperity to districts such as
Coaidale and Brooks.
Now is the time
to get rid of it t
Nature is pulling for you—
The warra Weather'here—
This is your chance—
grasp it—take
Get 'it out of your sYstene the
easiest way!
Sold by reliable druggists for 4.
dollar. Ask our agent or write
us for a free sample. Temples
Totes, 142 King St.W.,Toronto. 82
This is to certify that fourteen years
ago I got the cords of my'left wrist
nearly severed, and was for about nine
months that I had no use of my hand,
and tried other Liniments, also doc-
tors, and was receiving no benefit. 13y
a persuasion from a friend I got MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT and used one bot-
tle, which completely relieved me, and
have been using MINARD'S LINI-
MENT int nay family ever since and
find it the same as when I first used
it, and would never be without it.
Aug. 31st, 1908. Metapedia, P.Q.
Unimpeachable Integrity
1 have reed many stories about dis-
trustful characters, a contributor
writes, but I personally knew the old
man wbo le the hero- ef the followitig
tale. He lived aloue a.ud, altlaough
very well-to-do, never spent a cent
without ample reaeon. Nor wan ex-
treme penuriousness his only failing.
Be was uneliaritable aa well; he
firmly believed that the average •hu-
man being wanted only the oppoituei
ty "to put ever Mlle kind of graft,"
s be exereeeen it.
Otte day Vitele liarmou, as he was
ailed, bailee a young man, whom be
considered trzietworthe, and, eanthe
him a letter. euld:
"Glad. I seen von, jud. Alun been
able to get downtown lately on ac-
count Of the fleet) snow, and 1 didn't
nave a stamp. Iicre'e the, two eente.
Been bolding it a eckuple of dans-
Kettle figured you'd be pessing by
here seen. 1 didn't dare truet it to
any of Mose people around here, Ler
I knew they'd junt chuck my letter
eorae place blow the tWo
When ortierieg wells by mail send
a Dominic -at Exeress aloney Order.
By a Salmon. River.
From the back you can. see nothing
but swift water
Mottled with shadows anti circling
golden lights. •
But climb into a tree min teen look
yeti will see them etched in grey
against the bottom,
Grand, tapering, silver salmon in. deli-
cate poise,
Headed up -stream to-la:lee the sweet-
est springs._
• The Original One.
• Teacherwas enrolling a new schoa
"What is • your last name?" she
"i'Leeedngustus, mise!" replied the pupil.
- "What is your other name?"
"Jones," said the lad.
"Then Jones is your last name, of
• course," saidthe teacher, looking at
the boy with considerable severity.
, "No mies,e replied the boy respect-
fully. "My name was ions when I
was born, but mother saYS -they didn't
call me Augustus for three enonths."
ED. 7 • ISSUE No. 31-20.
Very Sarcestie.
A witty ireohnian was invited to a
dinner party in Dublin in the Dope
that he would urauee veld divert his
lueet's gueets. But from the beginning
to the ene ef the dinner he preserved
a solemn aud serious face. The host
thought Una very strange.
"Why, old fellow," Im remarked, "I
don't believe the Wage:it fool in Ire-
land could make YOU langli to-nigat."
"Try," wee tee wit's cutting re
:A: little "Dancierinen checks
ugly dandruff and stops
hair falling
Get a small bottle et -Danderiee" at
any drug store for a few cents, pour a
little into your hand and rub well into
the scalp with the finger tips. By
morning most, if not all, of this awful
scull will have disappeared. Two or
three. -applications often remove every
bit of dandruff and stop falling hair.
Every hair on scalp shortly shows
more life, vigor, brightness, thickness
and color.
opt. SINCE ti 1870
A Reguier Stunt,
Ferguson—"I'Ye lust beeu 'reading
that the aviators to -day eatt do any-
thing a bird. ean de. Yee, eir, they've
got the thing down so fine that there
bat a bird alive that has anything on
Fitzgerald--"Zatso? Well, when you
see an aviator fast asleep hanging On
to a branch or a tree with one foot,
then I'll come and take a look."
Which Explained It.
The -dear was addressiug the ehild-
ren at the village school.
Tbt, morning, Children, I propose to
offer you an epitome of the life of St,
Paul. Now, cbildren, can anyone tell
ree weat an epitome is?"
There was an awful silexice. The
word had paralyzed the youngsters, no
the good man went on:
"Epitorae, children, is, in its signin-
eation synonymous with sYnoPets!"
Minard's Liniment fer sale here
Don't sereak Or ruin your material in in
oar dye. Insirt on "Diamond Devon'
say directieee b peekage.
Lift Right Off Without
Classified Advertisementa;
denere, at gixty-flve cents,
man Lippert, Xitchener.
worde. Get reel money it, Your
stories are snappy, Write Short Story,
Market, 6 Columbine Ave.. Toronto.
rzlerAzz itEP WANTED
rgliM INTI.A.OARA FALLS eereetofteeze
Hospital offers to young womem la
to 35 years of age, having one year's
Bigh Scheel education and wet, are de-
sirous of becoming nurses, a, thorOugh
three-year course in nuesiten; the h-,op1-
tal elght hottr duty cnndiOatea
qualifying will be accepted for entrance*
September iirse leer further particulars,
address "Superintendent." Nemerial
pital. Niagara, rails. N.Y.
Tbe word "ariStoCraey" originally
nt the rule of -the best men.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best LaxativA
Accept "California Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California ma
the pactiagetheu you are sure your
Witt is baving the best and most
harmless pbysie for the little store.
Pain Etch, liver tine bowele. Ceildren love
its fruity taste. Fuhi directions on
eaele bottle. You must say "Cale
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" cn an aching corn, instana
ly that corn stops burting, then short-
ly you lift it right off with ilugers.
Your drugglet sells- a tiny bettle of
"Freezone" for a few cents, oracient
to remove every heed cern, Eat Cern,
or cern Letween the tees, and the cal -
lines, without screrees or irritation.
Araerloahr V,oneor o r.,omo e
Moot'. an
. anal =ow. to Peed
.1‘failca Free to.any Ad-
dress by the Author,
E. (gay Mayor Co., 7.no.
115 West Clot Street
. Now York, ,
On Roe, LargetRedIlderned.
Lost Sleep. Outieura Heals..
41PInat1esbegan to oppear on ray
fat& ',L'hey were cc:leered all over
in read they eseceme into and
red. Icouldnothelpscratche
ing tbem, and 1 was a frigba,
fat elate I Was aehazned
to among peoele. At
"ti nightmyfactrettesoinflamed
4 that I scratched and loss of
sleep rernited.
"I tr,ed Cetleura SOO.p and Clint-
tee:tamed after useig four cakes of
Cutieuta Soap and two boxes of
Ointrzeat 1 was heeled." (Sigma)
Innen Donveniste'703 3d
Seattle, Wesh., Jan. 22,1011
Prevent fartbet troulile by using
Cuticura for all toilet purpor,ea.
Soap 25n, Ointmelit 25 and SOc. Sold
tbrouglicuttheDommion CantdionDepott
INDItAvt, Limited, St. Paul St,, Montreal,
Agisr`Cuiletzra &lap shaveswitboutroug,
Not 'Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Q ross',
For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural-
gia, Toothache, Earache, and for
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu-
ritis, take Aspirin marked with the
litaine "Bayer" or you are not taking
!Aspirin at a.
Accept only "Bayer Tablets of
'As Kt?' in an unbroken "Bayer"
pelage which contains complete die
reetions. Then yott are getting real
Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin Fes
scribed by physieiaris for over nme-:
teen years. Now made in Canada,
Handy tin boxes conteieing Le tab-
lets cost but a. few cents. Drueeikets
also sell larger "Bayer" packages.
There is only ane Aspirin---"Bayee"—You. =list say "Rayere
Aspirin is the trade mark (iegistored In Canada) of Beyer manufacture et mono°
aeoticaoldester ei Salioylicacid. White it is wen krzown that Aspirin moans Bayer
manufacture, to assist tho putlic against imitations, the Tahiets of Bayer company,
win be stamped with their general wade mate, the “Bayer Cross."
4.1.9*14•••••.,0 were :Ann teue.•••••*•...r.sweamansta...4
NCHOR PLUG represents the
summit of achievement in expert
tobacco manufadming.
No other chewing tobacco possesses the
:"quality' of leaf, and flavor, :found in;