HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-5, Page 5sr elk a" GRANTON Untended for last week.) The Misses Marjory Crawford, Min pie Aldlisoti, Dattsie Lfittdsay and El- sie ,Wallis ,returned home • last week learn the aununer Schaal at St. Thom- as. -Mr and Mrs, Hector Millson o;f Landon visited here with his sister J. ;Wright, on Sunday, Mr. and 'Myst Abner Langford and; family of 'Toren - to are visiting, their many friends here -Mist Gladys Walden of the Mer- chants ,Bank staff hese, has accepted a zeosition at the. Sterling Bank in To" - "veleta -Mrs. Silas Wass and two daughter_, of 'Memnon, B. C., are guests at Mr Morley Wasst --Mr. and Mrs. Johr, t_#4bt spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and _airs. J. V. 'Willson, at La(:nbart--Mss Mable Leslie, who has been, occupying a "position. at Butfato, .is 'Name for the l.oliday's.--Ret. Chester 41cRob- erte of Corinth v:s,ited his brother Cecil flus lest wee:',, - he fall wheat is these ;a t; is ,all cit axed is a goal amp. The speine grams prom- ise: t > yield ";unmaar crop. • Greenway Sm 'rte"' and family oe Buf- falo ui-la1 arc vi her parents, Mr. and 'fir. , In M Pt c s e : --Mne: Arural* arta two, , 1, twit -m ere vieeting, her s - er. 'n I en-3oa C r. .s. C. Wilson and bride of Srmingtle:+r, M.• motored iter,,' least tit e.l: and y°ititre.l his undo, M. Wes rent: of Lrelatives.-\ire, er- r l:ea at iIh treit vieii ng her parents Mr. earl Mr;. H. art. Rev. Bul'- aell. •Tcturne;t ,mmia4'onary -'crone China will ;aC % h it th .? ifethod ., "imurc'h. next Sunda. ... 1, 30 p.m. Cilnd ?131 Je i'►�� , t '; x'.1 . of the l #andeboye. etaei t' 1,4.a ?: , - teemnlese,l end tete agent. R. ?tt i "m, is ?,T,a'{R eortfert. ably 11.0119ed. ::.. Mane that !.ave leen netee elate far atat°nn purpneee are bei m.s 1 e:lent% i for removal. Large rarest etiervei€ rt' r.'' ,ht nlattesnis have been .i er theetn'o^lr." • My ran:. .: etc... and the, .ee,'omtnme a t r. .m> , • l 'VA" ^10 much lerear lorry house,-\a>rman t."lark as vesitira hie slater, Mr s, Flynn, and eaten, n1m old neighbor% tins week. He has been engaged in the garage buss. ees hi. Man- itoba for the lee': ten years, but is leas* ing there for Ch'lliawc'k, B. t;.. where he has bought .a fruit ranr.h.-Thurs- day's Train wae much needed em the pasture fields, whieh: were :stoking bad- ly burred and dried un. illasilose0~1111111.01111111111•10%, he Better Way. aves* disobey Nature's warng. It's far better to forestall or a weakness with nourishment that protects. Scott's Emulsion aft meals for. child or adult, is i - awonderful help in forestalling weakness. Ask for Scott's. kat &]loose, Toronto, one 20-12 W w� r' u .J'PRUf! fid'` a Harvast Hale Excursiaais S.15.00 TO WINNIPEG Pius r -:chat neer mile beyond AUGUST 9, 11, 16 and 18, stations Toronto to Scotia Jct, fnclusiwe; a- s r all stations on, Depot Harbor: !idla•ncl Penetang and Meaford branches, At+ eeUST 9 fund 16 /nom all Stations the Pro epee of Ontario and .Onc- e.. ue-e., ., Pembroke, Galde;n Lake, Upter- grave, Toronto and east` August 11, Ladd. 18, Limn all stations 4 in, Ontaro, Toronto and west , For further »articulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning. Dist. Passenger Agt. Toronto ie. J. DORE Phone 46w Agent, Exeter VOTERS' LIST 1920. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN - SHIP OF STEPHEN COUNTY rOF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Vaters' List Act" the ,' Op. ies required by the said sections ' to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said act, of all personi appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said Mun icipality to be entitled to vote .in rhe said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Election`;, and that said . list was first - posted up at my office at Crediton; an the 20th, day of July ,A. D., 1920, and riemaki s there for inspection. • And .I hereby call•upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated at CGrediboan. 'this 20th day at July 1920,. HENRY EILBER Clark of Stephen, Township. TAKE NO'TCCE That a By -Law was passed ,by the Township ,nt Stephen was, the 5th day July 1920 providing for the issue of debeatures : to the amount . of , two thousand five: hundred and fifty dol - lairs foe .the purpose of 'installing a heating system an ` the School House of. School Section Na, five,•; and that such By --law was segistered in the. Registry Office mof • Register Dsivisi on of the County efe,Huroin on the 19th day oaf July, 1920: Any motion, to quash, or set aside the same, or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publica- tion of tb .s utc tsc•e, and cannot be made thereafter, HY; EILBER, Clerk ,of Tp. Stephen. Dattel at Crediton. 20th day of July, 1920. Crediton - Mr. Arthur • Eioltzrllan, of Jackson,, Kelt v,sated his parents. on Monday, Mr. and M'rs, Geo. Veale of•Hazelton are visitirte M. Thos. Chambers and family - Mr axed Ales. Ben. Bertrand and fam- ily xeturned to Detroit Saturday, after spending a few .weeks inn town. and Grand Bead, - 11,.fr .Nathan Sandbrook of Eaton's, Toronto, was hanie for the «eek,end. Mr. Lorne Beaver of •Detroit sends u; word :that lie is the proud father n:' a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet -Sweitzer mo tared to Buffalo on Friday for a few days' ra ation. Mr. Gottfried Ga;str•,has had a fine new verandah erected in front of his residence. much i.nmproven; the eppeat- aaee of the :rrensises. Our bee men are busilyenga;ed- these days extractia ;Toney. They claim .there is only about ,half a erec=t, but that time quality. ,s good and the Pelee Welt adv nl e 1. Mr.end Mrs.Alex Borland 1 of Tim- eline imn - meins v sited Mrs. Math. Wein la c ween: Mr. Bornaad t, attending the c• Fire Chiefs' onve,ntiot in .5t. Thonm- as this week. N -Ir and Mrs. Dan. Oestrci •her, Mrs. John Sw$l er r. -td Hen „y. Either ' 'toren' to ,Stratford to veet friends ' a week. Wallace .Irvin, wino has had charge a.' .the barbershop here for the last twee -Months, has- returned to London, and Mr Sambrook. hats resumed the business Use Cra', and Crediton played •a .e!ne o: ball on Friday evening, and wee witched. with. considerable ,;t. The visiting team was de• teat - •:�.1 he a. core of 9 to '4, The return came - wart rayed in Craig en Monlay eight 1m•hC:t we roit t nut over us 12-9 lime -Y 's' A. Social 'held' on the Evangelical Church, lawn, ,on, Friday e v- .niag was quite a success. The Band a•a a i1'. attendance and rendered a eery' int nrogra m, Addresses were given ee Ret llm•ooke • al the ie;thodlse ': hurc'i and Rev. Zinuntriui-t of Seb- ering4l}e. The League Quartette al- :ndcre t ;', :tulaber a: fine 'seize*. ,Th` . tstrnmen,ta.s played be .:'m: Geedine, and readings by` Miss eve .Oestreither were .,very much ap- preciated and were heartily applauded. Mr. Wm. teinha ;en and . isters, 4issea Mary and Rebecca) of Sebes*- ngv . le vi -tad .theer father on • Sun- day. Mr. Joserih Lawson is having a ver ;Malt erected to his house. Farquhar Miss Reta and Mer, Ed, Pollen, tikes Jessie :ane, �i*, JohnF�Io:lgert Hent Sunday et Port Stet ee,--Mr. and Mrs. Fred. :arsons, Mrs. 4Veytlake nand end ;randehiltlren, Ila end Harald Wnyte of Exeter visited Sunday at Mr. i" }iunkin's —Master Robbie and Clif- eeet yh'la• o- Staffs have been holiday- t,a.':, N °im their sisters 3n thevicenrty. -Mr an Mr.,, 11). Renwick spent Sun- da; at Mr,,,D Coward's.-Mnand Mrs, miz N c o1 and family of Toeonia are 'tt , ng a nand here and in Eketcr, AlymutrTuffin, of Staffa Visit- ed last week with Master Harvey Poll- en. -Miss :\l "tare Pollen: is holidaying et Grand Bend this week. -Mr, and Mrs. James ',Darling and Mr. Levi. Darling and Mr and Mrs, Amos Darling and family ,v»sited ,Sunday et Mr. Thos, Hunkin's,-Mr. and Airs. Al.frecl Hunk - ,:t rend babe spent Sunday at the home o: the latter's narents,' Mr. end Mrs. W. efeLaren.-Mr. Geo, Bolter is very ill et they home of Mr. John McLaren, --The Hunki:n families picnicked at Grand Bend Wednesday, i4lr. Arthur and Mr. Edward Campbell have treat- ed themselves annd' families to Chev- rolet cars between the Ontario Government and a Wisconsin company for the pulp and paper mill to be established at Kapuskasing. ,FRIDAY. Sterling is: quoted at $3.72% in, New York, Polish delegates are to meet the Russians to -day. The corner -stone of a memorial hall was laid at Blyth. Bolshevik armies made further ad- vanccs against the Poles. Miss. Violet Trench, niece of Sir Henry Wilson, is visiting Toronto. The Toronto baseball team beat Rochester on Thursday, by 4 to L A native revolt has broken out on the .Japanese Island of Formosa, An explosion in a German muni- Mon factory killed 21 and injured 76, Sinn Fein meeting was called to discuss negotiations 'with the Govern- ment. The Independent Labor Party is planning a picnic at Hamilton tor August 21. Pursued by two detectives en To- '1"Into, Frank Osborne was captured sly a l;. It•ishdoKiss won the Detroit Ctty Handicap at Kenilworth Park on Thursday. Viscount Jellicoe has published his =cond book, entitled "Crisis of the Naval War." Greece ant; Egypt are asking for prices on large quantities of wheat or flour for next year, A drastic bill will be introduced In the British Hcuse of Commons to ;teal with Irish disorder, ? monument to Evangeline, the heroine of Grand Pre, N.Se was un- veiled by Lady Burnham. W. IO, Turley and S. Stalford ad- dressed a mass meeting of veterans in Tarmac) Thursday night, One man is dead and several fire- men Injured an the result of a fire in the Argyle mock, Winnipeg. Federal health authorities' efforts to stamp out the opium evil in Can- ada are meeting with muck success. Those fighting the liquor traffic at t'he border town of Windsor have been given a free hand by the At- torney -General. The body of James Leal'ne, an elderly man, who disappeared from. his home two weeks ago, was found in the woods on his farm. in North Walsingham, SATURDAY. Sir Thomas Lipton may visit Guelph. A naval seaplane left Toronto for Hudson Bay. Gen. Lucas, kidnapped by the Sian Fein, has escaped. The artily worm is reported on a fermi in Dover towusitip. Red army smashes Polish lines and is driving at Warsaw. President Wilson has made anoth- er appeal to eoal miners. The body found in the Don Valley is that of Harold A. Crowther, French Deputies have endorsed Spa coal arrangement ',vitae Germany. The Privy Council dismissed the ,repeal of the Manitoba Mennonites. The League of Nation's council ,pe+ned its session at San Sebastien, Spain, Wheat tumbled 12 cents in Chi- cago, and also had a drop in Win- nipeg. The customs returns of Montreal exceed those of previous years by two million dollars. The Toronto baseball team defeat- ed Akron in an eleven inning game in Toronto Friday, by 4 to 3. A weasel killed Gamo Warden J. C. y's entire bock of 54 Rhode Island ' red chickens at St. Catharines. Two men were fatally injured in a collision of a suburban train with _• pion't1 g engine at St.John, N.B. A Grand Tf'unk train which left m,m r m1s near Kelly's Siding nine ,lays abs did the sante Friday near Usborne the same place. The School for Rural Leadership An unfortunate accident befel Mfrs t Onut.'io Ag :_Lmr..i College, Jackson "Woods, son of ,,Ir. Robert luelph. as more largely attended' Woods of this, township which might than ever before. have been attended with serious re- A pollee officer and a well-known sults. While working aromtd a team citizen of Toronto had a tussle ever of horses (am' of thele kicked at another horse :and Mr. Woods re- ceived the blow eta the abdipm,etta For a time his coind to. was 'thought to be serious, but he bags since recovered considerable And ,,het now gives promise of a eonMete xecov�ery.. Whalen Mr. and Mrs,. Delbert Miorley spent Sunday )with the latter's parents, Ater. and MI's: Robt. Atkinson of Saintsbury. -Miss Lily i4 nrieay is ` the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harvey Squ,iref..;--Mr. and Mrs Wiesto,n, and family of London spent, the week end with the latter's mother Mrs. ,Hen,r q Redd„ Sr,-- Mr. and Mrs• Robert Gus nii'ng of St. Marys and Mn'. pee 'Mrs( Ashton of London were Sun'daty visitors at the shame of Thomas. Gunntin'g.-Mr and Mrs. Philip Brooks still continue very low /alt time of writinb-Mn and Mrs. Clarence Millsom ,and, daughter Ruth, of Grand Bend spent ,Sunday -with the fnnxmer's »events, Mr. add Mrsl Gera. Miilsoni- Miss Clara Morley spent Sunday at her home in, Woodham,-Mrs4,_Joseph Mor- ley is or-leysis v%,Iseteng :for two weeks in Lea n- ington.-Thee. ttera little fresh, air child- ren, who were being entertained for tithe Hast two weeks, „by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunning meturned to theist biome in 'iorotetot last week, -Me. NI Ogden. mif Exeter seemed the pasttweek with .her daughter, Mrs. F. 'Squire. The new Canadian Teachers' Alit- ance will campaign to -secure double the 1914 basis of salaries. ' The Toronto baseball team defeat- >ed'•Rochester on Wednesday, for the second consecutive time, 3 to 1, A. Kustman, aged 24, and T. Kola- dricky, 30, Russian Poles, were. found murdered near Tithyiskamsng,• Quebec. Oarsmen who will coinbete in the Canadian Henley ey Re Bgatt Aare arriv- ing in large numbers at St.. Cath- arines,' Fire insurance. companies in Can :ada had: one of the .most .ln osperous years in 1919 for the half century recorded. Napoleon Gagnon` and• Oscar Cle- ment were given two years each in penitentiary by a Montreal judge, for stealing umbrellas from a stand. Filial details are h. ii arranged a dog. The citizen was arrested and put in the dog wagon. The Dominion Cabinet has post- poned the Ontario referendum on the liquor question until April 18. Var- ious organizations want the voters' lists revised. Belgian Veterans Angry. BRUSSELS, Aug. 2.—Thousands of soldiers assembled outside the Chambei of Deputies Saturday to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the Government's treatment of former soldiers, who demand that a lump sum be paid every man who served in the war. • A body of soldiers broke the police cordon .and invaded the Chamber, disregarding Burgomaster Max's ap- peals. Eventually they were persuad- ed ersuaded to leave peaceably. ',While in the chamber the soldiers broke doors and windows and hurl- ed ushers aside. The men then marched through the chamber with banners, while the astonished depu- ties sat powerless to quell the tumult. Dominion Bye -Elections. OTTAWA, Aug. 2.—Writs for the by-elections are expected to be issued at once. The election for St. John and Colchester, where Hon., Messrs. Wigmore and McCurdy will seek re- election, will be brought on first. The dates to be selected will provide for nominations in the early part of Sep- tember. Writs for East Elgin, West Peterboro and Yale -Caribou, will be issued later. As these by-elections will be, the initial test of the Govern- ment and of great influence on the political situation, enlivened cam- paigns are .promised` in ,each, if, as is ,expected, the Ministerial candidates are opposed. Amudsen Loses Men. NOME, Alaska, Aug. 2.—Three members' of Ronald Amudsen's Arctic exedition who left the explorer's ship, the Mandl,' with mail last fall while the vessel was off the Northern Siberian coast, are missing, and are believed to have lost their lives, ac- cording to Russian Government ad-. Tien: received by Amundsen here. The names of the three men have. not been learned. C c ANAD1 FARM LM "Fare Going "--$15 to WINNIPEG. y2 cent per mite Winnipeg to destination. GOING DATES AUGUST 9, and AUGUST 16, AUGUST° '1 1, Rtld AUcfa,lST 1S. NTE gaesiRmieggowanummorwm "Fare Returning" ---$20 from WINNIPEG. cert per mile starting point to Winnipeg *'TERRITORY From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Facts to and including Toronto on Take Ontario Shore Line and. ilaveloct:-Peterboro Line.. Renfrew junction, ince sive From Stations Kingston to R.enf ,juntas .aa From Stations on Toronto -Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound inclusive,. ,From Stations Drawn!, to Port McNicolt ornAlilorketon, to Bobeaygeon, inclusive. Fun particulars from From Stations South and West of Toronto to end including i:intnilton and Windsor, Ont. From Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeswater. 5: a,i;srn, lrtozlm, I, istowel, oodcrtck, St. 1u Mary% Port Burwell, and St. Thomas Branches ram Stations Toronto and North to Bolton. mnet.e-Sae, 81PEQIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO Canadian Paciac Ticket Agents. W. B, StOWAtP, istrict Passenger Accpt,. Toronto. aP ST. MARYS-After three months' ill mess, the wife of Dr. J. W. Brown aged 45 years, passed away on. July 30 She lived here since 1901, and leaves a husband and three sisters. Fiensall Mr Herbert Chamberlain of Niagara sne.nt a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cir. G, Wilson; Mrs. Cham- berlain, who has been, here for same time returned with him last ,week. AIr, and Nims. Douglas Neelanda and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neelaands of Chicago visited their mother here for a:few days -The Rev. W. H. Geddes preached in the Presbyterian Church, Hensall, :tn Sunday evening and used his lantern in illustrating the great missionary work in China. -Mrs. Wes. Caldwell of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Thos. ritt; Miss Flgr- ence Bonthron wha has been visiting relatives in Toronto and Barrie has returned home. -Miss 3.aiit Ortwesn of Toronto is spending her .vacation %'ith CASTo Ft IA For Infants -and Children. In Use For over 30 Years Always bears - the Signature of Attu - her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. a'.rrt-' Ir11: ax:i Air. and Mr :las Real;'in:, twin. -Miss, Doreen M d c • *- ra' ora ho,'.idalle' .,; esr: 'r,ll a'.. tmr g �. 1.,. wi, •r.,m' -t. 1t _ turned home from a vary pleaser_t • ts- Grand Bend Nliss \e :: Sehna. 1 t>; it with .the, aunt, Airs. -Harold o e Detroit is- visst n : the one ci her treal.-1ht L o ci t c � re . -Mr, ,.r t :ti: , : i eel* o° • ,- • 1 y S a ,a.y of CC'i'ztl:,is* narcnts ime �, ,> i lmolau.Jmlh at Imes home hre.--li- R•ochestcr, N..., as*.. :i,= 1•; .1 ti.,, CCS, A, Afilter who leas been Vieiti e her Manioc. of ;11r. send 'ti" C. t ' its*,- sfr. dL'ughtes Mrs. Thos, Sherriti, hes Leone Jeffrey. left Tor Chatham *here returned to her bone in \Craver, ••- be will undergo an,' s?: erat.On ;or 1.1d - Airs. Smythe and two -children nildren of Nei- hey trouble.^After son:a lnan€hs here sen hill, is at present. visiting her :firs. Wilbur Dewey h ss` returned • to sister, Mrs: C. Gook, and Air. '<,1C',E Chatham,--Mrs,.Gea ;.'_tehtey o 1)e- Uonda Hemphill Of ttend toTile• Re,,: G. W. iron wag a visitor at 'the home o J. Rivers was called porcheste; o, #'teeter. --Mrs, P. Bender left for :f 3.. \fonds} .to attend the funeral o: tar, Hambur0 trherz she intends staying W. B. Calle,--.The firma bene ars jai as* soma time, --lir. H. Ci un;biut spent Buchutaa & Rennie, who hay.� o.en a iew,days \tSttit. t't D,.troat,-.-'\ r.Ed, t•onduetinl• a gents' Iuirn:s1t.a rut 1 1'oehler o: Toronto ::, spending nus uoe business in Hensxll fpr tea }cars ~;nation, at the hone 3: his bz'other, ham been dissolved, Mr. Buchanan, :. lir Oscan I:.nehler -Mr, Fi C. Falb- tiring and leaving for Toronto where;aiscir purchased th , .:J .r null 'and he will engage ,trio, the dry' goods bust lam iactary of J. J 'trRer last week, .Hess, and Mr, Rennie will cont;nue the .-Fla': pulling ha ; '- r'-":nted: business here. -A quiet wedding tori i _. eelemm�ized on. Wednesday morninget the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and ;sirs ' John Zuefle, when. their eld- est daughter, Nellie, was united n mar- riage Ito Al;. Peter B. Buchanan by the Rev. G. W. Rivers. The young peep:., u ill reside in Toronto. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beer o.' Buffalo gra- visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber.--I)r. and Mrs. MacI'inmm,on and son. Hugh are spending their vacation at Toronto and Caledinia East. --Mr anti :qrs. tetra Smith. Jas. WEAR 7 . URN or heatti:leas after meals are most annoying manifestations of acid -dyspepsia. 11 1011)5 115 to take, e, neutr alrxe acidity and help restore' normal digestion. MADE SY SCoTr & BOw1+lE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EHULSION 1 V Prom actual photograph taken in the Edison Shop, Fifth Avenue, Nen York City a � U can rimae •' S rising experiment in our .'torr, miv The est tail the Two Vi lins Violins differ subtly in tone! Test the New Edison Realism by that fact. We have an 'Ave Maria" RE-Ctuna :lox played by Albert Spalding ,with his Guarnerius. This famous violin has a brilliant, singing tone. We have a second "Ave Maria"-R1c-C1t3tAT1orr played by Carl Flesch with his genuine Stradivarius. This violin has a rich, mellow tone. Come in and compare these two Ra-Cnua- xovs-tone for tone. If the New Edison makes clear the distinction between the singing Guarnerius and the mellow Stradivarius, you know it has perfect realism for you. 2&NEW ]t))TSON The Phonograph with a Saul" Albert Spalding himself recently took part in a test of the New Edi - son's Realism, atNewYork City. He played in direct comparisonwith the RE-CREATION of bis performance by the New Edison. Mr,. Henry Hadley,. one of the:jury of the three distin- guished musicians who listened front behind a screen, said: "The Rs- Cns rrox matched Mr. Spalding's performance tone for tone." The New Edison is the only phono- graph which has -given this con- clusive proof of its perfect realism. It has triumphed in4.,000su1chcott- parison-tests. . Willis Powell, Dealer Exeter, Ont. PRICES! C)E5,t HALT! Since 1914, the total price- increase it, the New RdBon has been less than 15%. Mr. Edison hug, personally, ab- sorbed more than one half of the ino)•Pased costs ofman- nfac'ture: He may not be able to do this much longer, Buy now -if you Want to- day's prices.- Our Budget Plan Wilt help ;you. it dis- tributes the payment over'• the months to come, 1